I U — JO tf 3, Ati-.n Y-^-a LASSIFIED lo<6 UNCLASSIFIED CF-53-12-108 Subject Category: PHYSICS UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION THE INHOUR FORMULA FOR A CmCULATINcCTu^TjF^jC^A^ REACTOR WITH/§rftf™&fe By W. K. Ergen " — ^££^OS/r, SJiC^^s A ,j? [ APK 2 1956 V V December 22, 1953 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Date Declassified: December 20, 1955* This report was prepared as a scientific account of Govern- ment-sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Com- mission, nor any person acting on behalf of the. Commission makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the in- formation contained in this report, or that the use of any infor- mation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights. The Commission assumes no liability with respect to the use of, or from damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Issuance of this document does not constitute authority for declassification of classified material of the same or similar content and title by the same authors. Printed in USA, Price 15 cents. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Wash- ington 25, D. C. CF -53 -12 -108 The Inhour Formula for a Circulating-Fuel Nuclear Reactor with Slug Flow. W. K. Ergen Work performed under Contract No. W-7405~Eng-26 December 22, 1953 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated By CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COMPANY POST OFFICE BOX P OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE The Inhour Formula for a Circulating -Fuel Nuclear Reactor with Slug Flov As pointed out in a previous paper, the circulating-fuel reactor differs in its dynamic behavior from a reactor with stationary fuel, be- cause fuel circulation sweeps some of the delayed-neutrons precursors out of the reacting zone, and some delayed neutrons are given off in locations where they do not contribute to the chain reactions. One of the consequences of these circumstances is the fact that the inhour - p formula usually derived for stationary-fuel reactors, requires some modification before it becomes applicable to the circulating -fuel re- actor. The inhour formula gives the relation between an excess multi- plication factor, introduced into the reactor, and the time constant T of the resulting rise in reactor power. If the inhour formula is known, then the easily measured time constant can be used to determine the ex- cess multiplication factor, a procedure frequently used in the quanti- tative evaluation of the various arrangements causing excess reactivity. Furthermore, the proper design of control rods and their drive mecha- nisms depends on the inhour formula. Frequently, the experiments evaluating small excess multiplica- tion factors are carried out at low reactor power, and the reactor power will then not cause an increase in the reactor temperature. This case will be considered here. In that case, the time dependence of the reactor power P can be described by the following equation: dP/dt = (1/ f ) r (k ex -(3)P + P |d(s) P(t-s) dsl (1)* William Krasny Ergen, The Kinetics of the Circulating -Fuel Nuclear Reactor, J. Appl. Phys. (in print) See for instance S. Glasstone and M. C. Edlund, The Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1952, p. 29k ff . Some authors, for instance Glasstone and Edlund, loc . cit., write the equations corresponding to (l) in a slightly different form. The difference consists in terms of the order k (£/t) or k p, which are negligibly small. ex ex U is the average lifetime of the prompt neutrons and k the excess multiplication factor (or excess reactivity). The meaning of p and D(s) for a circulating-fuel reactor has "been discussed in some detail in ref . We approximate in the following the actual arrangement jy a reactor for which the power distribution and the importance of a neutron are constant and for which all fuel elements have the same transit time 0..-0 through the outside loop. In this approximation, B D(s) is simply the probability that a fission neutron, caused by a power burst at time zero, is a delayed neutron, given off inside the reactor at a time be- tween s and s+ds. D(s)is normalized so that f D(s) ds = 1 (2) If the fuel is stationary, BD(s) is the familiar curve obtained by the superposition of 5 exponentials: 5 _^ 8 BD(s) = Z B.X.e i (3) i=l The ^. are the decay constants of the 5 groups of delayed neutrons, and the B. are the probabilities that a given fission neutron is a delayed 1 th neutron of the i group. For the circulating -fuel reactor we first consider the fuel which was present in the reactor at time zero. At any time s, only a fraction of this fuel will be found in the reactor. This fraction is denoted by F(s), and by multiplying the right side of (3) by F(s), we obtain the function BD(s) for the circulating-fuel reactor. Since 6.. is the total time required by the fuel to pass through a complete cycle, consisting of the reactor and the outside loop, it is clear that at s = n©.. (n = 0, 1, 2 . ..), F ( 8 ) is equal to 1; at s = n0.+0 (n = 0, 1, 2 ...), F(s) is equal to zero. (We assume ©.. s 2© so that the fuel under consideration has not started to re-enter the reactor when the last of its elements leaves the reacting zone). Between s = n©, and s = n©,+©, F(s) decreases linearly, and hence has the value (n©,+©-s)/©. At s = n© 1 -©(n= 1, 2, 3 . ..), F(s) is zero, hut since the fuel under consideration re-enters the reactor be- tween this moment and s = n©. , F(s) increases linearly: F(s) = (s-n© 1 + ©)/©. For £D(s) we thus obtain: PD( 8 ) = n9l ^" S £ P ± ^«"V f ° r ^s&Q^, n = 0, 1, 2, ..., i=l s-n© +© 5 -> PD(s) = gi— i^iV iS for nG 1 - Q ^s^n© 1 , n = 1, 2, 3, ••., <*> pD(s) = for n© +©£s£ (n+l)0 -0, n = 0, 1, 2, t/T Eq. (k) is now substituted into eq. (l), and for P we set P = P e~'~. Th« TPe t / T = (k -p)P e^ + T p.>. m o v ex w ' o *- p i i T 1=1 n©,+© ? nO.+O-s -\s . n 1 P -Vt P e' o ■s)/T ds S - n9 l +6 c -Vp e (t-s)/T © o ds The common factor P Q e /T cancels out. The substitution = n© +©-s transforms f 0^9 (n9 1 +0-6)exp{-^ i +(l/T5 s } ds ™1 and the substitution^"^ s-nO.,+ transforms y (s-n0 1+ e) expf-j^+Cl/TjJ sj ds no 1 -e into g exp£nd,|> i+ (l/T)] j exp^> i+ (l/T]) j (^ expf. j> 1+ (l/Tj.+ (l/T). (6) P is evaluated by means of eq. (2): P = J pD(s) ds. If PD(s) is substituted into this integral, expressions are obtained which are of the same type as the ones just discussed, and which can be evaluated by the same methods. The result is p ->.o -Vo. -X (©,-©) 5 ^0 - 1 + e -e ^O + 1)^ (?) = la p. 7T-Q 0A.(1 - e ) In spite of the formidable appearance of eqs. (5), (6), and (7), it is easy to f indoor any given © and ,the value of k which produces a given time constant T. Furthermore, the following reasoning describes the general fea- tures of the equations. Consider first the dependence of k on T. If T =. and ~LJai., eq. (5) reduces to eq. (8), the inhour formula for the stationary fuel reactor. The circu- lation is so slow that the reactor behaves as if the fuel were *) See Glasstone and Edlund, loc . cit. p. 301, eq. 10.29.1. See also preceding footnote. 2 W. K. Ergen, The Behavior of Certain Functions Related to the Inhour Formula of Circulating Fuel Reactors, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Memo CF 5^-1-1 Jan. 15, 195U. 8 stationary, inasmuch as all delayed neutrons, even the ones vlth the long-lived precursors, are given off inside the reacting zone, before much fuel reaches the outside. On the other hand, if ©.. and hence also is small compared to all l/\., that is if the transit time of the fuel through the complete loop is small compared to the mean life of even the short-lived delayed-neutrons precursors, then for T» k = r + ° e h ex T Q i=l 1 +> i T (9) This is the same as the inhour formula for the stationary fuel reactor, except that all the fission yields p. are decreased by the factor ©/©,. This is physically easy to understand, since ©/©, is just the prob- ability that a given delayed neutron is born inside the reactor. Of interest is the intermediate case, in which is smaller than the mean life of the long-lived delayed-neutron precursors, and larger than the mean life of the short-lived precursors. In that case, the long-delayed neutrons act approximately according to eq. (9) and are reduced by the factor ©/© . On the other hand, the neutrons with the short-lived precursors behave approximately like in eq. (8) and are not appreciably reduced. Hence, a small excess reactivity enables the re- actor to increase its power without "waiting" for the not very abundant long-delayed neutron. The reactor goes to fairly short time constants with surprisingly small excess reactivities. However, to make the re- actor prompt critical, that is to enable it to exponentiate without even the little-delayed neutrons, takes a substantial excess reactivity because of the almost undiminished amount of the l-atter neutrons. DPO B222DZ UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08905 5445 *