D2/Cu^a LIBRARY FATE PLANT BOARD milT^ STATES DEPAT^TMWT OF AGRICULTURE: • .A£:r-i cultural Rosaa^ch Admini-stration Bureau of -Entc^iolog^^ and Plant 'Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. '• ■ • ' ■ -• February 8, 19^6 B-.E^P.q.— •519, Supplement Fo. 2 . . PLANT- qiJARAlTTIlO] IlIPORT RESTRICTIONS 01' THE" : ■ . . REPUBLIC OF CUBA ' RESTRICTIONS GOVEPJJING THE IMPORTATION OF SEED POTATOES According to Docree No. 3^95» published in the Official Gazette of November 25. 19'^5. f^^d. effective January 1, 19^6, regulations governing the importation of seed -octatoes (Solanum tubercsum L.) into Cuba (see 3.E.P.Q,. — 519. P« H) ha'"-p been amended to rend as follows: (From Foreign T = -riffs pnd. Trade Controls of the United States Department of Commerce for week ending January 21, 19^6) I'oport Pi-rmit Rrouired 1. If.-norters desiring to irmort whole -octatoes into Cuba for use as seed are reauired to obtain a -nemit from the Ministry of Agri- culture, The petition must state the Quantity and variety of potatoes and the ports of shipment and (destination. The seed -octa- toes may be im-oortod through iho Customs only with the permission of the Ministrj"- of A. ■'ri culture. Seed potatoes may be imTDcrtod only by foodstuffs importers who ha""-e been established for at lep<5t ono year, comorations. co-operatives, or associations acting for growers; or by growers; or by growers for their own use or for the use of their own employees. Authorized Port?: of Entry 2, Seed potatoes nay be imioorted into C\\jr only through the -oorts of H'^vana, Cardenas, Hrtanzas, C-^ibarian, Nnevitas, Gibara, and Sf^ntiago de Cuba. Varietal, Phytosanitary C^^rtificate and Mrrking R'^quirements 3. a. Sf^ed potatoes may be imported only from the United St- tes and Canada, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -. 2 - 3 1262 09312 1886 "b. ■ "be only varieties which may "be imported are R'^d Bliss Trium-nh, Poi^tiac, White Bliss Triuinph, Irish Cobbler, • ■ G-reen Mountain, Katahdin, Saha^o, Houma, Earline, and ChiT)-newn. c. Imports of seed -ootatoes nust be acconpanied by an inspec- tion certificate ispiued by the Federal or State inspector or by a Growers' Association attached to any agricultural college. The certificate shall show the percentage of diseases noted by the inspector during his first and second field inspection trips and those noted at the time of pack- ing and shipping. The time elapsed aince harvesting nust also be shown. This docunent must be certified by a notary public and by a Cuban Consulate located in the country of origin, '' d, Every container of seed potatoes must bear an official cprd staL.ing the source, nvunber of the aoo^e nentioned inspection cci'Lvfi' MTc, nr.aie of the grower, not wp->^iit of the contents, and Lhe nnjTibcr of days of gcrminative inactivity, or the date. .. of harvesting • ,^ -AVERY S. HOYT Acting Chief, Bureau of 'Ent6molcgy and Plant (Quarantine,'