TV) r ;c/// ?r/ UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY UNIV. OF FL LIS iMH.Bfc£ u.s. wepostt op/ Information Booklet for young Americans POSSESSING A STRONG DESIRE FOR CAREERS AS OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE For candidates seeking admission in August, 1959 THE MISSION of the UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY To attract a high type of young American with a definite ambition to become an officer in the United States Merchant Marine; To impart to him the necessary academic background and the fundamentals of a practical nautical education essential to a successful career at sea; To develop in him a high sense of honor, uprightness, and loyalty; To instill in him a pride in his profession and a determina- tion to uphold the traditions of the Merchant Marine; and By effective teaching, training, and guidance, to send him forth to his calling with a deep respect and affection for the United States Merchant Marine Academy and Corps, Careers for Kings Pointers Seafaring is a profession — and something more than a pro- fession. The seafarer, almost from the beginning of man's history, has provided the symbols for some of man's most highly-treasured qualities. The courage and stamina, the in- genious and inquisitive mind of Odysseus, that storm-tossed but indomitable mariner, are echoed in the figures of Leif Ericson, Columbus, Magellan, Cook — and today's Captain Kurt Carlsen of the "Flying Enterprise," whose stubborn determination to save his ship so captured the world's attention just a few years ago. Courage, stamina, ingenuity and an inquiring mind are still the fundamental characteristics of the mariner. And the modern mariner finds that there are still new worlds to explore — not the same kinds as his predecessors planted their flags of dis- covery upon, but new worlds just as revolutionary and important in the history of man as those others were. New Worlds to Explore The atom-powered merchant ship will certainly work tre- mendous changes in the whole area of ship propulsion. Vessels of this type will require personnel especially and professionally trained in a new and bewildering field of engineering. Atomic power is not the only concept to break upon the maritime indus- try ; the huge super-tankers now coming off the ways (and huger ones are on the drawing boards) , the rapid and exciting develop- ments in ship navigation and stability control, the strides being made in cargo-handling (such as "roll-on, roll-off" vessels) — all these add up to challenging new frontiers in the merchant marine. With each new development, additional careers open up for the men who have the professional training — plus these other fundamental qualities of the mariner. Kings Pointers are such men. The Jobs Ahead for You Vessels of the merchant marine are to be found in every port-of-call in the world, discharging cargo and passengers, tak- ing bunkers or making repairs. About 15,000 American licensed officers are actively engaged in ship operation, and a normal annual turnover of about 1,500 officer personnel provides imme- diate opportunity for the Kings Pointer to sail upon graduation. If he has chosen the Deck Officer course, he will be licensed to sail as Third Officer. If he has elected the Engineering course, he is licensed as a Third Assistant Engineer. In addition, grad- uates receive a Bachelor of Science degree, and are qualified for commission as ensigns in the U. S. Naval Reserve. If you are that Kings Point graduate, and have completed the Deck Officer course, you will find that when you step aboard an American cargo ship, you will function under supervision of the Chief Officer (Chief Mate), the officer second in command of the ship. As Third Officer, you will stand a watch, be respon- sible for life-saving equipment, and assist in other duties of the deck department. When you have advanced your license, and are promoted to be Second Officer, you will be responsible for navigation of the vessel. It is, naturally, the ambition of the deck officer eventually to gain his Master's license, and so to be qualified to take command of his own ship — a proud day, and the culmination of the difficult but rewarding training that has gone before. Although the Academy is young in years (in 1942 the first class was grad- uated), there are already many Kings Pointers in command at sea. And if you choose to follow the Engineering course, your first assignment aboard ship will probably be as Third Assistant Engineer; you'll stand an engine-room watch, be responsible for all auxiliary machinery, and work impatiently for the day of your advancement to Second, then to First Assistant, and finally to Chief Engineer, whose responsibilites are second only to those of the Master. A Third Officer or Third Assistant Engineer on a merchant vessel today begirfs a career of unusual opportunity. Starting pay today, including overtime, is about $8,500, plus board and room and other benefits. Few other professions offer such im- mediate rewards ior the beginner. Those Kings Pointers who have already risen to positions of command, or who are serving as Chief Engineers, are relatively young men, yet their annual salary level is above $13,000. Jobs Ashore Careers in the maritime industry are not limited to the actual operation of ships. Many Kings Pointers are Port Captains, Port Engineers, Marine Superintendents, Superintending Engin- eers, Terminal Superintendents, or Operating Managers ashore. Many have advanced rapidly in executive and administrative positions in the shipping industry and in governmental agencies after serving at sea. Other Kings Pointers are employed as ship- ping representatives in domestic and foreign ports. Here is a unique opportunity for you to serve your nation, in America's "fourth arm of defense," and at the same time to establish yourself in a lifetime career with exceptional oppor- tunities and rewards. The Kings Point Program When you are selected for appointment as a Cadet, you may elect one of the two four-year technical programs offered at Kings Point. One course leads to your graduation as Engineer- ing Officer, the other as Deck Officer. These two courses differ, of course, in the nature and content of the professional subject- matter, but share a common core in the General Education pro- gram required of all graduates. The professional courses, both Deck and Engineer, are aimed at providing the Kings Pointer with the "know-how" that pre- pares you to meet the challenge of present-day ship operation. But in addition, the professional courses and the general edu- cation program aim for a Kings Point graduate who knows the "why". Today's mariner must be a well-rounded human being who knows what to do, how to do it, and why it must be done — not only in your professional capacity, but in your role as leader of men, as citizen of the U. S., and as American ambas- sador- withouk-portf olio to the world. The Sea- Year A unique feature of the Kings Point program is the "Sea Year." After successfully completing your freshman, or Plebe year, you are given a month's leave of absence, and then assigned aboard an American merchant ship for your first real chance to apply the knowledge gained in your first year of training. You sail for eleven months, usually transferring vessels several times so that you become familiar with various types of ships and vari- ous ports of the world. The learning is not limited to the prac- tical, though. You will be given a number of "sea projects" to complete while on your voyages. Your time is divided between observing and assisting in the operation of the ship, and in con- tinuation of your classroom work. You'll manage to squeeze in some sight-seeing, too. During your sea year, you will be paid by the steamship companies at the rate of $82.50 per month, and will be provided quarters, meals, and medical care. Five Years in Four The Academy operates on an eleven-month basis; that is, the academic year comprises four "quarters," of about eleven weeks each. This is necessary so that you can achieve your col- lege degree in the same number of years as in the ordinary college, and still have the advantages of the Sea- Year as part of your Kings Point training. The first quarter begins early in September and ends around Thanksgiving, the second begins after Thanksgiving, and ends in February, the third ends in the middle of May, and the fourth quarter ends with Commence- ment, around the first of August. If You're a Deck Cadet . . . Let us say that you've decided on a career as a Deck Officer ; aboard ship, deck officers have the responsibility of navigating the vessel, loading and discharging cargo, overhauling and main- taining the hull and superstructure of the compartments used for carrying of cargo, and maintaining the safety organization of the vessel. As a Deck Cadet, in your Plebe year, here's what a typical program will look like: Course Class Lab. Total English 3 3 Mathematics 3 3 Economics 3 3 Naval Science 2 2 Physical Training ° 2 2 Engineering Drawing 2 2 (Basic Marine Engineering 2 1 3 Seamanship 3 1 4 Boat Handling 1 1 2 Total 17 ? 24 In other quarters of your plebe year, your program will look much the same, with courses distributed over the various areas the technical and the general education, practical and theoret- ical. After completing the Plebe year, you'll sail for a year, and then return to the Academy to complete your course work. The total curriculum for the Deck Cadet includes the following: 6 The Technical Area Navigation Astronomy Seamanship Meteorology Communications Electronics Boat Handling Gyro Fire Fighting Merchant Marine Inspection Cargo Regulations Applied Naval Architecture Engineering Drawing Rules of the Road Basic Marine Engineering The General Education Area English Language or Comparative Culture Economics Mathematics Chemistry Physics United States in World History The Ship Management Area Marine Transportation Maritime Law International Law Marine Insurance Personnel Relations In addition, you will take courses in Naval Science, Ship's Medicine, and Physical Training. If you have high interest in the subjects (and if your grades are high, too), you'll be able to elect courses in Nuclear Physics, Organic Chemistry, and advanced courses in Calculus. If You Choose Engine . . . You may believe that your natural bent is toward a career as an Engineering Officer. These are the men aboard ship who operate and maintain the propelling machinery, take care of auxiliary machinery and mechanical equipment, operate and maintain the boilers. If you choose the Engine course, a typical program in the Plebe year would look like this : Course Class Lab. Total English 3 3 (Mathematics 3 3 Chemistry 3 2 5 Physical Training 2 2 Naval Science 2 2 Bask Marine Engineering 3 2 5 Basic Nautical Science 2 2 (Machine Shop 2 2 Total 14 10 24 As in the Deck course, you will note an interweaving of the technical and general education subjects, the practical and the theoretical. In the course of achieving your Bachelor of Science degree and your license as Third Assistant Engineer, you will cover the following curriculum: The Technical Area Engineering Drawing Steam Engineering Machine Shop Electrical Engineering Marine Machinery Repair Diesel Engineering Thermodynamics Marine Refrigeration Engineering Mechanics Basic Nautical Science (Statics, Dynamics, Boat Handling Hydraulics, Strength Fire Fighting of Materials) Applied Naval Architecture The General Education Area Mathematics Language or Comparative Chemistry Culture Physics Economics English United States in World Hist Cadets (Engineer) also take courses in Naval Science, Mari- time Law, Marine Insurance, Personnel Relations, Physical Training and Ship's Medicine. Cadets with high marks may elect to take additional work in Engineering Processes, Mechan- isms, Instrumentation, Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Organic Chemistry, continuing courses in Calculus. All Cadets must complete the full prescribed deck or engine course; no advance credit is allowed for previous college work. 8 Requirements for Appointment By regulation, all applicants for appointment to the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy must fulfill certain requirements. If you can meet these requirements, then you are eligible to request appointment. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must: (a) Be a male citizen of the United States, native born or naturalized. (b) Be unmarried and must never have been married. (c) Be not less than 17 and not yet 22 years of age by July 1st of the year in which admission is sought. (d) Present the equivalent of a good high school education consisting of at least 15 units credit as follows: 7 REQUIRED UNITS 3 Mathematics (from Algebra, Geometry and/or Trigonometry) 8 English 1 Science (Physics or Chemistry) 8 ELECTIVE UNITS— Preferably chosen from the following fields: Additional Mathematics and Science History or Social Science Mechanical Drawing and Shop Work Foreign Language Economics (Candidates may submit application while courses are still in progress. Candidates on active duty in the armed services may be discharged early if qualified.) The required units in high school education, and the recom- mended elective units, provide the kind of preparation that you will need to successfully complete the academic program at Kings Point. If you do not presently meet these requirements, it may be possible for you to make up the deficiencies by enroll- ment in special preparatory or summer school courses. In addition to requirements listed above, regulations pre- scribe physical requirements which must be met by applicants. Good physical health is mandatory not only for the Cadet at Kings Point, but for the ship's officer generally; in addition, Kings Point graduates are eligible for appointment in the Naval Reserve, and must, therefore, equal the requirements of the U. S. Navy. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: The applicant is required to be in good physical condition. Experience has shown that the conditions set forth below are of particular significance. Minimum vision: 20/30 unaided by glasses, correctible to 20/20. Hearing: 15/16 whispered voice, 40/40 watch tick Heart rate not over 100 nor under 60 in reclining position Blood pressure not over 130 systolic nor 84 diastolic Normal color perception Teeth: A minimum of 16 natural permanent teeth of which a mini- mum of 8 must be in each arch. All missing teeth, which if not replaced would cause unsightly space or significantly reduced masticatory or incisal efficiency, must be replaced by bridges or partial dentures which are well designed and in good condition. The teeth must be free from dental caries. Height and Weight: Height to be measured without shoes and weight without clothes. Fractions greater than % inch will be considered as the next full inch. Height (inches) Weight (pounds) Minimum 64 Minimum 112 Maximum 160 65 116 165 66 120 170 67 124 175 68 128 181 69 132 186 70 136 192 71 140 197 72 144 203 73 148 209 74 152 214 75 156 219 76 160 225 77 164 230 Maximum 78 168 235 Waivers for failure to meet any of the above physical requirements will not be granted. It is advisable for you to have your physical condition checked by your family doctor, before considering an application for Kings Point. He will be able to determine if you have any disqualifying defect, and will also be able to recommend correc- tive means if the disability can be corrected. All successful candidates are notified by Kings Point to report to a U. S. Navy facility for a final physical examination prior to appointment. 10 How Selections Are Made If the careers open for a Kings Pointer are attractive to you, if you believe that you fulfill the requirements for appointment, then these are the steps that you should take, and the sequence of the selection process: 1. Write to your Senator or Congressman at the Senate or House Office Building, using the enclosed form letter, requesting appointment to the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. Make your request soon enough so that the Congressman can confirm your nomination by January 31, 1959, which is the deadline for receipt of nominations. 2. Your Congressman will notify the Maritime Administra- tion of your nomination. On that notification, the Academy will send you instructions to proceed with the College Entrance Ex- aminations, administered nationally to Congressional nominees. Along with these instructions, you will receive several forms: (1) Application for admission; (4) Personal and educational record; (2) Activity check sheet; (5) Forms for three letters of (3) Secondary school record; recommendation. Some of the forms are to be completed by you, others are to be completed by persons other than you. All of the forms must be completed and returned to the Academy by April 1, 1959. 3. The College Entrance Examinations will be given March 14, 1959, at a location not more distant than 75 miles from your home. Cost to you of these examinations is $16. Examinations required for Kings Pointers are : Scholastic Aptitude Test (Ver- bal and Mathematical Sections); English Composition; and either the Intermediate or Advanced Mathematics Test. These are the tests required by the Academy; you may take other tests if you want to, for possible use at another institution. 4. Results of your test scores, plus the information contained in the personal record forms, are considered by a Selection Board at the Academy. From these data, you are given a rank order among all those applying from your home state. Each state is allotted a share of the entering class proportionate to that state's representation in Congress, and final selection is made from the leading candidates from among that state's applicants. Many factors are weighed into the final evaluation; while test scores are highly significant, your other potentialities for pro- 11 fessional success are taken into account. Extra-curricular ac- tivities, work experience, and other evidences of your capacity to assume leadership and responsibility are given considerable attention in selections. STATE QUOTAS FOR THE CLASS ENTERING AUGUST, 1959 Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas 6 Kentucky 2 Louisiana 5 Maine 18 Maryland 3 Massachusetts 5 Michigan 2 Minnesota 6 Mississippi 7 Missouri 2 Montana 15 Nebraska 7 Nevada 6 N. Hampshire 5 New Jersey t> New Mexico 2 6 New York 25 3 North Carolina 8 5 North Dakota 2 9 Ohio 14 11 Oklahoma 5 6 Oregon 3 5 Pennsylvania 18 7 Rhode Island 2 2 South Carolina 5 3 South Dakota 2 2 Tennessee 6 2 Texas 13 9 Utah 2 Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Dist. of Col. Canal Zone Guam Am. Samoa Virgin Is. 5. About May 15, 1959, you will be notified if: (1) you have been appointed, or (2) you have not been appointed, but have been placed on the alternate list, or (3) you have failed to qual- ify. If you are appointed, or if you remain on the list of alter- nates, you will also be instructed to report to the nearest U. S. Navy facility for a final physical examination. The list of al- ternates is used to replace nominees who, after being selected, decline the appointment. 6. If you are one of those finally appointed, then on about August 1, 1959, orders will be issued for you to report to the Academy on August 24, for orientation and official induction into the U. S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps. If you should fail of appointment on your first attempt, you may apply again for the succeeding examinations, for so long as you qualify under the entrance requirements. In each applica- tion, the process described above must be repeated. There are things that you can do to increase your chances of selection. You can study for certain parts of the College En- trance Examination — the achievement tests in English composi- tion and mathematics, for example. If your background in mathematics and science is weak, you can take preparatory courses designed to improve your skills. Results of such courses should be included in the information accompanying your application. Successful completion of the Kings Point program does not require that the Cadet be exceptionally brilliant. If you have only an average high school record, but are truly interested in a career at sea, the odds are that you will make better progress at Kings Point than a brilliant student who is not really motivated. 12 Other Facts About Kings Point The United States Merchant Marine Academy is one of five federal academies, which include the U. S. Military Academy, the U. S. Naval Academy, the U. S. Coast Guard Academy, and the U. S. Air Force Academy. It prepares men to become officers in the United States Merchant Marine and the United States Naval Reserve and, like these other schools, is military in character. It is a national institution, and an ac- credited four-year degree-granting college as are the other federal academies. Kings Point had its official beginnings in 1943, when the Academy was dedicated. Prior to that time, the Cadet program had been carried on aboard merchant ships and at temporary establishments ashore. With the demand for greater numbers of trained merchant officers to man the tremendous convoys of World War II, a permanent Academy was proposed and estab- lished. The location selected for the permanent academy has many recommendations; it occupies 65 acres on the North Shore of Long Island, facing the Sound. It is conveniently close to the vast facilities of the Port of New York, which provides a giant classroom for Cadets, where they can see at first hand the manu- facture of marine equipment, visit the busy terminals, and em- bark on shake-down trips on merchant vessels. The Sound itself is turned into a classroom, where first-year men — the Plebes — can get the hang of handling a life-boat oar — catching many a crab in the process at first. The Sound is a playground, too, for Cadets who use Academy sailboats for pleasant recrea- tion. Average enrollment at Kings Point is about 750, with an- other 250 Cadets in training at sea for the second year of the Academy program. As an entering student at Kings Point, you will learn, first of all, that your title is "Cadet," and that for your first year you will have the additional title of "Plebe." Your status, so far as Selective Service is concerned, is the same as other col- 13 lege students, with this practical effect: you will be placed on a deferred status so long as you are maintained in good stand- ing, and are satisfactorily pursuing the course of study. At the same time, you will be taking courses in Naval Science (similar to NROTC in a civilian college) which qualify you for commission as Ensign in the Naval Reserve. As a Cadet, you will wear a uniform similar to those worn by Midshipmen at Annapolis, and be subject to military disci- pline. Cadets are organized into a Regiment which is sub-divided into battalions and companies, all under the command of Cadet officers, with supervision by Maritime Service officers. Hazing of Cadets is not tolerated at the Academy. In order to instill a high degree of military discipline, and training in the courtesies of the service, a system of class rates operates within the Regiment. As a Fourth-Classman, or Plebe, you will find that you have many duties and few privileges under the class- rates system, but the prospect improves when you become an upper-classman. In your first weeks at Kings Point, you will get the impres- sion that, between classroom assignments, duties in the Regi- ment, and the complicated process of getting squared-away in this new kind of life, there is no time left that you can call your own. As you become settled, though, you'll find that two hours are set aside at the end of the academic day for free use. Also, regular weekly and dinner liberty requests are extended. There are supplementary duties which will fall to your lot from time to time, such as watch-standing, serving mess, working "extra duty" for infractions of regulations, or manning cleaning sta- tions in the barracks where all Cadets live. You will find a wide range of sports and other extra-curricu- lar activities for you to participate in. The Academy participates in most major and minor sports, competing with other colleges in football, basketball, baseball, wrestling, swimming, soccer, track, cross-country, sailing, pistol, rifle, and tennis. There is a well-organized intramural athletic program for those not par- ticipating in varsity sports. The Cadets publish a newspaper, a magazine, and the year- book, operate a broadcast unit, and maintain a score of other interest-groups, from skin-diving to debate, and including a recently-established drama group. 14 On completion of your Plebe year, you'll be assigned to an American merchant vessel to begin your "sea year." It is not uncommon for a Cadet to log 40,000 miles, to serve aboard three or four different vessels, and to visit ten or more countries. During this time, when you are acting as an observer, working aboard ship, and completing a written sea-project, you will have the title "Third Classman," the equivalent of a Sophomore at a civilian college. When you return from sea, you'll be officially a "Second Classman," or Junior, and will continue your class- room work for another academic year. Finally, you will achieve status as a "First Classman," or Senior. You are then eligible for appointment as a Cadet officer, with command or staff functions within the Regiment. The Kings Point motto is "Acta Non Verba" — "deeds, not words." The motto is reflected in the major emphasis which Academy training places on the actual operation of the tools of the mariner's profession. If you refer to the sample course out- line on pages 6 and 8, you will note that much time is spent in the laboratory and machine shop, putting into practice the theory acquired in the classroom. In consequence, an outstanding feature of Kings Point is the equipment provided for instruction. Ship type boilers in the Engineering building actually provide steam for utilities and, at the same time, furnish Cadets with actual experience in the operation and upkeep of marine boilers. Various types of en- gines, including a free-piston Diesel engine, are used in instruc- tion. The Electronics laboratory makes available the most recent instruments of navigation: gyro compasses, course re- corders, direction finders, radar, and loran. A small but complete planetarium helps Cadets in the study of astronomy. One water- front pier is constructed like the deck of a cargo vessel, with booms, hatches, and donkey engines to simulate exactly the con- ditions encountered in loading and unloading cargo. As a Kings Pointer, you will share in the Academy's pride as the finest school of its kind, its growing tradition of service to the nation, and its willing acceptance of the challenge to turn out merchant marine officers "second to none." 15 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08855 6922 Expenses and Allowances As a Cadet at Kings Point, you are provided by the govern- ment with comfortable quarters, three substantial, well-balanced meals each day, and medical and dental care. In addition, you will receive an allowance of $200 per year during each of the three years residence at the Academy toward costs of uniforms and textbooks. During the second year, spent at sea on merchant vessels, you receive quarters, meals, medical care, and a salary of about $900 ($82.50 per month) . Altogether, cash receipts and allowances total approximately $1,500, which will cover your general expenses throughout your training. Although expenses and allowances ultimately balance out, the heaviest expenses you will incur are early in the first, or Plebe year, while income from allowances and earnings at sea are spread over four years. Consequently, you should be prepared to make cash deposits and payments in the amounts and at the times indicated as follows: Deposit on day of reporting to Academy $325.00 Cash purchases of required items 118.00 Deposit in January, 1960 150.00 Total $593.00 The approximate expenses you will encounter in the Plebe year can be broken down as follows : Uniforms $377.00 Prescribed clothing 41.00 Other clothing, personal items 68.00 Educational supplies 50.00 Textbooks 85.00 Laundry, cleaning, haircuts, etc 132.00 Dues, subscriptions, etc 40.00 Total $793.00 The major expense, for uniforms, does not recur in such proportions in succeeding years. Your initial deposits, plus the $200 yearly allowance, will, as you see, cover your Plebe year expenses. The above figures do not include any personal ex- penses, which will vary with the individual. All of the figures cited above are based on the cost of items in the present year, 1958. They would be subject, then, to some variation from year to year, but not in any great amount. 16 (Date) Honorable Office Building Washington 2$, D. C. Dear Subject: U* S. Merchant Marine Academy Public Law U15 8Uth Congress - Request for nomination I am a resident of your constituency and respectfully request that in accordance with the procedures of your office, that I may be considered as a candidate (if not already filled) for one of your ten nominations , to participate in the national competitive examinations for appointment to the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. The examinations will be held on March 1U, 1959* I understand that if nominated, all further details and instructions will be conducted by the Maritime Administration* To the best of my knowledge, I meet the General and Physical Requirements for appointment to the TJ. S. Merchant Marine Academy, as outlined on the reverse side of this letter. I understand that regard- less of any standing that I may obtain in the competitive examinations, my failure to meet these requirements may be cause for my rejection. If further information pertaining to appointment to the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy is desired by your office, the same may be obtained from Captain John T. Everett, Cadet Training Officer, Maritime Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C, tele- phone Code 178, Extension 3367* Trusting that I may receive a favorable reply, I am, Tours respectfully, (Signature) Please print name and address and date of birth t GBNEIRAL REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must: (a) Be a male citizen of the United States, native born or naturalized. (b) Be unmarried and must never have been married. (c) Be not less than 17 and not yet 22 years of age by July 1st of the year in which admission is sought. (d) Present the equivalent of a good high school education consisting of at least 15 units credit as follows: 7 REQUIRED UNITS 3 Mathematics (from Algebra, Geometry and/or Trigonom- etry) 3 English 1 Science (Physics or Chemistry) 8 ELECTIVE UNITS— Preferably chosen from the following fields: Additional Mathematics and Science History or Social Science Mechanical Drawing and Shop Work Foreign Language Economics (Candidates may submit application while courses are still in progress. Candidates in the Armed Services' may be dis- charged early if qualified.) PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: The applicant is required to be in good physical condition. Experience has shown that the conditions set forth below are of particular sig- nificance. Minimum vision: 20/30 correctable to 20/20 Hearing: 15/15 whispered voice, 40/40 watch tick Heart rate not over 100 nor under 50 in reclining position Blood pressure not over 130 systolic nor 84 diastolic Normal color perception Teeth: A minimum of 16 natural permanent teeth of which a minimum of 8 must he in each arch. All missing teeth, which if not replaced would cause unsightly space or significantly reduced masticatory or incisal efficiency, must be replaced by bridges or partial dentures which are well designed and in good condition. The teeth must be free from dental caries. Height and Weight: Height to be measured without shoes and weight without clothes. Fractions greater than Vi inch will be considered as the next full inch. Height '(Inches) Weight (Pounds) Minimum 64 Minimum 112 Maximum 160 65 116 165 66 120 170 67 124 175 68 128 181 69 132 186 70 136 192 71 140 197 72 144 203 73 148 209 74 152 214 75 156 219 76 160 225 77 164 230 Maximum 78 168 235