^ATE PL A NTT r PLANT BnA on UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B,E.P.Q. 495 April 7, 193? Sec, 301.64b — Administrative Instructions - Relating to the Mexican fruit fly- quarantine, requiring sterilization of all grapefruit 'harvested on and after April 12, 1939, and extending the har- vesting season 6n grapefruit to the close of May 15 , 1939 Under authorization vested in the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in the third proviso of Notice of Quarantine No. 64,revised (Sec. 301.64), it is hereby required, as provided in paragraph (_e) of Regulation 6 thereto (Sec, 301.64-6), that all grapefruit harvested en and 'after April 12, 1939 » in the area regulated under said quarantine, shall be sterilized under approved methods as a condition of issuance of nermits for movement of such fruit from the regulated aren. Section A, Regulation 7 (Sec. 301.64-7) of said quarantine is also hereby modified to extend the harvesting season for grapefruit to the close of May 15,' 1939 • The host-free period for grapefruit, ' under this modification, will begin May 16 and continue to August 31, 1939, inclusive. (B.E.P.Q. 437, dated January 27, '1939, extends the harvesting season for Valencia oranges to June 1.5, 1939- ) Sterilization of grapefruit has been' found necessary to insure against dissemination of Mexican fruitflies, due to the occurrence of such flies in the regulated area. The extension of the harvesting season, it has been determined, may be safely made without increasing the risk of spread of the Mexican fruitflies since sterilization will render grapefruit saf6 for movement from the regulated area. (Sec. 301.64) [B.E.P.Q. 495, April 7, 1939.3 LEE A. STRONG Chief ^ Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. lllllllTlUllil 3 1262 09311 5169