UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08483 0099 Registry No. 250—1—03 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE NEGLIGEE INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 30, 1933 The Code for the Negligee Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents A CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE NEGLIGEE INDUSTRY Article I This Code is formulated for the Negligee Industry, pursuant to the National Industrial Recovery Act. The purposes of this Code are as follows: (1) To increase employment; (2) To establish fair wages for decent living; (3) To remove unfair trade practices. Article II The term "manufacturer" as herein used includes every person engaged in the production and/or wholesale distribution of ladies' negligees and pajamas, made of all kinds of woven fabrics, as manu- facturer, submanufacturer, contractor, subcontractor, wholesaler, or jobber. The term "employee" as herein used is defined to mean one who is engaged in the cutting, machine operating, hand sewing, pressing, examining, and finishing, or in any other physical process of the manufacture of ladies' negligees and pajamas. The term "person" as used herein shall include natural persons, partnerships, associations, and corporations. The term "association" as used herein shall mean The Negligee Manufacturers' Association, Inc. The term "executive board " as used herein shall mean such a board or committee as shall be chosen by the association. Article III (a) Employees in the negligee industry shall have the right to or- ganize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such rep- resentatives or in self-organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. (b) Employers of labor in the negligee industry agree to comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other working conditions approved or prescribed by the President of the United States. (c) No employee in the negligee industry and no one seeking em- ployment therein shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining a labor organization of his own choosing. MAXIMUM WORKING HOURS No employee in the ladies' negligee industry shall work more than forty (40) hours a week. From September 15th until December 15th, 8971—33 (1) manufacturers of negligees and pajamas shall be permitted to work ten (10) hours a week overtime. On and after the effective day, manufacturers in the negligee industry shall keep closed on Saturday, that is, no productioij shall take place nor shall any business be conducted on Saturday. On and after the date when this Code becomes effective, em- ployers in the ladies' negligee industry shall not employ any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years. MINIMUM COMPENSATION OR WAGES The minimum wage to be paid by employers in the negligee industry to employees as well as any other person hired to render services shall be at the rate of Thii'teen Dollars ($13.00) per week. Article IV ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE BOARD The administration of this Code shall be vested in the Executive Board composed of seven (7) members elected by the members of the Association. The executive counsel of the Negligee Manufacturers Association shall act as the chairman of the Board. The powers of this Board shall be: (1) To administrate the provisions of this Code; (2) To formulate the rules for the operation of this Code; (3) To hear complaints against any member charged with the violation of this Code or the National Industrial Recovery Act, and dispose of such complaints as it may see fit; (4) To institute proceedings against any person for the violation of this Code or the National Industrial Recovery Act; (5) To make or cause to be made investigations of the business of any person, namely, the books of account in order to insure the observance of and compliance with the provisions of this Code, and The National Industrial Recovery Act; (6) To recommend to the Administration the licensing of persons engaged in the negligee industry who do not conform to the provisions of this Code; (7) To take under advisement proposed amendments to this Code and upon approval by the Asso- ciation, to submit such amendments to the proper Government authorities; (8) To obtain such trade statistics and information from persons in the industry as it may deem prudent for the benefit and stability of the industry and to make such surveys and compile such reports as it may deem proper for the best interests of the industry. Article V Each person shall furnish reports according to the rules prescribed by the executive board in such form and substance as may be pre- scribed by the executive board. A refusal to furnish such report or to make a false report shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article VI The Association shall make no inequitable requirements for admis- sion, and it shall be representative of the industry. Any person^ partnership, or corporation in the negligee industry may become a member of this Association. Article VII This Code is not designed to promote monopolies nor shall it be administrated so as to eliminate or oppress small enterprises and it will not operate to discriminate against them. Article VIII This Code shall become effective upon approval by the President of the United States. Article IX To give or permit to be given to certain customers, directly or indirectly, payment or allowance of rebates, commissions, refunds, either in the form of money, or otherwise, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article X The estabUshed terms of sale in this industry shall be 8-10 E.O.M. maximum. Any deviation or variation from the above established terms of sale, directly or indirectly, shall be deemed a violation of tliis Code. Article XI To make or publish, directly or indirectly, any false or deceptive statement by way of advertisement, or otherwise, concerning the grade, quality, substance, character, size, origin, or preparation of the product of this industry; to mark or label the product falsely, which may mislead or deceive customers or prospective customers, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XII To make false statements about competitors such as charging them with dishonorable conduct, inability to perform contracts, question- able credit standing, false representation concerning the kind and quality of their merchandise, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XIII To make unwarranted threats of lawsuits for infringement of a patent or trade mark among the customers of competitors for the purpose of harassing and intimidating such customers shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XIV To entice away the employees of a competitor with the intent of injuring or hampering such a competitor shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XV To sell merchandise on consignment or memorandum shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XVI No returns of washed or worn goods are to be accepted for credit. Any deviation from the above, directly or indirectly, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XVII No garments are to be accepted by the manufacturers for any reason if kept more than ten (10) days after the receipt of the said garments by the customers. Article XVIII The payment for the advertisement of customers, either directly or indirectly, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. Article XIX No manufacturer shall, directly or indirectly pay for the freight or transportation of merchandise sold to customers, except within the respective City limits. o