- ~* Issued March 23, 1910. I'. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BDREAD OF ENTOMOLOGY CIRCULAR No. 119. L. O. \ lOWARD. Entomologist and Chirf of Bureau. T1IK CLOVEE ROOT-BORER K. M. WEBSTER, eal and Forage Tnseci Investigations. •ji'.i: Cir mt m : .I\TIMG OFFICE : 1910 B UREA U OF ENTOMOLOGY L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau . C. L. Marlatt, Assistant Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Executive Assistant. Chas. J. Gilliss, ChieJ < lerk. F. H. Chittenden 1 , in charge of truck crop and stored product inst ct investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insi ct inx stigations. \V. D. Hunter, to charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A . L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations . E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. I>. M. Rogers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, field work. Rolla P. Currie, to charge of editorial ivorl. Mabel Colcord, librarian Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations F. M. Webster, in charg< Geo. I. Reeves, YV. J. Phillips, C. N. Ainslie, E. O. G. Kelly, J. A. IFvslop, V. L. Wildermuth, R. A. Vickery, T. II. Parks, Herbert Osborn, agents and experts. [Cir. 110] (II). Circular No. 1 19. 'Revision of Circular No. 67.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. THE CLOVEK ROOT-BORER. Hylastinus obscurus Marsham. r. , F. M. Webstek, I <'■::■ g, of C> • al and Fora i I I ligations. i vri:< )in i i ion. The clover root-borer {Hylastinus obscurus Marsham) is not a native of America, bul has been introduced from Europe and lias established itself in the fields of red clover in some sections of the eastern United States, as well as throughout the Stales of Oregon and Washington, wherever clover is grown. Ii frequently commits serious depredations by burrowing in the roots, thereby destroy- ing the plants. It has long been known in Europe as a clover pest, Eichoff" giving its distribution as Germany, Aus- tria, France, England, and the Canary Islands. Other European entomologists have also written of its occurrence, and, according to Bach, it infested large fields of clover near Odenbach> i^^^Ss Germany, in 1803, an occurrence evidently coin- cident with its description In Marsham in 1S02. While it did not come to notice in America as a pest until about 1S7S, when it was found in destructive abundance in central New York, it probably occurred in this country long prior to that date. Dr. A. D. Hopkins, who is making a Fig. i The clover root- special stn.lv of this group of beetles, riz, the ^f^T? r s> l > Adu 1 itural size Scolytidae, has shown the writer a specimen, from ai right. (Author's nius- thecoUection of the late Doctor Fitch, with a New " York label attached to the pin, referring to a note which he has 1 □ unable to find. In all probability, however, this specimen antedates the discovery of the insect by Riley in L878. Besides, owing to the obscure habits of the pest, it is more than likely t hat it w as injurious to clover even prior to this date- without, however, having been detected bj farmers. Even at present, both in the Middle West ami on the Pacific coast, where it is mosl destructive, it has attracted httlc attention, die effects of its ravages being usually I 'i' I luropai i hen Borkenkafer, p. '■>:, L881. (1) attributed to adverse meteorological conditions. The pest seems to have spread much more rapidly westward than southward, as it probably occurs in the East nearly to the Mississippi River; but it has attracted no attention along the Atlantic coast south of Penn- sylvania. In that State, however, the writer found it abundant around Chambersburg, but not disastrously so, in October, 1905. It has not been reported at all from the vicinit}^ of Washington, D. C. It is cer- tainly not seriously injurious in the New Eng- land States at the present time, the late Dr. James Fletcher reported a similar state of affairs in Ontario, "Canada, and we do not receive any reports of its occurrence between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. In Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, and south- ern Michigan it is becoming more and more destructive. Fig. 2.— The clover root-borer: Larva or grub. Much en- larged. (Author's illustra- tion.) DESCRIPTION OF THE INSECT. The fully developed insect is a small, dark- brown, hard-bodied beetle, shown enlarged in figure 1. The larva, or grub, shown enlarged in figure 2, is about an eighth of an inch long, dingy white, with honey-yellow head and brown jaws. The pupa (fig. 3) is even smaller than the larva, also dingy white, with two minute spinous projections on the top of the head and two somewhat larger ones at the anal extremity. The eggs are elliptical, white, and minute, yet large enough to be seen with the unaided eye. LIFE HISTORY. In the East there is certainly but one generation annually, though this appears to be long drawn out, and scattering indi- vidual larvse and pupa? may be found throughout every month of the year. The finding of eggs as late as Sep- tember 18 has been reported from Michigan. As a rule, however, the insects pass the winter in the adult stage (fig. 1) within the roots where they developed. During May they abandon the old roots and seek out fresh plants or fields in which to lay their eggs. The eggs are mostly deposited between the middle of May and June 20. The female gouges out a shallow cavity, more often in the crown of the plant, sometimes at the sides of the root even 2 or 3 inches below the crow n, and in this places, singly, hut not far separated, about half a dozen pale whitish, elliptical, very minute eggs. These hatch in about a week, and the larvae (fig. 2) for a time [Cir. 119] Fig. 3.— The clover root - borer: Pupa. Much en- larged. (Au- thor's illustra- tion.) feed in the excavation made by the mother, hut soon burrow down- ward into the root, and before the 1st of August the majority of them have become fullj grown and passed into the pupal stage (fig. 3). B3 October nearly all have become fully developed beetles, hut they make qo attempt to leave the plant until the following spring. Bach states thai the adults fly at Omegnen in March and April, while EichhofF has observed them near Mulhausen, swarming during the warm afternoons aboul the middle of June; bul these observations were all made in differenl parts of Europe. In our own country, in Ohio, the adults are abroad and have been swepl from clover fields early in May: bul no swarming of the beetles has been observed, though it is clear that they may migrate about that time of the vear. ~r FOOD PLANTS. In Europe, besides red clover and alfalfa, the species is known to attack Scotch broom, Cytisus Spartium 1 scoparius, and goat root or yellow-flowered rest harrow (Ononis natrix). In America it has so far been especially de- structive to red clover (Trifolium pratense), yet with the recently increasing interest in the growing of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in the Northern States it may be expected to become destructive to that crop also. Besides, it is known to attack mammoth clover (Tri- folium medium) and alsike (T. Tiybridum). The fact that it also injures the garden pea will be very suggestive to growers of peas for canneries, and indicates the undesirability of sowing pea-- early in the season on ground that has recently keen in these clovers or lying adjacent to the infested clover fields. Late-sown peas, how- ever, would probablj nol become sufficiently large to invite attack until after the hectics had appeared and gone. Fig. 4.— 1 iwlng work of cl Slight METHOD < )F ATTACKING RED I LOV1 i: The insect's method of attack is well illustrated by figure I, show- ing a clover root spin in two, exposing the excavations. In • of extreme abundance, however, almost the entire main root. except the hark, is eaten, the substance being displaced by [Clr, 1 L9] excreta, and the dead top either becomes detached of itself or is easily broken off if one attempts to pull up the plant. It will be observed at once that until the roots have attained sufficient dimensions it will be impossible for the insect to attack them. Over the territory where red clover is grown in this country the seed is sown either during late winter or spring; and during the first year the roots of the plants have not yet attained sufficient size to accommodate the insects at the. time the latter are, with the excep- tion, perhaps, of a few belated individuals, abroad and depositing their eggs; and thus the plants are almost, if not, indeed, entirely, exempt from attack the first year. Hence it is not until the sum- mer of the second year that the plants are destroyed. This has led European entomologists to believe that, like many others of the Scoly- tida?, the insect does not attack the plant until the latter has become weakened by age or is diseased. But in this country, at least, this can not be true, for the reasons just given. It is not improbable, however, that, as between two plants with roots of the requisite size, an unhealthy one would be preferred by the beetles rather than one in a thoroughly vigorous condition. But as yet there have been no observations tending to verify this hypothesis. A diseased clover root, or one that has begun to decline from effects of age, is first affected at the heart ; and, as will be observed from figure 4, this is the part first attacked by the root-borer. EFFECT FPON THE PLANT. While an infested clover plant sooner or later succumbs to an attack by this insect, life may be lengthened or shortened by meteorological conditions. Thus, if the spring or early summer is very dry, the plants begin to die in patches late in June, as soon as the hay crop is removed; but if there is much rain during this period, the weakened plants may continue to live until winter, dying out before spring. In either case the farmer is likely to be misled and to attribute the loss to the weather. The summer of 1005 was not a dry one. Copious rams fell with sufficient frequency to enable all but the most seriously affected plants to survive. A prominent seedsman of Indiana, who was much among clover fields, thus described the situation in October: In driving around this year and examining clover fields, we have found that several fields which apparently should have pn >dueed an immense amount of seed, or al least, say, 3 or 4 bushels to the acre, * * did not shake out, anythinm. We pulled up some plants and discovered that the planl broke off at the crown; or if any of the root did come with it. it was small and decayed. ( 'n close investigation we discovered a little white worm which seemed to be in abundance and working amongst the roots. \\ e not iced this in a number of fields and have been wondering what it was. We have ;d-o had samples of clover plants from other seel ions of I ndiana showing these condi- tions, and almost invariably the yield of such fields was less than a bushel per acre, and in many instances hiillinu was abandoned and the huller taken out of the field. I fir. 1 19] N VI I a \I I.MMll s. While Doctor Riley found the larva of one of the common soldier beetles, probably Telephorus MLineatus Saj , attacking the Ian ae of the borer, and although it probably has other enemies, both among insects and birds, these have so far proven of little economic impor- tance. rui.\ ENTIVE MKAsi RES. The only preventive measure yel tried thai gives any promise of success is summer fallowing as soon as the hay crop is removed. At this time the young arc in an immature state and. if deprived of food, musl perish. They can not migrate from one clover root to another, and, if the meadow is now broken up, throwing the roots up tn the hoi sun and winds, these wither and dry, thus no longer supplying the necessarj sustenance, at this time so imperative to the life of the larvse, and they perish. Thus an invasion of a new field from an old one maj be prevented. Bui if the fallowing be delayed. even for a few weeks, t he larva 1 will then have for the most pari passed into the pupal stage, during which no food is required, and plowing can have little or no ell'ect upon them. This measure, together with the practice of allowing clover fields to stand only two years, would soon reduce the pesl to subjugation in anj community. No trouble from its work seems to occur in pastures. Once brought under control, it would seem thai a system of rotation that involves mowing for hay and seed the Qrsl year, and pasturing and then breaking Up the ground the following year, if generally followed in a community, would suffice to keep the pest in subjection. Extermination is nol possible. Approved : James Wilson, Secretary <;/" Agriadturt . Washington, I). ('.. January l '., 1910. [Cir. 119] o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 5561