LIBRARY OTATE PLANT BOARD mil TED STATES DEPAHTMEHT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. q.— 390 March I9, I936. PLANT qUARAl^TINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE BRITISH COLONY AND PROTECTOPJlTE OF SIERRA LEONE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 201 3 UlIITED STATES DEPAHTIffiHT OF AORICULT'JRE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qp.arantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. q.~390 March I9, 1936 PLANT qUAIUU'JTIlIE II'£PORT RSSTHICTI01\iS OF THE BRITISH COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF SIERRA LEOi^E This summary of the plant- quarantine import restrictions of the British Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone has been prepared for the infonaation of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, ajid others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Colony. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Q;aarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Service Information, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original text of the Destructive Pests Ordinance, I92U, revision of 1925 . and Orders promulgated thereunder, and reviewed hy the Director of Agriculture of Sierra Leone. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative . AVERY S. HOYT, Actin g Chief, Bureau of Ent omology and Plant Q.uarantin e. PLAiMT .^UAHAIITIIS IM ORT HZSTRICTIOIJS OF THE BRITISH COLOIIY Id^Ui PH0TECT0HAT3 OF SIZ32A LEOiG BASIC LEGISLATION The Destructive Pests Ordinance of Fe'Driiary I9 , 1-312, Revision of 1925, This Ordinance empowers the G-overnor-in-Couiicil from time to time to make such Orders as may npocar expedient for preventing the introduction into the Colony of any insect, fun^s or other pest destractive to agricultural or horticultural crops or to trees or plants, and for preventing the spreading in the Colony of any such insect, fungus, or other pest. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED TREES, PLANTS, SOIL, loaves, branches, stems, roots, seeds, or any other part of a trwe or plant, or any packages or packing materials which have contained or "been in contact with any such trees, plants, or parts thereof: Im-jortation into the Colony prohibited from Central ATierica, South Aiierica, and the ■Test Indies, to prevent the introduction of the witches' broom disease, I/laraSinius perniciosus Stahel (Order in Coiincil No. 12, Sept. 29, 1930). IMPORTATION RESTRICTED COCOA TREES OR PLAtJTS ( Theobroraa cacao L.), or the leaves, branches, stems, roots, seeds, or fruit of any such trees or pltmts; May be imiDorted only through the port of Frcetovm and such other ports as may be approved by the Governor, and only subject to inspection by the Director of Agriculture. If such plants or parts thereof are deemed likely to introduce any insect, fungus, or pest, the Director may order their iramedicate destruction, or their disinfection under his supervision at the expense of the importer. (Order constituting the Sched"'Jle to the Destructive Pests Ordinance of I92U.) CITRUS PLAIWS, including tne leaves, branches, stems, roots, seeds, or fruits: 'Any be imported only under the conditions prescribed for Theobroraa cacao , in order to prevent the introduction of - 2 - Diseases Ba cillus citrimaculaias Doidge, Dacterial spot (South Africa) B acterium citri (rlp.sso) Doidge, citrus caiikcr Bacterium syringao (Van Hall) H.F.Sia. - B. cit rarefacicns H. A. Lee, "blast C olletotrichuig tj;locosTJor io ides Ponz. and . . Crloeo^Tjoriun lii^etticolmi R . F, Clausen) "itnertip Oidiwn stvo. , mildew F ests ; Al e u r o c a n tl lus wo,-j:lufni Ashby, citrus "black fly Al euro tar i xus fl occosus ['ask. ( Aonidiella ) C. ir.y s Oi .r fnalus aurpgitii l.'Iask. , California red scale Co rati t i s caioito.ta 'lied. , liediterrane-'^r. fruit fly Cnry s ornnhalus ( f icus ) ao.'ddiun I'., Floricla red scale Coccus losoudo. .ip/