Approved Code No. 84 — Supplement No. 8 Registry No. 1114— 26 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE HACK SAW BLADE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY (A Division of the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry) AS APPROVED ON MARCH 17, 1934 WE DO OUR PART UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1934 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents This publication is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., and by district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. DISTRICT OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Atlanta, Ga. : 504 Post Office Building. Birmingham, Ala.: 257 Federal Bustling. Boston, Mfiss. : 1801 Custoinbouse. Buffalo, N.T. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Charleston, S.C. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Chicago, 111. : Suite 1706, 201 North Wells Street. Cleveland, Ohio : Chamber of Commerce. Dallas, Tex. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Detroit, Mich. : 801 First National Bank Building. Houston, Tex. : Cbamber of Commerce Building. Indianapolis, Ind. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Jacksonville, Fla. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Kansas City, Mo.: 1028 Baltimore Avenue. Los Angeles, Calif. : 1163 South Broadway. Louisville, Ky. : 408 Federal Building. Memphis, Tenn. : 229 Federal Building. Minneapolis, Minn. : 213 Federal Building. New Orleans, La. : Room 225-A, Customhouse. New York, N.Y. : 734 Customhouse. Norfolk, Va. : 406 East Plume Street. Philadelphia, Pa. : 422 Commercial Trust Building. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Chamber of Commerce Building. Portland, Oreg. : 215 New Post Office Building. St. Louis, Mo. : 506 Olive Street. San Francisco, Calif. : 310 Customhouse. Seattle, Wash. : 809 Federal Office Building. Approved Code No. 84 — Supplement No. 8 SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE HACK SAW BLADE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY As Approved on March 17, 1934 ORDER Approving Supplementary Code of Fair Competition for the Hack Saw Blade Manufacturing Industry a division of the fabricated metal products manufacturing and metal finishing and metal coating industry An application having been duly made pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 1G, 1933. and in accordance with the provisions of Section I of Article VI of the Basic Code for the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry, approved November 2, 1933. for approval of a Supplementary Code of Fair Competition for the Hack Saw Blade Manufacturing Industry; and hearing having been duly held thereon ; and the annexed report on said Supplementary Code, con- taining findings with respect thereto, having been made and directed to the President: NOW, THEREFORE, on behalf of the President of the United States, I, Hugh S. Johnson, Administrator for Industrial Recovery, pursuant to authority vested in me by Executive Orders of the President, including Executive Order No. 6543-A, dated December 30, 1933, and otherwise ; do hereby incorporate by reference said an- nexed report and do find that said Supplementary Code complies in all respects with the pertinent provisions and will promote the policy and purposes of said Title of said Act; and do hereby order that said Supplementary Code of Fair Competition be and it is hereby approved; provided, however, that the provisions of Article V, Sections 4 and 5, insofar as they prescribe a waiting period be- tween the filing with the Code Authority and the effective date of 47014° 425-04 34 (1) revised price lists or revised terms and conditions of sale be and they are hereby stayed pending my further Order either within a period of sixty days from the effective date of this Supplementary Code or after the completion of a study of open price associations now being conducted by the National Recovery Administration. Hugh S. Johnson, Administrator for Industrial Recovery. Approval recommended : A. R. Glancy, Division A dm inis trator. Washington, D.C., March 17, 1931,. REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT The President, The White House. Sir: This is a report on the Supplementary Code of Fair Com- petition for the Hack Saw Blade Manufacturing Industry, a divi- sion of the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry, the hearing having been conducted thereon in Washington, D.C., December 20, 1933, in accordance with the provisions of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act. GENERAL STATEMENT The Hack Saw Blade Manufacturing Industry, being truly rep- resentative of this division of the Fabricated Metal Products Manu- facturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry, has elected to avail itself of the option of submitting a Supplementary Code of Fair Practice, as provided for in Section 1 of Article VI of the Basic Code, for the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry approved by you on the second day of November, 1933. RESUME OF THE CODE Article I states the purpose of the Supplementary Code. Article II accurately defines specific terms employed in the Sup- plementary Code. Article III establishes a Supplementary Code Authority consisting of three (3) members elected by the members of the Industry at a meeting called by the Supplementary Code Authority, and gives the Administrator the authority to appoint one to three additional members without vote and provides machinery for obtaining sta- tistics and the administration of the Supplementary Code. Article IV. This Industry is a division of the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry and the labor provisions of its Basic Code, as approved November 2, 1933, are the labor provisions of this Supplementary Code. Article V provides for the filing of price sheets with the Supple- mentary Code Authority. Article VI sets forth the unfair trade practices of this Supple- mentary Code which has been especially designed to offset unfair competition in this division of the Industry. Article VII contains the mandatory provisions contained in Sec- tion 10 (b) and also provides for the submission of proposed amend- ments to the Supplementary Code. (3) Article VIII provides against monopolies and monopolistic prac- tices, and recognizes that price increases be limited to actual addi- tional increase in the seller s costs. Article IX states the effective date of this Supplementary Code. FINDINGS The Assistant Deputy Administrator in his final report to me on said Supplementary Code having found as herein set forth and on the basis of all the proceedings in this matter: I find that : (a) Said Supplementary Code is well designed to promote the policies and purposes of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, including removal of obstructions to the free flow of interstate and foreign commerce which tend to diminish the amount thereof and will provide for the general welfare by promoting the organiza- tion of industry for the purposes of cooperative action among the trade groups, by inducing and maintaining united action of labor and management under adequate governmental sanctions and super- vision, by eliminating unfair competitive practices, by promoting the fullest possible utilization of the present productive capacity of in- dustries, by avoiding undue restriction of production (except as may be temporarily required), by increasing the consumption of indus- trial and agricultural products through increasing purchasing power, by reducing and relieving unemployment by improving standards of labor, and by otherwise rehabilitating industry. (b) Said Industry normally employs not more than 50,000 em- ployees; and is not classified by me as a major industry. (c) The Supplementary Code as approved complies in all respects with the pertinent provisions of said Title of said Act including without limitation Subsection (a) of Section 3, Subsection (a) of Section 7, and Subsection (b) of Section 10 thereof; and that the applicant association is an industrial association truly representa- tive of the aforesaid Industry; and that said association imposes no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership therein. (d) The supplementary Code is not designed to and will not per- mit monopolies or monopolistic practices. (e) The Supplementary Code is not designed to and will not eliminate or oppress small enterprises and will not operate to dis- criminate against them. (f) Those engaged in other steps of the economic process have not been deprived of the right to be heard prior to approval of said Supplementary Code. For these reasons, therefore, I have approved this Supplementary Code. Respectfully, Hugh S. Johnson, A dministrator. March 17, 1934. SUPPLEMENTAL CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE HACK SAW BLADE MANUFACTURING INDUS- TRY A DIVISION OF THE FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING AND METAL FINISHING AND METAL COATING INDUSTRY Article I — Purposes To effectuate the policies of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, this Supplementary Code is established as a code of fair competition for the Hack Saw Manufacturing Industry, pursuant to Article VI of the Basic Code of Fair Competition for the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry approved by the President of the United States on the 2nd day of November, 1933, and the provisions of this Supplementary Code shall be the standards of fair compe- tition for and shall be binding upon every member thereof. Article II — Definitions The term " Industry " as used herein — means the manufacture and the sale by the manufacturers thereof of hack saw blades. The term " Hack Saw Blade " — means all saws which are more than six inches in length suitable for the cutting of metal of a type generally known and recognized in the trade as hack saw blades. The term " Member of the Industry " — includes, but without limitation, any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or other form of enterprise engaged in the industry either as an em- ployer or on his or its own behalf. The term " Basic Code " — means the Basic Code of Fair Compe- tition for the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry, as approved by the President on the 2nd day of November, 1933. The term " Distributor " — means a purchaser who. in regular course of business, purchases products of the industry and other products in like field of distribution for resale generally to persons other than affiliates. The term " Consumer " — means a purchaser of the product of the industry who is not a distributor. The term "Association '■ — means the Hack Saw Manufacturers Association of America, Inc., One Wall Street. New York, N.Y. The term " President ; ', "Act " and "Administrator " — means re- spectively the President of the United States, Title I of the National Recovery Act, and the Administrator for Industrial Recovery. (5) Article III — Organization, Powers and Duties of the Supple- mentary Code Authority 1. There shall be constituted a Supplementary Code Authority consisting of three members, who shall be selected within sixt}' (GO) days from the effective date of this code by a majority vote of the members of the industry present and entitled to vote, in person or by proxy, at a meeting called for such purpose. Pending the selection of the Supplementary Code Authority, the Code Committee shall be a Temporary Supplementary Code Author- ity with all the powers, duties and responsibilities herein granted to the Supplementary Code Authority. Each member of the industry who, by writing filed with the Sup- plementary Code Authority, shall assent to this Supplementary Code and agree to comply with the terms and conditions thereof, shall be entitled to vote at all meetings for the selection of the Supple- mentary Code Authority and for the selection of substitute members thereof. 2. The term of office of each member of the Supplementary Code Authority shall be at the will of the members of the industry, and successor or substitute members of the Supplementary Code Authority shall be selected in the same manner as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article for the election of the original members of the Supple- mentary Code Authority. 3. In addition to membership as above provided, there may be appointed by the Administrator one to three members of the Sup- plementary Code Authority without vote, who shall be given notice of all meetings of the Supplementary Code Authority. 4. The Association shall impose no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership, and shall submit to the Administrator true copies of its articles of association, by-laws, regulations, and any amendments when made thereto, together with such information as to membership, organization and activities as the Administrator may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act. 5. In order that the Supplementary Code Authority shall be at all times truly representative of the industry, and in other respects comply with the provisions of the Act, the Administrator may pre- scribe such hearings as he may deem proper; and thereafter, if he shall find that the Supplementary Code Authority is not truly repre- sentative or does not in other respects comply with the provisions of the Act, may require an appropriate modification in the method of selection of the Supplementary Code Authority. 6. Nothing contained in this Supplementary Code shall constitute the members of the Supplementary Code Authority partners for any purpose. POWERS AND DUTIES 7. The Supplementary Code Authority shall have the following powers and duties, the exercise of which shall be reported to the Administrator : (a) To insure the execution of the provisions of this Supplemen- tary Code and provide for the compliance by the members of the industry with the provisions of the Act, subject to rules and regulations of the Administrator as to compliance procedure. (b) To adopt by-laws and rules and regulations for its procedure and for the administration of this Supplementary Code. (c) To obtain from members of the industry through an impartial agency such information and reports as are required for the adminis- tration of this Supplementary Code. No individual reports shall be disclosed to any other member of the industry or to any other person except as herein provided but shall be made available to the Admin- istrator. Nothing herein contained shall preclude full disclosure to all members of the Supplementary Code Authority as may be necessary for the examination of complaints and securing compliance with the provisions of this Supplementary Code. (d) To use the Association and such other trade associations and other agencies as it deems proper for the carrying out of any of its activities provided for herein, provided that nothing herein shall relieve the Supplementary Code Authority of its duties or responsi- bilities under this Supplementary Code, and such trade associations and agencies so used shall at all times be subject to and comply with the provisions thereof. (e) To make recommendations to the Administrator for the coordi- nation of the administration of this Supplementary Code with such other codes, if any, as may be related to the industry. (f) Subject to review by the Administrator to determine the ex- penses of the administration of this Supplementary Code and to secure payment by the members of the industry of such expenses apportioned between them on the basis of volume of sales in dollars, or on such other basis as shall be equitable. (g) To recommend to the Administrator further marketing and fair trade practice provisions to govern members of the industry in. their relations with each other or with other trades or industries, and to recommend to the Administrator measures for industrial planning, including stabilization of employment. (h) The Supplementary Code Authority, subject to the approval of the Administrator, shall cause to be formulated an accounting system and method of cost finding and/or estimating capable of use by all members of the industry. After such system and method have been formulated, full details concerning them shall be made available to all members. Thereafter all members shall determine and/or estimate cost in accordance with the principles of such methods. (i) To co-operate with and assist the Basic Code Authority in administering the Basic Code and in obtaining from members subject to this Supplementary Code such reports, statistics and other data as the Basic Code Authority may properly require. 8. If the Administrator shall determine that any action of a code authority or any agency thereof may be unfair or unjust or contrary to the public interest, the Administrator may require that sucn action be suspended to afford an opportunity for investigation 01 the merits of such action and further consideration by such code authority or agency pending final action which shall not be effective unless the Administrator approves or unless he shall fail to dis- approve after thirty (30) days notice to him of intention to proceed with such action in its original or modified form. Article IV — Employment Provisions This industry is a division of the Fabricated Metal Products Man- ufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry and without limitation the wage, hour and labor provisions in Article III of its basic code as approved by the President November 2, 1933, including Section 1 of said Article III by which the provisions of sub-sections (1), (2), and (3) of Section 7 (a) of Title I of the Act are made conditions of this Supplementary Code, are specifically incorporated herein and made a part hereof as the wage, hour and labor provisions of this Supplementary Code. Article V — Marketing 1. By means of price sheets each member of the industry, within ten (10) days after this Supplementary Code shall be approved by the President, shall publish individual prices, terms and conditions of sale of all products of the industry offered for sale, which prices, terms and conditions shall be effective forthwith. Each member of the Industry shall express his prices in the form of discount from list. All discounts shall be deemed to refer to standard lists on file with the Association and the trade when approved by the Adminis- trator, and need not be repeated and set forth at length in published price sheets provided any member may adopt and publish his own list to which his discounts shall apply. Such price sheets shall sepa- rately state (a) Net prices or discounts and terms to distributors; (b) Net prices or discounts and terms to consumers. In case a member of the industry shall desire to give different minimum prices to different sub-divisions of a defined class, then the price sheets shall clearly describe the subdivision within the class intended to be covered thereby, and shall clearly set forth the conditions, if any, under which a stated price or terms will be given. 2. No member of the industry shall sell to any purchaser by any means whatsoever any product of the industry at a price lower or at a discount greater or on more favorable terms than set forth in published price sheets of such member at the time outstanding and in force under the conditions applicable to such sale therein set forth. 3. No member of the industry shall publish a price or terms or continue in effect a price or terms which will result in a purchaser paying for the goods received less than the cost thereof to the mem- ber of the industry publishing such price sheet. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude any member of the industry from publishing prices below cost in order to meet existing competition on products of equivalent size, character, quality or specifications as such competition is shown by price sheets of other members of the industry at the time outstanding and in effect. Whenever a member of the industry under the provisions of this paragraph shall publish a price below cost, he shall simultaneously file with the Supplementary Code Authority a statement in writing of the items on his own price sheet which are below cost, and identify the price sheets and items thereon of any other member or members of the industry which shall be claimed to form the justification. 4. Publication of price sheets shall be in the manner following: Each member of the industry shall (a) File a copy of his price sheet with the Supplementary Code Authority, which price sheet shall be open to inspection by any interested person ; (b) Mail on the same day copy thereof to all known members of the industry; (c) Mail on the same day copy thereof to all jobbing and whole- sale customers of such member. 5. Any member of the industry may change prices, terms and/or conditions of sale, but no change shall be. made or become effective until after publication of a revised price sheet in the manner pro- vided in paragraph 4 of this Article. A change contained in the published price sheet of any member of the industry, which shall reduce a price of such member which has been in effect for five (5) days, shall be effective five (5) days after the publication of the revised price sheet and not prior thereto. The foregoing five (5) day limitation shall not apply to price reductions by any other members of the industry to the extent necessary for corresponding effective date to all members.* 6. No sizes shall be shown on published price sheets except sizes contained in the simplified practice or standard schedules of sizes as the same now are or hereafter may be modified by action of the members of the industry subject to disapproval by either the Sup- plementary Code Authority or the Administrator. Nothing in this paragraph contained shall preclude the sale of a size not included in published price sheets, but in case of the sale thereof the same shall not be sold upon more favorable terms or at a discount from stand- ard list greater than the discount shown on price sheets for the size nearest to the non-standard size so sold. Article VI — Unfair Practices % In place and in substitution of the fair trade practices set forth in Article V of the Basic Code, the following acts as described shall constitute unfair methods of competition; and no member of the industry shall do any act or thing in this article described as an unfair method of competition : 1. The furnishing of special measurements, the rendering of any service, or the doing of any act or thing not included in published prices and terms and conditions which will make the blade deliv- ered different from or of a value greater than the standard article offered under published prices and terms and delivered in regular course thereunder, or which will have the effect of increasing the cost of the goods sold or to be sold, without charge to cover the in- creased cost, or the granting to the purchaser of any other general or specific benefit not granted to all purchasers and included in published price sheets. 2. Publishing or granting maturity and discount terms more fav- orable than the following: 30 days net, 2% for cash — 10th proximo. * See paragraph 2 of order approving this Code. 10 3. Entering into any contract, accepting any order or rendering any invoice which includes products other than products of the in- dustry, unless the price charged or to be charged for the product of the industry included therein is separately stated and set forth, provided nothing herein contained shall require the above price separation on sales of hack saw machines or hack saw frames with respect to a single blade per machine or per frame when the machine and blade or the frame and blade are sold as one unit. 4. Entering into a contract or accepting any order which does not permit shipment within a period of not more than thirty (30) days from the date of execution of the contract or acceptance of the order, unless such contract is in writing. 5. Entering into or accepting contracts, orders or commitments to sell without corresponding commitment on the part of the pur- chaser to buy a specified quantity at a fixed price. 6. Paying or allowing any commission or benefit to a distributor in connection with a sale to any other purchaser if the amount thereof, when deducted from the sale price, shall make the net to the member of the industry making the sale less than the price per- mitted to be granted such distributor. 7. Making any payment or allowing any credit or benefit to a distributor or to any purchaser or prospective purchaser not con- nected with a sale. 8. Giving notice to any purchaser or prospective purchaser or to any other member of the industry of intention to change prices, terms and/or conditions of sale. 9. Making any adjustments, allowances, credits or refunds upon change in published prices, terms and/or conditions to any pur- chaser for deliveries already made. 10. Promising or allowing protection to a purchaser or prospec- tive purchaser against changes in prices, terms and/or conditions. 11. Taking in exchange the product of any other member of the industry from, a purchaser thereof, and making any payment or granting any credit to such purchaser in connection therewith. 12. Making delivery of any product of the industry on memoran- dum or consignment, except under circumstances to be defined by the Supplementary Code Authority and approved by the Administrator where peculiar circumstances of the industry require the practice. 13. Including in or omitting from any invoice any statement so that the invoice shall not be a true statement of the transaction between the member of the industry and the purchaser. 14. Pre-dating or post-dating of any invoice or contract of sale. 15. Selling or delivering under standard designation a hack saw blade manufactured after the effective date of this Supplementary Code longer, wider or thicker than the standard for the size accord- ing to standard specifications adopted by the Association and approved by the Administrator. 16. Selling or delivering a hack saw blade manufactured after the effective date of this Supplementary Code for which effective stand- ard specifications shall not be in force, longer, wider, or thicker than the standard length, width and thickness customarily furnished in regular course of business, without additional charge sufficient to cover added cost. 11 17. For the purpose of influencing a sale, making any adjustments, allowances, credits or refunds arising out of breach of express guar- antees or representations, except breach of express guarantees against defects in workmanship and material. 18. Selling for the account and benefit of a consumer through the medium of a distributor pursuant to prior arrangement or under- standing with the consumer for the purpose of evading the provi- sions of this Supplementary Code. 19. Contributing to or paying any part of the expense for custo- mers' catalogues, printing and furnishing special literature for cata- logues, or otherwise to distributors, advertising in house organs, advertising in local papers at the request of customers; but nothing in the foregoing should be construed as any limitation on general literature prepared for, and made available to, customers generally, whether or not the same be in form susceptible of insertion by a dis- tributor in catalogue or other book assembly, it being understood that the practice hereby prohibited is the making up or furnishing of special literature or printed matter for a particular customer so that the same would be different from that generally famished. 20. Making refunds, adjustments or allowances to a purchaser except as necessary in good faith. 21. Selling hack saw blades known in the trade as seconds. 22. Manufacturing hack saw blades from defective, off gauge or rejected steel sheets or sheets known in the trade as seconds. 23. Making any allowance or deduction from price for sales in bulk or other than according to standard packing. 24. Sharpening used hack saw blades with or without charge therefor, or paying any other person for so doing. 25. Giving free samples or making delivery of any product of the industry except upon a sale thereof. Nothing herein contained shall preclude the giving of samples necessary for test purposes to the United States Government or a bureau, board or department thereof, or not more than two Standard Tungsten hack saw blades as samples for test purposes to any other person, provided the same person shall not be given more than two sample blades in a period of six (G) months. 26. Paying or giving prizes or benefits to salesmen or distributors, provided that a souvenir or printed matter having the manufacturer's name or brand permanently affixed, or a character properly classed as advertising, shall not be considered a prize or benefit. ■1~. Giving, permitting to be given, or directly offering to give, any- thing of value for the purpose of influencing or rewarding the action of any employee, agent or representative of another in rela- tion to the business of the employer of such employee, the principal of such agent, or the represented party, without the knowledge of such employer, principal or party. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit free and general distribution of articles commonly used for advertising except so far as such articles are actually used in commercial bribery as hereinbefore defined. 28. Selling for export at a price less or on terms more favorable than set forth in published price sheets under conditions therein stated, when the sale is to a distributor who, as a part of his regular business, resells hack saw blades in Continental United States, un- 12 less such distributor shall submit to the member of the industry mak- ing the sale the original order from the purchaser located in the foreign country for whom the hack saw blades are ordered. 29. Selling hack saw blades having special markings or labels thereon and/or on the packages or containers therefor without addi- tional charge to cover the additional cost of such special markings and/or labels, except under circumstances to be defined by the Supple- mentary Code Authority and approved by the Administrator where peculiar circumstances of the industry require the practice without additional charge to cover the additional cost. 30. Manufacturing and selling unbranded hack saw blades or hack saw blades containing markings thereon or on the packages or con- tainers therefor which will mislead or deceive purchasers as to the origin of manufacture. 31. Making any distinction or difference in price, terms and/or conditions of sale in excess of the difference in cost incident to spe- cial marking and/or labeling where the product sold or offered to be sold is the same except for the name or brand thereon or on the pack- ages and containers therefor. 32. Giving credit for return of hack saw blades of own manufac- ture in excess of the price therefor according to price sheet in force at the time of return, less return freight and all other expenses in- cident to such return, including repacking and reconditioning, if any. 33. Doing any act or thing by recourse to or through the medium of a. subsidiary or affiliate or exclusive distributor which a member of the industry is prohibited from himself doing under the provisions of this Supplementary Code. Article VII — General 1. When the Supplementary Code Authority determines that an emergency exists in this industry and that the cause thereof is destructive price cutting such as to render ineffective or seriously endanger the maintenance of the provisions of this Supplementary Code, the Supplementary Code Authority may cause to be deter- mined the lowest reasonable cost of the products of this industry, such determination to be subject to such notice and hearing as the Administrator may require. The Administrator may approve, dis- approve or modify the determination. Thereafter during the period of the emergency it shall be an unfair trade practice for any mem- ber of the industry to sell or offer to sell an} 7 products of the industry for which the lowest reasonable cost has been determined at such prices or upon such terms or conditions of sale that the buyer will pay less therefor than the lowest reasonable cost of such product. When it appears that conditions have changed, the Supplementary Code Authority, upon its own initiative or upon the request of any interested party, shall cause the determination to be reviewed. 2. Nothing in Articles V and VI of this Supplementary Code shall apply to sales between members of the industry, except no sale shall be made by one member of the industry to another member of the industry below cost. 3. Nothing in Articles V and VI of this Supplementary Code shall apply to export sales. 13 4. This Supplementary Code and all the provisions thereof are expressly made subject to the right of the President, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of Section 10 of the Act, from time to time to cancel or modify any order, approval, license, rule, or regulation issued under Title I of said Act and specifically, but without limitation, to the right of the President to cancel or modify his approval of any provision of this Supplementary Code or of an}* condition imposed by him upon his approval thereof. 5. This Supplementary Code, except as to provisions required by the Act, may be modified and/or amended on the basis of ex- perience or changes in circumstances, such modifications and/or amendments to be based upon application to the Administrator by the Supplementary Code Authority or other representative group within the industry and such notice and hearing as the Administrator shall specify, and to become effective as part of this Supplementary Code on approval of the President, and/or of the Administrator. 6. In case any provision of this Supplementary Code shall impose unusual or undue hardship on any member of the Industry such provision may be suspended as to such member by the Supplementary Code Authority with the approval of the Administrator. Article VIII — Monopolies 1. No provision of this Supplemental^ Code shall be so applied as to permit monopolies or monopolistic practices, or to eliminate, oppress, or discriminate against small enterprises. 2. Whereas the policy of the Act to increase real purchasing power will be made more difficult of consummation if prices of goods and services increase as rapidly as wages, it is recognized that price increases except as may be required to meet individual cost should be delayed, but when made such increases should, so far as possible, be limited to actual additional increase in the seller's costs. Article IX — Effective Date 1. This Supplementary Code shall become effective at 12 : 01 A.M. on the tenth (10th) day after approval of same by the President. Approved Cede No. 84. Supplement No. 8. Registry No. 1114-26. O ■II lllllll 3 1262 08856 1153