IT /Iran UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. April 18, 1947 B. E. P. Q. 41+9, Revised. UBRARV STATE Plant d^n PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS * -BOARD OF IRAN This revision of the plant quarantine import restrictions of Iran has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Richard Faxon, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines from a Report No. Ag. 11, dated January 2, I9V7, from the American Embassy, Tehran, Iran, on "Report on Regulations Governing the Importation of Agricultural Products into Iran." The revision was made necessary by the numerous changes in the decrees of the Ministry of Agriculture of Iran. It supersedes B.E.P.Q. kk?, and Supplements 1, 2 and 3. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text. n / /r 9 Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Art. 5. Certificates mentioned above must have "been issued by institutions recognized as reliable by the Ministry of Agriculture of the country of origin. Art. 6. The D.P.P. is authorized to inspect agricultural products having certificates mentioned in Art. 5, and in case of infection by quarantine pests and diseases, make the necessary treatment for disinfection of such products. In case means of disinfection are lacking and imported products can not be authorized by the D.P.P. to be safely used in particular localities, and the importer refuses to return the infected products within one month, such products shall be destroyed in presence of the representatives of Customs, Finance and Justice Administrations and Plant Quarantine Officials, and the proceeding will be reported. Note: Products having unreliable certificates shall be treated according to conditions of this Article. Art. 7- All expenditures made necessary for the execution of Art. 6, shall be a charge against the importers. Art. 8. The list of quarantine diseases and peats shall be prepared by the D.P.P. CHAPTER II Special Regulations Regarding Various Classes of Agricultural Products A. Cotton To prevent introduction of dreadful pests of cotton such as Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) , Boll Weevil ( Anthonornus grandis ) and other quarantine pests of cotton, the following regulations must be observed: Art. 9. Import of seed, lint, unginned. cotton and other parts of this plant into Iran is prohibited except for the following: a. Ministry of Agriculture or other Government Institutions, desiring to propagate special varieties of cotton, must observe the following instructions: 1. Imports must be made with previous authorization of the D.P.P. 2. Imported seeds must be inspected in the laboratories of the D.P,P., before planting, and in case of infection by quarantine pests or diseases, should be disinfected or destroyed. i 3. Planting sites should bo selected with authorliatlon of the D.P.P. The crop should be undor its control for as long a period as it is necen;;wu',y t.o prrv, nt spreading of quarantine pests and dieoantm. b. When the Government authorizes import of lint., It. win bt made according to the following procedure: 1. Import must be made with provloun authorization oi" i.Ik Ministry of Agriculture and special decroi of the OounoJ I of Ministers. 2. The importing Government Administration munt i.o t] D.P.P. a copy of the import permit, ■hoving the 0OU1 of origin, quantity of lint and the nam Of lOporti Pi 3. Ginned cotton imported from Africa, Affltrioa and In I must have certificate of dleinfaotiOA. 0*01 " countries, the phytooani tary certificate would c. Transit of lint, cottonseed and other agriculture I prod lOti with regard to the quarantine control: 1. The phytosanitary and disinfection cortlii required for products in transit through Imu. 2. For cottonseed, packing in double sacks will also be required. 3. In case, agricultural products provided wl' certificate prove to be infected, the D.P.P, Bay i transit until winter. h. The Customs Administration i D.P.P. of all agricultural products bi their transit through -try. B . Potatoes To prevent introduction of dreadful peats ar.d dieeaeee of potatoes, such as Colorado Potato B ■■. '/■/:l\ :.<•.■*&.} , Potato trlervoTB ( flaorlmoec h' ( Sync} andoblc . v, :. , : ;.v^ ?.. crop, the Following regulatione suet be observed: Art. 10. Import of potatoes ft Hote: In porte and front te where potato* s not produced, their import in small quantitiee is permitted. C. ?r Lt tree To prevent i n tr a du ction of pest* and diseases of I :*• The Mediterranean Fruitfly ( gera t t - c \ U j Oriental Fruit Moth ( Grapholitha molesta ) , Olive fly (Dacus oleae ) , Grape phylloxera ( Phylloxera vitifoliae ) , Citrus canker (Bacterium cltri ) and other insects and diseases of fruit trees, the following regulations must be observed: Art. 11. Import of cuttings, grafts and rooted plants of grapevines is prohibited. Art. 12. Import of cuttings, grafts, rooted plants, citrus fruits and other fruits, except those imported or bought from ships landing at the ports for local consumption in southern ports and other frontier districts, is prohibited. Exceptions are made also for the following cases: a. Government agencies may import items mentioned in Art. 12, with view to their propagation on the following conditions: 1. Previous authorization of the D.P.P. 2. Securing phytosanitary certificate and disinfection certificate if necessary. 3. All imported plants shall be inspected by the specialists of the D.P.P. at authorized frontiers and if they are free from infection, shall be released. h. If imported plants shall prove to be infected and their disinfection is impossible, some part or the whole imports shall be destroyed. 5. Planting sites should be selected with the approval of the D.P.P. b. If the importer is not a Government agency: 1. To obtain import authorization, he must make a written request to the Ministry of Agriculture specifying the country of origin, kind of products, quantity and planting sites. 2. All the regulations of the Art. 12, section (a),, shall be applicable to the present case. 3. On the proposal of the D.P.P., the Ministry of Agriculture can prohibit import of any kind of fruit tree which, will prove necessary. D. Destructive and Useful Insects. Art. 13. Imports of all kinds of living insects are prohibited. Art. Ik. The D.P.P. taking all technical precautions, may import, if necessary, useful living insects. Art. 15. Import of dead insects for collections or scientifi purposes 'packed with disinfecting stuffs such as naphthaline, etc. is unrestricted. E. Cereals To prevent introduction of diseases of wheat, rice and other cereals such as ( Tilletia horrida) and ( Urocystis tritici), the following regulations must he observed: Art. 16. Import of wheat, barley, rice and sorghum for cultivation is prohibited. Note: The ministry of Agriculture may import cereals for experimental purposes or propagation with regard to the regulations of the paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of section (a) of Art. 9, Chapter II. F. Ornamental and Forest Trees Art. 17. Import of seeds, plants and cuttings of ornamental and forest trees is subject to the regulations of Art. 1 to 8 of Chapter I. Art. 18. Officials of Plant Quarantine and Disease Control are authorized to inspect Agricultural products at Customs warehouses, ports and railroad stations. The related offices must help these officials in making their inspections and provide them with sufficient information. Art. 19. The Ministries of Agriculture, Finance and Commerce and Industries and the Customs Administration, are charged with the execution of this decree. Art 20. Any decrees or regulations concerning imports of agricultural'products which conflict with the provisions of this decree are without effect. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA illinium 3 1262 09244 7449