September 1939 CONTENTS AND INDEX OF ENTOMOLOGICAL TECHNIC (ET) CIRCULARS NOS. 101 to 150 Issued by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture LIST OF TITLES AND AUTHORS ET-101. An improved container for shipping adult parasites. J. K. Holloway. May 1937. ET-102. Apparatus for studying effect of submersion on small insects. D. F. Barnes. May 1937. ET-103. A mobile entomological laboratory. L. D. Christenson and W. F. Turner. May 1937. ET-104. A simple microproj ector. S. W. Simmons. May 1937. ET-105. An apparatus for dusting individual plants. J. P. Vinzant. June 1937. ET-106. Methods of propagating Ribes in nutrient solution for use as test plants. H. R. Offord, G. R. Van Atta, and C. R. Quick. June 1937. ET-107. Stickers for derris on cabbage and beans. R. A. Fulton. July 1937. ET-108. A shaker and modified Berlese funnel for extracting al- falfa weevils from baled hay. R. W. Bunn and W. C. McDuffie. July 1937. ET-109. Methods for the fixing and preservation, for exhibit purposes, of the natural green color of pea plants and pods. F. E. Carroll. August 1937: ET-110. An inexpensive fire extinguisher. J. R. Douglass. August 1937. ET-111. A convenient field cage for individual insects. R. L. Beard. September 1937. ET-112. A machine for the examination of flies. A. W. Lindquist. October 1937. ET-113. An apparatus for all-season sampling for the study of insects. F. H. Harries and D. E. Fox. November 1937. ET-114. A motor-driven telescoping stirrer for use with an insec- ticide spraying apparatus. L. D. Goodhue and E. H. Siegler. December 1937. - •^ ET-115. An efficient method for mixing large or small quantities of insecticidal dusts containing a conditioner. T. E. Bronson. December 1937. ET-116. Insect feeder. C. W. Eagleson. December 1937. ET-117. Insect holder. C. W. Eagleson. December 1937. ET-118. An artificial shipping medium for young larvae of Coch- liorayia americana. Roy Melvin. April 1938. ET-119. A hood for use in examining material containing irritating dust. H. C. Donohoe. D. F. Barnes, and Perez Simmons. May 1938. ET-120. A method for infesting lemon fruit with red scale. Francis Munger. May 1938. ET-121 . A convenient cage for determining field populations of the potato leafhopper. F. W. Poos and J. W. Scrivener. June 1938. ET-122. Apparatus and method for filling Lepidopterous larvae with wax. J. C. Silver. June 1938. ET-123. A method of keeping records on replicated plots. J. Wilcox. July 1938. ET-124. A simple and effective larval trap for hornworms. A. H. Madden and F. S. Chamberlin. July 1938. ET-125. A counting-cage heater for winter studies of insect popu- lations in the field. 0. A. Hills. July 1938. ET-126. Modifications of square-foot sampler. H. E. Dorst. July 1938. ET-127. An injector for forcing liquids into the soil. C. B. Eaton. August 1938. ET-128. Specimen supports for objects photographed from above. C. B. Nickels. August 1938. ET-129. A simple method of testing camera shutter speeds for between-the-lens shutters. G. W. Still. August 1938. ET-130. Emergence cages for light-attracted insects. H. C. Donohoe. August 1938. ET-131 . An improved and inexpensive oviposition cage for insectary use. 0. I. Snapp and J. R. Thomson, Jr. August 1938. ET-132. Equipment and methods for estimating dried fruit beetle populations in soil. C. K. Fisher and D. F. Barnes. August 1938 - 3 - ET-133. A reel for carrying rolls of tree-banding material. M. A. Yothers and F. W. Carlson. September 1938. ET-134. A simple hand-operated soil-sifting device. M. A. Yothers. October 1938. ET-135. A machine for separating mosquito eggs from soil. C. M. Gjullin. October 1938. ET-136. A suggested method for the determination of the ether- extractives content of small insects. W. C. Cook. November 1938. ET-137. An authoraatic wind-direction recorder adapted to an electrical recording thermometer. R. A. Fulton. January 1939. ET-138. A special cage for confining insects on tall plants or portions of a plant. 0. A. Hills. January 1939. ET-139. A revolving plant cage for use in insect selectivity studies. J. A. Gillett and J . R. Douglass. February 1939. ET-140. An improved method of labeling jelly-glass rearing con- tainers. A. H. Madden. February 1939. ET-141 . A portable stand for outdoor photography. A. H. Madden. Feb.ruary 1959. ET-142. A telescopic spray extension rod for use in bark beetle control work. J. C. Evenden. March 1939. ET-143. A light and camera stand for photographic copy work. 0, A. Hills and R. L, Wallis. April 1939. ET-144. Portable equipment for applying insecticidal concentrates by atomization. S. F. Potts and G. W. Barber. May 1939. ET-145. A power-driven mixer for making emulsions and other sprays in the field. F. P. Dean. May 1939. ET-146. A mobile insect-collecting trap. J. R. Douglass and E. H. Bean. May 1939. ET~147. A simple soil washer for large samples. A. W. Morrill, Jr. June 1939. ET~148. A sturdy but compact soil sifter for field use. A. W. Morrill, Jr. June 1939. ET-149. Laboratory spraying and washing apparatus . R. D. Chisholm. June 1939. ET-150. Stand and lighting accessories for insect photography. G. A. Runner and G. W. Still. July 1939. - 4 - INDEX Compiled by the Bureau Library Numbers following items in this index signify ET circulars (not pages) Barber, G. W. , (joint author), 144 Barnes, D. F. . 102 Barnes, D. F. , (joint author), 119; 132 Bean, E. H. , (joint author), 146 Beard, R. L. . Ill Berlese funnel applied to alfalfa weevil, 108 Bronson. T. E. , 115 Bunn, R. W. , and McDuffie, W. C, 108 Cages — about parts of plants, 138 counting, heater, 125 emergence, phototropic insects, 130 individual insects, 111 insect selectivity studies, 139 oviposition, 131 population studies, 121 tall plants. 138 Carlson, F. W. , (joint author), 133 Carroll, F. E. , 109 Chamberlain, F. S., (joint author). 124 Chisholm, R. D. , 149 Christenson, L. D. , and Turner, W. F. , 103 Cochliomyia araericana, apparatus for examination. 112 Cook, W. C, 136 Dean, F. P. , 145 Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk. . spray apparatus, 142 Desmia funeralis, emergence cage, 130 Donohoe, H. C. , 130 Donohoe, H. C, et al , 119 Dorst, H. E. , 126 Douglass. J. R. , 110 Douglass, J. R., and Bean, E. H. , 146 Douglass, J. R., (joint author), 139 Dusting apparatus — individual plants, 105 mixer, 115 Dusts, replicated plots, records, 123 Eagelson, C. W. , 116; 117 Eaton, C. B. , 127 Entomological laboratory, mobile, 103 Ephestia figulilella, emergence cage, 130 5 - Eutettix tenellus — fat determination, 136 soil sampling apparatus, 113 Evenden, J. C. , 142 Fat determination by ether extractives, 136 Fire extinguisher, 110 Fisher, C. K. , and Barnes, D. F. , 132 Fixing and preservation methods, pea plants and pods, 109 Fox, D. E. . (joint author), 113 Fulton, R. A. , 107; 137 Gillett, J. A., and Douglass, J. R. , 139 Gjullin, C. iM. , 135 Goodhue, L. D. , and Siegler, E. H. , 114 Harries, F. H. , and Fox, D. E. , 113 Heater, counting-cage. 125 Hills, 0. A., 125; 138 Hills. 0. A., and Wallis. R. L. , 143 Holloway, J. K. , 101 Hood, for examining material containing irritating dusts. 119 Hypera postica, shaker apparatus, 108 Infesting lemon fruit with red scale, 120 Insect feeding device, toxicological studies, 116 Insect holder, 117 Insecticides, sticker for derris, 107 Labels, jelly glass, 140 Lindquist, A. W. , 112 MoDuffie, W. C, (joint author), 108 Madden, A. H. , 140; 141 Madden, A. H. , and Chamberlin, F. S., 124 Melvin, Roy, 118 Microprojector, 104 Morrill, A. W. . Jr.. 147; 148 Mountain pine beetle, see Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk. Munger, Francis, 120 Nickels, C. B. , 128 Nutrient solution for test plants, 106 Offord, H. R. , et al, 106 Parasites, shipping devices, 101 Photography — camera shutter speeds, test, 129 from above, stand, 128 light and camera stand, 143; 150 portable stand, 141 Poos, E. W. , and Scrivener, J. W. , 121 - 6 Population studies, dried fruit beetle in soil, 132 Potts, S. F., and Barber, G. W. , 144 Preservation methods — apparatus for filling larvae with wax, 122 natural color of plants, 109 Quick, C. R., (joint author), 106 Replicated plots, records. 123 Runner. G. A., and Still, G. W. , 150 Scrivener, J. W. , (joint author), 121 Separating apparatus, mosquito eggs from soil. 135 Shaker apparatus, alfalfa weevils, 108 Shipping devices — parasites, 101 screwworm larvae, 118 Siegler, E. H. , (joint author), 114 Silver, J. C. , 122 Simmons, Perez, (joint author), 119 Simmons, S. W. , 104 Snapp, 0. I., and Thomson, J. R. , Jr., 131 Soil injector, liquids, 127 Soil sampling apparatus — all-season, 113 square foot, 126 Soil sifting apparatus — field use, 148 hand operated. 134 Soil v/ashing apparatus, 14? Spray atomization equipment, portable. 144 Spray mixer, power-driven. 145 Spraying and washing apparatus, 149 Square-foot sampler, 126 Stickers for derris, 107 Still, G. W. , 129 Still, G. W., (joint author), 150 Submersion apparatus, small insects, 102 Telescopic spray extension rod, 142 Telescoping stirrer, motor-driven. 114 Thomson, J. R., Jr., (joint author), 131 Traps for insects — collecting, 146 hornworm larvae, 124 Tree-banding material, reel, 133 Turner, W. F.. (joint author), 103 Van Atta, G. R. , (joint author), 106 Vinzant, J. P. . 105 - 7 - Wallis, R. L., (joint author), 143 Washing apparatus, 149 Wilcox, J. , 123 Wind-direction recorder, 137 Yothers, M. A. , 134 Yothers. M. A., and Carlson, F. W. , 133 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lliliiiiilliiiiiillliillliill 3 1262 09242 9280