Registry No. 409—1—02 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE STATIONERS INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1933 WE DO OUR PART UNIV. OF FLLH. DOCUMfeMTS PE EL. I A fcl 1 u.s. BEPQgrrcmY | The Code for the Stationers Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents Submitted by NATIONAL STATIONERS ASSOCIATION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA (n) National Stationers Association, United States and Canada, 740 Investment Building, Washington, D.C. To the Administrator of the National Recovery Administration, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: Herein is contained the General Code of the National Stationers Association for your consideration and approval. Yours very truly, Chas. P. Garvin, Secretary and General Manager. National Stationers Association, United States and Canada, 740 Investment Building, Washington, D.C, August 28, 1983. The National Recovery Administrator, National Recovery Administration, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: We present herewith the code of Fair Competition for the National Stationers Association. Without wishing to duplicate information furnished in the application, we point out that the National Stationers Association, organ- ized in 1904, a corporation under the laws of Illinois, is composed of over 200 manufacturers, 250 commercial stationers who have both retail and manufacturing departments, 83 commercial stationers who are both wholesalers and retailers and about 150 commercial stationers who do not have manufacturing depart- ments. In addition there are 20 Local Associations. We hold proxies for 30 additional Local Associations and for approximately 700 commercial stationers who are nonmembers of the Association. These proxies appoint us definitely as representative in all contacts with the N.R.A. It has become apparent that many of the groups associated with the National Stationers Association are so few in number and not large enough in volume as to necessitate that a grouping be made in order that the N.R.A. be not burdened with a host of small codes. In our Association there are a number of divisions that are of sufficient size and with sufficient percentage of volume distributing through other channels that separate codes seem desirable to these groups. Obvi- ously, the competitive situation in the industry would be seriously affected by any wide divergences in wages and hours and in competitive practice. Hence, in this code we provide for minimum wages, below which no element in the indus- try should be allowed to operate and maximum hours for all elements in the industry in order that again distribution may not be disturbed by undue advan- tage on the production end of the business. A large percentage of our Commercial Stationer members with manufacturing departments have printing departments, and these departments, of course, will be subject to the code submitted on behalf of the printing industry, as the printers code provides that all printing plants, large and small, shall be subject to its code. After due conferences with gentlemen in the N.R.A., it seemed desirable that a general code be submitted on behalf of the National Stationers Association and that subordinate codes be submitted by various divisions who did not have asso- ciations of their own, and in addition to these groups, that a general appearance be made for miscellaneous manufacturers of stationery and office equipment com- modities. Hence, we submit this general code for the industry. It is not designed to force administration by the Association on any particular group, but to provide a cooperation with N.R.A. that will insure that everyone in the industry shall be covered by a code. It is our belief that N.R.A. will welcome a plan that consolidates a number of groups of industries with similar codes under one code, covering uniform employment provisions and general conditions of fair trade practices, thus eliminating duplicating public hearings and speeding up the process of accomplishing the purposes of the N.R.A. and the P.R.A. Already, as subordinate to this code, there are being submitted and will be submitted codes covering groups in the industry, and also a subordinate code covering miscellaneous manufacturers. Also, subordinate to this code is being (in) IV submitted a code for the Retail Commercial Stationer and for the Retail Office Equipment dealers. Both of these classes do a tremendous business. The plan provides for the filing of subordinate codes by any subdivision of the industry which desires to do so, and the coordination of codes in order that as few codes as possible may be submitted, and yet that these codes shall be comprehensive and cover the manufacturers of the business. It is provided in the code that there shall be no duplication in the work of gathering statistics, but that this Association will only accumulate statistics and make reports on behalf of the groups which are not doing so in other directions. There is no thought on the part of the Association of overriding other trade asso- ciations and overlapping same, but this Association is so thoroughly an industry organization that it is considered especially desirable that a code be filed in order that all of the purposes of the N.R.A. may be consummated and in order that this industry shall have a full coverage. This will also enable subordinate groups who are having difficulty in completing codes to come in under this general code quickly and in a coordinated way. There is such a widely diversified group of manufacturers in this industry that many are extremely doubtful as to what code or codes they should appear under. This will give such manufacturers an immediate opportunity to appear under a code and to thus do their part in fur- thering the purposes of the President in National Recovery. Nothing in this code will prevent makers of subordinate codes from setting up higher minimum wages than that provided in the general code, but the National Association will not approve any code in the industry which provides lower wages than are provided in this general code. We therefore present the code of the National Stationers Association and will await your approval of same. Yours very truly, Chas. P. Garrin, General Manager^ CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE NATIONAL STATIONERS ASSOCIATION To effectuate the policies of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the following is hereby established as a code of Fair Competition for the National Stationers Association. Article I — Definitions 1. The following words are used in this Code with the meanings herein set forth: "Industry." The Manufacturing, Retailing and Wholesaling, and Retailing of articles and commodities known as Commercial Stationery and Office Equipment not otherwise covered by codes or represented by trade associations. "Persons." Includes natural persons, partnerships, corporations, associations, or groups. "Code Committee." The Executive Committee of the National Stationers Association, the five Vice Presidents of the Association, and the General Manager of the Association. "Member." A person engaged in such industry. "Act." Title I of the National Industrial Recover}^ Act. "Administrator." The National Recovery Administrator. "Administration." The National Recovery Administration. "Effective Date." The second Monday following the approval of this code by the President. "National Association." National Stationers Association, incor- porated in 1904 under the laws of the state of Illinois. Article II — Organization 1. The Members of the Code Committee of the National Stationers Association, together with such other person or persons as the Admin- istrator may designate are hereby constituted the Code Authority of the Industry. The Members of the Code Authority designated by the Administrator shall act in an advisory capacity and shall have no vote. 2. The Code Authority is charged generally with the duty of ad- ministering this Code under the sanction and with the approval of the Administrator. 3. Codes subordinate to this general code may be submitted by any regularly defined section of the industry. In the event that any pro- vision of the subordinate code shall be found to be inconsistent with the provisions of the general code, the provisions of the general code shall prevail. Article III — Hours of Labor a. manufacturing 1. No employee in the industry shall be required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than forty (40) hours in one week; with the following exceptions: 9143—33 (1) a. Employees regularly engaged in an Executive, Supervisory, or Technical capacity. b. Outside salesmen. c. Watchmen, Chauffeurs, Truckmen, Licensed Engineers, and Firemen. d. Employees engaged in emergency repair or maintenance work and highly skilled workers on continuous processes where the restric- tion of hours would unavoidably reduce production, may be em- ployed forty-eight (48) hours weekly or more if paid time and one third for all hours over forty-eight (48) hours weekly. e. In cases of seasonal peaks of demand, labor may be employed not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours per week in not more than eight (8) weeks in any six (6) months' period, but no such employees may work more than 1,040 hours in any six (6) months' period. Provided further that no employees engaged in productive labor shall work on Sunday. 2. At the end of each calendar month, every member shall report to the Code Authority in such detail as it may require, the number of man-hours worked in that month under the foregoing exceptions (c), (d) and (e), and the ratio which said man-hours bears to the total number of man-hours of labor of the same class during said month. 3. The provisions for maximum hours set out in this Article estab- lish a maximum number of hours of labor per week for every employee covered, so that under no circumstances shall such an employee be employed or be permitted to work for one or more members of the industry in the aggregate in excess of the prescribed number of hours in a single week. B. RETAILING AND WHOLESALING 1. No employee in the industry shall be required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than forty-four (44) hours in one week; with the following exceptions: a. Outside Salesmen. b. Employees receiving more than $30.00 a week who are acting primarily, although not wholly, in a managerial or executive capacity. c. Outside delivery and maintenance employees who may be employed forty-eight (48) hours weekly or more if paid time and one third for all hours over forty-eight (48) hours weekly. d. In cases of seasonal peaks of demand, labor may be employed forty-eight (48) hours per week for a maximum of not to exceed six (6) weeks in each twelve (12) months. 2. The hours of any store or service operation are not to be reduced below fifty-two (52) hours in any one week unless such hours were less than fifty-two (52) hours per week before July 1, 1933, and in the latter case, not to reduce such hours at all. 3. The maximum fixed in Paragraph 1 of this section — Hours of Labor, Retailing — shall not apply to employees in establishments employing -not more than two persons in towns of less than 2,500 population which towns are not part of a larger trade area. 4. At the end of each calendar month, every member shall report to the Code Authority in such detail as it may require, the number of man-hours worked in that month under the foregoing exceptions (c) and (d), and the ratio which said man-hours bears to the total number of man-hours of labor of the same class during said month. 5. The provisions for maximum hours set out in this Article establish a maximum number of hours of labor per week for every employee covered, so that under no circumstances shall such an employee be employed or be permitted to work for one or more members of the industry in the aggregate in excess of the prescribed number of hours in a single week. Article IV — Wages A. MANUFACTURING 1. The minimum rate of wages for any mechanical worker or artisan employed in any plant, mill, or factory or on work connected with or incidental to the operation of such plant, mill, or factory, shall be as follows: (a) Northern Zone, which shall consist of all of the territory of the United States except the States named in subdivision (b): Male labor, 35 cents per hour. Female labor, 30 cents per hour. (b) Southern Zone, which shall consist of the States of Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, District of Columbia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas: Male labor, 32% cents per hour. Female labor, 30 cents per hour. 2. Piece workers shall be paid at rates which will yield a worker of average skill for an hour's work not less than the minimum rate prescribed. 3. Learners, for a period of six (6) weeks, may be paid not less than eighty (80%) percent of the minimum rates prescribed in the fore- going sections, but no person who has worked a period of six (6) weeks for any member as a learner may thereafter be classified as a learner. 4. The minimum rates of wages for all other employees, except Commission Salesmen, shall be as follows: Not less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) per week in any city of over five hundred thousand (500,000) population, nor less than fourteen dollars and fiftv cents ($14.50) per week in anv city between two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) and five hundred thousand (500,000) population, nor less than fourteen dollars ($14.00) per week in any city between twenty five hundred (2,500) and two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) population, nor less than twelve dollars ($12.00) per week in towns of less than twenty five hundred (2,500) popula- tion. Provided, however, that office boys and girls and delivery boys may be paid not less than eighty percent (80%) of such mini- mum wage, but the number of employees classified as office boys or girls and delivery boys shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of employees covered by the provision of this section. 5. The minimum wage hereby prescribed shall not be considered as a discrimination by reason of sex and where, in any case, women do substantially the same work or perform substantially the same duties as men, they shall receive the same rate of wages as men re- ceive for doing such work or performing such duties. 6. Workers who are physically handicapped are exempt from the provisions of Sections 1 and 4 hereof but the number of such workers in any class shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total workers in such class. B. RETAILING AND WHOLESALING 1. The minimum rate of wages for any employee in the Retail Section of the trade for a work week specified in Article III shall be as follows: (a) Within cities of over five hundred thousand (500,000) popula- tion (by reference to the 1930 Federal census), or in the immediate trade area of such cities, at the rate of fourteen dollars ($14.00) per week. (b) Within cities of from one hundred thousand (100,000) to five hundred thousand (500,000) population (by reference to the 1930 Federal census) or in the immediate trade area of such cities, at the rate of thirteen dollars and fifty cents ($13.50) per week. (c) Within villages, towns, or cities with a population of two thou- sand five hundred (2,500) to one hundred thousand (100,000) popu- lation (by reference to the 1930 Federal census) unless they are included in a trade area as defined by clause (a) or (b), at the rate of thirteen dollars ($13.00) per week. (d) The minimum wage that shall be paid by employers in the retail trade to any of their employees shall be at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per week less in the Southern Zone than the rates specified in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section. The Southern Zone is defined as the following states: Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, District of Columbia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas. (e) In the entire United States, in villages, towns, and cities under 2,500 population, all wages shall be increased by not less than 20% provided that this shall not require wages in excess of eleven dollars ($11.00) per week. Except that on and after the effective date of this code, junior employees between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years, inclusive, with less than twelve months' experience, shall be paid at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) less for a work week as provided in Section III, Hours of Labor — Retailing, paragraph 1, and except that apprentice employees more than eighteen years of age with less than twelve months' experience shall be paid at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) less for a work week as provided in Section III, Hours of Labor — Retailing, paragraph 1, provided that the minimum shall not be less than at the rate of eleven dollars ($11.00) per week. Provided, however, that office boys and girls and delivery boys may be paid not less than eighty percent (80%) of such minimum wage, but the number of employees classified as office boys or girls or delivery boys shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of employees covered by the provision of this section. Article V — General Labor Provisions 1. No person under sixteen (16) years of age shall be employed. 2. Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collec- tively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self- organizatoin or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collec- tive bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. No employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of em- ployment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organ- izing, or assisting a labor organization of his own choosing. Em- ployers shall comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment, approved or prescribed by the President. 3. Without in any way attempting to qualify or modify by inter- pretation the foregoing requirements of the National Recovery Act, employers in this industry may exercise their right to select, retain, or advance employees on the basis of individual merit, without regard to their membership or nonmembership in any organization. Article VI — Accounting, Selling 1. The Code Authority shall proceed at once to provide comparable and uniform principles of costing which, after approval by a majority of the members of the industry, shall be used by all members of the industry. 2. No Manufacturer shall sell any of his products at a price or upon such terms or conditions as will result in the customer paying for goods received less than the cost to the seller, determined in accord- ance with the comparable and uniform principles of costing herein prescribed. 3. No Retailer or Wholesaler shall sell any of his merchandise at a price or upon such terms or conditions as will result in the customer paying for goods received less than the cost to the seller, determined in accordance with the comparable and uniform principles of costing herein prescribed. 4. In arriving at any basic cost, the current market price of the necessary raw materials shall be used. 5. If the Code Authority determines that for any product of the Industry and for any class of customer it has been the generally recognized practice to sell such product to such customers on the basis of printed price lists and fixed terms of payment which are dis- tributed to the trade, each manufacturer of such product shall within ten (10) days after notice of such determination, file with the Code Authority a price list individually prepared by him showing his current prices and terms of payment, and the Code Authority shall immediately and simultaneously send copies thereof to all known manufacturers of such specified products. Revised price lists may be filed from time to time thereafter with the Code Authority by any manufacturer of such product, to become effective upon the date specified therein, but such revised price lists shall be filed with the Code Authority ten (10) days in advance of the effective date, unless the Code Authority shall authorize a shorter period. Copies of revised price lists with notice of the effective date specified, shall be immediately and simultaneously sent to all known manufacturers of such product, who therewith may file, if they so desire, revisions of their price lists, which shall become effective upon the date when the revised price list first filed shall go into effect. 9143—33 2 6 If the Code Authority shall determine that for any product of the Industry and for any class of customer not now being sold on the basis of price lists with fixed terms of payment, the distributing or marketing conditions for said product and class of customer are similar to or the same as the distributing or marketing conditions for a product and class of customer where the use of price lists is well recognized, and that a system of selling on price lists should be put into effect for such products and classes of customer, each manu- facturer of such product shall within twenty (20) days after notice of such determination file with the Code Authority price lists as the Code Authority may direct showing his prices and .terms of payment, and such price lists and terms of payment may be revised in the manner hereinbefore provided. The initial exercising of the powers delegated in this Article to the Code Authority are subject to the approval of the Product Com- mittee which represents manufacturers of the product affected. No member shall sell directly or indirectly by any means whatso- ever any product of the industry covered by the provisions of this Article at a lower price or on more favorable terms of payment than those provided in his current price list or lists. Article VII — Reports and Statistics 1. The Code Authority shall require the members, from time to time, who are not already furnishing such information to the Admin- istrator through other Trade Associations, to furnish such information as it or the Administrator shall deem to be necessary for the proper administration of the Code. 2. All reports or statistics referred to in this Article shall be sub- mitted only to the General Manager of the National Stationers Association, who shall hold the information furnished by the indi- vidual members strictly in confidence and who shall be permitted to employ an independent agency to compile the same under coded headings for the use of the Code Authority, and no publication thereof to anyone or in any manner shall be made other than in combination with similar information furnished by other members, in which case publication shall be made only in such manner as will avoid the dis- closing separately of such confidential information, except in the case of Code violations. 3. The Code Authority shall make and file with the Adminis- tration such reports as the Administrator may from time to time require. Article VIII — General Provisions 1 . If any member is also a member of another industry, the pro- visions of this code shall apply to and affect only that part of his business which is included in this industry. 2. If any provision of this Code is declared invalid or unenforce- able, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be continued in full force and effect. 3. The Code Authority shall have power to investigate alleged violation of this Code and acts or courses of conduct by any member which are or appear to be contrary to the policy of the Act or which tend or may tend to render ineffective this Code, and to report the same with recommendations to the Administrator. 4. The Code Authority may formulate a statement of the Trade Customs and Fair Trade Practices of the Industry and submit the same to the Administrator for approval, and such Trade Customs and Fair Trade Practices when approved shall have the same force and effect as if incorporated in this Code. 5. Such of the provisions of this Code as are not required to be included therein by the Act, may, with the approval of the President of the United States, be modified or eliminated as changes in circum- stances or experience may indicate. 6. No amendment to this Code shall be presented to the Adminis- trator for approval without the affirmative vote of two thirds {%) of the members of the industry present at a meeting called for the pur- pose of acting upon such proposed amendment, provided that ten (10) days' notice of such meeting shall have been given to all members of the industry, in which notice shall be inserted a copy of the proposed amendment. 7. This Code shall become effective on the second Monday after the date upon which it shall be approved by the President of the United States. 8. This Code and all the provisions thereof are expressly made subject to the right of the President, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10 (b) of the Act, from time to time to cancel or modify any order, approval, license, rule or regulation, issued under Title I of said Act, and specifically to the right of the President to cancel or modify his approval of such Code or any conditions imposed by him upon Ins approval thereof. 9. Where the laws of any state permit the adoption and enforce- ment of Codes of Fair Competition by members of the Trade or Industry in such states and such Codes shall have been adopted and approved by the constituted authority of such states, the Code Authority shall, with the approval of the Administrator, approve such Codes, insofar as it is not contrary to the provisions of this Code and shall, with the approval of the Administrator, designate such as supplementary to this Code, insofar as it affects the Trade in the state stated. NATIONAL STATIONERS ASSOCIATION BYLAWS INCLUDING AMEND- MENTS ADOPTED AT NEW YORK, JUNE 1932 Article I — Object In order to create and foster a permanent feeling of friendship and fraternity between the manufacturers and dealers in stationery and office equipment throughout the United States; to promote friendli- ness of spirit between competitors; to prevent trade antagonisms, and, through united action, promoted by good fellowship and mutual respect, to strive for aims and purposes which may be for our mutual advantage, we form ourselves into an Association. To achieve the object of the Association, all of its functions shall be conducted in accordance with the spirit of the laws governing the activities of trade organizations. Article II — Name Section 1. The name of this Association shall be National Station- ers' Association. Article III — Annual Meeting Section 1. The Annual meeting of the Association shall be held at a time to be selected either at the annual convention or by the Executive Committee, at such place as shall have been named by a resolution passed by the Executive Committee on or prior to March 1st of each year. In the event of an emergency warranting a change of date or place, or both, the President shall have the power to make such change or changes, subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Governors, expressed in a vote by mail or telegraph. Notice of such change or changes shall be sent to each member at least thirty days previous to actual date of holding meeting. Sec 2. The annual meeting shall continue in convenient session until all the business of the annual meeting shall have been transacted. Sec 3. If the Executive Committee certifies to the Board of Gover- nors that, by reason of unusual circumstances, the annual meeting should not be held, the latter body shall vote on the question by mail, and if a two-thirds majority decides in favor of not holding the annual meeting during the current year, their decision on the subject shall be final, and their action to that effect must be taken at least thirty days before the date of meeting. In such event, the Board of Gover- nors shall meet in some convenient place, as soon as possible, and at least ten days' notice thereof shall be given to each member; at such meeting the Board of Governors shall elect officers and directors and transact such business as the circumstances shall require. Sec 4. To facilitate the transaction of the business of the Asso- ciation at its annual meetings, conferences may be held by the Retail Dealers, Wholesale Dealers, Commercial Furniture Dealers, Manu- facturers, Field members, and any other Division now existent or or- ganized in the future, prior to the joint session which constitutes the annual meeting proper. (8) 9 The Manufacturers' conference shall be conducted by the Vice President of the Manufacturers Division, as chairman; the recom- mendations adopted at such conference shall be embodied in the report of the said officer, and presented to the annual meeting for appropriate action, after reference to and report by the Committee on Resolutions. In like manner the Commercial Furniture Dealers and Retail Deal- ers may meet in conference and their respective recommendations shall take the same course in all respects as above indicated. The Vice President of the Commercial Furniture Division shall be the chairman of the conference of the Commercial Furniture Division. The Vice President of the Retail Division shall be the chairman of the conference of the Retail Dealers. In like manner the Field members may meet in conference, and the Vice President of the Field Division shall be chairman of the meeting. Article IV — Membership Section 1. This Association shall be composed of its Officers, Governors, Club, Association, Sustaining, Associate, Field, Affiliated, Individual, and Honorary Members. Sec. 2. Sustaining Members shall be such as are engaged in the manufacture of or dealing in merchandise sold by stationers or office outfitters or distributed in industries affiliated with the stationery office outfitting industry, who, by reason of their belief and confi- dence in the beneficial effects exerted by the Association, are willing to sustain its efforts by a substantial annual contribution to its funds. Sec. 3. Club or Association Members shall be organized groups of those engaged in the manufacture of or dealing in stationery. Sec. 4. Individual Members shall be such as are engaged in the manufacture of or dealing in merchandise sold by stationers or distributed in industries affiliated with the stationery business, and publishers of trade papers. Sec 5. Nonresident members are divided into classes, namely: (a) Those whose principal place of business is located in Canada, Mexico, the West Indies, and Central America. (b) Those located elsewhere, meaning all countries other than the United States of America. Sec. 6. Associate Membership shall be open to the business colleagues of individual members, who shall have the privilege of pro- posing their representatives for such membership; associate members shall not have the privilege of voting, but shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Association and the privilege of the floor. Sec. 7. Honorary Members shall be such as have rendered dis- tinguished service to the Association or the interests represented in it. Sec 8. Affiliated Members shall be such as are engaged in a line of business other than that of a stationer, where a small stock of station- ery is carried as a side line, the annual sales from which do not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars. Sec 9. Field Members shall be the sales representatives of manu- facturers or distributors of merchandise sold by stationers or office outfitters, or distributed in affiliated industries. 10 Sec. 10. Application for other than honorary membership shall be made in writing to the General Manager (Charles P. Garvin, 740 Investment Building, Washington, D.C.), accompanied by the dues for the current year, and such applicant may be elected by the Executive Committee. Sec. 11. Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the national body, upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors, in compliance with Section 7 of this Article. Article V — Dues Section 1. The dues of members joining during the annual meeting and subsequently thereto, shall be payable in advance for one year from date of application and annually thereafter on the same date. Sec 2. The payment of $100.00 annual dues shall entitle a Member to be known as a Sustaining Member and to be included in the list of such members whenever published. Sec 3. The annual dues of Local Clubs or Associations shall be $30.00; those of Individual Members, other than Manufacturers, shall be $30.00. The annual dues of Affiliated Members shall be $10.00. The annual dues of Field Members shall be $5.00. Sec 4. The annual dues of Manufacturers shall be $60.00. Sec 5. The dues of Associate Members shall be $15.00 per year. Sec 6. Dues of Nonresident Members shall be as follows: Class A. Thirty dollars per year. Class B. Fifteen dollars per year. Sec 7. Honora^ Members shall be exempt from the payment of dues. Sec 8. A member who is delinquent ninety days in the payment of annual dues shall be dropped from the roll of membership by the Executive Committee. Such member may be reinstated by special vote of the Executive Committee upon payment of dues for the year during which the foregoing action was taken, and, in its discretion, the Executive Committee may waive such payment as a condition for such reinstatement. Sec 9. Upon written requisition addressed to the General Manager by each Regional Governor, the Treasurer is authorized to pay, from the general funds of the Association, such sum of money, not to exceed the amount fixed by the budget adopted at each annual meeting, to each Regional Governor as, in the judgment of the General Manager, may be required to cover the necessary expenses of his particular district group in maintaining the work of this Association within his district. Article VI — Representation Section 1. Each Individual Member shall be entitled to one vote and cannot be represented by proxy, unless the proxy be a regular employee of said member. Each club or association member may be represented at the meetings of this Association by its president or chairman, or by a duly accredited delegate, and shall be entitled to one vote. Sec 2. No member shall be entitled to more than one vote. 11 Sec. 3. Associate, Affiliated, Honorary, and Field Members shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor, but shall not vote. Sec. 4. No member shall be allowed to vote who may be delinquent in the payment of annual dues. Article VII — Officers, Board of Governors, and Executive Committee Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, six Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the officers specified in the next article and the members of the Board of Governors. The President shall always be one whose business is largely of a retail character. The Vice President of the Manufacturers Division shall be a Manufacturer. The Vice President of the Wholesalers Division shall be a Wholesaler or jobbing stationer. The Vice President of the Retail Division shall be one whose business is largely of a retail character. The Vice President of the Field Division shall be a Field Member of the Association. Sec. 2. The officers and governors shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are elected. Sec. 3. The Board of Governors. The officers, past presidents of the Association and Governors shall constitute the Board of Gov- ernors and this body shall administer the affairs of the Association and elect a Secretary. Sec. 4. The Governors, other than the past presidents, are to be elected each year at the annual meeting of the Association, pur- suant to nominations made according to the following plan: So much of the continent of North America as is represented in the membership of this Association shall be divided into convenient districts, not less than eight or more than twenty in number; within these districts, the members of the Association are to nominate a Governor, one for each district, from among the dealers, manufac- turers or field members. Preferably each nominee shall reside within the district for which he is nominated, but this is not requisite. The boundary lines and the number of the respective districts are to be established each year by the Board of Governors, at the first meeting thereof following the adjournment of an annual meeting of this Association. The respective nominees shall be elected Governors at the next ensuing annual meeting of this Association. If no such nomination is made within any district, by the time that an annual meeting of the Association is called to order, an election shall be held, nevertheless, pursuant to nomination made at such annual meeting. This provision shall govern the election to be held at the annual meeting at which this section of the Bylaws shall be adopted. Each Governor shall be responsible for the conduct of an appro- priate canvass within his district from time to time, in person or by mail, for the purpose of ascertaining the preference of his constituent voting members with regard to the policies or activities of this Asso- ciation, and he shall report to the Board of Governors the number of expressions of preference within his district in behalf of, or in oppo- sition to, any such Association policy or activity. 12 Each Governor shall be responsible for the appointment (not less than sixty days prior to annual meeting of this Association) of a Nominating Committee of not less than three, the duty of which com- mittee shall be as follows: To cause to be made a canvass of the voting members within the district of their appointment for a nominee for Governor to be elected at the annual meeting of this Association, and to report in writing the result of such canvass to the Nominating Committee of this Association provided for in Article VII, Section 5, of these Bylaws. To defray the expenses involved in the operation of this plan, the annual budget of this Association shall provide for the appropriation of funds according to Section 9 of Article V of these Bylaws, which shall be available to the several Regional Governors upon their respective written requisitions directed to the General Manager. Each Governor shall file a written itemized account of his receipts and disbursements with the General Manager thirty days before each annual meeting. Sec. 5. The Executive Committee. An Executive Committee to consist of the President, Vice President of the Manufacturers Division and two other members of the Board of Governors shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Board immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Convention. The Execu- tive Committee shall exercise all powers of the Board of Governors when the latter is not in session and shall fill all vacancies however occurring. It shall have the privilege of inviting any or all of the Vice Presidents of the Association to attend its meetings for the purpose of consultation; and the traveling expenses involved in any such meetings on the part of all in attendance shall be paid from the funds of the Association. Sec. 6. Nomination of Officers. At the annual meeting the Presi- dent shall appoint a Nominating Committee of seven, who shall prepare and report a ticket to be placed in nomination for all offices to be filled except that of Secretary of the Association. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as preventing members from placing in nomination others than those names by the Nominating Committee. Sec. 7. Election of officers shall be determined by the majority of the votes of the members, cast in accordance with the provisions of Article VI, except that the Secretary shall be elected by the Board of Governors at the first meeting thereof after the adjournment of an annual meeting of the Association. Article VIII — Duties of The President and Other Officers Section 1. The Chief Executive Officer of the Association shall be the President, who shall preside at all meetings of the Association, the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee; and it shall be his duty to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for; to act as member ex-officio of all committees; to approve for payment all expenditures that may be incurred for the benefit of the Association. At the opening of the annual meeting he shall make a report for the past year. Sec 2. Duties of the Vice Presidents. The Vice President of the Manufacturers Division shall preside at all conferences ofManufac- 13 turers held as part of the annual meetings of the Association and report the proceedings thereof to the annual meeting. The Vice President of the Commercial Furniture Division shall preside at all conferences of the Commercial Furniture Division held as part of the annual meetings of the Association, and report the proceedings thereof to the annual meeting. The Vice President of the Retail Division shall preside at all con- ferences of Retail Dealers held as part of the annual meetings of the Association, and report all proceedings thereof to the annual meeting. The Vice President of the Field Division shall preside at all con- ferences of Field members which are held as part of the annual meet- ings of the Association, and report any recommendations which may be made at such conferences to the annual meeting of the Association. The Vice President of the Canadian Division shall preside at all conferences of the Canadian members held as part of the annual meetings of the Association, and report all proceedings thereof to the annual meeting. The Vice President of the Manufacturing Stationers Division shall preside at all conferences of the Manufacturing Stationers held as part of the annual meetings of the Association, and report all pro- ceedings thereof to the annual meeting. Sec. 3. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary will act as Coun- sel to the Association and it shall be his duty to keep a record of all meetings of the Association and generally to advise in the conduct of its affairs. He shall be empowered, under direction of the Executive Committee, to employ suitable legal counsel where it is needed. He shall make a written report of each annual meeting of the affairs of the Association so far as relates to his office. Sec. 4. Duties of the Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treas- urer to keep an account of the finances of the Association and to make a report of same at the annual meeting. He shall countersign all disbursement checks issued by the General Manager and shall receive from the General Manager a monthly report of Receipts and Dis- bursements. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin October 1st and end September 30th. Sec. 5. General Manager. In addition to the officers provided for in Article VII, the Executive Committee shall employ, for a suitable period of time, at an agreed compensation, the exclusive services of a General Manager of the Association; such an officer shall be pref- erably a man of training and practical experience in the stationery business, and shall be subject to the authority of the President and the Executive Committee; his duties shall embrace the direction of all the educational activities maintained by the Association, and he shall have charge of all cost-finding research and such other matters as may be determined by the President and Executive Committee from time to time. He shall keep a record of the membership, receive all money due the Association and deposit same in a bank approved by the Executive Committee in the name of the Association, and make all payments by check, which shall be countersigned by the Treasurer, and give such bonds as the Executive Committee may require. Sec 6. The financial accounts of the Treasurer and of the General Manager shall be audited annually by a certified public accountant at the latest practicable date prior to an annual meeting, and a 14 report of such audit shall be presented as part of the proceedings of each annual meeting. Sec. 7. Field Secretary. The General Manager, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall have authority to employ, at an agreed compensation, a Field Secretary, whose entire time shall be given to the Association, and whose duty it shall be to encourage and foster the formation and conduct of local associations, and to keep in constant touch with them, and promote cooperation among them and with this Association. Sec. 8. All grievances, complaints, or suggestions shall be addressed in writing, to the President or General Manager, and referred to the proper committee. Sec 9. Committees. Committees of three members or more shall be appointed by the President from the dealers in the Association, at as early a date as possible after his election, representing such interests as he may classify, with the assistance and advice of the Executive Committee. To the committees thus appointed, all subjects involv- ing their respective interests may be submitted, and the chairmen shall have power at any annual meeting and at such other times as may be determined by the Executive Committee to call together the different interests their committees represent, in order to formulate recommendations, consider complaints or suggestions, and present them in such form as may seem best at any meeting of the Board of Governors; and their recommendations shall take the usual course. The manufacturers represented in the Association shall be divided into groups, according to the industrj^ in which each may be engaged. A single manufacturer may be classified in more than one group. From each of these groups, the Vice President of the Manufacturers Division, with the assistance and advice of the Executive Committee, may appoint a committee of three members or more. Whenever, in the opinion of the President, the occasion requires, a given committee from the dealers may confer with the like committee from the manufacturers, and any recommendations adopted at a joint session of the two committees shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for appropriate action. Sec. 10. The President shall have the power to appoint a Budget Committee, of which the Treasurer shall be a member, and such other committees as, in his judgment, the requirements of the Asso- ciation may indicate from time to time. Sec 11. The President shall appoint a Credentials Committee thirty days prior to the annual meeting, whose duty it shall be to receive and pass upon the credentials of all members who shall apply for admission to its deliberations. Sec 12. The President shall appoint a Committee on Resolutions to whom shall be referred without debate all proposed resolutions, recommendations, and amendments to the By-Laws. Such Com- mittee shall report in writing to the annual meeting, at any time during the session, and as often as necessary, its recommendation as to all matters so referred. Sec 13. The President shall appoint, as soon as practicable, after the final adjournment of each annual meeting, a Grievance Com- mittee, consisting of three persons, of which the Secretary shall be chairman. It shall be the duty of such committee to receive all com- plaints from members of the Association, investigate the same thor- 15 oughly and impartially, and report its recommendations in the premises to the Executive Committee with all convenient speed. This committee shall be empowered to call upon any officer or stand- ing committee for such information and cooperation as may be necessary to enable it to adequately perform its duties. Article IX Section 1. Separate groups or divisions of the Association may be organized and administered imder the guidance of the officers and Executive Committee, as departments of the Association, whenever the welfare of any given branch of the stationery or allied industries may be thereby promoted. Sec. 2. Such divisions may be conducted under the direct supervi- sion of an executive officer or officers, to be chosen by the members thereof, in such manner as they shall determine, and the proceedings of such division shall be in harmony with the objects of this Associa- tion, but the conduct thereof shall be determined by the members in the exercise of their discretion. Sec. 3. The expenses of maintaining the activities of such groups or divisions shall be provided by and accounted for to the members of such groups or divisions, as they may determine. Sec 4. There shall be a Retail Division of the National Association whose presiding officer shall be the Vice President of the Retail Division of the National Association. This Division shall also have a Governor from each of the regional districts, who shall be a retailer. This Board of Governors, together with the Retail Officers of the National Association shall constitute the Board of Control of the Retail Division. The Retail Division shall devote its energies to the consideration and development of strictly retail problems. This Division shall have a meeting at least once annually, preferably at the National Convention of the National Stationers Association. The Governors shall be nominated by the Regional Meetings in each district and confirmed at the annual meeting of the Association. Article X — Expenses of Officers Section 1. The necessary traveling expenses of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor shall be paid from the funds of the Association, and the Secretary shall be paid such compensation for his services as the Board of Governors may authorize. Article XI — Publications Section 1. The Association shall publish The National Stationer, at a subscription price to be determined by the Executive Committee, and such other instructive matter as may be determined upon from time to time. Article XII — Convention Committee and Entertainment at Annual Meetings Section 1. The President shall appoint a committee of three of which a member of the Executive Committee shall preferably be chair- man, whcse duty it shall be to receive suggestions and invitations for UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 16 3 1262 08855 7789 the place of the next annual meeting, to consider the same, and to report its recommendations for the consideration of the Executive Committee on or prior to March 1 of each year. Sec. 2. It shall also be the duty of said committee to work in connection with committees appointed by local associations to arrange for the meeting, and also for such entertainment as it shall deem proper to receive the assessment for same, as provided for in Section 3 of this Article, to make the necessary disbursements from said funds, and to turn in to the Treasurer any unexpended balance. Sec. 3. The assessment for those attending and participating in the entertainment shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each member or visitor, and the amount expended by the committee shall not exceed the amount raised by the assessment. Article XIII — Quorum Twenty-one members registered at any annual or other meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article XIV — Amendments Any amendment to or alteration of the Bylaws can be made at any annual meeting of the Association by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present; provided, that such amendment or alteration shall have been presented to the members of the Association in written form not less than thirty days prior to the date of such meeting. ORDER OF BUSINESS 1 . Call to Order. 2. Report of Committee on Credentials. 3. President's Address. 4. Reports of other Officers. 5. Reports of Board of Governors and Executive Committee. 6. Appointment of Committee on Nominations. 7. Reports of Committees other than Resolutions. 8. Report of Resolutions Committee. 9. Miscellaneous Business. 10. Election of Officers. O