STATE PLAN T BOARD B. E. P. Q. 499 (Supplement No. 1 - Second Revision) npjq-^Q TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE CHAPTER III— BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QjOABAOTIHE ORDER MODIFYING ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCT IONS TO INSPECTORS ON THE THSATMEUT OF NURSERY PRODUCTS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND SOIL, FOR THE JAPANESE BEETLE Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine "by Sec. 301.HS-6, Chapter III, Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations [regulation 6 of the rules and regulations (17th revision) supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. kg on account of the Japanese "beetle, as amended], subsection (l) (5) of Sec. 301.^8b* on page 13 of the mimeographed edition of circular 3. E. P. Q. ^99i issued June 9» 1939* is hereby modified to read as follows: ( 5 ) Methyl "bromide fum igation Equipment . — An approved fumigation chamber equipped with vaporiz- ing, air-circulating, and ventilating systems must "be provided. Application . — After the chamber is loaded, the methyl bromide must be vaporized within it. The air within the chamber must be kept in circu- lation during the period of fumigation. At the completion of the treat- ment, the chamber must be well ventilated before it is entered and the plants removed. The ventilating system should also be in continuous op- eration during the entire period of removal of the fumigated articles. (i) Fumigation of plants, with or without soil Temperatures, periods of treatment, and dosages . — The temperature of the soil (with bare root stock, the root spaces) and of the air for each type of treatment* must remain throughout the entire period of treat- ment at the minimum specified in the following table, or higher: Temoerature at least Dosage (methyl bromide per 1,000 cubic feet) 1. 70 F 2. 63 ° F- 3. 5U° F k. 50 F Pounds 2 pi >i 2 f 2* The dosage shall be for each 1,000 cubic feet including the space occupied by the load. 'This section was originally issued as Sec, 301.^-Sa. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II I MMN Mill „2- 3 1262 09311 5193 Preparation of plants . — The treatment -is to be applied to -plants with bare roots or in 12-inch pots or snaller, or in soil balls not larger than 12 inches in dianeter nor thicker than 12 inches when not spherical. The soil should not be puddled or saturated and must be in a ition which in the judgment of the inspector is suitable for fumiga- tion. The plants should be stacked on racks or separated so that the gas can have access to both top and bottom surfaces of pets or soil balls. While not essential that the balls be completely separated from each other they should not be jammed tightly together. Treatments 1 and 2 may be em- ployed in fumigating packaged plants prepared in a manner satisfactory to the inspector. Results of further experiments in treatment of plants with methyl bromide for compliance with the certification requirements of Sec. 301.^8 [Notice of Quarantine No, US] indicate that the additional authorized method of fumigation is effective in destroying the Japanese beetle. Varieties of plants . — The list of plants, including greenhouse, perennial, and nursery-stock types treated experiment ally, is subject to continual expansion and, moreover, is too great to include in these in- structions. Such a list, including also those which have been injured by the treatment, will be supplied on request. The s'chedule for the fumigation of strawberry plants as specified in subsection (l) (5) (ii) of Sec. 3°l»^>b [page ik of the mimeographed edition of circular 3. E, ?. Q. ^99] remains the same as heretofore. This supplement supersedes Supplement No. 1 - revised, dated March 22, 19U0. Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of September I9U0. AVERY S. HCYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine , ,