LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD September 1945 E-671 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine THE EFFECTS OF DDT DUST AND SPRAY PREPARATIONS ON LARVAE OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER By D. D. Questel, Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations During the winter of 19Uh-U5 laboratory experiments were conducted with a number of DDT dusts to determine the effects of different particle sizes, diluents, and concentrations of DDT on hibernating and actively feeding larvae of the European corn borer (Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.)). The results of these studies and their relation to field experiments con- ducted during the season of 19*+h are presented herein. Experiment With Hibernating Larvae In this experiment various DDT dusts were compared with lead arsenate and rotenone dusts. Approximately 0.5 gram of each preparation to be tested was placed in each of ten 2-inch glass vials. A single hibernating larva, which had been collected during October and held in storage for 2 months at 38° F. , was placed in each vial. The vials were shaken so as to cover the larvae thoroughly with dust. They were then stoppered with a plug of cellulose fiber and placed in an incubator where the temperature remained constant at 86°. No attempt was made to control the humidity. All tests were duplicated. The number of dead larvae was recorded every 2U hours. Various characteristics of these dusts, as determined by the Division of Insecticide Investigations, are given in taJble 1. The bulk measure- ments were made with the Scott volumeter. From the data in table 2 it is apparent that particle size is of some importance, since all micronized dusts were more efficient than the micro- pulverized dusts containing the same diluent. However, it is evident that other factors related to the carrier itself were operating, since the micronized talc mixture, although having a smaller mean diameter than the mi cr ©pulverized clay or diatomaceous earth mixture, was less toxic than either of them. Of the three diluents used in the 50-percent DDT dusts, the clay and diatomaceous eartn were much more efficient than the talc. OCT 6- 1945 - 2 - o -p d © o u CD P. O d 0) 43 g o CO 4> CO •ct CP N •H 1 o •g 1 •d 0) N •rl g O ■a o to cn +» o d •H 4> P CO iH h «d CD 43 CO co o O t> iH d o ■ •d CO N •H •P 1 H O CD CD W H > O Pi d w O a O 0 »d f . n\ H 1> O N 1 J. •H «H 33 d CD 4^ • N «H ,Q •H W rH JL 5tt O O CD d h M P | ^ 3S P • JL _, U H r-< P J-i Q> 1 #\ W v>l •H •tH w S M W N •H •H O O O CO U |> d h 0) CD •d p , a p. 1 0 »d •p 9) w ■ — M CD O t9 •H *H 3a d H in VJ 43 CD a CD •d CD N •H •H 1 h •d m O CD „ d U > CD O CJ H a) 0 a Ph d CD Dilu CVi co to CO o CO IO ro 10 & r-» O JO U o CO 3 i-i CO o r— iH • t OJ CO • • •th a CD CO CD g +» •H CD rH i 0 I 43 CO ■H CO 4* 10 VD H IA VD O ro CU (\1 CM CVi OA o •a 45 CO g 43 •H 4^ CO 43 3 63 O © ft +» © «H »4 o © CO o & 3 o © 09 O © ■a •H •a O © ft © 4 4» g d VO .d C\J CO CM (d © d b ► 3 -P -H -H © O © O CO d O «H O O Table 3.— Effect on newly hatched larvae of exposure for a H8-hour period to cauliflower leaves sprayed with various DDT preparations. Laboratory tests Concentration of DDT, percent Diluent Average percent mortality of larvae exposed to indicated amount of DDT per 100 gallons of water 0.2H 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.015 O.OO75 pound pound pound pound pound pound 50 Absorbent clay (micron! zed) 100.0 100.0 99.0 62.9 13.3 10.8 Pyrophyllite 100.0 98.3 16.2 l.U 0 100 Hone 93.2 83.0 36.8 6.0 0 0 5 Unknown 96.3 U.2 2.2 0 1.7 50 Fibrous talc (micro- 100.0 92.6 11.2 5.3 0 0 pulverised) Table k. — Effectiveness of various DDT preparations against larvae infesting early-market sweet corn. Held tests, Toledo, Ohio, 19*& Concen- tration of DDT Diluent DDT per 100 gal- lons of water Larvae deduction of borers Per 100 plants In ears from 100 plants Per 100 plants In ears from 100 plants Percent Pound Number number Percent Percent 10.8 Pyrophyllite O.U32 3« U 97.9 99.2 100 Vone .50 70 20 96.2 96.0 5 Unknown .UO 11U 36 93.8 92.7 Cheek IS3U U96 (untreated) 6 Action of Toxic Agent on Hibernating Larvae A striking effect of the DDT dusts that killed the larvae in a comparatively short time was a shrinking, desiccation, and hardening of the larvae* When death did not occur rapidly, however, as in the treatments utilizing undiluted DDT, shrinking and hardening did not take place even though convulsive movements and partial paralysis were evident* The rapid mortality caused by ground derris root showed no evidence of shrinking, desiccation, and hardening* The contrast in appearance of larvae killed quickly by DDT and by derris is shown in figure 1* The characteristic shrinking and hardening of the larvae subjected to the rapidly killing DDT mixtures may provide a clue to the manner in which the active agent in these mixtures causes death* Discussion It seems of particular interest to note from the foregoing obser- vations that (l) the percentage of DDT in a dust appeared to have less effect on toxicity than the physical and chemical character of the mixture of DDT and diluent, (2) rapidly killing DDT dust mixtures caused a definite shrinking and hardening of the hibernating larvae, whereas ground derris powder that killed equally as rapidly did not, (3) the toxicity of the various materials tested as contact poisons against hibernating larvae closely paralleled that obtained in feeding tests against newly hatched larvae in. the laboratory and against young larvae infesting sweet com in the field, in those cases where both types of tssts were conducted, and (h) a group of mixtures containing an active agent which kills by contact can perhaps he evaluated readily "by laboratory tests to determine their effects on hibernating larvae* Experiments with several DDT dust and spray preparations conducted against "both hibernating and actively feeding larvae of the European corn borer (Pyrausta nubilalis (Hon*)) indicate that the percentage of DDT (l- tr ichlor o-2 , 2-bi s (p-chlorophenyl ) ethane) may have less bearing on the effectiveness of the dusts and sprays than some other factors perhaps related to the physical or chemical character of the diluent* Hibernating larvae thoroughly coated with a powder containing 10*8 per- cent of DDT in pyrophyllite, or with 5° percent of DDT micronized with an absorbent clay or diatomaceous earth, were all killed within 3 days, whereas none, or not more than 5 percent, of those coated with powders containing 50 percent of DDT mlcropulverised with a fibrous talc, or with coarsely ground undiluted technical DDT, were killed within 5 days* The toxicity of the various mixtures to hibernating larvae closely par- alleled that obtained in feeding tests against newly- hatched larvae in the laboratory and against larvae infesting sweet corn in the field* Rapidly killing DDT dusts caused definite and characteristic shrinking* desiccation, and hardening of the larvae* Larvae killed as rapidly by ground derris powder (H.S percent rotenone) remained soft and normal in size. 7 Figure 1#— Hibernating European corn "borer larvae killed within 2U hours by exposure at 86 F. to two insecticidal dusts: Left, larvae killed with a dust containing 50 percent of DDT. Right, larvae killed with a ground derris root powder (h#g percent rotenone). UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09238 7348