LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD August ISkB E-754 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON LIQJJETIED-GAS AEROSOLS^/ By R. A. Pulton Division of Insecticide Investigations 12^2 Billings, S. C. , Goodhue, L. D. , and Sullivan, V. N. A pyre thrum- sesame oil aerosol used against cheese skipper adults. (Scientific note) Jour. Icon. Ent. 35: 289-290. Goodhue, L. D. ' Insecticidal aerosol production. Spraying solutions in liquefied gases. Indus, and Engin. Chem. 3^: 1^6-1^59. — — anA Sullivan, V. N. The preparation of insecticidal aerosols by the use of liquefied gases. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. ET-190, 3 PP« [Processed.] Roark, R. C. Definition of aerosol. Jour. Econ. Ent. 35: 105-106. Sullivan, V. N. , Goodhue, L. D. , and Fales, J. H. Toxicity to adult mosquitoes of aerosols produced by spraying solutions of Insecticides in liquefied gases. Jour. Econ. Ent. 35! *+8-51. !2!S Creighton, J. T. Household pests. Univ. Pla. Agr. Ext. Bui. 122, 55 PP* Goodhue, L. D. Insecticidal aerosols. Pests 11(1) : 12. ■■■■ New mosquito-control method, developed for Army, described. New York Herald Tribune, Nov. 21, I9U3. Sect. 71 II, p. 15 (Reprinted in book "I9U3 New York Herald Tribune Forum" under title "War Against Mosquitoes", pp. 162-166, 19*4*0 . — — and Sullivan, W. N. Making and testing aerosols. In "Laboratory Procedures In Studies of the Chemical Control of Insects". Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Pub. 20, pp. 157-162. McGovran, E. R. , Pales, J. H. , and Goodhue, L. D. Testing aerosols against housefliee. Soap and Sanit. Cham. 19(9): 99, 101, 103, 105, 107. — With the exception of publications In the E and ET series, copies are not available for distribution. -2- Monro, H. A. U. Tests with a pyre thrum aerosol against cockroaches and stored product pests. Ontario Ent. Soc. Ann. Rpt. 73 (19^2): 61-63. Smith, F. P., and Goodhue, L. D. Toxicity of nicotine aerosols to the green peach aphid, under greenhouse conditions. Jour. Econ. Ent. 36: 9H-91 1 *. Barthel, W. P„ , Haller, H. L. f and LaPorge, P. B. Pyrethrins for aerosols. The preparation of 98 percent pure pyrethrins for use in Preon aerosol tombs. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 121, 135« Coven, R. 0. Aerosol bombs vs. spray insecticides. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 111, 113. Pales, J. H. , and Goodhue, L. D. Aerosols vs. oil spray insecticides. A study of comparative efficiency. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 107-108. Goodhue, L. D. Insecticidal aerosols. Jour. Econ. Ent. 37: 33&-3^1» Military needs stimulate development of insecticidal aerosols. Chem. Indus. 5^: &73-675» — — The use of Preon in insecticides. Refrlg. Engln. ^7: 26-27. — — and McGovran, E. R. Liquefled-gas method of producing germicidal aerosols. Science 99: 511-512. — — and Smith, P, P. The effect of some insecticides in aerosol form against the cyclamen mite on snapdragon. Jour. Econ. Ent. 37: 21^-218. Gothard, N. J. Another view of aerosol efficiency. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7): 113. Fanner, C. L. , Schomer, H. A., and Goodhue, L. D. Aerosol, a new method of applying growth regulators to plants. Science 99: %5» Monro, H. A. U. , Briand, L. J., Delisle, R. , and Smith, C. C. Some experi- ments with the pyrethrum aerosol under Canadian conditions. Ontario Ent. Soc. Ann. Rpt. 7 1 +(l9 1 +3): ^2-^5. Rhodes, W. W. Liquefied gas aerosols — Postwar. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20(7) : 108-109 . Roark, R. C. Hew insecticides aid the war effort. Chem". and Engln. News 22: 1U6U-1U69. -3- Smith, C. M. , and Goodhue, L. D. Increase in concentration of insecticide in Freon-12 accompanying transfer or discharge of an aerosol- producing solution. Indus, and Engin. Chem. , Analyt. Ed. l6: 355-357. Smith, F. F. f Goodhue, L. D. , and Bal linger, W. R. Dispenser for aerosols and highly volatile fumigants. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. ET-216, 3 pp. [Processed.] Wach8, H. , Morriello, C, and Mages, S. Determination of Freon-ineoluble solids in tventy percent pyre thrum extracts. Indus, and Engin. Chem., Analyt. Ed. 16: H53-H5H. 125S . Batt, G. H. New sprayer for testing aerosols. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 21(7): 117-118. Ditman, L. P. Cheaper insect control possible. The Food Packer 26(6): 58. 60, 62. -— Smith, F. F. , Goodhue, L. D. , and Bronson, T. E. DDT aerosols for pea aphid control. Jour. Econ. Ent. J>8: 183-188. Goodhue, L. D. Insecticidal aerosols. Sci. Monthly 6l: H13-H1H. — — New developments in insecticides. Iowa State Col. Jour. Sci. 19: 255-262. Ballinger, W. R. , and Fales, J. H. Improved dispenser for testing new liquefied gas aerosols. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: 709-710. — - Fales, J. H. , and McGovran, E. R. Dispersant6 for aerosols. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 21(H): 123, 125, 127. — — . Smith, F. F. , and Ditman, L. P. DDT in aerosol form to control insects on vegetables. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: 179-182. lindquist, A. W. , Travis, B. 7., Madden, A. H. , Schroeder, H. 0., and Jones, H. A. DDT and pyrethrum aerosols to control mosquitoes and houseflies under semi-practical conditions. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: 255-257. Madden, A. H. , Lindquist, A. W. , and Knipling, E. F. DDT and other insecticides as residual-type treatments to kill bedbugs. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: 265-271. McKay, J. V., Burrell, P. C. , and Goodhue, L. D. Applying colchicine to plants by the aerosol method. Science 101: 15^156. Smith, F. F. , Ditman, L. P., and Goodhue, L. D, Experiments with aerosols against some pests of truck crops. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: I89-I96. Smith, F. F. , Ditman, L. P., Goodhue, L. D. , and Burkhardt, Geo. Self- propelled aerosol sprays for control of the pea aphid. Pa. Yeg. Growers' News. 15(5): 97-99. and Goodhue, L. D. DDT aerosols to control onion thrips and other pests in greenhouses. Jour. Econ. Ent. 38: 173-179* 12M ~.etz, W. , and Shepherd, H. R. The expanding field for aerosols. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(12): 137-139. Ditman, L. P. DDT aerosols to control worms in corn. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39 • 668. Goodhue, L. D. , Smith, P. P., and Burkhardt, Geo. Insecticidal aerosols for pea aphid control - second report. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 199-20^. Ditsler, R, E. Aerosol marketing. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(7): 131# 133* Pales, J. H. , McGovran, E. R. , and Goodhue, L. D. Aerosol toxicity - Effect of the nonvolatile content of a DDT aerosol on mortality of house- flies. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(6): 157-158. Gersdorf f , W. A. , and B&rthel, W. F. Determination of pyrethrins deteriora- tion. The solubility of pyrethrum concentrates in dichlorodi- fluoromethahe as a measure of their deterioration in insecticidal effectiveness. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(10): 155» 157 • Goodhue, L. D. Aerosols and their application. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 506- 509. — — The evaluation of liquefied gas aerosol solutions. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(2): 133, 165. and Ballinger, W. R. Accelerated aging test for insecticidal aerosols containing DDT. Indus. Engin. Chem. Analyt. Ed. 18: 131-132. — — and Riley, R. L. Particle-size distribution in liquefied gas aerosols. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 223-226. Eazen, A. C, and Goodhue, L. D. Insecticidal aerosols. Stability in. storage studied by accelerated aging tests. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(8): 151, 153. 155. Lindquist, A. W. , Travis, B. V., Madden, A. H. , and Jones, H. A. Aerosol formulation. Laboratory tests with pyrethrum and DDT aerosols against the common malaria mosquito and the housefly. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 22(5): 135, 137, 139. 1*+1. 1^3- -5- McGovran, E. R. , and Pales, J. H. Toxicity of aerosols. Bate of movement through and height of suspension in a toxic aerosol influences mortality of cage house flies* Soap and Sanit. Ghem. 22(9): 127-129. -— Tales, J. H. , and Goodhue, L. D. Hew formulations of aerosols dis- persed "by liquefied gases. Jour. Icon. Ent. 39: 216-219. Madden, A. H. , Schroeder, H. 0., Knipling, X. P., and Lindquist, A. W. A modified aerosol formula for use against mosquitoes and house- flies. Jour. Icon. But. 39: 62O-623. Markwood, L. N. The aerosol - something new in insecticides, U. S. Dept. Com., Donu Com. 34 (11): 50-56. Owens, H. B. , and Ditman, L. P. Liquefied gas aerosols to control Insects on eggplant. Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: U05-U06. Anonymous. What the U.S. D. A. says about aerosols. Florists' Exch. 109(12): lH, 16. Anderson, L. D. , and Brooks, J. V. Pea aphid control in eastern Virginia. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 199-205. Chabot, E. D. Greenhouse pest control is easy. Flower Grower. 3^: ^l-**2 , 62. Cory, S. H. Truck growers beat their swords into plow shares. South. Planter 108(12): 2U-25. Ditman, L. P., Burkhardt, Geo., Smith, P. P., and Goodhue, L. D. Liquified- gas aerosols containing DDT for control of vegetable-crop insects. Chemur. Digest 6: 9^-95. — — Smith, P. P., and Burkhardt, Geo. Liquefied gas aerosols for pea aphid control. Third report. Jour. Econ. Ent. Ho. 19O-I9H. Pales, J. H. , McGovran, E. R., and Pulton, B. A* Gamma benzene hexachloride in the liquefied-gas aerosol. Jour. Econ. Ent. UO: 75^. Pulton, R. A., and Berlin, P. D. A glass container for use in studying aerosol solutions. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. ET-2U6, 2 pp. [Processed. ] — — Berlin, P. D. , and Bochert, R. , Jr. A laboratory method for filling aerosol containers. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. ET-2H5, 2 pp. [Processed. ] Gaddis, C. H. , and Goodhue, L. D. Treatment of aeroplanes to prevent accidental transportation of Japanese beetles. Jour. Econ. Ent. kO: 2U0-2UH. Goodhue, L. B. Determination of Preon-insolubles in pyre thrum extract. Soap and Sanit. Chem.23(l): 133, 135. —— and Essen, a* C. The viscosity and density of four liquefied gas aerosol solutions containing DDT. Indus, and Bngin. Chem. , Analyt. Bd. 19: 2HS-250. — — Schults, P. S. f and Wilkins, P. H. Aerosols shoot for mass market. (With low pressure propellants, cheap containers). Chem. Indus. 6l i 602-6C4. Hall, D. J. A new rival for DDT, hexaethyl tetraphosphate. Flower Grower. 3 U : 339. 362. Bailer, B. 1. Wartime derelopment of insecticides. Indus, and Bngin. Chem. 39* ^67-^73. Latta, R. , and Goodhue, L. D. Aerosols for insects. Yearbook of Agri- culture, TJ. S. Dept. Agr. 19^3-19 u 7, pp. 622-627. Laurie, A. Hew Insecticides and fungicides. Glass and Garden. 2(3): 2. KcGorran, E. R. , and Tales. J. E. Collecting and weighing tube for insect!- cidal aerosols. TJ. S. Bur. Bat. and Plant Quar. BT-2H1, 5 PP* [Processed. J — .-- and Pales, J. H. Insecticidal aerosol progress* Soap and Sanit. Chem. 23(2): 12H t 125. I69. ~ — and Pales, J. H. Insecticidal aerosols* Blue Book I9U7, pp. 179-181, 197* Maclair-Dorland Co*, Vew Tork, V* T* —— and Pales, J. H. Swinging shutter apparatus for measuring small dosages of insecticidal aerosol* TJ. S. Bur. Int. and Plant Quacr. BT-239, 11 pp. [Processed*] Hoi son, G. A. H. The use of insecticidal aerosols on agricultural crops. Austral. Inst* Agr* Scl. Jour. 3* 3&-**0. Owens, B. B., Ditman, L* P., and Burkhardt, Geo* Experiments with liquefied gas aerosols for control of insects on eggplant and broccoli. Jour* Boon* Ent. 40: k2}-k2k. Peterson, E. B* Low pressure aerosols* Continental Can Co. Bui* lk t 22 pp. Rhodes, Y* W*, and Goodhue, L* D* Beer cans for aerosol dispensing. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 23: 122-123, 151. Roark, R* C* A digest of information on hexaetnyl tetraphoepnate* U. S. Bur* Bnt. and Plant Quar. 3-721, 12 pp* [Processed.] Roberts, B. Sew insecticides are tested with light electric sprayer. Florists • Bxch. lOS(lU): l6* -7- Roberts, E. New spray method. Glass and Garden. 2(8): 3* Hose, F. J. The aerocide system of pest control in glass houses. Gard. Chron. 122(3176): ISO. Smith, F. F. , Fulton, R. A., and Brierley, P. Use of DDT and HETP as aerosols in greenhouses. Part I. Agr. Chem. 2(12): 28-31, 6l. -— «- Fulton, R. A., Lung, P. H. , and Brierley, P. Potent new insecticide and new method undergo thorough trial; Aerosol applications of a German insecticide, hexaethyl tetraphosphate, are being tested extensively "by the U. S. Department of Agriculture as an efficient mean« of controlling greenhouse insects. Florists' Rev. 99(2569): 31-35. Anonymous. Chicago growers hear insect control expert (Smith), Florists' Rev. 101(2618): kl. Anderson, L. D. , and Hofmaster, R. N. Pea aphid control experiments in Virginia in I9U7. Jour. Econ. Ent. kit 278-282. Blauvelt, W. E. , and Hoffman, J. R. Parathion aerosol for greenhouse pest control. N. Y, State Flower Growers' Bui. 29, pp. 1-6. Delhaye, R. Les aerosols. Bui. Hort. (n.s.) 3? k^~M-S. Ditman, L. P., and Cory, E. N. Liquefied gas aerosols to control bean beetles. Jour. Econ. Ent. kl: 268-275. English, L. L. Greenhouse pest control by use of organic phosphates. South. Florist and Nurseryman 6o( 1 + 1 +): 19, 60-62. Fulton, R. A. Carbon dioxide as a propellent for insecticide solutions. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-739» 3 PP. [Processed.] — — Propellents for low-pressure liquef ied-gas aerosols. Indus, and Engin. Chem. UO: 699-700. Fulton, J. D. , Nichols, M. E. , Woehler, J., Shrewsbury, C. L. , Goodhue, L. D. , and Wilkins, P. Germicidal aerosols. Discussion of investigations in development of a liquefied gas germicidal aerosol formula. Soap and Sanit. Chem 2U(5): 125-127, 157-158. Hazen, A. C. , and Fulton, R. A. A method for the determination of Freon- insoluble matter in pyrethrum extracts. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. ET-257, k pp. [Processed.] UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -8- 3 1262 09239 1878 Smith, F. F. , Brierley, P., and Fulton, R. A, Responses of some plants to DDT, hexaethyl tetraphogphate, and parathlon applied as aerosols. (In press). — — Fulton, R. A., and Brierley, P. Use of DDT and HT8TP as aerosols in greenhouses. Part II. Agr. Chen, 3(l)t 37t 39 » 77 • --— Fulton, R. A., and Lung, P. H. Recent developments in the control of greenhouse pests by llquef ied-gas aerosols, (in press).