E2/ Ireland TJ1TI0ED STATES B&PAB3XBN9 OP AGRICULTURE Agri cult-oral Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C3 Hf;X>>^-(^UGg, Revised June 8' 19^3 Supplement No, 1 PIiAMT QTJAHAxITIl'TS IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE REPUBLIC OP IRELAND According to a notice received from the U. S. Post Office Department in February 1953' Ireland has issued a list of articles the importation of which by 'mail is either prohibited or admitted conditionally e The infor- mation pertaining to plants or plant products is presented below: (Note: See paragraphs 2 to 8 of B.E.?.Q5~HOo, Revised, for certification requirements.) MAIL REGULATIONS Prohibited Articles Peat moss litter. Elm trees-. Hay and straw (including all articles made of stray/, e.g. straw envelopes used for wrapping bottles, but excluding articles made of woven, braided or plaited straw, such as straw hats, emanating from the United Kingdom). Parm goods (feeding stuffs, fertilizers- etc.) packed in any container or part of such container which has been used for packing carcasses or pa*"ts of carcasses of animal se Articles Admitted Conditionally The articles mentioned below, if imported under and in accordance with a license granted by the Minister for Agriculture, Dublin: Raw apples grown in the United States of America. Plants, including raisins. (Por full definition of "plants" see BoE.PeQ.~U08, Revised, par. 1, p. lc) Gooseberries Living specimens of certain insects and pests, including the Colorado Beetle. - 2 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II II, I' 1 1 3 1262 09246 0376 Tobacco seeds and plants, (Note: The exportation of tobacco seeds and plants from the United States is prohibited, except under a permit from the Secretary of Agriculture. 7/heat, maize, oats, hay, straw, maize meal, barley, malted barley, rye, oatmeal. Malted barley flour, malted barley meal and rye flour. Pearled barley, pot barley and barley which has been subjected to any process of dehulling, flaking, rolling or crashing. Cotton seed cake, cotton seed cubes, cotton seed nuts, cotton seed flakes. Linseed cake, linseed cubes, linseed nuts, linseed flakes and linseed meal. Earth nut (peanut) cake, earth nut cubes, earth nut nuts, earth nut flakes, and earth nut cake meal. Coconut cake, coconut cubes, coconut nuts, coconut flakes and coconut cake meal. Palm kernel cake, otherwise palm nut cake, palm kernel nuts, palm kernel flakes, and palm kernel meal* Any article in the preparation of which maize or any product of maize is used and which is in the form of flakes. Flax seed in grain, otherwise linseed in grain. Any other article of food for the use of horses, mules, etc, except the following which may be imported without a license, namely:- cotton seed in grain, cotton seed cake meal, earth nuts, coconuts, copra, palm kernels, soya beans in grain, soya bean cake, soya bean cubes, soya bean nuts, soya bean flakes, and soya bean meal, beans in grain (not fresh) , alfalfa meal. Raw onions (fresh or dried) during any control period. Raw tomatoes during any control period. Grass seed; seeds of Dwarf French or kidney beans, beet (including garden and sugar beet), broccoli, cabbage ( including* Savoy cabbage), carrot, cauliflower, kale (including borecole, hungry gap kale, narrow stem kale, and thousand-headed kale), leek, lettuce, mangel (including sugar mangel), onion, parsnip, rape and turnip (including Swede turnip). Avery S. Hoyt Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine