LIBRARY E2/ Canada STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C« BcE.P.Q e -51^, 2nd Revision Supplement No. 1 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS .. OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA The Destructive Insect and Pest Regulations, established by Order in Council PcCc 2057 of April 26, 19^9» as amended, have been further amended by P«C. 3811, August 21, 1952 in accordance with provisions cited, below* See B.E.P.Q,.— 51U, 2nd .Revision, and. amend as. follows? Ports of Entry Amended 1, Page ko Paragraph U (l), add Victoria, Be C: 6 ; paragraph k (2), delete Victoria, B. C, and add Edmonton, Alta. Five-Leaved Pines Now Authorized • 2» Page 5 » Delete paragraph 9 (l) (b) pertaining to five-leaf pines c Virus Diseases of Stone Fruits 3» Pages 7 , and g . Delete paragraph (6) (a), (b), and (c). New pro- visions are as follows; (6) (a) All hybrids and horticultural varieties of sweet cherry Prunus avim (including Mazzard seedling stock), sour cherry P. cerasus ; chokecherry P. virginiana (including var. demiss a) , Mahaleb cherry P« .maha leb, peach P. pers ica, nectarine P, persica var a nectarina and almond P. amygdalu s, including trees, root stock, cuttings, scions, budsticks, seeds (except peach and nectarine) and cherry pollen, from the United States of America, unless each shipment is accompanied by a certifi- cate issued and signed by an authorized officer of a State or the Federal Department of Agriculture establishing- that the material included in the shipment originated in a nursery or other source, and that the virus diseases Little Cherry (not November 3, 1952 including v/eatern X little cherry), Albino Cherry, Cherry Buckskin, and Pink Fruit, are not known to occur either in the nursery or other source, or within on* mile thereof. (b) All hybrids and horticultural varieties of peach Prunus persica , nectarine P. persica var. n ectari na, almond P. a mygdalus t apricot P. armeniaca , plum P. domestica , Japanese plum P. s alicina , and Damson plum ? insititia , including root stock, cuttings, scions, budsticks and trees from the United States of America, unless each shipment is aocompanied by a certificate issued and signed by an authorized officer of a State or of the Federal Department of Agriculture es- tablishing that the material included in the shipment origi- nated in a nursery or other source, and that the virus disease Phony Peach is not known to occur either in the nursery or other source or within one— half of one mile thereof. (c) All hybrids and horticultural varieties of peach Prunus persica , nectarine P. persica var, nect arina , almond P. aroyfrdalus , apricot P. armeniaca , plum P„' domestica , Japanese plum P. salicina , Damson plum P. insititia , and Bessey cherry P. besseyi , including trees, root stock, cuttings, scions, budsticks and seeds, from the United States of America, un- less each shipment is accompanied by a certificate issued and signed by an authorized officer of a State or of the Federal Department of Agriculture establishing that the material in- cluded in the shipment originated in a nursery or other source, and that the virus disease Peach Mosaic is not known to occur either in the nursery or other source, or within one mile thereof. (d) All hybrids and horticultural varieties of peach P. persica nectarine P. persica var. nectarina , almond P. amygdalus , apricot P. arme niaca, plum P. domestica , Japanese plum P. salicina , and Damson plum P. insititia , including root stock, trees, cuttings, 3cions, budsticks and seeds, to the Province of British Columbia from the United States of America, unless each shipment is accompanied by a certificate issued and signed by an authorized officer of a State or of the Federal Department of Agriculture establishing that the virus diseases Peach Yellows and Little Peach are not known to occur either in the nursery or other source, or within one mile thereof. Corn and Corn Products from the United States k. Fa^es 8 and 9 » Delete paragraph (8) (a) and (b). New provisions are as follows: (8) (a) All cornstalks, including sorghums, broomcorn, and popcorn, \tfhether used for packing or other purposes, green sweet corn, corn on the cob, shelled corn, and corn cobs, into the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia from the United States of America unless - 3 - (i) such corn and corn parts have been manufactured or pro- cessed in such a manner as to eliminate all risk of carriage of the European corn "borer, Pyraust a nubi lalis Hbn. , or (ii) each shipment is accompanied "by a certificate issued and signed by an officer of a State or the Federal Department of Agriculture, establishing that each such shipment has been fumigated in a vacuum or air-tight vault as prescribed in the following fumigation schedules, or (iii) each shipment of shelled corn is accompanied by a cer- tificate issued and signed by an officer of a State or the Federal Department of Agriculture stating that the corn has been examined and found free from the European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn., and corn cob and corn stalk debris, or (iv) each shipment of shelled corn is accompanied by a cer- tificate issued and signed by an officer of a State or the Federal Department of Agriculture stating that the shelled corn had been passed through a screen of half- inch mesh or less, and is believed to be free from corn parts capable of harbouring a larva of the European corn borer, or (v) each shipment of such corn or corn parts is accompanied by a certificate issued and signed by an officer of a State or the Federal Department of Agriculture, establish- ing that the corn or corn parts contained in the shipment originated in a State in which the European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilali s Hbn, , is not known to occur* UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09312 2066 i