A3&.//3:/7 II V. OP FL LIB. n pCUMENTS DEPT. J UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Economic Library List No. 17 Washington, D. C. , November 1940 EXHIBITS A Selected List of References Compiled by Annie U. Hannay Library, Bureau of Agricultural Economics This list is composed, for the most part, of periodical articles which describe exhibits of various kinds and which attempt to evaluate, their success in terms of interest evoked and sales effected. References were compiled from the following sources: American Marketing Journal, v. 1 to v. 3, Jan. 1934 to Apr. 1935; Industrial Arts Index, 1936 to July 1940; Journal of Marketing (combines American Mar- keting Journal and National Marketing Review) v.l, no. 1, to v. 4, no. 4, July 1936 to Apr. 1940; National Marketing Review, v. 1, nos. 1 to 4, 1935 £>o Spring 1936; Psychologi- cal Abstracts, y. 1 to v. 12, 1927 to 1933, v. 14, Jan. to Aug. 1940; Social Science Abstracts, v. 1 to v. 4, 1929 to 1932. Call numbers following the citations arc those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Library, unless other- vase noted. "Libr. Cong." preceding a call number indi- cates that the publication is in the Library of Congress. Effectiveness of Exhibits Assortment displays; new and improved technique used by manufacturers improves retail sales. Printers' Ink 187(9): 23-25. June 1, 1939. 238.8 P932 Instances displays that have brought about increased sales. Bristol, George T. Snow White., Inanimate characters become a new force in merchandising. Dun's Rev. 45(2120): 13-17. Apr. 1933. 286.8 D92 "The most dramatic example of a new force in merchandising - the ad- vent of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' - is seen in the transformation of shop windows in New York or Middle town. . . Astute merchandising is taking advantage of the 'almost unbelievable popularity of Walt Disney's latest creation...- With the advent of Walt Disney 'cartoons, these inani- mate creatures became forceful parts of the business of shaping fashion. By 1932... Walt Disney's licensing of his children had grown into a - 2 - business which annually sold $300^000 in merchandise. Then this depart- ment of his business was separately organized. as 'Kamen, Ltd.' and in 1937 sales skyrocketed to $35,000,000." - Jour. Marketing 3(l)t 128. July 1938. Consumer expositions. Kinds of exhibits that pay best - based on experiences of advertisers at • recent or current "World's Fairs." Printers' Ink Monthly 35(4): 17-20, 79-80, 82, 84-85, 87-88, 90, 92, 94-96, 98-101. Sept. 1937. 238.8 P933 It is shown that, while the Century of Progress Exposition in Chi- cago was "a failure from an attendance standpoint" it was "from an ope- rating standpoint the greatest success in exposition history. It is the only fair that ever met expenses." Advertising exhibits are said to have contributed largely to this success. A cross-section of opin- ions of advertisers is given and the potential objectives of the com- mercial exhibitor are listed. "The types of exhibits which commercial exhibitors employ to accomplish those objectives fall into seven main patterns." These are summarized and illustrated. Du Pont's mannequins jump demand for "acele" fabrics. Sales Mangt. 40(l): 126, 177. Jan. 15, 1937. Libr. Cong. HP5438.A34 "A troupe of 22-inch 'ladies' tours' the country to beguile shoppers and window-shoppers. Thereby 'Acele' is helped into a front-rank posi- tion in the booming rayon industry." Elliott, F.R. Attention effects from poster, radio and poster-radio adver- tising of an exhibit. Jour. Appl. Psychol. 21: 365-371. 1937. Libr. Cong. BF1.J55 "A field investigation was carried on at a fruit exhibit in the Indiana State Fair. Attempts to secure attention from 25,443 visitors were made with each subject in one of three ways: (l) poster presenta- tion of 'talking points,' (2) auditory presentation of points (loud speaker), or (3) a method combining poster and auditory presentation. The combined method was most effective." - Psychol. Abs. v. 12, no. 2, Feb. 1938, item 921. Fischer, Albert T. Window and' store display; a handbook for advertisers. 203pp. Garden City, N.Y. , and Toronto, Doubleday, Page & co., 1921. 233.2 F52 Ch. XIV deals with sales increase resulting from window displays. The author concludes that "Window and store display when rightly planned and rightly used can be made by far the most productive and most prac- tical of all advertising mediums." 40 ways to profit by the 1939 fairs. Amer. Business 8(8): 14-16, 41. Aug. 1938. 280.8 Am35 Notes the effect on business of the Chicago fairs of 1933 'and 1934. - 3 ~ Garth, John.' How trailers solved these sales problems. Amor. Business 7: 28-30, 48. Aug. 1937. 280.8 Am35 Illustrates the successful use of trailer displays in. increasing sales. Gaston, H.P. Roadside marketing in Michigan. Mich. Agr. Sxpt. Sta. Spec. Bui. 185, 44pp. East Landing, ■ 1929. Digest in Social Sci, Ads. v. 1, nos. 11-12, Doc. 1929, item 10373. Roadside markets are distinguished from roadside stands. The former are said to have "become important in Michigan in recent years. "Thirty- nine farmers located on a sixteen mile section of highway running through the fruit "belt sold 53^ of all fruit and vegetables produced on their farms . " ' Griffith, Sanford, and Meyrowitz, Alvin. Marketing review of the world's fair. Advertising & Selling 33(1): 31-32, 71. Jan. 1940. 238.28 Ad "First publication of survey findings - age, income level, residence of visitors, cost of exhibits per person, popularity of commercial areas - from the New York World's Fair." Hanson, Carlton. Unique window display "sells" trolley "bus to Portland. Mass Transportation 32(2): 35, 40. Feb. 1936. Libr. Cong. TF701.M3 A window display of the Portland Traction Co. showing a miniature replica of the down-town district with a trolley bus' in operation "was a very effective medium of selling 'the trackless trolley' to the public." Historical pagaent jumps 'Kouoigant' s 'perfume sales. Sales Mangt. 40(5):. 408- 409. Mar. 1, 1937. Libr. Cong. HF5438.A34 "Houbigant, Inc., is skyrocketing perfume sales with itinerant dis- play and department store set-up." Window displays are illustrated. Howe, Andrew M. Point of sale displays that sell. Printers' Ink Monthly 32(1): 68-92. Jan. 1936. 238.8 P933 Lists reasons given by dealers for the popularity of certain displays and discusses results obtained by a number of displays selected by dealers, Mejean, Paul. Les foires d 1 automobiles de la Haute-Savoie. c The autaaobile fairs of Haute-Savoie. 3 Rev. de Ge'og. Alpine 16(4): 823-827. 1928. Libr. Cong. DC611.A553R4 "La Roche- sur-Foron is situated in Haute Savoie not far from Geneva. Its market place has seen cattle fairs and produce fairs for centuries. With the changed economy that the last century has visited upon the Alpine valleys these fairs have lost their importance in the economic program. La Roche has had a curious revival as a place of fair. The farmer of the rich lands which lie about has replaced ox and horse with the auto truck. The first automobile fair (1925) had 6000 visitors. In 1928 there were 18,000 visitors. The attractions were twenty makes of automobiles as - 4 - well as .tractor s^- turbines,:. farm motors/ agricultural machinery, and dairy machinery." - Social Sci. Ads. v. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1930, item 86. Miller, Ivan C. Posters create sales in Montclair, N.J. Food Indus. 10(7): 387, 390. July 1938. 389.8 F737 Instances two cases in which food sales were increased "by means of poster displays. Miller, Ivan 0. What makes a world's fair exhibit click. Food Indus. 12(1-2): 44-48; 55-59. Jan. -Feb. 1940. 389.8 F737 The varied approaches of the food exhibitors and the results are noted. "Size alone was no measure of the value of a World Fair exhibit. What was done in the exhibit space determined results. Those exhibits : which appeared to have accomplished best results, used the same formula. They combine action and the human clement. They showed 'how it is made'. And thereby, they made a strong bid for "better public relations... Standard Brands' coffee:: roasting demonstration of 'how it is done', ■ . ;.•'.• coupled with the aroma of fresh roasted coffee, and the sampling (at the visitor's expense) earned more friends for Chase & Sanborn coffee than the elaborate puppet show trading on the prestige of the Charlie McCarthy program... "The most successful food exhibitors at the 1939 World's Fair... brought the food plant to the people and they built for themselves much good will with the public. They also raised the level of the food in- dustries in the public estimation." Murphy, John Allen. The business debt to world fairs of the past. Nation's Business 27(8): 14-17, 58. Aug. 1939. 286.8 N212 Gives examples of business success resulting from displays at fairs. Padgett, Harry. Chain store circus coffee drive. "Farmer-consumer" method of promotion utilized by Safeway. Tea & Coffee Trade Jour. 77(6): 55. Dec. 1939. 68.8 T22 Describes displays of three "brands of coffee by the chain of Safeway Stores as a result of which "coffee sales rocketed." Test shows counter basket displays nearly treble sales. Sales Mangt. 38(2): 92, Jan. 15, 1936. Libr. Cong. HF5438.A34 "Recent tests made 'in the drugstores of eight Boston suburban towns by the Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Company place a measuring stick on the yalue of at least one certain type of counter display, and this measuring rod says that a display of this type boosts sales between 100$ and 200^." Tested display ideas, compiled by the editors of Printers' I rile. 3d. 1, 198pp., illus. Hew York and London, McGraw-Hill book co., inc., 1938. (Library of tested sales, advertising and marketing plans) Libr. Cong. HF5845.T4 "The purpose of the book is to show by text and pictures what 102 individual displays have done and how they have done it." - 5 - Trailers prove potent sales builders for many types of products. Sales Mangt. 40(9, 10): 816-818, 838-839, 902-904, 928, 930. Apr. 20, May 1, 1937; Correction 40(13): 1192. June 15, 1937. Libr. Cong. RT5438.A34 Instances a number of c a ses of increased sales resulting from trailer displays. Van Voris, Arthur H. 10 promotion plans that clicked. Amer. Business 7(4): 22-23, 36-37. Apr. 1937. 280.8 Am35 Instances of successful displays are given. What shows pulled at the Fair? As New York show closes, exhibitors prepare for 1940 by studying the merchandising lessons which 26,000,000 visitors taught them this year. Business Week, no. 531, pp. 22, 27-28. Nov. 4, 1939. 280.8 Sy8 Instances exhibits that draw crowds and explains why. Yorke, Dane. Thinking beyond books. Libr. Jour. 65(15): 675-678. Sept. ly. 1940. 243.8 L61 This article contains an account of an experiment made in a. small public library in a Now England industrial community to attract the atten- tion of non-readers. Three exhibits were arranged, one of old newspapers published in the community and containing news about or pictures of resi- dents of the town, another of material dealing with the city's history in fires and fircf ighting, and a third which showed the origin and deve- lopment of a brass band which had existed .in' the community for almost seventy years. "These three displays were not the whole of the exhibit program but they were the peaks. They were spread over a year and a half and were interspersed with exhibits by a local camera club, by exhibits of school posters, and more conventional displays of art material from traveling exhibits. But it was these three exhibits that really impressed the library upon the community. They touched every newspaper reader, every- one who had felt some of the fascination 'of fire, everyone who (even if only as a child) had thrilled to a parade and a brass band. They helped break down some of the barriers that keep .the public out of the public library, . , They aroused, moreover, an interest that every public library needs and must strive for - the interest of the adult male of the commu- nity,,, no miracles wore worked... There was a gain in enrollment but not enough to greatly increase the one-third-of-the community ratio previously mentioned as a point of critical complaint. Yet the_ penetration and in- fluence of the library had been extended far beyond the index of that registration. It showed itseld in many ways: in a new awareness o„nd friendliness toward the library in almost all communal circles; the pre- vious five-year decline of 24 per cent was reversed (inactive card holders became active again), and by.. 1939 the circulation showed a. total gain of 40 per cent over the low point of 1937... ."Emphasis upon books alone "could not have achieved those/results - certainly not so quickly. It was the thought and work that went beyond books which proved so effective." - 5 - Othor References Agnew, Hugh E., and Dygert, TTarren B. Advertising media. 465pp., illus. New York and London, McGraw-Hill took co., inc., 1938. Li"br. Cong. HP5823.A52 Contains a few pages on window displays. Attention getters in displays. Printers' Ink Monthly 38(5): 46-48. May 1939. 233.8 P933 Illustrates some attention factors that make displays successful. Brillant, Maurice. Les civilisations anciennes de l'Amerique, a propos d'une recente exposition. c The ancient civilizations of America, suggested by a recent exhibition. 3 Le Corrcspondant 100. annee. no. 1583, pp. 778- 791. Sept. 10, 1928. Libr. Cong. AP20.C8 "The fundamental uniformity of the hunan spirit, as manifested in modes of thought, in mechanical achievements, and in the arts, was made clear to all those who visited the Exhibition of the Ancient Arts of America . held in the summer of 1928 at the Museum of Decorative Art in the Louvre, Paris... In addition to its ethnological value, the Exhibi- tion did much to make the public realize that, as artists, and as crea- tors of beauty, many of the peoples of ancient America were as admirable as the ancient people of the Near East, of Egypt, of Greece, and of Rome." - Social Sci. Abs. v. 11, no. 1, Mar. 1929, item 113. Co-operative store displays. Printers' Ink Monthly 40(6): 13-15. June 1940. 233.8 P933 Cooperation between manufacturers and retailers in display adverti- sing is recommended for its successful results. Examples arc given. DcFoc, IT.H. Planning profitable exhibits. Advertising & Selling 27(l): 29- 30, 50-51. May 7, 1936. 238.28Ad Discusses methods of planning and managing exhibits. Drama in exhibits. Printers' Ink Monthly 34(l): 42. Jan. 1937. 238.8 P933 Describes two dramatized exhibits but gives no definite results. Eliasbcrg, 17. Lchrbuch dcr reklamewissenschoften. (Textbook of advertising.) 496pp. Brunn, Rudolf M. Rohrer, 1936. Not seen. "This is an extensive .account of advertising from the sociological, politico-economical and psychological points of vie?/." - Psychol. Abs. v. 11, no. 6, June 1937, item 2888. Everard, L. C. Museums and exhibitions. In Encyclopaedia of the Social Sci- ences, v. 11, pp. 138-142. New York, The Macmillan co., 1933. 280 Enl A survey of the history of museums and of their educational influence. - 7 - Hessenmuller, Bruno. Das schaufenster als werbemittel fur technische erzeug- nisse. Technik und Wirtschaft 24(l): 1-6. Jan. 1931. Bur. Standards Li"br. Discusses various problems affecting show window displays including their cost and the features that attract most attention. Howe, Andrew II. Point-of-sale displays through dealers' eyes; Printers' Ink Monthly special study. Printers' Ink Monthly 39(6): 20-22, 24, 51, 54, 55-59. Dec. 1939. 238.3 P933 Discusses dealers' ideas of effective displays. Hurst, Albert Edwin. Displaying merchandise for profit. 433pp., illus. New York, Prentice-Hall, inc., 1939. Libr. Cong. HF5845.K75 Bibliography, pp. 414-415. "The book traces through charts, text, and illustrations the funda- mental principles of display, as it pertains to both interior retail store and show window promotion of merchandise." Jackson, George, comp. History of centennials, expositions and world fairs, also the fundamental principles of successful county and state fairs. 253pp. Lincoln, Nebraska, Wekesscr-Brinknan co. j-1939-, ; Libr. Cong. T395.J3 1939 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Library has 1937 edition (310 J13) . The "practically endless" influence of fairs and expositions is noted. They arc aaid to be "barometers of agriculture and motion pictures of commercial and industrial achievement." They are "great educational in- stitutions and important advertising mediums." Among the topics dis- cussed are: 4-H clubs and the fair; rodeo at the fair; county fairs; live stock expositions and purposes and facts about world fairs, centennials and international expositions. Junkin, Kathryne, International fairs and expositions. U.S. Dept. Com. Bur. Foreign and Dom. Com. Trade From. Ser., no. 75, 76pp. Washington, D. C. , 1929. 157.54 T67 no. 75 This bulletin contains information on a large number of international fairs- and exhibitions. These are said to be "an important and popular means of advertising the commercial, manufacturing, and agricultural activities of a district or country and j-to-j provide an international as well as national market place." Ko'hler, P. TJirtschafts- und verkehrsgeographische betrachtungen zur leipzigcr messe. c The Leipzig fair from the standpoint of economic and transporta- tion geography.^ Erde u. Wirtschaft 4(l): 1-9. Apr „7 Libr. Cong. HC10.E7 "The Leipzig fair is a market. In former times wares brought by mer- chants were dealt in, but today sales are based on samples. In any case the modern fair brings a concentrating stream of men and goods. Conse- quently one of the most important bases of the fair is its location. This is just as much in Leipzig's favor now as in times past. The loca- tion of Leipzig, commerci alls'- and geographically considered, is the base - 8 - for an international market-place. But the fair is also conditioned "by economic geography, since Leipzig is the center, of the central German manufacturing industry... So far as German demand goes the fair is gene- rally visited by from 150,000 to 189,000 "business men. ' The region imme- diately around Leipzig supplies the largest part, But important as the fair is for domestic trade it is more so for export. The majority of exhibiting firms send to the fair to get in touch with foreign "buyers. Last spring 28,660 foreign visitors were counted. Of these 25,600 come from Europe, 100 from Africa, 2,4-30 from America, 450 from Asia and 80 from Australia." - Social Sci. Abs. v. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1931, item 3472, Kulischer, Joseph, Fairs, In Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, v, 6, pp. 53-63. Taw York, The Macmillan co., 1933. 280 Enl Distinguishes "between fairs and ordinary daily or weekly markets, and sketches the history of fairs from ancient times to date. F tes the establishment in various countries of "official fair bureaus or national associations established by commercial interest to promote and regulate fairs. " Lasday, Ralph H. Can trade-shows be made profitable? Advertising & Selling 31(5): 47-49. Apr. 1938. 238.23 Ad Gives rules for making trade-shows effective, Lohnt cs sich auf der Lolpsizer messe auszustellen? c Does it pa;/" to exhibit at the Leipzig f air? -j Markt dcr Eertigware 2(4): 187-194. July-Aug. 1930. Not seen, . "Results of a questionnaire sent to a representative group of exhibi- tors indicated that whereas only an average of 7.5$> of the annual sales, both immediate and mediate, were realized through the fo.irs, the ratio of expenditures to orders was 5$, against the ratio of 15$ of marketing costs to annual sales. For the smaller industry, of course, the cost i6 proportionately larger; hence exhibiting is really of greatest advantage to the largest firms." - Social Sci. Jibs. v. 3, no. 4, Apr* 1931, item 5825. Mott, Paul B, A survey of roadside markets in New Jersey. N.J, Dept. Agr, Cir. 186, 38pp. Trenton, 1930. 2 N45C no. 186 The survey covers farmers' roadside markets for the most part on a county basis, and "in each county covered the major portion of the volume of sales through this channel is represented... Comparing the estimated retail value of sales by roadside markets with the total retail value of the sainc lines of farm products produced in the state, .roadside markets sell about one and two-thirds per cent of the total produced." Pellegrini, Adolfo. Analisi psicologica della pubblicita, Principali problcmi di pubblicita grafica. Archivio italiano di psicologia 14: 110-122, 1936. Army Medical Lib, no. 328221. "The attontional values of color, form, orientation and arrangement in poster design are studied under direct observation and under indirect - 9 - observation in which the attention is diverted "by tasks presented on the posters. Both children and adults were used as subjects. The two groups and the two types of observation give different results, which are dis- cussed in relation to the practice of advertising." - Psychol. A"bs. v. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1937, item 441, Public flocks to wallpaper show on tour, "ah-ing" and buying. Sales Mangt. 40(15): 1192-1193. June 15, 1937. Libr. Cong. RT5438.A34 "Wallpaper Institute cracks misgivings that consumers would not be interested in a 'trade show' by e, traveling exhibit of rooms in use; ex- plained how new styles and designs are created. .It clicked solidly. Twice as many cities to bo visited next year." Roloff, H.P. Experiment ell o untersuchung der wcrbowirkung von plakatentwurfen (Experimental investigation of the appeal of poster designs.) Zeitschrift fur angewandte Psychologic 28: 1-44. 1927. Not seen. "An experiment to determine the relative value of 77 poster designs, submitted in a contest for the best poster to advertise a new rubber shoe ... The whole 77. . .were. . .submitted to a psychological test for attention value, memory value, aesthetic value and persuasiveness. One hundred persons, a sampling of consumers, chose those that were the most pleasing to them and most persuasive. The attention and memory value were tested directly after an incidental exposure of one half hour spent in watching the demonstration of a psychological experiment. The results of these tests confirmed the judgments of the advertising men and controverted those of the commercial artists. The posters wore analyzed to determine the factors that create high attention, memory and aesthetic value and stimulate the buying reaction. It was found, that, among other character- istics, the most prominent were the representation of some form of action by one or preferably more than one human being, in which the article was shown in use. The article itself must occupy a fairly large proportion of the whole poster space. The aosthetic value was a metter of striking what pleased the consumer rather than the artist." - Psychol. Abs. v. 1, no. 5, June 1927, item 1425. Routzahn, Evart Grant, and Routzahn, Mary Swain. The a b c of exhibit planning. 234pp. New York, Russell Sage foundation, 1918. (Survey and exhibit series, cd. by S.M. Harrison.) 275 R76 Schnitt-Schowaltcr, A. Die organisation dor schaufensterreklame. c Tho orga- nization of show window advertising. -j Betriebswirtschaft. Zeitschrift fur Handel swi ss ens chaft u. Handelspraxis . 24(12) : 357-361. Doc. 1931. Not seen. "The attention and stimulus-to-pur chase value of this type of adver- tising wo-s tested both by the number of persons and average time each was attracted by the display, and by the sales of different groups of articles displayed. For example, an exhibit of cosmetics, dental anti- septics, and foot powder showed results in increased sales for only six - 10 - da2AS. In calculating the cost it is necessary to consider the relation of this type to other typos of sales activity." - Social Sci» Abs. v. 4, no. 7, July 1932, it en 11623. Shornan, Caroline 3. Markets, municipal. In Encyclopaedia of the Social Sci- ences, v. 10, pp. 139-144. Now York, The Macmillan Co., 1933. 280 Enl Functions and services of large public markets arc noted. Examples arc given of such markets in Europe and in the United States. Sherman, Caroline 3. Roadside markets. U.S. Dept. Agr. Leaflet 68, 6pp. Washington, E. C. , Oct. 1930; rev. Sept. 1932. 1 Ag84L Lists factors contributing to success; classifies roadside markets, as permanent, semi -permanent, and. temporary; and outlines the advantages and drawbacks of such marketing. Silberer, P. Verkaufs und reklame psychologie (Psychology of selling and ad- vertising.) pp. 196-200. Zurich, Leipzig, Max Nicnans, 1935. Not seen. "A general study of selling and advertising •psychology; a study of advertisements to predict their success..." - Psychol. Abs. v. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1936, item 5129. Stroer, H.J, G-rundlagcn fur die beurteilung von messen und deren auswertung. Technik und Wirtschaft 23(3): 57-64. Mar. 1930. Bur. Standards Libr. An analysis of utilization of space in fairs with special reference to the Leipzig fairs of 1927 to 1929 is followed by a discussion, illus- trated by graphs, of the distribution of the exhibitors according to the size of the stands and of the numbers of Gorman and foreign buyers during the years 1914 to 1929. It is shown that peace time business prospects have improved inasmuch as there are more buyers per exhibitor than before the World War. Preparation for setting up a stand at a fair, the selection of per- sonnel, and effective advertising are briefly discussed. Studencki, M. E*tude psychologiquc do l'affiche illustree do sccurite. Le Travail Hurnain 2(3): 320-337. Sept. 1934. Eept . Labor Libr. HE7236.A1T7 The most effective typos of safety posters are discussed. The essen- tial quality of such a ooster is sold to be its psychological value. Swcnson, Harry. Eisplay - an art and a science for profitable merchandising. Gas Age 81(7): 24-25. Mar. 31, 1938. Libr. Cong. TP700.G14 Teaguc, W.B. What can we do with an exhibit to magnetize the crowd? Sales Mangt. 40(1): 62, 64. Jan. 1, 1937. Libr. Cong. HE5438.A34 Urges that the public be taken behind the scenes, but does not in- stance results. - 11 - Waters, Honcric William. History of fairs and expositions; their classifica- tion, functions and values. 158pp. London, Ontario, Rcid bros. & co., ltd., 1939. Li Dr. Cong. HF5471.W3 1939 Partial contents: Ch. 4. Trade fairs. The famous trade fairs of Europe; organization, scope and value to, exhibitors and "buyers; Ch. 6. General annual fairs, exhibitions or expositions. Their organization, functions, values and place in the national economic structure; Ch. 7. The agricultural fair and the agriculturist. Their important place in the community and national life. Weid.enrauT.lcr, W. v. Eine weitergofuhrte plakatpruTung. (An extended test of the effectiveness of advertisements.) Psychotechn. Zscli. 7: 15-18. 1932. Not seen. "Eight different advertising hill-hoards on a particular article vrcre constructed for an exhibition on advertising art; and a question- naire of six questions on the effectiveness of the advertisements was given to every visitor at the exhibition. 565 of these blanks were filled out and returned. The results... are reported in the article." - Psychol. Ahs. v. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1932, item 3393. Weissenburgcr, S.A. Displays that sell provided in today's stations. Natl, Petroleum News 31(13): 30, 82, 34. Mar. 29, 1939. 307.8 P44 Rules are given for arranging merchandise display. Williams, Howard. Display is an important factor in modern gas promotion. Gas Ago 82(3): 19-20. Aug. 4, 1938. 'idbr. Cong. TP700.G14 Zetterberg, E. Display your products and why not? Concrete (Cement mill sect.) 43(7): 205. July 1940. 299.8 C743 Urges cement sample displays for schools and colleges. - 12 - ECONOMIC LIBRARY LISTS I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 5499 No. 1. State trade "barriers; selected references. March 1939; Revised June 1940. Fo. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to March 1939. April 1939. No. 3. High drafting in cotton spinning; selected references. April 1939. No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No. 6. Periodicals relating to shipping. October 1939. No, 7. Electrical properties of cotton; some references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No, 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940, No, 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of refer- ences, June 1940, . No. 11. The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No, 12, Planning for the farmer; a short reading list of free and inexpensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood damages; a list of references. August 1940. No. 14. Relocation of farm families; selected references on settler relocation. September 1940. No. 15. Homestead tax exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 16. Mate; a list of references. October 1940, No. 17. Exhibits' a selected list of references. November 1940.