>/ COLORADO POTATO BEETLE d C •*"*' # Mary f. BENSON r$ r, Adult beetle; ft, eggs; r, larvae (or slugs); d, pupa (or resting stage). . . and d about natural size; b about twice natural size.) ■ other Bide for life history and control) P nt Quarantine ilture Picture Sheet No. 3 COLORADO POTATO BEETLE ( L> ptinotar8a dea mlira ata Say) Life History The eggs of the Colorado potato beetle are laid on the under side of the Leaves. These eggs hatch in from 1 to 9 days. The resulting Larvae (or slugs) feed on the plant. The larva grows rapidly, pass- ing through four different stages, or instars, similar in appearance except that each stage is larger than the preceding one. It becomes full grown in from 10 days to 3 weeks after hatching from the egg. The full-grown larva then burrows into the ground and changes to a pupa or resting stage. After 5 to 10 days the adult beetle emerges from the pupa, crawls up out of the ground, and, after feeding on the plants for a few days, may lay eggs for another brood of larvae. Control Spray or dust with paris green or calcium arsenate. Use 1 pound of paris green and 1 pounds of hydrated lime, or 4 pounds of calcium arsenate and 8 pounds of hydrated lime, to 100 gallons of water. For smaller quantities use 2 level teaspoonfuls of paris green and 2 level tablespoonfuls of hydrated lime, or 10 level teaspoonfuls of calcium arsenate and 10 level tablespoonfuls of hydrated lime, to 1 gallon of water; or 6 level teaspoonfuls of paris green and 2 ounces (6 level tablespoonfuls) of hydrated lime, or 2 ounces (9 level tablespoonfuls) of calcium arsenate and 8 ounces (24 level tablespoonfuls) of hydrated lime, to 3 gallons of water. Mix the poison with a small quantity of water and then stir it thoroughly into the spray container. Keep the mixture well agitated. Apply it with a good pump sprayer throwing a fine mist. Cover the foliage completely. For dusting, use 1 pound of paris green to 12 pounds of hy- drated lime or flour, or 1 pound of calcium arsenate to 7 pounds of the diluent. For smaller quantities use 1 ounce (iy 2 level table- spoonfuls) of paris green and 12 ounces (36 level tablespoonfuls) of hydrated lime or flour, or 1 ounce (4y 2 level tablespoonfuls) of calcium arsenate to 7 ounces (21 level tablespoonfuls) of hydrated lime or flour. Cover the foliage completely. Begin spraying or dusting when the beetles first appear. Spray or dust for the slugs when eggs are hatching, and repeat the treat- ment as often as necessary. s IO780 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09082 4797 June [937 U. S. Government Printing Office V<>r sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, I). C- -Price 6 cents