01 ' ANGELIC IE Revised November 1958 UNIV. DOCUM OF FL LIB. ENTS DEPT. #-»i •» r\n*r\ U.S. DEPOSITORY No. 17S7 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY MADISON S.WISCONSIN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin i ANGELIQUE Dicorynia guianensis Amsh . Family: Leguminosae-Caesalpiniaceae By B. FRANCIS KUKACHKA, Forest Products Technologist Forest Products Laboratory, ■= Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Introduction Angleique has for many years been incorrectly identified with the botanical name Dicorynia paraensis Benth. It differs from this species and from other described species of Dicorynia in the structure of the flowers and its re- stricted range of growth. Presently known as Dicorynia guianensis , angelique occurs only in French Guiana and Surinam. Dicorynia paraensis occurs along the Rio Negro and its tributaries in Brazil's Amazonas Territory. Aside from angelique, or basra locus as it is also known, the characteristics and proper- ties of the various Dicorynia species are practically unknown at this time. Angelique is well known in the producing areas for its strength and inherent natural durability, but its highly desirable characteristics have only recent- ly come to the attention of the United States trade. Small quantities are currently entering the United States, but it is expected that imports will gradually increase as the wood becomes better known. Distribution and Habitat Commercial stands of angelique occur in Surinam and French Guiana. In Surinam the main stands are found between the Coppename and Marewijne Rivers on higher ground not subjected to flooding. In French Guiana it is most common In the western part of the country in the valleys of the Sinnamary, Mana, and Maroni Rivers. The Tree The average height of the trees from the buttress to the first branches is about 95 feet, and the average diameter is about 2k inches. It is considered 1 "Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin, Rept. No. 1787 (Revised) -1- a large tree and attains a maximum height of 150 feet and a diameter of 5 feet measured above the low buttresses. The Wood Because of the variability in color between different trees, three forms or types are recognized by the producers. Heartwood that is russet colored when freshly cut and becomes superficially dull brown on drying, commonly with a purplish cast, is referred to as angelique gris. Heartwood that has a more dis- tinctly reddish cast and frequently shows wide bands of purplish color is called angelique rouge. And grayish-white colored wood, which apparently comes from trees that are late in forming typical heartwood, is called angelique blanc . The wood of angelique blanc contains abundant starch deposits, and in this respect possesses the characteristics associated with sapwood. Only the gris and rouge types are imported into the United States and generally no differentiation is made between them. They are delivered without any limi- tation as to maximum allowable percentage of one or the other. Gross Features The grain is generally straight or slightly interlocked. The texture (size of pores) is about equal to that of African limba ( Terminalia superb a Engl. & Diels) and somewhat coarser than that of American black walnut ( Juglans nigra L.). Flat-sawn surfaces usually show a pattern produced by the wood parenchyma bands, which appear violet colored against the background color of the wood. Storied elements of the wood produce a ripple mark pattern on the side -grain surfaces, but this is very small. Quartered material shows a more or less distinctive stripe associated with interlocked grain. The wood surfaces may appear rather dull, but a definite golden subluster is one of the distincitve features of this species. Mechanical Properties The mechanical properties of angelique are given in table 1 as compared with those of teak ( Tectona grandis L.F.) and white oak (Quercus alba L.). The values for angelique are based on tests made at Yale University on two trees 2 from Surinam and three trees from French Guiana (l, £_) .— The comparative teak values are from Tropical Woods (£) and the white oak values from the Wood Hand- book (h). _ , — "Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited at end of text. Kept. No. 1787 -2- Angelique is superior to teak and white oak, when either green or air dry, in all properties except tension perpendicular to the grain, in which it is surpassed by both. Mechanical tests made on the three forms of angelique show no significant differences. Machining Properties Sawing and other machining properties vary among the different forms of angelique and are reportedly due to differences in density, moisture content, and silica content. Angelique rouge is reported to be the easiest to saw and the blanc form the most difficult; the latter also tends to produce lumber with fuzzy surfaces. Sawing is least difficult when the wood is in the green condition, although considerable dulling of the saw does occur. After the wood is thoroughly air dried or kiln dried, it can be worked effectively only with carbide-tipped tools. A planer cutting angle of 15° is said to be suit- able for working this species. The wood finishes smoothly and is moderately easy to glue. Seasoning Duke University found that h/k, 6/4, and 8/4 stock air seasoned well during the period of 2 months in which the average temperature was 6l° F. and the average relative humidity was 58 percent. During this period green boards of the above thicknesses, which varied between 67 and 92 percent moisture content, were dried to a 13 to 23 percent range with only mild end checking and with slight cup in the unrestrained boards on the top of the pile. Air-dried k/k stock was kiln dried to 8 percent without degrade on a normal hardwood schedule. However, it was found necessary to use a very mild schedule for kiln drying green stock to avoid collapse. One of the producers of angelique has reported successful use of a kiln schedule given in table 3 for green h/k flooring stock. The drying time is 21 to 2k days. The temperature during the initial steaming is high enough to cause col- lapse in collapse -prone materials, so caution should be used if this procedure is followed. The producer reported that the cooling-off period was necessary to avoid bowing and crooking when the material was manufactured into flooring. Perhaps a good conditioning treatment, such as is given in Forest Products Laboratory Eeport 1791 (3)> would achieve the same result. Shrinkage Shrinkage values for angelique are given in table 2. Eept. No. 1787 Decay Resistance Soil-block tests performed at Yale University (l, £) indicate that angelique is somewhat superior to teak and considerably superior to white oak in re- sisting white rot fungi. In resistance to brown rot it was inferior to teak but better than white oak. These comparisons pertain only to heartwood; sap- wood is not decay resistant. In tests made at the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, the angelique samples sustained such small amounts of decay by even the most active fungus that it can be unqualifiedly classified for general consideration as very resistant. It would be expected to have superior resistance to fungus damage both in ground contact and in above-ground service. The test data reveal it to be com- parable to black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in this respect. With respect to commercial heating, the studies indicate that steaming of boat frames may lower the decay resistance of some woods moderately. Angelique was by far the least subject to heating effects of the nine durable woods tested at the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory. Marine Borer Resistance Angelique has a favorable reputation as resistant to marine borers in the Guianas, Panama Canal Zone, France, and the Netherlands. Wood after 15 years' exposure in borer-infested waters at Balboa, Canal Zone, showed little pholad attack and no significant damage by teredos (2) . Tests conducted at Harbor Island, N. C, and in Hawaiian waters generally con- firm the favorable reputation of angelique in this regard. After 10 months' exposure at Harbor Island, small specimens showed no evidence of marine borer activity and after 15 months only moderate attack by teredo and pholads. This performance surpassed that of teak, and under the same conditions white oak specimens were heavily attacked within 6 months (6) . Edmondson reports angelique as showing no infestation by teredo and limnoria after an exposure of 3 years in Hawaiian waters (2) . Termite Resistance Experimental data on the termite resistance of angelique are rather meager. Wolcott' s data (7) rate angelique as kh, which is comparable to walnut and white oak, with teak rated at 80 in its resistance to the West Indies termite. Local reputation indicates that the wood has considerable resistance to termite attack and that the rouge form is superior to the others. Rept. No. 1787 -h- Abrasion Resistance Tests indicate that angelique is superior to teak and white oak in resisting abrasion. Service trials on the landing decks of aircraft carriers show that angelique wears at least as well as teak under these rigorous conditions. Weathering Ability When exposed to weathering without a protective coating, angelique develops characteristic hairline checks that cover practically all of the surface. This checking does not appear to become more extensive with time and is not dis- qualifying for most structural uses. The heartwood is quite resistant to moisture absorption and in this respect is comparable to white oak. Fastening Strength The Material Laboratory, New York Naval Shipyard, found that angelique holds wood screws at withdrawal loads about one-third greater than those of teak and white oak. A similar relationship could be expected to apply for drift bolts, lag screws, and other types of fastenings, depending on frictional re- sistance. Silica Content The high degree of resistance of angelique to marine borer attack has been generally attributed to the relatively high silica content of the wood. This is one of the very few American legumes that accumulate silica, and in Dicorynia it occurs in the vertical parenchyma cells and in the marginal cells of the wood rays. The individual particles are generally about 0.001 inch in diameter. It has been reported that the rouge form lacks silica; however, every authentic specimen of all forms of angelique examined at the U. S. Forest Products Labora- tory was found to contain silica. Judging from the reports of a number of in- vestigators, the silica content is extremely variable and may account for the variation in machinability and borer resistance. Tests on individual specimens show a range of variation from 0.20 to 2.92 percent of the weight of the dry wood in the three forms of angelique. Silica determinations made on the three forms of angelique at the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory are given in table h. Availability Angelique is available in thicknesses from k/k to l6/h and in average widths of about 8 inches; infrequently, boards are cut to a width of 18 inches. Poles and piling are readily available in 40- to 60-foot lengths. Timbers may be Kept. No. 1787 _5_ obtained in sizes up to 16 by 16 inches; however, the average for timbers is more commonly about 10 by 10 inches in lengths up to 33 feet. Quartered lumber for ship and boat decking may be obtained in lengths of Ik feet and more, averaging 16 feet, and in widths up to 6 inches. Small quanti- ties of wider material can be obtained on special order. Lumber suitable for hull planking, sheathing, and inner planking is available in widths up to 10 inches, since flat-sawn material is permitted in these cate- gories. Stress-rated grades may be obtained in lengths up to 18 feet and widths up to 10 inches and in thicknesses of 2, 3> and k inches. Larger sizes can usually be provided on special order. Uses Its strength and durability combined make angelique especially suitable for heavy construction, harbor installations, bridges, heavy planking for pier and platform decking, and railroad bridge ties. The heartwood is particularly suitable for ship decking, planking, boat frames, and underwater members. At the present time, small quantities of flooring are entering the United States market, and the wood is undoubtedly suitable for many other building uses. Identifying Features The characteristic color of angelique and the presence of ripple marks will generally separate this wood from those commonly used for heavy construction and ship building. The ripple marks are best seen on flat-sawn surfaces, and may be easily seen with the unaided eye. The ripples occur at the rate of 50 to 60 per inch along the grain. One Amazonian species ( Androcalymma glabri - folium Dwyer) resembles angelique very closely. It, however, lacks the ripple marks and silica that are characteristic of angelique. The presence of silica in the vertical parenchyma and the marginal cells of the wood rays further in- sures the separation of angelique from other leguminous woods. Known Producers at Time of Publication Bruynzeel Surinam Plywood and U. S. Representative Lumber Co. Ltd. D. J. K. M. Ramondt Paramaribo, Surinam 3365 Sunset Avenue Hapeville, Georgia French Guiana Timbers 475 Fifth Avenue Greenheart (Demerara) New York 17, N. Y. Inc. 52 Vanderbuilt Avenue New York 17,. N. Y. Kept. No. 1787 -6- Known Importers at Time of Publication J. H. Monteath Co. 2500 Park Avenue New York 51, N. Y. Schroeder Lumber Co. 5^+01 Lawndale Avenue Houston, Texas Tropical and Western Lumber Co, Box 58422, Vernon Station Los Angeles 58, Calif. Kept. No. 1787 -7- Literature Cited (1) Dickinson, F. E., Hess, R. W., and Wangaard, F. F. 19^9. Properties and Uses of Tropical Woods, I. Trop. Woods No. 95^ PP« 65-69- June 1. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (2) Edmondson, C. H. 1955* Resistance of Woods to Marine Borers in Hawaiian Waters. B. P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 217, PP- 1-91. (3) Torgeson, 0. W. 1957. Schedules for the Kiln Drying of Wood. U. S. Forest Products Laboratory Rept. No. 1791* 9 pp., Madison, Wis. (h) U. S. Forest Products Laboratory 1955. Wood Handbook. Agric. Handbook No. 7 2 , Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agric, Washington, D. C. (5) Wangaard, F. F., and Muschler, Arthur 1952. Properties and Uses of Tropical Woods, III. Trop. Woods No. 98, pp. 97-102. June 1. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (6) Wangaard, F. F. 1956. The Natural Marine Borer Resistance of Tropical American Woods. Trop. Woods No. 105, pp. 38-^3. October. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (7) Wolcott, G. N. 1950. An Index to the Termite Resistance of Woods. University of Puerto Rico Ag. Exp. St. Bull. No. 85. Rept. No. 1787 -8- 1.-13 Table 1. -- Mechanical properties of angelique and some comparable hardwoods, teak and white oak Property- Species Angelique : Teak : White oak ( Dicorynia : ( Tectona : ( Quercus guianensis ) : grandis ) : alba ) Moisture content Green percent Air dry percent Specific gravity -- Based on volume when green and weight when ovendry Static bending Fiber stress at proportional limit Green p.s.i. Air dry p.s.i. Modulus of rupture Green p.s.i. Air dry p.s.i. Modulus of elasticity Green 1,000 p.s.i. Air dry 1,000 p.s.i. Work to proportional limit Green in. -lb. per cu. in. Air dry in. -lb. per cu. in. Work to maximum load Green in . -lb . per cu . in . Air dry in. -lb. per cu. in. 81 12 0.62 8,560 12,980 12,520 18,590 1,920 2,21+0 2.06 5.96 13.8 14.2 52 12 68 12 O.58 : 0.60 7,250 8,160 11,580 15,770 1,580 1,670 1.89 2.51 10.0 ^9.5 4,700 8,200 8,500 15,200 1,250 1,780 1.08 2.27 11.6 14.8 Compression parallel to grain Fiber stress at proportional limit Green p.s.i, Air dry p.s.i, Maximum crushing strength Green p.s.i, Air dry p.s.i, 5,060 7,160 5,750 9,020 4,120 5,180 5,490 7,520 3,090 4,760 5,560 7,44o Hardness End Green ..lb, Air dry lb , Side Green lb, Air dry lb, 1,300 2,010 1,290 1,510 900 1,010 980 1,100 1,120 1,520 1,060 1,560 Rept. No. 1787 (Sheet 1 of 2) Table 1. — Mechanical properties of angelique and some comparable hardwoods, teak and white oak (continued) Property Species Angelique : Teak : White oak ( Dicorynia : ( Tectona : ( Quercus guianensis ) z grandis ) : alba ) Compression perpendicular to grain Stress at proportional limit Green p.s.i, Air dry p.s.i, Tension perpendicular to grain Green p.s.i, Air dry p.s.i, 1,110 1,420 680 54o 1,040 1,190 960 980 830 1,320 770 800 Shear Green p.s.i, Air dry p.s.i, Toughness in. -lb, 1,390 1,780 151.2 1,300 1,360 84.4 1,250 2,000 144.9 "At moisture content of 11.2 percent. (Sheet 2 of 2) Kept. No. 1787 Table 2. -- Shrinkage values for angelique , teak, and white oak Species and source Shrinkag* J. .Kadial .Tangential: Volume trie : Percent Percent 8.2 ! k.2 9.0 : Percent Angelique (Dicorynia guianensis) Surinam Teak (Tectona grandis) Burma White oak (Quercus alba) United States k.G : 2.3 : 5-3 14.0 ': 6.8 : 15.8 "Shrinkage values represent shrinkage from the green to the ovendry condition expressed as a percentage of the green dimension. Kept. No. 1787 Table 3. -- Kiln schedule for drying k/k angelique for flooring Time: Moisture : content Temperature Dry -bulb : Wet -bulb Remarks Days: Percent Above 30 30-25 25-20 20-15 15-10 'F. 'F. 153 153 129 ■ 120 134 123 140 123 1A5 123 1^9 120 Initial steaming : Cooling Tab le h . - - Silica and ash content of angelique— Silica Eange Average Ash Range : Average Percent silica in ash Blanc gris rouge Percent 0.22-0.80 0.20-1.70 0.30-0.72 Percent 0.52 1.09 .51 Percent 0.59-0.89 0.64-1.81 0.43-0.77 Percent 0.77 1.31 .61 67 83 87 Values based on ovendry weight of unextracted wood. Rept. No. 1787 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08927 2214