V^ A- ■"•^ » '-^ 33 33 / U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DANIEL C. ROPER, Secretary BUREAU OF MARINE INSPECTION AND NAVIGATION JOSEPH B. WEAVER, Director RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE AND EFFICIENCY, CONTINUOUS DISCHARGE BOOKS, CERTIFICATES OF IDENTIFICATION, AND CERTIFICATES OF DISCHARGE MARCH 28, 1937 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1937 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE AND EFFICIENCY, CONTINUOUS DISCHARGE BOOKS, CER- TIFICATES OF IDENTIFICATION, AND CERTIFICATES OF DISCHARGE By virtue of the authority prescribed by sections 1 and 7 of the act of June 25, 1936 (Pubhc Law No. 808, 74th Congress, 49 Stat., p. 1930), and of section 1-f of the act of March 24, 1937 (Pubhc Law No. 25, 75th Congress), the following rules and regulations are prescribed for the carrying out of the provisions of section 1 of the foregoing act of June 25, 1936, amending section 13 of the seamen's act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stat., p. 1169), relative to the issuance of certificates of service to able seaman, certificates of efficiency to lifeboat man, cer- tificates of service to qualified member of the engine department, and certificates of service to persons other than able seamen and qualified members of the engine department; and for carrying out of the pro- visions of the act of March 24, 1937 (Pubhc Law No. 25), amending section 4551 R. S. as amended, relative to the issuance of continuous discharge books, certificates of identification, and certificates of dis- charge. Sec. 1.— GENERAL (a) An applicant for a certificate of service or efficiency, or for a con- tinuous discharge book, or certificate of identification shall make WTit- ten application, in duplicate, on Form 719-b, furnished by the Depart- ment of Commerce. The placing of finger or thumb prints on the application shall be optional with the seaman. This application may be for as many certificates or ratings for which the seaman beheves he is qualified. In the case of a seaman applying for his first certificate of service or efficiency, the application shall include a request for a continuous discharge book or certificate of identification. (b) An apphcant for a certificate of service for a rating other than as able seaman or qualified member of the engine department shall take oath before one of the local inspectors or other officer authorized to give such oath that he will faithfully and honestly perform all the duties required of him by law and carry out all lawful orders of his superior officers on shipboard. (c) Every person employed on any merchant vessel of the United States of 100 tons gross and upward, except those navigating rivers exclusively and the smaller inland lakes, below the rank of licensed ofiicer, shall have a certificate of service issued by a board of local inspectors. (d) When the application is submitted for a continuous discharge book or certificate of identification, and one certificate of service, the seaman shall furnish four (4) unmounted dull finish photographs of passport type (1^x2 inches) taken within 1 year. The photograph shall show the full face at least 1 inch in height, and shall show the head uncovered. 134887"— 37 (1) (e) WTien the application is for a certificate of service only, tkree (3) such photographs shall be furnished. When additional certificates are requested, one (1) additional photograph is required for each addi- tional certificate. (/) The applicant shall produce with his application discharges or affidavits as documentary evidence of his service, indicating the names of the vessels on which he has had service, in what capacity, and on what waters. (g) All existing certificates of service as able seaman or certificates of efficiency as lifeboat man shall be surrendered, effective March 26, 1937 (old form of certificates only). (h) All applicants for certificates of service or efficiency shall appear in person before a board of local inspectors or their assistant inspectors. (i) If the applicant possesses a continuous discharge book or cer- tificate of identification, it shall be exhibited to the board. (j) The original copy of each application for a continuous discharge book or certificate of identification and/or certificate of service or efficiency shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation at Washington. Such applications shaU be accompanied by Form 719-f hsting the names, continuous discharge book or cer- tificate of identification numbers, and/or certificates of service and efficiency numbers as shown on each application. (k) An applicant claiming to be a citizen of the United States shall furnish satisfactory evidence of such citizenship to the issuing officer. Such evidence may be a birth certificate, Certfficate of Naturaliza- tion, Marine License issued by the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Seaman's Protection Certificate, old form of Seaman's Identification Certificate, Seaman's Passport, or an affidavit sworn to before a notary pubHc by two persons who know he is an American citizen. Sec. 2.— CONTINUOUS DISCHARGE BOOKS AND CERTIFICATES OF IDENTIFICATION [Act of March 24, 1937, amending Sec. 4551 R. S., as amended] (a) Every seaman employed on any merchant vessel of the United States of 100 gross tons or upward, except vessels employed exclusively in trade on the navigable rivers of the United States, shall be issued, at the option of the seaman, a continuous discharge iDook or certificate of identification upon apphcation therefor, which shall be retained by him. This book or certificate of identification wiU bear a number, and this same number shaU be shown on aU certificates of service or effi- ciency issued to the holder of the book or certificate of identification. The term "navigable rivers" shall be held to include all waters over which a vessel inspected and certfficated imder the General Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors for "Rivers" is permitted to be na^^gated. (6) The shipping commissioner or, at ports where no shipping com- missioner has been appointed, the collector or deputy collector of customs or United States local inspectors of steam vessels shall fill in the information required in the continuous discharge book or certifi- cate of identification, which information shall be taken from the applica- tion. Form 719-B, and shall include the name of the seaman m full, his date of birth, personal description, statement of nationahty, and home address. He shall also attach the seaman's photograph in the size and style herein required, impressing his official seal partly over same, and witness the seaman's signature, and shall have the seaman place his thumb print in the book or on the certificate of identification. Care must be taken that the above information is correctly entered. (c) A monthly and yearly report shall be forwarded by all offices issuing continuous discharge books and certificates of identification to the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation at Washington showing the total number of continuous discharge books and certifi- cates of identification issued by their office. {d) Every seaman, as referred to in subsection (a) of this section, shall produce a continuous discharge book or certificate of identifica- tion to the United States shipping conmaissioner before signing Articles of Agreement, and where the seamen are not signed on before a shipping commissioner the continuous discharge book or certificate of identification shall be exhibited to the master of the vessel at the time of his employment, as follows: As to vessels referred to in subsection {a) engaged in foreign and intercoastal voyages, immediately; and as to all other vessels referred to in subsection {a), on and after June 25, 1937. However, seamen who do not possess a continuous discharge book or certificate of identification may be employed at a foreign port or place provided that seamen so employed shall be furnished with either a continuous discharge book or certifi- cate of identification at the first port of entry in the United States or its territories at which the vessel airives after such seamen are employed. (e) Only black ink shall be used in making entries in continuous discharge books, certificates of identification, and certificates of discharge. Sec. 3.— ABLE SEAMAN [Sec. 1 (a) act June 25, 1936, amending see. 13, act March 4, 1915] An applicant for a certificate of service as able seaman shall be at least 19 years of age and meet the following service requirements: HIGH SEAS AND INLAND WATERS {a) Three years' service on deck at sea or on the Great Lakes on vessels of 100 gross tons or over to which sec. 1 {a) of the act of Jime 25, 1936, amending sec. 13 of the act of March 4, 1915, applies, includ- mg decked fishing vessels and vessels in the United States Government service of such tonnage. (6) Graduates of school ships approved by and conducted under rules of the Secretary of Commerce who have served 12 months at sea following graduation. (c) Twelve months on deck of such vessels at sea or on the Great Lakes. GREAT LAKES AND INLAND WATERS {d) Eighteen months' service on deck at sea or on the Great Lakes, smaller lakes, bays, or sounds on vessels of 100 gross tons or over to which sec. 1 (a) of the act of June 25, 1936, amending sec. 13 of the act of March. 4, 1915, applies, including decked fisliing vessels and vessels in United States Government service of such tonnage. (e) No candidate for certificate of service as able seaman shall be examined until he presents an official certificate of a physician of the United States Public Health Service, or reputable physician acceptable to the local inspectors, that his eyesight, hearing, and physical condi- tion are such that he can perform the duties required of an able seaman, and that his color sense is normal. (/) Before such a certificate is issued to any applicant, he shall prove to the satisfaction of the board of local inspectors, both by oral examination and by actual demonstration, that he has been trained in all the operations connected with the launching of Ufeboats and life rafts, and the use of oars; that he is acquainted with the practical handling of the boats themselves; and, further, that he is capable of taking command of a boat's crew. If convenient to board and applicant, written examination may be given in lieu of oral examination. (g) The examination shall consist of questions regarding lifeboats and life rafts, the names of their essential parts, and a description of the required equipment; the clearing away, swinging out, and lower- ing of boats and rafts, the handling of boats under oars, including questions relative to the proper handling of a boat in rimning before a heavy sea, in pulling into a sea, etc.; the construction and functions of gravity, radial, and quadrantal types of davits. There shall also be included questions concerning the applicant's knowledge of nautical terms; boxing the compass, either by degrees or points according to his experience; running lights, passing signals, fog signals for vessels on high seas, in inland waters, or on the Great Lakes depending upon the waters on which the applicant has had service; distress signals; knowledge of commands in handling the wheel by obeying orders passed to him as "wheelsman", and knowledge of the use of engine- room telegraph or bell-puU signals. (h) In the actual demonstration, the applicant shall show his ability by taking command of a boat and directing the operation of clearing away, swinging out, lowering the boat into the water, and acting as coxswain in charge of the boat under oars. He shall demon- strate his ability to row by actually pulling an oar in the boat. He shall also demonstrate knowledge of a few of the principal knots, bends, splices, and hitches in common use by actually making them. (i) All existing certificates of service as able seaman shall be sur- rendered, effective March 26, 1937 (old form of certificate only), and the above regulations for the issuance of certificates of service as able seaman, when affecting a person surrendering a bona-fide certificate and applying for a new certificate in lieu thereof, shall be modified in the following respect: No physical examination shall be required unless the applicant in the opinion of the local inspectors obviously suffers physical defects appearing to render him incapable of performing such duties; and no further examination shall be required if the local inspectors are satis- fied — from the statements submitted by him in his affidavit and appli- cation, or from other evidence — that the applicant is qualified as an able seaman. The local inspectors shall also satisfy themselves that the applicant surrendering the certificate is the bona-fide holder thereof before issuing a new certificate. (j) Eacli certificate issued shall state tlie waters on wliicli the holder is permitted to be employed as an able seaman. Certificates issued to seamen under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be issued for "Any Waters" and shall be green in color. Certificates issued to seamen under paragraph (c) shall be for "Any Waters — 12 months" and shall be blue in color. (Holders of certifi- cates under this pro\dsion are limited to one-fom'th of the number of able seamen required by law to be employed on a vessel.) Certificates issued to seamen under paragraph (d) shall be for "Great Lakes — 18 months service" and shall be blue in color. (Holders of certificates imder this provision may comprise the required number of able seamen on vessels on the Great Lakes and on the smaller lakes, bays, and sounds.) If the seaman possesses the requisite service for a certificate under paragraph (c), there shall be added "High Seas — 12 months." Sec. 4.— LIFEBOAT MAN [Sec. 1 (d) act June 25, 1936, amending sec. 13, act March 4, 1915] (a) An applicant for a certificate of efiiciency as lifeboat man shall have the qualifications and satisfactorily pass the examination pre- scribed by the existing rules and regulations of the Board of Supervis- ing Inspectors. The certificates shall be issued to successful applicants by the local inspectors. (b) All existing certificates of efficiency as lifeboat man shall be surrendered, effective March 26, 1937 (old form of certificate only), and a new certificate will be issued in lieu thereof, upon application therefor. No further examination shall be required if the local in- spectors are satisfied — from the statements submitted by him in his affidavit and application, or from other evidence — that the applicant is qualified as a lifeboat man. The local inspectors shall also satisfy themselves that the applicant surrendering the certificate is the bona fide holder thereof before issuing a new certificate. Sec. 5.— QUALIFIED MEMBER OF THE ENGINE DEPARTMENT [Sec. 1 (e) act of June 25, 1936, amending sec. 13, act of March 4, 1915] (a) A qualified member of the engine department is any person below the rating of licensed oflS.cer and above the rating of coal passer, or wiper, who holds a certificate of service as such qualified member of the engine department issued by a board of local inspectors of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, An applicant for a certificate of service as qualified member of the engine department shall produce to such inspectors definite proof of at least 6 months' service at sea in a rating at least equal to that of coal passer or wiper in the engine department of vessels required to have such certificated men. (b) No candidate for a certificate of service as a qualified member of the engine department shall be examined until he presents a cer- tificate of a physician of the United States Public Health Service, or reputable physician acceptable to the local inspectors, attesting that his eyesight, hearing, and physical condition are such that he can perform the duties required of a qualified member of the engine department. (c) Before such a certificate is issued to any applicant, he shall prove to the satisfaction of the board of local inspectors, by an oral examination, that he is trained in the duties required by his certificate. If convenient to board and applicant, written examination may be given in lieu of oral examination. (d) Examinations shall consist of the following: Fireman. — Applicant shall be examined on boiler operation, espe- cially on oil-burning systems and the hazards due to the accumulation of oil in the furnaces or bilges, or on fire-room floors and tank tops. He shall have a good working knowledge of the use of water feedmg devices, water indicators, pressure gages, safety valves, etc. Oi/er.— Applicant shall be given an examination on the operation of propelling units and lubricating systems and shall have a knowledge of the use of telegraphic or other maneuvering signals, also of the operation of auxiliaries. Water tender. — ^The appUcant shall be required to pass an examina- tion on pumps, heaters, injectors, or other methods of feeding; also on burners and other equipment connected with fuel systems. He also shall be examined as to the maintenance of a safe water level in the boilers, the piping and connections used in the feed and blow-off systems, and the hazards incurred from low water. He shall also have a thorough knowledge of the engine and fire-room fire-fighting equipment. Deck engineer.- — The apphcant shall be examined as to his knowledge of auxiliary machinery, such as winches, anchor windlasses, steering gear, etc., also telemotors and fire extinguishing apparatus for cargo holds and confined spaces on deck. Refrigerating engineer. — Apphcant shall be examined as to his knowledge of the principles of refrigeration, the operation and main- tenance of refrigerating machinery, and the hazards which prevail in the use of certain refrigerants, also as to his knowledge of how to act in any emergency, such as the accidental release of the refrigerant into the refrigerating space. (e) An apphcant holding a certificate of service for a particular rating as quahfied member of the engine department and desiring certification for another rating covered by this same form of certificate may, upon quahfying therefor, have endorsement made on the back of his certificate covering such certification. (J) Personnel employed in the engine department of vessels covered by sec. 1 (e) of the act of June 25, 1936, amending sec. 13 of the act of March 4, 1915, and having the required sea service of 6 months on the effective date of these regulations need pass only the oral examination provided herein. No physical examination shall be required unless the applicant, in the opinion of the local inspectors, obviously suffers physical defects appearing to render him incapable of performing such duties. Sec. 6.— CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE FOR RATINGS OTHER THAN ABLE SEAMAN OR QUALIFIED MEMBER OF THE ENGINE DEPARTMENT [Sec. 1 (g), act June 25, 1936, amending sec. 13, act March 4, 1915] (a) Certificates of service shall be issued to applicants for ratings other than able seamen or qualified members of the engine depart- ment, which certificates shall authorize the holders thereof to serve in the capacity specified therein. The applicant, however, shall produce satisfactory evidence to the local inspectors of his ability to perform the duties of the position for which he desires to he certifi- cated. (b) An applicant for a certificate of service as radio operator shall produce to the local inspectors his unexpired license to act in that capacity from the Federal Communications Commission. (c) No examination will be required for such certificates of service except that applicants for ratings contemplating the handling of food, shall produce a certificate from a physician of the U. S. Pubhc Health Service, or reputable physician acceptable to the local inspectors, stating that he is free from communicable disease. (d) An applicant for a certificate of service as deck boy shall pro- duce a certificate from a physician of the U. S. Public Health Service, or reputable physician acceptable to the local inspectors, that he is qualified physically. (e) No holder of a certificate of service as a deck boy may receive a certificate of service as ordinary seaman until he shall have had an aggregate of 6 months' service as deck boy. (J) An applicant holding a certificate of service for a rating other than able seaman, or qualified member of the engine department, and desiring certification for another rating covered by this same form of certificate may have endorsement made on the back of his certificate covering such certification, without examination; except that, if the endorsement is for a rating contemplating the handling of food, the applicant shall produce a certificate from a physician of the U. S. Public Health Service, or reputable physician acceptable to the local inspectors, stating that he is free from communicable disease. Sec. 7.— RULES FOR PREPARATION AND ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE AND EFFICIENCY (a) Upon application of any person for a certificate of service or efficiency, it shall be the duty of the board of local inspectors to give the applicant the required examination as soon as practicable in every case where an examination is required, or have the assistant inspectors give such examination. (6) Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed examination, the board of local inspectors shall prepare an original of each certificate which shall be delivered to the applicant. The board shall complete one stub record to be forwarded to the Bureau in Washington, together with the original copy of the completed application. Another stub record shall be completed and retained in the local office. (c) Before delivery of the original certificate, the inspectors shall place one of the photographs in the proper position upon the certifi- cate, and the seaman shall affix his signature partly over his photo- graph on the certificate in such manner as not to deface or obscure any of the features, and shall likewise affix his signature to each of the stubs. The seaman may at his option impress his left thumb print on the back of the certificate of service or efficiency and upon each of the stubs. When the seaman has no left thumb, the imprint of the right thumb may be used and that fact noted. {d) Each certificate shall be impressed with the seal of the issuing board, placed partially over the signature and photograph of the 8 applicant. Each member of the issuing board shall affix his signature. The name of the issuing port, date of issue, and other pertinent infor- mation required to be shown on the certificate, including the proper discharge book or certificate of identification number, shall be properly entered. (e) Any applicant for a certificate of service or of efficiency who has been duly examined and a certificate is refused by a board of local inspectors will not be permitted to make application for reexamination until 30 days have elapsed. (/) A certificate of service or of efficiency is subject to suspension or revocation if the holder thereof is found guilty of any act of incom- petency or misconduct or any act in violation of the provisions of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes or of any of the regulations issued thereunder. Such suspension or revocation shall be in accordance with the provisions of 4450 R. S., as amended. ig) If an applicant has had a certificate revoked and is seeldng a new one, the local inspectors shall, before issuing a new certificate, forward to the Bureau a full report with reference thereto. Qi) Any person whose certificate of service or of efficiency has been stolen, lost, or destroyed, shall report that fact to a board of local inspectors as soon as possible, and if a duplicate certificate is desired, shall make affidavit in duplicate on Form 719-e, furnishing the same number of photographs as provided for in the case of an application for an original certificate. The board of local inspectors shall forth- with transmit the original copy of the affidavit and two photographs to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, who shall thereupon cause to be prepared a certificate which shall be similar to the former certificate, bear the same book or certificate of identification number as the former certificate, and be marked "duplicate". The certificate shall then be forwarded to the proper board of local inspectors, who shall issue the duplicate certificate in the same manner as an original. (i) Whenever a certificate of service or of efficiency is reported to a board of local inspectors as having been stolen, lost, or destroyed, the local inspectors shall immediately report the fact by letter to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, giving aU the facts incident to its loss or destruction. By the same pro- cedm'e, they shall report the recoveiy of any certificate of service or of efficiency, together with aU facts incident to its recovery, and shall forward the recovered certificate to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation. The Bulletin published monthly by the Bureau shall contain information of reported loss, theft, revoca- tion, or suspension of certificates. (j) A monthly and yearly report shall be forwarded by each Board of Local Inspectors to the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation at Washington showing the total number of each form of certificates of service and efficiency issued by their office. Sec. 8. RULES AND REGULATIONS COVERING DISCHARGE OF SEAMAN (a) Upon the discharge of any seaman and payment of his wages, the slupping commissioner, or collector or deputy collector of customs at ports where no shipping commissioner has been appointed, shall enter in the continuous discharge book of such seaman, if the seaman carries such a book, the name and ofScial number of the vessel, the nature of the voyage (foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise), the class to which the vessel belongs (steam, motor, sail, or barge), the date and place of the shipment and of the discharge of such seaman, the rating (capacity in which employed) then held by such seaman, and the signature of the person making such entries, and nothing more. In cases where the law does not require the seaman to be shipped and discharged before a shipping commissioner, the master of the vessel shall make the required entries in the continuous discharge book. All entries shall be made in black ink. (6) Upon the discharge of any seaman who holds a certificate of identification issued by the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navi- gation and payment of his wages, the shipping commissioner or collector or deputy collector of customs at ports where no shipping commissioner has been appointed shall issue to the seaman a certifi- cate of discharge on Form 718-A, and make the required entries therein showing the name and citizenship of the seaman to whom it is issued, the serial number of his certificate of identification, the name and ofiicial number of the vessel, the nature of the voyage (foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise), the class to which the vessel be- longs (steam, motor, sail, or barge), the date and place of the ship- ment and of the discharge of such seaman, and the rating (capacity in which employed) then held by such seaman. The certificate of discharge shall be signed by the seaman to whom it is issued and the master of the vessel and shall be witnessed by the shipping commis- sioner or, at ports where no shipping commissioner has been appointed, by the collector or deputy collector of customs. In cases where the law does not require the seaman to be shipped and discharged before a shipping commissioner, the master of the vessel shall issue such certificate of discharge and make the required entries therein. All entries in certificates of discharge shall be made in black ink. (c) Upon the discharge of any seaman in a foreign port the master shall make the proper entries in the continuous discharge book and on the ship's articles, and such entries shall be attested to by the consular officer. If the seaman possesses a certificate of identification, the mas- ter of the vessel shall issue to the seaman a certificate of discarge on Form 718-A and make the required entries therein which shaU be attested by the consular officer. If the seaman has lost his continuous discharge book or certificate of identification, the master shall furnish him with a temporary certificate of discharge (Form 719-A), attested to by the consular officer and note this fact on the articles. (d) If a seaman loses his continuous discharge book, certificate of identification or certificate of discharge by shipwreck or other casualty, he shall be supplied with a duplicate of such book, certificate of identi- fication, or certificate of discharge free of charge, upon application to a shipping commissioner or, at ports where no shipping commissioner has been appointed, to a collector or deputy collector of customs or United States local inspector of steam vessels. In other cases of loss a charge shall be made for a duplicate of such book, certificate of identification, or certificate of discharge in an amount equivalent to the cost thereof. (e) The application for a dupHcate continuous discharge book or certificate of identification shall be made in the form of an affidavit in duplicate on Form 719-e and three (3) photographs furnished. The shipping commissioner, collector or deputy collector of customs, or 10 Umted States local inspectors of steam vessels shall transmit the original copy of the affidavit and two (2) photographs to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Na\dgation, who shall there- upon cause to be prepared a continuous discharge book or certificate of identification bearing the same number as the former book or certi- cate of identification, and marked "duplicate." An affidaAdt for a duphcate certificate of discharge shall be made in the same manner as for a duplicate continuous discharge book or certificate of identifica- tion, except that it will not be necessary to furnish photographs for such certificates of discharge. Entries in. duplicate continuous dis- charge books, certificates of identification, or certificates of discharge as taken from available records shall be made by the Central Records Section of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation. The duplicate continuous discharge book, certificate of identification, or certificate of discharge shall then be forwarded to the proper shipping commissioner, collector or deputy collector of customs, or United States local inspectors of steam vessels, who shall issue the duphcate book or certificate of identification in the same manner as an original or, in the case of certificates of discharge shall deliver such certificates of discharge to the seaman. if) Whenever a continuous discharge book, certificate of identifica- tion, or certificate of discharge is reported to a shipping commissioner, collector of customs, or United States local inspector of steam vessels as having been stolen, lost, or destroyed, the shipping commissioner, collector of customs, or United States local inspector of steam vessels shall immediately report the fact by letter to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, giving all the facts incident to its loss or clestruction. By the same procedure, he shall report the recovery of a continuous discharge book, certificate of identification, or certificate of discharge with all the facts incident to its recovery, and shall forward the recovered book, certificate of identification, or certificate of discharge to the Director of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation. (g) Pending the issuance of a duplicate of the continuous discharge book or of the certificate of identification, the shipping commissioner, or coUector or deputy collector of customs at ports where no shipping commissioner has been appointed, may furnish the seaman with a temporary certificate of discharge (Form 719-A) at the completion of the voyage, and this fact shall be noted on the articles. When the duplicate book has been issued, the record of shipment and dis- charge as shown on the temporary discharge will be entered in the book, and the temporary discharge shall be surrendered to the issuing officer; or when a dupUcate of the certificate of identification has been issued, a certificate of discharge on Form 718-A, will be furnished the seaman and the temporary discharge surrendered to the issuing officer. (h) To facilitate the keeping of a complete record of the entries made in the continuous discharge books and the certificates of dis- charge issued to seamen holding certificates of identification, the Sliipping Articles have been revised to include the following items: On the front of the agreement the following information has been added: Name of ship; official nimiber; port of registry; date of regis- try; registered tons; gross and net; horsepower of engines; name and address of the registered managing owner or operator; number of sea- 11 men and apprentices for which accommodations are certified; and class of ship. (i) Columns have been added to the articles under "Particulars of engagement" for entering the continuous discharge book number or certificate of identification number and serial number of license or certificate of service; and under "Particulars of discharge" columns have been added to show the place, date, and cause of leaving ship, or of death, also a column for mutual release. (j) On the back of the Shipping Articles the following have been added: A certification to the effect that such entries as are authorized by the act of March 24, 1937, amending section 4551 R. S., as amended, to be made in the continuous discharge books and on certificates of dis- charge, agree with those made on the articles, to be signed by the U. S. Shipping Commissioner or other ofiicer duly authorized to act as such. A table showing citizenship requirements. A recapitulation for showing the percentage of Americans on the articles and a certification as to the correctness of same to be signed by the U. S. Shipping Commissioner or other officer duly authorized to act as such. A summary to show the different nationalities of the crew, segre- gated by departments. Extracts from the laws for the information of masters. (k) In the future, Shipping Articles shall be made out in triplicate. One of the copies shall be retained by the shipping commissioner, and the original and a copy given to the master who shall enter therein any changes made in the crew during the voyage. In case of the paying off of any members of the crew during voyage, they shall be requi;red to sign the mutual release on both the original and the dupli- cate of the articles whether discharged before a shipping commissioner in an American port or before an American consul in a foreign port. At the completion of the voyage, when the crew is paid off, the mutual release on both the original and the duplicate of the articles must be signed by all members of the crew; and the original copy, which must contain a complete record of the entries made in all continuous dis- charge books during the voyage, and the entries made in all certifi- cates of discharge issued during the voyage to seamen holding certi- ficates of identification, shall be forwarded to the Bureau at Wash- ington, D. C. The duplicate copy shall be retained by the shipping commissi Dner. (I) All columns on the Shipping Articles shall be properly filled in and the certifications on the back properly signed. All entries made in the continuous discharge books during the voyage, and the entries made in all certificates of discharge issued during the voyage to sea- men holding certificates of identification shall be shown on the ship's articles. (to) Every seaman shall be required, when signing articles, to pro- duce his continuous discharge book or certificate of identification, as well as his license or certificate of service, in order that the serial numbers may be entered on the articles. (n) To further facilitate the keeping of a complete record of entries made in continuous discharge books and certificates of discharge, when seamen are not shipped and discharged before a shipping com- missioner or collector or deputy collector of customs the master of 12 the vessel shall make a report to the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Wasliington, D. C, on Form 719-G, which must contain a complete record of the entries made in continuous dis- charge books and certificates of discharge, certified to by the master. (o) Pending the preparation and distribution of permanent certifi- cates of identification and permanent certificates of discharge there will be issued a temporary form of certificate of identification and temporary certificate of discharge in lieu thereof, which temporary certificates shall have the same force and effect as the permanent certificates of identification and certificates of discharge and shall be issued according to the regulations herein prescribed for permanent certificates of identification and permanent certificates of discharge, except that the number of such temporary certificate of identification will not be placed on certificates of service and efficiency. The space provided on such certificate of service or efficiency for a book or cer- tificate of identification number shall be left blank until the permanent certificate of identification is issued, at which time the number will be filled in. These temporary certificates of identification and temporary certificates of discharge shall be replaced by permanent certificates of identification and permanent certificates of discharge not later than June 25, 1937. The foregoing supersedes any rules and regulations heretofore issued conflicting herewith. Approved March 2G, 1937. Ernest G. Draper, Acting Secretary of Commerce. o UlllVbKbllY Ut- t-LOKlUA 3 1262 08859 0244