mn^^'^'^x NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1399 ACOUSTICS OF A NONHOMOGENEOUS MOVING MEDIUM By D. I. Blokhintsev Translation 'Akustika Neodnorodnoi Dvizhushcheisya Sredy". Ogiz, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, Tekhniko-Teoreticheskoi Literatury, Moskva, 1946, Leningrad. UNIVCRSIW OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMEI^ 1 20 MAf^STON SCIENCE UBRARY P.O. BOX 11 7011 GAINESVILLE. FL 3261 1-7C February 1956 to( n r^ ^^ ^^^ '^^-^^ MCA TM 1399 ACOUSTICS OF A NONHOMOGENEOUS MOVING MEDIUM By D. I. Blokhintsev "Akustika Weodnorodnoi Dvizhushcheisya Sredy" . Ogiz, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel 'stvo^ Tektmiko-Teoreticheskoi Literatury, Moskva, 1946, Leningrad. Digitized by tine Internet Arclnive in 2011 witln funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation WACA TM 1399 PREFACE The practical problems brought about by the Great War have gj.ven rise to theoretical problems. In acoustics interest centers about the problem of the propagation of sound in a nonhomogeneous moving m.edium, which is the nature of the atmosphere and the water of seas and rivers , as well as about prob- lems concerning moving sources and sound receivers. These problems are closely connected; they lie at the boundary between acoustics and hydro- dynamics in the broad sense of the word. It is precisely these aspects of acoustics that have been either little developed theoretically and experimentally or are not very popular among acoustics technicians. This is the circumstance that has provided the occasion for the appearance of this book^ which is devoted to the theoretical basis of the acoustics of a moving nonhomogeneous medium. Experiments are considered only to illustrate or confirm some theoretical explanation or derivation . As regards the choice of theoretical questions and their treatment, the book does not in any way pretend to be complete. The choice of material was to a considerable extent dictated by the author's own in- vestigations ^ some of which were, previously published and others first presented herein. Certain problems were not worked through to the end but have merely been indicated. The author, nevertheless, included them in the book, on account of the creative interest which they may arouse among investigators in the field of theoretical acoustics. The author expresses his appreciation to W. N. Andreev and S. I. Rzhevkin, who were acquainted with the manuscript of this book, for their useful advice and comments, and also to L. D. Landau, whose consultation made possible the clarification of a number of problems. Institute of Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences MCA TM 1399 iii CONTENTS Page CHAPTER I. ACOUSTICS EQUATIONS OF A NONHOMOGENEOUS MOVING MEDIUM. . 1 1. Outline of Dynamics of a Compressible Fluid 1 2. Equations of Acoustics in Absence of Wind 7 3. Energy and Energy Flow in Acoustics 13 4. Propagation of Sound in a. Nonhomogeneous Moving Medium . . 18 5. Equation for Propagation of Sound in Constant Flow .... 25 6. Generalized Theorem of Kirchhoff 28 CHAPTER II. PROPAGATION OF SOUND IN ATMOSPHERE AND IN WATER .... 35 7. Geometrical Acoustics 35 8. Simplest Cases of Propagation of Sound 42 9. Propagation of Sound in a Real Atmosphere. Zones of Silence 45 10. Turbulence of the Atmosphere 46 11. Fluctuation in Phase of Sound Wave Due to Turbulence of Atmosphere 53 12. Dissipation of Sound in Turbulent Flow 59 13. Sound Propagation in Medium of Complex Composition, Particular in Salty Sea Water 66 CHAPTER III. MOVING SOUND SOURCE 74 14. Wave Equation in an Arbitrarily Moving System of Coordinates 74 15. Sound Source Moving Uniformly with Subsonic Velocity ... 76 16. Sound Source Moving Arbitrarily but with Subsonic Velocity 80 17. General Formula for Doppler Effect 85 18. Sound of an Airplane Propeller 88 19. Characteristics of Motion at Supersonic Velocity. Density Jumps (Shock Waves) 95 20. Sound Source Moving with Supersonic Velocity and Having Small Head Resistance 102 21. Sound Field of a Sound Source for Supersonic Velocity of Motion 107 iiii NACA TM 1399 Page CHAPTER IV. EXCITATION OF SOUND BY A FLOW 112 22. General Data on Vortical Sound and Vortex Formation. . . . 112 23. Theory of the Karm^n Vortex Street - Computation of the Frequency of Vortex Formation 119 24. Pseudosound. Conditions of Radiation of Sound by a Flow . 123 25. Vortex Sound in the Flow about a Long Cylinder or Plate. . 129 26 . Remarks on the Vortex Noise of Propellers 134 27. Excitation of Resonators by a Flow 136 CHAPTER V. ACTION OF A SOUND RECEIVER IN A STREAT^ 145 28. Physical Phenomena in the Flow about a Sound Receiver. . . 146 29. Shielding a Sound Receiver from Vortical Sound Production. 152 30. Shielding of Sound Receiver from Velocity Pulsations of Approaching Flow 159 31. Sound Receiver Moving with Velocity Considerably Less Than Velocity of Sound 162 32. Sound Receiver Moving with Velocity Exceeding Velocity of Sound 166 REFERENCES 175 NACA TM 1399 CHAPTEE I ACOUSTICS EQUATIONS OF A NOWHOMOGENEOUS MOVING MEDIUM 1. Outline of Dynamics of a Compressible Fluid The medium in which sound is propagated^ whether it is a gas, a liquid, or a solid body, has an atomic structure. If, however, the fre- quency of the sound vibrations is not too large, this atomic character of the medium may be ignored. For a gas it may be shown (ref . l) that if f « 1/t, where f is the frequency of the vibrations and t the time taken to traverse the free path between collisions, the gas may be considered as a dense medium characterized by certain constants. This method of considering the prob- lem is assumed in aerodynamics and in the theory of elasticity. Since the atomic character of the medium is ignored, the phenomenon of the dis- persion of sound cannot, in all strictness, be taken into account. For- tunately, in the majority of practical problems, the dispersion of sound does not have great significance. For this reason, phenomena which require consideration of the atomic nature of the medium will not be considered, and the aerodynamic equations of a compressible gas will be used as the basis of the theoretical analysis of the acoustics of a moving medium. These equations are first considered without the assumption of any specific restrictions for the acoustics (such as large frequency and small amplitude of vibrations). The equations of the dynamics of a compressible gas express the three fundamental laws of conservation: (l) conservation of matter, (2) conservation of momentum, and (3) conservation of energy." In order to formulate these laws, a certain system of coordinates x, y, and z, fixed relative to the undisturbed medium, is chosen. Further, t is the time, v is the velocity of the gas in this system (Translator's note: An arrow is used in the typescript to indicate that a symbol stands for a vector), v-, = v , Vp = v , and v^ = v^ are the components of v along the x, y, and z axes, respectively, and p is the density of the gas. In these notations, the law of the conservation of matter, mathema- tically expressed by the equation of continuity, assumes the form |.5|;(Pv,).0 (1.1) NACA IM 1399 1 where the summation is carried out for k = 1, Z, and 3. The vector Pv is the flow density vector of the suhstance. This equation states that the change in amount of substance in any small volume is equal to the flow of the substance through the surface enclosing this volume. The vector pv may be considered also as the vector of the momen- tum density. The change of momentum in any small volume should be equal to the momentum transported by the motion of the fluid through the sur- face enclosing this volume plus the force applied to the volume. The momentum flow due to the transport of momentum is a tensor with the components: py-.y, (i,k = 1,^,3). The assumption is made that there are no volume forces. Hence the force applied to the volume is equal to the resultant of the stresses applied to the surface of the volume. The tensor of these stresses will be denoted by T^j^ and is composed of the scalar pressure p and the viscous components b^-^ Tik = P • ^ik - Sik (1.2) where ^ik ~ -'- ^^ i = k, and ik if i / k. When applied to a small volume, the law of the conservation of mo- mentum can be written in the form ^ (pv.) 1' ^ ('J'ik + P^l^k) (1.3) i and k = 1, 2, and 3 and again is summed for k = 1, 2, and 3. The equation of the conservation of energy should express the fact that the change in the total energy in a small volume, made up of the kinetic energy and the internal energy of a unit volume of the gas, is equal to the flow of the kinetic and internal energy through the surface enclosing this volume, the heat flow through this surface plus the work performed by the stresses acting on this volume. The part of the energy flow vec- tor due to the transport of the kinetic energy p • Z_ and ':he internal 2 energy T?. pE (E is the energy of unit mass of the gas) is (p _ + pE)v. If the heat flow vector is denoted by 3(3-1^,82,33) and the conservation law is applied to a small volume. P - + PE P - + PE I vj^ + S^ ^ (v,T.^) = ox, ^ 1 ik' k (1.4) NACA TM 1399 where the summation is for i and k = 1, 2, and 3. The last term gives the work of the stresses on a unit volume. For an isotropic, homogeneous liq.uid (or gas), the stresses S^jj. are connected with the deformations Vj_j^ according to the Newtonian relation^ ^ii = ^i^vj^i + 7 • div v; S^-^ = 2n • vj_]j: (1.5) where [j. is the viscosity of the gas and y^s, is the tensor of the deformations T / Sv . Sv, The magnitude y can he written in the form 7 = p. ' -2|-l/3, where \x' is the so-called second coefficient of viscosity (see ref. (l)). With this coefficient, account is taken of the conversion of the energy of the macroscopic motion of a gas into the energy of the internal degrees of freedom of the molecules (the rotation of the molecules), a fact which is of appreciable significance only for ultrasonic frequencies, For this reason, in the majority of cases the assumption may he made that |j ' = and 7 = -2|a/3 (the value assumed in the theory of Stokes). The flow of heat S expressed in terms of the gradient of the absolute temperature T is S^^ = \ . ^; \ = p • c^x (1.7) °^k where x is the coefficient of the heat conductivity of the gas and c^ is the specific heat of the gas at constant volume. To the three fundamental hydrodynamic equations, (l.l), (1.3), and (1.4), the equation of state of the gas (or liquid) connecting the pres- sure p, the density p, and the temperature T is added P = Z(p,T) (1.8) Equations (l.l), (1.3), and (1.4) permit a rational determination of the flow of substance L, the flow of momentum represented by the •4?hls form for v^j^ follows from the assumption of the isotropic character and homogeneity of the gas or liquid if a linear relation is assumed between the stress tensor Sj^j^ and the deformation tensor v-y^. MCA TM 1399 tensor Mj^j^, and the flow of energy W, which, like the flow of substance, can he written in vector form. This determination will be such that the divergence of the flow, taken with inverse sign, is equal to the deriva- tive with respect to the time of the density of the corresponding mag- nitude. In this manner from equation (l.l) for the flow of substance (equal to the flow of momentum) the following is obtained: t = pt (1.9) From equation (1.3), substitution of the value of Sj^j^ from equa- tion (1.5), gives the tensor of the momentum flow 2 "* '^ii ~ "^"^i + P + ^ ■ ^'^^ V - 2n • Vj^j^ %k = P^i^k - 2MVijj = Mki; i ?^ k (1.10) where, as before, i and k = 1, 2, and 3. The terms of the forTn Pv£, PVj_vjj give the momentum flow due to the transport of momentum by the motion of the fluid, and the terms containing P, [i, and y give the flow of momentum due to the action of the pressure forces and the viscous stresses. Finally, from equation (1.4), substitution of S^j^ from equation (1.5) yields the energy flow W I p L_ + pEJ v+^+pv + |J.^ Vv2 + Trot v X v] \ 7 • div V • V (l.ll) The first term gives the energy flow due to the transport of energy by the fluid, the second (S) gives the heat flow, and the term^ pv and the terms with \i and y give the part of the energy flow due to the work of the pressure forces and the viscous stresses. The fundamental equations can also be written in vector from, by substitution of the value of the tensor T^j^. from equations (1.2) and (1.5) in equations (1.3) and (1.4). Equation (l.l) may, however, be as ^ + div(pv) = (1.12) 2The vector N = ( P — + pjv, representing the flow of energy for an ideal incompressible liquid, is called the N. Umov vector (ref. 3). NACA TM 1399 5 If use is made of (1.12) equation (1.3) can be written in the form p — = - Vp + fiAv + i nv div V (1-13) dt 3 where V is the symbol for the gradient and A = c^^/Sx^ + S /hj^ + h^/hz^ = v^. The magnitude dv/dt is the total derivative of the velo- city with respect to time and is equal to i^lfMv^v'.lf.V^.Crotvxvj (1.14) The energy equation (eq. (1.4)), with the aid of equation (1.12), assumes the form p ^ = \ . AT + Q - p . div V (1.15) dt || = |.(7,,)E (1.15.) where Q is the dissipative function 3 Q = ^ S.^ . Vij, (1.16) i,k=l If this equation is divided by P, it may be interpreted so that a change of energy of unit mass dE/dt is equal to the heat flow XAT/p, the amount of heat divided by the work of the viscous forces Q/p, and the work of the pressure forces (-p div v/p). This equation may also be interpreted in terms of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics for unit mass of substance yields dE = TdS - p . dV (1.17) where E is the energy of unit mass; S, its entropy; p, the pressure, and V, the specific volume (V = l/p). Thus (it dt ^ dt dt p2 dt Vi.^o; NACA TM 1399 On the other hand. 3o that |£. ^+ (?,») p = - p . dlv ? (1.19) ,.il^__.^,l^ (1.20) For adiabatic processes P 2 dt P dE p_ dp dt ~ p2 ■ dt (1.21) from which E = / i£ - P (1.22) a P p The magnitude is termed the heat function. If the process is nonadiabatic, equation (1.18) holds. From equations (1.15) and (1.18) the following is ob- tained : T ^ = ^ AT + ^ (1.24) dt p p The magnitude T(dS/dt) is the increase of heat of unit mass of the gas, which is determined exclusively by the heat conductivity and the work of the friction forces. If X and |j are neglected since the effects produced by them in the over-all energy balance are usually small corrections, the following results: ^ = ^ + C^, VS) = (1.25) dt dt that is, the adiabatic motion of the fluid. The Bernoulli theorem holds for this motion if it is also (rot v = 0) . If v = - V* (1.26) NACA TM 1399 where
' 'i-^^'' If the compressibility of the fluid is neglected, w = i + constant (1.28) PO PQ ....2 so that P = Pq 1^ - 2^ (^'i')'' + constant (1.29) and in the case of steady flows (S'i'/St = 0) p = constant - -ii (v?) = constant - — — (1.30) Because the entropy remains constant during the motion for an ideal fluid (a = i-i = 0) introduction of the variables P and S in the equation of state, equation (1.8), in place of the variables P and T, is expedient since with such a choice of variables one of the variables (S) remains constant, whereas the temperature T varies even for an ideal fluid (for adiabatic compressions and expansions of the fluid). The following may be written in place of equation (1.8) p = Z'(p,S) (1.8') 2 . Equations of Acoustics in Absence of Wind The equations which determine the propagation of sound in a motion- less medium can now be considered. The vibrations of the medium are called sonic vibrations or simply sound if the amplitude of the vibra- tions is so small that it is possible to neglect all the changes in state of the gas in any small volume are produced in it by the transport (convection) of mass, momentum, and energy. This situation is the con- dition of linearity of the vibrations. Further, these vibrations are NACA TM 1399 assumed to occur with frequencies in the hearing range (the region of classical acoustics) or near this range (infra and ultra sound). Mathe- matically the above assumption reduces to the neglect of the terms in the aerodynamic equations of a compressihle gas which contain second powers or the products of small magnitudes which determine the deviations of the state of the gas from equilibrium. Where n is the deviation of the pressure from the equilibrium value pq, p is set equal to p^ +. jr, and = Pq +& where is the value of the density for P = Pr T = Tq, and finally v = ^(5 is a small velocity). Similarly for the temperature, entropy, and energy, T = Tq + e S = Sq + o E = Eq + e In place of equations (1.12) and (1.13), the following is obtained: (1.31) as Pq • ^ = - y-st + [X ■ A£, + - [iV div ? + p„ div £, = St +^0 (1.32) The equation of state of the gas, for an ideal gas in the variables p and T is p = p . rT (1.33) where r is the gas constant for unit mass; and in the variables p and S ^0 "v p = p^ . e (1.34) where c-y is the specific heat at constant volume (cy = r/(7-l)), and 7 = c /cy is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume. For small changes of state the following is obtained from equation (1.34): - _ ^ PO c, PO Zf. ^ V, ^0 "-/ — 0+ — (J + •..= c^o + ha + . • . • h = — Pq S ' % MCA TM 1399 For 0=0, only the first term representing small changes in pres- sure for small adiahatic compression or expansion of the gas remains. The magnitude f¥ 7 £0 (1.35) is the adia"batic velocity of sound. The second term gives the change in pressure produced by the addition or decrease of heat. The changes of entropy a ohey equation (1.24) which is written hy neglecting magni- tudes of the second order of smallness as follows: Tn ^ = — Ae; \ = pc^x (1.36) Bt Pq ' ^ The changes in temperature 6 may he expressed in terms of the changes in density and entropy. From equation (1.17) -M (1.37) The energy of an ideal gas is equal to E = c^T = ^ L- = Zo . P^ . e"" ""^ (1.38) ^ (7 - 1)P Po7 7 - 1 from which 3e/SS = Se/So is obtained in the form p7 (7 - l)Cy (7 - l)PCy that is, for small values of p and S . _ PO ^ , Po pgc^ Pn(7 - 1)< a + '■• (1.39) where the first term represents the change in temperature during adiahatic compression or expansion of the gas and the second term represents the change in temperature due to the change in entropy of the gas. Substitution in equation (1.36) yields , ^=XAa+XA6; x.=x 1^-1^:1^ (1.40) dt 1 ' i Pq 10 WACA TM 1399 Equations (1.31)^ (1.32), and (1.40) together with the equation of state (1.34) determine the propagation of sound in a motionless medium when account is taken of the viscosity and heat conductivity of the medium. The effects arising from the presence of viscosity and heat con- ductivity reduce, in a first approximation, to the absorption of the sound by the medium. This absorption is generally not large and its magnitude for a plane wave can be determined without difficulty. If its direction of propagation Is along the ox axis, the frequency of the sound equals oo , and the wave number vector is equal to k. C= 4oe l(ocrt;-k-x) >v 6 = SQei^'^*-^-^) } o = a e i((jot-k-x) (1.41) -/ where 4q, Sq, cTq are the amplitudes of vibration of the corresponding magnitudes. Substitution of equations (1.41) in equations (1.31), (1.32), and (1.40) yields icoPo^Q = ik(c26Q + hOQ) - - ^k^^^ ico&o - ikpQ^Q = icoa^ xk^c V^^O (1.31-) (1.32') (1.40') '0 -- Elimination of the amplitudes gives the relation between k and co coPq = k kp x.k^ ^ (io) + xk2) + I i^kS (1.42) If k is set equal to co/c - ia, where a is the coefficient of damping of the wave, the velocity of propagation C' in the first approximation is equal to C, and the damping coefficient a is equal to a = £li. 3 CO PC^ (1.43) WACA TM 1399 11 where a^ = Pq/Pq ■'-^ ^^^ sq.uare of the Isothermal velocity of sound. For air a = 1,1 • 10"-'-^f cm"-'-, where f = ut/Zsi is the frequency of sound in Hz (1 Hertz = 1 cycle/sec). Hence in many cases the effect of the viscosity and heat conductivity may he neglected or their effect taken into account by introduction of the absorption coefficient in the final results. The smallness of the effect of viscosity and heat con- ductivity of the air on the propagation of sound is determined not only by the smallness of the coefficients |j. and x but also by the small- ness of the gradients of all magnitudes which vary in the sound propagation. Eq.uations (1.31) and (1.40) show that these gradients enter the equation in the form of second derivatives of ^, ^, and so forth (for example, p.A5 and xAa) . In the propagation of a wave in free space these derivatives are in order of magnitude equal to t/\ , c/^ , •••, and so forth, and become appreciable only for very short wave lengths (as the final equation for the absorption coefficient a shows since a increases proportionally to the square of the frequency. Near the boundaries of solid or fluid bodies which may be considered as stationary, the losses by viscosity and heat conductivity increase. In these cases sharper changes of state of the gas in space occur and the second derivatives of K, cr, and & are determined not by the length of the wave but either by the dimensions of the body Z so that AC = C/Z^ and Ao = c/l^ or by the "natural" length d' = VWco (this length is in addition to the lengths X and Z, and is determined from dimensional considerations), where v is the kinematic viscosity (v = M-/p), or by the length d" = -yx/co. in these cases the order of the magnitudes is given by AS; = ^/^'^ and Ao = o/d'^ . In general, the losses by viscosity and heat conductivity near the boundary of a solid or fluid body are determined by the least of the three lengths \, 2, and d (d ' , d"). Despite the increase in the losses near walls and stationary boun- daries, the losses remain small and can be considered a correction to the motion which occurs without losses (except for the case of the propa- gation of sound in very narrow channels). An example of the approximate computation of the effects of viscosity and heat conductivity may be found in the work of the author (ref. 4). In addition to the absorption of sound associated with the heat conductivity and the viscosity of the medium still another molecular absorption of sound exists which was discovered by V. Khudsen (ref. 5) and explained by G. Kheser (ref. 6). The physical character of this absorption lies in the conversion of the energy of the sound vibrations into the energy of inner molecular motion (energy of rotation of the 12 NACA TM 1399 molecules) . This absorption likewise increases with the frequency and is of special significance for the ultrasonic range. As the consideration of these problems deviates from the present subject, discussion is limited to the references given. In all those cases where the losses of the sound energy are not of interest, the viscosity and heat conductivity of the air may be ignored. If 'X. and |a are set equal to in equations (1.3') and (1.40), c = 0, that is, adiabatic propagation of sound is obtained and the equations describing this propagation assume the form Pq • 1 = - Vn (1.44) ^ + p„ . div I = (1.45) ot U rt = 0^6 (1.46) These equations may be solved with the aid of the single function cp which is termed the velocity potential (or simply the potential) . The first three equations (1.44) are satisfied by setting (1-47) I = - Vcp The wave equation for the potential from equations (1.46) and (1.45) is obtained : Acp - ^ • -f = (1.48) c^ St^ which, in the presence of bodies, must be solved with the boundary con- dition -m ^„ (on the surface of the body) •On (1.49) where S/^ is the derivative along the normal to the surface of the body and ^Qn 1^ "the normal velocity of the surface of the body assumed as small. In place of equation (1.49), for stationary bodies $i- = (on the surface of the body) °" (1.49-) WACA TM 1399 13 For a unique solution of the prolilem of the sonic field described by equation (1.48) the initial conditions for (p and ^/St must be formulated in addition to the boundary conditions of equations (1.49) or (1.49'). 3. Energy and Energy Flow in Acoustics For linear acoustics all magnitudes referring to the sound are computed with an accuracy up to the first degree of the amplitude A, which may, for example, be the amplitude of a piston which excites sound vibrations. Achievement of more accurate solutions of the equations of hydrodynamics will yield the' succeeding approximation containing terms proportional to P? , and so forth (when account is taken of nonlinear phenomena). For the pressure p, the density p, and the velocity of motion v, the following series is written: p = Pq + ir-L + rtg + • . . p = pQ + 8-|_ + bg + • . . V = Vq + ^3^ + Cg + • • • (1.50) The magnitudes p^, Pq, and v„ refer to the motion undisturbed by the sound; the magnitudes jt-, , &-,, and .^i are proportional to A, the magnitudes rto, &2^ ^^"^ ^2 ^^^ proportional to k^ , and so forth. The energy and energy flow contain the squares of the magnitudes &-[_, E,^) and jr-, . For this reason caution must be used when the energy and energy flow are computed in linear acoustics, as was pointed out by I. Bronshtein and B. Konstantinov (ref . 7) and also by N. N. Andreev (ref . 8), since these magnitudes, being of the order of A?, may also contain the first degrees of the succeeding approximations Jtg, ^g, and gg while their contribution will be of the same order as the contribution —7 from the squares of jt-, , &-, , and t-, . The general expression for the energy density of a compressible medium is U = £2- + pE (1.51) where _E is the internal energy of unit mass of the medium. The energy flow W, computed on the basis of equation (l.ll) with the viscosity and heat conductivity neglected, is equal to W = Uv + pv (1.52) 14 NACA TM 1399 From the law of the conservation of energy, ^ + div N = (1.53) This equation is one of the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics, that is, equation (1.4) for the case of an ideal fluid (n = X =7=0). For an ideal gas PE = p/(7 - 1) (equation (1.38)); hence ^ =2^t + ypv (1.52') 27-1 For acoustics the initial medium is considered motionless (vq = O) The energy of the sound eg = Ug - Pq • Eq and the flow of sonic energy Ng is obtained with an accuracy up to the order of magnitude A^ . Terms of the order of A^ rejected, — 1 + div N^ = (1.53) where PQ^I «1 + H eg = -T— + ^2 - ^ - 1 ^^1 - ^2-) + y - 1 (1.54) Inasmuch as p -0 ^ (i)^ . (e. -.) 4(&\ -!^ '0 + c2(6^ + Sg) + 1 (7 - I)c2s2 = Pq + „^ + TTg + ... (1.55) (cq = (dp/dp) = 7 • Pq/p,-, is the square of the adiabatic velocity) and «! = c^5, , equation (1.54) may be rewritten in the form (1.54') ^0^0 ,^ t s ^^A ^2 -fri^h- ?2) -7-7T (1-5^') NACA TM 1399 ^5 For a homogeneous medium at rest (vq = 0, Cq =" constant, and Pq = constant), a new form of the conservation law follows from equation (1.53) in which the energy of the sound and its flow are expressed only in terms of the magnitudes characteristic of linear acoustics (7t-[_^ 5-j_, and £-, ) , not containing the second approximations (ng; ^2' ^^^ ^2^ • The eq.uation of continuity expressing the law of the conservation of matter (equation (1.12)), when written with an accuracy up to terms of the order of A^ , is S(6i + &p) ^^ ^ + Pq div (K^ + Sg) + div (b^C^) = (1.56) This equation is multiplied by Cq/(7 - 1) and the result is subtracted from equation (1.53). Inasmuch as 5-|_ = Tt]^/c|, equation (1.54) yields ^ + div N;l = (1-57) where Po?i 4 \ = -^^ ->• SPqCq B^ = Ti\ (1.58) The new expressions obtained for the energy of sound and the energy flow ^-^ are precisely those which are applied in acoustics. In particular, if the potential (p {'%^ = - v
■ ^ .1 TT^TT)- (^1 + ^) ^ XT^ K^l)n h^ = ^2 (1-61) -> where n denotes the projection of ^ on the normal to the surface S, Eg = / Egdv is the total energy of the sonic field enclosed within S; and the strength of the source Q is evidently equal to ^2 = J^[^0^\ ^ \\ + («^l)v]'^^ (1-62) where v denotes the projection on the normal to the surface a. If the control surface is passed outside the sonic field (for example, out- side the wave front F, but infinitely near it), from equation (1.61) is obtained dEg d^ = vvg, ^2 = I "2 Jo = Wp; Ep = / Wpdt (1.63) NACA TM 1393 17 that is, the total radiated energy E2 is equal to the work of the source Q. On the other hand, if the second form of the conservation law (eq.. (1.18)) is treated in the same manner, the following equation results : dT = ^2' ^1 =J V^ (1-63') from which it follows that E^^ must he equal to Eg. Prom equations (1.54') and (1.58), E2 - El = T"!^ r (^1 + ^2)'^^ (1-64) where the integration is over the volume V. The integral / (5 + 52)dv is the total change of mass of gas in the volume occupied by the sonic field. This change is equal to zero because the substance could not flow out beyond the limits of the wave front ; hence E-|_ = Eg . If the integral over the time period in equations (1.63) or (1.63') is taken over the entire number of periods of vibration of the source and if the fact is taken into account that in this case da • p . / (^ + ^g) at is equal to zero (since this integral is equal to the algebraically assumed path of a surface element d& of the source Q in the direction along the normal to 8 for a complete number of periods), and if the energy obtained over part of a period is neglected. ^2 = % = J" ^^J" d<^(«i?i)v = («il)v ^^ (1-65) where (n]_5)v is the mean value of the energy flow vector. Both forms of the conservation law are identical when expressed in integral form. Despite the complete legitimacy and generality of the expressions for Eg and Ng containing the elements of nonlinear acoustics, in linear acoustics it is entirely possible and more rational binder the conditions of a homogeneous and stationary medium to use equa- tions (1.58) for the energy and its flow. The equivalence of equations (1.54) and (1.58) no longer holds if the medium is nonhomogeneous and in motion. The equations for Eg and 18 NACA TM 1399 iJp can easily "be generalized to the case of a moving medium. Rather complicated expressions are obtained which will not be considered herein. As will be shown in section 1 , it is essential that relatively simple expressions are obtained for the energy density of sound E and energy flow W resembling expressions (1.58) and containing magnitudes of only linear acoustics in the approximation of geometrical acoustics in a non- homogeneous and moving medium. 4. Propagation of Sound in a Nonhomogeneous Moving Medium In the presence of air motion the acoustical phenomena become more complicated. Generally, separation of the acoustical phenomena, in the narrow sense of the word, from the doubly nonlinear processes taking place in a moving medium is not possible. Thus, for example, the flow, pulsating in velocity if the frequency of these pulsations is sufficiently large, acts on the microphone or ear located in it (not considering phenomena connected with vortex formation on the microphone body itself, see section 28) as a sound of corresponding freq^uency although the velo- city of propagation of these pulsations has nothing in common with the velocity of sound. The relation between the pressure of these pulsations and their velocity is nonlinear and also differs fundamentally from the relation between the pressure in a sound wave and the velocity of sound vibrations. Finally, the variable nonstationary flow itself can be a source of sound. Phenomena of this kind will be considered later but this section will be concerned exclusively with the problem of the propagation of sound. In order for it to be possible to separate the sound propagated in the medium from the acoustic phenomena arising in the same medium only as a result of its motion, this motion will be assumed to be "soundless", that is, that the motions in the flow are sufficiently slow so that T » ^ (1.66) where x is the time during which appreciable changes occur in the state of the flow (for example, the period of pulsations of the flow velocity) and f is the frequency of the sound propagated through the medium. This condition requires additional explanations. It depends on the choice of the system of coordinates to which the motion of the flow is referred. In fact, a general translatlonal motion of the medium has no signi- ficance since it simply leads to a transfer of the sound wave. For this reason, it is sufficient that equation (1.66) be satisfied in some one system of the uniformly moving systems of coordinates. NACA TM 1399 19 If, for example, a flow is considered in which the propagation of the velocities is stationary (that is, does not depend on the timej hut the velocity of the flow periodically changes in space with the period I), then for this flow tt = ". If this flow is considered from the point of view of an observer moving with velocity u, the flow will appear to him nonstationary, the period of the velocity pulsations being equal to X' = Z/u. The phenomenon of the propagation of sound in the two systems of coordinates will differ only in the transport of the sound wave as a whole with velocity u. Since for the present interest is confined to the propagation of sound, this difference, which can easily be taken into account, is not essential. When the statement of the problem is broadened and a sound receiver is considered, entirely different results are obtained in these two reference systems. In the first system, in which the flow is stationary, the sound receiver would assume only one freq.uency f, the freq^uency of sound propagation. In the second system, in addition to this frequency-^ f the receiver would also receive the frequency of pulsations in the flow, that is, f ' = 1/t' = u/l and the combined frequencies f ^^ = f + nf, n = 1,2,3,... In the following, condition (1.66) is assumed satisfied in any of the possible reference systems. The effect of the flow on the sound propagation will then express itself in two ways: In the first place, the sound will be "carried away" by the flow and, in the second place, it will be dissipated in the nonhomogeneities of this flow. In the derivation of the fundamental equations of the acoustics of a moving medium, the effect of the viscosity and heat conductivity of the medium on the sound propagation is Ignored. This effect, which can more conveniently be taken into account as a correction, leads to the previous- ly considered absorption of sound. The part played by these factors, which determine Irreversible processes in hydrodynamics, may be very appreciable in the formation of the initial state of the medium in which sound is propagated. No less essential in this connection is the effect of the force of gravity. Hence the theory of the propagation of sound in a nonhomogeneous and moving medium must have as its basis the general equations of motion of a compressible fluid. are According to equations (1.12), (1.13), and (1.24), these equations ^ + div(pv) = (1.67) ■z Actually it changes somewhat because of the Doppler effect; see section 5. 20 WACA TM 1399 ^ + rot V, V + V— = - ^ + g + vAv + ^ V dlv V (1.68) ^ ^ (^ OS) = A . ^ Q (1.69) at ^ •' "^ p T ^ pT - where v = n/p ia the kinematic viscosity of the medium. Further, equa- tion (1.13) was supplemented by the term +g, which represents the effect of the force of gravity. The vector g is the vector of the acceleration of gravity directed always toward the center of the earth. Thus P • g is the force of gravity acting on unit volume of the fluid. Now let sound he propagated in a medium the state of which is des- cribed by the magnitudes v, p, p, and S. The initial state of the medium (v, p, p, and S) is considered stable and the sound is considered as a small vibration. All the previously mentioned magnitudes will then receive small increments: 5, it, 5, and o, respectively, where K will be the velocity of the sound vibrations; n, the pressure of the sound; &, the change in density of the medium; and a, its change of entropy occuring on passing through a sound wave. In order to obtain the equations for the elements of the sound wave in equations (1.67), (1.68), and (1.69), v is replaced by v + ^, p, by p + rt, P, by p + 5, and S, by S + o; by restriction to a linea^ approxi- mation, terms of higher order relative to the small magnitudes £, it, 6, and a are rejected. Moreover, as has just been mentioned, the irre- versible processes taking place during the sound propagation are ignored, which means that in the linear equations for ^, rt, 6, and o the terms proportional to the viscosity {\i or v) and the heat conductivity are rejected. On the basis of equations (1.16) and (1.5), the heat Q dissipated in the fluid likewise belongs to the number of magnitudes pro- portional to (i. By the method indicated, § . [rot ^ I] . [rot I v] . v(v, t) =^ - f . ^^ (1.70) p2 + (v, V6) + (^, vP) + P • div C + S div v = (1.71) ^ + (r, va) + (J,VS) = (1.72) The equation of state, which is given in the variables p and S, is still to be added to these equations. For small changes of pressure rt, and in exactly the same manner as in the preceding section the follow- ing is obtained: rt = c25 + ha; c^ = ( ¥\ , h ^ fh] (1.73) m^ 'M NACA TM 1399 21 Eq_uatlons (1.70), (1.71), (1.72), and (1.73) are the fundamental equations of acoustics for a homogeneous moving medium (eq_. (1.74)). Their differences from those known in the literature lie in the fact that they are true in a medium the entropy of which varies from point to point (VS ^ 0) and in a flow in which vortices may exist (rot v ^ O). The approximations made in these equations, in addition to linearity, consist in the fact that no account is taken of the irreversible processes in the sound wave so that the sound wave is considered an adiabatic pro- cess. This fact is also expressed by equation (1.72). In fact, it fol- lows from this equation that d(S + CT)/dt = 0, that is, the entropy of a given amount of substance remains unchanged with the passage of a sound wave. The entropy of the substance at a given point of space may vary; Sa/at ^ 0. In this sense the sound wave is not isentropic. The linear charac- ter of the equations requires that a small disturbance remain small in the course of time (stability of the initial state). Hence it is not possible with the aid of these equtions to describe, for example, such interesting phenomena as the "sensitive flame" of a gas burner, the height of which changes sharply under the action of a sound wave. In other respects the equations are entirely general and it is quite immaterial in what manner the initial state of the medium was formed. In bringing about this state, the force of gravity, the heat conductivity, and the energy flow from the outside (for example, the sun's heat) may be of considerable significance. The effect of all these factors on the sound propagation is taken into account in equations (1.70), (1.71)^ (1.72), and (1.73) through the magnitudes v, p, p, and S character- izing the initial medium. The equation p = z(p, S) and equation (1.73) are valid only for a single -component medium. In general, the pressure may depend not only on p and S but also on the concentration of the various components. In a complex medium it is necessary to take into account the diffusion of the various components. The corresponding uncomplicated generaliza- tion of equations (1.70) to (1.73) will be made in section 13, where the case of sea salt water is considered. The choice of the thermodynamic variables p and S that has been made herein is very convenient for general theoretical considerations. For final numerical computations, however, the variables p and T are more convenient. For this reason, formulas are given expressing the mag- nitudes (Sp/SS)p and VS entering the equations through the variables p and T . VS = (Ss/St) VT + (^/ap)TVp ir 22 NACA TM 1399 on the basis of the known thermodynamic relations (Ss/ST)p = c /t (c is specific heat at constant pressure)^ (Ss/dp)rp = - (Sv/St) = - p /p /p Is the coefficient of volume expansion and Pp = - i/^J j. Hence VS =^VT - !£ . vp (1.74) Further, (Sp/aT)g = ( dp/as )p(Ss/^)p and (Sp/dT)^ = - (ap/ap)T( ^SDp The magnitude i^i^-m^-'^-'i^x c- where c^ Is the square of the adiahatic velocity of sound and (^/Bt) = c /T. Thus (il 2 ^^ • P T (1.75) Cp P On the basis of equations (1.74) and (1.75) and the medium (c^^Cp^Pp) and its state (p and T as functions of the coordinates) VS and (^p/dS) can easily be found. ♦ The system of fundamental equations (1.70) to (1.73), even if, with the aid of equation (1.73), one variable is eliminated (e.q., 5), contains five unknowns and is therefore very complicated. Nevertheless, if a complete wave picture of the propagation of sound is to be obtained, these equations cannot be avoided. The main complica- tion lies in the fact that, because the pressure in the medium is a function of two variables (p and T or, preferably P and S), then even in a medium at rest where not only vortices of the flow are absent but where, in general, there is no flow, the right aide of equation (1.70) will not be a complete differential of some function and therefore the sound will be vortical (rot E, f 0) . Considerable simplifications are obtained when the changes in p, P, and S are small over the length of the sound wave. Geometrical acoustics are considered in greater detail in the next chapter. NACA TM 1399 23 For the present, certain special cases of the general system which are not reduced to the approximations of geometrical axoustics are considered . The most Important special case will be the one for which the initial flow is not vortical (rot v = O) and the entropy of the medium is constant (VS = 0) . Under these conditions the pressure in the medium is a function only of the density of the medium so that VP = c VP . From equation (1.72) it follows that for VS = 0, a = so that the sound will be propagated Isentropically. Then jt = c2& If the potential of the- sound pressure is Introduced n = i (1.V6) P the right side of equation (1.70) will be equal to -vn. Therefore the velocity potential of the sound vibrations cp can also be introduced I = -VP (1.77) The sound will be nonvortical in this case. From equation (1.70) ^ = n = ^+ i^, Vcp) =g (1.78) Substitution in equation (l-7l) of the magnitude n (for which on/at = (c^/p) • (S6/at), Vl'i = 6 . V(c2/p) + (c2/p) • V5) In place of 5 yields the following equation for cf.: ^ = c2 . Acp + (vrin, V(p) + I? (v, V log c2) (1.79) dt"^ ^* where YIq is the potential of pressure (heat function) of the initial flow ^0= f f (1-80) Equation (1.79) was derived by N. N. Andreev and I. G. Eusakov (ref. 10) without the last term, which was erroneously omitted. This equation exhaustively describes the propagation of sound in a medium In which the entropy is constant. 24 NACA TM 1399 A, M. Obukhov (ref . 11) gives an equation which permits an approxi- mate consideration of the presence of vorticity of the flow but never- theless makes use of one function^ the "quasipotentlal" \|/. This quasi- potential is introduced "by the equation P,t 5 = - Vt + / frot vx Vt)dt (1.81) The quasipotentlal may he introduced only for sufficiently small vorti- city of the initial flow, that is, the assumption must be made that Q = |rot ^1 « CO (1.82) where co is the cyclical frequency of the sound. Moreover the assumption is made that v/c « 1, so that the Initial flow may be taken as incompressible (div v = 0). Finally the pressure of the medium is assumed as a function of the density of the medium only. Since Bp/Sp is considered by A. M. Obukhov as the adiabatic velocity of sound, this implies the assumption that the entropy of the medium is constant. In connection with this assumption, the question arises as to what extent the" assumptions of_the presence of vorticity (rot v j^ 0) and the constancy of the entropy (VS = O) generally apply together. The possibility is not excluded, however, that the influence of the vortices on the sound propagation is more effective than the influence_of an en- tropy gradient. These hypotheses are assumed satisfied and ^ is sub- stituted from equation (1.81) into equation (1,70) and, since ^ = 0, the right side of equation (1.70) will again be = - Vn. After simple reductions, the equation, which was found previously, is obtained. n.I=|| (1,83) In this case, however, it is true only approximately with an accuracy to 2^/(o2, fl/ca • v/c. Expressing & in equation (1.71) in terms of n and '"I' gives the equation of A. M. Obukhov: p — I = c2A\|r + i'^Q, v\|r) + ^ (v, V log c^) + dt c2 r (V\^, Av)dt - ( VHq, r ([rot v, V\|r)dt| (1.84) NACA TM 1399 25 This equation holds with an accuracy up to S^/oo, Ss/oo ^1^,1 (k = w/c) . The magnitude AaT = - rot rot v. In this equation^ the terms of order v^/c^ can not he taken into account hecause in the approximations the assumption was made that v/c « 1. 5. Equation for Propagation of Sound in Constant Flow In many cases the velocity of the flow v may he suitably separated into the mean velocity V and the fluctuating velocity u. The effect of these two components of velocity on the sound propagation may he dif- ferent . The mean velocity of flow produces the "drift" of the sound wave while the second variable part of the flow velocity leads to the dissipation of the sound wave. This phenomenon will be considered in more detail later. For the present, attention is concentrated on the effect of the mean flow velocity and the equations are considered for the sound propagation, with the variable part of the flow velocity u ignored. The solution obtained under these conditions is of interest not only as a first step toward the approximate solution of the complete problem with the velocity fluctuations being considered but is of value in itself, especially for the theory of a moving sound source. In order to obtain an equation for the propagation of s£und in a homogeneous forward moving medium, it is sufficient to put VFIq = and Vlog c^ = in equation (1.79). Expansion of the total derivative with respect to time fd^cp/dt = fS/Bt + (v,v)(S(p/St + (v,V(p))") yields If the X-axis is taken in the direction of the mean velocity and p is set equal to 'V/c, (1 - p2) ^ , ^ . ££ 1 ^ . 2P a!^ ^ , (1.85') Sx^ b/ dz2 c2 at2 c dtdx For the system of coordinates ^, t\, and ^ moving together with the stream g = x - Vt, t] = y, and 'C = z, equation (1.85') is transformed into the usual wave equation ^.^,% 1.^.0 (1.86) a^ 51)2 a^ c2 ^2 4 The result of A. M. Obukhov is. probably more rigorous and could have successively been obtained as the second approximation of geometri- cal acoustics (see section 7) . 26 NACA TM 1399 as expected, since in this system of coordinates the medium is at rest. Certain important solutions of equation (1.85') are now available. A plane sound wave is first considered. In the system of coordin- ates £,, T\, and ^ at rest relative to the air (hence for an observer moving with the stream), this wave has the potential a C + CL r] + a^A icolt - — —]
'' The solution X contains the arbitrary function F which, because of later utilization of the solution for the proof of the theorem of in- terest, is specialized. <- - I) X =-W^; E = £SlJ-Jl (1.96) B* VT pS where R is the distance ^7x■*2 + y^ + z from the point P, with the coordinates x*,y , z , at which the potential cp is to be determined to an arbitrary point of the space Q, with the coordinates XQ,yQ,ZQ, so Q that X* = Xq - Xp, y = jf^ - yp, and z = z^ - Zp MCA TM 1399 29 The function 5(5) ia determined such that X b f(C) • 5(5)dC = f (0) If b > 0, a < J f(C)5(?)dc =0 if ^ > Eq.uation (1.97) is assumed valid for any function f(4) so that B(4) is everywhere equal to zero except at the point ^ = 0, where &(?) = *"• Hence & (t + r/c)/r* represents a converging spherical impulse (shock) concentrated about E = - ct . A certain surface S enclosing the volume Q in the space x*,j,z is considered (see fig. 2 where the surface S is formed by two sur- faces S-|_ and Sg; the volume S is crosshatched) . After equation (1.95) is multiplied by cp and equation (1.94) by X ^ one equation is subtracted from the other and the result is integrated over the volume 9. and over the time t-^ to tg . Integration over the four-dimensional volume si'^z ~ ^l) yields r dt j d2((pAX - XA
0, then both X and ^x/St at t-^ and tg are equal to zero on account of the form chosen for X; hence Ig = 0. The first in- tegral on the right is considered h X|'"/4^i=>^'^i-^i-^^]<--> Integration by parts of the second term with respect to time and use of the property of 6 (eq. (1.97)) yield NACA TM 1399 31 II X-^^)-..-|-^(^),^.,- 1 _1_ ^f^cp^ c n* mM) (1.103) where (p, S(p/Sn, and Scp/St are taken at the instant t = - R/c. In a similar manner the third integral on the right in eq.uation (1.100) gives I3 2P i P (^ . ± dS (1.104) -* ->■ where dS is the projection of the area n dS on the flow velocity V^^ (on the X-axis). The integral in equations (l.lOO) on the left is trans- formed exactly as the first and, since in this case S/Sk is identical with b/b'B*, 32 NACA TM 1399 t = -ii 1 J_ SR (b(i\ SR ^ ^=-R (1.105) and, since dH = 4nR^ • dR*, as the radius of the sphere R approaches zero, the following is ottained: Iq = -4.(P^^q (1.105') Thus on the left the value of the potential at the point P at the in- stant of time t = is obtained. Since this instant is arbitrary, if the time origin is everywhere shifted forward by t and all the inte- grals I]^, Ig, and Ij are collected, the potential at the point P at the instant of time t will be 1 iTacp E^3tJ^<^s - , ,^/^^h (1.106) J; 2P 4jt where the brackets indicate that the magnitude enclosed by them is taken at the instant of time t - R/c . For Vq = (p = 0), R* = r and R = r and this equation trans- forms into the usual equation of Kirchhoff for a medium at rest. If the potential depends harmonically on the time so that (p = ie^"^ (1.107) NACA TM 1399 33 then substitution of equation (1.105) In equation (1.104) yields for the amplitude dS - (1.108) where k = co/c is the wave-numher vector. If, from the nature of the physical problem, it may he assumed that the disturbances giving rise to the vibrations start within the surface S]_ and not at an infinite time back, they do not have time to be propagated to the surface Sg at a great distance from S-, . For this reason, if Sg is shifted to infinity, the values ^, b^/ba, 3v/Bt can be assumed equal to zero in it. The volume SJ then takes up the entire space with the exception of S-j_ in the interior. If the presence of an infinitely removed surface is "for- gotten," it is natural to call the normal n the interior normal since it is directed inwards from the surface S-, within which the sources of vibration are concentrated according to the present assumption. Under this condition equations (1.104) and (1.106) maybe assumed to give the expression of the potential at any point of space in terms of the values cp , bip/bn, and Scf/St on the surface S-, within which (or on it) the sound sources are concentrated. In conclusion, a certain generalization of this the'orem is considered for "volume" sources of sound. It is assumed that equation (1.94) has a right side which is considered as a "volume sound source." The strength of this source is denoted by Q. Equation (1.94) can then be written in the form Acp 1 |!i - -^m= . i ^ = - 4.Q (1.94) Such equations are encountered, for example, in the problem of the dissi- pation of sound by a turbulent flow (see section 12). If the same opera- tions which were applied to equation (1.94) are applied to this equation, an expression is obtained for cp differing from equations (1.106) and (1.108) by a volume integral. The additional term, on multiplication of equation (1.94) by X, will be I4 = - 4rt I "' dt I d2 Q • X (1.109) x; - s I^ = - 4rt [' dS2 Q ^ ' ^ (1.109') c 34 NACA TM 1399 Integration over t yields (on account of the 5 function form of X) Hence ^ in place of equations (1.106) and (1.108)^ there are obtained 1 P ^
^n ~ ^4' ^^^ ^6 ~ ^5 ^^^ introduced
and equations (2,ll) are written in the form
x]^ = i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (2.18)
NACA TM 1399 39
equations (2.12) can "be written in the form
y^ aik • x^ = ^i i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (2.18)
By a known theorem of algebra, equations (2.18) will have solutions xj|.
only when the right sides are orthogonal to the solutions j-^ of the
adjoint system of equations:
^^ aik • Yk = where a^^ = a^^ (2.19)
The condition of orthogonality is
b^y^ = (2.20)
With a^-^ determined from equations (2.1l), (2.11'), and (2.11") and
a^-^ transformed, yi, is obtained from equations (2.19) in the form
y = p • V©, y4 = q;, ^5 = "T 'i (2.21)
Substituting b, b,, and bg from equation (2.10) in equation (2.20) and
making use of equation (2.13) give the condition of orthogonality (eq.
(2.20)) in expanded form:
2 ^^ + 2jt^ div Vg + 2VVit(!) - (Vg, 7 log p qc^) • ^^ = (2.22)
where the velocity Vg is given by (see fig. 3)
Vg = en + V (2.23)
n being the unit vector along the normal to the surface of constant
phase •
Dropping the strokes of iIq and ^q, because the zero approxi-
mation is concerned in what follows, equation (2.22) is multiplied by
« and an equation for the square of the pressure amplitude is obtained:
40 NACA TM 1399
^ + div (Vgn''^) = (Vg, V log pqc^)n^ (2.24)
which together with equation (2.13)
5 = 70 — (2.25)
completely solves the problem of obtaining the sound pressure jt and the
velocity of the sound vibrations ^. Equation (2.24) may be considered
also as .a certain conservation law. In fact, the mean kinetic energy of
the sound vibrations T is defined by the equation
T = I (p + 5) (v + 1)2 - PJ- = 1 p|2 + 5(^, t) (2.26)
where the remaining terms are rejected either as magnitudes of third-
order smallness or as magnitudes which within the framework of the lin-
ear theory should, on the average, give zero (for example, p(^f, X)) '
Since 5 = n/c^ (compare eq. (2.4)),
T= i |V0|^ . ^+ (v, V0) . ^ (2.27)
pq pqc
Adding the mean potential energy of the second order U
U=|-4 (2.28)
results, on the basis of equations (2.9) and (2.14), in
«2 . Co
e = T + U = ^ (2.29)
If equation (2.24) is divided by pqc /c^, then after simple reductions,
5I + div(eVg) = (2.30)
that is, the law of conservation of the average energy in geometrical
acoustics . This law, like the law for e^ and N-^ (see section 3), is
remarkable in that it contains only magnitudes characteristic for linear
acoustics. It is valid for any nonhomogeneous and moving medium pro-
vided only that the length of the sound wave is sufficiently small that
the approximations of geometrical acoustics are applicable.
NACA TM 1399 41
The magnitude eVg is evidently the mean energy flow
f = e\^g (2.31)
It follows immediately that the sound energy is propagated with the
-*■->■-*■ -*■
velocity Vg = en + v, different from the phase velocity V-f. The veloc-
ity V- is called the ray velocity . This velocity is equal to the
geometric sum of the local sound velocity en and the wind velocity v.
It coincides with the velocity of weak explosions according to Hadamard
(ref. 15).
On the hasis of equations (2.23) and (2.25)^ the energy flow may
also he represented in the form
N = K + — ^ ^) • ^ (2.31')
For V = 0, q = e^; and the previously derived (section 3) equation for
->•-»• ->•->■
the flow N = ir^ is obtained (the expression N-, = Tt-.^-, differs, how-
-> ->■ .
ever, from N = Tt^ since the latter vector represents the average value
in time of the energy flow while W-, is its instantaneous value) . If
the process is stationary, so that the mean energy of' the ^ound field
does not change (at least where the sound field has already filled the
space), from equation (2.30),
div (eVg) =0 (2.30')
From this equation it follows that, if tuhes are constructed the lateral
surfaces of which are formed hy lines along which the ray velocity is
directed ("ray tubes," fig. 4), the product e • Vg,s(s is the cross
section of the tube) is constant
eVgS = constant (2.32)
Substituting the value of e from equation (2.29) gives
where it-j^^ ^sl^ ^1 ' ^1 ' '^1 ' ^^^ "^1 ^^^ values of these magnitudes at
any chosen section of the tube. This equation permits computation of
the pressure of the sound at any part of the ray tube as soon as it is
known at any section of it. To obtain the geometry of the ray tubes,
however, a solution of the problem of geometrical acoustics (equation
of the eikonal (2.14)) is required.'
42 NACA TM 1399
8. Simplest Cases of Propagation of Sound
A. Propagation in an isothermal atmosphere . - In an isothermal
atmosphere at rest, the velocity of sound is constant (since it depends
only on the temperature). Thus c = cq = constant. The magnitude
q = CQ (since v = O) . Hence, from equation (2.33) for the conditions
rt^s = n^s
^ • p/Pi (2.34)
In the special case of a plane wave, the cross section of a tube is
constant (s = s-^) and
n =
«1 . (p/p^)^/^ (2.35)
that is, the pressure of the sound is directly proportional to the square
root of the density of the medium. The ratio p/p-. in an isothermal
atmosphere is determined by the barometric formula
e-»-H (2.36)
where x = M'g/PT, H is the altitude, M is the molecular weight of the
air, g is the acceleration of the force of gravity, R is the constant
gram molecular weight of the gas, and T is the temperature. From
equations (2.35) and (2.36) it is seen that the pressure will decrease
with altitude by the exponential law.
If the wave is not plane but spherical, the cross section of the
tubes increases as the square of the distance from the source r^. Hence
for a spherical wave in place of equation (2.35),
Tt = «^ . ^ (p/Pl)^/^ (2.35-)
The velocity of the sound vibrations ^, in contrast to the pressure,
will increase. In fact, for a plane wave V0 = n (n is the unit vector
in the direction of the normal to the wave) and therefore from equations
(2.25) and (2.35) there follows
J = ^ !1^ (p/p,)l/2 = ^ . Jli_ . (p,/p) 1/2 (2.37)
pc-|_ ^ p-^c-L -^
The mean energy flow
N = it4 = n • — — (2.38)
remains constant.
MCA TM 1399 43
In a similar manner, for the spherical wave,
t =^^^ . li (Pi/p)^'^' (2.37-)
Pl^l ^
^ ^ ^ ^1 ''l , .
r IX
where n is again the unit vector along the normal to the wave, that is,
in the direction of a ray issuing from the source.
B. Case of the presence of a temperature gradient . - Let the tem-
perature T be a function of the altitude y. The velocity of the
sound c will then vary according to the law
c =
AJr • £ = '\jrrT (2.39)
and the index of refraction of the sound wave \i will he
The equation of the surface of constant phase (equation of the
eikonal) in the absence of wind will, according to equation (2,14), read
m ^ (I
■^) = ^^ = Y- ^2.41)
(The X-axis is directed horizontally (fig. S) in the plane of the sound
ray and therefore it is assumed that 6 does not depend on z.) The
cosine of the angle cp between the x-axis and the normal to the wave
will be
Let 56 /Sx = cos cpQ, where (p„ is the value of cp for y = 0, that is,
on the ground surface, where T = Tq. From equations (2.4l) and (2.42),
44 NACA TM 1399
cos cp = COS (Pq -Mm- (2.43)
From this equation it is seen that, if, as is generally the case,
the temperature drops with the altitude, cos (p will decrease in absolute
magnitude and therefore the ray will "be deflected from its initial direc-
tion upward (fig. 5). By use of equation (2.43), if the temperature
distribution over the layers is known, the entire curve of the ray can
be constructed.
C. Propagation of sound for a stratified wind . - The case of a
medium of constant temperature and density wherein there is a horizontal
wind (let it be directed along the x-axis) the force of which varies
with the altitude is now considered.
Let the velocity of the wind be
V = v(y) (2.44)
Then according to equation (2.49), the magnitude q is equal to
q = Cq - v(y) ^ (2.45)
and on the basis of equation (2.14), the equation of the eikonal will be
where r(y) = v(y)/cQ.
The velocity of the wind at the ground surface itself (y = 0) will
be assumed equal to zero (t(0) = O) . Assuming, also, as in (B) , that
the initial angle of the normal to the wave is equal to cpQ, bS/dx is
set equal to cos (pQ and from equation (2.46) is obtained
cos (pQ
•^^^ '^ = |1 - cos cpprl (2-47)
From this equation it follows that if the ray" is directed along the
wind {x ' cos
dq, . dq.^ . dq^ • e^^K-q^p) p (^)
1 "^^Z ^^3
= (2rt)3 . / dq-j_dq2dq2 • j (K-j_ - q-L)&(K2 " qg)^
&(K3 - qj) . F(q) = (Zn)^ f(K) for K>qQ
= for K< q^ (2.105)
Here 6(x) is the symbol of the S-function (see section 6). Hence
, Br- is obtained as
{-$*^)iiy--''^' <--'
;■ (for K = q^ otherwise Bp = O) . From this, on the basis of equation
(2.101), ^ ' '
^1 _ 4)rK-^^/^ dS-. (2.107)
where the integration over the angles is extended to the values K>q^.
Setting sin 0/2 = ^ and dS2 = sin d0 d(p = 4£ • d? • dp shows that
the integration over E = K/2k is extended from £ = l/2n to ^ = 1.
Carrying out this elementary integration yields
a = |j.
= ^t5/3 pf^^Z^J . 1 (2.108)
P = |(2Tt)V3 |i + 25(2n)-l/3 - 2l(2n)-V3 + 0(^-4)1. (2.109)
The iaagnitude ZriX^/'^X^/'^ is the velocity of the turbulent pulsations,
; the scale of which is less than X. Thus the coefficient of damping
of the sound waves in a turbulent flow is proportional to the square of
the Mach number (Mg^ = u(\)/c) for the velocity of the turbulent pulsa-
tions of scale less thaia X and inversely proportional to the length of
66 NACA TM 1399
the sound wave X. The magnitude Snyl/^^ on the basis of the estimate
of A. M. Obukhov given in section 10, is equal to 3. The data of V. A.
Krasilnikov (section ll) and also of A. M. Obukhov and N. D. Ershov i
(section ll) give, for a moderate wind, 2jtr ' =6. As already pointed
out, the turbulence of the wind must not be considered isotropic so
that, in general, Znx ' is an increasing function of the wind velocity.
If use is made of the as yet not very reliable test data presented in
section 10, it is necessary to assume x proportional to the wind
velocity. This explains the increase in the coefficient of damping a
with the wind velocity. The dependence of the coefficient a on the
length of the sound wave is obtained in the form \~^i^ , that is, a
very weak dependence; but, on the basis of what has been said, this
dependence does not contradict the test data of H. Sieg. In order to
estimate the value of the numerical factor p., use is again made of
Sieg's data for a weak wind. In this casfe SnfV^ = 6. The coefficient
a is equal to 1.5 decibels in 100 meters, which in absolute units gives
a = 10~5centimeters"l. For f = 500 hertz (X = 68 cm) there is obtained
H = 10. This value of |i should be considered as entirely reasonable.
13. Sound Propagation in Medium of Complex Composition,
Particular in Salty Sea Water
In the theory of sound propagation presented, the medium was
assumed homogeneous in its composition. In practice, however, it is
necessary to deal with cases where the composition of the medium varies
from point to point (air, for example, the humidity of which is differ-
ent at different places or sea water with variable saltiness).
All the theorems of geometrical acoustics that were derived in
sections 7, 8, and 9 retain their validity for media of variable com-
position. 10 The initial general equations of the acoustics of a non-
homogeneous and moving medium must, however, be modified.
The need for modifying these equations is dictated by the fact that
in a medium of complex conjjosition the pressure p depends not only on
the density of the medium p and the entropy S but also on the con-
centrations Cjj of the individual components forming the medium (for
example, on the concentration of the water vapor in the air, the con-
centration of salt dissolved in the water, and so forth) . Hence the
equation of state must be written not in the form p = z(p^ S'), as
previously, but in the form
l^Provided, of course, that the fundamental hypothesis of geomet-
rical acoustics on the smoothness of all changes in state of the medium
is not violated.
NACA TM 1399 67
p = Z(p, S, C) (2.110)
Here p is the density of the medium and C is the concentration
of the second component in it; C = p"/p'^ where p" is the density of
the dissolved component, and p' is the density of the solvent
(p = p' + o" = p'(l + C)).
Further^ to the hydrodynamic equations it is necessary to add
equations governing the changes in concentration of the dissolved com-
ponent. These changes are produced by convection^ diffusion, and the
action of the gravitational force. In order to write down j^he cor-
responding equations, the flow of the dissolved coniponent J" is noted
J" = vp'C + i (2.111)
i = - p'D^VC - p'DgVT + p'ugC (2.111')
where D-, is the coefficient of diffusion, D2 is the coefficient of
thermodif fusion, u is the mobility of the solvent in the field of
gravity, and g is the acceleration of gravity. The first term in
equation (2. Ill) vp'C represents the part of the flow due to the con-
vection of the substance, and the second term i, the part of the flow
due to the irreversible processes (diffusion, thermodiffusion, and
motion in the gravity field with friction) . On the basis of the law of
conservation of matter,
^i^+div J"= (2.112)
The density of the pure medium p' is subject, of course, to the
equation of continuity
2^+ div(p'v) = (2.113)
The required equation for C is obtained from equations (2.112) and
^ + (vVC) = - i div i (2.114)
For the total density p = p'(l + C) there is obtained from
equations (2.112) and (2.113)
68 NACA TM 1399
^ + div(pv) = - div i (2.115)
The fundamental dynamic equation of hydrodynamics
5t + [^°^ ^^ ^] •" ^-
= --^+g+vAv + ^ Vdivv (2.116)
remains unchanged. The equation of entropy will be written in the
abbreviated form
^ + (vVS) = ^ (2.117)
where i|f denotes the changes in entropy due to the irreversible processes
occurring in the motion of the fluid (\|/ contains terms proportional to
^} ^} 'D-^' ^2-' ^'^^ ^) ^^'^ ^1^° ^hs possible supply of heat from without.
Equations (2.110), (2.114), (2.115), (2.116), and (2.117) form a
complete system of equations for a medium in which some component is
dissolved (water vapor in air, salt in water, and so forth) .
In the propagation of sound all the magnitudes characterizing the
-*■-*■ ■*
medium receive small increments so that v is replaced by v + C, p
by p + It, p by p + 5, S by S + a, and C by C + Z, where Z
denotes a small change in concentration of the dissolved component that
occurs in the medium on the passage of a sound wave. Substituting these
changed values in equations (2.110), (2.114), (2.115), (2.116), and
(2.117), restricting to a linear approximation, and rejecting the added
terms proportional to v, X, D-^, D^, and u, that is, leaving aside the
irreversible processes accompanying the sound wave, give-'--'-
3I + [rot v,1] + [rot I, V] + y(7, J) = - ^ + M (2. us)
— + (v, V5) + (5, vp) + p div £ + 5 div V = (2.119)
^ + (v, s/o) + (J, VS) = (2.120)
-^'he diffusion of the salt may give an absorption of sound in
addition to that due to the viscosity and heat conductivity.
MCA TM 1399 69
If + (^. VZ) + (|,VC) = (2.121)
rt = c2 & + ha + gZ (2.122)
- dl.' - (iL- - M. (--3)
'S,C ^"^'p^C ^'^^'p^S
The square of the adiabatic velocity of sound for constant concentration
of the solution is c^.
These equations must be considered as the fundamental equations
for the propagation of sound in a nonhomogeneous and moving medium of
variable composition. If by C there is understood the concentration
of the water vapors in the air^ these will be the equations for the
propagation of sound in a humid atmosphere.
The same equations may also be considered as the equations for
sound waves propagated in salty sea water. For this^ C must be con-
sidered as the concentration of the salt dissolved in the water. In
the presence of entropy gradients (VS ^ O) , as in the presence of
gradients of the concentration of the dissolved component (VC / O)^ the
right side of equation (2.118) is not a total differential of some
function. Hence even in the absence of vorticity (i.e., for rot v = O)
the sound will be vortical (rot ^ ^ O) . Because of this the system of
equations (2.118) to (2.122) cannot be reduced to an equation for a
single function (for example, to an equation for the sound potential, to
an equation for the sound pressure^ and so forth) .
In order to change to the equations of geometrical acoustics it is
noted that equation (2.121) does not differ formally from equation
(2.120). Hence, following the same method which was used in section 7
for deriving the equations of the geometric acoustics of a medium of
constant composition, and assuming, in addition to equations (2.5) and
z = Zo-e^*^ Zo = z6 + iiT"^ ■ • • {'^-^'2-^)
result in
aA =
Zo = (2.125)
70 MCA TM 1399
that is, in the first approximation of geometric acoustics the sound is
propagated not only isentropically but leaves unchanged the composition
of the medium (Zq = O) . All the remaining conclusions with regard to
geometric acoustics previously obtained likewise remain in full force.
The effect of the nonhomogeneity of composition of the medium is in this
approximation reduced to the effect on the velocity of sound in the
medium c and on the density of the medium p.
The sound will be propagated within the ray tubes with velocity
and the pressure n will be subject to the law
p = constant (2.12?)
(compare section 1, eq. (2.32)).
The particular case when the medium is at rest is now considered.
This case is of special interest for water in which the velocity of
sound is large while the velocity of flow is small.
For a medium at rest (v = O), from equations (2.118), (2.119),
(2.120), (2.121), and (2.122),
g_^^g ^.-ha-gZ ^ (^--B-)
|_ (^ -ha -gZ ^^ p ^^^1 ^ (2.119-)
|^= - (i VS) (2.120-)
5^= - (^^^C) (2.121')
Setting rt/p = n and making use of equations (2.120') and (2.121- )
give the equations for n and %:
^\ „Sn vpl Sn _vp
2 ' 5t ■*■ „2_
pc P c
^ = - ^5t + 7^ • 5t + ::2^ ('P'^ (2.128)
NACA TM 1399 71
1 ^^ai,|^I^j:zll.O (2.129)
Vp' = hvS + g . vC = Vp - c^vp (2.130)
Substituting Sn/St from equation (2.129) in equation (2.128)
gives the equation for the velocity of the sound vibrations
^ = V (c2 . div I + iS2l^) . VP- • divt ^ 2£ . Mil (2.131)
This is the equation for the propagation of sound vibrations in a
medium at rest in which the density, tenrperatiire (entropy), and concen-
tration of the dissolved substance vary. It is seen from the equation
that for the computation of ^ it is sufficient to know c, p, and p
as point functions, where c is the adiabatic velocity of sound and p
is the total density of the mediiim.
Equation (2.131) does not reduce to an equation for the potential
or the pressure.
After E has been found from equation (2.131), the sound pressure
is found from equation (2.129) as
1 . n . f J;^ div ? . ^^} at (2.132)
In certain special cases equation (2.131) may approximately be
replaced by the simpler wave equation. In fact, a medium for which the
term in equation (2.121) containing yc^ is much greater than the terms
containing Vp ' is ass\imed. Then, rejecting the terms with Vp ' and
setting £ = - vcp (cp is the velocity potential of the sound vibrations),
the usual wave equation is obtained:
g^ = c^ A(P (2.133)
MCA TM 1399
in which, however, c varies from point to point.
The term with Vc^ is Vc^ div ^ and in order of magnitude is
equal to yc • k^ ( k is the wave number) . The greatest term containing .
yp ' is yp ' • div ^Jp, in order of magnitude equal to yp ' • k^/p-
Hence the terms containing yp' may be rejected and the term containing
'2 retained if
yc2 »^
In order to obtain the condition satisfying this inequality, c^
and p' are considered as functions of p, T, and C. Then
■-' - ¥1,. • - ^ W,o " ^ fel.
yp ' yp c£
P "^ P " P
\^J • ^P + l^J • VT + (^f)
* (2.136)
Here (Sp/^p) p = l/a^ (a^ is the square of the Isothermal velocity
of sound), (dp/hl)^ p = - pP (p is the coefficient of volume expansion),
and (Sp/^C)m = - px, where x = tt [■^j is the relative change of
volume of the fluid (gas) with change in the concentration of salt (or
vapor, respectively) .
2 = £P . c2
a'" =
from equation (2.136)
7p' _
Cv = a2p2T
yp + c2p . VT + c2xVC
NACA TM 1399 73
These equations^ on the "basis of experimental data, permit solving the
problem of satisfying (or not satisfying) inequality (2.134).
In particular, for salt sea water, this inequality is evidently
satisfied. In fact, for water p = 2 • 10~* at 18° C, and at 4° C,
P = 0. The magnitude x= i (Sv/^C) rp for a solution of NaCl or KCl
at 15° is about 0.15 to 0.20. According to the measurements of A. Wood
(refs. 30 and 3l), the velocity of sound in sea water at t = 16.95°
and saltiness of 35.02 percent (that is, at C = 3.5 • 10" ) is equal
to 1526.3+0.3 meters per second and is governed by the equation
c = 1450 + 4.206t - 0.0366t2 + 1.137 • 10^(0 - 3.5 • lO'^)
(Sc^/^C) = 2c • 1.137 • 103 = 1.42 • c^
It is seen that ^e^/6c»xc^. Further, (bc'^/bl) ^ = 2c • 4.2 =
5.8 • 10-3 . c2 and Pc^ = 2 • 10"^ • c^, that is, (dc^/bl) q»P • c^.
Thus the magnitude Vc for salt sea water considerably exceeds
the magnitude ^^'/p. Hence the wave equation (2.133) may be assumed to
describe the propagation of sound in calm sea water in an entirely satis-
factory manner.
74 NACA TM 1399
14. \}a^re Equation in an Arbitrarily Moving System of Coordinates
In a system of coordinates (x,y,z^t) associated with the air at
rest, the wave equation for the acoustic potential cp is
A here Q(0, 1 give multipole radiation.
Consideration will now he given to the dependence of ) will be the surfaces
R^ = constant (3.28)
But Rp = W — + T] + ?^ that is, the surfaces of constant
Vl - 32
amplitude will be the ellipses (fig. 14)
5- + T]^ + f^ = constant (3.29)
1 - P'^
The surfaces of constant phase will be
/ Rp'\
CL = a)(t •) = constant (3.30)
From this it is seen that the phase velocity along Rp is equal, to the
velocity of sound c. It is now assumed that the wave field (p is
observed from the point of view of a stationary observer. On account of
the motion of the sound source, Rp and, therefore, the wave phase a
will then depend on the time t in a more complicated way than sim.ple
proportionality to t. Hence the observer will not perceive this sound
field as a field of harmonic vibrations (although in the system, attached
80 NACA TM 1399
to the source harmonic vibrations were assumed). Nevertheless, if the
changes in the magnitude Rp are not too rapid, the frequency oj' can
be determined for the stationary observer as the derivative of the phase
a with respect to the time
The computation of the derivative dRp/dt, on the basis of equations
(3.20) and (3.18), yields
1 dRp 3^p/Rp 1 dCg P+SV^P
p . -; ^~|^ (3.32)
"" ^^ vr~^ "^ ^^ (1 - p2)
CD' = OD
1+ P^
1 - P2
This formula gives an expression for the change of frequency caused by
the motion of the sound source, that is, the Doppler effect produced by
the motion of the source. If the observer is located ahead of the source,
the following is obtained from equation (3.33):
and, if behind the source,
"^' = 1-T1 (^?=-^p) (3.33-)
Equations (3.33) and (3.33') are the simplest formulas for the Doppler
effect. Formula (3.33) gives the numerical expression of the Doppler
effect for any position of the observer. If magnitudes of the order of
|3 are neglected, the following is obtained from formula (3.33):
O)' = aj(l + p cos 0) (3.34)
where is the angle between the velocity of the source and the direc-
tion OP toward the observer.
16. Sound Source Moving Arbitrarily but with Subsonic Velocity
The computation carried out in the preceding section shows that the
field at a great distance from a uniformly moving source has the form of
a field produced by a point source concentrated at the point (see
MCA TM 1399 81
fig. 13)^ and the nature of the source is entirely concealed in the
function Q(0^^) determining the force and direction of the source.
On the "basis of this result the theorem of Kirchhoff may be avoided,
which, although it can he formulated also for a. nonuniformly moving
surface, obtains in this case a form which is very complicated and
unsuitable for applications. With the assumption that the source
moves along the trajectory
The true nature of the source will be disregarded and the assumption
will be made that the vibration is produced by a certain volume force
concentrated at the location of the point source. The result will not
depend on assumption (ref. 32). This assumption of the method of pro-
ducing the vibrations is expressed by the fact that in the wave equation
an expression determining the strength of the source is introduced on
the right side :
A(P - -^ 2_| = _ 4rtQ(x,y,z,t) (3.36)
c'^ St"^
In order to express the fact that the force Q is applied only at
the location of the source, use is made of the 5 functions introduced
in section 6
Q(x,y,z,t) = F(t) •5(x - X(t)) • 5(y - Y(t)) • B(z - Z(t))
The magnitude F(t) gives the dependence of the force on the time in
the system attached to the source. Due to the introduction of the 6
functions, which are everywhere equal to zero except at the points
where their argument becomes zero, the force Q will be different
from zero only at the place where the source is located at the instant
of time considered. The solution of equation (3.36) is evidently
equivalent to the solution of equation (3.7) with a stationary right
side :
Q(C.ti,^,t) = F(t) . S(C) . S(ti) . 5(0 (3. 37')
that is, to the finding of a singular solution of equation (3.7'). The
solution of the wave equation (3.26) with the right side present, as is
known, reads (se.e section 6)
cp(x,y,z,t) J ^Q(xSy,z-,t -r/c) ^^ . ^3^^^^
NACA TM 1399
where r = V(x - x')*^ + (y - y')'^ + (2 - z')'"^ is the distance from the
sound source (the point {x' ,y' ,z^)) to the point of the observer
{x,Y,z), The evident physical sense of this solution consists in the
fact that the disturbance formed at the point (x',y',z') does not at
once reach the point (x,y,z) but is retarded by the time r/c ; there-
fore the disturbance at "the point (x,y,z) at the instant of time t
is determined by the disturbance at the point (x'^y',z') which was
present at the instant of time t - r/c. Substituting now the value
of equation (3.3?) in equation (3.38) yields
8(x' - [X]) • S(y' - [y])S(z' - [Z])dx' dy' dz '
where the brackets denote that the magnitude enclosed is taken at the
time t - r/c. In order to carry out the integration, new variables
which are arguments of the 6 functions are introduced in place of
and dx',<3y',dz' are transformed by the known formulas of integral
bx' Sy ' Sz '
^A~ "Sk Sa~
dx'dv'dz' =
5x' Sy ' 5z '
5x' hy' 5z '
= I • dA • dB • dC
dA • dB • dC
The determinant I is readily computed from formulas (3.40), and
there is obtained
I =
■^Ix] (x- - x) W] (y' - y) aizj (z- - z)"
It - ^)1
MCA TM 1399 83
where [v-p] is the projection of the velocity of the source ^ in the
direction of r taken at the instant of time t - r/c . The value of I
is now substituted in equation (3.39) and the integration with respect
to A, B, and C is carried out. On the basis of the properties of the
6 functions, the result of the integration should simply be equal to the
value of the function under the integral at the point A = B = C =
(see section 6), that is,
(z' - z) = [Z] -
By taking the square of these equations and combining term by term,
an equation for obtaining the value of r at the point A = B = C =
is obtained. This value is denoted by E. By the method indicated the
following equation results from equation (3.44):
R^ = c will be considered separately (section 20) . From equation (3.50)
it is seen that the wave field for all motions of the point source is
expressed only through R and R, but the functions R (x,y,z,t)
and R(x,y,z,t), since they are obtained from equation (3.46), are,
of course, different. In particular for a uniform motion with velocity
V along the x-axis
f(R) = fx - v(t - l)]^ + y2 + z^ - R^ (3.51)
13ln section 5 the solution has the form F(t + r/c)/r . The dif-
ference between them and e quation (3.40) is only an apparent one. In the
first place, the factor -yjl - p^ ^±g, not enter for the reason that in •
section 5 there was no interest in the absolute strength of the source.
Further, equation (3.3l) has also a formal leading solution. Thus, in
equation (3.40), Q(x',y',z',t + r/c) can be taken. Th e chose n sign +
yields, in pl ace of equation (3.40), cp = F(t + E')/l^l - p^^
R* • Vl - P^ ~ I - "*" t^R^'AL where [vj^] ' is the value of v-p at the
instant t + R/c. In equation (3.46) the sign before R would likewise
change. The value of R would be R" (see fig. 15). From this it is
seen that if equation (3.46) has the solution R-, = R, it also has the
solution Rg = - R". Hence, in order to obtain a lagging solution of
equation (3.46), it is necessary to take R > if starting from
Q(x',ySz',t - r/c) while it is necessary to take R < if start-
ing from Q(x',y'^z'jt + r/c). But this root is precisely equal, to -R-^.
NACA TM 1399
From equation (3.46) the already familiar result is obtained
_ pg* + R
V5*2 ^^2+^2
The solution obtained (eq. (3.50)) represents the field of a
zero source. By combining such sources^ however^ with the proper phases
and disposing them according to a known method, a wave field having any
directional characteristic can be represented. For example, two zero
sources of the same strength but of oppostie phase placed at a small
distance from each other (2*^ R) will give a dipole.
If the source began to function at a. certain insta.nt of time, for
example, t = (that is, if F(t) = for t < O), there would be present
a wave front, that is, of a surface which would be reached by a distur-
bance starting out from the source.
From each position of the source a wave starts out at time t at
the distance R = ct. Substituting this value of R in equation (3.46),
the equation of the wave front is obtained:
jx - X(0)j + fy - Y(0)} + jz - Z(0)j = c^t^ (3.53)
that is, a sphere of radius ct with center at the point where the
source began to function (that is, at x = X(o), y = Y(o) , z = Z(o)).
Thus, for V < c, the moving source is at all times located within the
sphere formed by the wave front (fig. 16).
The results obtained for the sound field of a, moving source, in
many respects, in agreement with the known results of Lenard-Wichert for
the electromagnetic field of a moving point charge (electron).
17. General Formula for Doppler Effect
If the source of sound is assumed harmonic and having in its own
system the frequency cd, the form of q) (eq. (3.47)) is restricted:
86 NACA TM 1399
From the instantaneous frequency cjd' perceived by a certain observer
not moving together with the source, the derivative of the phase a
with respect to the time is understood
da /, 1 dR\ ,„ ^^,
= dt = ^1;^ - c dtj ^2-^^)
This formula must be considered as the most general formula for express-
ing the Doppler effect. It was nresented earlier for uniform motion;
it remains true also for the general case of motion. In section 15,
however, the question of the limits of validity of this formula was not
considered. For an observer not attached to the source, the spectrum
of the wave field (p(x,y,z,t), notwithstanding the harmonics of the
source, will appear as continuous and the intensities of the individual
frequencies will be determined by the amplitudes f(x,y,z,a:)) in the
(p(x,y,z,t) = / ¥(x,y,z,cD')e^"^''^d(JD' (3.56)
It may be asked under what conditions the action of this entire '
frequency spectrum is equivalent to the action of a single one cd' which
depends on the time according to equation (3.55). The answer to this
question is simple and is connected with an analysis of the work of the
sound receiver used by the observer. Let this receiver be a certain
resonator with a tiirie constant equal to T. In such a resonator the
frequencies will be established in time T. If the time dependence
of the force acting on the receiver is written in the form
cp(x,y,z,t) = -^ . e = Ae (3.57)
where cd' is the "instantaneous" frequency (eq. (3.55)) and A is
the "instantaneous" amplitude (A = Q/r (t), the dependence of A and
cjd' on the time may be neglected under the conditions that
(l) A varies slowly by comparison with the changes of phase co't,
that is ,
(2) The frequency cd' changes little in the time T during which
the frequencies are being established
^ • T « CD' (3.59)
NACA TM 1399
From the preceding it can be seen that the Doppler effect may be observed
only for sources with sufficiently large damping (small T) . These con-
ditions will be analyzed in more detail; but now, if they are assumed
satisfied, the Doppler effect will be considered for the case of an
observer and a sound source moving uniformly and rectilinearly but at
a certain angle to each other. On figure 17 is shown a source Q mov-
ing with velocity "^ and an observer P moving with velocity V. The
velocity of the observer relative to the source will be if = V - v. In
order to compute R, equation (3.30) is used. Substituting in R the
value C and passing from motion along the x-axis to motion along any
direction (which is done by simple rotation of the system of coordinates)
(?. v/c)
R =
r2(l - v2/c2)
where r
-»■ -y /
is the instantaneous distance QP = rp - rQ. Now, dR/dt can
be computed^ taking into account the fact that both the source and the
observer are moving, so that
Vt + ?P
= vt + f>
A somewhat long but simple computa.tion lea.ds to the following result for
oj' :
CD' = to <1
(I^f. (%!)].
(1 - v2/c2) -^
2/ 2
1 - v7e
where the vector r? is equal to
r'^d - vVc") +
(^, v)'
This is the most general formula, for the Doppler effect for a uniformly
moving source and observer. From this formula it is seen that^ if they
are relatively motionless (u = O), cd' = cd. For a motionless observer
(V = O) there is obtained
1 + ("i^v)
1 - v2/c2
NACA TM 1399
d for a motionless source (v = O)
' = Jl - ^V^ ; n° = 1
For an estimate of da:,' /it and dA/dt let A ^ l/i". Condition (3.58)
then reduces to
f il<-
or r »
If the observation is made in the wave zone, then r» 2jtc/a)'; hence
equation (3.58) is satisfied in all those conditions where, in general,
the initial formulas derived for the wave zone are applicable. The case
is otherwise with condition (3.59). If doo'/dt = - d%/cdt^ is computed,
with use of equations (3.60) and (3.6l), then with an accuracy up to a
magnitude of the first order with respect to v/c and v/c there is
T «r c
where u is the projection of the relative velocity on the direction
of source to receiver and u^ is the projection on the direction per-
pendicular to this line. For a relative velocity u of the order of
c for certain positions (small u ), the magnitude of the time constant
T should ^e much less than r/c and condition (3.59') may be very re-
strictive. When this condition is violated, the sound of the harmonic
of the source itself will be received as an impulse containing different
frequencies continuously distributed.
18. Sound of an Airplane Propeller
The sound of an airplane originates fundamentally from two sources :
the propeller and the engine exhaust. The sound of the propeller like-
wise has a dual character. In the first place, a rotating body, such
as the propeller of a motor, gives rise to periodic changes in pressure
and velocity of the air near the plane and swept by it. These periodic
changes of the air are accompanied by small compressions and rarefactions
which are propagated in the form of a sound wave. The sounds of this
origin are called rotational sounds. 1*^ In the second place, from the
propeller blade, as from any moving body in the air, vortices are shed
which likewise impart periodic impulses to the medium surrounding the
propeller .
These periodic impulses are the cause of the second sound, the so-
called vortical sound. In section 25 the origin of this sound and its
This term was introduced by E. Nepomnyashchli.
NACA TM 1399
fundamental properties will be considered in detail. For the present^
however, the discussion will be restricted to pointing out the fact that
the frequencies of this sound are very high and are strongly absorbed in
the air so that in observing the sound of a distant airplane only the
rotational sound, and at that its lowest harmonics (and also the lowest
harmonics of the exhaust), are heard. Hence, it will be entirely rea-
sonable to consider in this section only the rotational sound. In fig-
ure 18 is shown the propeller of an airplane and its enclosing surface
S on which the disturbances brought about by the motion of the propeller
will be studied. The faces S' and S" of this surface (fig. 18) will
be considered so far removed from the surface of rotation of the pro-
peller that the motion of the gas on this surface may be assumed as
linear (with the exception, of course, of the general forward motion
of the air) .
The possible frequencies of the rotational sound will be considered
first. Let the propeller have n blades and make N rotations per
second. It is then evident that at each point on the surface S, due
to the rotation of the propeller, the state will be periodically repeated
nN times per second so that the fundamental frequency (cyclic) of the
rotational sound will be
cDq = 2nnN (3.64)
and its harmonic will be en = ODQm, where
m = 2,3,4,...
The computation of the intensity of the sound and its direction char-
acteristic for these frequencies for a given shape of propeller and
for a given speed presents exceptional difficulties .15 Hereinafter
the discussion will be limited to the investigation of the most general
features of this sound and to qualitative estimates.
After the control surface S is shifted to the region where the
periodic disturbances have become linear, the properties of the potential
and its derivatives on the faces S' and S" of the surface S will
be considered. A cylindrical system £, , d,X} rigidly attached to the
airplane so that k
111= -»
/ (3.65)
In the following it is sufficient to consider separately each of
the harmonics
(p = i(f
m m
The theorem of Kirchhoff (section 6) is now applied to the potential of
any of these harmonics and the wave field f at a point P is considered
at some distance from the airplane. According to equation (3.33), |
^m(^v''^v>^v'^) =
where ^ , t]^, ^p are the coordinates of the point of observation P,
d 0, on the basis of equation (3.24), is equal to
^«Qm =
e-"^*^ . dS .
^ (3.68)
where (3 = v/c , v is the velocity of the airplane, 1^ = (J^/c , and,
according to equation (3.20), the magnitude A is
-P£q + R^ • cos
Vi _ p^
The symbol Q is a point on the surface S (fig. 18). From the same
figure it follows that
cos 0pQ = cos 9^ ' cosq + cos(^p-^Q)sin 0* • sin
i^ = V^^T^
^ = h*
NACA TM 1399
where h* is the distance to the control surface, p = -\/ r^ + t2 is the
distance from the axis of the propeller, 0p and (pp are the angles in
the polar system determining the position of the point of observation P,
S' (or S")
0g and ^Pg are the same angles for the point Q of the surface
It is evident that cos 0? = h*/Vp^ + ^*^ ^^^
= p/Vp
sin 0;T = D/-i/p^ + h'^^. Substituting this value of A in equation (3.68)
and i|fjjj from equation (3.66), the integration with respect to
be carried out. It is here necessary to bear in mind that
iz cos(x-X')-im-n-x' -im-nX
2 dx' = 2jtie • I^(z)
where T^^{7.) is a Bessel function of the first order (m • n). With
use of equation (3.7l) the following is obtained from equation (3.68)
for the surface S ' (4q = h^)
= 2jtie
P dp
k h'
.(p-cos Q^)
ikjn %
cos 0p +
> (3.72)
where r_ is the radius of the control surface, which may be equated
to the radius of the propeller, and the magnitude ^Rgp/Sn = SI^q/S C is
replaced for large Rpg by cos 0p. For the surface Sg a similar
expression Q" is obtained which differs from equation (3.72) in the
substitution of -hg for ?*. Combining (^ and Q^ yields
Qn. = 2 ^
sin 9^
+ ikjjj cos 0|;
(t )
NACA TM 1399
On account of the smallness of the magnitude kj^h , the phase multipliers
e 1 and e 2 jn^y be expanded in a power series in k^.h'*
•1 - i^ ^1 ,„ ^^,
e " = 1 +
(P - cos 0p) +
1 - p^
iXp ik h*
e = 1
1 - 3
The following is then obtained:
^ -im-nXp
/ - (3 - cos ©p) +
Vl _ B^
p do ^
p sin 0p
1 - p^
[Ajjj(p) + B^(d) cos 0* +
C (p) cos^e* + •••]
where A^(p) ms-y tie considered as the strength density of zero-order
sources distributed in the plane of rotation of the propeller
[(^m)l - (O2] +
Vl - 32
[(a ^ ^ -m ^ ^-i
> (3.76)
Vl - B^
[(V)i t^ + (>^m)2 hJJ
the magnitude B (0), as the strength density of dipole sources
\(o) = - ik^ [(V)i - i^^)^]
Vl - p2
1 >
Cjo) = -
, 2
hj + (^^2
, the
lown fui
actions "if
for ET =
C*= -
ions are
NACA TM 1399 93
the magnitude C (p), as the density of quadripole sources
and so forth
calculated now for
independent of each other beca.use the value of any one of them on the
control surface S determines uniquely the solution of the wave equation.
They can "be given only in those cases where it may be assumed from some
preliminary considerations that the assumed values of -^^ and S\|/jjj/SC
approximate the true values and are thus in agreement with each other.
The computation of these magnitudes presents the fundamental problem for
the com.putation of the sound of an airplane. ° It is necessary to call
attention to the following circumstance. In the integral (3.75)^ the
magnitudes P^, B^, Cj^,'-' must not change their signs as functions of
D, at least in the region of most effective values of p (in the working
part of the propeller blade). It is easily seen that the same refers
also to the magnitude Iiiin(kmP ^■'"" ^p/VT - (B^)- In fact;
kjjjp = 2rtnm]\[p/c = nmv(D)/c; where v(d) is the rotational speed of an
arc of the propeller. The roots Xj^^^ of the equation Ijjjj^(x) =
possess the property that x-^^ > mn^ but v/c < 1. Hence, in the range
of integration < p < rQ, the argument Ij^^^ is less than xj^^ .
Because of this I can be moved outside the integral sign^ replacing
p by a certain effective value p = R . There is then obtained
1 -iin-ncPp f\Ro sin 0*
< 4 + B^ • ^°s ej + Cjj, • cos^0» -
P^ / > (3.79)
l^Attempts to compute these magnitudes have been frequently made
(see the references at the end of the chapter^ in particular^ the book by
E. Wepomnyashchii , "Investigation and computation of the sound of an air-
plane propeller"). These computations are not, however, entirely reliable
because they make use of the relations of linear acoustics in the nonlinear
region. In particular, no account is taken of the presence of a constant
air flow; the magnitude oBi|r/(3t (where p is the air density) is equated
to the pressure p on the blade of the propeller, whereas
p = pS\|r/St - p • (Vi|f)2/2
and so forth. It is therefore difficult in this way to attain anything
more than agreement in the most general features .
94 NACA TM 1399
where A^, Bj^, '^m'"' ^^^ ^^^^ values of these magnitudes over the
length of the propeller blade. Since the magnitudes Am, Bm, Cm, • • •
represent the coefficients of expansion in the small parameter k h*,
the value of A^^^ among the terms in braces in equation (3.79) should
be predominant; that is, there is a source of zero order. Hence, the
directional characteristic of the sound of the airplane propeller will
be determined essentially by the factor I^^ while the remaining terms
in equation (3.79) will only deform somewhat and displace the directional
curve given by this factor. Since not only do the roots of the equation
-"-TTir,^^^ ~ ^ exceed mn but also those values of x'' which correspond
mil mn ^
to the maximum l^U) , the expression Imn (kjj^Q ^In 0*/Vl - pS) will .
monotonically increase with increase in 0* to n/z and then drop to I
for e = n. Thus the maximum of the radiation will lie at 0* = n/z,
that is, in a plane perpendicular to the line of flight of the airplane
(in the plane of rotation of the propeller). ^^
This curve is given in figure 19 (curve a). In fact, there is
generally observed an assymetry of the directional curve (curve b of fig.
19) which indicates that the part played by the dipole radiation can not
be entirely ignored in comparison with the part played by the radiation
of zero order. Both curves refer to a system of coordinates which are
at rest relative to the airplane. Now the intensity in the sound spec-
trum of the propeller will be determined. For this the magnitude Q)^
in equation (3.79) has the sense of a volume velocity. Its fundamental
term contains the magnitude Aj^ equal approximately to the sum of the
velocity components of the air normal to the surface S. These velocities
are produced by the compression of the air in the motion of propeller
blades and may be represented in direct dependence on the velocity of
motion of these blades.
Consider the velocity component u(t - (p/a),o,?*) normal to the
surface S-]_ . The same expansion (eq. (3.65)) in a Fourier series i
applicable to it that applied for that u as a function of time has the form of an impulse lasting over
the time T = l/v = l/o^p, so that u = Uq for < 2 < t and u =
1 outside this interval. Carrying out the proposed integration in equa-
i tion (3.81) yields
I f ,^\ . ^-imnX
I- . I ^
i „ / -im- \
= - — • 1S__ ±l=^[e - ij 3.82)
T imjDQ 2ran \ J ^ '
From this it is seen that the amplitude of u very slowly decreases
with increasing m so that the spectrum of the sound of the airplane
should be very rich in harmonics, as is actually observed to be the
case. °
19. Characteristics of Motion at Supersonic Velocity.
Density Jumps (Shock Waves)
Before the problem of immediate interest, that of sound radiation
from a source moving with supersonic velocity, is discussed, considera-
tion will be given to those special phenomena which arise in the flow
about a body with velocity of motion exceeding the velocity of sound in
the medium c .
The essential difference between a flow with v > c and a flow with
V < c may be considered from the equation for the velocity potential ^
describing the flow of a compressible fluid. According to the general-
ized equation of Bernoulli (eq. (1.27')),
jr?=^-|(V.)^ (-B3)
1 8
The assumptions herein were too simplified, of course, to expect
anything more than a qualitative conclusion. The computation of the form
of the Impulses is carried out in the book by E. Nepomnyashchii. As pre-
viously pointed out, however, it would be necessary to choose values of
the impulse on a suitable control surface, whereas generally their values
are computed in the plane of the propeller.
96 NACA TM 1399
On the other hand, the equation of continuity reads
^ - div(oV) = (3.84)
(since v=-v^). Noting that Sw/^t = i |£ ^^ = ^ || and Vv = ^vP
and in equation (3.84) expressing Sp/St, yp in terms of Sw/Bt, yw, and
w in terms of $ with the aid of equation (3.83) yields
W, v[^ - I (V$)^JU (3.85)
If a local system of coordinates x, y, and z is introduced such that
the axis ox is directed along the normal to the surface $ = constant
(i.e., along the direction of the velocity v at the point considered)
and the axes oy and oz lie in the tangent plane, equation (3.85)
assumes the form
^N S^* s% ^h 2v S^* 1 a^^
Sx^ ay2 Sz^ c2 ' htbx ' c2 St
- -p — p = (3.86)
If at a point of the flow the velocity v exceeds the local velocity of
sound c, the coefficient before b^^/bx^ becomes negative so that the
coordinate x, as it were, the same status as the time; the
equation of elliptical type relative to the coordinates turns into an
equation of the hyperbolic type. These two types of equations fundamen-
tally differ from one another. The hyperbolic equation has discontinuous
solutions which are not uniquely determined by the boundary conditions.
A simple example illustrating this fact will subsequently be given. In
fact, in the motion of a body at supersonic velocity, there arise in the
medium the so-called density jumps or shock waves. These jumps are
propagated over a great distance from the moving body along surfaces
which for a small magnitude of the jump approximately coincide with the
characteristics of equation (3.86). In the density jump the state of the
medium changes discontinuously. Such discontinuous change is undergone
simultaneously by all the magnitudes characteristic of the medium: the
velocity, the density, the pressure, the temperature, and the entropy.
By studying the propagation of the sound from a source moving with super-
sonic velocity, it would be systematic to start from that state of the
medium which is produced by the motion of the source and to consider the
sound as a small disturbance. However, at this time general methods of
NACA TM 1399
solution of the problem of the supersonic flow about a body are not
available} and, therefore, no theory is available -which permits finding,
in this case, the fields of velocity and pressure and determining the
magnitude and position of the density jumps which arise with supersonic
flows. For this reason the discussion will be restricted to the consid-
eration of certain partial problems B,nd to a qualitative analysis of the
phenomena. Consideration will now be given to the simplest cases of
supersonic motion which permit an uncomplicated mathematical analysis.
The profiles of a thin infinitely long wing are shown in figure 20. The
flow in this case is two dimensional and its velocity will be assumed as
V > c. If it is assumed that the wing is thin (and the angle of attack
small), the disturbance imparted by it to the flow may also be assumed
small. Corresponding to this assumption, the potential ^(x,y) is
represented in the form
$ = - vx + (P(x,y)
where (p is a small correction and the higher powers of it may be
neglected. Substituting equation (3.87) in equation (3.86) and neglect-
ing terms containing higher powers and derivatives of (p yield
1 _ i!\ Si ^ a^ ^
where c is the value of the velocity of sound in the undisturbed flow.
X = T
gives, in place of equation (3.79),
:^2 >2
o cp o (p
By2 " St2
As also follows from the general theory, an equation of the hyperbolic
type is obtained. If t is considered as the time, it coincides with
the equation for the propagation of waves in one dimension (y) with a
velocity equal to 1.
The general solution of this equation has the form
(P = f^ (t - y) + fg (t + y)
98 MCA TM 1399
The disturbances, giving rise t o cp, are disposed (along the wing profile'
from. T = to T^ = Z/yP^ - 1 and are propagated according to equation
(3. 91) without change of their intensity along the lines j - '^ and
y = - T (for example, PQ and P'Q' on fig. 20(a)). The assumption that
f 2 7^ for y > would mean that the disturbance would travel ahead
of the wing at any large distance. This contradicts causality and,
therefore, it is assumed that f 9 = for y > and for the same
reasons f-[_ = for y < 0. " Then
tp = fi (x - y) y >
(P = ^2 (f + y) y < (3.92)
With this choice of solutions the disturbances concentrate in the strips
OAEO' and OA'B'O'. The inclination of these strips ^'3 determined by the
y = ^T = ^ - ^ (3.93)
Vp2 _ 1
so that the angle e = AOO', called the Mach angle, is equal to
sin e = - = - (3.94)
P V ^ '
The form of the functions f-]_ and fg can now be connected with the
form of the wing profile. Denoting the normal to the surface of the
wing by it, the following condition exists on the surface of the wing:
|i = - V . cos(x,n) + ^ cos(y,n) + ^ cos(x,n) = (3.95)
on dy ^ ^ ' '
which expresses the fact that the components of the velocity normal to
the wing surface are equal to zero. If the wing profile is thin and the
angle of attack of the elements of its surface is everywhere small,
cos(x,n) = and cos(y,n) = 1. Hence the condition of equation (3.95)
can be approximately written as
V cos(x,n) (3.96)
In this supplementary requirement there is also expressed the
property referred to above of equations of the hyperbolic type.
NACA TM 1399 99
The sign + holds for the upper surface; the sign - for the lower
surface. Substituting cp from equation (3.92) yields for the upper
cos(x,n) (3.97)
and since cos(x;n) is given on the wing profile as a function of x,
and therefore also as a function of T, there is thereby determined the
potential f]_(T^) with an accuracy up to an unknown constant. In the
same manner there is also found f2('^)- From equations (3.92) and (3.97)
an additional velocity on the x-axis is obtained
Sep df-|_(T: - y) ^
Avy = - 3— = - =— -— : = — rrm^iiz cos(x,n) (3.98)
where cos(x^n) is considered as a. function of (t - y) •
With the aid of equation (3.83) the change in pressure Ap = p - p
as compared with the pressure in the undisturbed flow p^ can also be
obtained. Thus, for small Ap, from equation (3.83)
^=^.iV|£^^ (3.99)
Pq ut c, c
The constant v /2 is so chosen that in the undisturbed flow, where
(V^)2 "
and n
(V'*')^ = "V and ^/Bt = 0, p = Pq. Substituting -^ from equation (3.77)
and neglecting higher powers of cp and powers of the derivatives of ^
Ap = o^ V ^ (3.100)
'-' ox
whence on the basis of equation (3.78)
Ap = P^ • cos(x,n) . (3.101)
VpS - 1
At the point x = (the point of meeting of the flow with the
profile) cos(x,n) $ 0, and at the point of departure (x = Z) cos(x,rj) ^ 0.
Outside the interval < x < 2 , cos(x,n) = 0. Hence the pressure Ap
and the velocity Av have the form shown in figure 20. At the point of
approach a discontinuity of the motion occurs. The resistance of a thin
wing computed in this manner agrees well with test results (ref. 34).
Both the pressure Ap and the velocity Av^^ maintain their values
constant along the line y = ±'^, that is, along lines inclined to the
flow by the Mach angle £ (sin e = c/v) .
100 NACA TM 1399
The solution presented above, demonstrating the presence of dis-
continuities in the supersonic flow about a body, is suitable essentially
for infinitely small density jumps. The theory of density jumps of
finite magnitude can not be obtained from a consideration of only the
differential equations of hydrodynamics since these equations lose their
validity precisely in the region of discontinuity and must be replaced
by suitable boundary conditions. In order to find these, a density jump
of the form represented in figure 21 will be considered; equation (3.83)
is the region of the undisturbed medium and equation (3.84) the region
of the jump. Let the jump move with the velocity V in the positive
direction of the x-axis. It is natural to take a system of coordinates
in which the jump is at rest. In this system the velocities of the gas
along the x-axis in rerions of equations (3.P3) and (3.6l) will be
u-L = - V
Ug - V
where Ug is the absolute velocity of the gas in the region of the jump.
To derive the conditions at the jump it would be necessary to rewrite the
fundamental equations of hydrodynamics in Integral form. As was explained,
however, in chapter I, these equations represent no other than the three
laws of conservation and this fact may be utilized by applying these laws
directly to the region of the density jump. The matter, momentum, and
energy flows on both sides of the density jump must be the same. Making
use of the expressions for these magnitudes (eqs. (l.9), (l.lO), and (l.ll)
a.nd neglecting for the present the viscosity and the heat conductivity,
the law of conservation of matter is obtained
0]_u-|_ = pgUg (3.103)
where o-]_ and pg ^■'^^ 'the density of the gas before and after the jump.
Further, the law of the conservation of momentum is obtained
P-^uS + p^ = pgul + pg (3.104)
where p-j^ and pg are the pressure before and after the jump, and
finally the law of the conservation of energy is obtained
13 13
2 '^1^1 "^ '^l^l^l ■*■ Pl^l ~ p f'2^2 "•" P2^2^2 ''" P2^2 (3.105)
where E-|_ and Eg are the energy of unit mass of the gas before and
after the jump.
NACA TM 1399 101
With the use of equation (3.103) ^ equation (3.105) may be written in
the following form:
12 12
•e u-]_ + w-i_ = ■o ^2 '^ ^2 (3.105')
where w = E + p/p is the heat function. From these three equations are
u = _ ./ f2 . P2 - Pi ^ _ ^ (3.106)
1 II P;l P2 - Pi
Pi P2 - Pi , . ^^ .
"2 = - A (3.107)
^ "' P2 P2 - Pi
and also with the use of the equation for an ideal gas
E = -i^ . ^ ^=.-J—2 (3.108)
r-ip r-ip
the relation of Hugoniot (ref . 35) is obtained
1 /P2 Pl^
hTi|-9 = i<^.-3)g-i) M
Equations (3.106) ^ (3.107), and (3.109) permit computing all the data
referring to the density jump as soon as the pressure p-, and the den-
sity of the gas p]_ ahead of the jump are given, and also one of the
magnitudes characterizing the jump, for example, po .
In conclusion, the cha.nge in entropy occurring in a density jump
will be computed. From equation (1.34) it follows tha.t the entropy of
unit mass of the gas is equal to
S = So + c^ln ^(^) (3.110)
From this equation the change in entropy is obtained
'P-p /poXT Pp Pp
So - S. = c In — I — ] = c In -^ + c In — (3.111)
^his relation was earlier established by Rankin (ref. 36); see alsc
reference 37.
102 MCA TM 1399
If use is made of the relations of Hugoniot, it is not difficult to show
that for a density jump this magnitude is greater than zero so that the
processes in the jump have an irreversible character. It is precisely
for this reason that it is impossible to restrict oneself to the dif-
ferential equations of hydrodynamics which do not take into account such
processes. The motion of the jump, as is seen, proceeds in the direction
of increasing entropy since the gas has less entropy before the jump
(eq. (3.87)) than after it (eq. (3.87)), and the jump moves in the dir-
ection from (2) to (l) . The velocity of this motion V = - u-|^ is readily
found from the preceding equations if pg and p-|^ are eliminated from
equations (3.106) and (3.109). There is then obtained
^1 = ^^ = ^ • |(r + 1) ^ + (r - 1)1 (3.112)
where c is the adiabatic velocity of sound in the gas at rest (eq.
(3.84)). Since p_ > p-, , therefore V^ > c^; that is, the jump always
moves with a velocity greater than the velocity of sound in the medium in
which it originates. The relations herein derived will be used in
analyzing the work of a sound receiver moving with a velocity greater
than the velocity of sound in the medium.
20. Sound Source Moving with Supersonic Velocity and Having
Small Head Resistance
In this section consideration will be given to the radiation of
sound by a source moving with velocity v > c and having a small head
resistance. The theory of such a sound source is, to a considerable
degree, analogous to the theory presented in section 19 of an infinitely
thin wing. The sound source will be imagined as located on the body
(fig. 22). The profile of the body will be given by a curve in a
cylindrical system of coordinates (o,K)X)
P = Oq{£) (3.113)
The cross section of the body ttdq will be considered inf initesimally
It is assumed further that the surface of this body or a part of it
performs small vibrations of frequency go. This vibration will be the
sound source. The potential of the flow ^ will be given in the form
$=-v • x + (Pq + (P (3.114)
where v • x is the potential of the undisturbed flow, cp^ is the
potential produced by the motion of the body, and (p is the potential
NACA TM 1399 103
produced ty the vibrations of the surface of the body (it is proportional
to e ) . The potential cp is of no interest since in a system of
coordinates connected with the body it does not depend on the time.'^-'-
The assumption of the small cross section of the body permits restriction
to the linear theory. In virtue of this the solution will be a super-
position of the steady solution and the unsteady sound field. The prob-
lem thus reduces to the determination of fp. For solving this problem
the method of sources will be used. The field of a point source of
sound m.oving with supersonic velocity will first be determined and then
a suitable distribution of these sources over the surface of the body of
revolution will be taken. In a system of coordinates attached to the
body let there be a point source at the points ^^, r\^, ^„ lying on the
surface of the body under consideration. In a stationary system of
coordinates, the coordinates of this source will be
X = vt + £q
^ = ^0
Z = ^0 (3.115)
The strength of this source dQ will be assumed as infinites imally small
and proportional to an element dOQ = 2rtpQ ■ d?Q of the surface of the
body on which it is located
dQ = q{t,KQ,T\Q,^Q) • da^ • S(x - vt - ?q) x
S(y - Ti^)(z - ^^) (3.116)
In this formula the small ma.gnitude
dF = q(t,?o^TiO'^o)^^0 (3.117)
has the same meaning as F in equation (3.37). In correspondence with
equation (3.43), the solution of the point source will be written in the
Xo(x.y.z,t) = y_M^^9^ (3.118)
where [q ] = q(t - R/c,Cq,tiq,^q) and R and R* are as previously
detern-ined from equations (3.46) and (3.49). However, in the case v >c
The potential (p^ may be determined by a method similar to thai
presented in section 19 for a thin wing. See T. Karma' n , reference 34,
page 81.
104 NACA TM 1399
the previous assertion on the uniqueness of the positive root of equation
(3.46) is not true. Solving equation (3.46)
(y - r^y + (z - U^ - R^^ = (3.119)
±R* - PC*
R = ^ R* = Vf*2 _ p2 (3.120)
V32 - 1
X - vt - &^
V3 2 _ 1 Vr2 _
11 = y - ^0
^ = z - ^0 (3.121)
where, as will soon "be shown, both roots of equation (3.120) are greater
than zero. From expression (3.120) for R* it is seen that ^ must
be greater than c^ so that the entire solution lies within the cone
^*2 - p^ ^
that is,
-^ = p^ (3.122)
p'^ - 1
The generators of this cone start from the point vt + ^q, tiq, ^q, at
which the source is located, and, as is seen from equation (3.122), are
inclined to the velocity v (to the axis E,) by the Mach angle e
sin e = £ (3.123)
With the possibility of a disturbance ahead of the excluded source,
a restriction to the region e < (fig. 22) is necessary. But -P4*
for C < is always greater than R . Therefore, R is positive and
both solutions (eq. (3.120)) are lagging ones. The physical meaning of
this double solution lies in the fact that at each point P (fig. 23)
enclosed within the Mach cone two sounds arrive. If at the instant con-
sidered the source occupies the position Q, then Q ' and Q" are two
A similar assumption was made in the theory of a thin wing when
fg for y > and fi for y < were neglected.
NACA TM 1399
effective positions of the source from which the sound arrives at the
point P at the instant t. At suhsonic velocity there is only one
effective position.
The solution for a point source does not have significance in the
immediate neighborhood of the source (where it becomes infinite). From
the computations it is seen that at supersonic velocity of the source
there exists not only a. singular point but an entire surface (the Mach
cone) at which the solution becomes infinite. It follows that with
restriction to a point source, it is impossible to assign a mea,ning to
the solution (eq. (3.118)) not only near the source itself but also near
the Mach cone. However, use may be made of this solution for construct-
ing the field of a distributed source and also for a. qualitative analysis
of the phenomena for supersonic velocities. 'Assuming that q depends
harmonic a.lly on the time t,
q = qo(€o'iln'^n)^
a solution representing the field of an element of surface of the body
is obtained from equation (3.118)
- ' Ri^ ( r:
dP =
+ e
where R-[_ and Rg are the two roots of equation (3.119). This solution
is valid within the Mach cone having its vertex at the point E^,^^,t,^-
The total field due to all the elements of the surface carrying out a
vibration with frequency oo will be
where the integral is extended over the region
+ e
? = X
?o ' of an infinite seriea
of vortices having the circulation r' and located at the distance I
from each other will now be considered. In figure 41 are shown two such
series of vortices. The vortices of the upper series are located at
the points z'y^ = x'j^ + iy'j^, where x'k = Ik, (k = 0, +1, ±2, • • •) and
y'k = h/2. Since the potential $ is determined only with an accuracy
up to a constant, it is possible in equation (4.14) under the logarithmic
sign to divide by any number so that the sum ^ may be written in the
r J (2; - zn)rt
§'(z) = ^ 30,
according to reference 46, I is proportional not to L^ but to Ld.
The essential point evidently is the fact that for large L/d the co-
herence of the radiation by the individual parts of the cylinder is dis-
rupted. This consideration is very likely if it is remembered that the
long vortex filaments, as they are considered in the Karman theory, are
not very stable and break up into certain segments of length AT..'^^
This assumption sould te verified bj experimental check.
^^^ NACA TM 1399
The intensity will then be proportional not to L^ but to
AL^ = ^ Z!1.2 = L^
where AL does not now depend on L so that AL = 3d, where p is a
certain numerical coefficient depending in general on d/L. For medium
values of the aspect ratio L/d, p = L/d; and for large values of L/d,
P = constant.
Thus in place of equations (4.52) and (4.53), the following will
apply for long bodies;
N = ^ g-' • P cos^d Pv^ ^^ / u\* (4.58")
^ = ¥»'^' !r"(i-/ (-5^")
If the results of the previously mentioned tests of Holle are used, it
is to be expected that p = L/d for L/d ~ 10 and p = constant for
L/d > 20.
Both from the earlier derived equations and from those now obtained,
it follows that the intensity of the vortex sound is proportional to
the density of the medium p and inversely proportional to the cube of
the sound velocity. Hence the intensity of the vortex sound, for other-
wise equ.-l conditions, is in water 10 times as great as in air. When
the Intensity in decibels is expressed by the ratio to the threshold
pressure 2x10-4- bar, there is obtained
N(db) =80+10 log IP£ (4.60)
4 ^ '
According to the results of W. Holle (ref. 46), the intensity of the
vortex sound N is 80 decibels for a cylinder of length L = 22 5 centi-
meters and diameter d = 1.2 centimeters, for v = 35 meters per second at
the distance r = 1 meter (and cos e = l) . From these data and equation
(4.58 ), the value «%^p/2 = 10" -^ is obtained, whence for 3 = 10
there is obtained m = 1.4-10-2. This value is in good agreement with
the initial assumptions of the theory, in fact, a essentially reduces
to the value of the ratio v /v at the distance y = z/2 from the street.
According to equation (4.33'), at this distance
Vy/v = ue-^/v = 0.2e-" = 10-2.
26. Remarks on the Vortex Noise of Propellers
Tests show that the vortex noise of propellers has a spectrum in
which one of the frequencies stands out relatively strongly, so that the
NACA TM 1399 I35
spectrum consists of a sharp peak on a diffused background (fig. 43).
This characteristic of the vortex noise becomes understandable if account
is taken of the fact that its intensity increases very rapidly with the
velocity (as v^) . This noise may, in fact, be considered as generated
by the vortices shed from the different parts of the blade. A concep-
tion of the spectrum of this sound can be obtained if the individual
parts of the blade are assumed to give rise to independent vortex for-
mations and if to each part of the blade is applied the equation for the
intensity of the vortex sound derived previously from considerations of
dimensionality and considered foT the special case of a cylinder or
plate. The length of a segment of the blade over which the profile and
its angle of attack changes little will be denoted by AR. The width of
the profile at the same segment will be denoted by 2(R). The intensity
of the vortex sound generated by this segment will then be
AI=rUR)ARv^R) T = "'"'^ r""' (4-61)
where v = SitRN is the peripheral velocity of the segment, R is the
distance from the axis of the propeller, and W is the number of rota-
tions of the propeller. The frequency which is predominantly radiated
by this segment will be
f(R) = X 4^ = 2«xW • -4-7 (4.62)
^ ^ dXRj d(R) ^
where d(R) is the width of a plate equivalent to the blade element.
The following expression may be set up:
d(R) = I sin a + b cos a (4.63)
where o. is the angle of attack of the segment, I the width, and b
the thickness {l , b, and a are functions of R).
From equations (4.62) and (4.63), the following terms can be found;
R = R(f), and also d(f), Z(f), AR(f) = (dR/df)Af. Substituting in
equation (4.6l) yields
AI = rUf)(i6(f)f^Af IP (4.64)
which gives the spectral distribution of the vortex sound radiated by
the propeller. It has a sharp maximum about a certain frequency f .
This is evident from the fact that f and R are approximately linearly
connected (R ~ f), and for f->- " , R -* Rq, where Rg is the radius of
the propeller (in fact, d(RQ) = 0; then from equation (4.62) there fol-
lows f = '») . Hence in equation (4.58)^ the factor f^ rapidly increases
while the factors dR/df and d6(f) approach as f-^".
Equation (4.64) can, of course, give only a very rough idea of the
spectral composition and the intensity of the vortex so md of a propel-
ler, since the assumptions made in its derivation do not pretend to
136 NACA TM 1399
great accuracy. The angle entering the coefficient r, as is known
from section 25, is the angle between the ray at the point of observa-
tion and the dipole axis which is perpendicular to the flow. Since the
blades move perpendicularly to the propeller axis, this is the angle
between a ray at the point of observation and the propeller axis. The
maximum intensity of the vortex noise will therefore be radiated ahead
of and behind the propeller axis, as, in fact, observed (see ref. 47).
It should be recalled that the s-und of the propeller rotation (cf.
section 18) is, on the contrary, radiated in directions almost perpen-
dicular to the propeller axis. The frequencies of these two sounds,
as has already been remarked, are likewise different. The frequency of
the rotation sound is fg = Nn (n, the niomber of blades, cf . section
18), while the frequency of the vortex sound is equal to
f = ■>^ • — T" (4.65)
where R and d are the values of R and d for the most intense
frequency. The ratio of the frequencies of these two sounds will be
il = 2^x . I . 1 I
fo ^ n (4.66) '
Since n = 2 or 5, x s 0.2, and R is generally several times (about
6 to 10) times as large as d, the frequency of the vortex sound exceeds .
the frequency of the sound of rotation by several times.
27. Excitation of Resonators by a Flow
In the preceding sections, the origin of the sound in the flow of
air about bodies was considered. This theory cannot, however, be applied
directly to bodies of any shape. It was tacitly assumed that the body
has a relatively simple geometrical shape capable of being characterized
with sufficient completeness by a single length d, which also determines
the frequency of the radiated sound by the equation of Strouhal f = xv/d.
For bodies of more complicated shape, the case is otherwise. It is
clear, for example, that if on a body of simple shape with characteristic
dimension d-^ there is a projection with characteristic dimension do,
there will be two vortex frequencies for the same velocity of the flow v:
2 2 dg
NACA TM 1399 137
The presence of any projections, sharp angles, discontinuities in the
profile, roughnesses, and so forth, may essentially change the sound
spectrum. Entirely different characteristic phenomena arise in those
cases where the body possesses not convexities but concavities. The
latter are acoustic resonators possessing proper vibrations with fre-
quencies Ug and damping coefficients hg . The proper frequencies of
such a resonator are determined by its dimensions d and the velocity
of sound c :
a • ^=)
0^=1 %(^ ■ hj (4.68)
where \|; is a certain numerical coefficient. The value of the damp-
ing coefficient depends further on the viscosity of the air |j. and on
its thermal conductivity x (if the thermal conductivity of the walls
of the resonator is much greater than the thermal conductivity of the
air, then hg does not depend on it) . It may be said that, in the
presence of cavities in the body which are capable of resonance, the fre-
quencies that can be associated with the body depend not only on the
ratios v/d but also on the ratios c/d. The simplest examples of such
resonators will be, for example, pipes open at one or both ends, Helmholtz
resonators (in the form of bottles), and so on. All resonators of such
kind may easily be made to emit a sound in an air flow by blowing at
their mouths. This phenomenon may be on the most diverse scales, from
the whistling in the wind of a small cavity of a receiver microphone
(wind static) to the catastrophic excitation of the vibrations of an
open wind tunnel that may lead to the destruction of the tunnel and
buildings . The same phenomenon in the last war was applied by the
enemy in the so-called whistling bombs designed for psychological effect.
It finds application to other more suitable purposes in military matters.
Also, all musical wind instruments and sirens are essentially based on
the phenomenon of the excitation of vibrations by an air stream.
In all these cases there may be distinguished two mutually inter-
acting systems: the vortices arising in the flow about the body on the
one hand and the resonator on the other. The vortices do not, of course^
represent a rigid system and, strictly speaking, their action on the
resonator cannot be considered as the action of an external given force.
On the contrary, it is to be expected that the vibrations of the resona-
tor have themselves an effect on the formation of the vortices and on
their frequency and intensity so that the entire system must be considered
as self- vibrating nonlinear system, the state of which is described by
An open wind tunnel represents a resonator pipe with open ends and
curved like a torus. The flow which excites the vibrations is the flow
within the timnel itself, and vortex formation is obtained at the exit
of this stream in the working section. Interesting investigations of
the vibrations arising in such system have been conducted by S. P.
Strelkov (ref . 50 ).
138 NACA TM 1399
the velocity v and the damping coefficient of the resonator hg . From
considerations of dimensionality, the following formula may be written
for the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations in the resonator:
P = P — 10 j, the spectrum of
the vortex pseudosound may be very diffuse near the frequency equation
(5.1). The pressure of the pseudosound will be proportional to the
dynamic pressure:
P = PP -g- (5.2)
NACA TM 1399 1'^'^
where (3 is a numerical coefficient that depends on the shape of the
If the flow is unsteady, further pressure pulsations characteristic
of the flow are superposed on the pressure pulsations determined hy the
vortex formation. This pseudosound of the flow was partly considered
previously (section 24) . In this case it is necessary to distinguish
"between the pressure pulsations "brought about by the local change in
the velocity of the flow and the pressure pulsations associated with
the momentum transfer of the flow. This question was previously dis-
cussed in part (section 24), but now it will be considered in greater
detail. A simple example may serve to illustrate the pseudosound of
the flow. The receiver is assumed to have the shape of a sphere and
to be placed in a stream in the direction of the OZ-axis (fig. 48) .
The flow velocity V is assumed to pulsate periodically with the
frequency oj = 2jt/T: then
V = Vq + SV . cos cot (5.3)
The vortex formation is disregarded, and the flow is assumed to be
potential . The equation for the potential # is :
S^.^.^=0 (5.4)
Sx^ By2 hz^
The radial component of the velocity v^ = - S