b*- SuAA how* nf B» United Stales GnvernmMi (Amendment No. 2 to p ^' B. A. I. Order No. 144.) United States Department of IAgfitllitu^, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. DOCUMENTS DEPT U.S. DEPOSITORY AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO RULE 1, REVISION 2. -TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC FEVER IN CATTLE. Effective on and after August i, 1907. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture and notice is hereby given that the infectious disease known as splenetic, southern, or Texas fever is not now known to exist, or exists to a slight extent only, among cattle in certain portions of the State of California quarantined by Rule 1, Revision 2, dated March 22, 1907, and effective April 15, 1907. Now, therefore, I, James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, under authority of law, do hereby amend Rule 1, Revision 2, to prevent the spread of splenetic fever in cattle. This amendment, which will be effective on and after August 1, 1907, is designated as amendment No. 2 to B. A. I. Order No. 144 and is as follows, to wit: First. — That part of Exception 1 which describes the quarantine line through the State of California is amended to read as follows : CALIFORNIA. Beginning on the Pacific coast where the northern boundar} r of San Luis Obispo County connects with the Pacific Ocean ; thence easterly along the northern boundary of San Luis Obispo County to the north- western corner of Kern County ; thence southeasterly, easterly, and northerly following the western, southern, and eastern boundaries of Kern County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence easterly along the northern boundary of San Bernardino Countj' to the one hundred and sixteenth meridian west longitude ; thence south follow- ing the one hundred and sixteenth meridian west longitude to the southern boundary of San Bernardino County ; thence easterly along the southern boundary of San Bernardino County to the eastern bound- ary of the State of California; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the State of California to the international boundary. Second. — Exception 2 is amended to read as follows: Exception 2.— California. The island of Santa Rosa, a part of Santa Barbara County, on account of being free from Texas fever in lec- tion and being separated from the mainland, is not to be regarded as a UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA I 3 1262 08859 2752 part of the modified quarantined area. During the continuance of the quarantine as herein established and modified no cattle of the modified quarantined area of any State or Territory other than California shall be moved or allowed to move into the counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, and that portion of San Bernardino County west of the one hundred and sixteenth meridian west longitude. No cattle of the counties of Santa Barbara (except the island of Santa Rosa), San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, that portion of San Ber- nardino County west of the one hundred and sixteenth meridian west longitude, and those portions of Madera and Fresno counties located west of the right of way of the main line of the Southern Pacific Com- pany shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for imme- diate slaughter, to any point in the United States, not in the State of California, which is located outside of the modified quarantined area, until the said cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infec- tion and a written permit for the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. Done at Washington this twenty-ninth day of ^\ June ' 1907 - [Sft Witness my hand and the seal of the Depart- j\Q| ment of Agriculture. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. O