4/3, ~ - ^ MECHANICAL PRCPERTIES Cf PLASTIC LAMINATES Information Reviewed and Reaffirmed September 1958 No. 1820 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY MADISON 5 , WISCONSIN CULTURAL UBRARY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE In Cooperation with the University oi Wisconsin MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PLASTIC LAMINATES" FRED WERREN, Engineer p Forest Products Laboratory,- Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Summary This report presents the results of tension, compression, bending and shear tests of Ik laminated plastic materials. Tests of laminates were made after the specimens had been subjected to normal or to wet conditioning. The mechanical properties of the laminates, both dry and wet, are presented in the form of tables and by average stress-strain curves. The results of the glass-fabric-polyester laminates are considered to be typical of laminates made with any polyester resin conforming to U. S. Air Force Specification 12049 and a specific glass fabric with finish llU. The mechanical properties of such laminates are substantially reduced after exposure to wet atmospheric conditions. Introduction This study was made to determine the mechanical properties parallel to the orthotropic axes of several plastic laminates, in tension, compression bend- ing, and shear. The laminates tested include some that are now in consider- able use for certain structural applications, especially aircraft, and others that have not been generally used. _ This progress report is one of a series prepared and distributed by the Forest Products Laboratory under U. S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics No. NAer Order 00793 and U. S. Air Force No. USAF-PO-33-038 (5O-IO78-E) . Results here reported are preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. Original report published Feb. 1951 « 2 "Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin, Rept. No. 1820 -1- Agriculture-Madison The primary purpose of the study was to obtain typical data on the mechanical properties, dry and wet, of laminates made of a glass fabric (with finish 114) and a polyester resin conforming with the requirements for Types I, II, and III of U. S. Air Force Specification 120^9. Available data indicate that such a laminate, made from a specific glass fabric, will have about the same strength properties regardless of the type of polyester resin used. Further, the reduction in strength properties after wet conditioning is about the same for all such laminates. Thus, any polyester resin conforming to the above require- ments may be used with a selected glass fabric, and the mechanical properties of the resultant laminate may be estimated from the corresponding values re- ported herein. This assumes, of course, that accepted and comparable fabri- cation techniques will be employed. The typical data reported herein may be used also for other purpose. For example, the data may be used to estimate the strength at any angle to the warp direction2 or to estimate the strength of cross laminates or of laminates made of a combination of fabrics. - It should be noted that the strength properties are based on tests of speci- mens from flat panels. It is not to be expected that the values reported herein will be typical of structural parts molded to curved forms. Eesults of tests of plastic laminates have been reported from many other sources, but they are too numerous to mention here. There is much variation between their reports in the types of resins and fabrics used, molding pres- sures and temperatures, test methods and conditions, and like factors. The laminates for the tests reported herein are considered to be reasonably repre- sentative of other laminates made by similar fabrication procedures. Tests were made after normal or after wet conditioning. The wet test con- dition simulates service conditions that might exist after exposure to a tropical climate. This investigation was made at the U. S. Forest Products Laboartory at Madison, Wis., between February 19^9 and May 1950 • It was made in cooperation with ANC-17 Panel on Plastics. 3 Forest Products Laboratory Reports No. l803 (April 19^9) and l80j5-A (April 1950) > "Directional Properties of Glass-Fabric-Base Plastic Laminates of Sizes That Do Not Buckle." k Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1821, "Mechanical Properties of Cross- Laminated and Composite Glass-Fabric-Base Plastic Laminates." February 1951. Rept. 1820 -2- Description of Material Two 36- by 36-inch panels of each laminate supplied the specimens for these tests. The glass-fabric-base plastic laminates were made at the Forest Products Laboratory, and the cotton-fabric panels were purchased from the manufacturer of that type of laminate. All panels were parallel laminated, including those of cotton fabric. The fabrication methods are indicated briefly in table 1, except that the pro- cedures employed in making the cotton-fabric panels are not known. The 11 laminates made with resin 2 were fabricated by essentially the same procedures. The lay-up of fabric and resin was made between cellophane-covered, l/k -inch-thick aluminum cauls. After impregnation and lay-up, each panel was cured at a pressure of 14 pounds per square inch for 1 hour and kO minutes in a press at a temperature gradually increasing from 220° to 250° F. Pressure was applied by means of an oil-filled steel bladder located on the bottom platen of the press. The two panels made with resin 1 were made by methods slightly different from those just mentioned. The sheets were impregnated separately and rolled up to permit the resin to soak into the fabric. After about 16 hours the sheets were unrolled and laid up in panel form. The panels were cured between cellophane- covered aluminum cauls at a pressure of 14 pounds per square inch for 1 hour and 30 minutes in a press at a temperature of 220° F. For the panels made with resin 9 the individual sheets were impregnated and hung up to dry overnight at room temperature. The panel was laid up the follow- ing day and pressed between cellophane-covered aluminum cauls at a pressure of 75 pounds per square inch for 1 hour and 30 minutes in a press at a temper- ature of 275° F. In general, the two panels of each type of laminate were reasonably comparable in thickness, specific gravity, resin content, and Barcol hardness. The panels made of glass mat were, however, and exception. Although similar methods were used in fabrication, the panels are quite different due to the difference in resin content. No explanation is offered for this substantial variation. After the pressing was completed, each panel was trimmed to size with a metal- cutting band saw. The panel was carefully measured and weighed, and the over- all average resin content and specific gravity were calculated. Barcol hard- ness readings (fig. l) were also made at various positions on each face of the panel. General information concerning each panel is included in table 1. The cutting diagram for a typical laminated panel is shown in figure 2. The system of numbering clearly identifies each specimen. For example, specimen TA90-I-5-I indicates: Kept. No. 1820 -3- T = Tension (C for compression, F for bending, and V for shear) A = Type of laminate. In this case, glass 112-11^, resin 2 90 = Angle of loading to direction of warp of laminations 1 = Project number 5 = Panel number 1 = Specimen number. Odd numbers tested dry; even numbers tested wet. The tension, compression, and bending specimens were cut from glass-fabric panels with a l/8-inch emery wheel rotated at 1,770 revolutions per minute in the arbor of a variable -speed table saw. This method of cutting assured square and smooth edges. The loading edges of the wet compression specimens were, however, ground flat with a surface grinder before testing to eliminate any slight distortion that might have taken place during the wet conditioning. The cotton-fabric panels were cut with a high-speed-steel circular saw. All tensile specimens were finished to the desired shape and curvature by use of an emery wheel mounted on a shaper head. Panel shear specimens were cut to shape with a metal-cutting band saw. Testing General Tension, compression, and bending specimens were conditioned to what is herein referred to as a "dry" (normal) or "wet" condition. Dry specimens were those conditioned for at least 1 month at a temperature of 75° F. and a relative humidity of 50 percent. Wet specimens were also conditioned as above, weighed, and then conditioned for at least 2 months more at a temperature of 100° F. and a relative humidity of near 100 percent. The wet tension and bending specimens were reweighed just before test to obtain a value of "percentage weight increase." Panel shear specimens were not conditioned as above. The method of test and type of conditioning is described under "Panel Shear Tests," which follows. Dry and wet specimens were stored in their respective atmosphere until time for test. The specimens were then removed and tested as soon as practicable under ordinary room conditions. Tension Tests The tensile specimens used in these tests were 16 inches long and of the thick- ness of the laminate. The maximum sections at the ends were l-l/2 inches wide and 2-7/8 inches long. The minimum section at the center was 0.8 inch wide and 2-l/2 inches long. The maximum and minimum sections were connected by circular arcs of 20-inch radius tangent to the minimum section. This type of specimen was selected because it has a long tapered section that greatly reduces the Kept. No. 1820 -k- stress concentration at the test section. Experience has shown that the failure is not appreciably influenced by restraint at the ends of the specimen and generally occurs at the minimum section of the specimen. The specimens were tested in a mechanical testing machine equipped with Templin tension grips (fig. 3)» Load was applied at a head speed of about 0.035 inch per minute, and load- deformation readings were taken to failure. The strains were measured parallel to the applied load across a 2 -inch gage length with a pair of Marten's mirrors reading to 0.00001 inch. The specimens failed sudden- ly in tension when the maximum load was reached. Compression The compression specimens used in these tests were 1 inch wide, k inches long, and of the thickness of the laminate. The specimens were loaded on the 1-inch ends and restrained from buckling by means of the apparatus illustrated in figure h, which is described elsewhere. 2. The specimens were loaded by means of a testing machine employing a spherical head. Load was applied at a head speed of about 0.012 inch per minute, and load-deformation readings were taken at regular increments of load until failure. The strains were measured parallel to the applied load with gages mounted on opposite edges of the specimen. For the dry specimens, a pair of Marten's mirrors were used at a 2-inch gage length. In the tests of wet speci- mens, Tuckerman strain gages of 1-inch gage length were employed. A slight modification of the above procedure was required for the specimens of cotton-fabric laminate. Because of its low modulus of elasticity, excessive deformation occurred that made it impossible to use the restraining apparatus at higher loadings. Each specimen was therefore loaded in the apparatus to a stress well beyond the proportional limit so that the elastic properties might be determined. The load was then removed, and a specimen, 1 inch wide and 3/4- inch high, was cut from the center of the original specimen. The small speci- men was then carefully alined in the testing machine without lateral support and loaded to failure. For all specimens, the failure occurred suddenly when the maximum load was reached. Although there were slight differences in the character of failure between different laminates, all failures (including dry and wet specimens) were of the same type. Failures were a combination of transverse shear failure and crushing of the fibers, sometimes followed by some delamination of the specimen. A typical type of failure is shown in figure 5. 1 A. S. T. M. Designation D805-1+7, "Methods of Testing Plywood, Veneer, and Other Wood-Base Materials." 19^7. Bept. No. 1820 -5- Bending Tests Bending specimens were tested flatwise in a mechanical testing machine. The specimens were about l/2 inch wide, 6 inches long, and of the thickness of the laminate, and were tested over a span of h inches. The contact edges of the end supports were of l/8-inch radius, and the center loading piece had a radius of 3/8 inch. The rate of head travel was about O.O78 inch per minute, corre- sponding to a unit rate of fiber strain of about 0.007 inch per inch of outer fiber length per minute. Load was applied at the center of the specimen, and the deflection was measured with a dial gage (reading to 0.001 inch) having its spindle in contact with the bottom of the specimen at the center (fig. 6). Simultaneous readings of load and deflection were taken until the specimen failed at the maximum load. In general, the glass-fabric laminates appeared to fail by a combination of compression and tension in both the dry and the wet conditions. Failure on the compression side was usually due to shear (as in the compression specimens described previously) and might be called a compression-shear type of failure. In most cases, this compression-shear type of failure probably occurred first, with the tension failure following immediately. There were only two laminates that failed differently from this general type. The l43-ll4 laminate failed in compression-shear at 0°, but in tension at 90% and the cotton-fabric lami- nate failed in tension at both 0° and 90°. Panel Shear Tests The panel shear specimens were cut somewhat to the shape of a formee cross, the outline of which is that of figure 7« The part of the specimen common to the four arms of the cross was 3 inches square. Four pairs of machine-steel plates (fig. 8) having the shape of the arms of the cross, excluding the 3-inch square at the center, were bonded to the arms, with one plate on each side of each arm. Each plate was alined to its mate, during the bonding process, by two pins. When bonding was completed, machine bolts were added and tightened so that the specimen would be clamped between two plates. An assembled speci- men with rollers and roller pins in place is shown in figure 7- The load was applied to the rollers through triangular steel pieces that di- rected the load along the edges of the 3-inch-square central section of the specimen. Thus a condition of approximately pure shear was obtained in this section. The apparatus is shown, set up ready for test, in figure 9* Load was applied at a head speed of about 0.01 inch per minute. Load and com- pression strain readings were taken at regular intervals of load. Strain measurements were made on opposite faces with a 1-inch-gage-length Tuckerman strain gage reading to 0.00001 inch. (Note that figures 7 and 9 show metalectric strain gages attached to the specimen. This was an exploratory specimen; metalectric gages were not used in the tests reported herein.) There was considerable variation in the type of failure due to the shear stresses. Some of the laminates failed in the plane of maximum tension some Rept. No. 1820 -6- failed in the plane of maximum compression, some failed in shear along the warp or fill direction, and others failed by a combination of tension or com- pression with shear. In the laminate reinforced with glass mat, the maximum shear stress could not be developed because of failure in the bond between the metal plates and the specimen. The reference to dry and wet test conditions in shear differs from that de- scribed for tension, compression, and bending tests. For the dry shear tests, the specimens were conditioned at a temperature of 75° F. and a relative hu- midity of 50 percent for at least 1 month prior to test. The steel plates were bonded to the arms of the specimen in a hot press, at a temperature of about 320° F., for 2 hours at a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch. The panel was tested as soon as the specimen had cooled to room temperature. Under these conditions, the moisture content of the specimen was undoubtedly lower than that of the other types of specimens that had been subjected to normal conditioning. The specimens to be used for wet tests were cut to shape and then conditioned at a temperature of 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity for at least 1 month. When ready to test, the steel plates were cemented to the arms of the specimen (in the 80° F., 97 percent relative humidity room) with a room-temperature -setting adhesive. The assembled specimen was taken from the conditioning room just before test and was then tested as described previously. Presentation of Data Table 1 indicates the fabrication methods used in making the various laminated panels and gives some general information on each cured panel. Average values from tension, compression, and bending tests are given in tables 2, 3> a nd k, respectively. Table 5 presents the results of the individual shear tests, including some that had been wet conditioned. The ratios of wet-to-dry properties for the laminates are given in table 6. At the bottom of the table are included the average ratios for the 10 laminates made of glass cloth and resin 2. (Values from items 1-12, l-l4, 1-15, and 1-19 are not included in these averages.) A series of average stress-stain curves in tension, compression and shear, and average load-deflection curves in bending are shown in figures 10 through 23 for each laminate. From the origin to the proportional limit, the curves are made to represent the average properties given in tables 2 through 5« be- yond the proportional limit, they represent average tendencies from the load- deformation data. The relationship between tangent modulus and stress, in compression and shear, is shown in figures 2k through 37 f° r each laminate. These curves are plotted from the corresponding average stress-strain curves of figures 10 through 23. Kept. No. 1820 -7- Discussion of Results General The mechanical properties of the 14 laminates reported herein are presented in the form of both tables and curves. Thus the dry and wet values may be readily compared by either method. The results from the various types of tests will be discussed separately. Incidental to obtaining the mechanical properties of the laminates some infor- mation was gathered on the dimensional and weight change due to wet con- ditioning. Tension and bending specimens were measured and weighed after dry conditioning before being subjected to the wet atmosphere. The speciemens were remeasured and reweighed just before test, and the linear measurements thus recorded were used for calculating the mechanical properties observed in test. Actually, the change in dimension due to wet conditioning was small for all laminates, averaging roughly 1 percent increase in thickness and less than l/2 percent increase in width. Similarly, the percentage increase in weight was small. These values of weight change are given with the properties for tension and bending in tables 2 and 4 respectively. The small absorption of moisture does, in general, appreciably lower the mechanical properties of the laminate. The series of curves included in this report are intended, in part, to help visualize the changes resulting from wet conditioning. Table 6, which gives the ratios of wet properties to the corre- sponding dry ones, is also a convenient method of comparison. The results tabulated in table 6 show that the mechanical properties of the glass-fabric laminate made with the phenolic resin (resin 9) were affected much less by wet conditioning than those made with the polyester resins (resins 1 and 2). This was true in tension, compression, and bending tests, and it would probably also apply to shear. It is of interest to note, however, that the percentage weight increase due to wet conditioning was more than three times greater for the l8l-ll4, (9) laminate than for l8l-ll4, (2) laminate. The 128-114 fabric used in item 1-13 was approximately the same as the 128-114 fabric used in item 1-3, but it was made by a different manufacturer. Dry and wet properties of these two laminates were reasonably comparable, but those of the laminate under item 1-13 were slightly lower. The manufacturer of this latter fabric has, however, since reportedly imporved his manufacturing tech- niques. It is expected that subsequent 128-114 fabric may be assumed to be the same as the 128-114 fabric tested under item 1-3. The laminated panels reinforced with M-503 mat varied considerably in resin content and in other properties, although the same techniques were used in making each. In addition, another panel was manufactured, but it was culled because of its poor quality. It appears that improved techniques would be required to manufacture uniform flat panels of this type. Because of the variation of the two panels tested, the average values of each have been reported separately in both tables and curves. Rept. No. 1820 -8- Detailed discussion on each of the laminates is not included in this report because the information is presented in both tables and curves and is there- fore readily available. It should be remembered that all panels for these tests were parallel laminated, including the one made of 1^3-114 fabric. Some dry tests of composite and cross -laminated glass-fabric laminates have been made in connection with this program, and these are reported in another publi- cation.— The average wet-to-dry ratios for the mechanical properties of 10 laminates made of glass fabric with resin 2 are given at the bottom of table 6. These values were averaged because each laminate was made from a glass fabric, a single resin, and by the same fabrication techniques, and the ratios of the wet-to-dry properties are reasonably comparable. The ratios from the other polyester laminate (item 1-14) are also comparable. The ratios of wet strength to dry strength, expressed as percentages, are roughly as follows: (l) tension (0° and 90°), 80 percent; (2) tension (^5°), 65 percent; (3) compression (0° and 90°), 60 percent; and (k) bending (0° and 90°), 65 percent. Tension The significance of the dual straight lines that occur in many tensile stress - strain curves of laminates, and that result in initial and secondary values of modulus of elasticity and proportional limit, has been questioned for some time. A previous report on the effect of prestressing— indicates that once the material has been stressed beyond the initial proportional limit, the initial tensile properties are changed. If the material is stressed as high as the secondary proportional limit, these dual properties are no longer present. Thus, these data indicate that the dual values reported with tensile properties are probably not significant for ordinary structural applications of the ma- terial and might be replaced by a single value of modulus of elasticity and of proportional limit. The report suggests that, in the absence of additional data, the secondary values of modulus of elasticity and proportional limit might be reasonable values to use for most design purposes. The above comments are applicable to specimens that were tested in the dry condition. A study of the dry and the wet tensile values included in this report minimizes further the significance of the dual values. While there may be about 15 or 20 percent difference between the initial and secondary moduli in the dry con- dition, the difference is usually well under 10 percent for specimens tested in the wet condition, and in some cases the dual values do not appear to exist. It would seem, therefore, that the wet secondary values of modulus of elastici- ty and proportional limit might also be reasonable values to use when designing for laminates to be used in the wet condition. ^ orest Products Laboratory Eeport No. l8ll, "Effect of Prestressing in Tension or Compression on the Mechanical Properties of Two Glass-Fabric-Base Plastic Laminates." September 1950 • Rept. No. 1820 -9- It may be noted that the above comments are applicable particularly to glass- fabric polyester laminates. In the l8l-llU, (9) laminate, the tensile proper- ties were about the same in both the dry and the wet conditions. Wet conditioning caused a greater percentage reduction in the tensile proper- ties at 1+5° than at the 0° or 90° angles of loading. Compression The results of compression tests, table 3> show that dual values were not observed in compression, with the exception of the M-503 laminate in the dry condition. When tested in the wet condition, the dual characteristics of this laminate likewise did not appear to be present. Occasionally, a specimen of some other laminate would seem to have dual-line tendencies, but these were indefinite. Where these tendencies did appear to exist, the test was in the dry condition and the difference in the slopes of the lines was small. There- fore, for practical consideration, a single value of modulus of elasticity and of proportional limit seems applicable to the fabric-reinforced laminates. Examination of the average stress-strain curves in compression shows that most curves do not deviate greatly from initial straight portion to failure. Thus the value of 0.2 percent offset stress is usually equal to the ultimate stress. Bending The bending tests were made as described previously under "Testing, " and the results are given in table h. Panel Shear Tests The difficulty of making an accurate shear test has long been recognized. Although approximately pure shear stresses may be applied to a panel when first loaded, subsequent deformation or local failures cause a complication distri- bution of stress. However, the type of apparatus used for these tests has proven reasonably satisfactory for other shear tests of glass-fabric laminates^. The correlation between experimental and theoretical shear yalues is included in the reports of these previous tests. An examination of the results of individual shear tests shows that the agree- ment of properties between the two or more tests of a laminate is generally good (table 5)« Values of ultimate stress are especially in good agreement. In the three instances where these values are not given, the ultimate stress was not attained because failure occurred in the laminate between the metal plates. The theoretical shear stress has been calculated for each laminate from the corresponding results of tension tests at 0°, h^° , and 90°. The equation used in making these calculations is taken from a previous report.^ Kept. No. 1820 -10- 1 = cos^e + sinte + sin% cos 2 ^ (15) 2 2 2 2 F F F F x a b ab where = 45° F x = F^c = maximum tensile stress at k^° F a = maximum tensile stress at 0° F, = maximum tensile stress at 90° b A comparison of observed and theoretical values of ultimate stress in the dry condition (columns 7 an d 9 of table 5) shows that values are in reasonable agreement, but that the observed values are generally higher. This is as expected because, as has been mentioned previously, the panel shear test speci- men undoubtedly had a lower moisture content than the related tensile speci- mens and the shear strength would thus be expected to be higher. From these dry tests it would appear that the shear strength could be calculated from the tension tests, as has been mentioned in previous reports on glass-fabric lami- nates. A comparison between observed and theoretical values from tests in the wet condition (columns 15 and 15 of table 5) indicates poor agreement between these values. The theoretical shear strength (based on tensile tests) is consider- ably lower than the observed shear strength. This may be due, in part, to differences of temperature and of moisture absorption that might result from the conditioning methods. Tensile specimens were conditioned at 100° F. and near 100 percent relative humidity, but the closed containers used for this conditioning were not adaptable to the storage and gluing required for the panel shear specimens. The shear specimens were, therefore, placed in the con- ditioning room maintained at 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity, which was the only suitable room available with atmospheric conditions near those desired. Eesults of bending tests show that the bending properties of specimens con- ditioned at 100° F. are slightly lower than those of specimens conditioned at 75° P«> even though the relative humidity is about the same.-'- A similar effect might be expected in shear. Another factor that might account for a difference in shear strength is that the width of the shear specimen in the plane of the panel is 5 inches, while in the tension specimen it is only 0.8 inch. It might be expected that vapor or water would penetrate through the laminate more readily along the fibers than through the thickness of the laminate, although no such comparative tests have been made at this Laboratory. Thus it would appear that moisture absorption and consequent strength reduction would be greater for tensile specimens because of the combination of higher tempera- ture and shorter distance for moisture penetration. It is believed that since Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1819, "Effect of Moisture Absorption on Flexural Properties of Glass -Fabric -Polyester Laminate." October 1950. Kept. No. 1820 -11- the laminated materials remain orthotropic even when in the wet condition, the theoretical analysis should apply. Therefore the theoretical values (based on wet tension tests) are probably more nearly representative of the wet shear strength at 100° F. than the panel-shear-test values themselves. Wet shear strength would be expected to be roughly 60 percent of the dry strength for glass-fabric-polyester laminates. The equation previously given is not applicable to the laminated panels made of M-503 mat, since this material might be considered isotropic in the plane of the laminate . Conclusions The mechanical properties of the lk laminates tested for this study may be seen by reference to the tables and curves presented in this report. Results for the glass-fabric-polyester laminates are considered to be typical of laminates made with specific glass fabrics with finish 114 and any polyester resin conforming to U. S. Air Force Specification 120^9* Wet conditioning, in general, substantially reduced the mechanical properties of glass-fabric-polyester laminates. Ratios of wet strength to dry strength, expressed as percentages, were roughly as follows: (l) tension (0° and 90°), 80 percent; (2) tension (45°), 65 percent; (3) compression (0° and 90°), 60 percent; and (h) bending (0° and 90° )> 65 percent. The dry mechanical properties of the single glass -fabric -phenolic laminate tested were generally a little less than those of the comparable polyester laminate. However, the properties of the phenolic laminate were only slightly decreased after wet conditioning, and were higher than those of the wet polyester laminate. In tension, at 0° and 90° loading, the ratio of initial to secondary modulus of elasticity in the wet condition was usually considerably less than the same ratio in the dry condition. It appears that secondary values of modulus of elasticity and of proportional limit would probably be satisfactory for most design purposes. Actually, the secondary modulus from the wet tests is, on the average, only a few percent less than the corresponding. modulus of elastici- ty from the dry tests. There is reasonable agreement between observed and theoretical values of shear strength in the dry condition, but the agreement is not good in the wet con- dition. Actually, the theoretical wet values are expected to be near the true wet strength at 100° F., and, if used, would be conservative values. Rept. No. 1820 -12- APPENDIX 1 Description of Laminating Resins and Fabrics Used In Making Laminates Besin 1 .--A high-temperature-setting, high-viscosity, laminating resin of the polyester (diallyl phthalate-alkyd) type. Besin 2 .--A high-temperature- setting, low-viscosity, laminating resin of the polyester (styrene-alkyd) type. Besin_9.--A high-temperature-setting laminating resin of the phenolic type. Glas s Fabric . - -All glass fabric is of the weave listed in table 1, and of finish llU . Except for items 1-13 and 1-19, the fabric and mat were purchased from Manufacturer A. The 128 fabric for item 1-13 was purchased from Manufacturer B. Cotton Fabric . --The cotton-fabric -base phenolic panels were purchased from Manufacturer C. The laminate was reinforced with 8.15-ounce cotton fabric, and the resin content was about 50 percent by weight. Sept. No. 1820 -13- -5-57 Table 1. — Fabrication methods used In making laminated panels and general information on cured panels Fabrication methods Average values from cured panel Item : Type of No. : fabrici : Number : : : Time of : Panel : Resini : of plies : Pressure : Temperature : cure : No. : Thickness Specific: gravity : Resin content Barcol hardness P.s.i. "F. Min. Inch Percent 1-1 Glass 112 - 114 2 84 14 220 - 250 ' 100 5 6 0.250 .250 : 1.71 : 1.70 ■ ^3-5 : 43.4 : 69 : 69 1-2 Glass 116 - 114 2 70 14 220 - 250 100 60 61 .243 .249 : I.83 : 1.82 ■ }k.O : 35-1 : 69 : 68 1 - 3 Glass 128 - 114 2 36 14 : 220 - 250 100 12 13 .245 .244 : 1.80 : 1.81 ■ 35-0 34.8 S 67 : 67 1 - 4 Glass 162 - 114 2 17 14 220 - 250 100 52 53 .252 .254 • 1.76 1.76 : 37-7 38.2 62 62 l - 6 Glass 143 - 114 2 26 14 220 - 250 100 7 8 .247 .247 I.85 I.85 32.2 32.1 69 70 1 - 7 Glass 120 - 114 2 61 14 220 - 250 100 14 15 .256 .250 1.72 1.74 41.8 40.9 71 71 1 - 8 Glass 181 - 114 2 23 14 220 - 250 100 16 17 .249 .244 1.77 1-77 37-8 36.8 69 70 1 - 9 Glass 182 - 114 2 18 14 220 - 250 100 63 64 .245 .245 1.82 1.84 33-4 33-8 68 66 1-11 Glass 184 - 114 2 9 14 220 - 250 100 55 56 .238 .238 I.87 I.87 30.1 29-9 67 67 1-12 Glass mat M-503 2 13 14 220 - 250 100 18 68 .268 .338 I.69 1.61 32.6 43.9 62 55 1 - 13 Glass - 128 - 114 2 36 14 220 - 250 100 27 28 .264 .262 I.78 1.79 40.3 40.0 71 69 1 - 14 Glass 181 - 114 1 23 14 220 90 19 I 20 z 71- .263 .266 .248 1.81 1.80 I.85 42.8 42.8 40.2 74 ■ 73 68 1 - 15 Glass l8l- -114 9 23 75 275 90 65 66 .231 .236 I.83 1.81 . 35-3 35-8 61 58 1 - 19 Cotton _ Phenolic 16 50 51 ■ .260 .254 1.36 i I.36 : 47 46 ±Key to fabrics and resins In appendix. p -Fabric for this laminate made by different manufacturer than fabric used in item 1 - 3. ^Special panel, 12 by 12 inches, for shear test only. 4_Cotton-fabric-base phenolic, postfonning stock. Panels furnished by commercial manufacturer. Z M 85622 F «J £3 » : ■ ON ■ 0J a) -h i o I S- y • ^ • OJ • OJ a a a s o o o o o o O 0J O OJ o o § l| ON n VO r— ONVO a on r— ia lAO COC& OnO KNQ rrvtP, HNO OCO -*0 ONrH ON OJ r-ON ON t- r-l VO ON 0J O KN04 t- vo A -3- CO V1 — a. o oj oj kn OJ H ^a ^ ej5 as OJ H 521 0J 0J 0J O ON KN as CO c— o D ■3 c3 O H P. o ^^ Oh" ^OO -* OJ f- 0J t-KN -* VO ONr-I OJCO ON^ OJ IfN O -tf H KN CO OJ f- IfN C-VO O -* VONO PR « ^OJO< R3 KN tA KNVO vo vo ii^ CO 0J KN K \ kn, cu KNOJ ^t o KNtr \ KN OJ KN OJ KNOJ KN 0J ■» Sh 1 ^ OJ O K>0J K>OJ ■» -» KNOJ s) KN A ON o o O KN °^ P- o CO OJ ON rH o KNCO | °J w H » i & t : & t<; O C , ss voce o c «5 4i !i« 3 o ■35 oj CO 0J 4-> > a a ■- r o t- NO O c 04 A a a) i to 5 I7t J <•> o o o o O o c O o o o o o o O • o RS o o o o 81 8£ ■s : 3 w H ft) oT c ONO .-i lA KN kfN on % o O ♦* ' b £ «-l i o „ CO 0, o r- o S\ ■1* 1 a-.-i: s& : O O t— OJ O O CO ITS ^X * (T\vO lACO 4 Q O q o ia« o o OJ^O IfN O o> ON ONO CM CO O Ov oj o. ON ON ai r- Htf> t— .- ON -» o t i a} O 1 -H ft 1 -M t. ' a ft 1 M 'P ft s r- o o OJvp CO ON O O NO-* VO OJ Q s NO s OJ KN o o o o O Q NO (A 04 O p CO ':% £8 VO O q o VO f*- o o 0N0J 3 3 NO lA VOCO NO 9 t— (f\ NOVO t- r- -* • KN NO NO A A VOCO Si£ | •h i -d .■ « ~ ttk O O H O O O O C ■Ti £ O Q O C *jp o OJ VO Q OJ o o o ^^ c O o q o ?s o o i VO ON 1 H IfN 3 O l to H UN KN OJ O ~ 8 :|* O O AC0 ON A o UP O o o IfNVO on r- US 04 O O O IfNON Si o §s ON Ov s§ ■g : a 3E 1 m H fAOJ KN KN KN KN 0J OJ KN^ KNOJ H H KNOJ 0J OJ KNOJ H| g - ■* q 3 a 3 Q A Q 3 Q 3 Q 3 Q 3 a » Q 3 a 3: O a O 3 Q 3 a 3 O 3 OJ C\J OJ CM OJ 0J 0J 04 ON S> CM ■^ In J) 2 ■A 3 ^ d S 3 3 * KN 3 ^ d 4-< I I ' < ' ' • ■ ' ■ Q O ' . a a 3 a s s o CO 0J CO 3 X X CO CO CO ^ H m KN m ^ ^ tU en CO o iH OJ IfN H NO u% 0J VO A Sr n H OJ -o j. VO ^ CO ON =1 2) B 3 s ON •J z *-* • 1 i 1 1 i I 1 1 1 I i , , H H H H -H H H rH H H ■H rH ■a c • ,1s. is a o «-> » O -H OH tj t> a • b. C ft 4-> m o o o o o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o O O o o o o OO a) ai &» SO so r-i CO -st O Ol to o-* toj- CM t— (— to C— IO rH O lOCO CM O O rH t— o- 5 £ ■p p CD -=t ON CO o OJ -* OS rH NO -=t to to t— SO SO st on oj mm tO so to O CO to oir- Pm OJ H SO tO OJ H IO ITS rH Ol CM rH rH J- O O SO CM r— o\ to so to OJ to OS COJ SO to ON CO ioj- CD a o iH rH CD IOOJ Ol H CM rH IO CM IO CM Ol r-t OJ rH CM rH OJ OJ H IO Ol CM OJ Ol rH ■p ■P c id CD O O o o rHCO o o o o O O O O O O O O o o o o O O o o O O OO a O +3 o ONO onco SO so ttS so to O -rr UNJ Ol t— 1— to t— IO rH O COCO CM O O rH t—CO ■H ti CD to st o\ CO O SO rH so -=J- to to r— so NO sst ON OJ O tO to so to O CO to ostr 1 CD CD to m P.-H U H OJ H SO IO IfMO H OJ OJ rH O -=t O O SO OJ t— ON IO NO IO OJ OJ ON OJ rH OJ CJ SO tO ON CO SOJ rH 4n ■P iU tO CM Ol H OJ H Ol rH IO CM tool Ol H OJ rH Ol H IO Ol CM CM «-. cm o to o o a) H CD * cd to a cd o O -. 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IO-"* 9,* to to OS t~- OS CO CO ON cc5 to f-ON Oso NO IO CO O rH SO NO CO Ol O so rHCO to CO ON ON-* as tot— o rH ■P -P SOCO CO so m to CO O H OJ lOJ- ^t to -* rH CO r— IO rH rH OS t— to to st CM rH CO IT rH CD 3 FlI tO OJ OJ rH OJ H H rH into IOOI to CM tO Oi Ol H Ol H Ol OJ rH tO CM to IO CM rH CO a •P □ p CD o o o o o o O O o o o o O O O O o o O O O O O O O O o o O O a) O -P 03 •H =t no co to O SO CO to CO so SO CO CO OS OJ J- H J- t— c— O to O st t— t- ON CO t~-J NO IO toe a U CD to Os so ON J- ON ON OJ to lOON Csl CO J- IO OJ to o to so r- O CM IOSO CO CT CD CD CD 00 ag 1 Pi> ■rH a ■P u ta o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O o o o o o o o o o o O O o o O O % CD o OJ c— O OJ Os Os rHCO CO t— so O O O J" Ol tO rH ON O st rH SO C— CM ON CO CM CO to t— o to to st O JCO p. 3 . . p. PO J- OJ CO SO CO CO to rHCO ON SO IO ON rH ON too J- t- so to O Ol a\t- rH Cw ■P NO Tl 3 O D o OJ OJ IO OJ IO OJ CM Ol lOJ- OJ CM IOOJ tO CM to to CM rH H OJ rH rH IO CM OJ CM to to CD ■3 cC o ■3 O rH o a) X CD ■H CD TH CD 5 rH CM| Oil CD CD CD & X) OJ t— CO H to O OJ IOSO J- NO Ol to tot— c— o OS tO CO ON r-t st CM CO NO CO CM i- ir\ J3 -3- Lf\ J- J- J- J- to to J- -* to to -4 J* J" -=t to-d- IOSO -4 st NO NO t— IN- to to cosc o X! H — ' o a M OJ OJ CM OJ OJ OJ Ol OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ Ol OJ CM CM Ol OJ OJ OJ to to CM CM CH OJ Ol Ol OJ o o H l ' I C ci t st Q 3 « s « * a » « * a a a * Q » Q * « 3 « 3 « 3 a 3 a 3 « 3 o +■ T _ OJ OJ Ol OJ OJ OJ CM Ol OJ Csl rH ON ^ ai rt -p J3 a] J- -» -* j- -=t -^j- -St -=t J- Ol OJ st st -J cd a rH rH rH rH rH CM ■H to rH , 1 rH 1 rH rH H rH 1 to to o o rH 1 rH . c O -p OJ SO CO Ol to O i-t CM 5$ to to CO rH H -p H r-t Ol SO -rf OJ CO CO CM CO CO O M r-i rH rH rH rH rH rH i i rH tol rH rH o r-f IO to to r— ■st so CO O so rH rH so so r-t to CD rH SO to OJ CM SO IO o CO CO 3 z rH SO CM in O OJ CM t- -J" so to to t— Os CO o fe SO r-t to rH rH NO to CM rH SO to . CM IO st to Os B rH OJ to -3- SO t~ CO Os rH rH rH (U c H P Z M w ' I 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 ' H <•* 1 rH rH H ^ H rH rH H rH rH rH rH -H -H 3 3 -r, -rt 3 -H Bt, I ! o +> ft-H 85 3 «-i Tl O o I 3C 3 £ 3^ W OJ 4h 'Boo o a) 32 ^ S • Q) O +> as oj ON UN. \o s OJ *H CO KN ON t— \o t~ \0 o O H H in o o CO -* O NO m on mm oj on o o mO Jf V O O oj oj m o o o oj m K\4 o o o -» oj in o o o o yj^voo OJ OJ OJ -* o o m OJ O O OO m oj co h .* O OJ NO o o m v o o oj in no oj o o a. no co no o o O KN in oj o o o m 3 v So o o m H -t oj oj OJ OJ H OJ CO ON in in -* -» oj oj oj oi vco m-» -» j- mm OJ oj oj OJ o oj mo vco in in mm -» -* oj OJ OJ OJ oj oj oj m OJ OJ oj on h in oj j- :3 :3 :£> KN O O unc- ONO o o o o ITMT\ -* -* ITNCO ITNKN SO O O O O lf\ -^- KN CO lf\ KN >-\ KNCO CUVO i o o i O OJ x OJ H o o cy j- lT\NO o o 3 9 3« «» S3 5^ o o oi in m i-i O O O ' mNO no * j -*co O O O O OJ OJ ON O o o v in coco oooo OJ H H NO o o m oj O -* SO O O ON -3 H NO OJ NO CO OJ~ oj" O? 0? o m CO ON V o O OJ vco CO ON OJ H h m ■2 -* m-tf in in -s -* in in in in mm .* -a- OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ KNNO -* KN OJ OJ KN KN ON O IfWO OJ OJ oa q:* o. * q * p» p» q» q» 9 kn| o o o o o o OJVO KMf\ CO O KNVO CO KN \D ifN o o o o o o t^v£» KMTi ON ON t— V£> CO KN LTNOJ KN ON O CO O O QCO J- J- CO «H .H -^ KN ON SO O O O O O O \D \T\\D LTNO ir\ o ifNH j- r- *p VO ON ITN lT\ OJ OJ O O KN\D r-IVO O O O o o o O OJ o o m^ NO o CO NO o m o o ON V CO ON o o o m mNo m m o o o m OJ o co m CO V VJ- oooo ^t CO OJ V o o rH m O O 3oT o o no co in-* o o OJ On J- H o o moj CO ON rt CO m OJ CO o OJ OJ no m OJ H ONJ- H H mco co m OJ V m oj KNOJ ON m moj -3- H moj mm on h H r-l r-l H v m OJ H rH o m m Vi-I m kn in.=t o o ON V oj m mNO os q 3 as d 8l +> O-P 1j o+> £9 O -H h ojI fN H J SI D !3 a arut a> H H c UJ| >> rr h (D a m 01 o So o o CO -^ O O W J- t— co o o o :oso o o £3 o o -» o SO t— o o CO CO O O OJ OJ CM CO O O H OJ OS SO O O IftH OJ O P3 OJ rH OH oj- U'SSO soso j- j 03 CO CO CO CO no CO CO o c_> o o o o o o if>vo so o oj ir\ J- C-- OJSO OJ H o o CO IO o o o o o o irso OS OS O OJ -* -* ON OJ r— OS o o o o o o ON OS NSH C— ITS SO SO O IO OJSO O 01 OS S r-J rH O O KSSO SO ITS o o CO ro O O O O H t— O O t— ■-! t— OS O O OSO H O O O OJ K"\ O OS o o tr\o NTS OJ o o as o o o o SO OJ On O UN^O ITS UN O O OJ ON O ON o o H O \Q\0 NN KN o o o o o o - 0J OJ r-i r-i OJ oj co ^o ^o co u"\ r>- O NN ON if\ sO^O VO UN UN ITN NNCO VO rH CO \o CO -J- o oj OJ cm o ON NO -*co t— O ON OCO C\J r- m UN un voco trwo ltn \£J \D VU IfN mvo O NN rH ^t VO lTN\f) ON VO -* UN ITN O rH v£)VO lT\ UN NN OJ N"\ ro ^ 2 9 13 Jrj 3 -? ■^ a h h .* -41 -A vfl I a) D ■p 3 H 3 3 3 1 ITS a 0) 1 o V. -i iaoj • oj k*\ • so co • ia oj • oj q • h h • Hio *t^o -t^c— SO SO ■ SO SO • lOi ITS • SO t— • IACO • SO SO • SO SO • SO C— • so SO 0JON »iT\C0 'OnOn 'rrNH C— O • H ^ • i o * 2 1 CD U\_4 • lA ITN • lfMT\ • \JJ vX) CO ON • ON Os • s ft 3 a P 60 o •p a a •H CD +j 5 1 -4" o H t— • o kn • as h * iaso • so so • ia t— • so so • -4- on • oj oj o\co • t— so • ia r— 't^-ON • -4 t— 'coco • t^co >\ot- • \d t~ OlTN 'HrA »\4D-4- • t— -4 1 m h • -4- t— • CO CO 'CDt- • T* t. 1 rH U oco -voo • invjo '0\r^ n o H CD rH £ p. ft, ft H-. t>» *3 -P B U a 3 •H 1 K\ CD 3 P CD i H u t-l -4; -4/ ■ O CO ■ LA TA '-4--* • H SO • -g OJ • t— I s - • J- rH ■ ONO CO CO • OsCO -COCO -COCO • ONSO • CO CO -COCO • 0\0\ -CTNaN Oh- 'ITSVO 'OO *VJDlT\ t— \D • CO t~- * CO CO • co CO SO O • CO SO • O rH • t- h- • fl 0) rH ft H rH • S CD p CD a P o CD 1 n a CD £1 U f -\ft 'COrTs -OSCO 'COCO -(04 • O t*- -OH • -4" H *H-4 4t- 'lOO -OH -fOrT-v J" -4- •^-=t • lfMT\ * f-^O t^SO • CO -4 • ft CD t--vo Os Os • soso * P p ft CD P , a 2 o a p o •P a m ■H a CO f a V£ H •\0-4 *-4rT\ >J-H • r- rO -rrNON 'CVI^O • t—Cs >0-4- -4" rO • iTWO * 0J H • CO ON O SO • so rA ■ p tl H h CO 00 rOrT\ -J-.4 * VO SO *\OCO O C— • -4 -4 * u o H H CD rH ft Pi ft a o 8 p o ft, Vi h o p ■P a u fl 3 ■H O 0) P O cc CTN "CO OJ >COO\ 'OJirx •J-OJ *C0rT\ -COlA 'hOCVJ *oo\ HO •f^-4- •COr-"ir\-4' COCO •t ; -h- • t— h- -0\CO ITS OS • -4" K"\ ■ 3 CD u GO CO O OS • CO CO • tj a CD H ft X ^ScovococovocoaD^£)cocovc aococo c— r— t^t--co\oa\co\o o ■p s O ft h i P "9 CD H (3 CD a c iT\ ir\ rooo cy h-co in -4 oco 0-4 tococo 0\~=t t— <-4 iA-4 rr\-4co cc C0HajHOMT\ C-.4- CO H 0J K COCOCO ONVOC0\O h-h-0\CO t- \4 OJ ITSOJ OJC0 2 O *-. co ir\ - o o o r— so its a CD rH rH rH o -p CD ft CO a t5. O H o p. ■p o B a CD b CD g ft, P t- O • t"- rf\ • -4" ^O * o • * 0J if\ • lAO ■ t^rH ■COSO ■ 3 h •CO t- • OJ h- ■ CO • • [*- O • O O • OH H H • Eh a (D rH • rH H • H ■ H H • 1-1 ft ■P -g CD a so t^ - C-H 04 t-t-H ["-cDOOnCO OCD\0 IAOJ HVO O^ OCD OJOnW-4 CO t- ITN^OJ OJ t>» o U o \co iaocmaoo ir\35o\\oa5 0-4 OSC0J- o ovo o awococov£ OsOsO\CO onco CAOSO O OVC ) ON OS Os C— h- h- O 4J ■H CD CD ft >-i rH H rH H >H H H ' a O CO 1 H CD ■P •5 CO H 5 H cd CD E CD •H ■P lT\ ft • f-Os • CD ■ OsOS • (3 ft -— ^ ^^ a c\jaj cuajojojajaj CM H <7\ O -4r4r4r-lr4r-\ H rH a -4- HHr-ir-iHr-ir-ir-i PA K> H H J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O § p H P r- VOCOCUrOOHOJ.4- H(\JVO-4 0JCOCOCO HrHHrHrHrHrHH 2 Z CO rH a s CO H O <-\ rH rA rO lf\ S- J" \0 CO o SO H U VC VOHiT\CO'-(HVO m 0J 0J SO ITS CO CO fA rH \£) •« *. ft IT \OOJCVJt>--4VOrOir\ ^O H lT\ H H vn lT\ t- ON 0J rH LA O SO LA V ■H CD 60 ft- 5 C "1 a OJ U O OlT\OOiT\OOlT\00 lT\OOiT\00 lTNOOlT\00 IAOO(AO O lAO O iT\ O O lAOO iT\OOiT\00 LA "^ ' ON-4 0\-4 0\-& Os~& 0\-4 OJ- 0\-4- OS-4 CT\-4 ONJ" ON-4 ON-4" ONJ ON-4 ON-4- H p § c . OJ rO -4 ITS OS 3 H OJrOJ-VO t^CO ONrH H rH rH rH H -P z , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , H H r-\ rH ^ •-i >-i H rH rH H r-i r-1 H rH HCOO t— so t— SO rA OS ON Figure 1. --Barcol hardness tester used for comparing the surface hardness of various plastic laminates. ZM 79027 F TA0-I-5- I 6 <0 DIRECTION OF WARP OF LAMINATIONS Z H 85389 F Figure 2. --Cutting diagram for laminated plastic specimens, from 1/4- by 36- by 36-inch panels. Jl Figure 3. --Tensile test used in testing plastic laminate specimens. ZM 78989 F Figure 4. --Compression pack test of the type used in testing plastic laminate specimens. ZM 81129 F \m Figure 5. --Typical failure of plastic laminate compression specimen. ZM 78990 F Figure 6. --Static bending set-up used in testing plastic laminate specimens . ZM 81128 F Figure 7. --Panel shear apparatus used in testing plastic laminates . ZM 80082. F N 1 ^ fcfisi § Pica J iLu ^> <> lis •is? - IT .1 t 5* *a SI 5 -3 Kg, ill «*i^ ^ * si u I K <0 8 fc t fc 10 o o «0 bfl d ■*-> CO T3 rt Jh (X 0) si CO I — I >- *- Vi fe L, * ? ? t § 1 a «i vi 3 * o. * o o 2 O »© ^ y> (o tfc 3: \* (ISd) SS3U1S (saNnod) a vol T3 ti nt - >+-i C o o ■ H ™ ^ rt S 2 ■rH to u 3) tn C N s ° 13 4) +j ri M U rrl *i o IU \ < ~ UJ i — i x • T3 f\ i c &£ 5 o Tt 4 % »— 4 * N_ u i — 1 ro * 3 J3 i — i t* DO 05 — < (ISd) SS3H1S (ISd I SS3V1S R CO 5B (ISd) SS3U1S (soNnod) a voi 1 rt ■s * i— i CJ _, ("si % T3 i. C C rt 'H s CO o !h CD t rt M 10 Ui -J k to 5 Q nd 5 -h «« m « XI a J5 o ^ •H 0) CO m « rt CU r-H M GO o — • u • vO - 1— 1 c -h O •|H V-t to O a « £ t o o ci ] 5\. * to to o <0 a is, Si a 11.930 o 8 (ISd) SS3MS (ISd) SS3H1S o tf) oo CO cu a> +■> > rt U C •iH nJ Jn M o v*-l n i GO CO a CO QJ ♦J cu CO X U C! M •i-i rt (0 h > H < 3 ' O Pi r-t o •rH t — 1 +-» O CU CU h T—t =i <*H 00 t 6 1 CO ( rsd) ssjyis (saNnod) a voi (I Sdl SS3dlS (rsdl ss3dis 1 rt O r- 1 XI rv) £ rt ti •H . CO u D rt ^ 0) en X) rt T> G 0) o ■i-< *h Xi O •rH CO > R) U a 3 V •H s •<-t 1— 1 rt U M o •4-> V+H l/J 1 00 CO ri to • rH n> 'd M d ■»-> > M < 3 1 o d CM o r— ( •M o 0) M (—i -1 m cue •iH fc ClS'd) SS3UJ.S I 1 1 A \ > \ *■ \ 5 (J \ \°1 \ * 1 -It, i (saNnod) avoi m oo (rsd) ss3dJ.s (I Sd) SS3H1S N \\ J 1 8 >- fc- fc ft: ^ *> i i 1 "1 o 1 \ \ MAXIMUM 9,180 ~'<*K (TSd) SS381S 3; ... 1 > 03 I o \ \ \ i °\ A \* \ °\ v ^ ^ (saNnod) a voi *t t o o 1 — O <0 V °\ ft \ o \ \ " \ o 8 o **> ft* » •> oo o X) r\i n rt ti - w u 0) rt rH 4) en rt Tl C u rt ^ rO C "hh u •iH en m en ro nl 0) i— i rH M 6 i — i o i— i (J i CO ■» ■>* d o •rH c - en a; 0) -u > rt h G 3 o •rH a •rH . — < rti m rH o <-M tfl 1 00 cn g tn •rH 11) •"0 U G 4-> CD to rO 0.) g CO .rH rt ►* M < 3 l o u rH r^ r/'sv/; ssjyis (TSd) SS3MS P 1 k> >. >- 4 ft W ti Q * f 8 i > "5 O * *> — \ '^ s tt -'■ S J S ) c s c I I Sd) SS3U1S tsaNnod) a voi llSd) SS3U1S CiSdJ SS3UJ.S i T5 rt O .— < ^ ™ a a ti • rt u s J £ o li +* VM § 01 I oi C U, oi ;h 10 kj * w 1 (3 -t-> 0) C oo ■'-' * a to < 3 l o U< ' C 85 ID ° m •"-« *J m 1> u 00 s -2P-S N h \ V \ 8 y> «4 * \ 1 \ \u» © t\ \* s\ if Q \ \ •^ s vf s » X^X:- x^ \? \ \ \ <© \. ** o v N^ 5 \ » «> c»* 0\ 8 <0 \_ S\ X5* * o ■1 \i. £> * Uj "^ ^ o \ ft \"n* ^V • >v \0-^ ° ^"v 1 <*- \«c \ \ s * V v X-> \ N. 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U WET 6=0° 2,000 1,000 n 10 15 20 25 30 35 \ DRY X 1 1 1 COMPRESS/ON 3,000 ■ WET o - 90 2,000 1,000 O 10 15 20 25 30 35 600 DRY SHEAR 400 o 200 n 12 3 4 5 6 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) 7. M 85376 F Figure 25. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 116-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 11. to to W ET 10 15 20 25 30 35 1 D RY SHEAR <9 - ^° I 2 3 4 5 6 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 85377 F Figure 26. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear for laminate made of 128-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 12. 5: IB I i to 5 3.000 2.000 1,000 DRY "1 <~ WET COMPRESSION _ _ _ - u~ — 3,000r 2.000 1.000 600 400 200 12 16 20 24 28 1 1 ' COMPRESSION DRY a - &u~ WET 8 12 16 20 24 28 ' DRY SHEA R O • is . 12 3 4 5 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 85378 F Figure 27. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 162-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 13. It I o DRY 1 I 1 COMPRESSION 5,000 W £T \ 4,000 X >v 3,000 2,000 1,000 BOO 600 400 ZOO 16 24 32 40 48 56 DRY CO MPRi ESS/ ■ 90' ON 1,500 l,00O WET 500 8 12 16 20 24 28 DRY i 1 jrfoHrr WET \ \ 12 3 4 5 6 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 85379 F Figure 28. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 143-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 14. 5 <0 I I to 5 5 3.000 2,000 1.000 ORY | 1 1 COMPRESSION - WET — a :{J" - 3.00O 2.000 1,000 o o 600 400 200 10 15 20 25 30 35 1 1 1 COMPRESSION ■6= 90° 10 15 20 25 30 35 ORY 1 SHEAR ■ ■ - C7 - - w WET — ■ I 2 3 4 5 6 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 85380 F Figure 29- --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 120-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 15. to 1 5 to 5» to to to 5 DRY » r " 3,000 COMPRESSION <" WET' \s — \* 2,000 1,000 800 600 400 200 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 DRY 1 CO MPR ESS/ ■ q no. ON 3,000 ** WET 2,000 1,000 O 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 SHEAR DRY 0- re/" -. WET' — _ _ ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 8538I F Figure 30. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 181-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 16. 5: I (X. -J O 5 to 5 DRY 1 1 — 1 — COMPRESSION 3,000 ■ WET 6=0° 2,000 1,000 o 600 400 200 10 15 20 25 30 35 3,000 DRY 1 1 1 COMPRESSION WET 2 000 1,000 n 10 15 20 25 30 35 DRY -■' SHEAR R - no I 2 3 4 5 6 STRESS (1,000 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) Z M 85382 F Figure 31. --Relationship between tangent modulus and stress in compression or shear, for laminate made of 182-114 glass fabric and resin 2. Based on curves of figure 17. 3; to ft 5 to