tTiTITSD STATES DE?-'IKI!!II1T!D OF A^HICULTTJR'HJ ■ LIBRARY AGRICULTUBAL ?j:S?^CH ADMINISTPATIOw STATE PLANT BOMW-^^^ tsittoi-iology aito ?zki72 qn-jLOTiiiB Washington 25, D. C. Au^st 17. 19^9 B.S.P.Q. 578-6 SUMJIARY 0? STATE msHRY-STOCZ SHI^PIITG EEQUIRSf^ITTS .JTD PLAITT QUAEr'iNTINE AlvD ESGULATIOITS APiTCTIIIG lilTERSTATE SHIPMiDZ'TS COLORADO The infomation contained in this sumnar-- was compiled fron naterial received from the plant quarantine official of Colorado and hr^.s "been arv- proved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shipper s.trnnspor tat ion agents, truckers, and others concorned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, ?.nd other mr.torials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The suninary for Colorado gives the f^enoral requirements for shipping nurserv stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes infomation on pont-office requirements for mailing plants as woD.l as teri.dnal-inspcction procedure. This surxnarj' docs not include ligestr. of nursery-stock or plant-qur.rar.tine requirements re.lcting to the aovcmcnt of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "belie^'-ed to b3 correct and complete up to the time of proprration, but it is not intender" tn bo used independently of or as a substitut:: for the original texts of tlio regulations and qunranti no s and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed inforriation address the Chief, Division of Plant Industry, 20 St'^te liuscum, Denver 2, Colorado. In addition to Stato recuircnents, shippers will need to take, i-:to consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances those quarantines regvdatc the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, o.nd other articles from. desi::natcd regulated areas. However, somo of these quarantine's regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained frrn the 3\irea\i of Sntor.ology and Plant ran tine, Washirigtcn 25, D, C. ^ Acting Chief. ^tc3x\ of ISntonoZo^r/ and Colorado nursery-stock shipping requirements -2- C0L0EAIX3 ^ugimary of General Nursery-Stock Shipping Heqiurements (state Entomologist Act, 1937i Sec, 11; Proclamation ITo. 1, revised J!>.xi 1^, I9U2) Definition of Nursery Stock, -~'"Plant products, nursery and greenhouse stock, decorative greens, and cut flowers," General Shipping Heq^iircments,— Sach shipment or lot of nurserystock moving into Colorado must be plainly marked with the naines and- addresses of shipper and consignee and the general naiiure of the contents and bear a valid inspection certificate of the IState of origin, Ano"" shipment of plant material that is found, or deemed liable, to carry pests or is in violation of any Colorado or Fedei*al cuaraiitine may he sent out of the State or destroyed immediately at the expense of the ov/ner. Colorado plant quaran,tinos --3- Summary of State Plant Qioaraiiti nos Colorado Potato Beetle (Qiiarantine Orier "C" effective Nov. 1, 1939) Tomato and pepper plants will not be adip.itted to the noninfested counties of Colorado from any State, other than California and Fevada., unless p^compfljaied "by certification of the State of ori^^in that thoy originated in a county free of Colorado potato "beetle. A c^py of the certificate aust be mailed at ticie cf shipment to the Division of Plant Industry, Tenver, Noninfested counties in Colorado Alamosa Delta La Plata Mor.tezxna Archuleta Sagle Lake Montrose Chaffee G-arfieid Mesa Onray Cone jo s &unnison Mineral Pitkin Costilla Hinsdale Moffat Houtt Rio B].anco Bio 'j-rande Saguache Sar. Juan San Miguel Colorado plant quarantinos Europoo-ix Corn Borer (Quarantine Order "P", revised Apr. 1, 15^3) ^egulr.tod products^ — Stalks, cars, cobs, or otiior parts or debris of corn, or brooncorn, sor£,hiu,is, or Sudan grass ( except clean seed sad shGllci grain); cut flov/erc. or entire plants of aster, ch2:^'"santiie!n"ujn, dalilia, and gladiolus ( except bnlbs, corms, and tubers without stems)} lina or f^reen shell ■'■»eans (crrnbcrr:/- or horticultural) in the pod; beets vrith tops; and rhubarb. Oonditions i;-;overninf; shipment.. — -^-e.^alated products from the infested areas will be adTjitted into Colorado only v/hen accompanied ^jy certification by the State of origin or by a Federal official that material has been inspected and found free from the borer, or manufactured or processed in E'ach as to eliminate risk of carrying the borer. Infested areas Connecticut Massachusetts Pennsylvania Delaware Michigan Rhode Island Illinr^is ITew Hacp shire Yermont Indiana I\iew Jersey Tirginia Kentucky New York West Tir/^inia Maine l^orth Carolina Wisconsin Maryland Ohio loua: Counties of Cedar, Clayton, Clinton, Delaware, Des Hoines, Axbuquc, Henry, Jackson, Jefzerson, Johnson, Jones, ICeokiik, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Mudcatino, Scott, Van Euren, V/apello, ¥a shin ti- tor- Mi s sou ri : Counties of Audrain, Clark, FraiJclin, Jefferson, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Halls, ^aint Chvarles, Saint Louis, Scotland, Shelby, Warren. Colorado plant quarantines Oriontal ?ruit Moth (Quarantine Order "S" , revised Jan, 1, I9U6) Regulated articles, — All varieties, including the flowering forms, of almond, apjole, r'.pricot, cherry, chokechorry, hawthorn (Crataegus spp, ) , nectarine, peach, pear, plum, and qiiince trees '^.nd parts thereof, in- cluding the fresh fruits, grown in or shipped from the infested terri- tory, and used containers of such fruits. Fursery stock; conditions governing shipment, — Limited quantities of "budwood or scions of the aboire-naned trees, except chokecherry and hawthorn, will "be admitted into the designated protected areas of Colorado during the period iTovember 1 to April 1 under permit from the Chief, Division of Plant Industrj--, Persons moicin-; application for such permit should state (l) the name and address of the shipper, (2) the locality where the hudwood or scions were grown, (3) the quantity and. kind of such stock to he shipped, and Q}) the importer in Colorado to whom, the permit is to be sent. Bare-rooted trees of the above-named kinds, except hawthorn, will be admitted into the protected areas of Colorado during the period November 1 to June 1 when fumigated according to Approved methods and so certified. The trees must be protected from post-funigation infes- tation, their indentity maintained, and the packing material of such nature and so safeguarded as to prevent carrying the pest. fHimigation of fruits. — Fresh fruits af all the regulated plants will be admitted to the protected areas of Colorado only when fumigated according to approved methods d'siring the period May 1 to October yi a-nd so certified, except that fruit fumigated prior to October yi a-nd subsequently placed in cold storage be certified, if protected, and indentity maintained. Contadners and ti"licks»T'~Used containers from infested or unidentified areas may net enter the protected areas of Colorado unless they have been fumigated as prescribed and sc. certified. Trucks or other vechicles enter- ing the protected areas of Colorado must be free of oriental moth or be thoroughly cleaned. Certificates. — Each shipment of regulated articles from, the infested ter- ritory'" to the pr'' ttected areas of Colorad.o must be accompanied by the re- quired fumigation certificate of t .e State of origin, giving details of treatment, number and contents of shipment, and n^^-Vies and s-ddressos of consignee -""^nd consignor, and certifying; that shipment was not e: