LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGE I CULTURE E2 Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q. 477 August 15, 1938. Superseding Memorandum to Chief Inspectors September 1, 1931. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPOST RESTRICTIONS OP THE REPUBLIC OP COLOMBIA a UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. q. 477 Superseding Memorandum to Chief Inspectors September 1, 1931. August 15, 1938. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OE THE REPUBLIC OE COLOMBIA This nummary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Colombia has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine inspectors, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspec- tor in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original texts of the respective Colombian decrees, and reviewed by the Phytopathological Section of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce of Colombia. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. _ ^ LEE A. STRONG, ( / Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . Digitized by the Internet Archive ■ i n 2013 j PLMT-QJJARANT I HE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS I • . • OJ THE C " * REPUBLIC OP COLOMBIA- BASIC LEGISLATION- ' Article 37 of Law No. 74, of November 30, 1936, determines that the Government shall regulate matters relating to the phy to sanitary protection of agriculture and livestock through provisions which shall have the character of public control and hygiene which are obligatory, subject to penalties established by the Government. SUMMARY Importation Prohibited COFFEE ( Coffea spp.) PLANTS, ROOTS, AND SEEDS; as -well as those of other Rubiaceae and related plants of whatever origin: Impor- tation prohibited to prevent the introduction of coffee rust ( Hemileia vastatrix B. and Br.). (Decree No. 1172, July 10, 1924.) SACKS, USED: Importation prohibited to prevent the introduction of coffee rust ( Hemileia vastatrix B. and Br.), (instructions of Ministry of Industries to customs officials. Commerce Reports September 14, 1931, No. 37, p. 690; decree No. 2850, November 17, 1936.) Importation Restricted TREES, PLANTS, BULBS, FRUITS, SEEDS, banana slips, unmanufactured plant products, or parts theroof; Must be accompanied by a certificate ■issued by an authorized official of the country of origin, duly visaed by the consul of Colombia or of a friendly nation, affirra- • ing the freedom of those products from pests and diseases harmful to agriculture. (Decree No. 1128 of July 1, 1931, p. 2.) - 3- SUGARCANE SEED (S accharum of ficinarum L.) : May be imported "by the Ministry of Agriculture or "by the experimental farms of the Department under authorization of the said Ministry, "but only from the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, the Insular Experiment Sta- tion of Puerto Rico, or the Agronomic Station, Santiago do las Vegas, Cuba, and if accompanied "by a phytosanitary . certificate issued "by the respective organization. (Decree Ho. 1128, July 1, 1931.) Otherwise, the importation of sugarcane seed is strictly 'prohibited. (Decree No. 3067, December 16, 1936.) GENERAL REGULATIONS (Abstracts frcm Decree No. 1128, July 1, 1931; Diario Oficial, July 17, 1931) Phytosanitary Certificate Required . \ Article 1. All trees, fruits, plants, bulbs, seeds, banana, slips, and unmanufactured plant products introduced into Colombia must be accompanied by a certificate issued by a phytopathology st or entomologist of the government of the country of origin, or by the person who has the required authority, in which it is affirmed that such products are free from diseases or pests harmful to agri- culture.. These certificates shall be visaed by the respective con- sular agents of Colombia or of a friendly nation, if there is no Colombian agent in the place of origin. According to an undated circular published in Boletin Agricola, Medellin, Colombia, No. 227, p. 930, 1937, by the Seccion de Sanidad Vegetal, any person who desires to introduce into Colombia plant material for propagation (seeds, slips, cuttings, branches, fruits, roots, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, stocks, etc.) is required to make a preliminary application on stamped paper to the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, for the necessary import permit. The importer imist present with the certificate the original import permit in order to verify the -importation. The imported product will be subjected to strict inspection by Sanidad Vegetal at the port of entry, whether importation is made by sea, rail, air, or mail. Uncertified Plants Not Admit ted Permission is not granted for the introduction of plants remaining in customhouses of Colombia if not accompanied "by a phytosanitary certificate of the country of origin, or of those which in the opinion of the agricultural inspector of the Plant Protection Service constitute a danger of propagating diseases in the interior of the country. Sugarcane for Scientific Purposes Article 1, par. 2. Relates to sugarcane seed. See that item under "Importation Restricted" in the summary. Register of Certified Export Firms Art. 2. The Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Industries will open a register in which will "be listed alpha- betically and in such detail as may "be necessary, persons, firms, or commercial entities that send garden seeds, plants, and flowers, duly certified "by the appropriate authorities of the country c of origin. Art. 3. There may enter into Colombia without meeting the requirements of article 1, vegetable, plant, and flower seeds in labeled packages with health certificates from a commercial house registered in the Department of Agriculture, in accordance with regulations that the Department may promulgate. Authorized Ports of Entry Art. 4. Material for plant propagation may be imported into Colombia through the ports end frontiers of Puerto Colombia, Buonavontura, Cartagena, Cucuta, and Ipiales. Importation of Plants for Scientific Purposes Art. 5. Federal experiment stations and experiment farms of the Department may import through the Department oi' .agriculture and with its approval, without the certificate prescribed by article 1, any tree, plant, or part thereof, needed for experiments in those UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA flllllllliillllllllllllll 3 1262 09314 6677 - 4 - establishments. However, if on inspection at the customs some pest or disease should he found, the said mate rials must be de- stroyed. Import Permit Required Art. 6. Prescribes that an import permit shall he obtained in advance from the Department of Agriculture for the importation of the plant material referred to in article 1. Import Permit May Be Refused The Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce may refuse per- mission to import planting material under the provisions of article 6 of decree No. 1128 of June 30, 1931, when, in the opinion of the Chief of Sanidad Vegetal, importation into or transit through cer- tain regions is deemed inadvisable owing to the condition of the material and the possibility of danger to existing crops, (Decree No. 893, April 29, 1937.)