B. K. P. Q. — San. Kxp. Regs. Hovlnlon of KoguhitionH. Kffoctive September '21, 11)30. United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE REGULATIONS GOVERNING SANITARY EXPORT CERTIFICATION INTRODICTORY NOTE Tlie servitt' itntviiliiig for the cert ifhutiuu ot planis and plant products to UMVt the s;mitary re<|uiienu'nts of lorei^n conntrios is coiHiucted under au- tlmrity jrranteil in api>n»priati()n acts for the D(»i>arnnent of A;zriculture. In appropriation acts for the fiscal years prior to and including; the fiscal year li*34. autijoriiy was i;ranttH! to ceitify "doniestic fresli fruits, ve^'etahles, and seen acts autliority was uranteil to certify all domestic plants and plant pnnlucts. The chanjres in tlii> revision of the Inspeition and Certifica- tion Rejailatii»ns to Met4 Foreif^n Sanitary liequirenients takes coj^iizance of the extension of the authority to inspect products not heretofore certified for export. T'ovisions have also heen made to certify plant products on the basis of the inspections made by cooperating; Stale and Federal agencies. For the sake of brevity the title of the inspection and certification retaliations to me*^t foreijni siinitary rert the plural, and vice versa, as the case may demand. Skc. 2. Fov the purpose' of these regulations, uidess the context otherwise rtHiuires. the following terms shall be construed, respectively. t(( mean — I'aruijraph J. The act.— Thv following provision of an act of Congre.'^s entitled ■'An act making appropriations for the I>epartment of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June .'U), 1936, and uu-jr^ — 36 for other purposes", approved May 17, 1935 (Public, Xo. 62, 74th Couj;.), or any future act of Congress conferring like authority : "for the inspection, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe, of domestic plants and plant products, when offered for export, and to coitify to shippers and interested parties as to the freedom of such products from injurious plant diseases and insect pests according to the sanitary requirements of foreign countries alTected and to nuike such reason;d)le charges and to use such means as may be necessary to accomplish this object, * * * Provided, That moneys received on account of such inspection and certification shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." Par. 2. Secretary. — The Secretary or Acting Secretary of Agriculture of the United States. Par. 3. Bureau. — The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the Ignited States Department of Agriculture. Par. //. Products. — Domestic plants and plant products. Par. 5. Inspector. — An inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and I*lant Quar- antine, United States Department of Agriculture, or other person authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture to inspect and certify to shippers and other inter- ested parties, as to the sanitary condition of the products inspected under the act. Var. 6. Office of inspection. — The office of an inspector of products covered by these regulations. Par. 1. Certificate. — A certificate of the sanitary condition of the products concerned, based on inspection of representative samples, issued by an inspector under the act. Par. 8. Rc()ulations. — Rules and regulations of the Secretary under the act. Par. 9. Consignment. — Any shipment of products assembled and inspected at one place at one time and covered by one application, or any mail shipment consigned to one consignee. Regulation 2. Administration Skction 1. The Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine is charged with the supervision of the performance of all duties arising in the administration of the act. Regulation 3. Where Service is Offered Section 1. Certification may be made at the following ports of export, where inspectors of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine are located : Baltimore, Md. Bellinghani, Wash. Boston, Mass. Brownsville, Tex. Buffalo. N. Y. Calexico, Calif. Charleston, S. C. Chicago, 111. Del Rio, Tex. Detroit, ]Mich. Douglas, Ariz. Eagle Pass, Tex. El Paso. Tex. Galveston, Tex. Hidalgo, Tex. Honolulu, Hawaii. Houston, Tex. .Tacksonville, Fla. Key West, Fla. Laredo, Tex. Los Angeles, Calif. Mercedes, Tex. Miami, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Naco, Ariz. New Orleans, La. New York, N. Y. Nogales, Ariz. Norfolk, Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Port Arthur, Tex. Portland, Oreg. Presidio, Tex. Rio Grande City, Tex. Roma, Tex. San Diego, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. San Juan, P. R. San Pedro, Calif. San Ysidro, Calif. Savannah, Ga. Seattle, Wash. Tampa, Fla. Ysleta, Tex. Section Regulation 4. Products Covered 1. Domestic plants and plant products when otTorcd for cxpcn't. Regulation 5. Application for Certification Section 1. A written application shall bo made on form>s provided for the purpose setting forth such information as is called for, as far in advance as po.ssible, and shall be filed in the office of inspection at the port of certification. Sec. 2. Each application shall be deemed filed when delivered to the proi)er office of certification. When such application is filed, a record showing the date ami time of filing shall be made in suih office. Reg^ulation 6. Inspection SKcnoN 1. The applicant shall cause the product for which inspectiou is re- quested to he made acc*»ssihle for inspection and Identiticatioii and to be so pla«-cd as to pennit etticiiMit insptntion for insects and plant diseases of repre- sentative samples of all irrades or kinds of proihicts. Skc. 2. All labor involved in the inspection, including: the niovinj;, opening, and closin.u ef containers, shall be furnished by the applicant. Skc. 8. Certificates may be refused for failure to carry out fully any of the foregoing: provisions. Skc. 4. No insiiector shall insi>ect any products in which he or a member of his family is directly or indirectly financially interested. Regulation 7. Certificates Shx iio.N 1. F(tr each consignment of products for which certification is re- quested, the inspector shall sign and issue a separate certificate based on the findings of the inspection, Se<-. 2. The original certificate shall immediately upon its issuance be delivered or maileil to the applicant or a person designated by him. Sec. 3. One copy of each certificate shall be filed in the ottice of certification, and one forwarded to the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Sec. 4. The Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine may authorize inspectors to issue certificates on the basis of inspections made by cooperating Federal and State agencies under requirements and conditions ap- proved by him. Sec. r>. Inspectors may issue new certificates on a basis of inspections for previous certifications when the previously issued certificates can be canceletl before they have been accepted by the phytopathological authorities of the country of destination involved. Regulation 8. Fees Section 1. For each certificate issued the fee shall be $1. Sec. 2. A fee of $1 shall be charged for extra copies of certificates requested after the original certificate and its accompanying copies have been issued. Sec. 8. All fees shall be paid by check, money order, or draft made payable to disbursing clerk. United States Department of Agriculture. Such collec- tions shall be promptly forwarded to the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at the close of each week to be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Regulation 9. Publications Section 1. Publications under the act and these regulations shall be made in Service and Regulatory Announcements of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine and such orher me