' *\ !b UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Economic Library List TIo. 16 Washington, D. C, October 1940 .. MATE* A List of References Compiled by Annie H. Hannay Library, Bureau of Agricultural Economics MMMtEl-n U.S. DEPOSITORY These references, many of which have not been examined, were compiled 'from Agricultural Economics Literature, v. 1, 1927 to v. 14, no, 8, Oct. 1940 and from the card catalogues of the libraries of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Call numbers follow- ing the citation are those of the U. S .' Department of A^ri- c\:lture 'Library, unless otherwise noted, "Libr. Cong." pre- ceding a call number indicates that the publication is in the Library of Congress. tAlbes, Edward.') Yerba mate * the tea of 'South 'America . 13pp., illus. Washington, D. C, Govt, print, off., 1916.' Libr. Cong. SB279.M4A6 At head of title: The Pan American Union, Reprinted from the May, 1916 issue of the Bulletin of the Pan American Union, 150.9 :.I7G Argentina's industries. National statistical department's survey of yerba mate milling activities. Rev, River Plate 89(2536): 22-24, July 19, 1940, 286.8 R32 A recent industrial statistical survey shows that in 1938 52,3 percent of the mate milled in Argentina was imported . Statistics are given showing the activities ' of the Argentine mills in 1935, 1937 and 1938 and the production, consumption and import of mate from 1935 to 1959. Production control has been instituted by government decree. This is said to be made necessary by economic conditions. Astarita, M, II mate, Bollettino della Associazione Italiana pro Piante Medicinali, Aromatiche ed Altre Utili 8(9-10) : 162-164, 179-182. Sept. -Oct. 1925; 9(1): 8-9. Jan. 1926. 71.8 As7 - 2 - Bordenave, Enrique. Yerba mate in the United States, pan Amer. Union Bui. 68(12): 345-853. Dec. 1954. 150.9 M76 The author urges increased consumption of yerba mate in the United States because of its beneficial effects on the health, and because of the economic advantages of its export to 'the three pro- ducing countries of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Brazil. Laws, statutes, etc. Resolucao n. 4 do Instituto nacional do mate que re-solve que os precos minimos para os tipos de mate padronizados destinados acs mercados de consumo dos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e I.Iato Grosso sao fixados de acordo com a proposta do "Centro dos exportadores brasileiros de erva'mate." Brazil. Ministerio do'Trabalho, Industria e Comercio. Boletim 5(56): 64. Apr. 1939. 9.2 Ag83 Published in the Diario Oficial, Mar. 30, 1939. Text of Resolution Ho. 4 of the National Mate Institute, resolving that minimum prices for mate destined for the consuming markets of the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso be fixed in accordance with 'the proposal of the "Centro dos Exportadores Brasileiros de Erva Mate, Ltda." Brazil. Ministerio da agricultura, ' industria e commercio. Servico de inspeccao e fomento agricolas. 'A explorac'a'o do mate. (Monographia elaborada pelo Servico 'de inspeccao e 'fomento agricolas). 116pp., illus. Rio de' Janeiro, Typ. do Servico de inf ormac/oes do Ministerio da agricultura, 1929. 77 3734E From 'Ministerio da Agricultura, Industria e Commercio. Boletim, anno 18, v. 1, nos. 4-5, pp. 439-495, 603-664. Apr .-May 1929 9.2 Ag83 'Soecies and varieties of Ilex with Brazilian vernacular names, pp. 6-25 (from Arruda Camara, Antonio de. Monenclatura vulgar da herva mate e "af fines" 1928) Brinkmann, Th. Der yerba mate - Bau am argentinischen "national Terri- torium Misiones als grundlage bauerlicher siedlung. [Germany] Reichsministerium fur Ernahrung u. Laridwirtschaft . Berichte uber Landwirts chaft (N.F.)ll(o): 403-442. 1930. 18 G31 This is a discussion of the cultural and economic conditions of production of 3/erba mate in the territory of Misiones in the extreme northeast of Argentina. It 'is peopled by settlers of whom many are German or of German descent, and who are, for the most part, owners of small or medium-sized farms. An unbiased account is given of the difficulties to be overcome and the results to be' hoped for in the cultivation for commercial purposes of a product the use of which is limited to a few countries of South America. Brown, IJicholas Edward. Paraguay tea (ilex paraguariehsis, St. Hil.) Kew. Roy. Bot. Gard. Bui. Misc. Inform, nos. 65-63, pp. 132-137, 142-143. 1892. 451 K513 See also notes on Paraguay tea in no. 84, p. 367, Dec. 1893 and in no. 133, pp. 142-143, June 1898. - 3 - Bullock, Dillman Samuel, Some notes on the yerba mate industry of Argentina. Report no* 59. 5 type-written sheets. Buenos ' Aires , July 25, 1922. Pam. Coll. Bullock. Copy in library of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Butler, William Mill, ' 'Yerba mate tea: the history of its early dis- covery in Paraguay, its preparation in that "country 'and in 'Brazil, and its introduction into the United ' States . 3.2pp., illus. Philadelphia, The Yerba mate tea co., 1900. Libr. Cong. S3279.M4B9 Byasson, II. ITote oh mate or Paraguay tea ( Ilex 'paraguayensis ) . Pharm. Jour, and Trans. (s.3)3: 605-605. 1877-78. 396.8 P49 Also in'Reoertoire de Pharmacie et Journal de Chimie I.Iedicale (n.s.)l r ll. Carrizosa, Eduardo. "La verba mate," Sociedad de Agricultores "de Colombia. Revista llacional de Agricultura 34(421): 497-501. July 1939. 9.4 R32 Gives a brief history 'of mate, its geographical location, char- acteristics, consumption, nutritive value and chemical composition and possibilities of extracting caffein from it. Chodat, Robert, and Senglet, Alice. Sur le sapecage du mate et la presence de ferments dans 1'Iiex paraguariens is . Societe de Physique et d'Ristoire Ilaturelle de Geneve. Compte Rendu des, Seances 45(1): 55-58. Jan. -Mar. 1928. 508 G28C Clos, Enrique C, and Bellati, Jorge I. Biologia floral de la yerba mate (ilex paraguariensis Saint -liilaire,) . Revista Argentina de Agronomia 4(4): 273-277, illus.' Dec. 1937. 9 R327 Bibliegrafia consultada, p. 277. Corrado, Alberto J. Contribucion al cstuclio de la yerba mate. Trabajo presentado al'4.' Congreso cientifico (1. Pan americano) en Santiago de Chile. Ed. 2, cor., 56pp. Buenos vlircs, J. Pe-ascr, 1915. (Trabajos del Instituto de Botanica y Farms cologia. .Pacultad de Ciencias Uedicas 'de Buenos Aires, no. 20) 515 B363 no. 20 Bibliograf ia, pp. 55-56. Corrc^a, V. A'sombra dos hervaes mattogrossenses . ' 105pp. S. Paulo, Editora ltda., 1925. (Monographias cuiabanas. Vol. TV) Libr. Cong. SB279.II4C6 Courtet, H. La culture du the du Paraguay (Yerba mate) dans la Repub- lique Argentine. Societe Rationale d'Acclimatation de France. Bulletin 53: 11-14. 1906. 410.9 P21 - 4 - Gouty, Louis. Le mate et les conserves de viande . Rapport a son ex- cellence Monsieur le ministre de 1' agriculture et du commerce.. . Sur sa mission dans les provinces du' Parana, Rio Grande et'les etats du Sud. 242pp. Rio de Janeiro, Typographia Nacional, 1880. Libr. Cong. SB279.H4C8 Demersay, Alfred.' Etude ec on ami que sur le mate ou the du Paraguay* 45pp. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1867. 68.4 D39 Fiebrig, Carlos. Las variedades de yerba. Asuncion. Jardin Botanico y Uuseo de Historia Natural del Paraguay. Revista 3 :• 96-104. 1933, 451 As 9 Fiebrig-Gertz, C.' Hate - Paraguay - Tee. ; 40pp.~ illus. Hamburg, Tropen- verlag Fr. "IT. Thaden, t n.d.j (Heues Handbuch der Tropischcn Agrikultur, Bd. 2, Lieferung 10} 38 R39 Fumus, Adolf o C. Cartilla del cultivo de la yerba mate. Argentina. I.Iinisterio'de Agricultura. Seccion Propaganda e Inf ormes . Cir. no. 573, 31pp., illus. (Buenos Aires, Feb. 1926) 9 Ag87 no. 573 Geare, Randolph Illtyd. Yerba mate. Merck's Rpt. 24(10): 242-243. Oct. 1915. 396".8 M53M Gelodi, Alfredo. Misionesj sus cultivos de yerba mate y tabaco. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. Anales 101(4-6): 155-215. Apr. -June 1926. 516 Sol Girola, 'Carlos D. El cultivo de la yerba mate (ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) La Plata, Tall. "Sese," 'Arrendatarios Olivier! y Dominguez [etc.] 1514-1923.' Cap. 1-20, illus. 7*7 G442C numbering is confused. Some numbers appear in various publica- tions . For list of "Publicaciones sobre yerba mate," see no. 8, pt. 2. Girola, Carlos D. Sof isticaciones - adulteraciones - f alsif icaciones de la yerba mate. Sociedad Rural Argentina. Anales 52(1-2): 29-53; 102-110, illus. Jan. -Feb. 1913. 9 Sol Gurgel, Luiz . Primeira coiitribucao para o estudo do mate. 'Histologia e anatomia de algumas variedades de Ilex para.guariensis, St. hil. Brazil, hinisterio da Agricultura. Ihstituto de Quimiea. Hemoria. Ho. 3, 91-pp., illus. Rio de Janeiro, Pap, Americana, 1931. 385 E73 no. 3 Hauschild, '/falter.' Tiber die bestandteile des mate. 31pp., illus. Borna-Leipzig, R. Hoske, 1935. 387.1 K293 Promotionsarbeit - Eidg. tech'. Hochschule, Zurich. Herrero Ducloux, Enrique, and Herrero Ducloux, Leopoldo. Datos analiticos de la yerba mate y sus f alsif icaciones . 163pp, Buenos Aires, Lmpr. de Coni hermanos, 1915. Libr. Con.";. SB279.M4K3 At head of title: Universidad Uacional de La Plata. "De la Revista del Huseo de La Plata, tomo XXIII (Segunda serie, tomo X)" Bibliografia quimica sobre yerba mate y sus f alsif icaciones, pp. 125-131. Hicken, Cristobal I.I. , ITomenclatura botanica. Ilex paraguayensis o paraguariensis? ' Sociedad C lent if ice Argentina. Anales 73(6) ;360- 362. June 1912. 516 Sol Joyce, T. A. Use and origin of yerba mate. Nature 134(3393-3 394): 722- 724, 7S0-7C2. ITov. 10-ITov. 17, 1934. 472 1121 "Presidential address to Section II (Anthropology) of the British Association, delivered at Aberdeen on September .10." Joyce, T. A. Yerba mate, 'The tea of 'South America. Pan-Aner. Mag. 33(5-C): 305-328. ITov. -Dec. '1921. 110 P19 Bibliography, pp. 327-328. •• >» ... Jurgens, Carlos. Uber kultur una gev/innung des mate. Berlin. Botahischer Garten und Museum. ITotizblatt 2(11): 1-9. Dec. 29, 1897. 451 B45N Leguizamon, Honorio. La yerba-matej cuestion economico-social. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Anales 75(5): 311-336, illus. Nov. 1913. 516 Sol Lendner, Alfred. Contribution al estudio de las falsif icaciones de la yerba mate, 54pp. Buenos Aires, J. 'Peuser, 1917. (Trabajos del Instituto de Botanica y Farmacologia, , .Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de Buenos Aires,, no, 35) 516 B863 ho, 35 "La tre.duccion Castellana... . t fue] efectuada por... doctor Ildefonso C. Vattuone." Leroy, Arnould. Le mate, the du Paraguay. Societe I'lationale d'Accliniata- tion de Prance. Bulletin 37: 63-73. 1890. 410.9 P21 Loesener, Theodor. Beitrage zur'kenntnis der matepf lanzen, 'Deutsche Pharmaceutische C-esellschaft, Berichte 6 : 203-236. 1896, 396.9 D48 Loesener, Theodor. Ueber Ilex paraguayensis St. Ilil. uhd einige andere matepf lanzen. Berlin, 'Botanischer Garten und Huseum. ITotizblatt 1(10): 314-319. Sept. 15, 1897. 451 B45N Ilachtrage in 2(11): 12. Dec. 29, 1897. Loesener, Theodor. Ueber mate oder paraguay-thee. Brandenburg, Botanischer Verein. Verhandlungen 39: 62-68. 1897. 451 B73V - 6 - Macedo Soares, Antonio Joaquim de. mate do Parana. Le msite du Parana.' The mate of Parana. Der mate von Parana. 19pp. Rio de Janeiro, Imperial instituto artistico, 1875. Libr. Cong. SB279.H4M14 • Portuguese, French, English, German. matte br-asileiro. '0 Observador Economico -e Financeiro 4(45): 41-54. Oct. 1939. 280.8 Qb72 Following an account of the early and more recent history of mate in Brazil, the writer makes a thorough analysis of the work of the TIacional Instituto do Matte and its results. This Institute was created in 1933 and established fixed prices for the product, which the writer finds were unsuccessful. Mendive, Jorge R. Aislamicnto de alpha-amirina y de acido .ursolico de yerba mate. Revista Argentina de Agronomia 7(1): 55-56. Mar. 1940. 9 R327 ' " . Bibliografia, p. 56. Meoli, Gabriel, Las cenizas de la yerba mate ( Ilex 'paraguayensis St, Hil.) Estudio de su composicion quimica. 49pp. Buenos Aires, •Est. Gra'fiGo Gazes, 1912. (Irabajos del Instituto de Farnacologia de la Facultad de Ciencias licdico.s de Buenos Aires . .No. *2&) 516 B8S3 ' ' Bibliografia, p. at end. Monteagudo, Pio I. El problema de la yerba mate. Revista de Economia Argentina 22(261): 94-97. Mar. 1940. 230.8 R325 A discussion of the yerba mate problem, bringing out production •in Argentina and consumption in the countries using the product. ■ The writer feels that since Argentina does not restrict imports of mate from Brazil end Paraguay, it should adopt means for finding new markets and carry on intensive propaganda for it. Tables and grapns show world consumption and production of .mate. Lloreau de 'Tours, A. Le mate; etude historique, chimique et physiologique. 78pp., illus. Paris-, G. Steinheil, 1904. Army lied. Libr. Bibliographic, pp. 77-73. l.Iutinelli, Arturo. La yerba mate Argentina, su composicion quimica y caracteristicas generales. Argentina, flinisterio de Agricultura. Boletin 36(2): 137-171-, Aior .-June ' 1934. 9 B635 Bibliografia consultada, p. 171. ITeger,- F. ';!., and 7ani.no, L. Ber. Paraguay-tee (Yerba mate), sein vorkommen, seine gewinnung, seine eigenschaften und seine bedeutung als genussmittel und handelsartikcl. 56pp., illus. Stuttgart, F. Grub, -1903. 77 H31 ' Literaturubersicht, pp. 55-56. - 7 - Nicastro, Carlo. II mate o te del Paraguay (Hex paraguariehsis St. Hil.) Agricoltura Coloniale 22(11-12): 403-417, 465-469, Nov.- ' Dec. 1928; 23(1-2; 5-3): 19-29, 67-74, 221-230, 277-281, 324-334, 369-381, illus-. Jan. -Feb., Ivlay-Aug. 1929. 26 Ag82 Bibliografia consultada, pp. 380-381. Pan American union. Brazilian mate institute. Pan Amer. Union. Bui. 72(7): 430. July 1938. 150.9 ?376 "By a decree-lav/ of April 13, 1938, the national Mate Institute of Brazil was created as en independent organization. to coordinate and supervise the production, sale, and advertising of mate." Peckolt, Gustavo. 'Serva matte. Alraanak Agricola Brazilciro 10: 31-66, 51 bis-57 bis., illus. 1921. 9.2 A13 Perroncito, "Edoardo. "La yerba-mate" 6 le sue proprieta' curative, Torino. R. Accadcmia d'Agricoltura, Annali 69: 51-53. 1926. 16 T63 Pigeaux. Ilotc sur 1c mate. Sociotc nationale d'Acclimatation do France. Bulletin II: 544-345. ' 1864. 4-10.9 P21 La produccion argentiha de verba mate. "ReVista de Economia Argentina 35(222): 243-245. Dec'. 1936. 280.8 P.325 A table gives production, import, and consumption of yerba mate annually from 1910 to 1935. Reid, TVilliam Alfred. In yerba mate forests of South America, Pan Amer. Union. Commodities of Commerce Ser. no. 4, 23pp., Illus. Washington, D. C, 1926. 150.9 C732 Romero, Genaro. El porvenir de la yerba-mate. 28pp. Asuncion. La Mundial, Montevideo y Estrella, 1915. Libr. Cong. SB279.1.I4R6 Scala, Augusto C. Contribution al conocimiento histologico de la yerba-mate y sus falsif icaciones . La Plata. Museo. Revista 26: 69-165, illus . 1922. 516 L31R Bibliografia, pp. 130-135. "Catalogo de nombres vulgares," pp. 107-122. Senglet, Alice. Le melanogenese chez quelques planfces d'un intcret pharmaceutique. Societe Botanique de Geneve. Bulletin (2. ser.) 20(2): 385-457, illus. Nov. -Dec. 1928. 451 C-283B Bibliographic, pp. 453-457. Also issued as a publication of the University of Geneva. Institut de Botanique no. 849, 77pp., illus. 1929. 451 G282 Sparn, Enrique. Bibliografia de la yerba mate (ilex paraguayensis St! Hil.) Argentina. Academia JTacional de Ciencias. Miscelanea no. 22, 20pp. Cordoba, 1937. 516 C81I.1 - 3 - U. S. Dept. of commerce and labor.' ' Yerba mate. U. S. Dept. Com. 'and Labor. Daily Consular Rpts.'no. 2247, 19pp. Washington, D. C, May 2, 1905. 157.7 C7GD no. 2247 Yfeevers, Theodorus. Die funktion des koffeins im stoffwechsel von Ilex paraguariensis St.'llil. Mster.dam. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetsnschappen. Proc. 32(3): 281-287. 1929. 503 Am8P Yerba matei A problem of over-production. Rev. River Plate 88(2509): 18-19. Jan. 12, 1940. 236.3 R32 . The writer points out that the yerba mate problem in Argentina is one "of over-production, aggravated by continued importation" and that Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay are 'reducing their output of the product. "The problem as a '/hole, i.e. as affecting all three producing countries, is one which seems to call for the greatest possible measure of cooperation among those countries, aiming primarily at finding new markets, and at the more inten- sified and assiduous 'cultivation 1 of the. markets at present beinn; catered for." ECONOMIC LIBRARY LISTS No. 1. State trade barriers; selected references. JIarch 1939; Revised June 1940. No. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to Karen 1939. April 1939. To. 3. High drafting in cotton spinning; selected references. April 1939. No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No, 6. Periodicals relating to shipping. October 1959. Ho. 7. Electrical properties of cot con; some references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. Ho. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940. No. 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of ref- erences. June 1940. No. 11. The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No. 12, Planning for tho farmer; a short reading list of free and in- expensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood demages; a list of references. August 1940. No. 14. Relocation of farm families; selected references on settler relo- cation. September 1940. No. 15. homestead tax 'exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 16. Mate; a list of references. October 1940. ■ UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 5515