LIBRARY 3EATE PLANT B y ' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . < Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.--395 June 1, 1936. LIST OF ARTICLES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS UMJER THE JAPANESE BEETLE QUARANTINE (QUARANTINE NO. 48) In accordance with the proviso in Notice of Quarantine No. 49, as revised, effective March 16, 1936, the following articles, the inter- state movement of which is not considered to constitute a risk of Japanese beetle dissemination, are exempted from the restrictions of the regulations of this quarantine! Balsam pillows, when composed of balsam needles only. Cut orchids. Dyed moss and dyed sand, when heat treated, and when so labeled on the outside of each container of such materials. Floral designs or "set pieces", including wreaths, sprays, casket covers, and all formal florists* designs other than bouquets and cut flowers. Greensand or greensand marl, when treated and so labeled on the outside of each container of such materials. Herbarium specimens, when dried, pressed and treated, and when so labeled on the outside of each container of such materials. Imported peat when shipped in the unopened original container and labeled as to each container with the country of origin. Manure, peat, compost, or humus, when dehydrated and either shredded, ground, pulverized, or compressed, and when so labeled on the outside of each commercial container of such materials. Orchid plants, when growing exclusively in Osmunda fibre. Mushroom spawn, in brick, flake, or pure culture form. Osmunda fibre, Osmundine, or orchid peat ( Osmunda cinnamomea , and 0. claytoni an a) . a Resurrection plant or bird 1 s-nest moss ( Selaginella lepidophylla * - 2 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA UNIIIIIIIII 3 1262 09241 8044 Sheet moss (Cal liergon schriberi ) and ( Thuridium recognitum ) . Sphagnum moss, bog-moss, or peat moss, when dried and baled ( Sphagnaceae ) . Submerged aquatic plants, including C rytocoryne spp. Eel-grass or tape-grass ( Vallisneria spiralis ) False loosestrife ( Ludwi g i a - V-il e r 1 1 i i ) Fish grass, Washington plant, or Fanwort ( Cabomba carol iniana ) Hornv/ort or coon tail ( Ceratophyllum demersum ) Water milfoil ( Myriophyllur a spp, ) Water weed, ditch-moss, water thyme, or enacharis (Elodee canadensis) . Chief, Burea u of Entomology an d P lant nt ine .