3o Bulletin No. 30, New Series. U. S. DEPARTMKXT OF AGR-feFjLl DIVISION <>F ENTOMO " BUKJQ *2- SOME MTS( 'ELLAXEO 1 *s \{ ES I Lis WORK OF THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. V. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF L. O". HOWARD, >MO! OGIOT. WASHINGTON; GOVERN MKNT PRINTING OFFICE. n 1 DIVISION or ENTOMOLOGY* Entomologist: L. <>. Howard. First Assistant I'Jiitonioloyist: C. L. Marlatt. Assistant Entomologists: Th. Pergande, P. H. Chittenden, Nathan Banks. Iin-tstit/'ttors: E. A. Schuarz, D. \V. Coquilletti A/>inrian: Frank Benton. Assistants.- R. S. Clifton, V. C. Pratt. Aug. Busck, ott«> Heidemann, A. X. Caudell, .T. Kotinsky. Artist; Miss L, Sullivan. Bulletin No. 30, New Series. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, KVISInX OF ENTOMOLOGY SOME Mls( JELLANEOUS RESULTS WORK OF THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. V. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION <>F L. O. HOWARD, ENTOMOLOGIST. 5P ^^e f ■ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 90 1 . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL r. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Washington, D. ('.. July 25. 1901. Sir: T have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a bulletin which contains matter similar to that published in Bulletins 7, 10, 18, and '2'2 of the new scries, namely, miscellaneous articles and notes which are too short for separate publication, but which are of sufficient importance to render an early printing desirable. I recommend the publication of this manuscript as Bulletin No. 30, new series, of this Division. Respectfully. L. O. Howard. Entomologist. Hon. James Wilson. Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. The Differential Grasshopper in the Mississippi Delta — ( )ther Common Spbcebs I illustrated > If. A. Morgan . . 7 Some Insecticide Experiment- C. L. MarlatL.. 33 The Carriage < >f Disease by Flies i illustrated i ...L. 0. Howard. . 39 The Green Glover Worm i illustrated | F. H. Chittenden . . 45 Report Upon an Investigation of the Codling Moth in Idaho in 1900. ( '. B. Simpson . . 51 Insects and the Weather Dubing the Season of 1900 F. H. Chittenden. . 63 On the Habits of Entilia sinuata | illustrated i L. 0. Howard. . 75 Fumigation with Carbon Bisulphide IT". E. Hinds. . 78 General Notes 82 Iehneumonid Parasites of the Sugar-cane Borers in the Island of Reunion (p. 82); Insects from British Honduras p. 82 : Notes from the Philip- pines (p. 83 ) ; Miscellaneous Notes from Kansas | p. 84 i ; Unusual Injury by Cutting Ants in Texas (p. 85); Injurious Moths Attracted to Lights in Autumn p. 85 | : The Auguniois Grain Moth in Pennsylvania (p. 86); Use of Sulphur as a Remedy for the Indian-meal Moth (p. SS): Fuller's Rose Beetle in the Hawaiian Islands (p. 88); Singular Instances of Attack on Human Beings by Insects (p. 90); Efficiency of the Two- spotted Ladybird as a Plant-Louse Destroyer (p. 90); The Overflow Bug Again (p. 90); A Remedy for Flea-Beetles in California Vineyards (p. 91); Injury to Rustic Cedar Fences and Summerhouses by Borers (p. 91); Ineffectiveness of Kerosene Emulsion Against White Grubs (p. 92 i: A New Enemy of Figs in Mexico (p. 93); On the Food Habits of the Papabotte (p. 93); On the Insectivorous Habits of Squirrels (p. 94); Insect Injury to Binding Twine (p. 94); To Rid Cats of Fleas (p. 94 c A New Remedy Against Phylloxera (p. 95); A Note on the Glassy- Winged Sharpshooter (p. 95); On the Alleged Immunity of Redwood to Attack by Termites i p. 95); The Bran-Arsenic Mash Against Grasshoppers in Texas (p. 96); Termites in Mexico (p. 96); An Entomological Service in Mexico (p. 96). Notes from Correspondence 97 Remedies Against Ants ( p. 97) ; A Troublesome Ant (p. 97); Migration of the Western Willow Flea-beetle (p. 97) ; The Grapevine Fidia in Illi- nois i p. ^7 : Beetle> Occurring about Smelting Works (p. 97); A Snout- Beetle Injuring Guava in Porto Rico (p. 97); Reported Injury by the Oil Beetle, Meloe impressw Kirby (p. 98); Injury to Apple Leaves by the Caterpillar of Each a psenulata Clem. (p. 98); Injury by Lygua imritua Say (p. 98); The BoN-Elder Plant-Bug [LeptooorU trivittutus Say) in Iowa (p. 98); A European Plant-Louse Introduced in Massachusetts (p. 98). 5 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATBB. Page. Pl. I. Trees sprayed with crude petroleum and trees sprayed with lime, sul- phur, and salt wash 34 II. Plum tree sprayed with heavy lime wash 38 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1 . Meianoplw differerdialis 11 2. Meianoplus differentialis: ootheca or egg ease 12 3. Grasshopper eggs exposed by cultivation '. 15 4. Patterson tarred sheet 18 5. Hopperdozer 19 6. Trombidium loeustarum: female, newly hatched larva, egg, eggshells.. 22 7. Trombidium loeustarum: mature larva, pupa, male and female adult. . . 23 8. Mdcrobam unwohr: female, male antenna 23 9. Sarcophatfa sarracenese: larva, puparium, adult 24 10. Sarcophaga assidua: larva, puparium, adult 25 11. Euphororera claripennis: adult, puparium 25 12. Lucilia csesar 26 13. Schistocerca americana: adult 26 14. Sch istocerca obscura: adult 27 15. Schistocerca obscura: fifth stage 27 16. Didyophorus retlculatus: adult 28 1 7. Dictyophorus reticulatus: egg sac 29 1 8. Orchelimum agile: adult 30 19. Orchelimum agile: v«;g* of, in cotton stalk 30 20. Musoa domestuxu puparium, adult, larva 41 21 . Drosophila ampelophila: adult, puparium, larva 42 22. Homalomyia brevis: female, male, larva 43 23. Stomoxys calcitrans: adult, larva, puparium 43 24. Soatophaga (areata: male 44 25. Morellia micans: adult, puparium 44 26. PkUhypena BCabrcu moth, wings expanded and wings folded, larva, egg. 4(5 27. F.nt ilia sinuata: adult, nymph 76 28. Enittia sinuata: developmental stages 1 77 29. Ophion antanbarus: wings of s - 6 SOME MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS OF THE WORK OF THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. v. THE DIFFERENTIAL GRASSHOPPER IN THE MISSISSIPPI DELTA- OTHER COMMON SPECIES. By H. A. Morgan. INTRODUCTION. The differential grasshopper has been known to occur in the Upper Mississippi Valley for many years, but its appearance in devastating numbers as far south as the State of Mississippi is of recent date. In 1890 and 1891 crevasses occurred on the east side of the Mississippi River between Rolling Fork and Coahoma. Miss. Plantations in this delta region around Hampton Station, on the Riverside Division of the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad, were inundated, and for a few years following grasshoppers appeared in destructive numbers: "Lin- den.** " Glen Willow." and " Richland" plantations suffering the most. Though these attacks were more or less local and no urgent complaints were heard, the outbreak following an overflow of 1S9T was attended by more serious and widespread injury. The results of an investiga- tion of this latter outbreak, made during 1899 and 1900. are discussed in this article. In Bolivar County. Miss., is located the famous Dahomy property (19,000 acres), which is perhaps the largest cotton plantation in the South. Upon this property, about 1 mile east of the Yazoo and Mis- sissippi Valley Railroad, a basin consisting of about 300 acres exists. After the crevasse water of 1897 receded this basin remained flooded. The crevasses opening as late as the 28th and 30th of March and the water remaining upon the property for at least six weeks so delayed planting that no 'attempt was made to include the basin in the cultiva- tion of 1897. It became a forest of weeds and a most favorable feed- ing and breeding ground for so sturdy and prolific a species of grass- hopper as the differential. The spring of 1898 was favorable for early planting, and the basin, with the rest of the property, was ploughed. put iii a state of thorough cultivation, and planted. Early in June rows of cotton adjacent to the ditches draining this basin were damaged by grasshoppers, but little attention was paid to the particular species, as the area attacked was considered insignificant. Nothing was done to suppress this miniature outbreak or to avoid a repetition of it the following year, but the situation was no more threatening than that witnessed on neighboring plantations a few years previous. The vigor of the attack in 1899, spreading perhaps from different infesting areas for hundreds of miles, was unexpected, and no effort was made to check the young grasshoppers at the time when remedial measures are more or less effective. So little attention was paid to the grasshopper situation that the early molts had taken place and the nymphs had reached a considerable size before a condition almost equal to a plague was realized. The ravages upon Dahomy began in and around the basin and spread in a northwesterly direction until more than 5,000 acres of corn and cotton were involved. Mr. P. M. Harding, representing the owners of Dahomy, outlined in the following letter to the Hon. James Wilson. Secretary of Agri- culture, the gravity of the situation: Vicksbubg, Miss., July 6, 1899. Dear Sir: I sent you by express yesterday from Benoit, Miss., some specimens of corn and cotton stalks and other vegetation, together with a box of grasshoppers, for your examination, and in the hope that you may render us some immediate assist- ance in the matter of destroying the grasshoppers That are devouring our crops of cotton, corn, oats, millet, and pease. I beg to explain that I represent the Equitable Company of New York, which has recently acquired the large plantations formerly owned by the late Mr. James S. Richardson, including what is known as the Dahomy property in Bolivar County, Miss., which consists of about 19,000 acres of land, with between 9,000 and 10,000 acres in cultivation, and which is the largest cotton plantation in the South. It is on this property that the grasshoppers are doing the greatest damage, and unless their ravages are terminated by some means at a very early date 1 am satisfied they will entirely eat up the crops. The grasshoppers made their appearance on Dahomy early in the spring, feeding first on the vegetation along the sloughs, the edge of the timber, and on the ditch banks. I was on this property about three weeks ago, and found that while they were rapidly increasing in numbers they had done but little damage to the crops, eating a little young cotton at the end of the rows along the ditch banks, and here ami there we saw where they had cut some of the stalks of corn at the ends of the rows, and they were aboul that time beginning to feed on the oats. My managers have been reporting from time to time of their increase, but not until ten days ago di.l they report that they were going away from the ditch banks and completely Covering the fields. 1 have jusi returned from this property, ami beg to give you my observations con- cerning the damage done to the various crops, as follows: Cotton. -They have totally destroyed 300 acres. What I mean by totally destroy- ing this acreage is that they have eaten all of the foliage off of the stalks, killing the Btalk completely, ami on a large part of this 800 acres there is not a vestige of stalk left, the ground being as hare as when it was first broken up fm- planting. There are 2,000 acree more that they are working on now and have damaged 50 ••nt. They are eating the leaves and the forms or blooms, as well as the tender bark from off the stalks and limbs, causing the limits and stalks to shrivel np and die. and if they continue their work ten days longer they will have completely destroyed the cotton on these 2,000 acn On the remaining acreage in cotton, there being a total of something over 5,000 acres, they have not as yet done any great damage, but it all lies contiguous and there are grasshoppers on every acre of it. though not in sufficient quantities thus far to do much harm. Com crop. — There are 150 acres totally destroyed, by which 1 mean to say that the grasshoppers have eaten the tassel and the silk from around the ear completely, which means that under these circumstances the corn can not mature. They follow the silk down into the ear and eat out the tender cob; they have also eaten holes through the shucks, and clear through the cars of corn, and in addition are strip- ping the corn of the blade. In riding through a patch of 100 acres I found the grasshoppers on the staiks all the way from the ground to the top. as well as on the blades, and numbers of them on the tassels. I counted as many as 30 on the tassels and 15 on some of the blades, averaging probably 25 to 50 grass hoppers to each stalk. In addition to the corn that they have completely destroyed there are about 300 acres that they have partially destroyed, and there are some grasshoppers in smaller quantities in all of the balance, which balance has been damaged but little thus far. though if they continue their ravages to the same extent that they have been work- ing for the past two weeks they will ruin it all. Oais. — Our oat crops before we cut them were damaged fully 50 per cent. The grasshoppers ate the blade and then cut off the head, leaving the ground perfectly white in places. Millet. — The millet is literally alive with grasshoppers, but as it is very thick the damage does not seem to be so great, though if they continue their work they will doubtless ruin it. Sorghum. — While the sorghum patches are rilled with grasshoppers I can not see that they have done any great amount of damage; only here and there we found where the blades had been cut. In the foregoing I have tried to give you a thoroughly correct idea from my own personal observation of the damage done on this property. As far as I have been able to ascertain the grasshoppers have not done much damage south of the town of Benoit, which is in Bolivar County, though in the northern part of the county I am advised that they have eaten up whole crops as they are now doing on Dahomy. Mr. Charles Scott, of Rosedale. informs me that they are devouring his crops as well as other crops in his neighborhood. They are also to be found along the ditch banks on the plantations throughout Washington County, though they have thus far done but little injury to the crops there. I have written to the agricultural colleges in this State and Louisiana endeavoring to get them to send some one to look over the situation and devise some means for preventing further damage, if possible, as well as to put a stop to their ravages in future, but unfortunately the entomologists of both colleges are absent, one of them being in San Francisco and another at Cornell University. I now write to ask that you send some one to investigate the matter with a view of applying a remedy immediately, or instructing me what to do in order to save a part of our crops this year. Both colleges have sent me their formula? for preparing a mixture of poison, con- sisting of paris green with bran and molasses or sweetened water, and distributing it through the fields. We have carried out the directions and find that the s in hoppers eat the mixture voraciously, bul ii does not seem to kill them. We find a very few dead grasshoppers, but practically the mixture does them no harm. We bave 'lusted the grass and weeds in the ditches with the raw, unmixed paris green, where the <_rrassh< tppers were in great numbers, and upon examination next morning we would I'm. I a tew dead ones at the bottom of the ditch, but just as many living ones feeding on the grass as before we sprinkled it with paris green; hence it seems that this poison is not efficacious. I feel that the matter is one of greal importance t«> the cotton planters of this section, and I sincerely trust that you will send out one of your best men to Vicks- burg and I will take pleasure in going with him to this property and taking care of him while there, rendering every facility for destroying the pests. I am advised that in 1 S* * 7 the tirst was seen of the grasshoppers in this locality in any quantities, and that year they did hut little damage, eating some cotton or corn at the ends of the rows along the ditch banks. In 1898 they did more damage along the ditch hanks on this particular property, injuring probably one or two hundred acres of cotton. However, they did not destroy any of it outright, while this year they literally cover the larger part of the property, and in the foregoing letter I have endeavored to give a correct estimate of the damage done to date. It is not the same species that we have had with us all along, and we are disposed to fear that perhaps the grasshopper of the West or some other similar species is now visiting us. Very respectfully, 1*. M. Harding. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, I>. C. Mr. Harding's letter was referred to the Division of Entomology, and Dr. L. 0. Howard made the following reply: Ji-lv 11, 1899. Deak Sir: Your letter of the 6th instant, addressed to the honorable Secretary of Agriculture, duly received and referred to this Division for attention. I wish to acknowledge also the receipt of two large packages, one of corn and one of cotton, sent from Benoit, Miss. An examination shows that the grasshopper which is depre- dating SO seriously on cotton, corn, etc.. in Mississippi proves to he what is known as the differential locust (Melanoplus diffierentialis Thos.). This is a common native species <>f grasshopper, occurring every year throughout the Mississippi Valley. It feeds normally on grasses, such as timothy, alfalfa, and clover, as well as the native grasses, and is not especially an enemy of cereal crops or cotton. In Mississippi, however, it has been known t<> multiply excessively in lowlands and waste grass patches along ditches, and so forth, and to migrate from such situations into cotton fields and neighboring cornfields. This habit, therefore, is unusual and peculiar, and dependent on very favorable conditions, which have led to the unusual multi- plication "f the grasshopper. The habits of this species have been detailed in three »>! our bulletins relating to grasshoppers or locusts. 1 am sending you a copy of each of the three, namely, Nbs. 25, 27. and L'S, old series, giving habits of different Species of grasshoppers and the means of control. The differential locust is dis- cussed in Bulletin No. 25 on page :'»<>. in Bulletin No. 27 on pages 62 and 63, and in Bulletin No. 28 on pages L5 to 17. I refer you particularly to the advice as to reme- dies mentioned under this specie- in Bulletin X<>. '_'7. After the locusts have become winged, a- many of them are at present, it is impracticable to attempt any of the ordinary means of control, such as collecting with hopperdo/.ers or driving them into ditches, and so forth, and the only remedy is in the use of poisons. I do not believe the bran-arsenic mash to he practicable over the large areas infested, in view of the scattered condition of the locust. It will doubtless be of more or less avail. 11 but I am inclined to think that very heavy poisoning of all ^rrass along the ditches and elsewhere frequented in numbers by the grasshoppers, if accompanied with a dusting of the cotton plants by the poison, as practiced for the cotton-leaf worm, will be the more profitable and feasible course. It is difficult to advise in the absence of direct knowledge of conditions, and I am, therefore, in response to your request, which has been seconded by the Hon. T. C. Catchings, M. C, of Vicks- burg, Miss. , and the requests of several other correspondents, about to send one of my assistants, Mr. James 8. Hine, to make a personal investigation of the case and give such directions in regard to remedial work as, in his judgment, will be deemed most worth while after a personal investigation. Mr. Hine will proceed to Vicks- burg and call on you there. Yours, truly. L. (). Howard. Mr. P. M. Hakding, President Delta Trust mirf Banking Company, Vicksburg, Miss. As the differential locust matures as early as June '2d in the latitude of the section infested, nearly all of the grasshoppers had reached the adult condition by the time Mr. Hine arrived at Dahomy. and little if anything could be accomplished, save to carefully investigate the con- ditions likely to precipitate such an outbreak, and to recommend measures looking to the suppression of a similar or even more exten- sive occurrence of these locusts the following year. In the fall of 1899, the writer, fearing the spread of this destructive Fig. 1. — Melnnoplus difft rentialis — natural size fatter Riley . locust into the Mississippi Valley of Louisiana, began, through the assistance of Mr, Harding, an investigation of the Mississippi situa- tion. Specimens of eggs sent from Dahomy were placed in breeding cages and in the spring of 1900 some of the habits and the life history of the differential and other species were observed. During the win- ter, as the managers of Dahomy were following out the instructions given by Dr. Howard and Mr. Hine. to have the infested fields plowed and thoroughly cultivated, additional eggs were secured in sections of soil, thus augmenting our breeding-cage operations and making it possible to anticipate by cage data the development and habits of the grasshoppers in the field. LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS OF MELANOPLUS DIFFERENTIALS. The following observations were made in the fall and winter of 1899 and during 1900 in breeding cages of the laboratory of the Louisiana State University, and in the fields upon and in the vicinity of Dahomy plantation, Bolivar County « Miss. 12 Eggs. Eggs are deposited in masses (oothecae), see fig. 2, just below the surface of the ground. They arc arranged irregularly in the egg sac, are small, light colored, and contrast strongly with the large, eon- spicuously ivd Qgga of Schistocerca obscura, so often found associated with those of the differential. The period of egg-Jaying depends upon the time the females reach maturity: even those hatching at the same time may vary in maturing as much as twelve days or two weeks. It was found that eggs may be deposited from , July 20 to October 1, and by stragglers even later. The bulk of oviposition, however, takes place between August LOand September L5. Single females separated to determine the number of egg-pods deposited indicate in most cases that but a single batch of egg^ is laid. The number of eggs in each sac ranged from 1<»:5 to L32. Mating was observed to generally take place twice at an interval of from ten to twelve days; the female oviposit- ing from three to live days after the second copulation. Egg-laying areas. -Places selected for depositing eggs are more or less local, and a knowledge of them is interesting and important, as they offer most excellent means of effecting remedies. The account, given above, of the basin of 800 acres which had become hard after flood- ing, and the spread of the grasshoppers from this region into cultivated fields suggests that any such territory is perhaps the most favor- able egg-laying area; other places were found equally attractive during 1899. Ditch and bay- ou banks, plantation roads, the railroad right of way, upon levees, Indian mounds (common fig. 2.-ootheca or egg case of in the delta), around stumps and logs, and even Mdanoplus differentiate (origi- j n r j 1(1 i 0ffS :lt the end of corn and cotton rows nal i. . (the turn rows), in lanes, and Bermuda pastures were all found plugged with egg-pods. Just at the edges of sloughs and on the turn rows are thought by the managers to be the most common egg-laying places, but the opportunity for witnessing the females ovipositing eggs in these regions is much better than in the less-frequented waste and sodded areas, and thus we may account for the prevalence of this belief. Some females were seen depositing eggs far out in cultivated fields, but such cases were not common, and even then the harder spots near the basis of a cotton plant were selected. It was not unusual to find the ego-pods of three or even four species of grasshoppers side by side. In fact, it was due to the conspicuous col- onizing of the eggs of Schistocerca obscura that many of the egg-laying areas of differentialis were discovered. Young and adults. Eggs remaining in tin 1 soil over winter begin hatching a- early a- April L5, but the majority of young emerge between May I and May 20. Eggs exposed upon the surface of the 13 ground hatch during warm spells of early spring, but those normally placed seldom hatch until continuous warm weather prevails. Those in the upper portion of the pods or egg sacs hatch first, sometimes many days in advance of those in the lower part: the species is thus protected from complete annihilation should an unexpected severe cold spell intervene between the first and second hatching. The average life cycle of the differential locust as determined in the breeding cages is as follow-: Grasshoppers emerging from eggs on April 20, 1900, molted tive times before reaching the full-grown or adult condition. The first molt took place May 7. the second May 22, the third June 2. the fourth June 13, and the last June '21. The first mating was observed July 19, the second July 28; the females deposited eggs August 3, and were dead by August 17. The entire period, minus the time required for incubation, was one hundred and nineteen days. The young on first emerging from the egg- are sordid white and after an airing of an hour or two are darker, assuming a color not unlike the dark gray alluvial soil over which they feed. There are changes of color as the earlier transformation- (stages) arc assumed, but until the close of the third stage these changes are not readily perceptible in the held to the naked eye. At the close of stage four the greenish-yellow color becomes prominent on many forms, and in stage live the greenish- yellow and yellow ground colors predominate. The vigorous feeding and rapid growth of the young in stages four and tive. and the promi- nence of the wing pads in stage tive. cause the grasshoppers in these conditions to appear almost as conspicuous as adult-. The habits of the young are interesting, and a knowledge of some of them may be helpful in developing remedies. After hatching they remain for several hours in close proximity to the egg-pod from which they emerged. With this period of faint-heartedness over they may venture out for a few yards each day into the grass, weeds. or crop neighboring the egg area. Upon being disturbed they inva- riably make the effort to hop in the direction of their so-called nest. Nymphs emerging from egg< upon a ditch bank, if forced into the water will seldom make the effort to reach the other side but will turn in the water and swim back to the bank from which they were driven. A- development takes place the extent of their peregrina- tions into the crop is easily traced by the shot-hole appearance of the leaves upon which they feed. The tender leaves of cockle- bur are alway> preferred by the grasshoppers in the early stages. Young Bermuda grass i- also a favorite food, and succulent grasses of all kinds are freely eaten. In the third, fourth, and fifth -tag*-. as grass, weeds, and even young shrubs disappear along the ditch bank- and bayou-, the crop- of corn and cotton adjacent begin to 14 show signs of vigorous attack, and the march of destruction com- mences. The rather rare occurrence of more grasshoppers, even in the adult condition, upon and near the ditch banks seems to be explained in the commingled instinct of the young to hunt the retire- ment and seclusion of the nesting or egg-laying areas, and of the adult to seek, and survey beforehand, suitable places for oviposition. A few hours before molting the grasshoppers tend to congregate and become sluggish. Ecdysis (molting) varies as to time, and slightly as to manner, with different stages. In the early stadia less time is required, and the operation takes place upon the ground or upon low bunches of grass and weeds. Every effort of the grasshoppers at this time seems to be to avoid conspicuity, and in doing so spare them- selves, in a manner, enmity of parasites. After molting of the first, second, and third stages it is not long before the young grasshoppers are sufficiently hardened to again begin feeding, but often the molt of the fourth and fifth stages, particularly the last molt, some time is required to extend the wings and dry and harden the body before feeding is resumed. The last molt usually occurs upon the upper and well-exposed leaves of corn and other plants upon which they may be feeding, though it is not uncommon for the grasshoppers to drop to the ground during the maneuvers of the process. The reason for the selection of the more exposed places for tin 1 last molt is obvious. The bodies are large, and rapid drying protects them from fungous diseases which lurk in the more shaded and moist sections during the months of June and July. The last prominent habit to which we call attention is that of the fully grown grasshoppers to seek the shade offered by the growing plants disseminate among the developing grasshoppers a disease COtnmonh known as "the South African fungus," 15 OuUivatian. — Three methods were used to determine the efficacy of the method of destroying eggs. Conditions were produced in breed- ing cages as nearly as possible like those existing m the fields. Eggs were collected in the fields a few weeks after cultivation had occurred, and lastly careful observations were made in fields cultivated before planting and those that were not. While none of these methods, taken separately, would give exact experimental proof, yet when the results of all three are considered, the estimate may be regarded as approximate. Breeding cages showed that after egg areas had been broken, as represented in fig. 3, and the eggs exposed to rain, frost, and sunshine for two months, that over 80 per cent failed to hatch. We failed to determine the influence of frost alone upon exposed eggs, but young Fig. 3. — Grasshopper eggs exposed by cultivation (drawings from a photograph). grasshoppers which had been hatched artificallv. when subjected, March 15. 1900, to a temperature of 3'2 F., all died. Of several hundred eggs collected on February 15 from fields which had been plowed in December. 1899, and the eggs kept from further exposure, only 30 per cent hatched and most of these came from egg pods which happened not to be thoroughly broken. From field observations where favorable contrast could be made in egg areas cultivated and those left undisturbed the evidence in favor of cultivating is. to say the least, very conclusive. Mr. G. G. James, of Mound Landing. Miss., states, in a letter dated March 14. 1900: "While dragging a plow along a wagon road on March 12, the point dug up a few clusters of grasshopper eggs, and after finding these I had the entire road plowed up, and to my astonishment I found quan- tities of eggs its entire length. In a certain part, a space of about 20 L6 feet long and 6 feet wide, there was almost a solid mat of nests." We were informed by Mr. .lames early in May that upon this roadbed, which had been thoroughly cultivated even as late as March 12, few of the eggs hatched, and this single experience convinced him of the value of winter cultivation. In the Delta, as far south as the State of Mississippi, warm, summer-like spells of weather often occur in winter, and fertile e<>n e$g-beds at the time of hatching. — One or two seasons' experience with grasshoppers greatly quickens the pow- ers of observation, and- egg-beds not discovered in the fall and winter may be detected the first week in May by the presence of the young grasshoppers. Upon Dahomy spray pumps were kept actively at work upon egg areas, spraying each with 12 per cent coal-oil emulsion at least once a day. It of ten happened that as many young grasshoppers were in evidence the day following each application, but careful obser- vation soon revealed the fact that only those hatching after the emul- sion had been applied survived, and those were killed by the next spraying. While the emulsion spray was found expensive when com- pared with that of cultivation, yet in the face of such conditions as prevailed in the Mississippi Delta its effectiveness many times out- weighed the expense. Applications of coal tar were not made to the ego-beds, but there is every reason to believe that this substance would also have proven useful. The use of coal tar in the hopperdozer and upon the 1 drag sheets certainly warrant a trial of it upon egg areas. Spraying ditches. The experience in spraying ditch banks soon developed the cheaper and perhaps more effective method of destroy- ing young grasshoppers, that of damming water in the ditches and covering the surface with coal oil or coal-oil emulsion. Before and after rains the ditches were dammed and the water covered with a L2 percent coal-oil emulsion. The young grasshoppers were then driven into the ditches, with the result that very few. if any. escaped. In this way a single application of oil would last several days, as many million- may easily float upon the water of a ditch not more than '2 fret wide. Unless the grasshoppers are scattered too far from the ditch banks no difficulty is experienced in getting them to move in 'he 17 direction of the oiled water or. account of the "homing" instinct above mentioned. Young grasshoppers will not drive more than from 1(> to 2i) feet before taking what is commonly termed by the plantation managers "the sulks/' when they cease hopping and show an aggra- vating indifference to the brush of the switches used in driving them. The necessity of early learning the location of the egg-beds and the time of hatching is obvious if the ditch method be practiced. Tpon river plantations many open ditches are indispensable, and when rains are sufficient to keep them tilled or partly tilled with water they serve a most excellent purpose in the destruction of young grass- hoppers. During the grasshopper campaign of 1900 over 225 barrels of coal oil were used upon Dahomv and not a little of this quantity was placed upon the water of the ditches of the plantation in the form of emulsions. At the height of the season as .many as 50 miles of ditches were oiled, and the number of young grasshoppers killed may be roughly estimated when we state that the surface of the waiter for this distance was completely covered. After the water evaporated the stench from decaying grasshoppers was very perceptible, and had it not been for the satisfaction of knowing that millions had been slain the stench, no doubt, would have been objectionable. Mr. Robert Glenk, a member of the experiment station staff of Louisiana, spent two weeks in the tield in charge of the grasshopper work, and in his report to Mr. Harding, dated Ma} T 31, 1900, says: Sunday afternoon brought up a heavy rain and filled many of the ditches with standing water. We had oiled the surface of the water and made a combined attack upon the insects, which has resulted in their wholesale destruction. We are using gangs of men and are making a systematic drive to the ditches. One hitch occurred in the use of the emulsion. In driving the tank wagon over rough ground the emulsion became so thoroughly churned that the oil separated and floated to the top. This condition, however, was soon revealed by the effectiveness of the spray. The use of the pump, which mechanically mixes the oil and water, should obviate this difficulty. Ta/rred sheets and Jvopperdozers. — The operation of the ordinaiy hopperdozer may be considered an easy matter in meadows, pastures, and over crops planted upon the level, but one has to experience once the trouble of working a hopperdozer in alluvial sections where the high ridging of the land prevails to realize that the ordinary use of the hopperdozer is impracticable. To construct one of these imple- ments suitable to alluvial conditions will require further experience and trial. During the efforts with the hopperdozer Mr. C. D. Patter- son, general manager of Dahomv, improvised a tarred sheet similar to . 4<>70— No. 30— 01 2 18 that illustrated in fig. 4. It consists of six attached strips of osnaburg «; feet long, with light polos attached to the ends. The sheet was kept moist with coal tar and was dragged by a mule along all the ditch hanks and even down in the ditches where this was possible. Several of these sheets were made and kept actively at work while the grass- hoppers were young, and great numbers of the insects were thus collected. While these sheets possess the merit of not breaking the young corn and cotton and of catching myriads of the grasshoppers, it is to he regretted that they soon wore out when dragged over culti- tivated areas. The hopperdozer, which was finally constructed and which possessed ill TPir LP" 'l' lll'l!' ririi i 1» 1 ! 1 1 Mil! li'l 1 1 i j ' i i 1 I 'Mi- ll ijljHb 1 1 r ' ii 1 j ll !* I l II it f Ilk Vf ML i C . <> ■ Fig. 4.— Patterson tarred sheet.: a, strip of wood supporting sheet; b, strip of osnaburg; c, guide rope; (1, hitch rope (original). much merit when run diagonal^ over the rows of cotton and corn, consisted of three runners 3 inches high and 2 feet long, a pan of cor- rugated or sheet iron, and a back of osnaburg. (See fig. 5.) Two more contrivances for catching young grasshoppers are to be recommended. These are of value during dry weather when it is impossible to hold the rain water in the ditches, or to till them from the river or neighboring bayous by irrigating pumps. One is a hop- perdozer sufficiently narrow to run in plantation ditches and light enough to be handled by a man upon the sloping ditch banks. They will prove serviceable, too. upon limited egg areas when the young are emerging. The other is a tarred strip of osnaburg just as long as 19 can be conveniently handled in the bottoms of dry ditches. A strip 30 or 40 feet long- will suffice. After this is stretched in the bottom of the ditch the grasshoppers are driven from the sheet just as they are driven into oiled ditches, and as soon as the distance of the length of the strip is cleared the canvas is hauled forward and the drive again made. This continued, the ditch banks may be as effectively cleaned in dry weather as when the ditches are tilled with water. The bran-arsenic mash. — The experience of Mr. Harding in 1899 (see his letter July. 1899) rather discouraged an extended effort with Fig. -Hopperdozer A, osnaburg hack; B, pan; C, wooden ends of pan; D, runners: E. F. G, supports (original). this bait. Mr. Glenk, however, ventured a number of trials with the mash and writes of it as follows: I placed the arsenic mash in many plares with moderate success. Found a few dead grasshoppers on the leaves and around the mash. The rain, however, inter- rupted my experiments. The mash can not be relied upon in severe outbreaks, such as occurred in the delta, but may be used in limited attacks where the area affected would not warrant the more aggressive methods. The South African fungus. — On May 21 the following letter was received from Dr. L. O. Howard, inclosing Mr. Edingtoms directions for the culture and spread of the fungus, which are also herein given: May 22, 1900. Dear Professor Morgan: In response to your letter I am sending you six of the tubes of the South African locust fungus, together with a duplicate of a letter which I have just sent to Mr. Harding, at Benoit. I think it will be advisable for you to grow the fungus in the laboratory. Mr. Edington, director of the Bacteriological Institute, writes me that it is best grown on saccharinated agar-agar, which is very faintly acid in reaction. I hope you will report results. The South African circular of instructions is inclosed. Yours, very truly, L. O. Howard. Prof. H. A. Morgan, Baton Rouge, La. 20 | Enclosure.] L'KTST DISEASE I'CM.rs. Small tubes containing this fungus arc prepared at this institute and supplied to all applicants, who may also obtain them by application through the civil commis- sioner of their division. The methods mentioned below should be followed, and the result carefully watched and reported to me. Highly satisfactory results have hitherto been obtained, and it is particularly requested that all persons using the fungus will report the result of their experi- ments to this institute. During dry weather it is difficult to gel the disease to spread, and hence it is advis- able to use it in moist or wet weather, and to make the infection of the swarms just before sunset. DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING THE FUNGUS PREVIOU8 TO 1SK. < )pen a tube and take out the contents entire; add to it two teaspoonfuls of sugar, and rub the whole together with a spoon or flat knife, so as to break up the material and mix it thoroughly. Then dissolve this in three-fourths of a tumblerful of water, which has previously been boiled and allowed to cool. Float in this a few pieces of cork, which have been previously steeped in boiling water and cooled. Now cover the tumbler with a piece of paper, and let it stand during the day in a warm corner of the house or until the fungus is seen to be growing around the pieces of cork. METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION. (1) Catch some locusts, and, after dipping them into the fungus, let them go into the swarm again. (2) Smear patches of damp ground, where the locusts alight to feed, with the fungus. (3) Confine some locusts in a box which contains some favorite food moistened with the fungus, and, after the food has been eaten, return the locusts to the swarm. (4) Collect a large number of locusts which have died from the fungus. Dig a hole in the ground about IS inches deep and 1 foot wide. Strew some locusts over the bottom, then sprinkle some water over them. Repeat with locusts and again sprinkle until the hole is full. Do not press the locusts into the hole, but leave them lightly packed. Then cover over with a piece of tin or board and keep the hole thus carefully covered for four or five days. If very warm weather, four days will be sufficient, but if colder a longer time will be required. At the end of this time remove 1 the locusts and spread them out in the sun for an hour or two, or until thoroughly dry. Now grind them into a meal. Of this meal, which may be kept dry for a long time until wanted, take two table- spoonfuls and add it to a large tumblerful of water, into which some sugar has been placed. Leave this in a warm place for twelve to forty-eight hours, and then treat live locusts by dipping, etc., just as one does in using the fungus when supplied in tubes. METHOD OF APPLICATION FOB VOETGANGERS. Take about 1 pound of white bread; dry it, and then grate it down into coarse powder. Put a cupful into a bowl and add enough water to make a watery paste. Add to this the contents of one tube of fungus, and keep it in a warm place until the fungus is seen to be growing over it. Now place small portions where the voetgang- ers are appearing, and take care to see that where not eaten up the small portions are kept moist from day to day until they have been eaten. ALEXANDER EDINGTON, M. B., I>ir< <■/<>/■ Bacteriological Institute, Grahamstowu, February 19, L899. These tubes, too-other with six more sent directly to Mr. Harding at Benoit, Miss., were with instructions turned over to Mr. Glenk, and on May 31, L900, Mr. Glenk made the following report to Mr. Harding: The South African fungus came duly to hand. I immediately began its propaga- tion in the manner directed, and steeped the grasshoppers and their favorite food 21 (cocklebur) in the liquid and tVe noticed in a few weeks are looked forward to with much interest. In a letter to the writer dated June 5, 1900, Mr. (ilenk states: I have had hetter success with the fungus than when you were here. I made an incubator out of some boxes and used my lamp for keeping an even temperature. The fungus grows well in a warm, moist atmosphere. I dissolved the nutrient agar- agar in two of the tubes, in hot water, mixed with it the sugar solution, added the fungus film, stirred well to distribute the spores, and poured the solution upon the lea\ > j > and moist earth. Dead grasshoppers were found in both of my infection boxes in a few days. I used up all the tubes received from Dr. Howard and made up enough liquid for all the managers. We put out a dilute solution of the fungus over several badly infested areas and spread it upon the grasshoppers, and the leaves of corn and cotton in many parts of Dahomy. The month of June was very propitious for the spread of disease among grasshoppers. Rains began the latter part of May. and during June 9.29 inches fell at Greenville. Miss.. 4<> miles south of Dahomy. the nearest point where meteorological records are kept. On July 18, L900, the writer received the following from Mr. C D. Patterson, general manager of Dahomy: By request of Mr. P. M. Harding 1 am sending you by mail to-day .some dead grasshopper-, which we rind attached to weeds on ditches and bayou banks. We also find a few on cotton. Mr. Ike Edwards (manager of Matthews place i tells me that he has found as many as six dead grasshoppers upon one stalk of cotton. The dead grasshoppers I am sending you were gotten on Glass place. Early in August a visit was made to Dahomy. with a view of making some observations upon the spread of this fungus, and it was found that over the areas where the liquid infection was spread by Mr. Glenk diseased hoppers were abundant. As many as a dozen dead grasshop- pers could be found upon a single plant, and some upon nearly every weed on ditch banks where grasshoppers were numerous. From the centers of infection great areas had become inoculated, spreading even beyond the plantations first infected. While a local fungus {Empusa grylli) was in evidence throughout the delta, the general spread of the imported fungus upon Dahomy indicates a thorough infection of this property with the South African fungus. The spread of the disease i- similar to that reported from Colorado, where. Dr. Howard informs me. the disease has also done effective work. Associated with the differential locust in the same tracts of land were numbers of a much larger locust, the Schistocerca obscura, as well as many of the local species of grasshoppers found throughout the delta any season. Of all the specimens sent to the laboratory and of all those observed in the fields none were found to succumb to the fungus but the differential. 22 M 'is,-, 11 a ,,, mts experiments. The habit of the differential to remain along sloughs, ditch hanks, etc., suggested the scattering of lime, acid phosphate, kainit. and other substances to check the inarch of the grasshoppers out into the crops; but, as none of these materials proved of any value, a continuation of this line of work was early abandoned. We found it advisable not to destroy cocklehurs growing in the vicinity of the egg areas, as this plant is the favorite food of young grasshoppers and serves to congregate them, which not only renders more available effective remedies, but also preserves the stand of corn and cotton in these localities. Where it is possible, we also recom- mend delaying the cutting out of the crops to a stand until the young hoppers have been destroyed by some or all of the remedies stated above. NATURAL ENEMIES. Aside from the very timely rainfall during the latter part of May and in June, there were many predatory and parasitic enemies found common to the differential locust in the Mississippi Delta. Pig. S.—Trombidium locuatarum : and 7), which occurs throughout the United States and Canada was in evidence in the Mississippi Delta. The full-grown mites, as well as bunches of the small red-colored eggs, were commonly seen during the cultivation of the land in April and May. While most abundant in tin 1 vicinity of the egg- beds, it was not uncommon to find them anywhere over the entire plantation. Many were placed in breeding cages where quan- tities of eggs of ditj', r, nl 'ml is and of other species were kept, but we were disappointed somewhat in not finding them more ravenous feeders upon grasshopper eggs. From the statements of other observ- 23 ers of their beneficial attack upon eggs it may be that our cage con- ditions were not suitable for aggressive work of this mite. The numbers to be found were very assuring and this mite must be recog- nized as an important enemy to grasshoppers. The larva* of a species of Carabid beetle, which we were unable to cedipodce Ashm. While the former species appeared earlier than the latter, both continued to emerge as adults irregularly from May 1 until the latter part of June. They were found to come in the majority of cases from the eggs of the lower end of the pod, and in a few instances this was found the case even where grasshoppers were coming from the upper ends. As a rule not all of the eggs of the pods are parasitized, and the inference is that the habit of the parasites to attack the deeper placed eggs is to so retard the development of the offspring as to guarantee food for the broods that Fig. 8. — llacvobasis unicolor: Fe- male beetle at right, twice nat- ural size; male antenna at left, greatly enlarged (from Chitten- den). 24 follow. A.8 the eggs of the differential are not deposited before August L5, the appearance of the parasites long after the young grasshoppers emerge suggests that, were they to appear earlier, the species would perish for lack of food. Those reaching the adult as early as June find food In the eggs of species of grasshoppers which deposit their eggs in the spring as Sch/i&tocerca americana, or in those of double brooded species, as Chortophaga viridifasciata. Parasites of nymphs and adults.- -As the fight against the grasshop- pers progressed it was thought of interest to determine, as far as possible, all of the natural agencies at work, that with a fuller knowl- edge of these we might better know how to direct the expensive and time-consuming artificial measures, or knowing more accurately nature's rigid methods of establishing equilibration among the beings Fk;. V.—Sarcophaga sarracenise: Larva at right; adult in center; pupariumat left— enlarged (from Howard |. in her charge we might assist and encourage her with less expense and more profit than carry out our own. From time to time hundreds of grasshoppers were collected and con- tined to cages where each day quantities of fresh food were given them. As the later stages of the grasshoppers were reached maggots were noticed emerging from the conjunctiva 1 (sutures) of the abdomino-tho- rax and head. None, however, appeared until after the specimens had died, either from the conditions of confinement or from the attack of the parasites. As the collections were made 1 after the "South African fungus" had been spread, many of the specimens were attacked by the parasitic flies and the fungus as well. Just to what extent the attack of the fungus encouraged the attack of the flies we were unable to determine. 25 Of the parasites bred most of them are peculiarly orthopterous ene- mies belonging to the genus Sarcpphaga. Of the flies reared there were six Sarcophagids, two Taehinids. and one Muscid. The identifica- tions were made by Mr. Coquillett and are as follows: Sarcophaga %ar- raceneoB Riley (fig. 9), S. assidtta Walker (fig. 1<>). S. sp. near mcerta Fig. 10.— Sarcophaga aeaidua: Puparium at left; adult in middle, with enlarged antenna: larva with enlarged -parts at right— enlarged i from Howard j. Walker. S. sp. near eimbicis Towns.. S. TiwnXeri Hough. ETdicobia hdids Towns., Euphorocera darvpennis Macq. (tig. 11). Acem.yia den- tata Coq.. Lucilia ccB»ar Linn. (fig. 12). Of the above species Hdicobia hdids Towns, was the commonest fly bred. By isolating specimens of the differential locust, in order to derive information relative to its life history, a part of the life history of Hdico- h'm hdids was incidentally reached. May 26. 1900. a specimen of grasshopper of the third stage was placed in cage. The last three molts were successfully accom- plished and a few days after this female — for the speci- men proved to be a fe- male — had reached maturity a male was given her. Mat- ing took place twice and a single pod of 132 eggs was deposited. August 16, 1'.*' K), the female died and was placed in a separate tube cage for further examination. During the period between August 28 and September 1 six maggots of Hdicobia Jul ids emerged from the body of this grass- hopper. Within forty-eight hours all had entered the puparia. and on September 17 the last of the flies appeared. From the above Fig. 11. — Eupkoraeero cuiriptuitm: Adult with enlarged antenna and with empty puparium at right — enlarged (irom Howard). 26 observation it is evident that the eggs (or maggots) of the parasite were placed upon the host (this grasshopper) previous to the third molt, and that the larval lit\> of the parasite is {it least as long as from May 26 to August 28, or a period of ninety-five days. It is astonish- ing that all of the natural functions of grasshoppers went on during this remarkable period of parasitic attack. . I ii-i t<> what extent the parasitic flics lessened the number of grasshoppers it is difficult to say owing to the prevalence of fungous diseases. Numbers of dying speci- mens were examined, and the vis- cera of those specimens infested with the fungus was much more disinte- grated than those attacked by mag- gots, yet. as many of the grasshop- pers were common hosts of disease and maggots, it was impossible to ar- rive at any very definite conclusion. Little information could be gotten from examination of the dead grass- hoppers in the field as numerous ants soon deprived the hoppers of viscera or parts of viscera left by the maggots. ' From the puparia of Hdicdbia hdids two secondary parasites were reared. One of these. Aphcsrreta pall f >ipes Say. was bred August 3, the other. Perilamjyw cyanem Brulle*. The young of the locust mite was found to do effective work as parasites upon the wing pads and wings of grasshoppers. Upon the Fiu. Vl.— Lncilhi cassar— enlarged (from Howard . !•!<.. l&.—ijctustocerca americana; Adult (from Boward). majority of those collected in the fifth and last stages young mites \\ ere common guests. Blackbirds and turkeys were observed to feed upon grasshoppers in all stages, and upon some plantations turkeys were purchased and Liberated in infested fields. The exact information is not at hand as to the real merit of turkeys, but a common belief prevails that they may be made to serve a very practical purpose in grasshopper out breaks. OTHEK GRA88HOPPEB8 MORE <>K LE8S INJURIOUS IN DELTA. These belong to the families Acrididse and Locustitfse. Schistoceroa americana and Schistocerca obscura were the most common of the former family. Schistocerca americana or bird grasshopper (see fig. 13). This species is single brooded, deposits eggs in the spring, and hibernates in the adult condition. Specimen- collected early in May -ited eggs May 15. In the held the egg-laying place- are usually Fk.. 14.— The full-grown - WHMfU •ri^rinal Bermuda-covered spots and waste area-. Eggs hatch about .Tune 15, and the young molt six times (June 23, .Tune 29, July 5, July 11, July 20, and August 5) before reaching- the adult condition. In the delta the grasshopper attracts considerable attention owing to its size and bird-like appearance when in flight, yet it has never appeared in threat- ening number-. Mr. C. D. Patterson, commenting upon the habits of this species, stated that during the clearing up of the waste lands in winter, as the Hies ascended the tall tree.-, these large grasshoppers would fly out from the upper limbs in great numbers. Just how they found shelter among the higher branches of tn unknown. We found it diffi- cult t<> carry the bird grass- i *.i_ i_ Ai. • Fig. 15.— The fifths! risinal). hopper through the winter in captivity, and only succeeded in keeping specimens alive until Febru- ary '1. In the rield<. however, a few specimen- have been collected from January until the last of May. No parasites were bred from those captured and no special remedial efforts were directed against this species. The egg area- were found, however, and cultivation and the use of coal oil will no doubt prove effective. s - i obscura. — (See figs. 14 and 15. ) This specie- in size and shape is not unlike the bird grasshopper. Attention was first called to it in the egg condition. The large brick-red colored egg^ are t«» be found associated with those of Mdarwplus, differentialis. A few 28 egg sacs were isolated and during the latter part of May the young grasshoppers made their appearance. In the first and second stages they are pea gree*n, but in the third stage changes in the ground color occur. Some remain green, while equally as many become brown. The bod\ and appendicular markings of the two color varieties remain the same. This locust hibernates in the egg condition, though the eggs are deposited miieli later than are those of differ entialis. Adults placed in the breeding cages on October 15 deposited eggs November 2. Five molts occur before maturity is reached. Young emerging from the eggs on May 28, L900, molted June LO, dune L9, June 29, July 8, and July 28. Adults in confinement are shy and soon die in captivity. In destructiveness to crops of the Mississippi Delta this species stands next to differentialis. It readily attracts attention by its size, color, and vigorous flight. Notwithstanding its prevalence, not a single specimen was found attacked by parasitic flies or by the South African fungus. Scelio hyalinipennis Ashm. was bred from the eggs, as was Scdio oedipoda Ashm. Fig. L6. — The large blaek grasshopper Dictyophorus reticulatus (original . The ego- beds of tliis species being similar in position to those of the Melanophis differentialis the remedial measures recommended for differentialis will prove effectual for this. Dictyophorus reticulatus. — (See tig. L6.) This large black species is a short-winged form, is only locally distributed and may occur only in spots, even upon a small plantation. It is a voracious feeder, pre- ferring the coarser grasses and sedges of swam]) areas. Its wander- ing into cultivated crops is only occasional, and hence this locust does not att pact much attention. The eggs are deposited in sodded areas all during the month of August (see tig. of egg pod; tig. IT). Kn September 1"» females are rare, not more than 10 per cent of hundreds collected at this t ime were females. This is just the oppo- site of the observations upon differentialis. Males usually die a few days in advance of females. Eggs of Dictyophorus hatch as early as April 20. A.s is usual with most Aeridids five molts occur in the 99 process of development, the last one occurring from June 25 to July 1. The mating season begins in from fifteen to twenty days after maturity. and in as many more the oviposition season begins. From the local distribution of this locust, as well as its large size, conspicuous coloring, and lubberly movements, no trouble is experi- enced in destroying it. The bran arsenic mash had been used upon this locust with good effect. Locating the eggs and exposing them by winter tillage is the most practical remedy. In very local outbreaks the net has been used to collect both nymphs and adults. A species of Sarcophagida? has been found a common parasite of this grasshopper. Dissostdra Carolina. — The Carolina locust eggs resemble very much in size and form those of the Schistocerca obsoura after the coloring from the latter has been removed by alcohol. .(This coloring of the eggs of obscura resembles in its reactions the color extract from the petals of red roses.) The eggs are laid in the same areas as differ- entialis and obscura. The preferred food of the young we were unable to determine, and hence were unsuccessful in the effort to determine the life history of this locust. Grasshop- pers of all species are difficult to rear in cages, and this one we found no exception. The young would con- gregate upon the window side of the cage, and would there remain until starved to death. Cockle-burs, which were readily eaten by other species, were only occasion- ally nibbled. This locust did not appear in destructive numbers and is given consideration only because the eggs and young are frequently confounded with those of the differential. From field observations the period of development of the Carolina locust is about equal to that of the differential, though mating and egg-laying is later. Chortophaga viridifasciata. — This species is widely distributed through the South, and though it appears in the Mississippi Delta in unusual numbers for this species, the damage done was not appreciable. It is here considered for two reasons: First, the young appear early in the spring and have been frequently mis- taken by planters for the differential. The young of the first brood appears as early as the middle and last of March. It is double brooded, and receives a second consideration because the eggs act as food for differential egg parasites which appear earlier than August 15 and September 1. The first brood matures about May 15 and the last from October 1 to 18. As hibernation is passed in the egg condition, fall and early winter cultivation will prove destructive to the eggs. fifelanoplw nil a his and CJdoealtis viridiz were also found upon Da- homy, but not in sufficient numbers to warrant any alarm. Specimens of attorns were received from the alfalfa sections of the Red River Fig. 17.— Egg sac of DictyophorusrecHe- ulattts (original). 30 Pio. 18.- Field locu8l [Orchdimum agilt ((original Valley in Louisiana, and were reported by Mr. George \V. Arnold, of Vanceville, La., as injuring alfalfa. No opportunity was presented for a study of its life history and habits. Field locusts. In August, Sep- tember, and October from among the coarse ditch grasses and those of swamp and waste places come the rasping sounds and almost con- tinuous buzz of the field locusts. Not much attention has been paid to these long-horned grasshoppers or Locusts. In ordinary seasons they are not prone to wander from the ditch banks, but when the differential prevails, they are forced into the crops in search of food. In L898 and L899 considerable damage was done. The prevalence of a species of Orchelimum may he imagined when in certain sections of the Delta, particularly Dear Mound Landing, Miss., hundreds of acres of dry cotton stalks were found to contain numbers of eggs in every branch and twig (see tie;. i ( .i showing genera] appearance <>f punctured stalks and position of exposed eggs). These eggs were also \'ou\\d abundant in the tassel stalks of corn in widely distributed fields. The eggs hatch during the latter part of May and continue until June 20. Moisture has much influence upon hastening incuba- tion and hatching. In cages the stalks of cotton were moistened every few days, and after each dampening the young emerged more numerously. The exact number of molts was not determined. After molting the young devour tin 4 cast skin and fre- quently the\ have been found devouring one another. Maturity is reached very ir- regularly owing to the difference in the time of hatching and of the variations of devel- opment. The form most commonly found upon Dahomy was Orchelimum agif* (see fig. L8). It matures from the middle of July until September 1. deposits eggs from fifteen to thirty day- after reaching the adult, and winters in the egg condition. In L899 OrchMmwm i--ip|)i Kiver (between Rolling Fork and Coahoma, the grasshopper infested territory) since L887: Name ol crevasse. Distance by river from Cairo. Date. Remarks. OlTutts mu «. HI 630 135 138 288 132 354 503 492 380 m 300 548 Mar. 18,1890 Mar. 26,1890 Mar. 28,1890 Mar. 28, 1890 Skipu ith . . Mound Landing Huntington Apr. 3,1890 A.bout 30 miles above Coahoma. Apr. 4, 1890 Catfish Point . . Roberteonville Stella Deerfield . Mar. 11,1891 Apr. 3, 1891 Mar. 28, 1897 Mar. 30,1897 Mar. 30,1897 Apr. 4,1897 Apr. 21,1897 Sledge Stop Landing Flower Lake Shipland About 20 miles above Coahoma. Latitude 8'=about 10 miles south of Rolling Fork. There were no crevasses in the Mississippi levees from 1887 to 1890. A small crevasse occurred at Greenville in 1891 that was closed before the discharge was appre- ciable. All the breaks except those at Flower Lake, Austim, and Shipland are located between Coahoma and Rolling Fork. Grasshopper outbreaks occurred in 1891 and 1892, and again in L898, L899, and L900. It is a significant fact that the rainfall of May and el une, L893, and of the same months in 1900 had a decided effect in suppressing the injurious numbers of grasshoppers, and conversely, the dry summers immediately following the crevasses encouraged greatly their development. The following table of rainfall for Greenville, Miss., the nearest meteorological station, furnished by Mr. \Y. S. Bel den, acting station director, Vicksburg, Miss., supports the above conclusions. Rainfall at Greenville, .Vis*., 1888-1900. year. Jan. 6. 1 1 l^-v.t i 89 1890 1891 L98 3 79 1892 1.68 l 81 8 [9 ■ 1. 94 12. 11 •2.71 6.30 8.60 5. 27 8. 19 6. 2 1 6. 2 I 1.05 2. 89 1.57 5, 1 1 Mar. 9. 88 1 . 85 6.63 l. 13 3.91 •J.Tii 9. 18 Apr. II. is 2. 9 I 6.21 1.65 2. 60 11.01 2. 21 9. 7 1 5.69 1. is 1.71 2. is 1.96 2.19 7.11 May. June. July. 4.54 3. 95 2. 28 L03 7.01) 1.50 1. 67 2.31 2. 2)5 :;. 12 3.02 12.32 2.93 2.54 9. 26 7. 39 6. 69 O.lil 0.30 5. 09 L.32 1 1 . 50 !.:;<> 1.09 (i.71 0.85 2. 19 L.05 8.16 2.54 1 . :.7 1.67 L.61 2.10 1.02 6.11 10.39 1.86 ■_'.()'.» 2. 1 1 3.50 2. 87 7.2:', 1.84 2. 2 1 7. 51 0.87 0. -13 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2.69 1.61 3. 89 3.89 4.05 0. 10 5.92 1.05 1.91 2.79 1. is 3.94 1.51 0.86 5. 10 3.40 6. 96 0.80 2. 11 6.54 2. (17 0. 34 6.84 1.87 1.17 1.58 0. 86 4.26 0.37 1.20 3. 78 3. 58 0.71 3. 20 L78 0.17 T. 2. 20 2. '.Hi S. 37 6.12 4.60 1.51 1. is 1.16 0.94 4. 23 2.68 5.08 Annual. 53. 29 40. 95 68.37 51.24 57. SO 18.69 87.81 15. 65 32. 32 44.66 50. 70 88. 92 1 12. 98 ' For in month- 33 The habits of young grasshoppers to seek the soil crevices during a rain results in the burial of millions beyond the possibility of a resur- rection. This, with the development and propagation of fungous diseases among the nymphs, are the most potent natural agencies which destroy grasshoppers during wet summers. The fact that the differential locust will deposit eggs in logs has given some support to the idea that crevasse water introduces the grasshoppers. There are sections of the delta, however, which are almost annually overflowed by the high water of the Mississippi and its bayous and which would be common infesting grounds were this the case, but these do not seem to suffer except when dry summers prevail. SOME INSECTICIDE EXPERIMENTS. By C, L. Marlatt. A scries of experiments with certain insecticide substances was made in the spring and early summer of 1900 and are herewith recorded. The experiments were especially designed to test the effect of various substances which might be used against the San Jose scale, both as to their effect on trees and efficiency as destroyers of the scale. They included work with (1) crude petroleum: (2) retined kerosene: (3) lime, sulphur, and salt wash: (4) hot water: (5) Bordeaux wash and kerosene emulsion: and (6) a kerosene and lime emulsion. The experiments with the latter two substances were made at the suggestion and with mixtures furnished by Professor Galloway. An experiment was also made, at the suggestion of Dr. L. O. Howard, with a heavy lime wash or white\va>h. For the washes containing lime the period immedi- ately following the applications was unusually favorable, little rain falling for upwards of two or three weeks. In the use of crude petroleum and kerosene nothing especially new is to be noted except the fact that the treated trees were not in any way injured and the effect on the scale was all that could be desired. The lime and salt wash, rather unexpectedly for the East, proved to be a very efficient insecticide, doubtless owing to the fact, however, that the weather conditions were exceptionally favorable. The lime emulsion indicated good results. The Bordeaux and oil mixture was less favorable, and the whitewash spray, while most promising in appearance at the out- set, was valueless as to results in the outcome. wit and refined petroleum. — A series of plum, apple, and pear trees were sprayed March 2'2 with crude petroleum (43 c Baume). the applications being made thoroughly enough to completely wet the bark. The plum trees were thickly infested with Diaspis pentagona and the pear trees with the San Jose scale. Some of these trees had been pruned back heavily, and others were straggling trees 10 or 12 feet in 4670— No. 30—01- — 3 34 height. The application was made between 2 and 3 p. m. on a bright, dry day. At the same time a block of trees was sprayed with kero- sene, or refined petroleum. The weather continued fair and dry for four days, and there was do rainfall of any amount prior to April 11. After the second day the kerosene had very largely evaporated, the treated trees showing only a very light discoloration. Trees treated with crude oil. on the other hand, were still very wetandoily looking. 'The full-grown female scales of Dia&pis perdagmia were thoroughly soaked and were permanently preserved, apparently, in the oil and had scarcely changed color and were not drying up. After six days a slight change in the coloration of the female scale insects began to be observed, the color slightly altering from light lemon to light orange. This change 4 in coloration is a certain indication of the death and grad- ual drying up of scale insects, which usually change from lemon to orange and finally to brown or black in the different stages of drying after being killed by an insecticide. Three weeks after the application the trees treated with the crude oil were distinctly greasy in appear- ance and blackened by the oil. Trees sprayed with the pure kerosene gave no indication of. having been treated at this time, the oil having entirely evaporated. Curiously enough, the grass growing about the trees treated with these oils seemed to be more affected by the refined than the crude oil, being somewhat yellowed. This grass had been sprayed pretty heavily with the oil to see what result would follow. Two weeks later— namely, five weeks after the application — the bark of the trees treated with the crude oil was still dark and distinctly oily. All the trees treated with oil were leafing out and blooming just as freely and fully as untreated trees. The grass, which had shown yel- lowing at the outset, had entirely recovered and was apparently unin- jured, seeming to indicate, at any rate, that grass will stand a consid- erable application with both crude petroleum and the refined oil without being killed. This fact is interesting in connection with the use of this substance against white grubs on lawns. (See PI. I.) A////', mlphur. dud s,iff wash. A mixture of this substance was prepared, differing slightly from the formula given in Farmers' Bulle- tin No. 1!> in that the amount of lime was somewhat reduced, namely, from •!<> to 30 pounds. This reduction in the amount of lime was made simply because in the ordinary formula the lime is very greatly in excess and remains as a pure lime sediment in the wash and has to be kepi in suspension by agitation. Even as thus reduced there is still a considerable excess of lime. The formula followed was: Lime pound*. - ->0 Sulphur do 20 Salt do.... 15 Want gallons.. <>0 The mixture \\a^ steam boiled altogether in bar rids about four hours and applied Man h 23 and repeated March -4. The hot liquid was Div. of Entomology. U. S. Dept. of Agricul Plate I. CO ~ "° ^ X < o o $2 2 H m x - O ?! I - co c > c - - — ~ > H co x I - 35 taken immediately from the barrels at almost a boiling temperature and sprayed at once on the trees. A series of experiments was also made with the preparation of this wash on a smaller scale, following practically the same formula. The products obtained were submitted to the Chemist of this Department for analysis, and the assistant chemist charged with the work was especially advised just what features were supposed to he desirable and what points the analysis should bring out. The result of this analysis, made by Mr. J. K. Haywood, of the Bureau of Chemistry, as reported by Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chief Chemist, is given in a footnote. 1 It is very interesting and valuable as showing the probable exact chemical nature of the wash in a dry climate and correspondingly also in a wet climate, in these respects practically sub- stantiating the theory which the writer had announced several years ago. The practical application of this wash, as described above, was made to pear and plum trees, both infested with the San Jose scale, the plum trees being very thickly covered with the scale from top to bottom and the pear trees scaly from the butts upward three or four feet, scattering more or less over the whole tree. The plum trees had also more or less of Diaspis pentagona. The question naturally arose, in view of the extreme heat at which the liquid was applied, whether any results gained might not be due to the high temperature of the liquid rather than from any insecti- cidal action. To test this matter some plum and peach trees covered with ZHaspis pmtag needed for the farm or garden it may just as conveniently be shoveled upon a wagon from the outside door of such a closet as described as from an outside pile. Thorough experiments were carried on some time since at the stable of the Department of Agriculture and it was found that by a little careful, inexpensive work of this kind the num- bers of house flies of the whole neighborhood were rapidly and enor- mously lessened. THE GREEN CLOVER WORM. i Plathypena scabra Fab. | By F. H. Chittenden. One of the commonest insects about the District of Columbia is the Deltoid moth. Plathypena soabrd, the larva of which, called the green clover worm, feeds on various leguminous plants, particularly clover. During the season of 1897, and again in 1899, this larva was frequently observed in connection with observations on insects attacking beans and peas in this vicinity. RECENT OCCURRENCE. Early in June. 1897, larva?, mostly half grown, were observed on beans in the District of Columbia: also on soy beans August 18, and later nearly or quite mature on peas September 4. During autumn they were also observed on a species of tickweed (Meibomia sp.). June 14. 1899, Mr. T. A. Keleher. of this office, brought specimens of the larvae found on beans growing in the city of Washington. About the same time the writer observed this species of larva on vetch, a forage plant growing on experimental plats at this Depart- ment. Larvae were still being found on vetch and bean until June 24. August 1 larvae were found on Lima bean at Marshall Hall. Md., and August 10 on the same plant at Cabin John. Md.. and during Septem- ber larvae were again obtained in great numbers on a species of Mei- bomia in the former locality. Although it appears probable that this species feeds to all practical purposes exclusively upon the Leguminosa?. it is evidently capable of subsisting upon other plant-, as was proved by the finding at different times by the writer of larva 1 that agree with Plathypena s<:-il 7 Hair., with which species it was. in fact, confused at an earlier date. The green clover worm has not attracted much attention on account of its injuries, but good accounts of it have been given by Prof. J. H. Comstock in the Annual Report of this Department for 1879 (p. 252), and in the Canadian Entomologist for July, 1881 (Vol. XIII, pp. 137-138), the latter paper by Mr. Coquillett. of this Division. THE EARLIER STAGES OF THE INSECT. The egg. — Owing to an oversight, the eggs obtained hatched before a detailed description could be made. Dorsal and side views of the egg. however, were drawn, and are illustrated herewith (tig. 26, c, d), and from these a general idea of the egg as it looks under the micro- scope may be had. From memory the writer believes that the eggs were light gray in color and at least tinged with iridescence. Follow- ing are Mr. Coquillett's descriptions of the egg and of the first stage of the larva: Globular, slightly flattened above, more decidedly so below; lower half smooth; upper half deeply grooved, the interspaces rounded and marked with fine transverse impressed lines: whitish, the upper half sometimes dotted with dark brown; trans- verse diameter, nearly 0.5 mn) . Measurements showed an average diameter of 0.5 mm and a height of 0.35 nim . THE LARVA. F'n-sf stage. — "Body green; a dark-colored dorsal line, edged each side with a whitish line; a white subdorsal and stigmatal line; pilifer- ons spots green, each bearing a short black hair: venter green; head polished green; body provided with only li legs." 48 In coloration this larva is somewhat Buggestive of the common cab- bage looper, Plusia brassiccs, but the form is entirely different, being much more slender, and although the species is a semi-looper, like Plusia, it is not at all likely to be mistaken for it. The colors are somewhat more constant in the several stages. 77" penultimatt stage. The larva is green and white striped and is in its mosl characteristic colors when in the penultimate stage, as it loses its striation to a great extent when fully matured. The general (•(•lor is dear, translucent green, a shade or two lighter than the bean or other leguminous leaves upon which it feeds. It is about ten times as long a- wide and segmentation is well marked. The body is widest about the middle, tapering gradually toward each end. the last seg- ments being narrowest. The head is of nearly the same color as the remainder of the body, a trifle lighter and less translucent. The entire surface of the body is sparsely covered with long, slender, and dark brown hair-. The piliferous warts project above the surface, but otherwise are not noticeable, being only a very little lighter in color than the body. The thoracic legs are nearly the same color as the head. There are only three abdominal prolegs. The anal prolegsare long and project well beyond the last segment. There are six white stripes on the body which alternate with the general green. The green dorsal line is a little darker than the general color of the body. There is a rather wide white stripe each side, a latero-dorsal narrow white stripe, and a broader irregular lateral stripe. The prothoracic folds arc 4 strongly pronounced, particularly in the region of the legs; abdom- inal folds also pronounced. Length in this stage, 20-24 ram : width, 2 | 2.6 n,m . Last larval stage. — After the final molt the larva usually loses to a great extent its striated appearance 1 and becomes nearly uniform paler green in color as well as stouter. The head is sometimes somewhat yellowish, as is also the first thoracic segment. The ocelli are twelve in number, arranged at the 1 sides of the head in three pairs, as shown in the figure at g. In alcohol the larva loses its color, being apt to be turned black unless first boiled in water, when the color becomes milk white. Length at maturity. 25-29 mm ; width. 2.8-3.0 mm . The penultimate stage is figured because, as previously remarked, more characteristic of the species than the final stage before pupation. THE PUPA AM) cocoon. Tfu pupa. The pupa is dark brown and presents rather good char- acters for description, but as this stage has previously been very fully characterized by Professor Comstock, in the report of this Depart- ment for L879, hi- description is transcribed: ther -tout, -lark mahogany-brown. Wing sheaths and crural sheaths closely red; the fonper obtusely rounded and extending to the end of the tilth abdom- 49 inal segment Stigmatal tubercles quire prominent. Dorsum of thorax ami wing sheaths coarsely Bhagreened. Dorsum of abdominal segments rather sparsely pane-, tulate, the posterior border of each segment being smooth and shining. The anal segment at its end is furnished with several i a variable number) minute recurved hook-like spines. From the apex of the head to the end of the fourth abdominal segment the dorsum is elevated into a slight ridge, more marked upon the abdominal segments than upon the thorax. The cocoon. — Pupation takes place in a somewhat loosely built but not fragile cocoon, those in our rearing jars having been formed just upon the surface of the earth. The}" were constructed of particl sand joined together with silken web and sometimes attached to Leaves or other vegetation. They are of elliptical form and somewhat depressed, and measure on the outside about 16-ls mm in length and ■ in width. ON THE HABITS OF THE SPECIES. In the report of this Department for 1879 (loc. cit.) attention was called tu the abundance of the moth in the District of Columbia dur- ing the winter of l v 7^-7'.«. when it was seen flying on warm, sunshiny day>. while in the summer months larva 3 were found so commonly upon clover "that in many places one could hardly make a swing of the beating net through the grass without capturing one or more of them." Tho larvae are quite active, and when disturbed either let them- selves down to the ground by means of their webs or quickly throw themselves from their food plant after the manner of many Pyralids. The moth is a rapid flyer, and although normally keeping in conceal- ment, is often found exposed on the walls of buildings and on windows in conspicuous places. In Bulletin No. 3 of the United States Entomological Commission the late Professor Riley had a short note on this species, in which he stated that the larva fed also on locust (Robinia). and gives some notes on the hibernation of the species. He says that this insect hibernates in the imago state all over the country and that in Missouri the chrys- alis may also be found under bark in winter, but the habit of hiber- nating in the pupa state is doubtless exceptional. The late and early appearance of the moth would alone indicate that hibernation takes place in the mature condition. Mr. Coquillett traced the insect through its various stages at Wood- stock. 111. The periods were as follows: From the deposition of the eggs to hatching, four to six days: larval stage, twenty-rive days, and from the spinning of the cocoon to the issuance of the imago, twelve to fourteen days. Only two larval molts were observed, the time from hatching to the first molt being seventeen days, from the first to 4b7o— No. 30—01 i 50 fche second molt, three days, and from the second molt to the time of spinning the cocoon, five days. Several individuals which were kept under observation at this oilier transformed from larva to pupa June 23, and the moths issued July 4, having passed eleven days as pupae. Of the number of generations of this insect Mr. Coquillett observed that there appeared to be only two broods in a season in the latitude of Woodstock, III., and Professor Comstock says there are certainly two and perhaps three broods in a season. The writer's observations tend to show at least three well-marked generations for the latitude 4 of the District of Columbia, the firsl generation usually developing toward the middle of dune, the second early in August, and the third some- time late in September or early in October. There is no indication, however, of any great regularity in the issuance of the moths, since they have been reared at this office at various other times than on the dates mentioned. The exact dates of issuance as recorded in our note's are: June L2, IT). 23, 28, 30; July 4. 8, 1<'»: August 1: Septem- ber 2, 5, »'>. 25, i^T. Moths, however, as has previously been observed, have been found much earlier than in June and as late as the first week of December, at the latter time on several occasions, once when the thermometer registered 54 F, NATURAL ENEMIES. A single parasite was reared from the pup?, of this moth September 7. L899, and on being referred to Mr. Coquillett was identified as the the Tachinid fly, Exorista Handa O.-S. This is the second natural enemy that has been observed for the green clover worm to the writer's knowledge, the other being a chalcis fly, Ewplectrus platyhy- j>< nit How. The latter was reared at this office duly 11. L882, from material from the District of Columbia. (Bui. 5, o. s., Div. Ent., p. 27.) REMEDIAL TREATMENT. Ordinarily the injuries effected by this clover worm are so inconsid- erable as not to necessitate any special line of treatment. Id is one of several common insects that live habitually on clover and which by their combined effort devour a certain proportion of the clover crop Over considerable territory. Poisons are. of cOurse, out of the (jues- tion in pasture land and in clover fields, and on lawns there can be little doubt that frequent mowing with a lawn mower is all that is necessary, since the insects live freely exposed upon their food plants dining the day and do not resort to the plans of concealment resorted to hv cutworms. 51 REPORT UPON AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CODLING MOTH IN IDAHO IN 1900. By C. B. Simpson, Special Agent. The following report upon an investigation of the codling moth in the State of Idaho is made in accordance with the authorization of the etary of Agriculture and instructions of the Chief of the Division of Entomology: Upon reaching Boise I commenced a rigid inspection of orchards in that vicinity and observed the methods used against the codling moth and the results of the same. Numerous cages were started for the study of the life history of the insect. Many articles upon the insect were published in the leading papers. These articles were copied by many of the other papers. I also had a long conference with Professor Aldrich. of the University of Idaho, in regard to the codling moth. EXTENT OF INJURY. Indications of damage caused by the codling moth were seen in every section of the State which I visited where apples are grown. By report the moth is present all over the State, except in a few limited localities in the mountains. From my observation I can say without hesitation that 50 per cent of the apple crop of Idaho was destroyed by the codling moth in 1900. According to Mr. MePherson the loss in South Idaho and about Lewiston for the districts was 75 per cent. In untreated orchards I found a great difference in the percentage of apples infested. The injury ranged from 40 per cent to practically l(n i per cent. In the small orchards and isolated trees in and about Boise I have been unable to find sound apples. In the larger untreated orchards which were more or less isolated I found in some cases the injury to be about 40 per cent. In orchards well cared for I estimated the injuries to vary from 50 to 0.05 per cent. In an orchard near Boise that was sprayed and banded -14 per cent of the crop was lost. In an orchard in the city of Boise that was sprayed with arsenites and banded the loss was only about 20 per cent. In more or less isolated orchards that were well cared for the loss was found to be 10 per cent or less. In another orchard near Boi^e which had been sprayed three times and not banded the injury was from 90 to 98 per cent. In an orchard that was only banded the injury was about 60 per cent. About Lewiston the damage is somewhat less than in the southern part. Professor Aldrich tells me that in 1899 the damage about Mos- cow was 21 per cent, while in 1900 it was only about 1<» per cent. I have been informed that in small valleys in the mountains the codling moth does no damage. The apple is the fruit most infested. The injury to pears never exceeds 0.05 to 10 per cent. 52 INTRODUCTION AM) SPREAD. Previous to 1887 the codling moth was practically unknown in Idaho. It was probably present before that time, but did so little damage aa not to be noticed. The moth, without doubt, came into the northern part by way of the Snaki River valley. Its spread was rapid, although checked to some extent by the long distance between orchards. The sections which are shipping apples are now all infested. The newer orchards are more or less free, but can not remain so very long. RESISTANCE OF VARIETIES OP APPLES. Only scattered observations were made upon this point, and these do not harmonize. Some of the varieties in order of damage sustained are: 1. Pewaukee (always badly infested). 6. Wealthy (very variable). 2. Spitzenberg. 7. Ben Davis (very variable). 3. Bell-flower. 8. Rome Beauty (very variable). 4. King. 9. Winesap (but little infested). 5. Gravenstein. This question is believed to be one of the most important to be worked out, as in general the apples given as least infested are the best varieties for Idaho. LIFE HISTORY OF THE CODLING MOTH. The life history, as usually given, applies to the insect in a climate far different from that of Idaho. On this account I spent much time in studying the variations in the life history. THE EGG. The eggs can be found at any time during the summer, either upon the fruit or upon the upper surface of the leaves. In certain orchards the eggs were almost entirely upon the fruits; in orchards near by they were nearly all upon the leaves. Where apples were in abun- dance there were but few eggs upon the leaves, and where apples were scarce but few eggs were upon them. Apparently the moth prefers to lay its eggs upon the fruits. The eggs have been described as whitish, milk-like spots. They adhere closely to the fruit or leaf, and even after hatching the shells remain for a long time. When the egg is a few days old a brown horseshoe-shaped band appears indicating the embryonic larva. THE LAKVA. In from about six to eight days the larva is fullyformed and breaks itis way out of the shell. Most of them come out through the top 53 covers, but a few were observed in which the larvae had evidently emerged through the lower surface of the egg next to the apple or leaf. The young caterpillar is about one-fifteenth of an inch in length and is of a semitransparent color. Later dark spots appear around the hairs. The young larva, after piercing the apple, makes a shallow mine just under the skin. Those mines can be easily recognized by the lighter color and by the excrement which is cast out. The larva? which enter by the calyx also take their first few meals at the surface inside the calyx. By counting infested apples on unsprayed trees 1 found that about 60 per cent of the larva? of the first brood enter at the calyx end. In the later broods but few enter the calyx end. Many enter the apple at the stem end. The greater proportion, probably from 60 to 90 per cent, enter at any part of the apple. A favorite place of entrance is at the point where two apples touch. At the end of four or five days the larva commences to tunnel toward the central portion of the fruit. Arriving at the center, it commences irregular excavations, which are filled with excrement, the pellets of which are bound together by silken threads. Surrounded by abun- dance of food, the insect grows rapidly, casting its skin many times. 1 have found many burrows, sometimes as large in diameter as a full- grown larva, in which no larva could be found; therefore, I believe that sometimes a larva feeds upon more than one fruit. In all cases where fruits touch they are both injured. While one larva usually feeds upon but one apple, one apple may be eaten by many larvae. A large apple was found with thirteen worm- holes in it, both entrance and exit, and three larvae, of various sizes, were feeding inside. It is a very common occurrence to find from four to seven holes in an apple. These different holes are usually made by insects of different broods. In a badly infested orchard the earlier apples rarely had but one insect in each, A larval stage of from ten to fourteen days, as given by Professor Card, is. I think, nearly correct for Idaho. On summer apples and most fall apples the effect of the insect is to cause the fruit to ripen prematurely. In the winter varieties, such as Winesap, there is no such ripening. In all cases the fruit is rendered unfit for use. When full grown the larva eats its way to the surface of the apple. The burrow is kept closed by f rass, or sometimesan adjacent leaf is fastened over the hole with silk. Having eaten as much as it desires, the larva pushes out the plug or removes the leaf and leaves the fruit. In warm weather the worms, for the greater part, leave the apples in the early evening or night; but in colder weather, in the fall, they emerge during the heat of the day. If the fruit has fallen, 54 the larva crawls along the ground to :i suitable place to .spin its cocoon. The worms have two modes <>t" Leaving the fruit left on the tree. In some cases they drop by a silken thread to the ground. I have observed a Larva hanging by this thread, and many threads were noted hanging from the trees. The other, and by far the most com- mon method, is for the larvae to crawl from the apple to a branch and thence to the tree trunk. I pon leaving the apple the worm immediately seeks a place to spin the cocoon. 'The place usually selected is under rough, loose hark, in cracks or holes of the t ice trunk and larger branches, under hands or cloths on the trees- iii fact, in almost any dark and tight crack or crevice. Many cocoons are placed in cracks in the ground about the trees. This is especially true when the tree trunk is smooth and offers no suitable place. Mr. McPherson says he has found many cocoons among the clods of earth in his orchard. Where apples are stored the worms spin the cocoons in the hoxes. I have found as many as 30 cocoons in and on one box. Having found a satisfactory place, the larva spins a tough silken case. In the earlier broods the larvae spin their cocoons quite thin and do not usually use other substances than silk in its construction. The last brood, however, build their cocoons thicker, and in nearly all cases hollow out a space for it and mix little pieces of wood, bark, or cloth with the silk. The larva is bent in a U shape in the cocoon. If the cocoon be destroyed the larva will set to work Immediately to build another or to repair the old one if it be not completely destroyed. THE PUPA. In from three to five days in the summer the larva sheds its skin and becomes a pupa. In the last brood the larval stage lasts until the spring. The pupa is at first of a yellowish color, later becoming brown and then bronze in color. When the moth is ready to emerge, the pupa, aided by the spines on the abdominal segments, wriggles it-elf out of the cocoon. I have seen empty eases that had been thrust through heavy muslin which was used as a band. These empty pupal skins are familiar objects upon infested trees. I once counted 50 of them protruding from under pieces of bark in a space of about a square foot. During the warmer season the time spent in the cocoon is from seven to eleven days. Many stay in a Longer, hut very few a shorter time. The last brood stay in the cocoon about eight months. THE MOTH. The moth is ;i beautiful insect whose front wings have the color of brown watered silk, and are crossed by lines of brown and gray scale-. Near the lip of the wing LS a large hronze-colored spot. The 55 hind wings, which are concealed daring repose, are of a grayish color. The moth varies in size, hut never expands over an inch. The sexes may be distinguished readily by the fact that the male has a streak of black hairs upon the upper surface of each hind wing, and upon the under surface of each front wing there is a long blackish spot. The relative number of moths of each sex i< about equal. The adult insect is rarely seen. In my summer's experience I saw but live. These were either resting upon the upper surface of the leaves or were upon the trunk or larger branches. In warm evenings by aid of a light I saw a few flying about the trees. It has long been known that the moth is not attracted to lights. I examined the contents of an electric (arc) light globe that was near an orchard without finding a single codling moth. It has been observed that the moths feed upon apple juice, and I saw two moths feeding upon the juice of a crushed apple. Mr. Hitt tell- me that it is common to find moths about cider mills. I have found that if a piece of ripe apple was placed in a cage of moths they would lay egg> in abundance, and if the apple was wanting no eggs or but few would be laid. After laying egg** the moths in cages die in about a week. BROODS OF THE IXSECT. In view T of the fact of the differences of altitude and temperature in Idaho there must exist a corresponding difference in the number of broods. Upon arriving at Boise I immediately commenced work upon this question. I found the overlapping of broods to be something remark- able. From July 7 to about September 1. I could find in the field all stages of the insect except the adult, which I could breed in cages. From my band records I find that while I kept records there were larvae going under bands every day. From the records of Mr. Ayers, of Boise (as given later), we find that in 1897 there were larva? under the bands every week from June 25 to October 19. To sum up. we have every day throughout the season moths emerging and laying eggs, eggs hatching, larva 1 coming out of apples and spinning cocoons, and larva? changing to pupae. This fact, together with the number of broods, certainly explains why the codling moth is more injurious in the West than in the East. The overlapping can be accounted for by the difference in rate of development of different individual insects. Professor Aldrich says that in the section from Boise to Weiserand about Lewiston there are at least three broods, and part of a fourth was observed at Boise this \~ear (1899). Mr. McPherson, Mr. Hitt, and others have arrived at the same conclusion. Without doubt the number of broods in Fremont and Bingham counties is less 56 The following are the band records taken by Mr. Ayers, of Boise, on l-|o i rees: Dafa July 2 July '.» July 16 July 2 I August 2 Augusl 9. August 18. . • I 2 • . September 2 . September 10. September 21 . Octob October 19 ... LarvEe. 704 1,266 7)0 606 290 684 1 . 526 1 . 227 1,840 1,642 Date. Julv.") Julv 18 Julv 20 July 27 August Augusl in August 17 Augusl 21.... August 81.... September 7 . September 1 1 September 22 October l October 10.... 1,118 2,201 2, 020 1, 154 1,335 963 1,095 1,125 1,580 1. 171 1,860 1,965 1,694 1, 125 From the preceding record, from that of Professor Aldrich taken at Juliaetta for L899, and my own I have compiled the following table: 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. First brood: July 16 Aug. 9 July 13 All?. 10 Julv 21 Aug. 12 Aug. 18 Sept. i Sept. 25 Julv 15 Aug. 4 Aug. 25 Second brood: Sept. 2 Aug. 31 Sept. 10 Sept. 7 Oct. 1 Sept. 22 Sept. 1 Sept. 25 Third brood: From these records, supplemented by observation. L can say defi- nitely that there are three broods in the vicinity of Boise and the greater part of the Snake River Valley. As to the fourth brood I have no definite information at hand. Several growers have told me that such a brood exists in part. At certain periods it is impossible to say to what brood an insect belongs. For instance, in L900, if a half-grown larva was found October 4 it would be impossible to know whether it was the last of the third or the first of the fourth. When cold weather comes, there are many Interesting things apparent. If young larvae are left in the fruit on the ground, they evidently perish. However, if taken inside with the apples they complete their development, and if not destroyed insure a crop of moths for the following spring. About September 5 it was noticed that the Larvae that had spun cocoons were not transforming, hut were still in the larval state, while those that had reached the pupa state were developing slowly and the moths were emerging. It is evident t hat it takes a higher temperature for the insect to change from larva to pupa than from pupa to adult. MOISTURE AND SEAT. There is great mortality among the eggs of this insect, the direct of the hot sun causing many to die. r>7 In the larval state, especially when young-, there are many agencies of destruction. I have found tips of branches upon which there was but one apple. On the leaves near by there were half a dozen or so hatched eggs, while the apple contained but one larva. In < 'li- the larva would have to crawl 20 feet before rinding another. In man} cases I have found from '2 to 5 per cent of the larvae dead before they had commenced their burrow to the center of the apple from the mine under the skin. There are very few deaths due to fungus and bacteria in the dry region.-. In many orchards, in which the water used for irrigation is allowed to stand around the trees, the number of infested apples is markedly less than in those orchards where irrigation i> by ditches. Also one does not. as a general rule, find as many worms under bands on trees which have moist soil around them. The only explanation is that the moisture either cause- the insects to die by fungus or bacteria or to seek other places. This method, however, has grave disadvantages, since water allowed to stand in an orchard will sooner or later kill the tret-. NATURAL ENEMIES. I did not succeed in finding any egg parasites, but within a pupa I found a pupa of a Hymenopter. but the parasite did not emerge. It was probably a Pimpla. In another pupa I found many pupa? of a Hymenopterous parasite, which died before becoming adults. Under some neglected bands were many -ilk cocoons, probably of a Micro- gaster. Although they are not bred directly from the codling moth, there is little doubt but that they were from this insect. While the larvae are seeking a place to spin their cocoons in the day- time they are preyed upon by ants and birds. Chickens allowed in an orchard eat them readily. Often I have observed holes in the bark, and upon examination found empty cocoons. One evening several bats were noticed flying around apple trees and probably feeding upon the moths. PREVENTIVE MEASURES. One of the best preventive measures is following the best general horticultural practices, such as keeping the soil and trees in healthy and vigorous condition and keeping a close watch upon the orchard. If a fruit grower has no codling moths, what should he do to keep them out of his orchard 1 The answer to this question has many conditions, according to location, etc. To begin with, every grower should be familiar with this insect in all its stages and know how to tight it. An orchard may be at such an altitude that the insect will not be a very serious pest In this case the small amount of damage should not be an excuse for letting it alone. It would be well for the grower to be 58 careful in importing infested fruit and to exercise utmost vigilance in watching his orchard, and if the moth is found, even in small numbers, do expense should In- spared to apply the proper remedies immediately. One source of trouble that can be easily prevented is that when apple- are stored the larvae emerge from the fruit, spin their cocoons, and upon emerging as moths in the spring find easy access to the orchard. I studied two well-marked cases of this. At Mr. C. M. Kiggins's place apples were stored in boxes in a cellar in which there were open ventilators. I found many old cocoons in and about these boxes. When I examined the orchard, duly 9, I found that in trees nearest the cellar practically all of the apples were infested. In going from the cellar a noticeable decrease was observed, and in the farthest part of the orchard the injury varied from 5 to 80 per cent. In the well-kepi orchard of Hon. Edgar Wilson a similar case was noted. These examples show the futility of remedial measures when the moth has such a start. Both Mr. Wilson and Mr. Kiggins are fully aware of the above conditions, and will take care that the mistake is not repeated. Either of three courses may be followed: To fumigate with hydr^cyanie-acid gas while the larva' are in the cocoon, to put screens over the holes and crush the moths which will collect there, or not to store apples on the premises. In some cases picking the apples early to escape a coming brood is practiced. If the stages of the insect are known, this method may be followed to much advantage. REMEDIAL MEASURES. In lighting this insect, the first question which presents itself is, In what stage can the insect be best attacked, and how? As a result of the work that has been done on this subject, it is evident that any mixture strong enough to kill the e^o; will injure the tree. Further work may throw more light upon this subject. At two periods in this stage the insect is vulnerable, and a larger portion of the remedies have been used at these periods. After the young larva 1 hatch, and before they have started for the center of the apple, has long been recognized as tin 1 most vulnerable point in the life of the insect. At this point spraying is a most effect- ive remedial measure. I found that in Idaho the fruit growers were using 1 manv kinds of spraying solutions, with varying results. A patent mixture, composed largely of carbolic acid and coal tar. WBS Used by sonic. This solution is supposed to have a smell about it that keeps tie- moth away from the tree. The best I have seen this Solution do. with several excellent sprayings, in conjunction with 59 bands, was to save 66 per cent. I believe that what good effects are derived from its use are due to the killing of the larvae with which it comes in contact. Many of the fruit growers add an arsenite. usually par is green, to the carbolic compound. The results with this mixture are varying. Others have used kerosene in the arsenite. thereby combining both poisonous and contact insecticide. One grower used this combination, and writes me that "There are no wormy apples to be seen'" (in his orchard), and that the apples injured by all sources amounted to only about 0.05 per cent. One difficulty is to get these different ingredient.-* to mix well. Whale-oil soap is used in combination with other sprays, but 1 could find no facts in regard to the results of its use. By far the greater number of growers use the arsenites alone Of these arsenites paris green is most used, in the proportion of 1 pound to L50 gallons of water, with from 1 to '2 pounds of freshly slacked lime. >ome are using London purple, and others are using a combination of London purple and Paris green. Many are using the lime arsenite with excellent results. In fact, wherever any of these arsenites are used intelligently good results are obtained. Some growers are preju- diced against certain of these arsenites on account of past experiences. In two cases I found that they had omitted the lime, and in both cases the foliage was badly burned. My observations have led me to believe that it makes but little difference as to what arsenite is used if it is well applied. The pumps used were of all kinds and conditions. Many were using nozzles which threw a coarse spray that was valueless. The time for spraying is a- essential as the spraying itself, and I wish that this fact could be impressed strongly upon the Idaho growers. One can readily aee that a -pray would do but little good when the maximum of a brood are going under bands, compared with a spray when the maxi- mum of a brood is hatching from the egg. To secure good results. there must be at least three sprayings, and in extremely bad cases it is advisable to spray six times. If the injury for the previous season was large. I would advise two sprayings while the calyx remained open — one immediately after the blossoms have fallen and the other in about a week. If. however, the injury of the previous season was not large, one spraying from five days to a week after the blossoms have fallen may answer. In all cases I would advise the two sprayings, as it is well to be on the safe side. It has become one of the best known principles of spraying that these first sprayings are the most efficient, and if it were not for the 60 Dumber of broods in Idaho these, I believe, would be sufficient. In short, the poison is put in the calyx cup. the calyx doses, and when the young larva enters the calyx for its first few meals it gets some of the poison. As about 60 percent enter the apple at this point, it is very plain thai this is the golden opportunity in this combat. Pro- fessor Aldrich finds that II percent of the larva' entering the calyx end are destroyed by this spraying. An insect killed at this time not <>nl\ saves the apple, hut reduces the number of the insects of the fol- lowing broods. By a single spraying and by banding one prominent grower tells me that he can save 50 per cent of his apples. Manypeo- plespray only once a season, and consequently the effect of it is lost later in the season. If rains wash oil' these sprays, they should he repeated immediately. The next spraying should he done when the second brood is enter- ing the fruit. Find the maximum of the preceding brood going under the hands and spray about two weeks later. It would probably be better to spray a few days earlier than two weeks. A few growers watch the increase of spots on the apples. The later sprayings should he determined in the same way. Other sprayings can he done with profit on account of the overlapping of the broods, hut they should he made as near the maximum of egg-hatching as possible. In fact, late in the season, when the maximum is poorly defined, a spray is more or less effective at any time. Last year (1900) the dates, accord- ing to hand records, for most effective spraying were June 10-15, July •Jl. and September 5. No inflexible rule can be given for these dates. as each grower has different conditions to meet and seasons vary. Each grower must determine these dates for himself. The greater number of the growers simply space off the season and spray at empirical times, without regard to the stage of the insect, and obtain, as a consequence, poor results. It has been clearly demonstrated that these few sprayings alone are not always sufficient to control the insect. If the sprayings wen made every week, tin 4 insect could be controlled, but this is too expensive. The spray is effective only for a short time, and must be supplemented by something to take the insects which enter the fruit between the sprayings. Banding has been found to be the most efficient in this connection. Manx people object to the use of arsenites for later sprayings on account of the liability of poisoning those who eat the fruit. I believe this objection is not well taken, since one would have to eat an enormous quantity of apples to be affected. If a large amount of poison remained in the hollow around the stem of an apple, there might be some danger. I have eaten many apples upon which the -play -till remained and experienced no evil effects. During the growing period of the larva- the infested apple may be 61 picked from the trees and either destroyed or fed to stock, flow- ever, this method is so expensive in a large orchard that it is out of the question. If the people in the towns who have apple trees more for shade rather than for the fruit would destroy their apples, they would aid materially in reducing the number of the pest, and would also eradicate a constant source of infection. In the •"windfalls" there is another chance to attack this insect. In many orchards the fallen apples literally cover the ground. Care- ful experiments have shown that about 50 per cent of these fallen apples contain larva 1 . Many methods may be used in the destruction of the windfalls. The best and easiest applied is to allow hogs or sheep to run in an orchard. These animals soon become very efficient and keep the ground well cleared. In doing this, the grower not only gets rid of the apples, but gets his stock fed upon food that would otherwise be wasted. Many growers collect the windfalls at stated intervals and make cider from them. At best, destruction of the wind- falls is only partially effective, but is a useful ally to other methods. "When the larvae are full grown, and after leaving the apples are seeking places to spin their cocoons, another point of attack is opened. Banding is simply providing a suitable place for the insect larva to spin its cocoon. Temporary bands of hay or paper, which are after- wards burned with the larvae, may be used. Many kinds of perma- nent bands, which are not destroyed, have been devised, but a piece of cloth from -I to 8 inches wide, folded lengthwise once, and placed around the trees is the most efficient and economical. These bands can be made of any thick dark-colored cloth, such as pieces of old clothing or burlap. Professor Aldrich recommends brown canton flannel. I have seen many bands that were but strips of white mus- lin, which did not otter an attractive place for the insect, and thus the purpose for which they were put on was defeated. It is highly essential that before a band is put on a tree all places where the larvae could spin up be removed. The rough bark should be removed from the tree, and all holes should be filled with either mud or mortar. I have obtained twenty larvae from a hole in a tree. If a large cavity is present in the tree trunk, bands should be placed above and below. The bands should be placed around the trunk of the tree from about H feet above the ground. If the tree is large it is best to put a band on each of the branches. Two bands on a tree trunk are better than one, but if the tree is well scraped and the holes filled I think one wide band is sufficient. A convenient and time-saving device for fas- tening the bands on, is to drive a small nail into the trunk and cut off the head diagonally so as to leave a sharp point. This nail is allowed to remain in the tree and the ends of the band are pushed over it. Apparently banding is more efficient in Idaho than in any other 62 State where experiments have been made. The number of larvae caught is sometimes irery large* Professor Aldrich records that the highest Dumber he found on one tree in a week was L10. Various per- rons have found from 50 to L90 <>n neglected trees. I once found 170 under a neglected band and a cloth in the crotch of a large tree. In L898 Mi - . A\ res obtained from ♦'» to L5 worms per tree throughout the season. In the maximum in September I have obtained on large t rees as many a- 80 to .".o daily for a few day-, in a neglected orchard. Pro- fessor Aldrich records that in his banding experiments he obtained 215 worms per tree for the season of L899. The worms which have been collected under bands should be killed every seven day-. Six days is recommended by some. I think six days too short as but few moths emerge before seven or eight days. However, the person who is killing the larvae can easily tell whether the time i> too long or too short. If old pupal skins are found the time is too long, and if no larva' have changed to pupa 1 the time is too short. Many ways of killing the larva 1 have been used, such as burning temporary bands, plunging the permanent bands in hot water, or run- ning them through a clothes wringer. I rind that the majority of fruit growers in Idaho simply crush the worms, or cut them with a knife. lion. Kdgar Wilson suggested to me that, as the larva 1 used parts of the band and bark with which to build its cocoon poisoning the band might be an easy way of getting rid of many. I tried soak- ing the cloth bands in strong solution of paris green, but the results do not warrant any definite statement. I believe that this may kill some of the last spinning up, but doubt its efficiency of the earliest broods. However, it is worthy of further investigation. In want of better know ledge many people apply bands and do not kili the worms that have collected. In this way the insect is positively aided. Pro- r Gillette records a fact that must be noted. He finds that in the spring the larvae Leave their old cocoons and migrate to other places and spin new ones. ' This, however, is not always the case, but it should be guarded against. Hands should In 1 applied about two weeks after the blossoms have fallen and be kept on for a week or so after all the fruit has been picked in the orchard. Handing should always be practiced in connection with spraying, and by this combination the best results are obtained. By spraying with Paris green and London purple and by banding. Mr. Tiner. of Boise, saved about 80 per cent of his apples. This orchard is in the city of Hoist 1 and has neglected orchards all around it. Hon. Kdgar Wilson used arsenites and banding. In the part of the orchard not infested by tin 1 moths from the apple house the loss is estimated from 5 to 10 per cent In Mr. Fremont Wood's orchard the results were about the same. 63 Dr. Ustick, of Boise, used lime arsenite and banding. I estimated his loss to be about 10 per cent. I visited these last three orchards September l'4. and searching diligently under the bands for larvae, found but 3 under 30 or 40 bands. Mr. ('. Hinze. of Payette, used Paris green with either kerosene or coal tar. He writes me that his total Loss from all causes amounted to only 0.05 per cent. For contrast it might be mentioned that in Mr. Tiner's orchard I found only 8 larva? under bands at I s trees, while in a neglected orchard on the same date (September '21) I found 94 larvae on 10 trees. In all these cases cited the orchards were sprayed from four to six times. The pupae may be killed with the larvae under the bands by crush- ing. They are so well protected that this is the only practicable way to reach them. I have previously stated how the adults in a storehouse may be killed. A few fruit growers have told me that they caught numerous adult codling moths by trap lanterns. All accurate work upon this point has shown that the moth is not attracted to light, the noctuids and sphingids caught being mistaken for codling moths. One grower says he catches many of the moths in buckets in which there is some cider or vinegar. This fruit grower is a man well informed upon the subject and I tried to experiment with his remedy, but was stopped by cold weather and sickness. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ^. 1. The codling moth is mure injurious in Idaho than in the East, on account of the number and the overlapping of broods. 2. There are three broods and probably a part of a fourth, which overlap. 3. The moth can not be controlled by natural means. 4. It has been allowed to get a firm foothold in the State. 5. By several sprayings with arsenites and by banding the injury may be reduced to from 5 to 20 per cent, depending upon locality. 6. I firmly believe that if the recommendations given here be followed by all fruit growers in a locality for one or two years that the moth would cease to lie a serious pest in that locality. I recommend that this work be carried on in Idaho and possibly Oregon and Washington another year, as I l>elieve this last summer? work has simply outlined the problem and discovered the points to be worked upon. INSECTS AND THE WEATHER DURING THE SEASON OF 1900. By F. H. Chittexdex. Investigations begun during the season of 1899 upon the effects of atmospheric and other conditions, in causing an increase or decrease of injurious insects during that year, were continued during the sea- son of 1900 with some interesting results. The studies of this subject that have been made have not been as complete as could be desired, but asa result of observations conducted 64 during the two seasons the writer feels justified in drawing some gen- eral conclusions. Some of these were given expression in an earlier article on pages 5J 64 of Bulletin No. 22 of the present series. It may be remembered that the writer hazarded an opinion as to the probabilities that certain Northern forms would continue in similar or increasing numbers as a result of protracted cool winter weather, that would tend to facilitate perfect hibernation, while certain Southern species, which were apparently nearly exterminated in and near the District of Columbia as a consequence of the cold winter of L899-1900, would continue absent from this neighborhood, or at least that the crops habitually attacked by them would not he materially affected during the season of L900. This prediction lias been partially veri- fied. Such Northern species as came under observation as a result of their injurious abundance in L899 continued to be injurious, as it was judged they would, but certain of the Southern forms became quite numerous. True, only one of these was abundant early in the season, but the remainder, although extremely rare during the early pari of the year, became sufficiently numerous to attract rather general attention late in the season. Prominent among these were the cab- bage Pionea, the single species which occurred here in numbers from early in the year; the cabbage looper, which was universally trouble- some to late cabbage and other cruciferous crops, and the boll worm, also destructive to late crops, such as corn and tomatoes. As to the cause of the early reappearance of the first-mentioned post after such extreme scarcity, the only conclusion that can be reached is that this was due mainly, if not entirely, to the flight of the parent moths from the South either late in the season of 1899 or early in 1900, or at both times. It is to be regretted, however, that the mature insects were not detected at lights or in the field either in autumn or spring. The cabbage looper and boll worm owe their increase proba- bly to the same cause as the Pionea. It is now a matter of almost annual occurrence— and the season of L900 was no exception — for the cotton worm, Aletia argillacea, to fly from the cotton fields thousands of miles north of their natural habi- tat, a phenomenon well known to collectors, who 'frequently take this insect at electric lights in the Northern States, and even in Canada, although their larva 1 have not been detected north of the cotton belt. This is only one of many species which have the same habit, and the writer believes that the invasion of the territory about the District of Columbia and northward by the three species above mentioned has been made in the same way. the moths having flown northward, at intervals perhaps, during the season with winds which favored this flight, from localities farther south not affected to the same extent by the atmospheric conditions of the 4 winter of L898 ( . ,( .t. \ circumstance which Lends color to the above expressed hypothesis, 65 that the re-stocking of the District of Columbia and its vicinity with the apparently exhausted supply of Southern forms was due mainly to nights induced by favoring winds, consists in the observed fact that there was not a corresponding increase in the numbers of Southern insects of other orders, such as beetles and bugs, insects of feeble powers of flight as compared to moths. The harlequin cabbage bug is an example of the less active fliers, as this insect was onh T slightly more abundant than in the previous year, until very late in the season, when injury occurred in some few localities. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS DURING THE WINTER OF 1899 AND 1900 AND SUBSEQUENTLY. The condition of the weather at different periods of the year was noted whenever it was thought that these conditions might affect insect life. Some of the more important phenomena should be men- tioned as a preliminary to remarks that will be made upon the effects of these conditions in limiting the increase or decrease of the insects under observation. No change worthy of mention which it was thought might affect insects injuriously was noted during the winter months of 1899. December 24 the temperature reached a maximum of 53° F. dur- ing the afternoon, and at this time several species of insects were observed at work in addition to those which will later be mentioned as affecting crucifers. That night, however, there was a considerable fall in temperature, a little more than 10° lower than the average for the day before, the minimum reaching 24 : . During the next eleven days there was a considerable drop in the temperature, snow falling and the ground remaining frozen until January 6 or 7. At one time during this period the temperature descended to 9°. On the 5th the days began to become warmer, but the night temperatures continued quite low, as low as 15° on the date mentioned. February 24, after a protracted rainy spell of several days' duration, the storm cleared, the sun came out, and the thermometer reached a maximum in the afternoon of 58° F. Search among grasses showed several forms of insects in activity near the surface, and it is proba- ble that many other insects were brought to the surface from their hibernating quarters by these conditions. That night a severe wind- storm with rain and snow came on, the temperature dropping by 6 a. m. of the following day to 9° F., remaining below the freezing point for three days, but again attaining a maximum on March 1, of 59 c , similar to that experienced after the storm just specified. For the next twelve days the temperature A\as scarcely dcIow the freezing point for more than a degree or two at any time until March 11, when 4670— No. 30—01 5 66 another storm Bet in. the temperature falling toll F. the following day, bui warming the day after that. March L5 a storm M't in about 6a. in. with considerable snowfall, most of which remained upon the grass for live or six days, and in protected localities as late as the 24th. March 25 still another storm occurred, during the eight, with a lighter fall of snow, followed by liner and clearer weather beginning on the ^Tth. After the first of April winter weather had ceased and spring begun. It would l»e a matter of some difficulty to define the exact signili- cance to be attached to the terms Northern forms and Southern forms used in the present and also the earlier article of the writer on the sub- ject under discussion. This matter can be best explained, perhaps, by repeating what has been said in the first article mentioned (p. 53), that the District of Columbia occupies a place, zoologically speaking, in the Carolinian fauna] area nearly midway between its two extremes as at present defined: and the Northern forms are those which develop more freely north of this line, while the Southern attain their greatest increase south of this line. To be more explicit, however, it should l>e -aid that the injurious species which will be particularly mentioned as Southern are believed to be truly Austro-riparian, while the North- ern species belong rightfully to the Alleghanian area of the Transition zone and the most northern portions of the Carolinian or upper Austral life zone. At least two species which it was found impossible to assign to either the Northern or Southern group, the writer believes, as a result of his study during the past season, have now been correct^ placed. They are the fall army worm, which must be considered a Southern form, although it finds its way quite far northward, and the destructive green pea louse, which rightfully belongs in the Northern group. OCCURRENCE OF SOUTHERN FORMS OF INJURIOUS SPECIES IN 1900. Of the fifteen injurious forms of insects mentioned by the writer (loe. cit.. pp. 55, 56) as unusually scarce in the neighborhood of Wash- ington in L899 several species showed marked increase. To mention these all in the same category, the list includes four species which were not -ecu at all the previous year. These are the pickle worm, Mar- garonia nitidalis^ and the melon caterpillar. M. foyalmata, each of which was abundant in one locality only: the cabbage pionea, Pionea rimosalis, which was everywhere numerous and quite destructive throughout the season, and the garden webworm, Loxostegi nmilalis, which was several times observed during September. The Northern leaf-footed plant-bug. Leptoglo88us opposttus, was gen- erally abundant and was very troublesome, something never before noticed in this \ icinit \ . 67 The horned squash bug, Anaaa armigera^ was similarly abundant, and so numerous in individuals on many plants examined that they often outnumbered the common squash hug. A. tristis, ten to one. The corn-ear worm. Heliothis armiger, was moderately destructive early in the season, and appeared later in great numbers, and in some places did considerable injury to late corn, tomatoes, and similar crops which it is known to affect. The cabbage looper. Plusia brassiccB, returned to this vicinity, and although rare early in the season, became quite troublesome to late cabbage. It seems probable that it is held in check, at least partially, in ordinary seasons by parasite- and other natural agencies than weather. It was not expected that the harlequin cabbage bug. Murgantia his- trionica, would increase to any observable extent, and this was borne out by the season's observations, the species a- a whole hardly ranking as an injurious one to crucifers other than horse-radish and very late cabbage. To horse-radish it was troublesome chiefly owing to the fact that drought also affected this plant, the crops suffering from the com- bined effects of the two factors. One genius of Noctuidae classed with the cutworms and of omniv- orous tendencies. Prodenia. was noticeably rare in 189®, but the fact was not mentioned in the writer's consideration of the Southern forms affected by the severely cold weather of the preceding winter. Two specie- were very abundant during 1897 and 1898, the moth- being commonly found at lights, but in 1899 they were extremely rare. In 1900, however, one form. Prodenia ornithogalli {lineateUa) was fre- quently observed in the larval state in the held and more abundant on tomatoes than other crops, while the moths were not rare at lights. The other species. P. commdincB, could not be found. The Southern cabbage butterfly, Pieris protodice, which was scarcely seen at all. except in the mature condition in a few individuals during . was found to have accumulated in great numbers at St. Elmo, Va., in the late fall. Mr. Pratt, who reported the occurrence, staged that next after the cabbage looper this was the most abundant enemy of crucifers in this region, occurring in about equal numbers on kale and turnips from the latter days of September throughout the month of October. The Southern tobacco worm. Protoparce Carolina^ also increased in great numbers, particularly during the latter part of the season, and was destructive to late growing tomato plants. The Northern tobacco worm, or tomato worm. 1\ cdeus, it should be remarked, was rare as in the previous year. The parasite- of both of these, a- usual, were very abundant. The fall army worm. Laphygma frugiperda, although it extends its distribution quite far north at time- must be included in the category 68 of Southern species, as it is of comparatively recent Southern origin and appears to die <>ut from year to year in its more northern range. It mis destructive in a single locality, the District of Columbia, late in the season, but was not reported by any of our numerous correspond- ents in spite of our inquiry. Of other Southern forms the green June hectic. Allorhina nitida; imbricated-snoul beetle, Epiccerys imbricatus; squash-vine borer, Melittia satyriniformis, and American locust, Schistocerca ameritcana, showed a perceptible increase in numbers, while the tobacco flea-beetle, Epitrix pa/rwla was not so abundant. The larger corn stalk-borer, DiatrcBa saccharcdis, was not seen at all. The opportunity is taken to observe that the eggplant flea-beetle, Epitrix fuscula, a Southern form, was extremely abundant during the year, hut flea-beetles, as the writer has had occasion to observe in his earlier article, seem to be little affected by changes in weather. In earlier mention of the weather in relation to the destructive green pea louse, X far south as Norfolk, Va., and the strawberry loaf-roller. Pho- OBopterh comptana, was extremely abundant here, in Maryland, and else- where. Three of the species previously mentioned, however — the rhubarb curculio, zebra caterpillar, and plum moth — were not con- spicuous by their number-. The raspberry sawfly, Monophadnus rubi^ was more abundant than in the previous year. The asparagus beetles. Orioceris asparagi &nd 0. 1%-punctata, were reported by Professor Johnson to have occasioned some injury in Maryland (Bui. 26, p. 81), but the hot spell of July and August prac- tically put a stop to injury, as neither beetles nor larva? of either species were to be found in late August and early September, when the plants in several localities were examined. OX SPECIES COMMON TO XORTH AXD SOUTH. It may be well to state briefly that of the seven species previously noticed (loc. cit. pp. 57,58) as having been particularly destructive about Washington in 1899, and which do not fall into either category of north or south as to origin, all were destructive during 1900, although in some instances in restricted localities. The bean leaf-beetle. Cerotama trifurcata^ did more harm in the East than was ever before known. The same is true of the spinach flea- beetle. Disonycha xmUhomeUmia. One of the most interesting of injurious occurrences of the year was that of the variegated cutworm Peridroma saucia, which was quite destructive over a wide extent of country, including the Pacific coast, where it was particularly troublesome in the State of Washing- ton. The infested territory comprised portions of Texas. Missouri, Kansas. Maryland, West Virginia. Illinois. Washington. Oregon, and northern California, and the crops infested included nearly everything that grows in gardens, as well as the foliage and fruit of various orchard trees. According to testimony of some of our correspondent-, this insect assumed the habit of traveling in armies, but was not noticed on the march in the daytime. OX NATURAL ENEMIES AND THEIR IXFLUEXCE UPON IXSECT REPRO- DUCTIOX. The question of the effects of the abundance of natural enemies upon injurious insects is closely related to the effects of weather upon them, but the subject is much involved, and we know so little about it that it is difficult to generalize with much certainty. This much is certain, however, that conditions which would affect injuriously a parasite may not necessarily affect a host: predaceous insects are not necessarily affected by conditions which would be injurious to either 70 parasitic or to injurious species, while fungous and bacterial diseases are probably affected by still different conditions. Predaceous Insects, as a rule, arc more resistant to extremes of tem- perature, dryness, or humidity than all of the other insects and organ- isms which produce diseased conditions of insects. Parasitic insects were more abundant during the season of 1900 than during L899, hut this does not apply to all of the common species. For example, our two common parasites of the imported cabbage but- terfly, though numerous early in the season, were extremely rare toward the close of the year. Some experiments were made to test the prevalence of parasitic insects and fungi and their effects upon the reproduction of some common pests. The imported cabbage butterfly, Pierts rapce, was one of the species with which experiments were made. Larva' were obtained from all available sources from the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Mary- land, and kept under the best possible conditions during September, L900, with the result that not a single parasite was reared, nor did this species appear to be affected by any disease at this time. Practically all of the larvse used in experiments which were approaching maturity when placed in our rearing jars produced pupae and eventually but- terflies. While on the subject of the parasites and other natural enemies of this cabbage pest it should be stated that Pterofnahis puparum and Apanteles glmn'eratus made their appearance with the development of the first generation of butterflies, the Chalcidid appearing at the same time and the Braconid only a few days later. The wheel bug, Prioni- dus cristatus, does not appear to have been recorded as an enemy of this cabbage worm. It was many times observed during the season of L900 devouring the ''worms.*' One was observed June 23 which had killed a larva twice its size. Specimens of diseased larvae referred to the Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology in the fall of 1899 were found to be affected by a fungus of the genus Sporotrichum, identified by Mrs. Flora W. Patterson as probably - s '. globuiiferum Speg. The cabbage looper, Plusia hrassicm.— Diseased and dead larva 4 of this species taken in the fall of L899 and referred to Mrs. Flora W. Patterson, Assistant Pathologist, were identified as suffering from a fungus of the genus Kntomophthora. doubtfully referred to sphcBTO- sperma Fres., a species which occurs upon many insects of different orders. During September, L900, it was estimated that a little less than 20 pel- cent of the Ian a' of this >pecies present in the fields about the District of Columbia had yielded to the effects of disease usually just before attaining maturity. This disease was by no means general, and 71 was found to be more prevalent id Maryland near the District line than on the grounds of the Department of Agriculture. In the latter place there was practically no infection worth mentioning. A very large proportion of cabbage loopers was affected by the minute parasite Copidosoma truncatella^ perhaps 15 per cent during September, but none in earlier and less in later months. Observing that the larvae were most extensively affected by the Copidosoma parasite in a region badly infected with rot, a number of healthy larvae were placed on potted cabbage affected with both the bacterial and brown rots, while others were kept as a check lot on fresh cabbage, this experiment being made to ascertain if the rots were in any way responsible for the diseased condition of larvae. Somewhat to the writer's surprise it could not be seen that the larva? placed with the diseased plants were affected in any manner more than those kept under the same conditions with perfectly healthy plants. The meldrr plant-louse. Aphis go8%yjpii Glow, affords a striking example of the combined effects of weather and natural enemies in the control of an insect. Of all common plant-lice this species appears to be most susceptible to climatic variations. During moist or humid weather, particularly in the early portion of the summer, this species is capable of propagating in the greatest numbers, but during pro- tracted heated and dry spells, such as happened in the season of 1900, its natural enemies, which are legion, are able to keep it almost com- pletely under control. During the year it was not reported at this office as doing any damage save in one locality in Nebraska, a State in which it does as much if not more damage than any other in our country. In the year 1899 this species was very destructive in the States of Florida, Texas. Maryland. Virginia. Pennsylvania and Georgia, and District of Columbia, while the previous year it did dam- age over much the same territorv. as well as in Kansas and Arkansas, injury being particularly pronounced in Texas. SOME GENERALIZATIONS. As a result of study of the subject of the effects of weather upon different species of injurious insects which occur in the neighborhood of the District of Columbia during the past year in connection with observations that were made the previous year the writer has deduced certain conclusions. One of these, not expressed in the earlier article on this subject, is that there is a tendency on the part of introduced forms to develop one or more generations in their adopted habitat than native northern species produce, a habit which conduces very largely to their destruction, resulting in a corresponding decrease in their numbers. 72 TENDENCY OF INTRODUCED FORMS TO PRODUCE EXTRA GENERATIONS IN ADOPTED NORTHERN HABITATS. European introductions in the United States frequently produce one or more generations in excess of the number thai has been observed and recorded in the northern countries of Europe where observations have been made, and even attempt generations late in the year, which are often apt to perish by being overtaken by frosts before trans- formation can be accomplished or suitable places sought out for hibernation. Southern forms that miniate northward in time appear to become perfectly at home in northern localities; in fact, thoroughly acclima- ted, but this is apparent only, as there is every reason to believe that many species attempt tin 4 production of one or more generations more than similar northern species have; or, in other words, essay the normal generations which they had in the south, which are apt to be cut short by intervening cold weather before their completion. Examples of both forms are apparently more frequent in leaf- feeding mandibulates, particularly the larvae of Heterocera or moths and phytophagous Coleoptera, especially Chrysomelida3 or leaf-bettles. Several injurious forms of plant-lice are in the same category, although these have not been given special study. Many genera are known to feed in cold weather long after frosts, and may even be taken on their host plants under the snow. An excellent illustration of polygneutism, or the production of sev- eral generations annually in a species recorded as normally monogneutic in its native home, is to be found in the imported elm leaf-beetle, Gal&rucella luteola. There can be little doubt that this species is monogneutic in Europe, but observations conducted at New Bruns- wick, N. J., and Connecticut cities in the Upper Austral life area have shown that there is an incomplete second generation. In the more southern portions of the same life area there are invariably two generations annually, and in exceptional seasons a third generation is attempted; at least, beetles of the second generation have been observed to lay eggs. 1 An example of an extra generation being produced by a southern species is found in the squash-vine borer. Mdittia satyriniformis, which is single-brooded on Long Island and northward, apparently single and partially double-brooded in New Jersey, while in the lati- tude of the District of Columbia the species is both single- and double- brooded, as shown by the writer in recent years (Hub No. lit, n. s. Div. Knt.. ]>. ?>\)). This peculiarity in reproduction is evidently a survival of the time when this species lived in a tropical climate, where it was 1 Even some <>i our native species closely allied t<> the rim Leaf-beetle, e. g., Gote- rucella americana Fab., have been observed by the writer to lav eggs for a second generation late in .Inly (Proc, Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. Ill, j>. 275), but this is, with little doubt, exceptional. 73 possible for breeding- to be more nearly continuous. The instinct of this and other insects of recent southern origin is still to remain Late feeding in the open, provided appropriate plants are available for their subsistence, or, to put it otherwise, they have not learned to seek shelter at the same time as native or acclimated forms do. Recent observations on this and other species of similar habits and origin suggest that the ancestors of those individuals which produce only a single generation were introduced in early times and are thor- oughly established and acclimated, while those which produce a second generation are the offspring of ancestors which have spread from the south more recently and have not yet become accustomed to the differ- ences in the weather in the North and in the South. The development of two generations by Melittia and other southern introductions in the District of Columbia and places having a similar climate is a matter apparently not so much dependent on the weather as upon the inability of the insects to find the appropriate food for their larvae; for example, were cucurbits to be planted earlier and later, there would be no trouble in the vine borer producing two well- marked generations in spite of the fact that the vines of cucurbits are readily killed by frosts, the insect being able to survive upon stems which are not of the freshest. Certain species recently observed, e. g., Plntella crudferarum, the diamond-back cabbage moth, there are the best of reasons for believing are able to produce an additional generation during the latter days of November and the first week of December, as many larva? captured at this time were full grown and accompanied by numerous pupae, most of the individuals captured changing to pupae before the end of the first week of December, in which condition they would naturally be less exposed to frost and better able to survive the rigors of winter. Still another generation, however, was attempted, as one moth cap- tured deposited its eggs at this time. This generation was, of course, doomed to failure. The effort on the part of so many introduced Old World species of producing extra generations would naturally lead to the belief that these insects came originally and in comparatively recent times from southern Europe or southern Asia, became acclimated farther north in Europe in the same manner that native Southern forms become estab- lished by migration to our Northern States, whence they were intro- duced in the Upper Austral portions of the United States, for the most part about our principal seaports, Boston, New York, and in some cases Baltimore, and in other large cities, such as Philadelphia and perhaps Washington, and after becoming adapted, more or less imperfectly perhaps, to the environment of those cities, have made their wa} T ' still farther south, where they have again resumed what was probably their original habit of producing two, three, or more annual generations. 74 RESIDENCE OF CERTAIN SOUTHERN FORMS IN LOCALITIES FAR NORTH OF THEIR NATURAL LIMITS is TRANSIENT. In the Increase of the areas occupied by these insects they obey a natural impulse for migration, and arc evidently largely influenced by the wind, and this is particularly the case with moths. There can be little doubt, also, that insects introduced into the North, and from there southward, are again brought northward by winds from the South: in fact, theie is little stability in the localities occupied by many species, winds, frosts, prolonged heat and consequent drought, excessive rains inducing abnormal moisture of the insect's food plants, diseases, and natural enemies being among the (dements which produce changes caus- ing fluctuation in numbers in this or that locality, a decrease here this year and an increase there another year. 1 SPECIES INTRODUCED IN THE NORTH FROM THE SOUTH AND FROM EUROPE REMAIN LATE IN THE FIELD. Southern or Lower Austral species, particularly those which are injurious, which have come up to this region from the South in com- paratively recent years, are rarely found early in the season, especially after severe winters, but increase toward the end of the season, and often, if not usually, occur in their larval stages, busily feeding through the months of October and November, even after frosts, as has been noticed for several years, and particularly during the two seasons just passed. The same is true, for some reason, of species which have widened their range in other directions, and particularly of insects which have been introduced from Europe. Most of the introduced plant-lice, and those which have come up from the South, live on their food plants after frosts, long after nearly all other insects have disappeared in the field. It is true that many native plant-lice also remain feeding late in the season. 1 The writer desires here to call attention to the absurdity of recording strong-flying species of insects, and especially moths, like those just mentioned, as residents of northern localities beyond their natural limits, where there is no proof whatever that the species could ever have bred there, particularly when we know that no food plant upon which the larva could have subsisted grows there. If such species are included in local lists at all, the circumstances attending capture should he added. A familiar example of an insect which lives normally in the South and is frequently found as far northward as Canada is the gigantic Nbctuid, Erebus odora. It is native to the West Indies, and not known to breed in the United States. In spite of recent remarks that have been made that would appear to indicate that this moth might breed within the territory of the United States proper, the writer can not believe that it is at pres- ent established here, or even will be within the near future, as only isolated specimens are found northward, and thesein late summer or autumn, as in the case of the cot ton- worm moth, which it has been, I think, definitely proved does not breed in the North- ern State.-. 75 Of southern species both the eotton worm and the boll worm moths are to be found very Late in the season, and the writer has seen the cot- ton-worm moths in November in great numbers at Ithaca, N. Y.. at light, after most other insects had been absent from lights, at least in any numbers, for weeks. Immense numbers of the moths were attracted to the electric lights on the principal streets of the city. 1 Larvae of two important species, the imported cabbage butterfly. Pieris rajMB and the diamond-back moth. Plutetta cruciferarum^ both of comparatively recent introduction, were found during the winter of 1^1900 in the last week of November freely feeding after several frosts. They were accompanied by the harlequin cabbage bug, Mur- gantia htstriomca, which we know to have recently spread northward from the Southern States, and by the cabbage looper. PLusia brassicce, which has also spread from the south northward, though not in very recent times. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. The result of recent studies may be summarized briefly as follows: (1) That there is a tendency on the part of forms introduced in the North from farther South to produce one or more generations in excess of the number developed by similar forms native to the region of this adopted habitat. rj) That as a result these forms remain later in the held than do species native to the North. (3) That, largely as a result of the above and other habits, in addi- tion to greater susceptibility to low temperatures, these southern intro- ductions are apt to be destroyed every year in large numbers, their residence in their northern homes being, therefore, not strictly per- manent. Cold snaps following warm spells during the winter are. ac- cording to observation, the most important factors in their destruction. ON THE HABITS OF ENTILIA SINTJATA. By L. O. Howard. This interesting little leaf -hopper, certain of the habits of which have been described by Mrs. M. E. Rice, of Coryville. Pa., in Volume V of Insect Life (pp. 243-245). is common throughout the eastern United States, and may be found upon many different plants, such as potato, ragweed (Ambrosia), spikenard (Aralia). Onicus altzssimus, Lactuca spicata, Rudbeckia laciniata, cotton, sunflower, and other annual and herbaceous forms. Mrs. Rice studied the egg>. which were laid upon the midrib of a leaf of sunflower and began to hatch x The exact date was not noted, but it is much colder in that locality than on the corresponding date in Washington, there being about a month's difference in that climate in ordinary seasons, and although the event happened many years ago. it is remembered that a heavy overcoat worn at the time was very comfortable. 76 out on September 1. Sunflower Leaves infested by the larvae die and the whole plant looks as if scorched. About two weeks after hatch- ing the larvse moll tor the first time. During their entire life, Mis. Rice noticed, almosl every colony was guarded by one or more ants. When -lie raised the leaf to examine closer the ants gave battle and l>it her finger. When she removed the ants the little leaf-hoppers, both larvae and imagoes, scattered with astonishing celerity all over the plant. The ants returned and rounded them up exactly as the collie doo- does sheep, placing one ant on guard if the colony were small and more if the colony were large. She noticed when one of the little leaf-hopper- strayed away an ant went after it and, with infinite patience, drove it home again. She noticed further that when Fig. Zi.—Entttia einuaia, Adult nymph; swelling of Btem due t" eggs; angle at which eggs are laid (original). the Larvae were ready to molt and the skin began to split on the back the ants supervised the process, seeming to peel off the empty larval skin. When one considers the fact that the leaf-hoppers in perfect condition can both fly and jump, the control which the ants maintain over them is remarkable. The writer had an opportunity of studying this interesting little insect during the month of August near Tanners- ville. N. V.. also upon sunflower, and from the specimens collected at that time the accompanying illustrations have been drawn. The Swelling of the midrib, caused by the insertion of the eggs, was very pronounced, as shown at figure 27. while the exact angle at which the eggs are inserted is also shown at figure 2~i. 77 The young-, when first hatched, were almost immediately attended by two species of ants, specimens of which were collected, and which are determined b\ T Mr. Theodore Pergande as t f am/pf Division <>f Entomolo possible, and a number were placed on top of the stock stored around the gallery. The stairway and elevator shaft lead- ing to the basement were tightly closed and the worst infested stock was opened and the boxes spread around upon the lower floor. The cans of bisulphide were distributed and everything done to facilitate rapid work in the application of the liquid. Owing to the slight danger of generating a spark in turning off the incandescent lights which it would be necessary to have if the application were made at night, it was thought best to defer the exposure of the liquid till early on Sun- day morning. July 14. (The dangers connected with the use of carbon bisulphide will be spoken of more fully at another place in this report.) S 'on after 6 o'clock on Sunday morning the work of pouring the bisulphide into the pans was begun simultaneously by the six persons (including the writer) present. Each pan received from 2 to 3 pounds of the liquid. The pans in a vault and the show window and in the wall show cases were tilled first and the doors to those compartments were then closed to retard the fumes. Otherwise the doors to show cases and closets and the drawers were all left slightly ajar to allow the unhindered entrance of the fumes. The pans around the sides of the rooms under the gallery were placed so high that a 5 or 6 foot stepladder had to be used to reach most of them. As only one such ladder was at hand, the work was somewhat delayed at this point, and all lower pans on goods along the middle of the floor and on show cases were tilled before the work on the higher pans could be completed. In the meantime the pans in the gallery were being tilled and the fumes on the lower floor were becoming very dense. The air supply had become insufficient for the workers, and instructions were given to each man to go outdoor> a- soon as he began to feel dizzy. This most of them did. and after a few refreshing breaths they were able to return to the work: but one or two did not leave the room until the work was finished. (The effects of the gas upon the operator will be 80 considered more in detail at another point.) After about 145 pounds of CS, had been exposed, occupying from fifteen to twenty minutes, the fumes had become so dense that we were forced to withdraw. The building was then carefully locked and left for twenty-two hours. People passing on the street at the time the exposure was being made and those having business in adjoining rooms complained of the exceed- ingly disagreeable odor, but at a visit to the premises later in the day the writer could detect but very slight traces of the odor on the street, even close to the door. No guard remained near the building during the day. On Monday morning, at 4.45, the store was opened for ventilation. The density of the fumes had greatly diminished, but a watch was kept to see that no one passed close to the door with a lighted cigar until the fumes had mostly disappeared. In forty-rive minutes the store was so well aired that but little of the disagreeable odor remained, though for several days slight traces of the odor lingered in the room. An examination of many boxes of the infested stock on the lower floor disclosed many dead beetles, but no living ones. Unopened boxes of stock in the galley were examined, and these showed only about one live beetle to eveiy one hundred dead ones. So far as could be determined at the time, the treatment was very successful, and the proprietor expressed himself as very well pleased with the result. The suggestion was made that future trouble with the cigarette beetle might probabh T be avoided by treating incoming stock with CS 2 in a quarantine chamber before placing it in the sales room. In the basement the writer was shown a large, zinc-lined, air-tight box, hav- ing 18 cubic feet capacity, which has been used as a moistening cham- ber. Upon being assured that this was an admirable thing for a quarantine box, the proprietor declared it his purpose to adopt the suggestion and treat all new or suspected old stock in this way. DANGERS IN USE OF CARBON BISULPHIDE. It is customary when anything is written concerning the use of this very volatile and highly inflammable liquid to emphasize the danger from tire in the presence of the fumes, and it is usually pointed out particularly that even alighted cigar may cause a disastrous explosion. The writer has also seen printed mention of the danger of liberating the fumes in the presence of heated steam pipes. So it seems that a brief mention of a few other points of danger may not be out of place here. No electric fan should be allowed to run in the presence of the fumes, as it is Liable to give oil occasional sparks. For the same reason "there would be danger in turning on an incandescent light, and though the danger in turning out such a light is less than in turning it on. there [fi -till too much chance of forming some connection which would pro- 81 duce a spark to run the risk of the explosion which would almost surely follow. The writer has personally experienced the formation of such a spark when turning off a light, and it very frequently occurs when turning it on. The danger from gas and arc lights is too apparent to need more than mention. It would be a matter of courtesy a- well as a measure of safety to inform occupants of adjoining rooms of the nature of the work being done and the need for care in regard to fire should the fumes mid entrance to their establishments. An additional safeguard would be to station a watchman on the premises till the treatment is ended. The danger to the operator making the exposure is but -light if he knows the nature and effects of the gas. As soon as he finds that he is being overcome and getting dizzy, he should at once get out into the open air. EFFECTS OF THE GAS UPON THE OPERATOR. The rirst appreciable effect is upon the sense of smell. At first the fumes have an extremely disagreeable odor: but the odor soon seems to gradually disappear, and in this treatment the men strongly doubted that they were using the same substance with which they began. This deadening of the smell continues until it is complete. The other senses s' em to become benumbed simultaneously, so that the operator does not feel or realize that any change is taking place in him. But the heart beat becomes more and more rapid as the supply of oxygen in the lungs diminishes. The power of thought is very much weakened and the work is continued in a mechanical sort of way. Hearing and sight are also weakened: in fact, consciousness itself is being gradually lost. But before this weakening process has gone far enough to be really dangerous or injurious the operator feels rather "queer" in the head, with more or less dizziness. There is no pain or disagreeable sensation, no desire to escape out of it. and no sense of suffocation. But when a person reaches this condition it is high time to get out into the open air. where the ill effects will soon disappear. Should the operator persist in remaining longer in the room after this condition is reached there would be danger of a fall: and if no one happened to be near, his presence might not be missed and suffocation would soon follow. Even if he should get out safely the after effects would be more serious and a severe headache, at least, result. It should be clearlv understood, however, that the action of the gas is somewhat poisoning as well as suffocating. These observations concerning the effects of the gas upon the men are gathered from personal expe- rience and the statements of others engaged in making the treatment herein reported. Owing to the effect of the gas upon the action of the heart, the writer believes that it would be wise to caution persons having any 4670— No. 30-4)1 82 trouble or weakness about the heart against taking any part in the application of carbon bisulphide. In view of the increasing use of CS a as an insecticide and the scat- tered condition of such observations as have been published in regard to it. the writer respectfully suggests the desirability of a more com- prehensive report than has yet been made, published in some such form as to be readily available to all those desiring practical informa- tion upon this subject. GENERAL NOTES. ICHNEUMONID PARASITES OP THE SUGAR-CANE BORERS IN THE ISLAND OF REUNION. Under this title M. Edmond Bordage, director of the Museum of Natural History of Reunion, has published a brief account of Ophion mauritii Saussure and of 0. antankarus Saussure, which are parasitic in Reunion on the larva 1 of Diatrcea striatalis and Sesamia aZbiciliata, two destructive sugar-cane borers of that island and of Mauritius. He thinks that they are responsible for the marked reduction in the num- bers of the borers. The accompanying figures are from drawings by M. Bordage, and illustrate the wing venation of 0- antankarus. n Fig. 29.— Wings of Ophion antcmkarus—I, upper wing; II. lower wing. The large cell (cd) of the upper wing has three spots of reddish or yellowish color, which are given in detail much eidarged in Fig. Ill; they take the form of a crescent, i mere Speck, and a triaDgle. (With 0. mauritii th 're i-- found in the interior of the large cell («J) only one spot which is formed like a triangle.) INSECTS FROM BRITISH HONDURAS. The Rev. W. A. Stanton. S. J., of St. Louis University, St. Louis. Mo., sent February L2, L900, for identification certain insects col- lected at Belize, British Honduras. The notes which accompanied them are of interest. An insect known locally as the "doctor My" was identified as DiacMorus ferrugatvs Fabr. Mi-. Stanton writes: The fearful l<><:il swelling which follows the bite of these insects causes them to he regarded with dread by the Inhabitants. The effect, however, varies in different individuals. 83 Some small flies, very troublesome in some quarters, and called by the natives "botlass" flies, were determined as a species of Simulium; unfortunately, the specimens were too badly injured for study. The bite 01 this insect is quite painful and leaves a black spot on the skin, surrounded by a reddish circle which lasts for a week or more. A species of tick taken from the body of one of the deadly "tom- mygotT* snake-, a species of Lachesis or u bushmaster," quite common in Belize, was identified as belonging to a species <>f Ophiod» ss. Three spiders were sent and identified as Argyroepeira wrgyra Walck., Argiope argentata Fab., and Ga&teraccmtha caruirifbrmis Linn. The dorsal surface of the abdomen of the last named when alive is brick red in color, though many individuals are found, seem- ing to an ordinary observer to be of the same species, in which the color is pure white, or sometimes lemon yellow. The sending also included specimens of the white ant. Termes sp. (probably morio), and a small black ant. very common in Belize, known scientifically as Oryptocervs (dfaroi Em. 9 NOTES FROM THE PHILIPPINE-. Lieut. Alfred T. Clifton wrote this office April 20, 1900, from mili- tary station No. 5. Bacolod. Negros, Philippine Islands, transmitting some specimen-, with interesting note-. A giant wasp which he sends he states is called in the Philippines , *avisar." or take notice, a suffi- ciently suggestive name for an insect of its class. At the time of writing grasshoppers were very destructive, ruining the sugar crop in a few hours wherever they stopped. Our corre- spondent had seen great clouds of these creatures, so numerous that they obscured the sun. passing over the town. The natives on haci- endos on such occasions turn out and beat on bamboo and make a racket to frighten them off. The grasshoppers are very ravenous — always hungry. In the morn- ing you can pass a field of young sugar cane a foot high, and when you return that way at noon it will sometimes look as if nothing had ever been planted. Notwithstanding this, these langosta. as they are termed by the inhabitants, are considered a great delicacy, but our correspondent had never had the courage to test this personally. It i- customary to place obstructions of sections of banana trees on top of the furrows of growing cane, and the locust eats the canes fur- row by furrow, and when he reaches the obstruction, instead of going over it. he hops to the end where a hole has previously been dug. into which he falls. Here the locusts are collected and are then boiled. after removing the legs, heads, and wings. Thus prepared they make a black-looking me--. One haciendero stated to our correspondent that he had shipped a load of locusts to Iloilo. where they were worth £4 a bag. The natives believe that the locusts come everv seventh year. 84 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES FROM KANSAS. Mr. V. V. Crevecceur, Onaga, Kans.. an entomologist of consider- able experience and a valued correspondent of this office, has reported tlic results of some interesting observations made by him during the past season (1900). Some of these are. in brief, as follows: Nbtonecta undulata, one of the common, so-called back-swimmers, was observed feeding upon a related species, Anisops platycnemis, on one of our largest species of Corisa, and on the Dytiscid water beetle, ( bptotomus interrogatus. March L9 a species of spider, Xysticus gulosus\ was noticed feeding on the dung beetle. Aphodius inquietus, under a ,oard on the ground. Orepidodera rufipes, the red-legged flea beetle, a long account of which was published some years ago in Volume V of Insect Life (pp. 341), was stated to be very abundant in the State of Kansas. It is a destructive enemy of young peach, cherry, and other fruit trees. May 30 a wasp, Odynerus tigris, was observed bearing a larva and living about a post in a barn looking for a hole in which to deposit it. The next day some of the same kind of larvae, as well as pupae, were found on the willow r , Salix amygdaloides, which were reared and proved to be Lino scripta, the streaked cottonwood leaf-beetle. June *>. Anomcea laticlawa, an interesting Chrysomelid, was reared from its pupal case found under a log about a month before. This case, which was made of dirt, was described as about five-eighths of an inch long by half that width, convex laterally, and somewhat con- cave longitudinally on the under side, with a fringe along the sides and crimped on the under side only, giving the case the appearance of being of organic origin instead of being of dirt. June is Plusia hrassicce, the cabbage looper, was reared from larvae on cottonwood, which pupated June 9. June 21 the same species issued from the larva taken on cottonwood, which pupated June 12. It will be noted that the pupal stage in both cases lasted nine days. On two occasions during the latter days of June DasyUis tergissa^ a Large robber fly, was noticed feeding upon Macrobasis unicolor, the ash-gray blister-beetle, Onthophagus hecate, a dung-beetle, and Euschistus tristigrrms^ a plant-bug. June L0 Atomosia puella was noticed feeding upon Lonchosa rufitar- X//.S-. both Dipt era. » J une 11 Macrobasis unicolor was observed feeding on the bloom of hollyhock. It had ragged three or four flowers on this plant when observed. While picking strawberries our correspondent happened to touch a specimen <>t" the plant-bug Eusckistus vcvriolarius, which is often found feeding ( ,n the fruit of berries, and noticed that a small quantity of the fluid which this species exudes when disturbed caused a very pain- 85 ful sensation on a sore spot on his finger, almost like that produced by a burn. During the last week of September two species of ants were noticed devouring- apples on trees, some of the fruit having* been almost com- pletely devoured and badly honeycombed at the time. October 6 Euphoria inda, tin 1 brown fruit-chafer, was observed feeding upon some apples that had been injured by ants. UNUSUAL INJURY BY CUTTING ANTS IN TEXAS. One of our correspondents. Mr. H. Booton. of Richmond. Tex., writes, under date of September 2. of very unusual injury by cutting- ants in that State. As his letter is of unusual interest, we copy it entire: Replying to yours of the 20th of August, in regard to the night ants, as you desig- nate them, it is the same ant 1 refer to. We call them the cutting ants. In the lot next to me here in Richmond these ants undermined the wall to the city schoolhouse, causing the wall to fall. This same nest of ants destroyed lh acres of my orchard. I have gone down 10 feet after these ants. The school and county authorities sent to Galveston, Tex., for an architect to examine this house and give the cause of these walls falling, for which they paid this man §50. I was present when this man exam- ined these walls. He pronounced them good walls — a sound foundation — the second best that can be made. He could not find the cause of the north wall falling. I offered him my assistance, which he accepted, and in five minutes I satisfied him that these ants had undermined this wall and were the cause of its falling. He so reported it and said it was the first wall in all his experience he had known to be destroyed by these cutting ants. I dug six holes, from 8 to 10 feet deep, in my yard for these ants. I smoked them with sulphur, which ran them under this brick house. The results I have stated. This nest of ants was destroyed or run away by the water running from the gutters off this house onto this nest after the wall had fallen. I use a buffalo blower to force the fumes of the sulphur into the holes of the ants. Bisul- phide of carbon will not kill the cutting ants. It will kill the hill ants. These cut- ting ants will carry London purple and Paris green from 100 to 200 yards. I know of a well in this county which these ants destroyed by depositing London purple in it, and this well was nearly 200 yards from where these ants were fed on the London purple. I am the only man in this county who can kill these cutting ants. INJURIOUS MOTHS ATTRACTED TO LIGHTS IX AUTUMN. On the morning of September 23 the writer's attention was attracted to numerous individuals of the cotton moth (Aletia a/rgiUacea Hbn.) in the vicinity of electric-light globes in the business streets of Washing- ton. The same species, together with the boll worm moth and other Xoctuidae, were noticed at lights during the same evening, and the injurious forms predominated to such a degree that a tour was made of all available electric-light globes of the vicinny. From the captures an estimate was made and it was found that of the different species of moths attracted to the lights up to 11.30 p. m. about 85 per cent were injurious and the remainder innoxious. Other orders were conspicu- ous by their scarcity. A few common species of beetles, such as Silpha 86 surmarru nsls and Carabidse, were found here and there occasionally, as also numerous gnats of no known Importance, economically or other- wise. Outside of tin* Lepidoptera the only insect commonly seen was a chrysopa llv {Chrysopa oculata), a well-known beneficial species. The temperature at the time of collecting was about 05° on the streets, but the official reported temperature was 60°. The list which follows of the species captured, and the percentage of their occurrence, both on the date of capture and an estimate of their occurrence during the week ending September 23, may be found of interest, not only as showing the value of lights in attracting injurious forms in autumn, but also for comparison with the list of insects cap- tured in a cotton field near Victoria, Tex., October 1, Lsi>7. which was published in Bulletin No. 18 (n. s., pages 85-88). Fully half of the spe- cies listed are Southern, i. ... forms more frequently found in the South than in the Northern States. Anyone who has paid any atten- tion to the species of insects attracted to lights in spring and summer can not have failed to have been struck with the fact that beneficial forms are frequently so abundant as to show in many cases that the lights are of practically no value whatever in reducing the numbers of destructive insects. Although the noxious forms outnumber the others, it must always be remembered that each individual of a preda- ceous or parasitic species during a lifetime is capable of destroying many individuals of the injurious species. The following is the list of captures: Latin name. Common name. Septem- ber 23. Week's average. Alotia argillacea I Idiot his armiger Leucania unipunffta Laphygma frugiperda cram bus vulvivagellus Bypena scabra Plusia brassicse I-Vltia Bubgothica Agrotis ypailon Protoparce Carolina Protoparceceleus Pyralia costalis Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis I'lusia precatioms Loxoetege similalis Prodenia ornithogalli Miscellaneous injurious species . Innoxious Bpecies ol moths Cotton worm Corn car worm, boll worm Army worm Fall army worm Vagabond crambus Green clover worm Cabbage looper Dingy cutworm Black cutworm Tomato worm Tobacco worm Clover hay worm Bagworm A cabbage looper Garden webworm Cotton cutworm Per c< nt. 26 9 6 5 12 4 5 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 •) 1 l'i i- <■< nt. 5 16 6 3 12 3 8 20 15 10 — F. II. C. THE ANdOUMOIS GRAIN MOTH IN PENNSYLVANIA. Ii might (>c remembered by some of our correspondents that we made mention of the fact that the A.ngoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella 01.) is known to occur in the field as far north as Philadel- phia, Pa. From accounts which have reached us this fall (L ( .>), it is 87 evident that the extreme heat of the past summer induced numerous individuals of this species to fly northward, and it is also evident, from the numerous reports of injury, that the species is established out- doors, at least temporarily, in other localities than Philadelphia. Writing November 30, 1900. Mr. J. E. Walker states that this insect was ruining the wheat crop in the vicinity of Media. Pa. He writes that it can not be fanned out, as the hull or injured kernel and the insect are apparently so nearly of the same weight. In one instance men at work upon w^heat were obliged to leave the barn at various intervals during the process of threshing to clear their throats and relieve their noses from the flying insects, which came in clouds, both dead and alive, from the machine. The presence of the insect in the grain was not discovered until threshing commenced, in November. Most of the wheat in that vicinity was threshed in July and sold, or complaints of injury would probably have been general. Writing again January 23, our correspondent stated that after inquiry among persons residing in the neighboring towns he ascertained the extent of injury by this species to comprise a district radiating from Media and extending from Philadelphia to Newtown Square, to Westchester, to Kennett Square, to Ashland, Del., and up the Dela- ware River to Philadelphia, which completed the circuit. He expa- tiated on the difficulty of obtaining the information desired, owing to a general suspicion on the part of persons interviewed that the infor- mation which they might give would interfere with the sale of their farms; also that it was simply out of the question to endeavor to per- suade farmers to apply remedies to grain that had been threshed. They were all willing to sell for what the grain might bring, and it was left to the middleman to do the '•doctoring." Some interesting instances of infestation by this species were cited. One person owning a farm at Newtown Square threshed his grain from the mow. shipped 600 bushels to Philadelphia, and when the car was opened the next day the grain was so badly heated that a man walked on the top of it with- out making an impression with his shoe soles. Those who threshed immediately after harvest succeeded in effecting a sale of their wheat. A milling company at Kennett Square was refusing to take wheat for grinding, as several thousand bushels in stock was badly damaged before the presence of the moth was discovered. Another mill at Ash- land. Del., was caught like the preceding. Six thousand bushels was damaged. Injury was general about Westchester, especially to wheat which was stored in the sheaf and permitted to remain some length of time before threshing. February 6, 1901, we received information from a milling company of New York City that this species, specimens of which were sent, was very generally destructive throughout New Jersey and eastern Pennsvlvania. 88 l 8B OF BULPHUB as a REMEDT FOE THE [NDIAN-MEAL MOTH. Mr. A. Martin. Lamont, S. Dak., writes, under date of November 3, L900, that during the summer of L899 the [ndian-meal moth {Plodia irderpunctella I Il»n.) became so numerous that he was obliged to have recourse to remedies. Having a hard-coal heater in the building in which the infested grain was stored, he decided to make an experi- ment. The first was to ascertain if coal gas and heat would have any effect on his unwelcome guests. Neither produced the desired result. On the contrary, the heat enabled the insects to multiply more rapidly, and the grain tor a foot or so nearest the heater became quite hot — as high as L10 F. Sulphur was tried. 3 pounds being burned in a couple of days, with result that it killed some of the moths, the fumes not being strong enough to effect the destruction of the larvae. He next tried 3 pounds of sulphur, repeating with 3 pounds more. This killed all the moths not protected by being under boards or in similar localities. It did not affect the larvae as far as could be seen. Our correspondent esti- mates that the moths could all be killed at an expense of about, say, 5 pounds of sulphur to 10,000 cubic feet. Bisulphide of carbon cost, in this case, 25 cents a pound, and was therefore too expensive. Since writing on the so-called "olinda bug" (Pandamorus olinda Perk.), in "Notes on insects affecting the koa trees at Haiku Forest, Maui." specimens were given to me at San Francisco by Mr. Charles Fuchs, who claims that they were common in gardens of that city. Mr. E. A. Schwarz, to whom we showed specimens, pronounced them the well-known " Fuller's rose beetle" {Aramigus fulleri Horn). The insect has been figured in the Report of the Entomologist of the Department of Agriculture for 1879. l Dr. Riley states that a- early as L8T6 specimens were sent to him by Mr. A. S. Fuller, who found it hi greenhouses somewhat injurious to camellias. In his report, Dr. Riley stated that "it seems to be quite widespread, occurring from the Atlantic at least as far west as Montana, and its habit of injuriously affecting roses and other greenhouse plants must be looked upon as a comparatively recent acquirement." 'The so-called *" Olinda bug" is found on Oahu, and lately occurred in destructive numbers at Kohala and Kan, on Hawaii. The injury of this beetle to trees is in reality not as serious as it would appear, and its presence upon older trees is barely noticed, while 1 upon the young trees growing among the Ililo grass its presence is more apparent. l More recently Mr. Chittenden has given an account of thia species in Bui. 27, 89 We have seen many trees of the Java plum, recently planted, with every leaf eaten off, and some have died from the effects of the beetle and Hilo grass combined, while others again barely showed any sign of the beetle. Reports from Kohala state that the beetle also devours the bark of young trees. This we have never observed, but have no doubt of its accuracy Avhere food is scarce. Most any plant or tree, and even the grass, is attacked by the beetle. The insect appears to be most numerous along- the border of the forest, and it is found from the seashore up as high as 5,000 feet. Seven years ago we were shown the beetle at Paia. destructive to roses and garden plants in general. Mr. Perkins reports having some years since seen remains of the same at the base of koa trees near Olinda to a depth of several inches. It must have been present on the islands long before it became prominent, and it is likely an introduction from Mexico, and probably came from Acapulco. The life history of the beetle is as yet but imperfectly known. Four years ago we found its larva 1 under stones at Olinda, and collected large numbers of the same in all stages on this trip feeding on the roots of Hilo grass. We have obtained its eggs in confinement, depos- ited in clusters of some 75, of a light-yellow color, from three-fourths to l mm . long and half as wide. At the office we find that large num- bers of young larva? issue from galls produced by the Tortricid larva?. Here the eggs are inserted anywhere where a hole is convenient, and are embedded in irregular masses partly covered by excremental re- mains. We should think that they are also found under the bark of trees on which the beetles feed. It was found that the large number of gall-like swellings on the terminal branches of the koa trees brought down for observation produced hundreds of young larvae of the " Rose beetle." Whenever the galls showed any holes, or if partly split, they had been thrust full of eggs, often an inch or more in length. Doubtless this is done by several individuals when present in such enormous numbers as at Haiku. In gardens and small areas of land the beetles are easily dealt with, since they are wingless and can only crawl. They can readily be shaken on 1 ' smaller trees into a bucket of water with a little kerosene and destroyed. This can be done at any time during the day or night while the beetles remain stationary upon the plants, where, if numerous, they will congregate in clusters. Aramigus futteri has not many enemies. The indigenous Carabid beetles on higher elevations must destroy many of their larvae. Insectivorous birds evidently feed largely upon the beetles. We found excrements of the mina or niynah bird consisting entirely of remains of these beetles. Quails are considered as excellent birds to destroy such insects; fowls should keep the surroundings of houses free of them. Probably some 90 per cent of the food of the mongoose 90 consists of insects, roaches, crickets, grasshoppers, and centipedes, and. from examination made, he also feeds upon the "Olinda bug." — Ajlbert Koebele. 3INGULAB [N8TANCB8 OF attack on III man BEINGS Bl [NSECT& From time to time we are in receipt of specimens of insects from nearlv every quarter of the globe with report that the species -cut had caused annoyance by attacking men. In previous publications of this Department we have had occasion to mention more or less in detail the attacks and alleged attacks of the so-called "kissing bug," mos- quitoes, fleas, bedbugs, and various other insects which are known to attack man habitually. Extreme cases, however, are constantly being reported, and some of these may be of interest. During December, 1900, we received a communication from Mr. V. D. Granger, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, this city, with accompany- ing specimens of the ground beetle (JTcvrpalw erraticus), a common species in the West, which had been taken in September of that year on the farm of Mr. William Lord, at Page, Xebr. Mr. Lord said he had never noticed the insects before that year, but remarked that they were ifc savage biters." Mr. Granger stated that personal experience proved the correctness of this assertion, and that not only he but other members of the party camped in that vicinity were bitten by these beetles. EFFICIENCY OF THE TWO-SPOTTED LADYBIRD AS A PLANT-LOUSE DESTROYER. During the latter part of June Mr. J. J. Newbaker, Steelton, Pa., and Mr. M. P. Jones, Morristown, N. J., sent specimens of the cherry aphis {Mt/zii* cerasi) and of the apple louse {Aphis mali) on peach and apple, respectively, in both cases with accompanying specimens of the two-spotted ladybird {Adalia bijnmctata) in the pupal condition when received. The pupa* were found in groups of half a dozen and more within the curled-up leaves, and in neither case were any plant lice remaining, the larva' having devoured them all before transform- ing. It seems probable that a similar condition of affairs existed in both localities upon the trees. Till: "OVERFLOW BUG" AGAIN. October ir>. 1900, Mr. J. Hardy. Milton. Cal., sent specimens of the ground beetle Plcdywus mactilicoUis, known in California as the "over- flow bug" or u grease bug." with report that the species was a very annoying pesl in that vicinity at that time of the year. Our corre- spondent writes: They make their appearance about dusk, within three or four days after the rain. and remain from ten .lay- to three «*>>l ; i. and we published a brief note from correspondence with Mr. A. A. Eaton. Riverside. CaL. in Insect Life. Volume V. page 342. This beetle is a Carabid, and. like most species of this family, may be predaceous. A number of the beetles were confined in a small box and sent to us by Mr. Hardy, and nearly all reached this city in good condition, a very unusual state of affairs when it is considered that they were in such close confinement and had nothing to feed upon. Even one beetle that died did not appear to have been attacked by its fellow prisoners. Possibly the disagreeable odor emitted by the beetles may have an effect in deterring others from attack. A REMEDY FOR FLEA-BEETLES IX CALIFORNIA VIXEYARDS. We are in receipt of a communication from Mr. E. H. Twight. San Francisco, CaL. dated May 15. 1901, in which he states that flea-beetles do great damage in California at times, and that if the pests are not too numerous they can be fought with a flat with a slot to fit around the trunk of the vine, ending in a bag. When this is used early in the day. before it becomes too warm, the insects drop in with a slight shake of the vine. A man is supposed to treat 200 vine^ in an hour. When the bag is full it is dipped in hot water and the insects fed to chickens. When the flea-beetles appear regularly every season, our correspond- ent states, it is desirable to keep the vineyard free of weeds, bushes, dirt, and other accumulations, and in fall place some artificial shelters, such as stray covers, about the vineyard on the ground, so that these can be burned in winter when the pest seeks them as a shelter in which to hibernate. IXJURY TO RUSTIC CEDAR FEXCES AXD SUMMERHOUSES BY BORERS. May 24. 1900, Mr. J. Harold Austin. Lansdowne. Pa., complained of injury by CaUidium janthvnum Lee., judging by his description, to a small rustic cabin, built of red cedar, at that place. During the past five years injury by C. janthiny/m and some few other borers has noticed by the writer to fences and summerhouses and other rustic buildings in many suburban homes and public resorts in the vicinity of Washington. I). C. This borer, with Hylotrup** Ugneus 92 Fab., was by far the most numerous, but other insects assist somewhat in the injury, among them Atimia confusa Say. The first or second year after the borers have begun work the woodwork is greatly marred by the exit holes which are left in the bark. May L3, LJK)1, we received information from Dr. R. IT. Lawton, together with accompanying specimens, that ITylotrupes ligneus was the cause of considerable trouble in the cedars in his vicinity. March 30 the beetles made their appearance in an office in that town and were very plentiful until the middle of April, when the}- disappeared. Dr. Lawton found in a basement a pile of cedar sticks from which the insects had emerged. The sticks were badly damaged and fully accounted for the number of the beetles. There seems to be no practical remedy when cedar wood is used for outdoor ornamental purposes. If it were kept indoors for a season or more and saturated in April and May with gasoline, or some similar preparation, it might be kept free from infestation and in time the wood would be so dry that the borers would not attack it. — F. H. C. INEFFECTIVENESS OF KEROSENE EMULSION AGAINST WHITE GRUBS. One of the remedies which has been frequently suggested as of value against white grubs is the kerosene emulsion. Its use has been advised in various publications and in the correspondence of this Division. Kerosene emulsion diluted with 15 parts of water, applied to celery by Mr. Lull, formerly of this Division, in 1893, did not injure the plants, but killed the larvae of Allorhina nitida Avhich were at or near the surface of the ground, but apparently failed entirel} T to reach such larvae as were at a depth of two inches or more beneath the surface. This matter was brought to the attention of the public in Bulletin No. 10, in an article by Dr. Howard (p. 25). Mr. W. K. Shaw, acting upon our suggestion, tried kerosene emulsion against larvae of Lachnosterna, presumably L.. and Miss Annette Bowman. Moscow, Idaho, wrote in regard to such injury. These are only two of several complaints. In no cases have we received specimens of the insects, nor have we been able to suggest any substance that would kill the insects or deter them from attack- ing the twine that would not at the same time be dangerous to those handling it. Poisons, of course, could not be used, and sticky sub- stances would also be objectionable, although, of course, they would prevent injury by the insects. TO RID CATS OF FLEAS. The following from a New York paper adds something new to our knowledge of the means of ridding domestic animals of fleas. This method would probably be equally effective in ridding small dogs and puppies of fleas. An excellent way to get rid of (leas is used by a lady in Chicago, \\ r ho owns sonic of the best cats in America, she has ready a square of cotton batting and a square of cotton doth, placing the cat in the center of the batting, which has been laid over the cloth; she rnhs strong spirits of camphor quickly into the fur and then gathers the corners of the batting and cloth tight around the neck of the animal. She has a tine comb ready and a dish of hot water, for the pests, who detest the camphor, will run to the head of the cat. and must he combed out and plunged into the scalding water. Hundreds of them, however, will jump from the cat and Lodge in the cotton batting, where their scaly feet stick in the cotton so that they can not L r et away. 95 When the fleas cease to run out onto the head of the cat she judges that they have deserted the cat. The animal is then let out of the batting bag, and the latter care- fully carried to the kitchen and deposited in the stove. The scent of the camphor clings to the cat for some time and acts as a preventive. A whole cattery may be cleaned out in this way. A NEW REMEDY AGAINST PHYLLOXERA. Professor Vassiliere, in the Gironde, France, has for several years past met with good success in using calcium carbide against phylloxera. It is said to be superior for this purpose to bisulphide of carbon, both as to efficiency and absence of danger in handling. The cost also Lb less and it can be used in any season. It is sufficient to use the residue resulting from the manufacture of carbide of calcium, which is of little value otherwise and which is sold at about £2 for 220 pounds. For 1 hectare of vineyard land (1 hectare equivalent to 2.471 acres) about 1,100 pounds of carbide are required. The carbide pieces are put into holes in the ground, about S inches deep; water is poured in and the hole tilled up again. The resulting vapors kill the phylloxera, Avhile the ammonia generated manures the ground. Carbide is at present extensively used in the vineyards of southern France, and experts claim that it is the best remedy against phylloxera. — Richard Guenther. consul-general. Frankfort. Germany. May 28. 1901. A NOTE OX THE GLASSY-WIXGED SHARPSHOOTER. [Homalodisea coagulata Say. Mr. \Y. D. Hunter, special agent of this Division, while at Victoria, Tex., during May. 1901, wrote us on the 29th as follows concerning this insect, specimens of which he sent, and which he stated were feeding upon planted banana trees in great numbers: These insects teed upon the upper surface of the leaves and seem to prefer the cavity of the midrib, or that immediate vicinity, for their operations. I notice what was to me an interesting habit of these insects. While feeding during the portion of the day when the sun falls hottest upon the leaves of the plant, each one is continually, at intervals of only a few seconds, ejecting drops of liquid apparently from the anal aperture. These drops are large enough to be seen plainly at a distance of 15 feet and are forced out with such vigor that they go often as much as 12 inches in a straight line before beginning to fall. Where there are many of the insects upon a leaf a miniature rainfall is produced. Such a forcible ejection of honeydew, and in the case of insects outside of the Aphididae or Ceropida?, seems remarkable to me and may be of interest to you. OX THE ALLEGED IMMUNITY OF REDWOOD TO ATTACK BY TERMITES. December 13. 1900, we received a communication through a firm of lumber merchants of San Francisco. Gal., which appears to indicate that the California redwood lumber is immune to the attack of white ants, or termites. Through the firm in question we received a letter 96 from Mr. J. E. Norton, dated December 4, relating' to the resistance of this wood to the so-called Manila white ant or Annia. His letter is in substance as follows: In the latter pari of L898 I secured from a transport a piece of redwood board about L2 inches in Length, which was placed beneath a pile of Lumber in a yard at Manila. The spot was damp, and various pieces of timber all around showed evidence of the existence of the ant in abundance. This piece lay undisturbed for a period <>t' five or six months, and when examined was found as sound as when put there, not having been attacked by any insects. The Chinaman, owner of the lum- ber yard, was still doubtful, ami undertook to get it eaten by putting it in different places under different conditions, such as on top of pieces already inhabited, between boards, and underneath piles, and finally, after three months, put the sample on exhibition in his office with the following placard: " Madera Colorado de California, no se comen Annai." The quartermaster's lumber yard had piled for some four or five months a quantity of redwood, which upon my departure in October was still free from ants. John MacLeod, of Manila, has a room in one of his houses finished in redwood, constructed over fifteen years ago, and to this day three-fourths of the original amount remains still in good condition, one-fourth having been worn out and replaced by other lumber. THE BRAN-ARSENIC MASH AGAINST GRASSHOPPERS IN TEXAS. One of our correspondents, Mr. S. D. Harwell, Putnam, Callahan County. Tex., writes as follows in regard to the successful use of bran arsenic mash as a remedy for grasshoppers in Texas: We are successfully using arsenic (for grasshoppers) at the following rates: 10 pounds wheat bran, 1$ gallons sorghum molasses, 1 pound arsenic. Make a thick mash, sow broadcast on infected ground, and it will surely kill them. I used 40 pounds last year and made 49 bales cotton. My neighbors did not do anything and entirely lost their crop. TERMITES IN MEXICO. We received during August, 1900, from Prof. A. L. Herrera, chief of the commission of parasitology, Condensa 4^, Mexico, D. F., Mex- ico, specimens of Calotermes castaneus Burm., a species widespread and commonly known in Mexico as "Palomilla de San Juan" (St. John's Dove). It is so named from the belief that it puts in its first appearance on St. John's day (June 24). It attacks wood and causes serious injury. Two hundred were collected in one room, attracted by a light placed in a vessel containing water. The insects fell into the latter and were drowned. AN ENTOMOLOGICAL SERVICE IN MEXICO. The Mexican Government proposes to start work in economic entomology under official auspices at an early date. Prof. A. L. Herrera, at present zoologist in the Museo Nacional, is to be u jefe efectivo," and Mr. ( ). W. Barrett is to he first assistant. The first work will ho an investigation of tin 1 distribution of the Mexican orange worm (Trypeta hidens) and the best measures to be used against it. 97 NOTES FROM CORRESPONDENCE. Remedies against ants. — Mr. J. B. Blandy, of Funchal, Madeira, writes that the following remedy ifi used in houses in Funchal against ants: Tartar emetic 10 grams: white sugar, 100 grams; water, 1.000 grams. Mix the sugar and water well and put on the fire until it boils, fehen let it cool, add the tartar emetic and dissolve it equally. Set about in tins or other receptacles covered with wire netting for fear of injuring cats or dogs. Mrs. Oonklin, Penis, Gal., writes under date of October 27, 1900, that in her experience an application of corrosive sublimate applied with a brush to the edges, back. >ides, and crevices of shelves in what is known as an adobe cool room, van- ished ants for an entire season. Nests in gardens were destroyed with bisulphide of carbon, as recommended by this Division in Bulletin Xo. 4. on household insects. and Circular Xo. 34. A troublesome ant. — Mr. John F. Wielandy, a fruit grower of Santa Fe. X'. Mex., and an old correspondent of this Division, wrote under date of June 14, 1900. that a red ant, known as Pogonornyrmex barbatus, specimens of which were inclosed, was a most pugnacious and ill-natured insect; that its bite was far more painful to many persons than the sting of a bee or hornet. It is locally known as fire ant, and has never been known to foster aphids, as is the case with so many other species of ants. Migration of the Western willow flea-beetle. — Concerning the flea-beetle, Disonycha quinquevittata, of which Mr. Herbert Brown, Yuma, Ariz., wrote some months ago (see Bulletin Xo. 18, n. s., p. 100), our correspondent writes under date of December 21, 1899, that these beetles were again observed migrating in that year, this time coming down the Gila River aiid going in the direction of the Colorado. They moved November 3 and 4 in a belt apparently not more than 100 yards wide, and continued doing so during the two days mentioned. When observed they were usually flying about 4 feet above the earth and never more than about 20 feet high. The grapevine Fidia in Illinois. — Writing May 11, 1900, Mr. J. L. Lampe, jr., Bloomington, McLean County, 111., states that the grapevine Fidia (Fidia vitidda Walsh.) in his part of the State had done serious injury to vineyards. Damage was attributed by many growers to the severe ♦winter of 1898 to 1899, which they thought killed the vines, but our correspondent was certain that this was a mistaken idea and that the vineyards were in reality ruined by this beetle, as he had observed con- ditions closely and had been in correspondence with Mr. F. M. Webster, of the Ohio experiment station. What was left of his once fine vineyard he stated he would experiment on with arsenate of lead, other insecticides seeming to have no effect. Beetles occurring about smelting works. — October 18, 1900, Mr. Carroll Fowler, of the agricultural experiment station at Berkeley, Gal., sent specimens of the Buprestid beetles, AfelanophUa longipes Say and M. consputa Lee, with the accom- panying information that they were reported to him to have been collected at Cala- veras, Cal., September 2 of that year, in the immediate neighborhood of smelting works. These beetles were said to rest frequently on the hot slag and appeared to delight in the fumes of the smelting works. A snout-beetle injuring guava in Porto Rico. — Writing July 30, 1900, Mr. J. W. Van Leenhoff sent specimens of the snout beetle Diaprepes abbreviates with the information that they were met with in considerable numbers attacking the young plants of guava grown for shade, and according to report were attacking also young coffee plants. The young plants of guava were eaten bare of their leaves. They were kept in subjection by hand picking, the beetles as' fast as caught being placed in. a wide-mouthed bottle and afterwards burned.. This beetle is a rather striking species and plainly exotic from its appearance, not being known to occur in the United States. It measures, with the short snout, 4670— No 30—01 7 upward of half an inch in length, is black in color, with pale yellow elytra striped w ith Mack, and a yellow Bpol on each side of the thorax. Reported injury by the oil beetle, Meloe impressus Kirby. — January 12, L900, Miss Mary E. Murtfeldt, kirk wood, Mo., sent a specimen of this species with the Statement that it had been received from a correspondent in Missouri, with report that it was "eating wheat and rye t<> the ground in patches from the size of a dinner plate to that of a table, right through frost and sleet, as though nothing was wrong." The- determination of the species is by comparison with specimens in the national collection. When this genus Meloe is given further study it may possibly prove to be a distinct form. Various species of Meloe are known to appear above ground during mild days in winter and early sprint:, and whenever they appear they usually occur in numbers. Injury to apple leaves by the caterpillar of Euclea paenulata Clem. — August L5 Mr. II. (i. Mitchell sent the beautiful larva' of this limacodid moth with report that they were destroying the Leaves of apple trees at Tuscaloosa, Ala. This insect is a well-known enemy of willow and i»s occurrence on apple is noteworthy. Injury by Lygus invitus Say. — June 19, L901, we received through Mr. E. S. Goff from Mr. W. T. Innis, Ripon, Wis., specimen's of Lygus invitmS&y, a near rela- tive of the tarnished plant-bug {I/ygus pratensis), with report that this hug was destructive t<> peaches last season in that vicinity. The hug evidently sucked the juices from the young fruits, causing them to shrivel and perish. This is the lirst instance of injury by this species with which we are at present acquainted. The box-elder plant-bug (Leptocoris trivittatus Say) in Iowa. — April 8, 1901, Mr. J. II. Hill, Elkader, Iowa, sent specimens of this hug, with accompanying information that it made its appearance in that vicinity ahout four years ago, and although apparently harmless it had so increased in numbers as to have become an intolerable nuisance indoors. During warm weather the bugs inhabited the trees, hut on the approach of winter they would creep into houses or wherever they could find shelter. At the time of writing, the county court-house resembled a beehive, inside and out. A European plant-louse introduced in Massachusetts.— June 22, 1900, Mr. Samuel R. Thompson, Globe Village, Worcester County, Mass., wrote from Stur- bridge, of the same State, transmitting specimens of twigs of peach infested with A j ih is j» rsica Koch. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 5850 Dfcpt Lftv J. State C