E2/Great Britain UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D.C. B. E. P. Q.-4l6, Revised, Supplement No. 3 May 20, I9V7 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN This supplement is made necessary by the promulgation of the Importation of Plants Order of 19*4-7, effective May 1, 19^7, which revokes the Importation of Plants Order of 1939 and amend- ments of 19^0 and 19^5. The following information is presented to replace the material under the same heading on pages k to 11 inB. E. P. Q.-416, Revised. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE IMPORTATION OF PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS INTO ENGLAND AND WALES The Importation of Plants Order of 19^7. (This Order extends to the whole of Europe, the United States and Canada the restrictions imposed by previous Orders now revoked, on' the landing in England and Wales of living plants, potatoes, raw vegetables and cider apples, from countries in which the Colorado potato beetle exists.) The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries by authority under the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, orders as follows: Definitions 1. "Inspector" means an Inspector or other authorized officer of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. "Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. "Plant" includes tree and shrub, and the fruit, seeds, tubers, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, roots, layers, cuttings, and other parts of a plant. "Raw Vegetables" includes raw tomatoes, raw eggplants, and raw salads, but does not include potatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, marrows , or pumpkins . "Unhealthy" means affected with any insect, fungus, bacteria, or other vegetable or animal organisms or any agent causative of a transmissible crop disease. Application of Order 2. Does not apply to plants, potatoes, raw vegetables or raw • - 2 - apples grown in Scot land, ..Northern Ireland, Eire, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands. Potato Prohibition and Restriction. 3. (l) The landing in England or Wales of potatoes grown in the United States, Canada or European France is prohibited. (2) The transhipment in England or Wales of potatoes specified in paragraph (l) of this Article is prohibited except under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the Minister or an Inspector. (3) In this Article "potatoes" includes potato haulms, leaves and stalks. - Sugar Beet and Mangold Prohibition 4. To prevent the. introduction of virus diseases the landing in England or Wales of any plant of sugar beet or mangold ( Beta vulgari s Linn.), except the seeds, is prohibited except under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the ' Minister or-an Inspector. Restrictions on Importation of Certain Plants and Potatoes Certification 5. (l) The landing in England or Wales of any of the plants mentioned in the First Schedule to this Order (All living plants, and parts thereof, except seeds, for planting.) and of potatoes, is hereby prohibited, unless each consignment is accompanied by two copies of a certificate of a duly authorized Official of the Phytopathological Service of the country in which the plants or potatoes were 'grown in the form prescribed in the Second, Schedule to this Order. The inspection referred to in the certificate shall be carried out not more than fourteen days prior to the date of shipment. The original of the certificate shall be mailed to the Horticulture Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture .and Fisheries, London, S.W.I. , before the plants or potatoes . are dispatched. Except in the case of consignments by mail,, a copy of the prescribed certificate shall be delivered to the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the same time as and together with the entry relating to the consignment. In the case of con- signments by mail, a copy of the prescribed certificate shall be affixed to each package. Form of Certificate -'-"••■ (2) In the case of any plants mentioned: jln the First Schedule to this Order and of potatoes grown in any European country, the United States, or Canada, the certificate required in paragraph (l) of this Article shall include a certificate of a duly authorized Official of the Phytopathological Service of the country in which the plants or potatoes were grown which shall be, where the - 3 - . certificate relates to a plant, in the Form A or the Form B set out in the Third Schedule to this Order, as the circumstances require, and where the certificate relates to potatoes in the said Form A.* (3) Paragraph (2) of thi3 Article shall not apply to f lover bulbs, corms, tubers or rhizomes. (These may be certified on Form EQ-375.) Statement on Certificate. (k) The certificate prescribed in this Article shall, except in the case of a consignment consisting wholly of potatoes, include a statement to the effect that the consignment does not contain any plant of sugar beet or mangold, or any plant of the genus Ulmns, or of any of the genera of the order Pinaceae, viz., Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Sequoia, Thuja, and Tsuga, except the seeds thereof. (Chrysanthemum plants are omitted in this Order . ) Certification Restricted to U. S. Department of Agriculture >-- (5) In the case of any plant mentioned in the First Schedule to this Order and grown in the United States, the certificate prescribed in this Article shall be the certificate of an Official duly authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture. (6) The reference in Article 3 of the Importation of Elm Trees and Conifers (Prohibition) Order of 1933 (B .E.P.Q. -4l6, p. 11.) to the certificates prescribed in Article k of the Importation of Plants Order of 1933, shall be read and have effect as a reference to the certificate prescribed in paragraph (l) of this Article. (7) Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to permit (i) the landing or transhipment in England or Wales of any potatoes which are prohibited or restricted under Article 3 hereof; (ii) the landing in England or Wales of any plant of sugar beet or mangold (B eta vulgaris Linn.) prohibited or restricted under Article h hereof. Restrictions on Importation of Raw Vegetables, etc. 6. (l) The landing in England or Wale3 between April 1 and October 15 in any year of any raw vegetables and of any cider apples grown in any European country, the United States, or Canada, is hereby prohibited unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate of a duly authorized official of the Phytopathological *(The certificate requirements of the Form A in the Third Schedule to the Order can not be complied with except possibly in some districts in California where the Colorado potato beetle is not known to occur.) - h - Service of the country, in which the raw vegetables or the cider apples were grown in the .Form A or the Form B set out in the Third Schedule to this Order. (2) Refers to raw vegetables and cider apples g:.own in countries other than those listed in paragraph (l) of this Article. Apples from the United States. (3) The landing in England and Wales between July 7 and November 15 in any year of any raw apples grown in the United States is hereby prohibited unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate of a duly authorized Inspector of the United States Department of Agriculture in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule to this Order. (k) The certificates prescribed in this Article shall be delivered to the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the same time as and together with the entry relating to the consignment. (5) Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to permit the landing or transhipment in England or Wales of any potatoes prohibited or restricted under Article 3 hereof. Disposition of Plants, Potatoes, Apples, or Vegetables ; , Landed in Contravention of Order 7. (l) If plants, potatoes, raw apples or raw vegetables are landed in England or Wales in contravention of this Order, they shall be' destroyed or re-exported at the expense of the importer, unless they are otherwise disposed of in accordance with tile terms of a license issued by the Minister or by an Inspector. (2) Domestic regulations (3) Power 3 of Inspector 8. Domestic regulations Disposition of Unhealthy Consignments. 9. (l) Domestic regulations (2) (3) (10 Licenses 10. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Order, any plants, potatoes, raw apples, or raw vegetables may be landed in England or Wales under and in accordance with the conditions of a license issued by the Minister or by an Inspector. Service of Notices, etc. 11. Domestic regulations I - 5 - Landing of Prohibited or Restricted Products to be Reported 12. Domestic regulations Offences 13. Penalties. Revocation of Orders Ik, Orders revoked: The Importation of Plants Order of 1939 Amendments of 1940 and 1945. 15- This Order effective May 1, 1947 16. • Entitled "The Importation of Plants Order of 1947." FIRST SCHEDULE All living plants and parts thereof (except seeds) for planting. SECOND SCHEDULE )the living plants TJhis is to certify that )a representative sample of the living plants (Strike out words not applicable) included in the consignment of which particulars are given below, were/was thoroughly examined on the ( date ) by e , (name) a duly authorized Official of the and found to be healthy, no evidence of the presence of any insect, fungus or pest destructive to agricultural or horticultural crops having been found in them. This additional statement must be given for all consignments except those consisting wholly of potatoes. It is further certified that the consignment does not contain any plant of the genus Ulmus, or of the genera of the Order Pinaceae, viz., Abies, Larvix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Sequoia, Thuja, and Tsuga, or any plant of sugar beet or mangold ( Beta vulgaris Linn.) This additional certificate must be given for all potatoes: It is further certified that no case of the disease known, as "wart disease" or "black scab" of potatoes ( Synchytrium endobi otic urn ) has occurred at any time on the farm or holding where the potatoes - 6 - included in the consignment were grown, nor within two kilometres thereof . (Signed) . c . c . . . (Official status ) 8 (Date)... Number and description of packages Distinguishing marks «...., , Description of contents . . . . Stated to "be grown at . Exported by . . . „ . , „ Name and address of consignee * . ........ Name of vessel . ......... . . . . Date of shipment ......... .*...., »*.«.. • Port of landing in England or Wales THIRD SCHEDULE Form A. This is to certify that during the 12 months preceding the date of this certificate there has been no outbreak of the Colorado Beetle in. . ,.....,.. (here insert name of country) within a distance of 50 kilometres from the place where the living plants, potatoes, raw vegetables or cider apples (strike out words not applicable) included in the package or consignment described below were grown. (Signed) , (Official status).... P .'."...,.... . (Date) c... f ....... Identification of consignment same as in Second Schedule Eorra B. In accordance with the authorization contained in the General Licence No..... ..of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of England and Wales, this is to certify that the plants or raw vegetables included in the package or consignment described below have been examined and have been found to be of the following species or kind ........ , . , . »..,..,......« and that the conditions prescribed in the above General Licence have been complied with. i (Signed) (Official status) {Date) r* Identification of consignment same as in Second Schedule - 7 - FOUHTH SCHEDULE This Is to certify that the raw apples included in the package or consignment described "below are of one of the following grades as recognized by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America. "U. S. Fancy" "Extra Fancy" "U. S. (Wo, 1) "Fancy" (Signed) (Official status ) (Date) Description of Consignment Number and Nature of Packages , Distinguishing marks , , Variety of Apples <» . . . Name and address of consignee . . o Name of vessel • Date of shipment , • Port of shipment *'. i 3 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 7848 Note_. The "Summary" on pages 1 and 2 of B . E r P. Q.-4l6, Revised, should be corrected "by striking out "Chrysanthemum Plants" on page 1 under "Importation Restricted," On page 2 strike out "or any chrysanthemum plant" in the paragraph headed "Plant, Living, or Parte Thereof (Except Seeds) for Planting". The procedure outlined in this paragraph is now restricted to flower bulbs, corms, tubers, and rhizomes, except possibly living plants from districts in California in which the Colorado potato beetle is not known to occur . The entry of all other living plants, except seeds, is now permitted only under the terms of a license Issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries" or by an Inspector. The paragraph entitled "Vegetables" on page 2 should be revised to read: • Raw Vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplant and salads, but not potatoes which are prohibited, and mushrooms, cucumbers, marrows, or pumpkins which are unrestricted, may be imported from the United States between April 1 to October 15 only in accordance with a license issued by the Minister or by an Inspector. Under "Importation Unrestricted" change the year' "1939" to read 19 V7. The same change should be made on page 1 under "Potatoes" and " Apples Grown in the United States" and on page 2 under "Plants, Living, etc." (Is Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine