E 2 UNITED STATES DEPART1.CENT OP AGRI CULTUEE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B ' E ' P « 478 " August 16, 1938. Superseding B. E. P. Q,. 458. PLAImT-QUAHAM'INE import restrictions OP MALAYA (British) Federated Malay States Straits Settlements Unfede rated Malay States Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/planmayaOOunit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0? AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. E. P. Q,. 478, August 16, 1938 Superseding 3. E. P. Q. 458 PLANT- QUARANTI NE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF MALAYA This digest of the plant-quarantine import restric- tions of Malaya has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products from the United States to the various States comprising Malaya. The digest was prepared by Harry 3. Shaw, Plant Quar- antine Inspector in Charge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the Plant Impor- tation Pules of Malaya, and reviewed by the Adviser on Agri- culture, Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and sufficiently complete for its purpose up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authori- tative. The Plant Importation Pules of Malay themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. // W 4 /M LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PLANI-QUA3AI\TIKS IMPOST 53STHICTI0US or MALAYA (British) Malaya includes the Federated Malay States of Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, and Sclangor; the Straits Settle- ments of Labuan, Malacca, Penang. Province Wclloslcy, Singa- poro, and the Christmas and Cocos Islands; and the Unf ode rated Malay States of Johore, Kedah, Kolantan, Perlis, and Trengganu. Plant Importation by Air Prohibited The importation into Malaya of plants by air from outside the Malay Peninsula is prohibited, except that cut flowers of plants that are not specifically restricted may bo imported by air from the . Netherlands Indies, but even restricted plants may bo imported by air, under special author- ization, for scientific purposes. Importation of Specified Plants Conditionally Prohibited The importation into Malaya of the following plants is prohibited except under written permit in advance of ship- ment and under prescribed certification: Banana- coconut (for seed), coffee, cotton, oil-palm seeds, palms, pineapple, rubber (Hevea spp. ) , sugarcane, and tea, provided that they may be imported for scientific purposes without compliance with the regulations , under proper authorization. -2- Since the general regulations governing the importation of plants into the Federated Malay States include the corres- ponding provisions that apply to all the States comprising Malaya, it is "believed necessary to present only those regula- tions. However, separate mention is made of the Straits Settle- ments and the Unfede rated Malay States in order to indicate the basic legislation and the authorized ports of entry of each. FEDERATED MALAY STATES (Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, and Selangor) Basic Legislation Customs Enactment of 1936; Gazette Notification No. 1823, May 11, 1936. This enactment is for the purpose of controlling plant imports and by State enactments for the control of plant pests in each State. Definition of Plant "Plant" includes growing plants, roots, tubers, bulbs, stocks, cuttings, slips, suckers, and seeds, and any parts thereof from which further plants might be propagated. Customs Enactment, 1936; Gazette Notification No. 1823, May 1, 1936. Plant Importation by Air Prohibited ANY PLANT: Importation by air prohibited, otherwise than from the Colony or from any Unfede rated Malay State, pro- vided that the Adviser on Agriculture may issue a pcr- met , at his discretion, for the importation from the Netherlands Indies by air of cut flowers that are not portions of any plants specified in the- following par- agraph. -3- Importation Conditionally Prohibited The importation is prohibited, otherwise than from the Colony or from any Unf ederated Malay State, of the fol- lowing plants, except in accordance with prescribed condi- tions: 1. Banana suckers for planting (from all subspe- cies and varieties Of Liu s a s ap i e n turn , I,!, caven - di shi i or chinensi s , M . par a disiac a , M. textilis ) ; 2. Coffee ( Coffoa spp . ) . except dried "beans for con- sumption or transshipment; 3. Coconuts., the seed nuts (Coces nucifera ); 4. Cotton (Go ssyprum spp.); 5. Oil palra seeds ( Slaei s spp.); 6. Palms of any specie a living and growing; 7. Pineapple (all varieties of Ananas sn.tj.vus ) , in- cluding suckers, tops, or other 1$ ring parts in- tended for propagation, "but excluding pineapple fruits from the Netherlands Indies for consump- tion or canning; 8. Rubber ( Hove a spp.); 9. Sugarcane ( Sacc harum off icinarum ) ; 10. Tea (Thea sinensis Q Camellia the ail ) , living plants, i ncludi ng seeds. Importation Unrestricted l"o plant-quarantine import restrictions are imposed or. the importation of plants other than those above indicated. -4- conditions of entry for the listed plants Authorized Port of Entry The above-- named plants may "be imported by sea alone, and only at Port Swottonham, whether such plants have "been transshipped in the waters of the Colony or "brought direct from a place outside the Colony, the Federated and the Un- fede rated Malay States, or by parcel post addressed to the consignee care of the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malay States, or the Chief Field Officer, Department of Agricul- ture, Federated Malay States. T7ritten import Authority Required in Advance of Shipment Importation shall "be allowed only under and in accord- ance with the written authority of the Adviser on Agricul- ture, Federated Malay States, or the Chief Field Officer, Fed- erated Malay S'Cates, which shall ho obtained prior to the despatch of such plants from the country of origin. Certificate Required in Prescribed Form Every such plant or consignment of plants shall be accompanied by a certificate in the form below, signed by an officer of the Department of Agriculture of the country of origin or by sane other competent person in the country of origin previously approved by the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malry States, or the Chief Field Officer, Federated Malay States, not more than 14 days prior to date of ship- ment . Prescribed Certificate This is to certify that the living plants or plan t product s* a representative sample of the living plants or plant products included in the consignment, of which particulars arc given below wo re /was thoroughly examined on (date) by (name) , a duly authorized official of the (name of plant protection organization), and found to be healthy, no evidence of the presence of any injurious insect, pest, or disease having been found in/on them and that the consignment (including the pack- ing) covered by this certificate has/has* not been treated * Strike out the words that are not applicable. -5- in the following manner: (e.g. fumigated with prior t immediately subsequent to inspection. or disinfected with I nspected * Not inspected (date) in the field "by a duly authorized inspector on Signature Official Status Date No. and description of packages Distinguishing marks Description of living plants or plant products or parts thereof Stated to "be grown at Exported "by Name and address of consignee Name of vessel or particulars of route - Date of shipment Port or place of entry Additional certificates (if any) attached One copy of such certificate shall "be sent direct to the importer in the Federated Malay States and handed "by him or his agent to the Superintendent of Customs and Excise at Port Swettenham, and one copy shall be sent to the Chief Field Officer, Federated Malay States. Every such plant or consignment of plants on arrival at Port Swettenham or in the case of plants imported "by parcel post after receipt "by the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malay States, or by the Chief Field Officer, Federated Malay States, shall "be examined "by the latter or "by the State Agri- cultural Officer, Selangor, or his deputy authorized in writ- ing, who shall have power at his discretion to deliver it to the importer or to order that it "be quarantined or subjected to such treatment as he may deem necessary for the destruction of any pest or to order the destruction of such plant or plants and of their containers. * Strike out the words that are not applicable. Inspection on Arrival -6- Such plants shall "be subject to any further conditions the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malay States, may deem fit to impose. Written Authority and Certificate Must Bo Presented On Arrival of Shipment If the above mentioned written authority and certificate are not produced together to the Supe rintendent of Customs and Excise at Port Swettenham, he shall prohibit the landing of any such plant or consignment of plants. Plants Admitted for Scientific Purposes The foregoing provisions shall not prevent the im- portation, with the written permission of the Adviser on Agri- culture, of plants intended for scientific purposes. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (Labuan, Malacca, Penang, Province Yfellesley, Singapore, and the Christmas and Cocos Islands) Basic Legislation No. 1485. — Section 18 of Ordinance No. 166 (Agricultural Posts.) Authorized Ports of Entry Plants may "be imported by sea through the ports of Singapore and Penang only. The Import Officer for Singapore is trie Registrar of Imports and Exports, and for Penang, the Off icer- in- Charge of Imports and Exports. Plants sent by parcel post shall be addressed to the consignee c/o the Agricultural Officer, Singapore or Penang. One copy of the certificate from the country of origin shall be inclosed in the parcel. UMFE DERATED MALAY STATES (Johore, Kedah, Kclantan, Trengganu, Perlis) STATE OF JOHOEE Badic Legislation Section 19 of the Agricultural Posts Enactment. Authorized Ports of Entry Plants may be imported by sea alone and only through the ports of Johore Bahru, Hilar, and Kota Tinggi . The Import Officer for Johore Bahru. is the Deputy Commissioner of Customs for itfj-ar, the Deputy Commissioner of Customs; and for Kota Tinggi, the Superintendent of Customs. Importation by Mail The specified plants may be imported by parcel post only with the written permission of the Principal Agricul- tural Officer and subject to the terms and conditions thereby imposed, from any country other than the Colony or a Malay State. Any parcel or parcels of such plant or plants shall be addressed to the consignee care of the Principal Agricul- tural Officer, Johore Bahru. One copy of the certificate from the country of origin shadl be inclosed in the parcel. STATS OP KEDAH Basic Legislation Section 8 of the Agricultural Pests Enactment, 1344 (19 -8- Authorized Ports of Entry No person shall land or cause to "be landed "by sea in the State of Kedah from any place outside of Malaya any plant whatsoever except at Alor Star, or "by land except at Kudiang or Bukit Kayu Itam. Mai 1 Ship me nt s Any of the listed plants imported "by mail from any country outside Malaya shall "be addressed to the consignee care of the Principal Agricultural Officer, Kedah, Alor Star. One copy of the required certificate shall "be in- closed in the parcel. STATE OF IZEIANTAN Basi c Legi slati on Section 19 (l) of the Agricultural Pests Enactment, 1931. Authorized Port of Entry IvO person shall land or cause to "be landed in Kelantan from any place outside the Malay Peninsula any plant whatso- ever except at Tumpat whether such plant shall have "been transshipped in the waters of the Colony or "brought direct from a place outside the Malay Peninsula- Mail Shipments Any of the listed plants imported by parcel post from any country outside the Malay Peninsula shall "be addressed to the consignee, care of the Principal Agricultural Of- ficer, Kota 3ahru. Ono copy of the certificate from the country of origin shall "be inclosed in the parcel. -9- STATE OF THEIIGGAMJ Order of the State Secretary, January 5, 1937 STATE OE PEELIS Basic Legislation The Customs Duties Enactment, 1336; March 21, 1932.