B.}^ ^ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1291 ON STABILITY AND TURBULENCE OF FLUID FLOWS By Werner Heisenberg Translation of "ijber Stabilitat und Turbulenz von Fliissigkeitsstromen." Annalen der Physik, Band 74, No. 15, 1924 Washington -.-jv r^r- r-. -'JYQF FLORIDA June 1951 ^^^S DEPARTMENT GA,NESV.UE.FL3Jei,-.o„usA NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1291 ON STABILITY AND TURBULENCE OF FLUID FLOWS* By Werner Heisenberg INTRODUCTION The t-urbulence problem, which will quite generally form the subject of the following investigations, has been treated in the course of time in so many reports from so many different viewpoints that it is not oiir intention to give, as an introduction, a survey of the results obtained so far. For that purpose, we refer the reader to a report by Noether-'- on the present state of the turbulence problem, where most biblio- graphical data may be found as well. For our purpose, a rough outline of the present state of the tur- bulence problem will be sufficient. The investigations made so far are divided into two parts; one part deals with the stability investiga- tion of any laminar motion, the other with the turbulent motion itself. The first-mentioned investigations led, at the beginning, to the negative result that all laminar motions investigated are stable. V. Mises2 and L. Hopf3 proved, on the basis of a formula by Sommerfeld^, the stability of the linear velocity profile corresponding to Couette's arrangement. Blumenthal5 reached the same result for a profile of the third degree, upon which Noether invited discussion. On the other hand, Noether" later succeeded in specifying an unstable profile - a profile which is unstable even in the case of a frictionless fluid can never be realized as a steady state of motion for actual conditions. More *"Uber Stabilitat und Tiirbulenz von Fllissigkeitsstromen. " Annalen der Physik, Band 7^, No. 15, 192U, pp. 577-627- -"-Noether, F. : Zeitschr. f. angew. Math. u. Mech. 1, 1921, p. 125. %ises, R. v.: Beitrag z. Oszillationsprobl. : Heinr. Weber- Festchrift, 1912, p. 252. ^Hopf, L.: Ann. d. Phys. kk, 19lk, p. 1. ^Sommerfeld, A.: Atti d. IV. congr. int. dei Mathem. Rom 1909- •^Blumenthal, 0.: Sitziongsber. d. bayr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1913^ P- 563. %oether, F. : Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss., Gottingen 1917. 2 NACA TM 1291 recently, however, Prandtl' has shown that indeed profiles exist which possess unstable characteristics only if the friction is taken into consideration. The other group of reports which achieved great success quite recently by the calculations"^ of Von Karman, Latzko, and others investigates the turbulent motion itself proceeding by a semiempirical method using the laws of similarity. Theoretically, the reports of this group are based almost throughout on Prandtl' s boundary-layer theory. Their most important result for our purpose is the so-called y-*-/ '-law of turbulent velocity distribution which follows from Blasius' s law of resistance (examples can be found in Schiller's report^. ) The determination of the critical Reynolds nimiber was always one of the main aims of the first-mentioned reports, the stability inves- tigations. So far, a satisfactory calculation of this number has not been accomplished and it must be regarded as doubtful whether it could be achieved by stability investigations. The tests of EkmanlO, RuckesH and Schiller-^, together with the negative results of Hopf concerning the linear velocity profile, rather suggest the notion that the critical Reynolds number does not indicate the point where the laminar motion starts to become unstable, but the point where, for the first time, the turbulent motion is possible as steady state. From the viewpoint of theory, we must thus be prepared to find eventually two critical Reynolds numbers, one corresponding to the beginning of turbulence, the other to the breaking down of the laminar motion. The present investigation also will be divided into two different parts, the treatment of the stability problem on the one hand, that of the turbulent motion on the other. Tprandtl, L. : Physik. Zeitschr. 23, 1922, p. 19, and Tietjens, 0., Dissert. Gottingen, 1922. °See Zeitschr. f. angew. Math. u. Mech. , 1, 1921, p. 233f. 9schiller, L. : Rauhigkeit und'kritische Zahl. Physik. Zeitschr. 3^ 1920, p. 4l2. -'-'^Ekman, V.: Turbulent Motions of Liquids. Arch. f. Mat. och fysik 6, 1919. p. 12. llRuckes, W. : Dissert. ¥urzburg 190?. See also Lect\ire by W. Wien, Uber turbul. Bewegungen. Phys, Zeitschr. 8., 190^^ and Verh. d. deutsch. phys. Gesellsch. 9, 190? . NACA TM 1291 The aim of the first part is to summarize all previous investiga- tions under a unified point of view, that is, to set up as generally as possible the conditions under which a profile possesses unstable or stable characteristics, and to indicate the methods for solution of the stability equation for any arbitrary velocity profile and for calcula- tion of the critical Reynolds number for unstable profiles. This aim ca,n, of course, be attained only imperfectly by the use of approxima- tion methods. Nevertheless, we hope to be able to clarify by such calculations the qualitatively essential viewpoints. At first, the investigation of any arbitrary profile seems physically meaningless since only certain profiles actually occur; however, since we may interpret any profile as finite disturbance of another, as for instance Noether has done elsewhere, and since we must, on the other hand, later extend the investigations to the (at first unknown) basic profile of the turbulent motion, the investigation of an arbitrary profile seems, after all, to be of great importance. As application of the methods, the parabola profile will be cal- culated completely. In the second part, we shall attempt to derive, under certain greatly idealizing assumptions, differential equations for the tiorbulent motions and to obtain from them qualitative information about several properties of the turbulent velocity distribution. PART I: THE STABILITY EQUATION 1. Statement of the Mathematical Problem The most essential limitation we impose on our calculations con- sists in the exclusive consideration of two-dimensional laminar motions and only two-dimensional disturbances of these motions. Taking a rec- tangular coordinate system X, Y, Z as basis, we therefore assume that the velocity in the Z direction is zero and all remaining quantities independent of Z. Furthermore, however, we shall only examine the sta- bility of such laminar motions as occur between two straight parallel walls. We assume the walls to be parallel to the X axisj therefore, the laminar motion to be investigated also promises a, velocity com- ponent only in the X direction. This velocity w in the X direction will, in some way, be dependent on y. Concerning the function w = w(y) we reserve for later making a few assumptions about continuity, symmetry, etc.; otherwise, however, this function is to be at first quite arbitrary. NACA TM 1291 If we put w = ay, our formulations become exactly identical with those investigated by Hopf in the Couette case. The problem whether the investigated profiles w = w(y) can be realized as steady motions will not be dealt with for the present. Before deriving once more the stability equation (already set up elsewhere by Sommerfeld) briefly from Stokes's differential equations, we introduce dimensionless variables in the known manner. Let h be a characteristic length (for instance the distance between the two walls), U a characteristic velocity of the profile, \i the viscosity, Uhp p the density, and = R the Reynolds number; we introduce instead of X, y, u, V, t, and p (u, v being the velocity in x or y direction, respectively, t the time, and p the pressure) new variables x 0' Jr u^ /"q, t , and Pq, according to the relations X y u "v,,!! Li /^K ""0 " h' ^0 " h^ "^ ^ ^' ""0 = u^ " h^ Po = P — (1) _h_ If the index is subsequently omitted, Stokes's equations read Su Su — + u — + V St Sx 3u ^ 1/ _^ _^ S£u _^ S£u\ Sy R\ ax ^ Sx2 ^ Sy2/ Sv ^ ^ — + u + V dt Bx Sy K- Sp d^v S'-v' Sy Sx^ ^ By^j Since we presuppose incompressibility, we write (2) u = St V = S\tf Sx (3) As is well known, we obtain by the elimination of p w NACA TM 1291 By A one understands here the differentiation symbol + Sx2 Sy2 Equation {k) does not yet contain anything about our special problem^ the stability investigation of a certain laminar flow. Accord- ingly, equation (h) will form also the basis for the calculations of part II. In order to pass over specifically to the stability investi- gation, we divide the motion and therewith also the vector potential i|r into a basic flow and small oscillations superimposed over it. Thus we set up the formula t= $(y) + q)(y)e^(P*-^) (5) 2- = v{y) = w (6) oy If we enter this formula into equation (4), omitting all terms not con- taining 9 (since we regard equation {W) as satisfied for cp = O), furthermore omitting all terms quadratic in cp (since we assume cp as small), the corresponding differential equation for cp reads (cp" - a2cp)fw - i") - cpw" = ^ (cp" " - 2a2cp" + a\) (7) \ a/ oR The fact that we regard equation {h) as satisfied for qp = signifies physically that we consider only such basic flows w which either, by virtue of external forces, are really steady, or show a variation with time which is slow compared to that of the small oscillations. Equation (7) is in this generality already derived elsewhere by Noether. It is an ordinary differential equation for cp of the fourth order. It corresponds to the fact that the function cp must fulfill four boundary conditions; u a,nd v, thus also cp and cp' , must dis- appear at the two walls. If we put p/a = c so that c essentially signifies the wave velocity, the mathematical problem may be formulated as follows: The solutions of the equation NACA TM 1291 (9" - ) = (w - c) 1 + a dy (w - c)' dy(w - c)2 + ) ^4(R=oo) = (v - c) dy (w - c)^ 1 + >(13) a2 / dy(w dy (w - c)^ + . . MCA TM 1291 11 result. In addition^ these integrals have now to be corrected "by- quantities of the order (oR)"^ . . . etc., if they are to satisfy equation (7a). Without writing the corresponding series development down in detail;, we give as result cp with the quantities of the order (aR)-l ,3=(w-c)|l..^ J^-^Jdy(w ^ r ^y ^ (w cxRJ (w - c)^ dy3 - c) + \2. k c) + a . . . + cpi, = (v - c) — ^i^ 11 + ^^ to Re(w - c) < 0. For this purpose, we develop w NACA TM 1291 13 and cp in the neighborhood of the critical point Jq in the power series cf (aR)~ /-^ a,nd put therefore y - y^ = Ti(aR)-V3 Furthermore we assume the imaginary part of y^ to be of smaller order of magnitude than (aR)~ ' ■^. If it is of higher order of magni- tude, the connecting substititions are self evident because then nowhere in the entire range of real y does a "critical point" appear.- If the imaginary part is of the same order of magnitude, the behavior of cp and w may be easily interpolated from the two limiting cases just mentioned. At first we may even put Im(yo) = since cp m our case Im(yQ) « (clR)-V3 may be developed in power series of IIIl(y„^ and at first only the behavior of cp for Im^yQ'\ =0 is needed. Thus we now put cp = cPq + ecp^ + e^cpg + e = (clR)-i/3 2 2 w - c = eaT) + e brj + ih NACA TM 1291 Then there results from equation (Ta) + ecpj_"" + ..^,„2 = -i[(^o" ^ ^^1" ^ • ■ ■)^'^ -^ e^o"^!! 2ecpo'b] + Thus in first a.pprox imat ion q^o 9o V (15) in second approximation 'Pi"" = -i[^i"^^- + ^o"^"^^ " ^V] (15a) For the integrals cp-i, cpb^ equation (ll), we infer from equa- tion (15) that they beha,ve in the critical range (t) order of magni- tude 1) like the integrals found by Hopf for the linear profile, that is, like certain cylindrical functions. Thus, we may conclude at this point that the connecting substitutions for cp-, , cpp from equa,- tion (11) except for quantities of the order (aR)-l/3 must be the same as for 4;he linear profile "Pi — >• 9i (16) corresponding to a transition of Re(w - c) < > Re(w - c) > NACA TM 1291 15 However, for the study of the integrals cpo, cpi, in the neighbor- hood of Y - Yq = 0, the simple calculations ina,de so far are not suf- ficient since for the latter the approximate solution (l5) would read cp" = Oj however, we know from equation (l4) that, in the limit R — >«r, cpK ' , in general, becomes logarithmically infinite at the point y - yQ = 0. Equations (15) and (l5a) are therefore in this- form unsuitable for expressing this singularity. Instead, we now set a = and w'" =0 (that is, we break off the development of w with the second term); otherwise, however, integrate equation (7a) exactly at first. In doing so, we notice that cp = w - c must be a particular integral of this simplified equa- tion (Ta) and we make, therefore, for cp the statement familiar from the theory of linear differential equations cp = (w - c) / \lf dy /' Then there follows from cp"" = -iaR(cp"(w - c) - w"cp) for 9 = (w - c) r ^ dy i|f"'(w - c) + Ww' + 6i|f'w" = -iaE(2w'(w - c)t + (w - c)^^') which after repeated integration becomes \|/"(w - c) + 3itf'w' + 3W = -iaR((w - c)2i|f - c) (--T) 16 MCA TM 1291 C is an integration constant. If one now again introduces I n = (y - yo)(aR)l/3, e = (aR)-l/3^ w - c = ear] + e 'br)'^, ^ = -^ + ^-^f + there results (iTa) V'a^ + 3to'a = -i(a2Ti2^Q _ c) " » " 2 ^ • ^ i|f-[^ ai] + 3\|;-|^ a + iITq bT) + b^lfQ bi) + b^Qh = -i^2ab\|rQTi + a^T]'^^^ Of course, these differential equations still contain all solu- tions of equation (7a). We intend to study particularly cp]^ f qp^ shows for a = at the point y = Jq regular behavior); therefore, we select the one solution of equation (iTa) which behaves at some distance from y^, thus for large (w - c)af{, like (v - c) 2' since we know from equation (l^) that cp|, at some distance from y„ is given by (w - c) r dy J (v - c)^ Thus we obtain according to equation (iTa) ° " a^^ and . /2b 2 ^ il'l n + 3\ = -i(— Cti + ari yi/-^j (18) MCA TM 1291 IT f-, is again fully determined "by the fact that it is to behave "at 2b C infinity" like aSri We now ask for the transformation substitutions for cp^ (and cpo) meaning thereby the following: In the asymptotically valid repre- sentations for cpo, cpi (equation (l^)), we always find the integral — ;r- which loses its sense if it is to be extended beyond the (w - c)2 point y = yQ (w - c = 0). Actually^ is^ near the critical (w - c)2 point, replaced by the function ■!. Thus the behavior of t (partic- ularly ^-,) in the critical neighborhood is the solely decisive factor. If this behavior and therein the magnitude of the integral / ij/ dy (extended beyond the critical point) be known, this knowledge is equivalent to knowing the transformation substitutions for cpo, cp^,. The solution ^-. characterized by equation (18) and the boundary condition at infinity reads: tI'i(ti) = H, 2/3 (1) H2/3^2)t^2^^ ^/3 (2) I 22/3(1)^2^11 (19) Therein Hankel' s cylinder functions of the index 2/3 and the argument -(-iaQTl^3/2 appear ^ag = a-^'^). The sign of (-iaQT))-'' / v3/2 re("l)/2 is to be taken so that |-ia_Ti) ' becomes positive for t\ = • ^ ' / ttQ A closer investigation of equation (19) shows that ^ behaves in the entire upper semlplane, and partially, even in the lower one, namely, for -n = rei^ within the limits -— < I < -^ at infinity like ' 6 6 18 NACA TM 1291 2bC '-, if a^ or a is positive. If a is negative^ the upper and lower semiplane are interchanged a-'\\ lim \i/-]_^rei^ ) = — is valid, if r — >oo s T 2"bC 37 Hence we infer the important result: or 5ijr ISiti a < in Titi a > (20) ^1^1 ci"ri 2t)C ijt 2bC in a > a < (21) Thus the transformation substitutions for cpo, cp^, accurate up to the magnitudes of the order (clR)~ ' , are now found for finite values of a also; we now know - and that is sufficient - what, according to equation (21), the integral to w - c > 0, signifies. ,w - c ^2 , extended from w - c < The formulas (I6) also may be derived once more from equa.tion (l7)j to the asymptotic solutions (ll) of equation (7a) correspond the integrals H, 2/3 (i),(2; j(-i-o^)^/^] (19a: of the homogeneous equation (18) (C = 0). The problem of finding the transformation substitutions of the "asymptotic" integrals (ll) and (l4) is therewith completed with the required accuracy ^except for quantities of the order {oR)-^!\ MCA TM 1291 19 h. Fulfillment of the Boundary Conditions and the Stability of the Oscillations Corresponding to the Solution System I Our considerations so far have been quite independent of the type of profile except for a few limitations concerning the singular points which had to be imposed on the profile. In order not to lose our- selves in an excessive number of different possibilities^ we shall further specialize the character of the basic flow. The considera- tions, however, have much more general validity. We thus assume that the bounding walls are represented by the equations y = +1 and y = -1, that, furthermore, the wall y = 1 possesses, with respect to the other, a relative velocity in the positive X direction (of the magnitude w(+l) - w(-l)) and that the laminar flow adheres to the walls (which corresponds to Couette' s test arrangement); finally, we assume that in the range -1 < y < +1, that is, in the fluid, Re(w - c) once and only once is zero. Moreover, we shall presuppose in the entire region continuity for w and the derivatives of w and, beyond this, make the additional assumption that the functions w, w' , w" , etc., always are of normal magnitude, that is, that they do not, for 1/2 instance, at certa,in points, assume a magnitude of the order (clR) Furthermore, for the following calculations, we at first regard a as so small and aR as so large that we may put with sufficient accuracy 93 = w (l^a) The fixing of the lower limit of the integral in cp^ obviously does not signify a limitation of the generality of our solutions. Rather we determine thereby cp. as that linear combination of cp and 9 which disappears a,t the point y = -1. In case w - c should dis- appear there also, cp. obviously is replaced by the function cp = w - c which now for y = -1 becomes zero. 20 NACA TM 1291 In order to satisfy the boundary conditions first at the vail y = -1, we form two aggregates f , f from cp , cp , cp , cpr for which really cp = cp' =0 for y = -1 q>4 + go(-l)[w(-l) - c] - f w'(-l) [^ f 2 = ^4 gQ(-l)[;.(-l) - c] + |w'(-l) L' > (22) Therein we understand from now on by g the root y -iaR(w - c), not as in equation (lO)^ M-i(w - c)^ in order to save writing down the factor ^oR. In order to satisfy the boundary conditions at the other wall as well, one must attempt to determine two constants A and B so that Af^(+1) + Bf2(+1) = Af^'(+1) + Bf^'C+l) = The condition for the possibility of such a determination is f^(+l) fgC+l) f^'(+l) f '(+1) (23; WACA TM 1291 21 By this condition c or ^, respectively^ is determined if R and a are given. Thus it is now a question of solving equation (23) for c and of determining the sign of the imaginary part of p. Equation (23) forms the perfect analogue to Sommerf eld' s turbulence equation for the linear profile. From equation (16) we infer '-\ f;L(+l) = CPi^(+l) + fl'(+l) go(-l)[w(-l) - c] - |W(-1) cp]_(+l) + icp2(+l) 9i(-l) = <(+l) + 93(4-1) w(-l) - c /-l)[w(-l) - cj - |w'(-l) CP3'(+1) w -1 cpi'(+l) + icF^'(+l) ^^(-l) > i2k) f2(+l) = qpi^(+l) - q:^(+l) )(-l)[;(-l) - £1 + |w'(-l) CP3( +1 w(-l) - cPgC-l) f2'(+l) = cpi^'(+l) - CP2'(+1) Cp2(-1) gQ(-l)[.(-l) - c] + |w'(-l) L' cp3'(+l) K-1) - c 22 NACA TM 1291 We insert these values of f-. into equation (23] •1' ^2' ^1 ' ^2 after having made an estimate of the magnitude of the individual terms in order to eliminate unnecessary complications of the calculation by writing down unessential terms. For this purpose we note that there or will be^ in general^ either cpp( + l) « cpp(-l This is caused by the factor \|aR in the exponent of equation (ll) if there does not exist the equality 92^+1' 9i » CP2 in -i(w - c)dy = Re c)dy which we exclude. Which one of the two cases will occur cannot be decided before- hand; generally, both are possible and yield both solutions. In the case of an obliquely symmetric profile, one case gives the solutions symmetrical to that of the other. At any rate, the two possibilities behave principally quite analogously and it is therefore sufficient to investigate one of the two. Thus we assume 92^+1) « 92(-l' that is (compare page 9)? the point w = c is to lie nearer to w = w(+l) than to w = w(-l). Hence it follows that 9i(' cp2(-l' is extraordinarily small, thus 9i(-l] is very large. Thus there remain in fj_ and f]_' only the terms which have ^^(-l) in the denominator; in f2 and f2' the terms containing ^^ ^^^ eliminated. NACA TM 1291 23 From equation (23) we thus obtain rq)-,_(+l) + icp2(+l) 1 - c [go(-i)B- rq)-j_'(+l) + icpg'C+l)] L(-i)[^(-i) -3+1 ^'(-1)] f (-1) - {] (25: Even in this form the equa,tion for c is still rather complicated. We therefore further simplify equation (25) hy cancelling now not only quantities of the order of magnitude e N , but also quantities of the order (aR)"^/^, For this purpose we determine that g„(+l) is of the order 1/2 (oR) ' , thus at first excluding the possibility of w(+l) - c being very small;, and that furthermore P^'(+1) + 1^2' (+1) = - I ^—4- [9i( + l) + i92(+l^ gQ(+l) rcpi(+l) - i92( + l^ Thus we retain only those terms of equation (25) which are multiplied by the factor gQ(+l). 2k MCA TM 1291 Thus the simple result is found U-lC+I) - icp2(+l2J'Pl^.( + l) = or Py=+1 2/ \/-iaR(w-c)dy -1 Pi dy ■1 (w - c)' (26) This equation possesses two completely different solution systems py=+l yo ^ i(xR(w-c)dy = 1 (I) must exist where the imaginary part of the integral (28) also disappears. The four solutions of equation (28) thus character- ized yield therefore a quantity c with a positive imaginary part, thus stable oscillations. Case (2) finally requires somewhat more detailed calculations. Before performing them we note that to case (2) pertain two types of solution for equation (23) which cannot be represented in the form w(+l) - c. NACA TM 1291 29 (cq is to lie nearer to w(+l)) that the imaginary part of 5 and thus also that of c and of p has the same sign as dJ dc (^==0) dJ and that oscillations corresponding to a negative value of — have dc an unstable character. If therefore our partly linear profile still has the property that — < at the point w = c, it is unstable. dc This condition — < 0, however, is satisfied very frequently, for dc instance, always when the point w = c lies near one wall (for instance, y = +l) and the profile is linear from the point w = c to the boundary. SuTTimarizing, we conclude: The instability or the stability of a profile can be decided for all profiles considered so far by their behavior in the case of frictionless fluid. Profiles which are capable of undamped oscillations in the latter case and where the friction is taken into account become, under certain presuppositions, unstable. The latter profiles must have very special properties as shown above; they must, for instance, be partly composed of linear pieces or they must have a point of inflection w" = 0. (Compare above.) At the same time, however, these profiles of type 2 are the only ones still to claim physical interest since they are the only ones whose behavior with respect to their stability corresponds approximately to Reynolds' conjectures. Following, we shall show that these profiles, in general, really have a critical Reynolds number (with the exception of the broken profiles). 6. The Reynolds Number of the Stability Limit; Nijmerical Calculation on the Parabola Profile If, therefore, a profile is prescribed which, for frictionless fluid, permits undamped oscillations and with friction is unstable, the question arises, for what minimii.m value of the Reynolds nijmber does instability occur? The simplified equations (25), (26), etc., do not suffice for answering this question. We must revert to equation (23) and to the forms (ll) and (l^) for the integrals cp, , cp^; 9q> and cp. ; however, it is, of course, quite impossible generally, for an 30 NACA TM 1291 arbitrary profile w, to represent the critical Reynolds number as a function of w and of integrals over w; it will only be our task to Indicate the way by which one arrives at the critical velocity and then to perform the calculation on a special example. Since in our last calculations a and R had appeared only in the combination aR (because we had assumed a? as small), these calculations can yield at best a critical value for oR only, not for R alone. Thus we must first investigate the behavior of the roots of equation (23) for increasing a?. Of the roots of equa- tion (23), only those in the solution system II which satisfy the equation cp].(+l) = are of interest. Instead of equation (23) we must therefore discuss the equation q) = (w - c) / -^fl . a2 rdy(w - c)^ T-^^ . (w - c)^\ ,1 ,1 (w - c)2 (28a) 9=0 for y = -1, y = +1 If the profile consists, as in Rayleigh' s exa.mple, of linear pieces, there exists (compare page 27) always a root of equation (28a) for every break and these roots remain in existence for every value of a^. Thus, the broken profile yields no maximum value of a^ and therefore cannot ever lead to a critical Reynolds number. 1° This is different if (cf. pp. 26 and 27) a solution of equations (28) or (28a), respectively, with real c is possible for the reason that either somewhere in the profile w" =0 or that w(+l) = w(-l), cp = w - w(+l) represents a solution of equation (28). These latter types of solution always yield a solution of equation (28a) only for a very definite value of a . For w" =0, c is determined by the very fact that for w" =0, w is to be w = c; thus the equation (28a) defines a quite definite value of a ; however, for the case w(+l) = w(-l) a, solution of equation (28a) obviously exists only for a2 = 0. It is still presupposed that R and oR are large and a « R. Thus critical Reynolds numbers will possibly appear if these presup- positions are no longer valid; however, the respective Reynolds num- bers R would then probably assiame values so small that they certainly would be of no physical significance. MCA TM 1291 31 For this type of solution of eqioations (28) or (28a), which are characterized in the limit R = 00 by a very definite value of a?-, we shall expect that, with the friction taken into consideration, a also may vary from its definite value only by small amounts. For these profiles the appearance of a maximum value (and in the case w" = also of a minimum value) for a is very understandable. Thus all oscillations, the wave length of which is smaller than a certain critical wave length, are in such cases damped for all values of oR. After having found an upper limit for o?- , one will attempt to determine the approximate magnitude for the lower limit of oR, A simple investigation of equation (25) shows that essential variations in the imaginary part of r occur only after the exponent of e in the approximate representation (ll) in cp-,(+l), cp2(+l) has decreased to values of the order of magnitude 1; however, if this is the case, we very soon reach the critical value (for which the imaginary part of c is changed from negative to positive values) as will be shown in the numerical example. If we assume that w is essentially linear between w = Cq (cq = real part of c) and w(+l) the condition for the approximate ma.gnitude of clR reads (aR)^/^[v(.l) - Co] 3/2 (29) or w'(+l) W(+1) - Cq Since in the cases of interest to us w(+l) - c_ will probably be small, we may by assianption form a conclusion as to high critical Reynolds numbers. At the same time we note that for a certain value of R there will always exist not only a maximum value but also a minimum value for a of the unstable oscillations. This follows from the fact that we did find a minimum value of oR (not R). « As numerical example for our general calculations made so far, we select the parabola profile because it is physically the most interesting one. It is to be classified as "profile capable of oscillation" of the type w(+l) = w(-l). 32 MCA TM 1291 Here too we shall consider only the two-dimensional motion, that is, not Poiseuille's flow in tubes "but the flow prevailing between two parallel walls at rest (y = +1, y = -l) under the influence of a constant pressure gradient. Thus we put w = 1 - y2 (30; The symmetry of w and w - c permits the deduction that cp must be an even function of y.^^ Thus we single out, from among the solu- tions of equation (7a), two symmetrical particular integrals and attempt to satisfy the boundary conditions at one of the walls, for instance, y = -1. Those at the other wall then are fulfilled automatically. Obviously we may take simply cpo as one of those symmetrical integrals. For the other we choose q>i(y) t-ajx) ^^^^ thus with cp2, Cp2. For cpQ* we write w (as in equation (6) for $ ). Thus three simultaneous differential equations are produced (the simultaneously obtained con- jugate eqiiations need not be written down) dy (q^i'q^i - 9i'9i) + 2(92*92 - ^2 ^2 ^-h^" (cpi" - a^cp^Uw - ^j - 9iw" - cp2'(9i" - cc^^i) - 2^2 ( (37) 2a cp-i " + aSi) kO ■ NACA TM 1291 The first of these equations may be integrated twice and yields C and C]_ signify arbitrary integration constants. Since the left side of eqioation (37a) and w are, according to re quirement (a), odd in y, C must disappear in our case. If we go back from the second to the first approxiiiia,tion, our system of equations is reduced to two simultaneous differential equa- tions for w and cp-. cpi'9^ - cp^'cp^ = -^(w' - Cj^y) (cp," - a2pj(w - i) - w>, = ^(q,;- - 2a2cp," . a^J I (33) By way of a,n interpolation we shall now reflect what replaces eqiia- tion (33) if we do not consider a flow symmetrical about the X axis (requirement a), (that is, the flow of a fluid under a pressure gradient between two walls at rest), but instead a flow antisymmetrical about the X axis (that is, a flow between two walls moved relative to each other without pressure gradient as in the Couette case). Require- ments (b) and (c) axe to be maintained. The statement (36) will then nq longer be satisfactory since cp-i, cpp, etc., for arbitrary p/a are no longer even functions; in order to obtain the entire flow pa.ttern in terms of odd functions, we must also include the symmetrical oscillations of the form e^' "'^"^""'■'^^ in the formulation for \|f, that is, -^ must start with the terms „ / V i(Bt-ax) / -i(Bt-ax) / \ -i((3t-ax) cPq + qPi(y)e + ! =^(V" -^-\ + a\j I (39) The two equations of the system (38) and (39! simple illustrative significance. respectively, are of The second equation is none other than our former stability equa- tion (7) which determines the amplitude of the oscillation superimposed on a hasic flow w and which formed the basis for our investigations in part I. The first equation, however, represents the theorem of momentum. The left side of this equation essentially indicates the momentum transferred on the average by the turbulent vorticity^ , the term with w' on the right represents the laminar momentum transfer, and the constant C or C-|_y, respectively, is the constant of the momentum theorem. Due to the boundary conditions at the walls cp-, = cp-[_ =0. There- fore there w' = C or C-iy^g^-^i^ respectively; thus at the walls the lami- nar momentiim transport surpasses the turbulent one, '"''wall ^iH gen- erally be very large. (Compare the next section.) At the channel center, however, that is, in the entire tunnel outside of the immediate ^e are referring here to the mean momentum in the X direction which, for omt problem, is transferred in the Y direction. The momentum in the X direction equals, on the whole u, the velocity of the particle transporting the momentum in the Y direction is v; thus the momentum transferred during the \init time uv, on the average uv which for the case (36) results in uv = -ia(cp-Lcp-[_' - 9i' at least in Immediate proximity of the wall such a power law with the exponent 6 = 1/7 actually follows. It is true that the domain of convergence of the power series used is not established so that the conclusions, as far as they apply to the shape of the profile at some distance from the wall, are uncertain. We develop cp-i and w in the neighborhood of T] = in integral and positive powers of t] - this is possible for any finite value - and then inversely t\ in integral powers .of w. Thus we are led directly to the formula (^3) for ti(w). We contend, and this is the most important result we shall need later, that cp-]_ in first approxima,tion may be represented by a series of the form 2 5 3 + NACA TM 1291 kl where a^, ag , . , are real, at-, a-,-, . . . purely imaginary con- stants; furthermore, w is of the form w = p^T] + p^T]'^ + . . , (U5) This contention may "be proved for the differential equations (38) directly by expressing cp and w in undetermined coefficients if the terms a^, a-,, clo, o.^, and 3^, 3-, are prescrihed. Thus we will, above all, attempt to determine these terms. First, cp-j^ and 9 ' for T) = must be zero beca.use of the boundary conditions; thus the series for cp-, starts with apT] (oq = a]_ = O). We can verify afterward that, furthermore, the following term cn.^r]-' is eliminated, that is, becomes very small compared tc the other terms. By way of an interpolation we shall prove here for this purpose by a single approxi- mate integration of the second equation (38) that a-, assumes the order of magnitude ccR. For a^ = equation (33) reads „ It/, PI _ ,,ii i _ im whence follows The constant A is here of the same order of magnitude as the left side of equation (U6) at the center of the tunnel, thus almost of the order of magnitude 1. (Compare part I, section 2.) The term cp-,'" at the edge is therefore of the order cxR due to the boundary condi- tions. The same is valid for ao. Thus we shall meanwhile assume ao as small and later attempt to justify that assumption. Of the constants Pq, 3i; the first, Pq, equals zero because of the requirement (a), section 1. h3 NACA TM 1291 The constants Op and p^ are, at first, arbitrary ' and there is no possibility of deriving them from the solution of the differential equations (38) and (39) in the proximity of the wall. This possibility would. arise only if we should succeed in continuing the solution (^5) analytically up to the other wall; however, this is an extremely com- pj.icated mathematical problem if only for the reason that, as will be seen, the simplified equations (38) and (39) si's not sufficient for determining qp-, and w at the center of the tunnel. Although we must therefore forego the solution of this problem, we may still expect to obtain, by merely developing cp^ and w in the proximity of one wall with undetermined coefficients cx2, 3-]_, those qualitative char- acteristics of w and qpQ_ in wall proximity which are, according to experience, quite independent of the behavior of the fluid at the tunnel center as, for instance, the law w ~ tj / ' . We enter equation (38) with the statement ^1 " °'2^^ + o-^n + o-^^^ + • w = 3-|_Tl + PgTl^ + ^3^^ + • . replacing the second equation by {k6). We therefore again assume a as very small which here only signifies (compare part I, section 2) that the wave length of the oscillations is to be large compared to the boundary- layer thickness; moreover, we put, according to equa- tion (hkc) P = o a For the first equation (38) we write furthermore -ioR^^Cp^' cp-j_ - cp^'cpi) = 2aR(cp^.'cp^^ - qPiiCp^j.') = w' - C^y Therein cp-^j, denotes the real, (p^ • the imaginary part of cp . 27 We shall assiMie a^ as real. This does not imply a limitation of generality since cp-^ is determined only up to a factor of the form e^^ as the initial point of the time coordinate in equation (36) may be chosen arbitrarily. MCA TM 1291 49 From .equations (46) and (4?) now follow the recursion formulas n-2 n(n - l)(n - 2)0^ = -loR Y~ s(n - 2s) a^_i_sPs-l (^) nPj^ = 2aR 2~~ s(n - 2s)a^_3-^Ps^ 5=2 {h9) in addition Pi = 'l^ed ge 2p2 = C^ Therein ag''^ denotes the real, a ■'- the imaginary part of a^ From equation (48) there follows first 0-4 = From eqioatlon (4-9) there then results P3 = p^ = 3^ = Pg = The term P2 ™^y also he approximately equated to zero. From equation (49) there follows Pi P2 = "^^edge 50 MCA TM 1291 p For very small t] the term PgT ■'■^ therefore to be neglected com- pared to the first term P>jj\; for larger •(], however, the higher terms P'tT]'^ etc.j are completely predominant. Let us thus assume also ^2 - '^ ^^^ thus calculate the higher terms of the series for p-|_ and w. There follows 2 agPi 2 °'2Pl cxcr = -ioR ; ; tt/r = av = 0; ao = -(oRj ^r— ^ 3x4x5 ° ' ° 3x5x6x7x8 f o^3^ "-a^^S °^Pl^ \ 2x7x9x10x11 3x5x6x8x9x10x11, (Xto = ^1^ ~ ^ P7 = -(•^f %^; Pa " P9 ■ ''lo = I'll - »12 ■ °' ■^ V5 X 5 X 6 X 8 X 11 X 13 X l4 7 x 10 x 11 x 1: The representation (^5) for w we contended is therefore proved and it may easily be shown too that of the further terms only in every sixth term has 3 a finite value. Hence follows for the representation of r\ as power series in w 7 13 ^ = y^v + y^v' + 7-L2^ -^ + . . . 1 9 °2^ ' H' ^ 703j X50) 13 \7xlOx 10x11 xl3x p-^lS 5x5x6x8 xllx 13 xl^xpj^ll- NACA TM 1291 '51 zero The terms j^ to 7g, 7q to J y^.' ^lU ^"^^-^ ^H equal 28 The development (50) now actually completely agrees with equa- tion (^3) and we seem thus to arrive, even without knowledge of the constants a2 and ^-^, to the law t) .^ w' semiempirically derived "by von Karman. The coefficients 7-, and j^, however, cannot he calculated. Inversely, we may perhaps conclude from the empirical findings for the coefficients P-j. ^^^ ^2 that jn is of the order o /Ji 1 "3 /R of magnitude 1, 7]_ of the order (olR) , thus 02 ~ (oR) . Subsequently, we thus also confirm our former assertion aoT] « ap. Raising the question of what order of magnitude are the values of w for which the third term in equation (50) is small compared to the second for which therefore the w' profile actually is valid, one finds w -v ^-^ ' } thus '^"-'-/°. Accordingly, the profile w ~ t\}-I^ follows from the differential equations (38) only qualitatively ?.t first. No information about the fact that the 1/7 profile has been observed almost up to the tunnel center is given in our calculations; however, this was not to be expected since the other constants entering the law also depend on the behavior of the fluid at the opposite wall. As an interpolation, we shall once more briefly s-ummarize what factors we have neglected in deriving equation (50) from equations (48) and (^9) and attempt thereby to determine within what accuracy the conclusions drawn from (50) are correct. First, we used system (38) instead of (37)^ thus cancelled magnitudes of the order cpo/'w* Further- more, we equated a-^ = 0, 3/a = 0, 32 = and therewith neglected aoT] o 32^ Pi magnitudes of the order -^^—, -^—, , and -:, respectively. a.2 aw Pi p^TiD The acciiracy of our calculations will be determined by the largest of the terms here neglected. Simple considerations of the order of magni- tude, not executed here, make it probable that of these terms 92/^ is the largest but that this term, too, goes toward zero with R — ^00. ?8 This power series ti(w) may, of course, also be derived directly from equations (46) and {hj) without the detour over the series of w(t|) if w is introduced as independent variable; however, the calculations required for this purpose are somewhat more complicated. 52 NACA TM 1291 Selection of a sufficiently large value for R will therefore make it possible to carry the accuracy of the results derived from equa- tions {h3) , {hS) , and (50) arbitrarily far. As to Blasius' law of resistance, it can, of course, be derived inversely according to the method described above from the law t] ~ wT^ by means of consideration of similitude if one assumes, as we did, that the behavior of w in the proximity of the wall is independent of the tunnel width; however, for the reasons stated above (impossibility of analytical continuation) we must leave the question unanswered whether this latter - physically very plausible - assiomption also follows from the differential equations (38) and (39)> respectively. We are, however, able to draw a noteworthy direct conclusion con- cerning the law of resistance from equations (38) and (39) t)y means of consideration of similitude. In the tunnel, except for immediate wall proximity and the point y = (compare below equation (66)) one may write instead of the first equation (38) because of the magnitude of C-L (compare pages kl and k2) iaE(cp-L'qp-i_ " 'Pl''^l) " ^1^ ^^l) Since the amplitude cp-, cannot go toward infinity with R — >« - this would render all our calculations devoid of physical sense - there follows that Cj^ is at most of the order of magnitude oR, that there- fore the exponent | of eqiJiation (hO) must be <1 (which in a certain ma,nner also can be seen from equation (4l)), Hence follows (compare equations (^2) and (^O)) that the law of resistance t = const. U^ usually assumed in hydraulics represents an upper limit for all imagi- nable laws of resistance of turbulence which is independent of the wall characteristics. One may conclude as an assumption that the law T ~ U ' is valid only for smooth walls - it was for those only that we obtained r) -^ w' - that the law of resistance for rough walls, » 2Q however, more and more approaches the quadratic law. ^ For rough walls the amplitude cpj will be independent of R and of the magnitude of the wall disturbances; moreover, for rough walls the boimdary conditions will no longer cause cp-, to be real in first approximation as corre- sponds to equation {hk). 29 / / Compare the more exact investigations by Von Karman, elsewhere, and the experimental investigations by Schiller, same periodical 3> page 2, 1923. NA.CA TM 1291 53 Nothing is changed in the conclusions of this paragraph if the equations (39) are taken as a basis instead of the differential equa- tions (38). 3. The T\arbulent Motion Outside of the Ijcamediate Proximity of the Wall It is essential for the motion at the tunnel center that cp-i here is composed of those two integrals of (7a) which appear in case of frictionless fluid, thus for eqxoation (8), (Compare part I, section 2.) The most important characteristic of cp^^ following from this fact is that it satisfies - except for magnitudes of the order cpg and (aR)"l - the condition cp-j'qp-, - cp-,'cp-, = Const. (52) This results, according to Abel's theorem, from the fact that, except for magnitudes of the order 92 ^.nd (oB)"-'-, 'Pi-rt 8.ndL cp-, j (the real and imaginary part of (p-^) are solutions of the differential eq\;ra,tion (8). Hence it can be concluded that the equations (38) and (39) are not sufficient for establishment of the motion over the entire tunnel width but that we have to go back to eqioation (37) and to the system of eqxxa- tlons which corresponds to it for Couette's case. This, in general, involves a complication of the mathematical problem. Only in Couette's case may 'the problem be solved comparatively easily because the first equation (39)^ except for magnitudes of the order w'/c, thus (oE)"-^' and ^^ Couette's case equation (39) shoiild still be valid up to magnitudes of the order cp2^. This requirement is satisfied if we put (P2 = (53) 5^ MCA TM 1291 This equation is therefore to be regarded as solution for Couette' s case, of the differential equation we took as a hasis. According to equation (53) it would follow for cp-, from (37) q)i"'cpi - 9i"cPi = (54) The system applying to Couette' s case is not equation (37) hut a more complicated one which we are not going to write down. We do, however, state about it that it leads, like (37), for (p2 = to the solu- tion (5^) and thus to the result cp-L = ae^'y + he-yy (55) Here, a, b, and 7 are any complex constants. For w then follows from the second equation (39) or, respectively, from its reduced form (8) w - c = a-j^e ^ + b-j^e ■'• (56) Since at one of the walls there should be w - c = 0, and since, on the other hand, w should be odd in the neighborhood of y = 0, it follows that w, simply by the vanishing of 7-|^ and a suitable Increase of a-, and b-, , must degenerate to a linear profile. Thus, we obtain the important result that for Couette' s case the basic profile w of the turbulent motion takes an essentially linear course over the entire tunnel width - however, strongly deviating from the laminar profile, it will be much flatter than the laminar one - [that, however, (compare II, section 2) at the edge it clings again like Ti^T -to the wall^ . We shall now turn to the more complicated case of a flow between two walls at rest, thus exactly to the system (37). For a solution we must naturally be content with rough approximations. First, we MCA TM 1291 55 can cancel in equation (37) the right sides of all three equations, namely the friction terms; this is fully justified by the considera- tions of Part I, section 2. Then we equate p/a = (compare equation ( ij-^c) ) . We thus obtain for cp2_ in the place of the second equation (37) cp3_"w - w"cp-L - a2wcp-j_ - 92' (^1" - "■^^i) - 2CP2(^-1_"' " °'^^l') "^ ^9^' (^2" " i|a2cp2) + ^^(cp^'" - ^\') = (57) If we develop cp-]_ as solution of the eqviation (57) in powers of a^ on one hand and powers of cp2 on the other, and if we further note that cp]_ is to be odd (compare (44b)) and write cp-, = cp, „ + cp, , there results with only the linear terms taken into consideration cp = aw Jo ^ Jo ''^(^^''^10 ^ ^2>lo" " ^cPgCPio' 2^10'^2" - ^10^2'") (59) Naturally cp-, is herein not fully determined - the constant factor a assumed as real which does not signify a limitation remains undetermined. If we substitute this value of cp]_ into the simplified first equation (37)^ namely cp-.^"-," - ^'-.cp-, = Const. (60) 56 MCA TM 1291 we obtain, with cpp. denoting the imaginary part of cPp, the result Now, however, as follows from the third eqijation (37) and from the fact that cp]_ is real in first approximation, cppi satisfies the equation cp2i"w - (p2iw" =0 (62) thus ^ - -no (63) If we substitute this value of qp2i into equation (63) and if we further consider that for y = the left side of equation (61) and therewith the constant on the right side is zero (this signifies for the constant of the right side of equation (60) only that it is in p first approximation zero, that is, small of the order Cp2.'''2 ^■'^ ? h au'^(f>jP2> respectively, or a cp-j^ , we obtain ^10^10'" - ^io"^io' = ° (6^) which fully agrees with (5^). This equation, it is true, becomes, like eqijation (5^), trivial in the neighborhood of the point y = 0; it is there fulfilled identically since qp is an odd function of y. Thus it cannot permit there a determination of w. This leads for the symmetrical profile (6^) to a remarkable discontinuity at the point y = 0. (For the odd profile such a discontinuity cannot be seen from the differential equations.) If one integrates (37a) one obtains, as shown above, after a single integration the equation 2aR|^-^^"cp-,_ - cpi"?! + 2(^2"^2 " 'P2"^2) "^ * ' • 1 = w" - C (65) NACA TM 1291 57 where C (compare pp. i^-1 and h2) , Blaslus' law of resistance being valid, is of the order of magnitude (dR)-'' , thus at any rate very large . The left side of equation (65) disappears, however, with cp]_ and cpo (which, as we know, are odd functions of y) at the point y = 0. Thus Vo" = c (66) must be valid there. This signifies that ^-^=0" "^^ very large {~(aB) ) and that therefore w at the point y = shows a sharp break^ ^radius of curvature ~(aR)~-^/ ). At a small distance from this point the course of w must, according to equation {6k), again be essentially linear. We obtain the result: For the flow between two walls at rest as well - and surely this may be applied also to the flow in the tube - the profile is linear approximately over the entire tunnel width; at the center, however, it shows a sharp break (it clings to the walls with the y '' law). (Compare figure 3.) The physical cause of the sharp break is the fact that the gradient of the turbulent momentum transfer for y = disappears for reasons of symmetry and that therefore, because the gradient of the entire momentum transfer over the tunnel width is constant, the gradient of the laminar momentum transfer, that is w", must be very large there. k. Final Remarks and Summary of the Physical Results Our investigations still show two important gaps. First, they do not yield the transition from the t]-"-/! profile to the linear profile valid in the center part. Second, they are limited to large values of R and thus do not yield the minimum value of R, either, if such a minimum value exists for which the turbulent motion is still possible. The first of these two gaps is most difficult to fill in (compare page kS) ; we cannot even indicate a method which would satisfactorily ^Professor Prandtl was so kind as to point out this break to me on the basis of empirical material. The break seems less sharp empiri- cally than according to calculation results, which is easily explained by the fact that the assumption (a), page 38, concerning the symmetry of the vortices and distiirbances also does not exactly correspond to actual conditions. 53 MCA TM 1291 solve this particular problem. One may attempt to piece the two approximations together that come from the wall and from the tunnel center. This would have to be done by means of the condition that at the respective junction cp, , cp ' , cp-,"; 9-,"'? ^i and w' are to be continuous; however, the convergence of the developments (^5) and (50) is hardly sufficient thus to guarantee a somewhat defined approxi- mation. At any rate the ultimate result, the profile w, is still to a great deal dependent on the type of joining the two approximations. Finally, it must be regarded as dubious whether such an exact carrying out of the formulation (page 39) would yield essentially new physical results in agreement with experience since these statements certainly represent a very strong idealization of actual conditions. In contrast, filling in of the second gap does not offer any basic difficulties whatsoever; all necessary expedients are contained in Part I and once the profile w is completely known, the methods described in Part I are, on principle, sufficient to calculate according to Part I, section 6, the minimum value of R for which the turbulent motion is possible. One could, for instance, calculate the critical Reynolds number for a profile obtained, according to the method mentioned above, by piecing together the two approximations, or one could base this investigation on the empirically observed profile and thus calculate the Reynolds number in a semiempirical manner. In any case one will - the investigations in Part I made this probable and direct calculations, here not reproduced, confirmed it - arrive at the same order of magnitude of the critical Reynolds number, namely R ~ 103. The exact value of R will, it is true, still be too dependent on the manner in which the profile was obtained to permit comparisons with experience. For that reason we did not perform here such a calculation of R. Let us finally summarize what may be concluded as physical result from our investigations concerning the turbulence problem. In Part I we recognize that the laminar motion and its stability condition are not of essential significance for the turbulence problem and the critical Reynolds number. In Part II, however, we investigated the turbulent motion itself and may hence give a few data on the turbulent state of motion. In general, the velocity distribution over the entire tunnel is of the simplest type; it is - according to the test conditions - linear or constant (section 3)- At the center there is, for symmetrical flow between two walls at rest, a sharp break; at the walls the flow clings, for the t\^i ' profile, to the walls (section 2). The calculations do not disclose anything about the fact that the 1/7 profile is valid until far into the tunnel interior. The turbulent oscillations are for Couette's case almost harmonic in the interior of the tunnel (section 3; equation (53)); in the proximity MCA TM 1291 59 of the walls all oscillations will occur. The velocity of the waves agrees with the wall velocity (section 2, equations {kk) - (hkc)) ', for Couette's case there exist two groups of turbulent oscillations, one of which agrees, with respect to its velocity of propagation, with one of the walls, whereas the other group possesses the velocity of the other wall. Thus the turbulent disturbances show, superficially, the character of a wall disturbance. It must, however, be emphasized that these disturbances are capable of existence as free oscillations, inde- pendently of wall roughness and similar influences. The amplitude of the turbulent waves considerably increases toward the walls (this follows from eqiiation (4^), section 2) and goes toward zero only directly at the wall. The wave length of the occurring oscillations (Part I, section 3) is, with respect to order of magnitude, equal to (rather somewhat larger than) the tunnel width. The minimim value of the Reynolds num- ber (Part I, section 8) for which turbulence is still possible, lies - with respect to order of magnitude - near 10^. From the profile t) ' ', Blasius' T ~ u'/ seems to result, under certain presuppositions, as the law of resistance for smooth walls. For rough walls it probably approaches (section 2) the hydraulic law f ~ u^. The piorpose of the present report was not so much to establish these regularities, to a great part known before, as it was to prove that all results obtained so far (seemingly partly contradicting each other) can be uniformly described mathematically with the aid of simple basic assumptions. I wish to express here my deepest gratitude to my revered teacher. Professor Sommerfeld, for suggesting this report and for frequent assistance. Translated by Mary L. Mahler National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 60 NACA TM 1291 Profile Approximation polygon ^s. y X. - points where break ZOO I6OW 120 80 sJ "^0 W--20 Siabilify .1 \ Ins f ability _L .1 .Z .3 .4 Figure 2 Break NACA-Langley - 6-27-51 - 1000 IBH < < < < z 1-1 esi CO CO rt 3 o o S :3 u S T3 tH c- ta z < > Q. ^ c4 H n s o o- 69 E-i ^ c to -g ■O El S5 .T W ft (U 53 W d) t, o ^ (U w S " > .-S ^^ c C W q " .2 "J ■" m " "3 3 " 2 (U "S .2 3 " _ S o S " " o 0)" 2 " *j J=i 3 ^^ o .i; M "^ tt-Q C oj c (u w m ■•^ a o o m c: w ^-* 3 w a; n cs ra u - -- K^ M :3 1 ^ fci a) T3 . § ?i^ S J ■" m >u O „; J2 2 M "J ;5i -FH w < < 2 •r3 rt fc. u CO CO « ii 6-S o o : 0) ^ J3 SJ h S -a r-l c- o t-i C O CO •3 < I '^. ■". a: 2 o. rt cq M a S • • . 1-5 H -H c n u bo^a c c n) c » •3 3 --3 .2 XI 01 ^ t! U > fci idea e tu itati e tu ^ j= =: j3 o» ^*j ed -^ d *j u. 3 V- r-l rt o o" O s M W C 4, . f- < o r 2 S a « < ti a 5 o i! o $ c a o •< 333 |5 S ""3 IS c 2 « fc, ^ > V t^ iptions, ons are on about =3 S '-3 3 " § c w E S > rt u tjcca c C 0) c OJ •53- 3 .S ^ u 2 2'-S a ■*-» ■S 1! ■" (U -^•C ^ X 01 ^"•^ rt ■w CO ■y fci 5. «M go o- s bi" i H c Si .5 .2 £ ?1 < m -fcJ __ a IHB H < U < < 2 CO CO .S3 S-S b b ; cu :3 « _ > CM D-ii Sh . tU)„ n< rt 3 o ^ fa h CM ..1-1 h ., ti S "O — I c- o t-i C O CO ■S < I -^ "". ^ N n B n J. "" (]3 o ^ -3 w . S O'- h m h ^ h'^ ■" ^ 0) n 3 •« CM «-5 two parts, th luid flows on tion on the o r Aeronau NCE OF F orbulenz v Heisenber 1291. Tr , 1924, p.5 ed into em of f lent mo ttee fc BULE und T erner ATM no. 15 6g:S^ .-a *^ c C U3 q rt O M .n " "3 3 n " (u ■ O 43 g — •C ■" .2 -9 o c it 2- > 80.3 o 0) « 2' . -^ 3 5 3 O O ... o « >, n. « =* aj-a n i! " >. V a - 4: i-i < z < z 03 eg < < z .2 St ■2 S 2 9 01 t. o imptions, differ tions are deriv tion about seve ocity distributi S 2 2« m a S >■ « fc. Ul^fi c c a> c n* 13 --a .2 ^ d) £ ideal e tur Itativ e tur y^ ^X ^ J3 Oi .5"" « ■" C4 -w h 3 *^ 1-t g o o" o s Sb w H a S S TS c o 5 t a* < M S ^ '" .5 o r 2 E & « < 1-1 3 5 o ^ 0) & ti 1- ^ u * -3 a. o I