* * 1BKHU UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q. U99, Supplement No. 2 Sec. 301. USa ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO INSPECTORS . ON THE TREATMENT OF NURSERY PRODUCTS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND SOIL, FOR THE JAPANESE BEETLE Methyl bromide treatment schedule for fruits and vegetables modified (Approved June 1, I9U0; effective June k, I9U0) Results of further experiments in methyl bromide fumigation of pro- duce for compliance with certification requirements of Quarantine No. k8 indicate that the dosage may be reduced from 5 pounds to k per refrigerator car at a temperature of S0° F. and retain effectiveness of the treatment against adult Japanese beetles. The modified treatment will, it is believed, reduce the cost of fumigation as well as the possibility of injury to cer- tain fruits and vegetables. Circular B. E. P. Q. ^99. issued June 9, 1939, is accordingly hereby modified by changing subsection (q) on page 19 of the mimeographed circular to provide for alternative treatments as follows: (q) METHYL BROMIDE FUMIGATION (l) Refrigerator cars Equipment. — Refrigerator cars must have sound, well-fitting doors and hatches, and be in condition satisfactory to the inspector. Standard cloth screens for covering the hatches and a temporary cloth screen for covering one door during ventilation are essential. An electric blower of not less than 750 CFM capacity against ^-inch water pressure, equipped with devices for lowering into the bunker and securing, so that the blower outlet butts against the bunker screen unimpeded either by studs or burglar bar. Temperature and dosage. — The temperature in the car during the treat- ment must be at least: • (i) 80 F. with a dosage of 1.6 pounds for each 1,000 cubic feet, or h pounds per refrigerator car; or (ii) 70 F. with a dosage of 2 pounds for each 1,000 cubic feet, or 5 pounds per refrigerator car. Period of treatment.— Two hours from the end of the fumigant release period. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Application. — The doors must "be closed tightly and the ice drips properly plugged. The methyl "bromide may he either weighed or measured and released through a copper or "brass applicator tube of J-inch "bore. This tube must "be fitted with a disc-type spray nozzle and must he bent in a "U" shape at the end, so that the spray nozzle is directed upward toward the cen- ter of the hunker and not less than 1 foot below the ceiling during the re- lease of the fumigant. The blower must be in continuous operation during the release of the fumigant, and for 5 minutes thereafter. At the end of this period the blower may be removed and transferred to the next car. The fumi- gant must be released in a split dosage. When a 5-p^unur. . All ventilator intakes must be protected with 8-mesh wire screen. The ventilating fan must run during both the plac- ing and removal of the load. In addition, the requirements for screened load- ing facilities and the subsequent certification of loads must be met. (Issued under Sec. 301.US) p. E. P. Q. U99, Supplement Ho. 2] AVERY S. HOYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.