UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA / 3 1262 08486 7885 Registry No. 1040—04 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE STONEWARE INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 30, 1933 WE DO OUR PART The Code for the Stoneware Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents Submitted by NATIONAL STONEWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION en) GENERAL CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE STONE- WARE INDUSTRY Article I — Purposes The purposes for which this National Code of Fair Competition is established to control the Stoneware Industry are as follows: (a) To make effective within the Stoneware Industry the terms, provisions, and policy of the National Industrial Recovery Act. (b) To regulate the Industry in its own and the public interest, so as adequately to protect consumers, competitors, and employees. (c) To adopt methods to aid in rebuilding the Industry on a high plane of honesty and careful business planning, to increase capacity to give employment, and to raise the living standards of the employees. (d) To promote the fullest utilization of the productive capacity of the Industry. (e) To provide through the trade associations of the Industry the machinery necessary for the great cooperative movement throughout the industry in order to obtain a wide reemployment, to shorten the working hours, to pay a fair wage and to prevent unfair competition and disastrous overproduction. Article II — Definitions When used in this National Code, the following terms shall, unless the context otherwise indicates, have the following respective meanings: "Stoneware Industry" as used herein is defined to include any manufacturer and/or jobber and/or distributor of stoneware "Stoneware" means stoneware such as jugs, jars, crocks, food containers and stoneware specialities and stoneware kindred products. "Plant" means any establishment engaged in the manufacture of Stoneware. "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, trust, or corporation engaged in the manufacture of stoneware. "Employee" means any person employed in the Industry. "Associations" means the divisional associations, or informal organizations or divisions set up for the purpose of making effective the terms, provisions, and policv of the National Industrial Recovery Act. "Member" means a member of one or more of such divisional associations or divisions. "President" means the President of the United States. Article III — Participation and Divisions Participation in this Code, and any subsequent revision of or addi- tion to the Code, shall be extended to any person in the United States 9120—33 (1) engaged in the manufacture of Stoneware. All persons hereafter entering the business of manufacturing stoneware shall be admitted to full participation in the associations or divisions on equal terms with the existing members thereof. The Stoneware Industry naturally falls into geographical divisions, and, for the purpose of the administration of this Code, these geographical divisions are recognized as separate entities and charged with the responsibility of setting up and operating their own adminis- trative agencies under this Code. Each such district shall be inde- pendent and self-governing in respect of all conditions and problems relating exclusively to s-aid district. Proposals in respect of matters affecting more than one district may be initiated by any district, and shall be submitted for consideration to the National Executive Com- mittee of the Stoneware Industry, hereinafter described, and its determination shall be binding upon said district and all other dis- tricts affected thereby. Districts are hereby established as follows: Eastern District Middle- Western District Pacific District Southern District Other districts of manufacturers or producers of stoneware may be established upon application of any such group, subject to the approval of the National Executive Committee hereinafter described, such districts to have representation on the National Executive Com- mittee of the Stoneware Industry. Each of the foregoing districts, and any others which may subse- quently be formed within the Stoneware Industry, shall set up a trade association or a division committee for the purpose of adminis- tering the provisions of the Code, to secure adherence thereto, to hear and adjust complaints, to consider proposals for amendments thereof and acceptance thereto, and otherwise carry out within the district the purpose of the National Industrial Recovery Act as set forth in this Code. Inasmuch as they contain in their membership an overwhelming preponderance of the manufacturing firms in their respective districts, the following associations are hereby officially recognized as repre- sentatives of their divisions. Eastern Stoneware Manufacturers Association, for the Eastern District. Western Stoneware Manufacturers Association, for the Middle- Western District. Southern Stoneware Manufacturers Association, for the Southern District. Pacific Coast Stoneware Manufacturers Association, for the Pacific District. Each division shall prepare for submission to the President, as part of this General Code of Fair Competition of the Stoneware Industry, a Divisional Code of Fair Labor. Each Divisional Code of Fair Labor shall contain the following provisions, prescribed by the National Industrial Recovery Act, assuring to employees: (1) that employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self-organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection ; (2) that no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or any other union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor organization of his own choosing; and (3) that employers shall comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment, approved or prescribed by the President. It is understood that the plants of the Industry are open to capable workmen without regard to their membership or nonmembership in any organization, and nothing in this Code is to prevent the selection, advancement, retention, and/or discharge of employees on the basis of their individual merit. Article IV — Industry Regulations Marketing Code. — The National Executive Committee may estab- lish a Marketing Code with provisions with respect to: (a) Simplification and standardization of products. (b) Cooperative advertising for the industry. (c) Collection and interchange of credit information. (d) Cooperative administration of insolvent debtors. (e) Dropped lines or surplus stocks, sometimes designated as " close- outs" or inventories which must be converted into cash to meet imme- diate needs, may be sold at such prices as are necessary to move the merchandise into buyers' hands. However, all such stocks must first be reported to the Executive Committee of the District and be dis- posed of subject to the approval of that Committee; this to apply on all stoneware products marketed on the gallonage basis. (f) And/or other aspects of marketing. Article V — Trade Practice Rules The following are unfair trade practices which are condemned* These, together with other practices which may be subsequently declared unfair by the National Executive Committee shall be deemed to be unfair methods of competition and the employment of such practices shall be considered as a violation of this Code: 1. To sell any product of this industry below cost, such cost being determined by an approved method of cost finding in accordance with the regulations issued from time to time by the National Executive Committee, constitutes an unfair method of competition. This method shall include every element of cost entering into the manu- facture, sale, and delivery, whether by rail, truck, or otherwise, of the industry products and shall be based upon the principles of accounting and cost finding adopted by the National Executive Com- mittee for the industry. 2. Violations of sections herein having to do with maximum hours and minimum rates of pay or any other terms relating to employees as adopted by this industry, whether applying to unskilled labor or otherwise, constitutes an unfair method of competition. 3. To withhold from or insert in an invoice statements which make such invoice a false record wholly or in part of the transaction rep- resented on the face thereof constitutes an unfair method of compe- tition. 4. The giving to any purchaser of industry products any special or discriminatory prices, terms, privileges, or any rebates or allowances in any manner whatsoever contrary to the agreed terms and condi- tions of the industry or not as granted to all purchasers alike, con- stitutes an unfair method of competition. 5. Interference or attempting to interfere in any manner whatever with an existing contract between 8 member of this industry and a purchaser constitutes an unlawful method of competition. 6. The securing or attempting to secure orders or business by giving or the offering of gifts, whether of money or anything of value, to customers and employees or anyone acting in their behalf, constitutes an unfair method of competition. 7. The making or permitting or causing to be made of any state- ment, oral or written, that reflects falsely on a competitor or his business constitutes an unfair method of competition. 8. The enticing or attempting to entice employees of a competitor constitutes an unfair method of competition. 9. The reproduction or copying without the written consent of the originator of an original design, the same having been filed with the Executive Committee or the principal office of the industry, consti- tutes an unfair method of competition. Protection of said original design shall be limited to three years from the date of the first sale of said original design. 10. Sales terms shall be 1% 15 days, 30 days net, additional 30 days for shipments west of the Rocky Mountains and the Dominion of Canada. 11. To sell any of the products of tins industry on a so-called con- signment basis constitutes an unfair method of competition. 12. To sell or offer to sell industry products on a basis of com- bination deals as defined by the Executive Committee constitutes an unfair method of competition. 13. To violate the requirements or regulations of the Credit Bu- reau established by the Executive Committee constitutes an unfair method of competition. 14. The books, records, and factories of all members of this indus- try shall be open during normal business hours for inspection without notice by the duly accredited representatives of the Executive Committee. 15. Selling second-quality ware to the trade for resale below the price of first-quality ware constitutes an unfair method of competition. 16. The National Executive Committee of the industry shall have the power from time to time to interpret and construe the provisions of this Code, including, but without any limitation of the foregoing, the power to define the meaning thereof. Any interpretation or construction placed upon the Code by said National Executive Committee shall be final and conclusive. 5 Article VI — Adm inistration 1. DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Representation. — There shall be a District Executive Committee of the Stoneware industry for each district to consist of 5 members selected by the representatives of the industry located within said district. Powers. — The District Executive Committee shall be the general planning and coordinating agency for the industry within the Dis- trict. Its members selected by the established districts shall be empowered by the said Districts to act for them conclusively in respect to all matters before the Committee for consideration and within its jurisdiction. The Committee shall have powers and duties as provided herein, and in addition thereto shall: (a) From time to time require such reports from the member com- panies in each district as in its judgment may be necessary to advise it adequately of the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code; (b) Upon complaint of interested parties, or upon its own initia- tive, make such inquiry and investigation into the operation of the Code as may be necessary; and (c) Make such rules and regulations for the administration and enforcement of this Code as may be deemed advisable. (d) The Committee may delegate any of its authority to the Na- tional Executive Committee hereinafter provided and may designate such agents as it shall determine. 2. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Representation. — Each District Executive Committee shall appoint from its own membership to represent its district on the National Executive Committee: Eastern District Two members Middle Western District One member Southern District One member Pacific District One member And such other representatives as the N.R. A. may designate. Powers. — The National Executive Committee shall exercise such authority as may be delegated to it by the District Executive Com- mittees. All communications and conferences of the stoneware industry with the President, or with his agents, concerning the approval or amendment of this Code or any of its provisions, or any matters relat- ing thereto, shall be through the said National Executive Committee. The National Executive Committee shall serve as an executive agency for the District Executive Committees of the stoneware industry, and shall be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Code and with the duties, through agents or otherwise, of hearing and adjusting complaints, considering proposals for amend- ments and making recommendations thereon, approving recommenda- tions for exceptions to the provisions of this_ Code, and otherwise administering its provisions. 6 Any adherent to the provisions of this Code or subject to its terms shall have the right to appeal to the National Executive Committee from the decisions of any District Executive Committee and its decision shall be final and binding except for the right of final appeal to the N.R.A. The function of this Committee shall be general planning and co- ordinating for the Stoneware industry, and the co-operation with similar boards of other industries to the end of effecting a balanced national economy. Article VII — General The cost of the supervision needed to secure proper observance of this Code and any additions thereto, compilation of statistical data and such other activities as may be necessary shall be apportioned pro rata so far as practicable to all persons in the industry whether or not they are members of the National Stoneware Manufacturers Association. Prior to the installation of additional productive machinery by members of this industry (except for replacement that will not increase productive capacity), or prior to the purchase and installation of productive machinery by persons not presently engaged in this industry, such members or persons shall be required to secure from the National Executive Committee certificates that such purchase or installation is consistent with effectuating the policy of the N.I.R.A. during the emergency period stated therein. No provision of this Code shall be interpreted or applied in such a manner as to: (a) Promote monopolies, (b) Permit or encourage unfair competition, (c) Eliminate or oppress small enterprises, or (d) Discriminate against small enterprises. This Code or any of its provisions may be cancelled or modified and any approved rule issued thereunder shall be ineffective to the extent necessary to conform to any action by the President under section 10 (b) of the National Industrial Recovery Act. If any provision of this National Code is declared invalid or unen- forceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect the same as if they had been separately presented for approval and approved by the President. Amendments to this Code may be proposed by an established dis- trict to the National Executive Committee or may be initiated by it, and when approved by the President shall be effective. Violation of any producer of stoneware industry products of any provisions of this Code, or any approved rule issued thereunder, is an unfair method of competition. It shall be the duty of the National Executive Committee to submit the General Industry Code and the Divisional Codes to the President, to report back to the associations or divisions the modifications or changes prescribed by the President, to act as intermediary between the President and the Industry and to gather such industry statistics and other types of information as may be required for the adminis- tration of this Code. Nothing in this Code, or in the Divisional Codes already prepared or hereafter to be prepared, shall be construed as forming a partnership between or among any of the individuals, firms or corporations of the industry, or as a waiver of or to impair any of the constitutional rights of the participants in this Code or of the Divisional Codes. This Code shall be in effect beginning ten days after its approval by the President and remain in effect, subject to any subsequent changes or amendments for a period of two years from the date of enactment of the Industrial Recovery Act, if not rendered void in the meantime by a proclamation of the President or a joint resolution of Congress as provided in the Act or by cancellation by notice in writing to the President or his agents by the signatories to this Code in accordance with a reservation which is hereby made by each member of the National Stoneware Manufacturers Association. o