ts* Bulletin No. 53. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, \J& t& ^w\ ^ b- G CAECASSES OF PIGS. ^ ^ H. W. WILEY, ^ OF THE DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. 4^ <* > '* # &' 9 £/>/?■ L, W. H. KRUG, T. C. TRESCOT, AND OTHERS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. Bulletin No. 53. U S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION CARCASSES OF PIGS H. W. WILEY, CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. WITH THE COLLABORATION OF E. E. EWELL, W. H. KRUG, T. C. TRESCOT, AND OTHERS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 898. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/chempositOOwile LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Washington, D. ft, June 27, 1898. Sir : I transmit herewith for your inspection and approval the manu- script containing the results of our investigations, undertaken at your suggestion, on the chemical composition of the carcasses of pigs grown at the agricultural experiment station of Iowa. The scope of these investigations has extended so much farther than was at first anticipated as to render the results thereof worthy of pub- lication as a separate bulletin of this Division. A study of the char- acter of the data obtained will reveal at once their great importance, both from a scientific point of view and as a basis for economic studies. The carcasses, as received by us, represented practically only those portions of the whole carcass which are subjects of commerce. The blood, hair, entrails, heads, kidneys, and kidney fats of the animals were removed before they were transmitted to us. The data, therefore, do not represent the composition of the whole animal, but what, per- haps, is of equal importance, the composition of the animal as sent into commerce for food. In view of the great importance of investigations of this kind, I would venture to suggest that when the facilities for work in the chemi- cal laboratories are extended by the completion of the new building now in course of construction, it would be well for you to direct that further studies of this kind be undertaken. It would be advisable, if possible, that in studies of this kind, the animals be slaughtered at or near the point where the chemical examination is to be made, or if this be not convenient, that a representative of the Chemical Division be present at the time of the slaughtering for the purpose of ascertaining the quantities of blood, hair, and excreta from the different animals and obtaining representative samples thereof for chemical examination. I have the honor to be, respectfully, H. W. Wiley, Chief of Division. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary. CONTENTS. rage. Analytical work 7 Inception of the investigation 7 Correspondence 7 Breeds of hogs studied 8 Preparation of samples for analysis 9 Samples of meat 9 Samples of skin 10 Samples of bones and marrow 11 Samples of spinal cord 11 Samples of tendons 11 Samples of hoots 11 Methods of analysis used 12 Results of the investigation . 13 Description of tables 13 Tables 1 5-64 Discussion of the data 65 Composition of the same cuts from the different animals 65 Clear bellies 66 Short-cut hams 66 New York shoulders 67 Feet 67 Spareribs 68 Tenderloins 68 Neck bones 68 Backbones 6S Trimmings 69 Tails 69 Average of all cuts 69 Average of bones ' 70 Average of marrow 71 Average of skin 71 Average of spinal cord 73 Average of tendons 73 Average of hoofs 73 Loss of weight in transportation 71 Ratios of meat, bones, etc., to total weight 71 Percentages of the several constituents 75 Comparison of breeds 75 Lecithin 7(i Physiological importance 76 Discussion of the lecithin in particular samples 77 Lecithin in the meat 77 Lecithin in the bones 77 Lecithin in the marrow 77 Lecithin in the skins 77 Lecithin in the spinal cord 77 Lecithin in the tendons 77 5 ( loncluding observations 78 Appendix 79 Precipitation of protein's soluble in water by chlorin and bromin 79 Nitrogen in meat extracts 80 Problems solved by the bromin method 80 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE CARCASSES OF PIGS. ANALYTICAL WORK. INCEPTION OF THE INVESTIGATION. Following instructions received from the Secretary of Agriculture, the Division of Chemistry, in November, 1897, undertook a study of the chemical composition of the carcasses of pigs. These pigs were grown at the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station under standard condi- tions of diet, and a comparison of their carcasses reveals, therefore, the influence of breed and heredity on the character of the meat. In the following correspondence will be found the data connected with the history of the animals before they were delivered to the Division of Chemistry. correspon dence . Experiment Station, Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa, October 8, 1897. My Dear Sir: We have, as you are aware, a very interesting and instructive experiment nearing completion, in which we have grown carefully selected repre- sentatives of six of the leading breeds of hogs since birth in lots of ten each. These pigs are now weighing nearly 200 pounds, and will be forwarded to market for the test in determining the relative market value and the results in slaughtering and on the block, and the meat will be carefully compared and rated by experts. This experiment includes the Poland China, Berkshire, Duroc Jersey, Chester White, Tiiniworth, and- Yorkshire. It has occurred to us that a careful and exhaustive chemical analysis of representative carcasses selected from each lot after slaughter- ing would be a valuable feature of this investigation, and I write to know if the Department of Agriculture can not cooperate with us in this work. We will gladly furnish you such material as may be needed and in any form desired. I will be glad to hear from you in reference to this point, and trusting that such arrangements can be made, I am, Very truly, yours, C. F. < I i; | [SS. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, 1). C. Experiment Station, Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa, October 29, 1S97. My Dear Mr. Wilson: Your esteemed favor of the 26th instant is at hand and I note what you say about cooperation of the Department with us in our hog-feeding experiments. The final weighing of the pigs will be taken Monday, and they will arrive in Chicago Tuesday morning. I have arranged to place them on exhibition 7 8 in the Coliseum Building ilnring the fat-stock show, and will take them to the stock yards for slaughter and block tests immediately following. After the carcasses have been cooled down 1 will have a committee of the expert meat dealers select one or two representative carcasses from each lot and forward to Dr. Wiley for investiga- tion. Probably it will be a week or ten days before the carcasses reach Washington. Very truly, yours, C. F. CURTISS. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, J>. C. Experiment station. Iowa Agricultural College, .lines, i, Hid, November IS, 1897. Dear Sin: Your valued favor of the 3d instant came to hand while I was in Chicago having the slaughter test made of the pigs used in our experiments. Owing to the machinery used in the packing house where the hogs were killed, it was not practicable to ohtain the weight of the hair, and the blood could not he collected and weighed without considerable difficulty. I had taken this matter up with Swift & Co. before receiving your letter, hut was obliged, under the circumstances, to omit these items. The weight of the intestines and other internal organs was obtained. I returned this morning from superintending the block test yesterday, and have had a good representative carcass from each lot selected and cut according to the prevailing method of cutting pork for the American market, and each piece weighed and properly tagged, jjfivin«; commercial names. I think, however, that the names are appended only to one set of cuts, hut you will he able to apply these names to Corresponding cuts of the other carcasses. 1 have directed Swift A Co. to forward this material to you. including all scraps and trimmings made in cutting, and to deliver it to you at their earliest convenience. They stated that they would probably have one of their refrigerator cars leaving for Washington to-day, and that they would notify you upon its arrival at their house in Washington and deliver the pork upon your order. \'er\ truly, yours, ('. P. CURTISS. Dr. II. W. Wiley, Chief of Division of Chemistry, Washington, l>. C. BREEDS OF HOGS STUDIED. In accordance with the plan outlined in the above loiters, on Novem- ber l<>, is<)7, Swift *!v. Co., of Chicago, shipped to the Department of Agriculture the carcasses of eight pigs which bad boon slaughtered under the direction ol* Professor Curtiss. These pigs were of the fol lowing breeds, each animal being designated by a number, which is used for its identification throughout the following pages: 1, Berkshire; 2, Tarn worth; •">, Chester White; I, Poland China; 5, Duroc Jersey; <>, Duroc Jersey; 7, Duroc Jersey; 8, Yorkshire. On t lie receipt of the animals in Washington, they were immediately placed iii cold Btorage, where they were kept until they were removed one by one tor the purpose of dissect in <;• and preparing the samples for analysis. The expert labor of assistants in the meat markets of Washington was secured for the purpose of properly dissecting the animals ami separating each portion as carefully as possible from the others. The greatest cave was exercised in this preliminary work, inasmuch as the value of the analytical data rests largely on the proper preparation of the materials for examination. PREPARATION OF SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS. The methods of preliminary treatment, together with the inethods of chemical analysis employed, are detailed in the following pages. Before leaving Chicago each animal was cut up into the following cuts, the head, leaf lard, and kidneys being retained in Chicago: Two American clear backs; two clear bellies; two short-cut hams; two 2s ew York shoulders; four feet; spare ribs; tenderloins; neck bones; backbones; trimmings, fat and lean; tail. These cuts were all weighed on leaving Chicago, and again in Wash- ington just preceding their analysis. All of these weights appear in the accompanying tables, pages 15 to 64. The weighings in Washington were made on a large counter scale for the larger cuts, and on a torsion balance in the case of the smaller cuts. The cuts were then separated into the following parts: Meat (including both fat and lean), bones, marrow, skin, spinal cord, tendons, and hoofs. Each of the parts, except the meat, was carefully weighed, and the weight of the meat obtained by subtracting the sum of the other weights from the total weight of the cut before cutting up. SAMPLES OF MEAT. The meat obtained from all of the cuts of the same kind in each animal was passed through a meat chopper two or more times in order to bring the sample into a finely divided condition. A weighed por- tion was then placed in a weighed casserole or evaporating dish. A glass rod was also weighed with the casserole. In the case of small samples, as the tenderloins, the entire quantity was taken; in the case of the larger cuts, from 400 to 600 grams of the fresh material were taken for the preparation of the air-dried sample. After the removal of these portions for the preparation of the air-dried sample, duplicate portions of 5 grams each were weighed for the direct determination of water and fat. These small samples were placed in aluminum dishes and dried in vacuo for six hours at L05 degrees. The residues were extracted for sixteen hours with ether, and the extracts dried in an air bath at 100 degrees. These direct determinations of fat and water were used as a check on the data obtained in the preparation of the air-dry samples. The larger portions, which had been weighed out as described above for the preparation of the air-dried samples, wore placed in a. steam oven at a temperature of 100 degrees or slightly more and heated until the fat had thoroughly separated, when the fat was poured oft' into a flask, care being taken not to pour with it any of the aqueous portion of the meat which formed a laser underneath the fat After 10 as much fat had been poured off as was possible, the drying was con- tinued in the steam oven until the weight had become approximately constant. As there was still too much fat contained in the samples to permit of their being powdered, it was necessary to extract them with ether before proceeding with the grinding. The extraction with ether was done in the following way. Large funnels were placed in hot- water jackets, and in the funnels were placed filters of parchmentized paper. The smooth surface of this paper greatly facilitated the removal of the insoluble residue of the sample. The portion of fat from each sample, which had been poured off as above described, was first passed through this filter and collected in a weighed flask and its weight taken. The remainder of the sample was then treated with ether and brought on to the filter and the washing with ether continued until the fat was sufficiently removed for the sample to be easily pulverized and brought into proper condi- tion for subsequent analytical operations. The ether solution of the fat was also received in a weighed flask. The ether was removed by distillation and the residue heated to constant weight and weighed. There was considerable annoyance from the breaking of the flasks containing the fat while on the steam bath. When there was an evi- dent loss of fat, the fat determinations were recorded as lost. When the flask was discovered with only a slight crack, the results are marked in the following tables with a (?) mark. The portion of the meat on the filter was returned to the dish which had previously contained it, and was again dried to approximately constant weight and then left exposed to the air for at least twenty-four hours in order to establish an equilibrium of its moisture content. The weight of the sample was then taken and recorded as the air dry weight of the material. The difference obtained by subtracting the sum of the weights of the air-dry material, fat obtained by pouring, and fat obtained by ether extraction from the original weight of the sample taken was recorded as the weight of water removed in the preparation of the sample. from these data were calculated : Percentage of water removed in the preparation of the sample; Percentage of fat removed in the preparation of the sample; and Percentage of aii dry sample obtained. All three of these were expressed in percentages of the original material. The air dry samples were then ground, so as to pass a sieve having circular perforations I millimeter in diameter, and placed in closely stoppered bottles. SAMPLES "i SKIN. The portions of skin obtained from each cut were united to make one sample o! Bkin for the entire animal. The united sample of skin from each pig was passed through the meat chopper, and the finely divided and thoroughly mixed sample was treated in exactly the same way as 11 described above for the samples of meat. The samples of meat from each cut were kept separate, however, while only one sample of skin was prepared for each animal. SAMPLES OF BONES AND OF MARROW. The bones from each cut were weighed and were united to make one sample of bones from each animal. They were then chopped up into bits about 1 inch long and the marrow removed. The marrow was weighed in a tared dish and treated as samples of meat, except that no determinations of moisture and fat were made in the original mate- rial. The fragments of the bones after the removal of the marrow were thoroughly mixed, and about half the total quantity was weighed iu a tared dish and dried to approximately constant weight in a large agate-ware pan. After standing for from twenty-four to forty-eight hours exposed to the air, the weight was again taken and recorded as the weight of air-dried bones equivalent to the portion of fresh bones taken for the drying. The sample thus obtained was passed through a bone cutter, such as is used for poultry food, and from this, 500-grain portions were weighed and treated with petroleum ether by decanta- tion for the removal of the fat. The solutions of fat were very difficult of filtration, hence were allowed to stand for some time for the almost complete subsidence of the solid matter contained in them, when they were carefully siphoned off and evaporated and the weight of the fat contained in them determined. The residues were again dried and exposed to the air for the establishment of the equilibrium of moisture content, and again weighed, the weight obtained being recorded as the weight of the air-dry, extracted bones. The samples thus obtained were submitted to analysis, and the determinations made are recorded below, all percentages being calculated back to the original material by use of the data obtained in the preparation of the sample. SAMPLES OF SPINAL CORD. The spinal cord was carefully separated from the backbones and neck bones, and the material thus obtained united to make one sample of spinal cord for each animal. This sample was prepared for analysis in the manner described for meats, but it was not practicable to make a direct determination of fat and moisture in the original sample. -A Ml Ml - <»l TENDONS. It was not practicable to separate the tendons from other cuts of the animal than the feet and legs, that is, the portion sent to the labora- tory under the name of '-feet." The tendons were treated in the same manner as the spinal cord. SAMP! ES OF HOOFS. The hoofs were separated and weighed. In some cases some of the hoofs had been removed in the process of slaughtering and dressing 12 the animal. In these cases the whole weight of hoofs was corrected for the deficiency by using the average weight of one hoof for the weight of each of the remaining hoofs. The hoofs were weighed and dried in the steam oven and then left to assume their air-dry content of moisture. They were then ground and submitted to analysis as described below for the other parts. METHODS OF ANALYSIS USED. On the samples thus prepared the following determinations were made: Water, fat, ash, total nitrogen, nitrogen insoluble in hot water, nitro- gen soluble in hot water but precipitated by bromin, and lecithin. For the determination of moisture and fat 2-gram portions were dried for six hours in a vacuum oven for the determination of water. and the residues were extracted for sixteen hours with ether for deter minalion of the fat. For total nitrogen duplicate portions of one-half gram of the air- dried sample were treated by the Gunning method. For INSOLU1JLE PROTEii) nitrogen 1-gram portions were washed with ether by decantation, using about 50 to 100 c. c. of ether for each sample, and decanting the ether through filters which were afterwards used to receive the portions of tin 4 sample insoluble in hot water. Alter allowing the ether to evaporate the samples were next treated with hot water, tin's washing being also by decantation. and the total amount of water used being 300 to 400 c. c, the residues being brought on the filter with the last portion of the water. The filters and residues were then treated by the Gunning method. The filtrates from the insoluble portions of the meat were received in Kjeldahl II asks and were used for the determination of theNITROG in PRECIPITATED i\\ BROMIN (GELATINOIDS). 1 After aeidulation with two or three drops of strong hydrocloric acid, about 2 e. c. of bromin were added and the Masks vigorously shaken. If this quantity of bromin was all taken up more was added and the shaking repeated until a. globule of about \ c. c. of bromin was left in the flask, and the Liquid above Li was thoroughly saturated with bromin. The mixture was then allowed to stand until the next morning, when the supernatant liquor was passed through a filter and the residue in the llask washed by decantation, the globule of undissolved bromin in the llask saturat ing the wash water with bromin, so thai it was unnecessary to use bromin water for the washing. The filter containing the residue was then returned to the same llask in which the precipitation ha\ the (limning method. The percentage Of nitrogen in the form of FLESH BASES was found ubtracting the Bum of the cumbers representing insoluble nitrogen Set Appendix, p - 13 and nitrogen precipitated by bromin from the number representing the percentage of total nitrogen. The percentage of flesh bases was obtained by multiplying the percentage of nitrogen in that form by 3.12. For the other forms of nitrogen, the factor 6.25 was used. For the determination of lecithin, 1 20 grams of the material were allowed to stand for twenty-four hours at from 35° to 40° 0. with 200 c. c. of a mixture of equal parts of ether and 95 per cent alcohol. The material was then filtered and the residue extracted repeatedly with the same solvent. The filtrate and washings were evaporated to dry- ness on the water bath in a platinum dish. The residue was fused with mixed carbonates (equal parts of sodium and potassium carbon- ates). A little potassium nitrate was added during the fusion. The flux was dissolved iu hot water, filtered, and the phosphoric acid deter- mined in the filtrate by the Kilgore-Pemberton volumetric method. The lecithin was calculated as distearyl lecithin, which contains 8.780 per cent P 2 5 . RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION. DESCRIPTION OF TABLES. The results of this work are presented in the accompanying tables. The first fifty- six tables are in seven groups. Each group gives in a separate table data for each of the eight pigs used. Table 1 shows the weights of the whole cuts as obtained in Chicago and Washington, results of the direct determination of water and fat in the meat from each cut, and data in regard to the preparation of the air-dry sample of the meat from each cut. Tables 2 and 3 show the weights of meat, bones, skin, etc., obtained from each cut, the total for the whole animal, and also the percentages of meat, bones, skin, etc., in each animal. These sheets also contain the data in regard to the preparation of the sample of bones, marrow, skin, spinal cord, tendons, and hoofs. Tables 4 and 5 show all the analytical data, including the data actually obtained on the air-dry material, and also the corresponding data expressed in terms of the original material. In Table G the analytical data have been collected in condensed form for convenience of reference. In Table 7 are presented the weights of water, fat, nitrogenous sub- stances, lecithin and ash in the meat of each entire animal, and also the weights. and average percentages of each of these substances for the entire animal, including all its parts — meat, bones, skin, etc. These data were obtained by multiplying the weight of the meat from each cut by the percentage of each one of the constituents, finding the total, and dividing by the number representing the total weight of the meal of the entire animal. The same method was employed for the bones, marrow, 1 Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis, Vol. Ill, p. 430. 14 skin. etc. Thus there were obtained the total weight of water for each animal, total weight of fat, etc. These total weights, divided by the weight of the entire animal, gave the average percentages of the various constituents of the entire animal. In Tables 8 A to 8 K, have been placed the data which show the chemical composition of the meat of each cut of each pig. In Table 9 has been placed the average composition of the meat of each animal. Table 10 contains similar data for the bones of each animal, Table 11 for the marrow, Table 12 for the skin, Table 13 for the spinal cord, Table 14 for the tendons, and Table 15 for the hoofs. In Table 10 will be found a rt'sunn' 1 of the weights of each cut, and also of each entire animal, as found in Chicago and found in Washington, the results being stated in both grams and pounds. Table 17 shows the percentages of each of the parts for each animal, stated in percentages of the entire dressed animal, less the head, leaf lard, and kidneys. Table 18 shows the proportion of water, fat, nitrogenous substances, lecithin and ash in each of these animals, stated in percentages of the entire dressed animal, less the head, leaf lard, and kidneys. There is one obvious omission in the data presented in the tabulation just described. The absence of any information in regard to the man- ner of the feeding of the pigs has made it impossible to group them properly and make proper averages of the percentages of the various constituents in the animals which have received the same rations and other treatment previous to their slaughter. This missing data will be found in the forthcoming full report of Professor Curtiss, of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, which should be consulted with the data herewith submitted. 15 5 I CO ~= c 6S oi ,2 a 3 CO "S O — eS es — - u Removed in preparation of sample. 6h 1 3 X X X co' i- Cl n in CO CM 05 OJ - go in CM CO Cl CO 1- eo ^ 1 ■« eo 00 CO N X eo CO |5i o" CO CO CO m CO CO OS .0 at. t~ — 'co' m co m CI m 00 o CM IQ as ri CO co' Cl 3*1 § fetes > § -r CO CM os cm" SM o ■ri CO LO X CM ess CO -t CO cd in 00 00 rH CM Si O 1- o Cl x' Cl 01 t- Mi-- -CO CO fr^ CO o CO 00 SB m d Cl rt es .- - CO a> s CD CM ci N o o> ..o 10 050 -t< cd CM 00* X X cd TJI 1- £\2 KK Tj es 'C eS 1 eo CO CO CO — ' IC -1 71 m CO id 00 rH o't~ CMCN CM o as Cl -r Cl ci Cl CM OS eo od ©•eg fe-'H es J> O CO 2 t. o CO oo CM -r t- m CM CO m m IC Cl (M as a OS r-^ in cm CO -* o d as :-. l-o co or. Ol os" — Direct determinations on original material. ^ « *. £ 00 C3> ri o O O rH das' CO Ol c- X C4 CO I- Cl § ci ,4 u "3 d s fee s S ci p m 00 co oo" co m in •<* IQ o a of oo m o'cm" -*00 • d oo CM o = - CO CO C3S 00 fr- ee" m 1 eS OS m o o -J: 6 bl 1 • 00 *° . 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CO : 1 Ifi oi CO O 71 S r 71 77 71 ■1 M e i u i ^7 s c - c 1 E 7 — • I ] ■- 01 *i 1 77 el A I c 7 .77 '/ o> CJ - 1 : 1 M - z > 71 - JE i 77 '7 C7 17 r-o 00 i-H CO CN oo w o CO -*co -■# a CN ■* WCO eo a N w CO o o W Tl -i Tl l-HOS rt csi WCO CNCN 00 CO X 00 o cn d o> os'ci OCO CO CN co a a tr- O a oot- t~"cN cn ^ o 90 co' io CO CO d ti OS 00 CO 00 d in CNCN O CO a a CO OS o Tl w" -* -* oo w cow C- CO CO w •ri OS s a CO m lO 80 Tl Sol t> i-5 cn -h O c< CO o so tr- 8 a tr- 1ft C 1ft CO to we a W CN 00 d w i- os' CO co id CO •o O i CO t> co co* 38 CD IcN CN • -* t- ■ -** 1-? jt> CN d CO d 00 o r> m •CN '• w ei op O 3C to •>* CO d 38 O -IM & :§ <-l i CN «-T ! 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N CM 93 © d 5c — BO 00 1- — © CM d X SB c-i 71 CM CO X X IQ 1 - © i-~. eo 00 — 93 60 — e CM Sflt> inio 9B CO © X S3 id 00 © d © CN — s © d X l- cm' d to cc CM © © © :- CM CM d © ~r — 90 — © i ©" 00 © X O -a © — ro H9 cd td ro © © S i X d © SB • -. eo t- t- © <* X eo © ro BB CM © i — c-i CM OS 1- r. © d d X 00 © © X z cm n O* r- T © 95 SB X s 99 © e — 90 d ©_ © ■Q ~ © < © — © © © © © ■J © - © -- © 1- 1 it e i t. t - = ! e - a j : D ■ I — t ■ S - - s ■ E 4 C a - ! ~ ^ — j - s 7 1 = I r- - 5 e - - 5 1 b E E - _ s - i- - a i - 1 t- - - 1 - •-- G t - c EC r - [ - - 1 20 -a '5 i - 00 u "? '3 O | '-3 eg co *1 - S S ©.3*3 > es - o C B d 5 eg CO ri rr DO kC e d CM — CM 00 CO to ed CM ri SO ?j rj ri ■-r N O ri f* 1 ~ ■ - ~ OS • S ■ t- -> 00 o pd H CM • o . oo' ! lO • as m Cft t d id m co X CO ee rr cd IQ id ri ri - co* s IC I - m ed H 00 00* o CftOJ in'^H 00 o CM CO a> to K tri e cd .-. CO CM ed CO rd S ^ - — L — - ~ -- OS is t- • • i m id 00 oo C-i D oo iS M rr S oi es in co CM — •o X CO 6?! "33 ■o g«H 5 *- 32 gg "5 CO C5 C5 O OS CM CO CO CM CM cm in CM CM (M o ed ie in CO CI IQ CI S «o O d ><~ 5 P- e to i •5 CM 1 oo CO O o oo CO 3 JO CM tjico S5 X g oo t> CM rr- CO m •-- CM id M Direol determinations on original material. 3 I X X i o CO CO is •00 CM OS o CO CO s c^ oo in rHCO coco" CO — o CM cd CM X CM CM CO 1- CM lr- •0 o o 00 CM 00 m o 00 : •* 1- lO 5 S3 in co m CM rr ae cd "* O x CO & O 9 if o 00 u I c DO 2* 5* CM s O CO ed - ri •* ri - ri o ed 1 CM* o ed CO CM m co CM c-i CO 05 CO i-H o SS CO ao ■* rd O • rr- s CM rr- •4 co 5 3 M cm »n s 00 r: 00 •23 o rd 2 CM O N i - CM r_i CM M CI S o • CM CO CM CO I - m o •*05 00 CO r i CM co : CM oi -r CO CM o O i - B i o 9 ri 1 ° I O OO r-i CM o o M o j o 'I? IB 2 Q e i i a j c ( C c 1 1 1 « e 5 1 a j - e I 1 r 1 i CI 1 l — ! V c 1 > 1 : : I ! — « 1 I S I 3 - 1 1 J - 3 - z - c pe r - .: \ j E- 1 1 E- — 1 4 3 i • 1 o-it .a es 1 | ! 1 • -- j | : 7 i 1 - e 1 • - i ■ > S i k I CI 21 22 1 © p. B - CO a O 1 V H 11 — Ol 1 /. - ^ & •- s — cc CO CO -r 2 : — es CO 1" — M - a * — - tS^ — z z - I - - - r - --^ M - i 2 2 > fl S - > - - M 2 r'S'5 S 1 i » O - - a 2 aj 1 a •- H CO CO* CM - ■- '- 5 <■< 1 a £ SB M — ' "- CO t^ 00 . CO N s - - i a o d o efl O > 5 u o CM CO a z > s i a o So- CO --i .- 73. ~E a p - ■ o a 5 o s to §•9,2 t> - - p : ' a o> o CO CM CO 00 •-i B CM* g« O k © CO CO r-l 00 CM rt d cc 03 E. o ■ I 53 p 1 o H 1 e i lO o co uo t- at co «' n .-< CO CO i-i CM in in ^ i- oo fi » co i- ci i" - • i © - CJ ■" "' "■' o OS 9 i -h : i — ..-. .-. - 5 i -' bo a /.' .-< to HOOO»i-oifto;ao N«H r i -Z l-'rt-ttSI> ci m m » s m f a o s -^ o d a t o s 1 5,1 - - - 1 * - 7 ft ■ c i T _ 1 — 1 : M y 1 \ m - - z z T ■- i r- J 1 - ■ I t \ 7 — I - - \ • Z r. i X - 'S - - c 1 a 00 := 91 1 23 : :g i - '~ m ci 5 i~ -r ~i -z. -r iooo't~oc rH oo 's — m a - iO-"*rHrHflS SS ~ SO ~ t- ift » I- ~ . -T Ifl —i i~ e qo w cj u- , hi - — ~ - ~ :-=/.-x-/-^-- glllllsJISl h a 24 1 o I 8 s I i 3 * S 1 a «M £ — t si is 3 ft 3 : cc K 1- - - - "5 1 CO W « -r of - -_ -r — - M * - -Z t> c z i, — .- M •/. - - w 00 X O) (M 00 Water during exl pac tion. Grams. 00 o ^ o Weight of ex- tracted sample air-dry. : x so a^ . s - . X " 1- x M cc ^ iri o" Weight Of air- dried ma- terial taken for extrac- tion. Gravis. e §' Si es o £ 5 1 t- oi CO -4- > a o GO s g I- 00 s£d be 7 ft c° 3 ££ 3 g o t- e4 c» i- ri to Of entire pig. * i- K IH C i-t CO d u-5 -8 p. o » bt « 1 o H 5 1 00 8 © o o ■-3 c^i -' : i < ■j a ^ (O in co r i — i - -t ^ J ~' d =•' oi i-i oo" M 781.1 802. 1 447.1 266. 5 28.0 o 3 a •a a 1 «~ o 1 i 1 It 1 — 1 I 1 7 — 7 or I H ■ B i y _7 B E E H 'S .. «. pq > \ - I c - c 7 i a - t : M i - E .= E E H ) 'S H 3 E 1 ft so OB it - li 1 g 25 -PN ^CO N.H,-l © . , O) T. ■— — ~ i Q X DONI © s o © © ■ «0 © X ■ I- — • - w f. a. ea 5 § g. . z z - 'z "~ ,' it ;. ~ _~ - r _ .- _ - » tt W 05 Pe,odVq - H H 26 a o U I £ a DC ? - fl 1] 1 5 «1 1 1 sa « 00 d CO -a = -- ~-± a." - a ■ST* a = ",: 5 r-.= i - 2 - - o a c 1 OS E - « -' A - - = S A - :::: > a a x 33 P-g«oS i 4 in 1 rt 3 2 05 ®^ rt = u t> 3 - rt ■- i»* +a ao oa I go .__. CO fS*-3gis i o d o no - : ka to CO - z i § o d S in p - ,. O | I • - o CI -- .• hog's §* 1 I in CO • a» i- o ^ CO CS s o o i-H t- d ■* a o 03 3 e H 55 t- W as ^ ~ i- to co co' a r 5 ~-r— D i-H SO -t t-i ic <-,_ ^ _ ^ — J d -t j-H OJ 1-1 © rH xiooiooa ■ © od d d — I - ?i d i -' I - (OCffl ' ih i- >-. S « n to o as" i - i a a e u e : - • 15 t 1 • : r - / 3 r : : - 1 I - I i i ■- a n — : Iff & 1 - i ; / 2 - e / C - i - - < - '• i ' '. <*> . v . ■ ? ^ S = 5 n rt rt pSJH "3 . < — 27 ri o o id '^;i-o< o ie i- c w cs •— o o t- ■ «D COC^J 5S ewa oo ri .*s T.-r S • tc _=,2 § p P a) 3 _ c u 5 = - ■2 B«Q, S a> s s- « 33 ■ 5 3 3 £1 :8 • • 2 • S v pu9 tiX eg 28 e x- JB W ^; - 5 a *> ;g - - o P >\ g \ be a ~ k 9 H ■»• Pt- I CI 6 .2 1 GO o 1 - •gi 11 II v ■ v. ; « : CO i i cn m o t- i-l CO 1 : (3 . k ■ a : O CO - - = - = 3 it: = ^ S s m 33 90 ! I! 2 " 2 CO ! 8 : | : 4 : t. i- lO o .J ec r ~— »* ^ § § h cc ! S : 5 ^3 H 3«N . <^ . t£- = "".5 ~ ■ a - _ 8JBSm2 ^ - -u - « -J r "d +s CO § o o* o in -m > « o £ B ^ S3 3 CO z li- es O j a CN 00 "-' I Pi m 1 Ifj CO S-Si oC = > '— ad p o to =0 r. OB CN o O 1- CN Cm E OS l> CO 00 CO *■* 1-1 "* O* 1- CO i p. e S *3 o H c OS 1- C» OS o : !§ g S 1- 8 jjHCH-xnoin:. • i^ei-xn-r-i-c $ off of © jh »4 r-: i - roco — n = o: rrio tOHO . tC?lf XtOOC5«IN CN : i '• as ! c-i ■ a> 5 d us § V- o 1 ! -r a 1 "■• 3* 1 ! 1 : i 1! 3 a * - I ■ *§ • l ;j 1 B jj ! 1 i 5 i : '. i ll a o • a 1 a - I ] ) ! - • > ! i i r i ( r 1 i 1 i CO CO a CO II es c« o9 H "SiS I CO 29 s e OS Si a O <5s 2 © 1 99 Cm O Pi o "eg P. © Cm .a! 5 33*3. > rt IT O fa 3 S 3 * Pi 08 ,© ioSI • CO ! ° ■ d i 5 i i > z W rH ft,"* • l-H • in ! ir IC CO m d CO b.2 ©wis ftn 'co • CO • OS ■ CO CO CO si's i« S £ § g <*> CO • to • CO '• m 'in* o CO d A 3 + <5 d • CO • in oo •M . 6 m -** "Si; © x g go CO CO co' CO S-Si tJD© a, u •_ oa SCO 5 in m CO OS co m Direct deter- minations on original material. fa © 2 a.tio © p, o 5 CO o d t~ OS CM O d d 03 fa e3 O -M 1 "3 o H 1 m ri W N of in in m co d w in in •♦a 1 5 1 mooHiOHM:i CO o' 1^ CO -f" =S -1> co im co in t- ri -t CO -* 5 - e e c 7 T 3 e -= s a - 1 - z z M \ a c c — E i- 1 - •r jj c 1 E g , - W ' © 3 a § 3 3 3 c C S ir 3 ! 1 i - 30 r 00 to S i jo I r. Cm "5 u a c — = = — - - .- -- B 5 § •I — - — .r- ^ I- X t- c F* V3 i- B r. C I- X X IQ CM s OS 4 ill! X X X eo CO n o CO III * o E - M ->* O ea M ift CM M H CO 4a is 5 >-- X *» Sj • H fl • TJ I ¥ - fc» -• - .— o8 ■3 ■* OS a _ - . -3- 6 F* e 7. n s to' tQ CO deter- minations on origin;! 1 material . 4* - 1 § . J* o 1 d e O d 1 G fcjj "3 s to © CO or ■5 CO •* CO «o | c ; 1 oeetj - i - : i t- ua ~. ci fn in d - I - , - /. CO - 1 - : i2 .1 J 1 1 g : - 1 - '- 1 1 ! i i c j : - | -- ! i p2 > ■ E i i r s I 1 c < 3 < i - i - - w H DC H n e X 00 C CO CO 00 I- a u-5 7 • ir ■ - c r - < - r - 3 _ r > s .- ' 2 I 1 • j i < 7 - - i £ E- i a i- 1 . 31 e e CO c= irt CM CO CO CM IM CO CO CO irt CO 00 00 cm CO CO CO * o 71 d CO © CO Irt CM 8 CO CO © © Irt CM © I— 1 CM o od CO CO CO CO © 3 © ! © © 00 CO o ■«* cm' 3 © © © T* laoxi' cm' i- © w CO © CO c co io co r © © -* i. id © 1- CO CO CM© © © © ■** - - -. _r 1 1 3 . - > 1 ■ 1 Q < ! • . 1 5 1 3 ■ - ■ I : c ■ 7 5 'I 1 ■ 1 I - 3 1 3 3 1 9 c 1 E- - - - > i w s i i 3 3 \ 1 a 00 1 - 32 ce • - E a 00 = jo — - - 1>'< ved in i ■ i . pi oration of sample x K E CM co 80 13 & Air dry sample in (lie original material. Crams. o © Weight of \\ ater removed. Gram*. 00 00 CO ■fga ! 5 ^1 T. OS 4a ■a 4a t* - OS is 5 CM ce in Weight ot air dry sample after ex traction. Crams. CO r. - - o - q 1 i- --7 00 CO cm « l>n. .i deter- urinations on original material. - - 5" - «s - fc!Q > M -- - 2 c i in in 3 2 § © © © c I c c — e H e I CM s .-. co* 1- CO co 1(0 OS* r-H CM ITS CO -- 1,063.0 431.6 419.(1 190. 1 7 : 1 2 56. 4 CO ■<* ci ro CO CO en rA in co 3 q i 5 c 1 g c3 ft i •/ - = I / - i - E c C 1 \ ■f - c -J - - - e 1= H - E w 3 y i 1 S 00 7 i-H m CO 00 8 © ri m t- 00 00 3 00 CM T3 to in X lA CM* W OS CO CO 00 CO N W H ^ - o = pq - P 1 CM m ri - CM o> m o> in © CM in u s © C\ 00 ri © 3 S CO lO CO © CO* © m © C : - s» m .- rii- -ri- rocNts 00 CO CO 1^1 M CO H :- - '- : 9 CM 1- ( IS 1 I - 3 • - - I I — E r 1 u t S - a if - - - i 1 i = I 1 5 i - k CM 1 - 33 CM c-i © X to lO co* •>* CM © d 1 1 © d CO CO co CM CO © © d © o s CM Irt CM CM CM t- d CM o oi CO CM m a CO in CO CO CO CO 00 t- CO oo d CM tO l- CM CO CM CO o 1 ©* ■a o CO t- © CM LO 1 o> CO co' CO CM C5 •>* 00 o d d d 00 — CM eg 5 o c 00 c t- u- 721. 691.1 370. 5 328. 2 31-4.0 862.5 62. 5 © CM ^*cm o o 00 CM i- ia ; c . j I Ice • 1 < B ! a • ; ■ : " .: - - ■ r 3 1 1 a : : J i j : — 1 1 > j r '— J - ' 00 CO S oc 1 B s M r - = M O ■ t- CO CO m CO ©' CO CM 00 CO s © O in CM m © CO in 0.09 0.18 0.10 © m 00 CO 66.0 133.5 75.0 © cm cm -* cm m in d t^ od rl iri :-' ri © ro in co i- cm © -*CO KJ ri ^-iin 133.5 75.0 / ■ •- g 3 2 £ 1 1 ■/ 1 "I - 1 f : ■1 •gi e c. _ - A 90 / > > I * - . 7 - 5 00 © H CO - 1-1 1 SOLH)— No. 53 3 34 Table No. 1. — Ana PIG No. 1.— BERKSHIRE. Names of cuts. 16G67 2 American backs ., 16669 2 clear bellies 16(171 •_' short cut hams 17165 (Fat extracted with ether) 16675 4 feet 17174 d'at extracted with ether) 1667? Span-ribs 16679 Tenderloins 16680 Neck bones 17159 (Fai extracted with ether) 16682 16684 Backbones . Trimmings. Tail 16673 2 New York shoulders Per cent air-dry material. . - SB • 5 =-— = s Nitrogen. - £ 13.16 3.14 20.55 11.32 8.51 0.62 2.19 1.16 3 14.3:5 3.14 21.59 11.15 4. 14 16.58 •.78 0.65 2.72 0.99 15.43 11.85 9.77 0.22 1.60 1.10 ... 2. 43 17.65 2.31 2.10 13.76 10.22 ".7:; 2.81 0.85 25.10 6.46 6.32 13.73 15.20 0.13 20.81 7.75 10. 31 3. 00 2. 98 0. 75 2.68 20.02 18.69 23 10.93 12.2.". 0.21 22.24 :i. :;<; 6.88 13.03 9.72 3.69 8. 34 13 09 2 17 4.18 5.03 3.28 1.68 4. 3.66 8.23 13. _ 27.11 :..14 i». 47 12.50 10.9:. 0.28 1.27 1.82 4.30 9.97 0.59 1.69 1.33 4.02 10.36 0.62 3. 54 l.n 8.73 4.30 6.97 13.45 10.56 0.98 1.91 1.18 1.23 K 4 ti PIG NO. 2 I AMWORTH. lfi7ot, 16702 L6704 L7149 L6706 17181 17164 2 American clear backs 2 American clear bellies 2 shortcut hams 2 New York shoulders : racted \\ Ith ether) Spareribs Tend( rloins I F.,1 extracted with etfa BCeck bom i ( Fai extracted u it h ether) . 10.48 8.46 12.22 12,61 12. 12 4.27 14.91 1-' 14 19.99 5.88 8.79 12.92 20. 36 l .'.. 50 24 4,59 11.44 not li. B.74 9. 1'.' lu.41 7. 31 19 Ii7 :.. 4'.' 24.12 4.74 LI. 49 -. ii 8.61 L2 B, ffi 12.92 11.87 .' 22 19 l L4 (1.70 1 1. IS . 1 . -J I 1. 11 1.20 1 . ;-7 0.87 1 27 1.40 2.08 1.2: 3. 86 1 m 35 lytical data for meats. PIG No. 1.— BERKSHIRE. Per cent origina material. Water . Fat, '3 .* ■- 1 = ■- ■- — 2 ■a s f. — it < i - 1 i* — — c "-Z 10.44 - :■ - — o 9) h3 4 - UiTll 20.98 6. 36 12.95 0.08 L.83 1.19 16713 Trimmings 10.53 4.83 14.01 12. ll 8.08 1 . 24 3. 09 4.03 1 07 1 5 Tail 9.53 4.83 20. 15 10.90 7.13 1. 15 " B9 1.09 PIG No. 3.— CHESTER WHITE. 16609 1001 1 16613 16615 10017 16619 L6621 16622 16624 16626 16628 2 Americas clear backs.. 2 American clear bellies . '_' short-cut hams 2 New York shoulders ... 4 I'eet Spareribs Tenderloins Neck bones Backbones Trimmings Tail 10.09 2.18 22.71 10. 17 7. 12 9.81 2.23 8.75 13. 20 8. >'J 1.01 24. 30 2. ('..-) 32. 10 ID. 34 7.34 0. v: 17.75 12.01 11.69 8.50 0.78 20.71 4.00 3. 32 14.21 7.01 1.92 26. 69 2. 95 20. 47 10.67 8.17 0. 52 25. 88 3. 89 10.05 11.88 10.32 0.27 19.30 2. 79 9.24 10.11 0. 59 19.39 1.88 5. 53 13.73 11.05 7.20 3.87 13.38 11.99 7. 10 1. 16 5. 65 9. 1 1 13.29 [.25 2. 32 1.23 3.47 3.37 0.85 4.31 1. 12 3. 28 2.41 1 . 57 4.01 1.65 0.93 1.98 1.04 :;. 15 1.29 1.55 in'.. ■1. L9 1.26 1.51 2. 20 1.19 0. 99 1.29 3 62 1. 16 it; No. i. POLAND CHINA. 16640 16642 k;i; ii L7152 L664S L6651 17163 •j American clear bat ■_' \ merican t Lear bellies 'i short-cul bams ■j New York shoulders 1 1 :it extracted u itli el her) " Bparei i'»» Tenderloins Neck bones : raoted w itli ether) , Bach bones . 1 1 Limning i. Tad] 0. 43 17. mi 19.57 28. »:! 21.21 H. 115 3.21 1. '_'•; 7. 29 10.05 5. 34 12. I" 13.23 8.14 13.23 It). (i7 8.06 Li. 34 0.09 1.09 i."" 0.75 2.41 L4.0I 9.02 1.71 6.99 13 It) Us". 10.53 8.89 L2.27 8.46 0.2 8.42 157 0. L2 i BO o. 11 I). 1)1 - ) !. 07 12.42 9.77 0.62 2.03 i .".) 10. Ofi i- 5.21 13.28 8 61 1.32 :i 1.8] 1.33 i Lfl 1 .5 4.07 2. nit 77 1.64 l. 11 1 15 » s: 1 71 1 36 1.21 i 95 0.80 B.91 " 1 ,90 a i 37 hjtical (lain for meats — Continued. PIG Mo. 2. -TAMTTORTH— Continued. Per cent original material. Water. Fat. Nitrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. S 2 g i = .. - 9 <5 GO bt P . 53 00 bl •Hi P z - SIS • = £ 'J "(» — * d eB"3 7. ~ J. a j -2 1 & h 7" M J3 -- ~ B — - -- -" ~ .- * r. - A 5 c = H - r— I H o J - H H - c Ph - & H < H 49.68 1.38 51.06 29.34 1.33 30.67 0.25 2.72 2.19 0.14 0.39 13.69 0.87 1.22 15.78 1.10 / 97.66 \ 98.61 28.34 0.5] 28.85 61.13 1.54 02. 67 0.10 1.31 0.85 0.13 0.33 5.31 0.81 1.03 7. 15 °+K 25.31 0.46 25.77 65.10 1.92 07.08 0.10 1.04 0.68 0.11 0.25 4.25 0.69 0.78 5.72 »•*»{££ PIG So. 3.-CHESTER WHITE. 71.88 0.22 72.10 18.02 2.29 30.32 0.22 30.54 59.87 0.86 52.51 0.64 53.15 23.19 7.80 ~ 20.31 0.12 60.73 0.08 30. 99 0. 35 1. 75 2.13 52.44 64. 96 52. 96 50.03 22.21 0. 83 0. 69 0.79 53.23 20.87 7.06 1.01 65.97 9.16 4.31 0.54 53.50 27.74 1.78 0.36 50.39 30.58 1.07 0.28 22.49 70.59 0.96 0.21 0.52 0.28 0.19 27. 93 0. 28 13. 47 0. 40 29. 52 0. 25 31.65 0.23 71.55 0.07 0. 08 1.03 1.30 2.51 2.08 2.94 2.85 3.07 2.49 2.66 0.87 0.75 0.72 0. 0.87 0. 1.78 0. 1.51 1.58 2.18 0. 2.67 0. 1.95 0. 2.14 0. 0.52 0. 0.48 0. . 0.24 4.50 LO 0. 33 5.44 10 0.63 11.13 14 .0.43 0.44 02 0.34 9.88 14 0.53 13. 63' 07 0.33 16.69 12 0.42 12.19 09 0.43 13.38 08 0.27 3.25 07 0.20 3. 00 0.44 0.63 1 0.63 1 0.87 1 6.38 1, 0.87 1 0.44 1 0.75 1 0.56 1 0.50 0.44 75 5 03 7. 10 97 13.73 34 11.65 06 17.32 65 16.15 03 18.16 31 14.25 34 15.28 84 4. 59 62 4. 06 n o- f 99. 92 °- 3j i 98.45 • 4 - I 98.79 80 f 9T - ! ' :J U - SU I 98. 67 ,,71 [ "- 14 0.84 f' 97 ^ 5 97. 07 0.92 1 06 f l,T - ' M 87 f m - 35 °- 8 ' I 98.14 ] - 0o [ 98.37 31 (100.11 °- J1 I 98. 94 °- 24 l."'. 6 ? PIG Xo. 4. -POLAND CHINA. 29.22 0.31 29.53 61.10 1 . 55 62. 65 1.17 0.82 0.09 0.20 5. 13 0. 56 0.81 6.50 1, 0.38{ 99.34 99. 06 30. 38 0.4D 30.78 60. 19 0.50 00. 69 0. 12 1.25 ,i.77 0.10 0.38 4.81 0.63 1.19 0. 63 H< 9a 93 53.97 0.81 54. 78 29.03 1.09 30.12 0.23 2. 25 1.71 0.13 0.41 10.69 0. -1 1.28 12.78 0. 76 ( 0. 59 98. 00 98, 44 51. 72 33. 74 0.30 1.65 1.25 0.10 0.30 7.81 0.63 0.94 95. 13 1.43 50.66 31:20 0.12 31.32 0.15 2.74 1.70 0.67 0.31 11.00 4.19 0.97 16.16 ... 0.91 ( 9>. 30 99. OS 55. 53 1.11 50.04 22.44 3. 83 26. 27 0.31 2.70 1.01 0.10 0. 99 10.06 0.63 97. 23 '.,7. 04 G5.85 1.58 07. 43 7. 36 3. 59 10.95 0.38 3. 18 2. 82 0.11 0.* 17.63 0. 69 0. 78 19. 10 LBN 98.61 54.08 1.15 1 26.55 1.72 0.17 1.64 0.18 0. 56 10.25 1.13 1.75 i:;. 13 0. 91 | tt.05 0.45 48.65 0.78 49. 4:; 3d. 14 2.50 32. 70 0.27 2. 07 0. 13 0.43 12 91 0.81 1.34 15.09 1.05[ 22.14 0. 29 22.43 69.8] 1.71 71.52 0.06 0.59 0.07 0. 22 t -j 0. 32 ( 99.09 16.15 0.35 16.50 77.44 0.33 77.77 0.08 0.55 0.09 0.21 3.44 0.56 100 .;<; 99. 24 38 Table No. 4.— Ana PIG No. 5.— DUROC JERSEY. a s 5.-H : E Per cent air- lry material Nit rogeu. >> ~ - -= Names of cuts. 8 = si 8j = - - ? 2 g • I ; y :l S I - g & fc _- £* £ - ca - r '~ - A - <: ► - ft .- 5 " - - — - < 16579 2 American clear backs it. :*7 9. 69 24.48 10.47 6.76 0.81 2. 90 0.82 3.14 16581 2 clear bellies 11.71 3.05 28.08 10.39 0.84 0.80 2.75 0.83 3.57 L6583 2 short-cut bams 21.39 3.48 32.93 7. 75 6. -j:. 0.73 0.77 0.16 3.34 16585 J New York shoulders 3.08 4.39 13. 82 10.11 0.83 0.84 4. 57 16587 i t.el 23. 36 22. 23 5.21 3.21 7.88 11.30 12.47 12.92 6.97 10.14 1.52 0. 56 3.98 2. 22 0. 53 3.27 4.67 16589 Spareribs .. 16591 Tenderloins 28.54 4.23 18. 53 11.69 10.25 0. 22 1.22 1.22 :; 98 16592 19.46 25.94 3.93 3.44 7.58 12.41 13.20 12.04 10.28 10.08 0.61 0.50 2.31 2.06 1.05 ..52 4.85 lh 16594 Backbones 16596 Trimmings 6.80 3.98 10. 90 12. 77 7.66 0. 95 i. 16 1. 14 4.38 16598 Tail 4.70 4.37 13. 88 12. lit 6.85 1.10 ,, 1 . 39 4.30 i PIG N<>. 6. DUROC JERSEY. 16725 2 American clear- backs 17133 (Pal extracted with ether). 16727 2 clear bellies L7134 I Fal extracted w ith ether) 16729 2 short cul hams I67:;i 2 New York shoulders • feel 17H2 (Fal < str acted w Ith ether). Spareribs L6737 Tenderloins Neck bones 16740 Backbom ■ 16742 Trimu 16744 Tail 6. 99 6. 75 20. 65 s. 30 6.17 6.71 12.89 0.13 16.65 11.79 ! 0.09 27.6:; 5.48 8.95 L2.75 8. 59 8.44 12.91 c,.'>s 2 1 . ■- 1 16 l:; ■ 5. 79 26.77 17.87 8.02 21.18 i 6.87 0.12 6. 72 11.79 14.63 ::. 1 1 13.09 9.80 12 ... 12.27 11.77 11.98 12.27 12 19 23.97 10.70 9 10 77 i, ii 7. 58 1.07 3. 23 2.3] 0.73 1 o: 1.12 2.67 2.11 3.40 - 1 Ml 1.<'7 i.ii : 0. 97 4.17 0.59 0.97 2.59 0.51 L.28 I ;r, 0, 92 6 58 0.74 3.44 1. 15 1.51 4.96 2.09 8. 93 1.61 i 9t i 69 1. 15 4. 18 0.02 3.08 39 lytical data for meats — Continued. PIG No. 5.— DUROC JERSEY. Per cent original material. Water. 5 5 ft r ~'£ Fat. = . H fl 0.91 28. 77 0. 36 49.71 0.74 53.37 1.22 53.38 0.71 65.34 1.21 51.71 0.77 47.88 0.89 19.81 0.27 11.33 0.21 29.13 50.45 44.16 54. 59 54. 09 66.55 52. 48 48.77 20. 08 11.54 2.29 59.52 3.31 28.90 7.04 23.27 1.84 24.39 2.51 6.12 5.29 28.83 1.48 26.18 3.22 73.39 0.74 83.97 0.65 62.83 35.94 43.74 25. 11 26.90 11.41 30.31 29.40 74. 13 84.62 0.08 0.10 0.03 0.10 Nitrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. Sri Z = 0.98 0.63 0.08 .27 1.22 c3 •" ? la 3 © 1.66 1.67 0.81 0.09 0.32 0.12 0.35 0.20 0.41 0.08 0.07 1.34 0.16 0.16 1.22 0.10 0.35 2.91 1.63 0.35 0.93 I 2.87 2.25 0.13 0.49 3. 34 2. 93 0. 06 0. 35 2.57 2.00 3.28 2.62 0.87 0.52 0.57 0.32 0.12 0.13 0.45 0.53 0.07 0.28 0.05 0.20 3. 94 0. 50 5. 06 0. 56 8.38 1.00 7.63 0.63 10. 19 2. 19 14.06 0.81 18.31 0.38 12.50 0.75 16.38 0.81 3.25 0.4-1 2.00 0.31 0. 84 5. 28 1.00 0.50 1.09 2. 90 1.53 1.09 1.40 1.65 0.87 0.62 6.62 9.88 9.35 15.28 16. 40 19.78 14. 05 18.84 4.56 2.93 ii. 0.42 0.71 1 0.55 0.76 1.04 1.14 0.94 1.23 0.30 0.20 01 100. 06 99.00 95.89 96.98 97.80 < 96.39 I 95.74 S 98.41 ) 98.43 5 98.86 I 98.88 S 98.03 ; 98.38 S 102. 50 t 98.24 v 98.89 \ 99.07 \ 99.46 / 99.29 PIG No. -DUROC JERSEY. 19.85 0.47 20.32 73.16 0.47 73.63 0.08 0.90 0.60 0.07 0.23 3.75 0.44 0.72 4.91 0.29 / 100. 03 \ 99.15 0. 12 0. 03 0. 20 34.11 0.41 34.52 57. 59 1.38 58.97 0.08 0.98 0.70 0.09 0.19 4.38 0.56 0. 59 5.53 0.22 1 80.36 I 99.24 0.04 0.12 0.35 0.01 3. 52 35.74 1.52 37. 24 9.D5 L5.78 12.44 0. 06 14. 90 20. 49 21.40 18. 12 0. 28 6.13 2.11 13.11 0.14 8.25 12.58 d.ll a - £ - 8. 85 1. 16 9.12 1.18 10.! 9. 72 1 . 00 2.23 2. 14 1.38 3.92 1.52 1.21 1.77 1.25 4.44 1.09... 6.39 'J 1.77 5.40 5.94 20.12 13.48 0.11 9. 24 20.76 20. 09 22. 72 20. 88 7. 35 L8 lo 5.0 1 27. 10 13.14 10.72 0.07 4.36 8.84 12. :..05 !».:;» 11.74 0.14 4.89 11. 19 12.83 o. 12 5.88 13.23 11.97 0.08 t. HI 11.24 11.32 9. 83 1.94 1.80 1.00 0.13 1 . 38 . . . 2.30 - 1.00 ... 0.80 1.02 1.07 I 01 2.:;:. ... 7 0. 38 0. 88 I 0.88 1.02 0. 75 1.71 1.55 4.10 1.23 4.09 1.30 0.77 1.30 1 M 0.68 8 I''..' i i .• 1. 10 41 hjtical data for meats — Continued. PIG No. -DUROC JERSEY. Per cent o riginal material. Water. Fat. d 7^ o XiTrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. 09 < l n preparing sam- ple, ' In air-dry mate- rial. 3 o H a a a; fcJO I'- e 73. o:j "3 H 0.92 H 73.95 H = ._ * - r. _ o 3 >> Z £ ;fl * 05 - X ed .2 00 = © 3 = c o$ ll Is — - T. 1 1 - . .")7 10. 58 15.72 12. i'.» !» so 0.84 1 . >.l 1.76 2.94 171 :.7 16800 • i at extracted with ether) o. 12 lit.:! 7.10 17161 1 1 a extracted w i 1 1 » ether) Tail 1 1 ii extracted with ether) 0. 09 18802 17117 1(1. .-1 0.08 1.27 43 lytical data for meats- -Continued. PIG No. 8.— YORKSHIRE. Per cent original material. Water. Tat. 13 1 Nitrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. r. 6 m SB a . Pi <0 Si M i cS S pi "3 o H i 05 tx a . « p, B u Pi S H 1 a >^ "3 a H 3 o H os o H 01' protoids insolu- ble in hot water. Precipitated by X O rO r. 3 1 © « .5 £ o— • h PM '5 _= Is t © 90 ca a: © 90 © 3 o H 27.99 0.56 28.55 62.34 0.19 62.53 0.11 1.32 0.95 0.17 0.20 5.94 1.06 0.62 7.62 0. 41 / 99. 91 1 99.11 0.21 0.03 0.32 33.08 0.71 33.79 55.83 0.39 56.22 0.12 1.49 1.08 0.20 0.21 6.75 1.25 0.66 8.66 H(ss 0.13 0.03 0.25 58. 02 1.12 59. 14 20. 01 5. 22 25.23 0.28 2.33 1.84 0.14 0.35 11.50 0.87 1.09 13.46 "J.{SS 0.14 0.015 1 0.42 49.57 36.09 0.17 1.85 1.36 0.14 0.35 8.50 0.87 1.09 10.46 063 |96.75 57.47 30.86 0.08 1.57 0.82 0.26 0.49 5.13 1.63 1.53 8.29 0.41 { 97 ; 03 50.93 1.38 52.31 26.81 2.47 29.28 0.33 2.78 2.17 0.18 0.43 13.56 1.13 1.34 16.03 L05 \ 08 67 LU4 { 98.60 65.45 1.20 66.65 9.32 3.75 13.07 0.47 3.02 2.56 0.13 0.33 16.00 0.81 1.03 17.84 0.21 0.68 53.87 1.26 55.13 26.21 0.50 26.71 0.26 2.66 2.13 0.16 0.37 13.31 1.00 1.15 15.46 99 / 98 ' 99 U - J9 \ 98. 29 0.28 0.54 0.026 49. 33 1.32 50.65 27.12 2.49 29.61 0.35 2.87 2.26 0.20 0.41 14.13 1.25 1.28 16.66 , 18 f 98.26 L lb \ 98. 10 0.43 0. 02 0.78 25.55 0.57 26.12 64.20 1.61 65.81 0.12 0.32 1.19 0.027 0.73 0.16 0.30 4.56 1.00 0.94 6.50 0.J9 0.44 18. 02 0.48 18.50 72. 02 2.35 74. 37 0.11 1.08 0.78 0.17 0.13 4.88 1.06 0.41 6.35 33 ' '•''•' :; ' "• Si \ 99. 55 0.44 0.035 0.55 44 Table No. 5. — Analytical data fur hones, PIG No. 1.— BEItKSHlKF. Names of parts. ! . ~- r - ZZ C p 5 = S3 **? 3 Per rent air-dry material. - 5. 72 (0.61) 6.68 -J Nitrogen. d — — - 6 - s o o © c d 3 Z -■ IE H -- o -~ a m 3 0B — c 52. 67 0.52 "6.'i9 6.18 0.29 8.31 0.07 15.02 0.15 8.85 5.32 0.11 84 4Q S9 16690 A 10091 17169 16688 17175 16693 16695 17168 (Fal extracted with ether) 11.40 4.44 17.36 36. 93 15.90 8. SO 31. 93 4.81 (0. 28) 7.08 10.95 7.02 0. 65 0. 48 2. 89 1- 18 (Fa1 extracted with ether) Skin 2.64 0.33 1.85 1.70 8.31 3.28 (Fat extracted with ether) 1 . 26 0. 57 6.01 10. 23 8.28 1.52 Tendons. 14.10 11.28 0.23 2. 22 0. 62 0.39 (i. 65 3.71 1.46 17177 II mi's G:S.44 7.14 1.35 14.63 PIG NO. 2.— T AM WORTH. 16719 Bones 16719A (Fat extracted with ether) 16720 Marrow 17146 (l-'ai extracted with ether) 10717 Skin I at extracted with ether) 16722 Spinal OOrd 17166 (Fat extracted with ether) 16724 Tendons 17171 (Fal extracted with ether) 17178 Hoofs 50.71 7.10 0.45 1.68) ... 2. 39 6. 91 0. 44 15.53 ' 0.34 10.56 0.14 7.08 4.04 14.88 14.27 0.16 6. 41 L.65 9.63 32.24 33.67 9.0] 0.83 14. 2 55 (i.31 60.73 6.92 1.01 L4.65 5. 45 8.98 7.75 U. 22 0.56 4.21 7. 30 1. 12 0.51 0.07 1.02 2.92 0.34 0.91 49.98 (0. 59) 2.54 1.21 . 15 l.*32 o!si 3.24 1.61 PIG No. :t.- CHESTEB WHITE. 16630 Bones (Fal i itracted with then. 16631 Marrow Skin ii;<;:;."> Spinal cord a Lendons 1717!) SoofS 45. 56 16.97 i.i.i (0.62) 0. 15 15.02 2.50 34.22 18.03 7. 18 0. (14 o. 17 0. : 7.16 0.46 0.28 I I in 11.34 1.07 14.71 3. 40 9.00 0.88 47.61 PIG No i POLAND CHINA L6665 L6663 Bones toted with ether). M.inou Skin .... [dual cord tracted \\ iili ether) 16004 Tendons 1717H (Fat extract* d with ether) Hoofs 0. 40 :::: 11 23.32 4.77 4. '.mi c>. r>K 1(1. 15 "lY«7 "i."6e 6. 74 (1.21 7. 12 It. 12 7. 10 0. 17 lit..; 1121 (I. 11 1 (0.82) 0. U 5 ll 0. 1.4d 4.70 1.89 i .67 1.43 45 marrow, skin, spinal cord, tendons, and hoofs. PIG No. 1.— BERKSHIRE. Per cent original material. Water. Fat. Nitrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. a s © a © a . ! >» © 2 . bo a . •r 1 a» ft~ a S3 he a . "G.S I.'- s = .2 teids ins hot wat i t a ted romin. 8 ,a 1-g = £ •a • © T| = - c-= .9 ~~ - 2 ft - u s 3 a ft© © © ^a a -.c 3 — A a a | a M H z H a 3 H © H O 3 £ 5H - © a: H 7- © 35.93 3.01 38.94 11.40 0.27 11.67 0.44 3.26 2.80 0.00 0.40 17.50 0.38 1.25 19. 13 26. 12 95.86 (0.07) 03 (0.03) 14.06 0.30 14.36 81.50 0.01 81.51 0.37 0.32 0. 03 0. 02 2.00 0.19 0. 00 2. 25 98.12 I 0.46 0.12 0.01 5. 55 47.17 3.07 50.24 15.90 1.21 17.11 4.04 1.07 0.44 25.25 G.69 1.37 33.31 0.63 ( 108. 44 \101.29 0.29 0. 024 0.41 65. 17 0. 53 Or,. 70 20.03 0.73 20.76 0.78 0.62 0.1] 0.05 3.88 0.69 0.16 4. 73 97.19 55.16 3.27 58.43 12.91 0. 49 13.40 0. 13 4.50 3.59 0.71 0.20 22. 44 4.44 0.02 27. 50 1.18 100.51 0.32 0.45 0.01 30. 56 4.53 41. U9 0.86 9.28 58.00 0.93 100. 88 PIG No. 2.— TAMWOETE 34. 46 13.14 3. GO (0.10) 0.17 38.06 14.83 0.23 15.06 0. 04 3. 13 0. 05 2.76 o.n 0.26 17. 25 0.31 17.56 1.38 0.69 0.81 18. 75 25. 35 0.31(0.09) 97. 22 0.31 13. 31 84.47 0.01 84.48 0. 25 0. 05 0. 02 0.12 5.10 0.13 0.02 0. 25 0. 86 2.95 0.14 0. 10 5 00 . 0. 01 0. 22 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.06 19.06 1.50 97. 53 99. 29 52.95 2.43 55.38 12.77 1.38 14.15 2.66 1.44 1.00 16.62 9.00 3.12 28. 74 0. G5 r 98. 15 \ 98.92 45.88 0.57 46.45 45. 24 0.15 45.39 0.65 0. 10 0.11 4.06 0. 63 0.34 5.03 0. 23 97. 10 58. 52 3.03 61.55 7.81 0.28 8.09 3.87 0.69 0.44 24. 19 4.31 1.37 29. 87 1.09 100.60 39. 27 4.20 43.47 0.61 8 90 55.63 0. 98 100. 69 PIG No. 3.— CHESTER WHITE. 37.47 15.50 40.78 2. 94 (0.10) 40.41 16. 97 0.21 17.18 0. 0G3. 1G 0.06 2.75 0.08 0.33 17.10 0.50 0. 38 17.57 1.88 0.06 4.50 G.OG 1.03 18.72 21.00 os. no 0.38(0.00) 0.38 '40.' 78 79. KG 31.17 "31." n 0.33 0.10 4.22 0.30 0.01 0.72 0.97 11. 02 2. 53 19.10 98.38 0. 06 2. 00 7.89 is. 15 0.53 90.93 55. 66 34. 62 4. 40 4.69 60. 12 39.31 10. 12 0. 29 10. 41 0.70 0. 28 4. 82 9. 64 0.42 24 25 3.25 1.31 28.81 0.85 LOO. 19 GO. 25 0.89 L01. 15 PIG \> . 4.- POLAND CHINA. 40.23 16.39 44.49 46. 05 2.47 (0.06) 0.35 2. 32 0.81 42. 70 9. 40 10.74 78.33 40.81 22. 10 46.86 41.70 11.47 0.02 1.21 1.24 9.87 23.31 12.04 0.5:! n. 25 1 10 3.40 0.02 0.44 1.07 1.12 04 0.41 1.42 11. 28 0. 02 1.83 0.17 0.50 0.01 1.72 0.O7 O.i:; 1 . 75 1 . 56 L9.69 c. 1:; 97.51 0. 1:; 0. 13 u.n 1.00 :.. :i7 n. 22 1G.51 2. 56 8.87 19.82 8.7J ra o.5g 07. G J 97.81 07. 14 53.34 3. 34 56.68 11.44 0.24 11.68 0. 10 5. 15 0. 005 8. 37 3. 96 ^ 0.31 24. ::> 5 50 O. 07 1 § : 1 ' : 101. OG 43. 45 4.07 0.60 52. a i 101.24 • 46 TABLE No. 5. — Analytical data for bones, PIG No. 5.-DUROC JERSEY. Names of parts. I . - — it \*

« 0.77 0.34 8 Ofi 5. 93 7.30 0. 17 ir. 0.67 0.51 6.00 0.84 0. 93 49.70 (0.61) I Fat extracted with ether) Skin a 26. 35 18.07 5.08 5.46 15. 13 2.22 6.91 0.33 1.82 6. 54 0. 07 9. 26 7. 58 0. 84 Boots "" <>:; 7 33 i hk 14.77 1.22 l>Ki No. 6.— DUROC JERSEY. 16748 16748A 16751 16746 16749 17102 107.-):! 1717:; 17182 Bones I Pal extracted with ether. 51.74 5.79 17.48(0.43) Marrow c Skin Spinal cord c i l'at extracted with ether) Tendon? I l'at extracted with ether) Hoof's a 34. 21 34.6i 4.83 0.27 7. 78 3. 03 6.46 0. 21 8.14 14. 83 9.97 0.20 5.39 34.51 9.78 0.21 15.05 4.11 0.12 58.83 5.97 1.18 14.55 I 6. 89 6.32 ii.ii 0.31 0.56 2.81 1. 12 '2'i:; 0. 70 50.36 (0. 23) 0.09 5.70 1.13 0.18 8.12 0. 24 2. 79 1.73 PIG No. 7 DTTROC JERSEY. 1077:, 16775A Bones I l'at extracted with el her) 10770 Marrow c 16778 Skin ! ,,t extracted with ether) 10780 Spinal eord 17167 1 Fat extracted with ether) 10782 Tendons 1718.) Hoofs 53. 50 6. 52 12 38 3.63 39.18 9.80 11.9 12.76 0.43 50.36 ::i 94 lit',:. 6 1 0. 06 3.78 0.78 "1V47 6 1 1 5. 59 0. 32 7.(12 6.82 14. Git 7.H4 ti.18 0.17 1. 13 (>.37 11 13 11. i!» L.96 0.08 (1 14 2 72 0.71 "6.* 98 0. 15 50.59 2.72 0.20 2.00 0.30 2.71 IMC Ni VORKSHIRE. 1 6804 .A 1 1 actt 'i w it ii «■! her) 17153 1 Fai e « 1 racted " Ith ether) initial cord e . 17161 1 Fai extracted \\ ith ether) 16811 Tendons 171-1 11 ! oFal m ■ and w ater 11 <■< 50.51 11.16 0. 13.71 (0 1 11 6.21 29. 28 80.30 0. 1'.' 6.60 5.78 0.29 7. 7:. 1;. R5 „| 0. 27 . . . . lie:. 0.67 13.96 12.29 ,1.03 ti. 11 0.96 14.65 ... (i. 79 0.11 0. I" (i.2l (0. 20, 2. 96 I ig b Sample lost. 47 marrow, skin, spinal cord, tendons, and hoofs — Continued. PIG No. 5.— DUROC JERSEY. Per cent original material. ~SVnter Eat. Xitrogen. Nitrogenous sub- stances. ■ i s . t>> s reparing sa pie. riginal ma rial. - T. it a . u s la .5 - - 30 - — -■ E 30 © CO r. rids iiiHolu hot water. 1 inoids. SO © CO 03 - ■a Pi o - Sh ■g — — - C, - - r. O 09 A £ « = H H a z ^ S S 3 A 3 u -:- !i 0. 01 24. L9 4.31 1.37 20. 87 0. in 1.09 0. OS 100.70 1717s Hoofs 100.69 PIG No. 8 CHES1 Ki; WHITE. 16609 L6613 1001.5 16617 10010 16621 16622 1662 1 16630 I (,031 10633 16637 17170 Meal Am. rlcan hacks . . . A uerican bellies . . Shorl I (it ham-. . . . . New York shoulders 1 our feel Spareribs Tenderloins X11 k hones Backbones Ti huntings Tail , Bones Mil row Bkiu Spinal cord Tendons II. -1. h s.;. 72 70. Ki 11 0. 12 30.54 00. 73 0.03 1.03 7 lo 0. 08 53. 15 30. 00 11. 13 0.68 1.07 13.73 0. x> /, 1:1. 16 37. 62 0. 1 1 0.87 1.84 11 65 0.28 20. 74 0. .-8 0. 38 1.00 17.32 0. 10 53. 23 27 03 13.63 0.87 1 . 05 16 15 65. 07 13.47 10.00 0. II 1.03 18. 1" 11. in 53.50 20. 52 12. 10 0. 75 1.31 11 25 50. 36 31.65 13.38 0. 56 1.31 0.28 22. 10 7 1 . 5.5 ' 3. 25 0. 50 0.07 :;. 00 0. II 62 1.06 0. 08 40 II 17. 18 17.57 0, ...1 I.e.: 10. 10 0. 00 1 38 0.(10 0. 00 •J (HI ,•0. 10 31. 17 4. 50 c>. 06 7. 80 0. 10 #41. 21 1 5.61 0. 80 #0.80 #6.77 #1.47 60. 12 in. 11 1.31 a ~i 0. 70 0. 35 0. 12 0.71 0.84 1 06 1 o5 0.31 .1. 24 21.69 II III mo. hi 00 02 99. 12 98.04 '.1- .1 99 no .... en 00. 11 1 90. 73 98 11 07 12 01 OS 100.47 KM. 15 ,/ Lecithin in extracted lample only, unless otherwise noted .it ot direct determination on original material. Otbe in,, .,1 the per cent of water removed in the preparal Ion of sa MIL HI I lie nil l'| \ .sample ( 1 11 fat . s tract ,/ 1 1, 1,1 1 extract calculated from a\ erag%s tor like cut*. e < !alculated from a.\ < rages ol liki cats j 1 11 residue and fat extract numbers in this column represent the , . 1 > 1 . ami the I"' Ctnl Of water remain 49 Table No. 6 — Revised analytical data — Continued. PIG No. 4.-POLAND CHINA. [Per cents original material.] Serial No. 16640 16642 16644 16646 16648 16650 16651 16653 16655 16657 16663 16665 16659 16661 16664 17180 Names of outs and parts. Water. Meat: American backs 26. 13 American bellies 30. 78 Short-cat hams 54.78 New \ r ork shoulders &51. 72 Four feet 50.66 Spareribs ^ 52. 95 Tenderloins 67.43 Neck bones 55. 23 Backbones &51.20 Trimmings 22.43 Tail 16.50 Bones 42. 70 Marrow 16. 74 Skin 46.81 Spinal cord 48. 86 Tendons 56. 68 Hoofs 47.52 Fat. 66. 33 60. 69 30. 12 33. 74 31.32 29. 55 10.95 28. 27 30.98 71.52 77.77 9.87 78. 35 23.31 42.94 11.68 0.60 Nitrogenous substances. Pro- teids, insolu- ble in hot water. Gela. ti- noids. Flesh Total. 5.13 4.81 10. 69 7.81 11.00 10.00 17.63 10.25 12.94 3.69 3.44 16.51 2.56 8.87 ! 5.50 24.75 0.56 0.63 0.81 0.63 4. Ill 0.63 0.69 1.13 0.81 0.44 0.56 1.75 0. 13 11.44 1.06 5.50 0.81 1.19 1.28 0.94 0.97 3.09 0.78 1.75 1.34 0.69 0.60 1.56 0.03 5. 37 0. 22 0.97 0. 50 6. 63 12.78 9.38 10. 10 13.78 19. 10 13. 13 J 5. 09 4.82 4.60 19.82 2. 72 25. 68 6.78 31.22 52.31 Total. PIG No. 5.-DUROC JERSEY. 16579 16581 16583 16585 16587 16589 16591 16592 16594 16596 16598 16600 16601 16603 16005 16607 17181 Meat: American backs American bellies . . . Sbort-cut bams New York shoulders Four feet Spareribs Tenderloins Neck bones Backbones Trimmings Tail Bones Marrow Skin Spinal cord Tendons Hoofs b 20. 75 73.25 3.94 0.50 0.84 5.28 0.08 0.29 29.13 62.83 5.06 0.56 1.00 6.62 0.10 0. 42 50.45 35. 94 8.38 1.00 0.50 9.88 0.03 0.71 b 44. 10 43.74 7.03 0.63 1.09 9.35 0.10 0. 55 6 54.10 54. 0!) 26. 19 26. 90 10. 19 14.06 2. 19 0.81 2.90 1 . 53 15. 28 16. 40 a 0.32 0.12 0. 76 1.04 66.55 11.41 18.31 0.38 1.09 19.78 0.35 1.14 52.48 30.31 12.50 0.75 1.40 14.65 0. 20 0.94 48.77 29. 40 16. 38 0.81 1.65 18.84 0.41 1.23 20.08 74. 13 3.25 0.44 0.87 4. 56 0.08 o. 30 11.54 84.62 2.00 0. 31 0. 02 2. 93 0.07 0.20 30. 45 12.89 20. 13 0.56 1. 12 21.81 0. 50 20. ot; 13. 22 80. 97 2.88 0. 19 0.09 3.16 dO. 19 6:;5.49 38. 16 3. 69 11.38 4.93 20. 00 0.09 6.48 59.50 23. 62 8.56 0.94 0.47 9. 97 1.47 a 0.40 a 59. 05 all. 15 a 23. 97 a4.35 a 1. 09 a29. 41 a 0.19 a 1.07 35.10 0.74 04. 63 0.85 PIG No. 6— DUROC JERSEY. Meat: 16725 American backs 20. 32 73. 63 3. 75 0.44 0.72 4.91 o. 20 0.29 99. 35 16727 American bellies — 34. 52 58. 97 4.38 0.50 0. 50 5. 53 0. 12 0. 22 99. 36 10729 Sborl (ul hams 37. 26 39. 10 17.38 1.25 1.69 20. 32 0. 35 1.32 98. 35 10731 New York shoulders. 39. 46 49. 18 7.50 0. 94 1.00 9.50 0. 12 0.84 99. 10 16733 Four feet 51.84 29. 47 10.56 2. 88 2.31 15.75 0. 35 0. 75 08. 10 107:;:. Spareribs 49.84 31.95 13.63 1. 13 1.09 15.85 0.33 1. 10 99. 07 L6737 Tenderloins 63. so 14.81 17.31 0. 03 0.87 is. si 0. 56 1.05 90. 09 10738 10740 49. 30 b 47. 54 34.92 35. 90 11.69 12.81 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.15 13.09 15.02 o. 28 0.30 o. 87 0. 92 99. 00 Backbones 10742 10.51 13.94 78. 78 81.23 3. 00 3.00 0.38 0.4 1 0. 50 0.41 3. 94 3. 85 0.07 0.00 0. 25 o. 23 90.51 10744 Tail 99.31 16748 33. 78 "14.57 17 04 a81.13 17.09 "2.09 1.00 "0. It l . 22 ao. 06 19.91 " 2. 29 "0.:;i do. 19 20. 00 97. 39 10751 Marrow •97. 00 16746 Skin b 15. 20 20. 59 13.50 0. 00 0. 08 25. 58 o. 06 0. ti.! 02. 06 16749 Spinal cord o48.27 041.21 "5.01 aO.86 a0.80 "0.77 - 2.51 "0 10 99. 10 16753 59. 62 ti.<;.s 9. 32 0.09 25. 'J.", 4.68 i.:;i 31. 10 ;,:; .mi 0.06 1.02 ltll. 17 L7182 Hoofs o Calculated from averages of like outs. h Result of direct determination on original material. sum of the per cenl of water renio\ ed in t he preparation Ing in (lie air-dry sample. c In fat e\t i act. din residue and fat extract, calculated from averages i In residue and fat extract. 3020— No. 53 4 other nu in hers in this column represent the of sain (tie and the per cent of water remain if like cuts. 50 Table No. 6. — Revised analytical data — Con tinned. PIG No. 7.— DXJROC JERSEY. [Per cents original matt rial. S J" al Names of cute and parts. Water. 16754 16756 16758 16760 16762 16764 16766 16767 16769 10771 1«77:: 10775 10770 16778 16780 16782 17183 Meal : American backs American belli* - Short-cut hams New York shoolders. Four feet Bpaieribs Tenderloins Nick hones Backbones Trimmings Tail Hoiks Marrow Skin Spinal eortl Tendons I loots 20.23 21.53 a 14.26 14.62 .".:;. 20 72. 83 52.10 53. 09 20. 49 13.73 36. 64 cl4. 57 50. 39 20. 84 57. 91 44.12 Fat. 73.95 73. 56 13.38 li'. 65 25. 25 27. 51 9.35 30.92 28.07 73. 50 81.74 13.70 C81. 13 15.75 07. 32 14.02 el). 67 Nitrogenous substances. Pro. teids, insolii ble in hot water. Gela- ti- noids. 4.06 2.81 9. 50 9.06 14. 56 14.09 12.38 13.88 3.38 2.81 18. 94 c 2. 09 19. 19 6.06 22.94 0. 56 0.38 0.87 0. 94 2. 63 1. 13 0.50 1.13 1.06 0.63 0. 50 0. 50 cO. 14 10.13 1.00 3.94 Flesh bases. 0.50 0.31 0.81 <>. .-7 1.53 1.09 0.56 0. 02 1.19 0.75 0.44 1.15 c 0. 06 3.34 0. 28 0.97 Total. thin 1 , AO*. ™*« 5. 12 :;. 5u 1 1 . 24 10.87 10.54 10.78 1 5. 75 14.13 16.13 4. 70 3.75 20. 65 C2.28 32. 00 7.34 27.85 55.69 o. 48 0.48 0.45 0.62 o. :;o 0. 83 0. 55 0.44 b 0. 1 1 0.48 0. 43 Cl0. 19 it. 15 &0.70 0. 11 0. 29 0.21 0. 05 0.91 0. 78 1. Ml 0.86 0. 94 1.(12 9. 28 27 27. 07 0. 78 (Ml. .JO 0.87 100.07 99. 28 99.98 99. 07 98.9] 99. 33 99. 1 1 98. 64 98. 75 99. 20 99. 97 98. 19 97. 99 99. 73 90. 20 100.70 101.37 PIG No. 8.— YORKSHIRE. Meat : American hacks American bellies Short-cut hams New York shoulders. Four feet Span-ribs Tenderloins Nedi hones Backbones Trimmings Tail 16783 L6787 16789 16791 16793 10795 10790 I079H L6802 10804 Hones. Marrow 10807 Skin 16809 Spinal cord 16811 Tendons... 17184 Hoofs 33. 79 59. 14 a 49. 57 a 57. 47 52.31 06. 05 55. 13 50.05 20. 12 Is. 50 41.39 It. 29 C 10. 33 r Is. 27 52. 20 02. 53 50. 22 25.2:i 36. 09 30. 86 29. 28 13.07 20.71 29.01 05 81 74. 37 14.08 .•11.21 ell. 15 0. 19 5. 9 I 1.06 0. 02 7.62 0. 32 0.41 0. 75 1.25 0. 06 8.66 0. 25 o. 48 11.50 0.87 1. 09 13.40 0.42 0.74 . 8.50 0.87 1.09 10.46 0.17 0. 03 5. 13 1.63 1.51! 0.41 13.50 1. 13 1.34 10.03 0. 33 I.e.". 10.00 0.81 1.03 17.84 1.04 13.31 1.00 1. 15 15. 10 0. 54 0. 99 14.13 1 . 25 l . 28 10.60 0. 7s 1 Is 4. 50 l.oo 0. 94 0. 50 0.44 0.39 4.88 1.00 0.41 0. 55 0. 33 18.32 0. si 0.94 20.13 0. 20 25. 30 1.88 0. 19 0.08 2. 10 /, 00 cl.3.09 C 8. 07 c4.59 CO. IS c0. 02 .'5.01 <• 0. so .•o. 30 .0 77 el. 47 . 0. |0 .23.97 cl.09 e29 ii 10. 75 .•0. 19 el. 07 0.71 '.•9. i:; 9U. 40 98.99 96 '.i2 97. 11 99. oo 99. 28 99. 26 100. 10 101. 10 96. is 90. 73 100.68 100.21 a Result of direct determination on original material, other numbers in this column represent the so in of t he per cent ol water removed in the preparation <>t sample ami the per cent ol water n main ing in t he air-dry sample. I) In residue ami fat ext ract e Calculated from averages of like cats. ./in fa i extract, calculated from averages fw like cuts. . In fat extract. 51 re cj i- QOi- ~ i- x — d ' id ri © id — : f. ad — i ri a i-~. ; ©' ^-' © iinfirtt-xs I M iH 1C ?1 CO .-< L~ © SSI*® 500 eo«o 10 •»#!> eo 10 t-i a R . c • • n r. l- ■- © ~ "iriocri m 4100m 35 t- t- t- 3-. ■- • r-i 1— l- : co eo -* 00 id 35 ri c C- -*© © i-H ri 'Z* Jlil ^ : ^St-OK'-l--- ISOSH •» ao 35 r- -* r-l X © 31 = X t> © CO © o © H~ o o : » x c i- a § ri 71 71 —J 71 CO -r" ed ri =' d ? m — r-i — • incomooeoooeoaooc 2 ■* i - — ' x — -r x —' ua as 6r. 77 ~ > ~. ■- s i~ x ■- 71 i- - :i -t c r- c ri ia (71 ■ i- x ?i -i :-. i- 7i >-. :i — .-. = — — d to' 71 I". ' " - I - X ; 71 S rt d » 71 t-NOOON'JO :: -i-i-xiO* >~ 77. ^- --3 7M X oo oo o * ■* re so os »h -f — l- -f cc — OCOOOK-tl- (M° t-i -* rA -<* © eo n d d re o toceoooi-.n t- t- -o oo t- os to -+ in t^ r: rd MOINMO00 oo cm" rd co cr-i c-i i t~cM«o co idddo t - t~ © — "= OS n I i-' os -+ c i • r> © oo co cm oo t- o I riDnoocs im m m i-h co OS — . 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S^ c-©- 3 -*~ * .-1 r^ rO "* lO O •* = f 1 -t t- HMHOt-a-* C- X © CO x CO ci © — © onariri l - ® rfa • « rH CO . m i-i -* © i-i re SMi^saM-t o s - x a >* §~ O) es ro ,,, MOOHhflOC . © at-Hoo-ie o -*©•<* © © c © • © ! ° t- tr- © CO © m C< -* © © o © t- ue co t- WK8t>Ot- H«»Ol»t> • ri ! « • 2 . 03° ■ 3 • tc • u • o • o r> — a 3 = - fl ' a -_ a /. r - : -© z C IIS! * 5 Sd =■ I s ' i \ ~"r: MH^^Hr 'J Bom a Marro Skin . Spinal Tendo PTnnfa i > > 1 «ft r- oo © n h i oo i-h © o» eo © i ifinftoo oaaeci: CO © © © © r- ii-li- -x oi ro ro © x © i trial- i-i lo oi li ro oi © © -f x -* ro -t lo -r x t- m © © i- i- ro © r- -* x lo x o i r- oi -# © X i-l rH-* irt- fM © X -* fM i ) © t- © t> © ro ci -* i lo i> oj r-J © oo ro re' r)«©Xt-©ca©C-i-l© o4 oo — i x' © oi © lo' © © XH*roc^ro©-tt-©ro © ro © i- rH rH ro MOoriHLiNHaHffl ©' lo 1 1> © ro © — © © I -' : 01 i.O l- t~ 01 X © h h s :i n x r-5 ©' ©' LO © © -»NHH3. 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CO O C6 © O IO G t- 1 i 1- -T 71 t- © 77 i- »d m eo co t> © h 5 - 77 X i-l i- - P< H 'J • ::".-.' CO © e4 - 2 V- -- • i-4Ci<*ooeooirj«c © ■- S / 5 e i 7 i -r CO -r 7 i ©' ©' CO id 2 U5 (0 /- r i i - I - c: • - © t CO bl *s C -r o © — © i- © i - — i - i- £ "! $ x s» ©' — ' i-< —' " - ! r ;| : - : B 5 ■ ~ : c a :Tr • 'Z : • c / ! IM . z i 1 J. i z - r 1 C • • 1? - i. - HJilJ C - g r 33 5j '--^ — .- Sv 11 o 3'C '« gfcc 155 .S = £ n. - - 1 > ■z i i < 8 i a i 57 Table 8 A. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, hy cuts. AMERICAN CLEAR BACKS. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Tig, number and variety. Water. Fat. Nitrogenous substances. Leci- thin, a Ash. Serial No. Pro- teids in- soluble in hot water. Grelati- noids. Flesh ,,, x , bases. iotal - Total. 16667 16090 16G0.) 16638 16579 16725 16754 16783 1. Berkshire 2. Tam worth 3. Chester White 4. Poland China 5. Duroc Jersey 6. Duroc Jersey 7. Duroc Jersey 32.27 29.13 23. 72 26. 13 20.75 20.32 20.23 28.55 57.69 61.76 70. 16 66.33 73. 25 73. 03 73.95 62.53 7.00 ;.. 75 4. 50 5. 13 3.94 3.75 4.06 5.94 0.50 0.69 0.44 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.56 1.06 0.91 8.41 0. HI 7.35 0. 75 5. 09 0.81 6.50 0.84 5.28 0.72 4.91 0.50 5.12 0. 02 7. 62 0.15 0. 13 0.12 &0.21 0.08 c 0. 20 c0.48 cO. 32 0.51 0.43 0. 35 0.38 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.41 0.37 0.51 0.29 99.03 98. 80 100. 04 99. 55 99. 65 99. 35 100.07 99 43 25.14 32.27 20.23 07.41 73. 95 57. genous G-elati- noids. substan Flesh bases. ces. Total. Leci- thin. a Ash. Total. 10009 37.27 33. 69 30. 54 30.78 29. 13 34. 52 21.53 33. 79 51.93 7.00 0.56 1.22 0.91 8.78 0.14 8.54 0.15 0.55 0.47 98.67 10098 56.52 7.00 : 0.63 99 37 16611 10640 10581 16727 16750 16785 3. Chester White 4. Poland China 5. Duroc Jersey 6. Duroc Jersey 7. Duroc Jersey 00. 73 ! 5. 44 1 0. 63 00.09 I 4.81 : 0.63 62.83 5.00 0.50 58. 97 4. 38 0. 56 73.50 2.81 0.38 56.22 0.75 1.25 1.03 1.19 1.00 0.59 0.31 0. 00 T.lo 0.08 0.03 0.12 0. 02 0. 10 5.53 cO. 12 3.50 cO. 48 8. 00 c 0. -5 0.42 0.43 0.42 0.22 0. 21 0.48 98. 87 98. 65 99. 10 99. 36 99. 28 90 40 Means Maxima 31.41 37.27 21.53 00.18 73. 50 51.93 5.41 0.05 0.80 7.00 1.25 1.22 2. 81 0. 38 6.92 8.78 3. 50 0.18 CO. 48 0. 08 0. 48 o. 55 0.21 99. 09 99. 40 98.05 Table X C. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, by cuts. SHORT CUT HAMS. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Pig, number and \ ariety. Water. Eat . Nitrogenous substances. Leci. thin, a Ash Serial No. Pro teidsin soluble in hot water. Gelati- noids. Flesh Total. Total. 10071 16700 10013 16642 L6583 10729 16758 L6787 00. "o 22.19 21.45 30.99 30. 12 35.94 39. lo 43. 38 25. 23 11.01) 13.00 0.69 1.15 0. 03 1 . 25 15. 84 13.73 12.78 20. 3-J 1 1 . •_' 1 L3 16 cO. 65 o. 22 o 35 o.d : o. 35 cO. r. <-o. 12 o. 96 0. Si (I SO 0. 70 0.71 1 . 32 o.Tl 99. 93 57. 9 ; 53. L5 54.78 50. 15 37. 26 44. 26 50. 14 3. Chester White 4. Poland China 5. Duroc Jersey o. Duroc Jersey 7. DlirOC Jersey 11.13 o.r,.; 1.97 io.c.9 o. si 1.28 8.38 1.00 0.50 17.38 1.25 L. 60 9.50 0.87 0.8] 11.50 0.87 L.09 99. "J 97 01 oo 98 52. 10 00. 1-9 37. 26 30.18 11.90 0.84 1.22 14.02 20.32 0. 34 1 . .'.2 98. 79 Maxima Minima 13.38 22. 19 L7.38 1.25 1.97 o Bl 07. til a In extracted sample. b Calculated from aver iges of Like cuts. In residue ami fal extract. 58 Table 8 1>. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, by cut*. NEW YORK SHOULDERS. [Data arc staled in percentages of the original material.; Pig number and variety. 1. Berkshire 2. Tamwortli 3. Chester White 4. Poland China . 5. Duroc Jersey . 6. Daroc Jersey . 7 l)u roc .Jersey . 8. Yorkshire Means Maxima . .. Minima Nitrogenous substances. Pro- "Water. Fat. teids in- , soluble v; ', in hot n0,d8 - water. .-■4. 97 5.'). 07 49.16 PL 72 44. 16 39.46 44 62 49.57 29. 01 29. 98 37. 62 33.74 43. 74 49.18 42.65 48. 59 37. 75 55.07 49.18 39.46 29.01 1 1 . 25 11.25 9.44 7.81 7.63 7.50 9.06 8.50 9.06 11.25 7.50 Flesh liases. 0.81 0.87 0.87 0.03 0.63 0. 94 0. 94 0.87 1.56 1.19 1.34 0. 94 1.09 1.06 (1.87 1.09 Total. Leci- thin. ( 13.62 13.31 11.85 9.38 9.35 9.50 10.87 10.46 0.15 0. 24 0.28 0. 30 0.10 0.12 b 0. 62 0.17 0. 82 1.14 11.02 0.91 1.56 13.62 0.63 0.87 9.35 0.25 b 0. 62 0.10 Ash. Total. 0.89 0.79 0.71 0.59 0. 55 0.84 0.91 0. 63 0.74 0. 91 0.55 98. 64 99. 39 99. 42 95. 7.! 97. 91) 99. 10 99.67 96. 92 98. 35 99. 67 95.73 Table 8 E. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, hy cuts. FEET. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Pig, number and variety. Water. Fat. Nitrogenous substances. Leci- thin. a Ash. Serial No. Pro- ^Vi 1 ' Gelati- ? 1 '*5 J noids. in hot water. Flesh bases. Total. Total 16675 61.28 58. 66 53. 05 50.66 54. 16 51.84 55. 98 57.47 55. 39 61.28 50. 66 16.83 21.23 26. 74 31.32 26. 19 29. 17 25. 25 30. 86 25. 99 31. 32 16. 83 12.19 11.63 9.88 11.00 10. 1!) 10. 56 12.38 5. 13 4. (ill 3. 38 6.38 4. 19 2. 19 2. M 2. S3 1.63 2.34 2. 96 1.06 0.97 2.90 2.31 1.53 1.53 19.22 17.97 17.32 16.16 15.28 15. 75 16.54 15.82 19.22 8. 29 60.61 0.82 9a 78 L6704 L6817 [6646 16587 16733 16762 16791 2. Tain worth 3. Chester White 1. Poland China 5. DlirOC Jersey 6. Duroc Jersey 7. Duroc .Jersey 68.51 8.88 0.19 0.84 0.15 n.oi c0.32 8.78 b 0. 35 0. 75 b 0. 38 0. 78 0.08 0.41 0. 32 0. 77 6 6.81 o.9l 0. 08 0. 11 99. 23 98. 04 99. 28 96.71 98. 18 98.91 97. 11 Means Maxima 10.37 12.38 5. 13 3. 50 6. 38 1. 63 1. 95 2. 96 0. 97 98. 28 99 28 98. 7 1 Table k P. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, In/ cuts. 8P LRER1BS. [ Data arc stated in pen )< Qtages "I ihe original material.] Pig, nuuiher and varict \ . Water. Fat. \ 11 rogenons substances. Leoi- thin, a a.sh. Serial No. Pro teids in solnhle in hot water. Gelati noids. Flesh liases. Total Total. 16077 10700 16819 10701 16798 1. Berkshire 2. Tamu ort h 8 Chest r White .... t Poland china 5. Duroc Jersey 8 i >uroc Jersey 19.20 58. 23 52. 95 54 09 19.84 52 31 29. 10 27. 93 26. 90 27.51 18. ii 1 1 . 56 16.08 1 1 06 13.03 l i 16 L8.68 1.18 1.81 ii. 87 o. 68 0. SI 1 13 1.13 1. 13 1. 19 1 Id 1 . 66 8. 09 1.53 l . 09 1.00 I B4 15.76 1 1 27 it; 15 13.78 10 in 15 85 10.78 o. 25 0.31 ii. 12 0.88 /HI. 83 0.33 1.80 0.98 0. 92 0. 9S 1.04 i. 10 1.01 1.05 98 51 97.54 99. 07 99. 33 Oil. 00 Means Maxima Minima 98. 66 99. 88 07. 54 52. 17 19 "ii 38. ^x ••i; on 1.82 1.55 15.63 It 56 1.81 8.09 10.78 in 06 0.68 LOO 18.78 0.35 1. 00 1. 10 ii. 12 0. 92 a in ext racted latnph '■In n si.lu, ,i n,| i. it extract . ■Calculated from averages of like cuts. 59 Table 8 G. — Chemical composition of the meat of ike pigs, by cuts. TENDERLOINS. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Water. Nitrogenous substances. Leci- thin. a Ash. Serial Pig, number and No. variety. Fat. Pro- teids in- soluble in hot water. Gelati- noids. Flesh bases. Total. Total. 1C679 1. Berkshire 16708 2. Tamworth 10621 3. Chester White 10050 4. Poland China 16591 5. Duroc Jersey 16737 0. Duroc Jersey 16766 7. Duroe Jersey 16795 8. Yorkshire .1 68.06 65.52 65. 97 07. 43 66.55 03.86 72.83 66.65 8.78 13.51 13.47 10.95 11.41 14. 81 9.35 13.07 18.56 17.13 16.69 17.63 18.31 17.31 14.69 16. 00 0.50 0.56 0.44 0.69 0.38 0.63 0.50 0. 81 1.06 0.91 1.03 0.78 1.09 0.87 0.50 1.03 20.12 18.00 18.16 19.10 19.78 18.81 15.75 17.84 0.49 6 0. 91 0. 40 0.39 0.35 0.56 0.32 6 0.68 1.17 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.14 1.05 0.86 1.04 98. 62 9!). 00 99.06 99.00 99.23 99.09 99.11 99.28 67.11 72. 83 63.86 11.92 17.04 0.56 0.92 14.81 18.56 0.81 1.09 8.78 14.69 0.44 0.56 18.52 0.51 20.12 6 0. 91 15. 75 0. 32 1.06 1.17 0.86 99. 1 2 Maxima 99.60 98. 62 Tablk 8 H. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pig*, by cuts. NECK BONES. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Pig, number and variety. Water. Fat. Nitrogenous substances. Ash. Serial No. Pro teids in- soluble in hot water. Gelati- Flesh noids. bases. Total. Leci- thin, a Total. 16680 10709 1. Berkshire 55.70 55. 52 53. 50 55. 23 52.48 49. 30 52.10 55. 13 27.92 12.44 20. 03 13. 38 0.75 1.06 1.31 1 1.40 14.25 16.09 6 0.68 6 0. 83 0.81 1.02 99.36 99. 49 16622 16651 16592 16738 16767 16796 '.',. Chester White 4. Poland China 5. Duroc Jersey 6. Duroc Jersey 7. Dnroc Jersey 8. Yorkshire... Means Maxima Minima 29.52 12.19 0.75 1.31 14.25 0.25 28 J7 10.25 1.13 1.75 13.13 6 0.-15 30.31 12.50 0.75 1.40 14.65 0. 20 34.92 11.69 0.94 1.06 13.69 0.28 30.92 12.38 1.13 0.02 14.13 6 0.55 20.71 13.31 1.00 1.15 15.40 6 0.54 0.87 0.91 0. 94 0. S7 0.94 0. 99 08. 39 97. 99 98.58 99. 06 98.64 98.79 99. 49 97. 99 53.02 20.33 12.27 0.97 1.22 14.46 0.47 55.70 34.92 13.38 1.31 1.75 16.09 6 0.83 49.30 20.03 10.25 0.75 0.02 13.13 0.20 0. 92 1.02 0.81 ABLE X T. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs , by cut- BACKBONES. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material. Pig, number and variety. Water. Fat Nitrogenous Bubstan Leci- thin, a Ash. Serial Pro- teids in soluble in hot Gelati- noids. Flesh Total. Dotal. water. 1 Berkshire •i- .,.. 1.44 1 . 24 - 10711 •) Tamworth 51.00 30.67 18.69 1.22 15 78 1. 10 16624 3. Chester White 31.05 13.38 1.34 15.28 23 1. Poland China 51.26 30.98 12.94 1.34 15.00 27 1.05 10501 5 Dnroc Jersey o. hi 1.65 18.84 0. 11 1 . 23 1074O fi Dnroc Jersey 47.54 12.81 1.06 1. 15 15.02 0. 92 16769 7 Duroc Jersey 1.4)6 1. 19 16. 13 6o.4l l.oj 16798 i. 50.65 29.61 n. 13 1.25 16.66 i. 1- 1.10 Means 50. 70 30. 45 13.95 0.91 1 . 83 10. 19 0.38 Its. HI Maxima 53. 09 35. 96 1 25 l 65 6 0.78 1.21 47. 54 1.15 ] ,/ In extracted sample. /. in residue ami fat extract. 60 Table 8 J. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pigs, by outs. TIM MM IN.;-. [Data an- stated in percentages of the original material.] Pig, number and variety. Water. Fat. Nitrogenous substam Serial No. Pro- teid 8 in- soluble in hot water. Gelati- Flesh noids. hascs. Total. ISf- Ash. Total, thin, a 16684 62. tin 62.67 :>. 1!) 5. 31 3. OH :;. 25 3.06 3. 38 4. 50 0. Git 1.03 0.81 1.03 0.50 0.84 0.44 0.69 0.44 0.87 0.38 0.50 0. 63 0. 7.") 1.00 0.94 6.91 7. 15 4. 59 4.82 4. 56 3. 94 4. 76 6.50 0. 11 4! 16713 2 Tamworth In 4:; 99 20 16596 16742 16771 16800 3. Chester White 4. Poland China 5. Duroc Jersey (i. Dnroo Jersey , . Dunn- Jersey 22. 4!) 22. 4:t 20. 08 it;. .-,1 20. 49 20. 1 2 71.55.' 71.52 74.13 73.56 65. 81 0.07 0.31 0.06 0.32 99.15 0.08 0.30 0. 07 0. 25 99. 54 6 0. 11 0.28 99.20 b 0. 44 0. 39 99. 26 Means Maxima Minima 23.33 70.00 3.96 0.61 0.83 29.68 78.78 5.31 1.00 1.03 16.51 62.00 3.06 0.38 0.50 1 1 5. 40 7.15 3.94 0.13 0.34 99.20 b o. 44 0. 43 99. .">4 0.06 0.25 99.01 TABLE 8 K. — Chemical composition of the meat of the pig 8, by cuts. TAIL. [Data are stated in percentages of the original material.] Water. Fat. Nitrogenous Bubstances. Leci- thin, a Ash. Serial No. Pig, number and variet \ . Pro- teids in soluble in hot water. Gelati- noids. Flesh ... , , bases. lu,al - Total. 'J 4. 02 (IS 23 5. 7.'. 4. 25 8.00 3.44 •_-. oo 3.00 2.81 0. 56 0. 69 0. II ii 56 0.31 0.41 0.50 1.06 0.50 6.81 ii. 17 0. 39 99. 62 16715 16657 16598 16744 16773 •-'. Tamworth :;. Chester White 4. Poland China :.. Da roc Jersey t;. Dnroo Jersey 7. 1 tin ne Jersey 8. Yorkshire 25. 77 67. 08 L5.66 79.69 16.50 77.77 11.54 84.62 13.04 81.23 13.73 81.74 18.50 7i.:;7 0.78 0.62 0. tit; 0.62 i). ll n ii 0.41 5. 72 1.06 4 66 2. 93 3. 75 0. 10 o. 30 98. '.i7 0.24 99.73 0.09 0.31 99.33 0.07 0.20 99.36 0.06 0.23 99.31 b0.48 0.27 99.97 60.55 0.33 100.10 17.40 76 84 3.64 5. 7.-. 2 00 0.57 1.06 0.31 0. 56 ii 78 0.41 4.77 0.20 0.28 99. 55 Maxima Minima ■j:>. 77 ii 54 84.02 67.08 6.81 60.55 0. 06 0.89 0.20 in i in 99.81 Table !>. — Average composition of the meats from all the outs of each animal. \ Percentage 1 at. Nitrogei > Bubstano. s. Feci thin. <• Ash. 0.68 Number and name ol pig Water. Pro teids in sol able in hot water. Gelati in. iil>. Flesh Total Total. 48. 12 17.22 52. 27 59. 08 9.21 8. 52 8 -i • ; 65 7. K2 .1. 67 0.76 0.03 • o.7o o. r.7 1.02 1. i:. 1.07 1 13 O. S,s 0.64 11.. i3 10.85 7. 32 7. 13 0. 72 0.25 (..17 o it; 0. oo (.. IS II 0.33 2. 1 am worth ter While i. I'oland China 5 Duroc Jersey •; l >uroc Jt raey 7. Duroc Jersej in BO :;:. 18 37. 17 81.82 o. tut 0.52 99.26 o. .".2 n. n; 96 91 99. 1!) Means 7.20 9.21 0. 72 0. 96 1.02 L. 16 K. 8S 11.08 0.41 7.13 0.09 98. 99 9:1. 26 11. n; •!- 1 ■ Ml c 1 11 1 he residue after t he ren b In residue 1 .al Of the fat. Table 10. 61 Average* computed from all the bones of each cut of each animal, without marrow. [Percentages.] Number and name of pi< Water. 1. Berkshire 38.9-1 2. Tain worth 38.06 3. Chester White 40.41 4. Poland China 5. Duroe J ersey 0. Duroc Jersey 7. Duroc Jersey 8. Yorkshire Means .Maxima 42. .0 Minima 33.78 a In the residue after the removal of the fat. ft Calculated from averages of like cuts. cln residue and fat extract. Table 11. — Analytical data for marrow. [Percentages.] Number and name of pig. Water. Nitrogenous substances. I'at. 1. Berkshire 2. Tamworth 3. Chester While. 4. Poland China. . 14. 3G 13.31 15.50 10.74 5. Duroc Jersey 13.22 8. Yorkshire 14. 29 Means 14. 57 Maxima 10.74 Minima 13.22 81.51 84.48 79. 80 78. 35 80. 07 81.58 Pro- teids in- soluble in hot water. 2.00 1.38 1.88 2.56 2.88 1.88 81 13 2.10 84 48 2.88 78.35 1.38 G-elati noids. 0.19 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.14 0.19 0.06 Flesh bases. Total. Leci- thin, a Ash. 0.06 2.29 0.09 3.10 0.03 1.50 Total. 0. 06 2. 25 0. 46 98. 58 0.00 1.50 0.05 99. 34 0.00 2.00 (0.00) 97.42 0.03 2.72 (0.06) 97.87 0.09 3.16 (0.00) 97.41 0.03 2.10 0.06 98.03 0.13 98.11 0.46 99.34 0.0.-, 97.41 In the residue after removal of the fat. Table 12. — Analytical data for .skin. | Percentages. Nitrogenous substances. Pro- Number and name of pig. Wilier. Fat. teiils in soluble in hoi water. Gelati- aoids. Flesh liases. L.37 Total. :;:; 31 thin. a Ash. Total. 1. Berkshire 50.24 17. 11 6.69 b0. ii 0.63 101.70 _'. Tamworth 55. 38 14. 15 10.02 9.00 3. 12 /, 0. 25 o. 65 99. 17 :;. ( luster White 40.78 31. 17 4. 50 0.00 7. 89 18. 15 O. 10 91 03 i. Poland China 10. SI 23.31 11.44 5. 37 2.'.. OS (». 2.". 5. Duroe Jersey 35. 19 38. 16 3. 69 ll 38 20. on 0.O9 91.22 0. Duroc .Jersey 45. 20 2i). 59 L3.50 6.00 25. 58 0.06 ii. 63 92.06 7. Duroo Jersey 50. 39 If.. 7f) 19. 19 10. L3 3. :i4 32. oo 6 0. 1.". Means 40. 33 22. 89 13. 09 8.07 4. 59 0. 19 0. 02 96. 52 Maxima 55. 38 38. 16 25. 25 11.44 7. Ml 33.31 0.41 o. 78 101.7O Minima 35. 49 14. 15 6.00 1.37 L8.45 II. 00 91.03 a In the residue, alter remo\ al of t lie fat. t< lu residue ami fal extra* t. G2 Table 13. — Analytical data for spinal cord. ■ outages.] Number and name of pig. Water. Fat. 1. Berkshire 6.">. 70 2. Tamwortfa 46. i"> 4. Poland China 4S. 80 5. Duroc Jersey 59.50 7. Duroc Jersey 20. 84 Means Maxima ().".. 7(1 Minima JO. 84 26. 70 42. 94 2::. 02 (ST. 82 41.21 07. 32 •j;. 62 Nitrogenous substances. Pro- teids in- ,, . ,,; soluble , '" 1; "" in hot n " 1,K water. Flesh Total. Leci- thin, c Total. 3.88 4. 06 5.50 8. 56 6.06 0.69 0. 63 1.00 0.94 1.00 0. 1G 0. 34 0. 22 0.47 4. 7.'! 5.03 6.78 9. 97 7.34 5. 61 8.56 0. 86 1.08 0.63 0.29 0. 17 0.16 0. 77 9.97 4.73 M.47 98.66 0.23 100.05 el. 10 0.56 100.24 M.47 94. :.6 C0.70 96.20 e 1 . 54 C2.95 cO. 70 0. 39 97. 94 0.5G I 100.24 94.56 a Iv tin- residue after removal of the fat. f> in fat extract i I n tai extract talcnlated from averages of like outs. TABLE II. — Analytical data for tendons. [Percentages.] Nitrogenous substani es. Number and name of pig. Water. l. Berkshire . . . 2 Tam worth... ::. Chester Whit 4. Poland China 6. Duroc Jersey 7- Duroc Jersey Means . .. Maxima . Minima . . 58. 43 61.55 60. 12 56. 08 69. 62 57.91 59. 05 61.55 50.68 Pro- riils in. Pro- Fat, t.i.lsin , . soluble '"f' 11 " in Lot " n " U water. 13.40 8. 09 10.41 11.68 9. 32 14.02 22.24 24 I'.' 24.25 24.75 25. 25 22. 94 4.44 4.31 3. 25 5.50 4. 63 3. 94 Flesh 11.15 23. 97 14.02 8.09 22. 1 1 4. 35 5.50 :;. 25 0. 62 1.87 1.31 0. 97 1.31 0.97 1. 10 1.37 0.62 Total. 27.50 28. SI 31.22 31.19 27.85 29. il 31.22 27. 50 Leci- thin, a 0. 10 0.28 0. 10 0.08 o.ll 0. 19 0. 08 A>li. 1.18 l.O'.l 0. 8.*> 1.48 0. 90 Total. 1.07 1 18 100.96 100. 70 100. 17 101; 16 101.17 100.76 100 -7 101. 17 100.47 . — Analytical data for hoot's. I'.:-, ents Water. Fat. Nitrogenous substam e rotal i Ash. Number and name of ]>i^. I'lnii ids Insoluble in hot water. Gelati- 1 1 o 1 1 1 s . Flesh, bases. Total. 41.09 47 12 :.2 26 0.01 o.7o (1.00 n 71 0.60 n. 08 Bl 1.02 100 gfl 2 1 Bin worth :; ( In -in U bite :::;: ::;;:::;;; 1 On. 0!l 1>>1. 1.. i Pound 1 Ihina 101.24 101.32 6. 1 >ni... • ■ • 7 Dun.. 19 1.02 n.71 100.77 101.32 63 Table 16. — Weights of the entire animals and their various cuts, as weighed in Chicago and in Washington, together with the apparent percentages of gain or loss in transit. Two clear backs. Two clear bellies. Number and name . of pig. Two short-cut hams. Two New York shoulders. Chicago. Washing- Chicago. 1. Berkshire: Pounds Grams 2. Tamworth: Pounds Grams 3. Chester White: Pounds Grams 4. Poland China: Pounds Grains 5. Duroc Jersey: Pounds Grams 0. Duroc Jersey: Pounds Grams 7. Duroc Jersey : Pounds Grams 8. Yorkshire: Pounds Grams 351 16, 102. 8 41 18, 597. 6 36 16,329.6 40 18, 144. 394 17, 917. 2 45 20,412.0 39§ 17.917.2 44 19,958.4 34:1 15, 592. 5 401 18, 370. 8 35f 16, 216. 2 38f 17, 577. 391 17,917.2 44i 20. 185. 2 38| 17, 633. 7 43« 19,873.4 101 845. Washing ton. 9,072.0 21 9. 525. 6 24 10. 886. 2 24 10, 886. 4 32§ 14. 742. 28 1 12, 927. 6 22£ 10,206.0 19i 8, 731. 8 19ft 8, 873. 6 21 9, 525. 6 10, 716. 1 24^ 10, 943. 1 32H 14.827.1 29 13,154.4 23ft 10,461.2 Chicago. "«*** Chicago. W ^S- 23^ 10, 659. 6 2G 11,793.6 20 9, 072. 26 11,793.6 21 9. 525. 6 27 12.247.2 23i 10. 659. 6 2 7 12, 247. 2 23ft 10. 574. 6 25 J 11.680.2 19r§ 9, 057. 8 25? 11,736.9 21 9, 525. 6 26| 12.190.5 23h 3 10,801.4 271 12, 300. G ton. 20 h 9, 298. 8 21 9, 525. 6 21 9, 525. 6 24 10 886.2 19* 8, 845. 2. 22 9,979.2, 19± 8, 845. 2 244 20g 9, 395. 5 20J 9.412.2 20}g 9, 440. 5 23ft 10,631.1 19'ri 8, 987. 22k 10,035.9 19] 8, 958. 6 25ft 11,113.2 12,502.4 Number and name Four feet. Sp'areribs. Tenderloins. Neck bones. of pig. Chicago. ^Mng- Chicago. Wa ^- Chicago. Washing- ton. nes. Trimi Tail. Wash- ington. Chicago. Wash- ington. Chicago. Wash- ington. 1,315.5 9. 639. 20 9, 072. (I 113.4 700.0 1,438.0 9, 185. 4 IQIJ 1 " ' I .. 8. 930. 3 1 113.4 f>83. 1,546.0 12,360.6 25 A, 113.4 2? 1. 17::. o 1,482.0 11,226.6 23H 10.744.7 I 113.4 759. o 1,998.0 •J. 11,226.6 18| 8, 448. 3 1 113.4 1- 651. Total. - Est 140 140^ 136 138, 1 ,. 61.693.5 62,424.1 167* I67A 75,978.0 7.-.. 799. 4 149! 67.019.4 67 159i 160, .2,349.2 72,705.7 _ — 'x ; \\ Loss. 1.80 Gain. 1.18 Loss. 0. 27 (lain. 0.9* (rain. 0.49 Table 17. — Relative proportions of parts of pigs, expressed in percentages, of the entire dressed animal, the head, leaf lard, and kidneys having been removed. Weight Percentages of parts. Numbei and name ol pig. pounds (Wash- ington!. Meat (fat and lean). Bones, less marrow M ar- row. Skin. Spinal cord. Ten. dons. H mil's. Total. 129. 6 88.19 86.50 90.67 88. 03 90. 93 7.44 8.18 6.21 5.30 4.70 5.07 7.41 0.12 0.21 0.08 0. 11 0.11 0. 10 0. 11 0.13 3.80 4.71 .-.. 52 3. 63 5. 7.") 4.00 4. 65 5.30 0.09 0. 09 0. u7 0.08 0.04 0.07 - 0. 09 i). 27 21 0. 12 0.14 0.10 0. 12 0.11 0. 18 0.09 i>. 10 0.06 0.07 0.05 0. 08 0. in 100 2. Tamworth 141 1 25. 8 140.4 L37.6 167. 1 1 19. 2 160.8 LOO 100 4. Poland China .">. Duroi Jersey <;. Duroc Jersey 7. Duroi Jersej 8. Yorkshire 100 100 ioo 100 100 Means 144.0 167. 1 88. 62 6. 28 90.93 x. is 0.12 0.21 0.08 4. 07 0. 08 5. 75 i) i)«.) 0.10 0. 27 0. 10 0.08 0. in 0.05 100 100 Minima 4.7D 0. 04 ion Table lx. — Analytical data, expressed in percentages, of the entin dressed animal, the head, leaf lard, and kidneys having been removed. Nitrogenous aubatani thin.a \sh. I 84 2.01 1.75 I -I 2, in Number and aame o| ,. in Water, pounds. Pro- i at . teida in- soluble 111 lint w ater, Gelati Qoids. Flesh Total. 'Total. i r.< rkshire 2 Tamworth ::. Chestei White i. I'olund China 5 Duroc Jersej ... 8. Duro< J< 7 Dm oc Jei - 1 ■ 141 41.00 146 1 19J in 16 10. 15 12.97 9. 65 r.l.ll 7.89 7. 27 6 55 7.73 7.03 ii IS 8.89 1. 15 0. 92 1. 11 1.21 1. in l. 16 l n 1.50 i.-ji I ii 1. 11 0.78 l 08 11 99 Ii. 14 o. -J 7 0. 17 0. 17 0. 19 nil ii 19 98 ii 1 \l> .hi M inn 1 II 3ti. 31 8.12 10. 15 |o. |t. 1.10 l. 12 o. 89 1.14 1.50 10.40 0. 23 2. 1 1 2. 68 oil LSI 98. 90 98. ii a In extracted i e idi m i pi a . ooted in preceding tabh 65 DISCUSSION OF THE DATA. Tables 1 to 6, inclusive, contain the original analytical data from which the subsequent data showing the details of the composition of the meat were computed. The character of the data in these tables is pretty fully explained in a previous part of this report. These tables are particularly valuable, because they are the records of the data as made at the time the observations were made, and therefore show the extent and nature of the analytical work more elaborately than would be indicated by the details of tabular data shown in subsequent tables, which were obtained from a careful analytical study of Tables 1 to (>. It is believed that with the explanation ^previously given the student will be able to understand thoroughly the nature of the tables men- tioned. In Table 7 are found the general data in parts by weight for all the different parts and cuts of each animal. The footings show the total weight, in grams, of each constituent of each animal, and the second horizontal column of footings shows the percentage by weight of each constituent for each animal. The data in Table 7 are calculated from the original data contained in Tables 1 to G, inclusive. The captions of Table 7 will explain sufficiently the nature of the data. COMPOSITION OF THE SAME < FTS FROM THE DIFFERENT ANIMALS. Tables 8 A to 8 K, inclusive, contain a comparison of the composition of the meat of the same cuts of each animal. Each table in the cap- tion designates the character of the cut of meat on which the com- parison is made. For instance — Clear backs. — Table 8 A is a comparison of the composition of the meat of the American clear backs of all the animals. A study of the data reveals quite a variation in the composition of the meat from the different animals, and this variation is found in all the series of data. As in tin 1 other cases, we find that there is a corresponding rela- tionship between the water and fat. one varying inversely as the other, so that the sum of the two is almost a constant quantity. The extremes of variation in water are found in the Berkshire and Duroc Jersey, namely, 32.27 and 20.23 per cent, respectively. The extremes of fat are also found in the same animals, namely. r>7.() ( .> ami 73.95, respect- ively. In nitrogenous substances, as would naturally be expected, there is a corresponding variation, the samples which have the most fat, as a rule, having a lower percentage of nitrogenous bodies, and vice versa. This rule is not of rigid application, but must be regarded only in a general sense. For instance, in Table 8 A the largest per centage of nitrogenous substance is found in the Berkshire, which also has the smallest percentage of fat. while the smallest percentage of nitrogenous matter is found in the Duroc Jersey, No. <;, which, with one slight exception. Ires also the largest quantity of fat. The distri- 3020— No. 53 5 66 butioii of the nitrogenous substances in the meats of the American clear backs is found in the tabic where they are divided into three classes, namely, the true proteids, insoluble in hot water: pdatinoids, which are of a true proteid character, but soluble in hot water, and of which gelatin is the type: and the flesh bases, which are soluble in hot water and are not precipitated by the action of bromin. The ash. as would be expected in animal products, entirely free of bone, is not very large in quantity. It consists chiefly of common salt and the phosphates of the alkali metals. The sum of the substances obtained on analysis shows that very little of the whole matter was unaccounted for, and. w hen the nature of the material on which the work was done i- considered, it is seen that the summation is eminently satisfactory. Clear bellies. — In Table 8 I> we find a study of the comparison of the meat of American clear bellies exactly analogous to that which has been described for the American clear backs. As a rule it will be seen that the percentage of water in the clear bellies is higher and the per- centage of fat lower than in the American clear backs. The general remarks already made in regard to the clear backs may be applied to this table without tiresome repetition. The relations between thenitrog- euous substances and the water and fat and the ash are practically 1 be same as for thosejust described, while the summation of the analyses also shows a satisfactory accounting for the materials which the chemist is furnished. It will be noticed that the flesh bases in the clear bellies are higher than in the (dear backs. Data of this kind are of a practical nature as well as of a scientific value, in indicating what portion of the carcasses of animals could best be used, for instance, for the manufac- ture of extract-. A similar study applied to beef cattle would reveal • lata of unusual interest in this respect. Ai^aiii, we and the largest percentage of water in the case of the Berkshire, and also the smallest percentage of fat . while the smallest percentage of water and the largesl percentage of fat are found in the Duroc Jersey, No. 7. this showing a ) em ark able concordance bet ween the character of the meats of the I wo cul - in the various animals. shorten/ hams. — Table uroc Jersey, No. 7. The general rela- tion Of water and fat is 1 1 ins found to be t he same in this Cut as n the two preceding ones. In regard t<» the nitrogenous substances there is quite a remarkable variation. The largest percentage of nitrogenous bodies ih found in Duroc Jersey, No. <;, while the smallest is found in the Duroc Jersey, No. 5. It seems rather strange that two animals of 67 the same breed show such a remarkable discrepancy in composition. In this instance, however, there is a deficit of material amounting' to almost 3 per cent unaccounted for; so that the analytical data do not have the value which they would have did the summation reach more nearly 100. In the short-cut hams there is found a considerable increase in the quantity both of gelatinoid proteids and flesh bases over the amounts in the cuts already described. Xeic York shoulder*. — Table 8 D contains comparisons of the meat of the cuts known as New York shoulders. In this cut we have a larger percentage of fat than in the one just described, and a correspondingly smaller quantity of water and a smaller quantity of nitrogenous bodies. The summation of the analyses is not as satisfactory as in most of the preceding cases, and in one case a deficit of 4^ per cent is noticed. Working, however, with wet material, and in the manner which was made necessary in such an investigation, it is not to be wondered at that often discrepancies of this nature may occur. These discrepancies are probably due chiefly to the determinations of water and fat, which are the most difficult of all connected with the operation of determining the composition of fresh meats, and inasmuch as the water and fat con- stitute by far the largest portion of the material it is seen that these difficulties must now and then result in failing to secure in the summation an accounting for all the material present. The largest percentage of water in these cuts is found in the Tamworth, and the smallest percentage of fat in the Berkshire. The smallest percentage of water is found in Duroc Jersey, No. 6, and the largest percentage of fat in the same animal. The relation between the nitrogenous sub- stances is sufficiently indicated in the table, and calls for no especial comment. Feet. — Table 8 E contains a comparison of the composition of the meat of the feet of the different animals. In the feet we find a marked dif- ference in the analytical data, and especially on account of the fact that the feet, as is well known, contain large quantities of gelatin, and, as the data show, also considerable quantities of flesh bases. The total quantities of nitrogenous matters, in proportion to the other materials, is much larger in the feet than in the preceding cuts, while the quantity of gelatin is shown with sufficient emphasis in the tables of analytical data. However, a remarkable variation from the type is found in the feet of* the Yorkshire pig, where the total amount of nitrogenous matter is only about half of that of the other animals. The summation of this analysis shows approximately 100 per cent, and therefore the feet of this animal must be regarded as differing essen- tially from those of other pigs examined. In regard to the gelatin we find that the largest percentage is found in the feel of the Chester White, and the smallest in those of the Yorkshire. The largest quan- tity of nitrogenous matter is found in the feet of the Berkshire, and the smallest in the feet of the Yorkshire pig. A. gain, the Berkshire Leads 68 all the others in having a maximum quantity of water and a minimum quantity of fat in its feet. The smallest quantity of water was found in the feet of the Poland China, and the smallest quantity of fat in the feel of the Berkshire. Spareribs. — Table 8 V contains a comparison of the composition of the meat of the spareribs. In this case the largest percentage of water was found in Duroc Jersey, No. ~>, and the smallest in the Tamworth. The smallest quantity of fat was found in Duroc Jersey. No. 5, and the largest in the Tamworth. The spareribs are rich in nitrogenous matters, mostly of a proteid nature. The content of flesh bases in the Poland China is remarkably high, being nearly double that of the average. The summations of the analyses for this table are satisfactory. Tenderloins. — Table 8 (1 contains a comparison of the tenderloins of the different animals. The maximum content of water in these cuts was found in Duroc Jersey, No. 7, and the minimum in Duroc Jersey, No. 6. The maximum content of fat is found in the Duroc Jersey, No. (I, and the minimum in the Berkshire. The tenderloins differ from all the preceding cuts in having a largely increased quantity of water and a decreased quantity of fat. On account of the muscular natuie of the tissue the proportion of nitrogenous substances is larger than in any of the cuts preceding. These substances are mostly of a proteid nature, there being only a comparatively small quantity of gelatinoids ami flesh bases. The ash of these meats is also quite high, showing a large con- tent of mineral nutritive substances. The summations of the analyses are quite satisfactory. Week hours. — Table 8 II contains a comparison of the meat from the neck bones of the animal. These meats show quite a uniform composi- tion, there being less variation among the different animals than in almost any of t he cuts secured. For instance, the maximum content of w ater in these meats is 55.70 and the minimum t ( .>. •"><>. while the maximum content of fat is 34.92 and the minimum 26.03. There is also a quite uni- form agreement in the content of nitrogenous substances as a whole and in each particular class, the variations being only nominal. The ash i-> also uniform in amount and the summation o! t he analyses satisfactory. The meat from the neck bones, therefore, shows the most uniform agree men! in composition of different animals of auj of the cuts yet studied. BacJcbone8. — Table 8 I contains a comparis f the composition of the meat IVom the backbones. There is also here a quite uniform agreement in the content of water and fat, the maximum content of water being 53.09 ami the minimum 47.54, while in the case of the fat the maximum content is 35.96 and the minimum 27.22. The whole of the nitrogenous substances --how also a greater uniformity, the only variation being in the ease of Duroc Jersey, No, 5, where the total of the uitrOgenOUS bodies L8 Considerably higher than the mean of the other animals. Most of the nit rogenous matter in the meat of the back- bones is protein, although the quantity of flesb bases is in even case 69 more than 1 per cent. The ash is also quite high, showing a large pro- portion of nutritive mineral matters. The summation of the analyses is satisfactory. Trimmings. — Table 8 J shows the composition of the trimmings from the different animals. These trimmings, as will be seen, consist chiefly of the fatty portions which are rejected, in preparing the cuts for market. They are used principally for the manufacture of lard. They therefore show an excessively high content of fat and a comparatively low content of water and of nitrogenous bodies and ash. The summa- tion of the analyses of these materials is therefore eminently satisfac- tory. The analytical data show that the trimmings from the different animals are quite uniform in composition. Tails. — Table 8 K shows the composition of the meat cut from the tails of the animals. Here also we see a large excess of fat, a corre- spondingly small proportion of water and of nitrogenous bodies and of ash. The tail meats are not very concordant in their composition, there being large extremes shown in the proportions of the various constituents. This is in a large measure due to the carelessness of the cutters, as in some cases large quantities of fatty tissue were left con- nected with the cut designated as "tail," while in other cases the same portions of the animals were placed with the "trimmings." The largest amount of water in the tail meats is in the Tamworth, and the smallest in the Dnroc Jersey, No. 5. The largest quantity of fat is found in the Dnroc Jersey, No. 5, and the smallest in the Tamworth. The sum- mation of the analyses here is also very satisfactory. Average of all cuts. — Table 9 contains the average analyses of the meats of all of the cuts from each of the animals. These analyses were calculated from the preceding data, combining all of the meats into one expression for each animal. These data are true averages; that is, each part making up the mean in each case was given a weight according to the actual amount of matter which it represented. The data therefore show in a condensed form the variations between the composition of the meats of the different animals. It would not be fair to ascribe the differences which are noticed in the composition of the meats solely to the influence of the breed, because with the exception of one instance, where there are three animals of one breed, each breed is represented only by a single animal. In the case men tioned, however, where there are three animals representing the Dnroc Jersey, it is seen that there is a marked agreement in the meat from each one. It is, therefore, fair to presume that the single animal for the other breeds represents fairly well types of that breed. With this statement the data have a greater value as showing (he comparison between the meat of breeds than they would have had had there been only a single Dnroc Jersey in the list. A study of the data shows that the Berkshire pig leads all others in having the maximum percentage oi water and the minimum percentage of fat. The Berkshire, therefore, 7<) pound for pound, represents the least nutritive value of any of the breeds examined. Notwithstanding this fact, the Berkshire heads the list of all in its percentage of nitrogenous substances, and This com- pensates in a large degree for its increased percentage of water. There is quite a satisfactory agreement between the nitrogenous sub stances in the distribution thereof in the three cla^se^ named. The percentage of gelatinoid nitrogenous matters i> fairly constant, only in one instance, namely, that of the Yorkshire, rising much above the average. All the other percentages are very near that of the mean. In regard to the flesh bases, only one falls considerably below the average, namely, the Duroc Jersey, Xo. 7. the others being very close to the mean. In total nitrogen there is a marked deficit in the case of tlir Duroc Jersey, No. 7, but this is due not to the influence of breed alone upon the composition, but to the large excess of fat in the meat of this animal. The ash shows a fairly constant number throughout, varying very little from the mean. The summation of the analyses is fairly satisfactory. In no case is there as much as 2 per cent unaccounted for, the largest deficit being in the cast- of the Poland China, where it amounts to 1.55 per cent. When the nature of the material upon which the work was done is considered, the figures are eminently satisfactory. These data afford, it is believed, a better basis for nutritive studies of the meats of pigs than has heretofore been supplied from any chemical laboratory. Average of hones. — Table 10 contains the average composition of all the bones of each animal. No separate analyses of the bones from each cut were made for each pig one composite sample was made, includ- ing all the bones of the animal. As is to be expected in a cast- of this kind, it was found that the composition of the bono i^ reasonably uni- form in the different animals. In regard to water, the largest quantity was found in the bones of the Poland China, namely, 12.70, and the smallest in the bones of the Duroc Jersey, No. 6, namely, 33.78 per cent. In regard to the content of fat, the largest quantity was found in the bones of the Duroc Jersey . No. 6, namely, 1 7.0 1 per cent, and the smallest in the hones of the Poland China, namely, 9.87 per cent. 'Hie bones are extremely rich in nitrogenous substances, and these consist mostly of the proteid matter insoluble in hot water. The quantity of gelatinous matter in bones is not so great as would be expected, being but little more, as a rule, than in the meats. On the other hand, the quantity of flesh bases is larger than would be expected, being consider- ably in excess of t he quantity of gelatinous matter. The total quantity of nitrogenous matter in the different animals is remarkably near the mean, tb< mean quantity being L9.95 percent and the variation not I icing quite 2 per cent in any case from the mean. The ash, nat in a My. i- \ ery high. The summation of the analyses is uol as uniform as could be wished, ranging limn L00.90 per cent as the maximum to 95.86 per 71 cent as the minimum, a difference of little over 5 per cent. The difficulty of comminuting the bones into a homogeneous mass, and thus securing an average sample, probably accounts for a great deal of the discrepancy seen in the summations of the analyses. It is evident that the bones contain a very large amount of nutrient matter which would be avail- able for digestion if they were sufficiently comminuted; since the ash consists almost exclusively of tricalcium phosphate, which is insoluble, and thus would not interfere greatly with the process of digestion. The bones of animals, however, are so valuable for fertilizing purposes that they have not been used to any extent for feeding, except for poultry. .1 verage of marrow. — Table 11 contains the average analyses of the samples of marrow from all the bones from each cut of each animal, except in the case of Duroc Jerseys, Xos. and 7, where the samples of marrow were destroyed by mice. On account of the small amount of material at our disposal, the ash in the samples was not determined. The summation, therefore, represents only partially the total ingre- dients, since it does not include the ash nor the lecithin, which are very important components of the marrow substance. The marrow, as will be seen by the data, is essentially a fat product, more than 95 per cent of the whole weight of the material being composed of fat and water, the mean percentage of fat in the whole sample being 81.13, and of water, U.57. The nitrogenous constituents of the marrow, while being extremely important from a physiological point of view, have not much value from a nutritive point. They constitute only 2:1\) per cent of the whole, There is a fairly good concordance seen in the composi- tion of the marrow from the different animals. Tn point of fat, the greatest variations are found in case of the Tamworth, with a maxi- mum percentage of fat, and the Poland China, with a minimum per- centage, the difference being, in round numbers, 1(> per cent. The variations in water are less marked, while iii the total nitrogenous matters only one, namely, the Tamworth, falls far below the others in the percentage contained. The summation is as good as could be expected, considering the fact that ingredients of considerable magni- tude are omitted. Average of skin, — Table 1-J contains the average analytical data for the skin of all of the cuts of each animal. All the skin from each ani- mal was mixed together and carefully comminuted by passing several times through a meat chopper until a homogeneous mass was obtained. From this mass a suitable sample was taken, representing as nearly as possible the average composition of the whole. ( )n this were performed the analytical operations from which the data represented in Table \2 were secured. The table contains the analytical data for all the ani- mals except No. 8, the Yorkshire, of which the sample was lost. The most remarkable fact in connection with a general View of the data is that the skins have a high rank among the nitrogenous substances of 72 the animal. The mean percentage of nitrogenous matters in the skin is 26.35, and as the skin consists of almost half its weight of water, it is seen that the dry skin would contain "iO per cent of its weight of nitrog- enous materials. The next most important ingredient is of course the fat, of which the average is 22.89. In the nitrogenous substances the proteids comprise about half of the whole. Of the other half two-thirds belong to the gelat inoids and one third to the flesh bases. The skin, therefore, is preeminently a gelatinous body. About one-half of the total quantity of nitrogenous substances it contains is soluble in hot water, and one-third of the half which is soluble is not precipitated by bromin. If the gelatinous matters of the skin could be easily separated, they would be the most valuable parts of the animal for the prepara- tion of the flesh bases. Skins of animals, however, are usually more valuable for the manufacture of leather than for any other purposes. To go a little more into the detail of the data representing the com- position of the skin, we find that the skin which had the largest per- centage of water belonged to the Tamworth pig, and the one with the smallest to the Duroc Jersey. No. 5. Of fat the largest amount was found in the Duroc Jersey, No. 5, thus showing again the general rela- tion of the proportions of water and fat to which attention has already been called. The smallest percentage of fat was found also in the case of the skin of the Tamworth, where the percentage of water was largest. In regard to nitrogenous substances the most remarkable variations are seen. In the Berkshire, which contained the largest proportion of nitrogenous substances, the true proteids comprise by far the larger portion, followed by the gelatinoids, while the flesh bases form a very small percentage of the whole. On the other hand, in the skin of the Duroc Jersey, No. 5 the quantity of proteids is compara- tively small, while both the gelatinoids and t'esh bases arc high. Whether this marked peculiarity in the composition of the skin is due to the influence of the breed or to accidental causes can not be stated. Probably, however, it is due to accidental causes; as, for instance, the Chester White and the Duroc Jersey, No. 5 show similar composition of skins, but this is quite different from the composition of the skin of Duroc Jerseys, Nos. <> and 7. It is possible, further, that owing to the peculiar structure of the skin and the difficulty of securing a bomoge neons mixture of it, portions of the skin from different cuts vary relatively in the sample which was taken for analysis. Thus, for instance, if a portion of the skin very rich in gelatinous matter and flesh bases should form an excessive portion of the whole sample taken for analysis, the effect would be the same as is seen in thedata recorded. The summation of the analyses is generally satisfactory, yet in one Ca8e t here is a deficit of !» percent, While in anot her there is an excess of L. 70 per cent. These variations are doubtless due to the difficulty of securing a homogeneous sample for analytical purposes. Another Source <»f unreliability in the samples of skin is found in the difficulty 73 of avoiding variations in the amount of the underlying fatty tissue included in the sample. It is practically impossible to remove all of tlie tissue properly belonging with the skin without including a small quantity of the adjacent fatty tissue. Average of spinal cord. — Table 13 contains the analytical data obtained in regard to the spinal cords of the different animals. Besides the spinal cords proper, these samples included the layer of fatty matter which surrounds the spinal cord in the spinal canal. In some instances the quantity of material was not sufficient to make a determination of the ash, and in three instances the whole of the material was lost. The data show great variations in the composition of the spinal cords of different animals, especially in the content of fat and water. The Berkshire had a spinal cord in which the water predominated, while in Duroc Jersey, Xo. 7, the fat was the predominant constituent. The nitrogenous substances are not so large as would be expected in nerve tissue, and those which are present consist chiefly of the proteids and gelatinoids, the flesh bases being only in relatively small quantity. Average of tendons. — Table 14 contains the analytical data for the ten- dons of the animals, with the exception of two cases where the samples were lost. Considerably more than half of the tendons in the fresh state is water, while the fat, as is to be expected, is quite low. The nitrog- enous substances, next to the water, constitute the chief material in the tendons, showing the largest percentage of nitrogenous matters of any part of the animal, with the exception of the hoofs. The true proteids and gelatinoids constitute by far the largest portion of the nitrogenous substances, the flesh bases being in relatively smaller pro- portion. The ash in the tendons is higher than in the meats. The summation of the analyses shows uniformly more than 100 per cent. which is probably due to the use of too large a factor in computing the proteids of the different classes from the percentage of nitrogen. Variations in the composition of the tendons are sufficiently well shown in the footings of maxima and minima. The variation in the content of water is not great, while in fat the range is a very eonsid erable one, as indicated by the percentages. The agreement in the percentage of nitrogenous substances is quite close, the tendons show- in- very little variation from a mean composition. The ash is also quite constant, the range of variation not being very great, except in the <-ase of the Poland China. . I cl the analyse- -hows in every case more than 100, except in the instance of the Duroc Jersey, and this is doubtless due to using the factor 6.25 in computing the total amount of nitrogenous substances, inasmuch as the factor for the flesh bases, which were not determined in this case, is considerably lower than the one just mentioned. I u>- OF WF.K.IIT IX TRANSPORTATION. Table 16 shows a comparison of the weights of the entire animal and the various cuts, as determined in Chicago and in Washington, showing the percentage of gain or loss in transit. The weights in Chicago pre sum ably were made with great care, but were not controlled by any employee of the Division of Chemistry. The weights in Washington were made directly by the Division of Chemistry, and can be ceil hied as absolutely correct. In live instances the weights ascertained in Washington were less than those ascertained in Chicago, and in three instances greater. The largest variation between the two weights was shown in the case of the Chester White, where the loss was 8.07 per cent ot the whole weight. The smallest variation was found in the case of the Duroc Jersey, Xo. 6, with a loss of 0.27 per cent. The largest gain in weight was in Duroc Jersey, No. 5, namely, 1.18 per cent, and the smallest gain in weight was found in the Yorkshire, namely, 0.4!) per cent. The table contains not only the total weight of the animal in pounds and grams, but also the weight of each cut. RATIOS OF MEAT, Honks. ETC., TO TOTAL WEIGHT. Table 17 contains the relative percentages of the different parts of the animals, excluding the head, lead lard, and kidneys, which had been removed before shipping from Chicago. This table is of great practical and economical interest, showing the relative percentages of each con- stituent of the animal, based upon its entire weight . In the animals dressed a- received by us it is seen that nearly 89 per cent of the total weight of the animal is meat (fat and lean), a little over 6.26 percent bones, nearly 1.75 percent skin, 0.16 per cent tendons, 0.12 per cent marrow, o. OS per cent spinal cord, and 0.08 per cent hoofs. There is fair to presume, however, that the single animal is to a certain extent typical, and therefore represents to that extent racial characteristics. LECITHIN. The determination of lecithin in meat products is accomplished, as has been already described, by an indirect method: namely, by the extraction of the lecithin with a mixture of ether and alcohol and the determination of the phosphorus in the extract. From the quantity of phosphorus determined the percentage of lecithin is calculated by factors based upon the percentage composition of the lecithin itself. The data given for the lecithin should be accepted with certain restric- tions, based upon the difficulty of applying- the analytical processes. In the extraction of the fat by ether a certain quantity of the lecithin is removed. If, now, the residual lecithin be determined in the undis- solved matters, namely, the dry flesh, tin 1 quantity obtained does not represent fully the whole amount originally present, but rather the quantity present in the muscular tissue itself. Therefore, in case of the meats especially, the data must be accepted as showing the quan- tity of lecithin in the fleshy portions of the meat, and not the quantity originally present in the fleshy portions plus the fat. In the case of the marrow and spinal cord, another difficulty presents itself: namely, that there was not a sufficient quantity of the material on which to perform the whole of the analytical operations. Inasmuch as the ether extract comprises a large percentage of the whole weight of these bodies, it is evident that the determination of the lecithin in this extract represents approximately the quantity present in the original material. On account of the paucity of this material, therefore, the lecithin was determined in these cases in the ether extract alone. If, however, the quantity be desired for the whole material, it is evident that the data given are not sufficiently large. PHYSIOLOGICAl I MPOR1 A.NI l , from a physiological point of view lecithin is of prime importance. It is quite certain that this body forms the transition state bet ween the phosphates of the animal body on the One hand and the miner. il phos- phates absorbed by plants on the other. In the growth of plants the mineral phosphates are converted, to a certain extent, into lecithin, which is found especially in the seeds, those of an oily nat nre predomi- nating in lecithin bodies, in the consumption of vegetable foods by animals the lecithin doubtless plays an important function in being transformed again into n mineral compound, namely, the bricalcium phosphate of the bones. < fther portions of the lecithin become assimi- lated in the tissues of the body, and especially in the brain, Spinal roid. and marrow. In the consumption of animal products by other animals lecithin again plays an important role in nutrition, forming on the one hand the bonv Structure of the annual eating the llesli, and on 77 the other being again stored as lecithin in the tissues above mentioned. The data given, therefore, in the foregoing analyses are of great impor- tance not only from their scientific interest, but also in representing in a general way the distribution of the lecithin in the various tissues of the body. DISCUSSION' OF THE LECITHIN IN PARTICULAR SAMPLES. Lecithin in the meat. — In Table 9 it is seen that the mean percentage of lecithin in the residue after extracting the fat from the meats is 0.23. Inasmuch as almost the whole of the lecithin of the meats is found in the muscular tissues, this represents pretty fully the whole amount present in the original sample. The quantity, however, of lecithin in the fat extracted by the ether must not be neglected if we are to con- sider the total amount present in the original samples. It is noticed that there is a considerable degree of variation in the percentage of lecithin in the different animals, the minimum quantity being found in the Duroc Jersey. No. 5, and the maximum in the Duroc Jersey, Xo. 7. It is evident, therefore, that this variation is not to be ascribed to the influence of breed alone. Lecithin in the bones. — The quantity of lecithin in the bones is con- siderably greater than that found in the meats, the mean being 0.31 per cent. In one instance, namely, the Duroc Jersej 7 , No. 7, the lecithin was determined both in the residual bony matter and in the fat which was extracted. A great difference is noticed in the distribution of the lecithin among the various animals, the maximum quantity being found in the Poland China and the minimum in the Tain worth. Lecithin in the marrow. — The quantity of marrow was so small that the only possibility of determining the lecithin was in the original ether extract. The data, therefore, are not as reliable as those ascertained by determining the lecithin in the extract after removal of the fat. In each instance the amount of lecithin was very small, except in the case of the Berkshire, where it was quite high. Lecithin in the shins. — The mean quantity of lecithin in the skin was found to be 0.19; the maximum being 0.11 and the minimum 0.00. In three instances the lecithin Avas determined in the samples both alter extracting with ether and in the ether extract. These cases are appro- priately marked in the analytical tables. Lecithin in the spinal cord. — Lecithin in the spinal cord was deter- mined only in the materials extracted by ether. As was to be expected, the quantity is very high; the mean percentage being 1.54, the maxi- mum 2.95, and the minimum 0.70. On account of the small quantity of the material it was not possible to determine the lecithin in the residue alter the removal of the fat. If this could have been deter- mined it is evident that the quantity of Lecithin would have been very materially increased. Lecithin in the tendons. — In one instance, namely, the Berkshire, the 78 determination was made both in the extracted fat and the residue. In this case the quantity of lecithins is quite high. The mean for all the tendons, as determined, was 0.19, with a maximum of 0.45 and a mini- mom of 0.08. In Table 18 the total percentages of lecithin in the whole animal, with the exceptions noted in several of the tables, are found. The meau percentage is 0.23, the maximum 0.42, and the minimum 0.11. In submitting the above discussion it is but just to state that at the commencement of the analytical examination it was not our purpose to determine the lecithin at all. Had it been so, the determinations would have been made in a somewhat more satisfactory manner. The data, however, as submitted are, nevertheless, valuable, and with the restric- tions noted in the different tables may be relied upon as a basis for economic studies. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. In conclusion it may be .stated that although work of the kind which has just been discussed is extremely onerous and time-consuming, yet it appears from a study of the results obtained to be a further contri- bution to our knowledge of dietetic science. All systems of true die tetic studies must rest first of all upon well-established chemical data. No valuable conclusions in regard to the dietetic value of any food can be obtained without first having ascertained its exact chemical compo- sition. This having been done, the further study of its dietetic value rests also upon its chemical properties, as, for instance, the coefficients of digestibility. It appears advisable, therefore, considering the char- acter of the data which have been presented, to recommend that studies of this kind be continued with all the classes of animals used as foods in this country. It would be advisable, if possible, that in studies of this kind, the animals be slaughtered at or near the point where the chemical examination is to be made; or, if this be not convenient, that ;i representative of the Chemical Division be present at the time of the slaughtering for the purpose of ascertaining the quantities of blood, hair, and excreta from the different animals and obtaining represents tive samples thereof for chemical examination. Our systems of feeding ami our environment develop types of animals Which are quite distinct from those grown in other lands, and therefore the data which are obtained on animals in other countries are not strictly applicable to studies of the economic science of food production and food composition in this country. APPENDIX For full particulars relative to the general principles of the separa- tion of the different forms of nitrogenous bodies the reader is referred to the Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis, volume 3, and to Bulletin Xo. 54 of this Division. An abstract of the literature relating to the separation of flesh bases from other nitrogenous bodies is given here. PRECIPITATION OF PROTEIDS SOLUBLE IN WATER BY CHLORIN AND BROMIN. 1 Rideal and Stewart recall some of the experiments made in 1876, in which it was shown that a current of chlorin gas conducted through an aqueous solution of pro- teid matters produces a precipitate which is of a quite constant composition, and one which can he collected, dried in vacuo, and weighed. They describe particularly the use of this reagent in precipitating gelatin prepared from the high grade com- mercial article. They show that the total quantity of gelatin can he accounted for from the weight of the precipitate by multiplying the weight of the precipitate obtained by the factor 0.78. The authors also point out the possibility of using bromin in place of chlorin for the precipitation, aud state that the studies of the use of bromin are under way. They call attention also to the fact that as early as 1840 chlorin had been used by Mulder for the precipitation of soluble proteids, and refer to a paper of his published in Berzelius's Jahresbericht, volume 19, page 731, in which he obtained results on precipitation quite similar to those secured by Rideal and Stewart. Other references to the literature on the subject are also given, viz: De Vrij, Ann. I 'harm., lxi ; 248; Thenard, Mein. d'Arcueil, ii, 38; Mulder, Bulletin en Neer- lande, 1839, 153; and Berzelius' Jahresbericht, xix, 729. Allen and Searle, acting on the suggestion of Rideal and Stewart, worked out the bromin method by applying it to various soluble proteids, including the whole range from albumin to peptone. In the application of this test to commercial gela- tin 50 grams of commercial gelatin are dissolved in warm water and the solution diluted to half a liter. In 10 c.c. of this solution, corresponding to 1 gram of the gelatin, the nitrogen is determined directly by the (Running- Kjeldahl process. Another portion of 10 c. c. is treated with an excess of bromin. The solution is first brought to a volume of 100 C. e. with water and placed in a conical beaker with a sufficient quantity of hydrochloric acid to produce distinct acidity. A saturated solution of bromin water is added in considerable excess and the liquid stirred vig- orously for some time. The precipitate which separates is floccnlent when tirst formed, but becomes more viscous alter stirring and adheres for the most part to the sides of the beaker, which, with its con tents, is allowed to stand for about half an hour, or until ail the precipitate is settled. The supernatant liquor is decanted through an asbestos filter. The precipitate adhering to the beaker is washed several rimes with cold distilled water and the washings poured through the filter. Occa- sionally., when most of the tree bromin is washed out of the precipitate, the liquid 'The Analyst, 22, pp. 228 and following; also pp. 255 and following. 79 80 does not filter clear. It is therefore advisable to keep the washing separated from tin- filtrate, and, if necessary, wash with sodium sulphate solution or with bromin water. The nitrogen in the precipitate is determined by the Gunning-Kjeldahl follows: — The precipitate which has been collected on the asbestos filter, together with the jtos, is returned to the beaker in which the precipitation took plaee. Twenty cnbic centimeters of strong sulphuric acid arc added, the beaker covered with a watch glass and placed on a wire gauze over a lamp. When frothing has ceased about 10 grams of powdered potassium sulphate are added and the liquid boiled until colorless. After cooling it is diluted with water and the ammonia distilled off and determined in the usual way. The percentage of nitrogen found, when multi- plied by the factor 6.33, or, in the case of gelatin, by 5.5, gives the amount of pro- teid matter precipitated by bromin. In the commercial gelatin above mentioned the nitrogen content was found to be 14.1 and 11 per cent, respectively, on two determinations. Solutions of ereatinin, asparagin, and aspartic acid were found to yield no precipitates with bromin, but bromin was found to precipitate all albumin, acid albumin, and all peptones formed by the digestion of albumin with pepsin. NITBOGEM I-N MEAT EXTRA* TS. < in applying the bromin method to commercial meat extracts the following results were obtained. The solutions of the Bovril preparations were not previously filtered and therefore the figures contain the nitrogen iii the fiber present: Relative amounts of nitrogen in meat extracts. Nitrogen in N . .... Precipitate Sroteida by bromin. ' Per cent. ' Liebig Company's extract 1.41 ted bovril 1.84 12.28 Bovril for invalids 2.64 16.71 Koenig and Boemer have shown that the proteid nitrogen in meat extracts is gent rallj much overestimated. They found a total of 1.17 per cent of proteid nitrogen in the Liebig Company's extinct, which is equivalent to 7. 11 percent of total pioteids. mostly albumose. PROBLEMS SOLVED BY THE BROMIN METHOD. The fact that bromin completely precipitates all proteid and gelatinoid matters in solution affords a convenient means of solving certain problems which have hitherto presented considerable difficulty. For instance, in a solution which has Keen subjected to digestion it may be possible to precipitate all the unohanged proteids by saturation with zinc sulphate. The peptones which bave been formed during digestion remain in solution anil can be separated by filtration, [n the fil- trate the peptones can be completely precipitated by bromin, and thus the total quantity of these bodies formed during digestion can be accurately determined. Mien and Bearle applied thin method to an examination of the Liebig Company's extract, 5 grains of which were dissolved in LOO c. c. of water and the solution satu- rated with zinc sulphate. After filtering, bromin water was added to the filtrate and n precipitate produced which redissolved on diluting with water and the addi- tion of hydrochloric acid. When the filtrate from the saturated zinc sulphate was previously diluted with water and acidulated no preoipitate was formed on the addition of bromin. This reaction shows that no considerable quantities of real i ii I liebig'a c\t raet . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 6411