LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD . 77* April 1949 E"775 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine •SCREENING TESTS FOR MATERIALS TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A DDT-PYRETHRUM FORMOLAiA (Supplement to E-733)-2' By Arthur W. Lindquist, Fred R. Shillcutt, A. H. Madden, and John E. Williams ,.2/ Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals Aerosols or sprays containing DDT knock down house flies and mos- quitoes more slowly than do those containing pyrethrum. To accelerate this action pyrethrum may be added to the DDT formulation (Lindquist et al. 2, 2; Gersdorf f and McGovran 1) • Such a combination is reason- ably satisfactory, but it appeared possible that its knock-down or lethal properties could be further increased by the addition of some other substance that was toxic in itself or that might activate one or both of the insecticides. Screening tests for determining such materials were initiated by the writers early in 1944 at the Orlando, Fla., laboratory of this Bureau. Methods emphasizing rapidity of testing rather than critical comparison between treatments were chosen, since only materials of outstanding value were of interest. No attempt was made to distinguish between synergism or activation. About 3,300 materials, mostly synthetic organic chemicals, were tested. Only a few of these materials showed any promise, although many were of some interest. It is believed, however, that sufficient precision in testing methods was attained so that most of the materials giving poor results in these tests may be eliminated from further consideration. 1/ This work was conducted under a transfer of funds, recommended by the Committee on Medical Research, from the Office of Scientific Research and Development, and from the Office of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. The advice and suggestions of H. A. Jones and E. F. Knipling are acknowledged. 2/ United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Results of screening tests with materials evaluated as insecticides, miticides, and repellents at the Orlando, Fla., laboratory, April 191,2 to April 1947. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-733, 235 PP- 1947. ^Processed^ 2/ Corporal, A. U. S., assigned from Army Air Forces Committee on Aerial Dispersal of Insecticides at Army Air Forces Center, Orlando, Fla. -2- Methods When space-spray toxicity tests with DDT are being conducted, the residual property of the Insecticide must be considered, and the insects must not be left in contact with the sprayed surfaces for long periods. For these tests a modified Peet-Grady testing procedure was adopted in which caged rather than free-flying insects were used. Testing was carried on in 100-cubic-foot plywood chambers (5 by 5 by U feet inside dimensions) with 5-day-old house flies (Musca domestlca L.) and 2-day-old common malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles auadrimaculatus Say) • A standard formula consisting of 1 percent of DDT and 0.1 percent of pyrethrins in cyclohexanone was used. These percentages were varied from time to time to adjust the knock-down and kill of the standard to about 50 percent. Cyclohexanone was used aa the diluent, because it dissolved many of the substances used, and it had no effect on the results obtained* The relative effectiveness of a substance was determined by adding 10 percent of the test material to the standard formula. Each daily series of combinations was compared with the standard formula. However, some of the treatments were replicated on different days. The spra/ was discharged into the chamber through a small circular opening in one side. This opening was kept closed when not in use. A DeVilbiss paint-sprayer nozzle operated at a pressure of 20 pounds per square inch by an electric air compressor was used. Air-float particles averaging about IS microns in diameter were produced with this equipment. The nozzle was directed upward, and the spray was allowed to settle (2 minutes for house flies, and 2 minutes and 50 seconds for mosquitoes) before the insects were exposed.! A total of 1.25 ml. of solution was used. The chambers were aired thoroughly between tests. The insects were exposed in small cylindrical screen-wire cages by swinging the cages moderately on a wooden pendulum pivoted at the top of the chamber. The cages were in the center of the chamber at the lowest point of the arc. Because of the high dosage used, the house flies were exposed for only 30 seconds and the mosquitoes for only 10 seconds. After exposure the insects were transferred to clean cages, and knock-down counts were made after 10 minutes. The insects were then fed, watered, and held at a fairly constant temperature and humidity for 2U hour s, when mortality counts were made. Two cages were exposed simultaneously (about 50 insects per cage), and two exposures were made. These four-cage tests were not usually replicated. Each test with a new mixture was compared with a standard within 4 hours. This method of testing is fairly rapid, and eliminates the time-consuming washing of the test-chamber walls that is necessary when free-flying insects are used. It was determined that for mosquito knock-down and fly and mosquito mortality 40 percent or more above the standard constituted an outstanding increase in effectiveness, and 25 to /fi percent an increase in effective- ness. For fly knock-down the respective limits were set at 60 and 35 -3- percent. Furthermore, the range 25 percent above to Uo percent below the standard represented, no difference, but Uo percent or more below indicated a decrease in effectiveness. F. M. Wadley estimated the liraits of experi- mental error to be within these figures. These limits were based upon analyses of variance of the results of a few tests that were replicated on different days. It was recognized that these estimates of error were not directly applicable to the results that were not included in the analyses, but they were the best available estimates, and it is believed that by making use of them as indicated above more reliable interpretations of the data could be made. The following classes of effectiveness of the materials were established; Class 1. Combinations appearing to decrease effectiveness of the standard. Class 2. Combinations showing little or no difference from the standard. Class 3. Combinations that increased the effectiveness of the standard. Class U. Combinations showing outstanding increases of effective- ness above the standard «> About 1,600 of the compounds fell into classes 3 or U in one or more of the four categories (fly knock-down and mortality, and mosquito knock- down and mortality). The chemical name and class rating for these compounds are presented in table 1. The listing is in alphabetical order, with item numbers corresponding to those given in 35-733 • About 2,000 materials fell into class 2 in all four categories, and a few others into a combination of classes 1 and 2. Since they are of no interest as candidate materials, they are listed in table 2 by item numbers. Of the compounds that showed some degree of effectiveness, only 5 were in class h in all categories, but 55 others were in class U in both fly and mosquito knock-down. Many more materials increased the effectiveness of the standard formula against mosquitoes than against house flies. Against mosquitoes 1,199 materials increased the knock-down sufficiently to fall in either class 3 °r ^» whereas with flies only 175 chemicals were in these classes. Knock-down was considered the most important aspect of these tests, "because mortality can usually be assured by increasing the amount of DDT or other toxicant. About 25O of the compounds rated as class 2 on mosquito kill actually caused 100 percent mortality in the tests, but because they were tested at a time when the standard gave a mortality higher than 75 percent they could not be rated as better. About 150 of this group were in class U on mosquito knock-down. Further testing will probably show that some of these com- pounds should have a higher rating on kill. Host of the materials falling into class 1 were in that class in only one category and in class 2 in the others; so their low rating may have been due merely to extreme sampling variation. Ten compounds were in class 1 in both knock-down and kill of mosquitoes, and some of these may be incompatible chemically or physically in the spray mixture. The following groups each contained a number of effective materials: Thiocyanic acid derivatives (mostly esters), glutaric acid derivatives, amides, cinnamic acid derivatives, and compounds containing the methylene- dioxyphenyl group. However, many of the ineffective materials also belong in these groups. Additional testing of the better compounds will be required to select those of possible value as synergists or as toxicants. Summary About 3*800 materials were tested in an effort to find some that would increase the knock-down and lethal properties of a standard spray formula containing 1 percent of DDT and 0.1 percent of pyrethrins in cyclohexanone . Tests were conducted in 100-cubic-foot chambers against house flies (Musca domestica L. ) and common malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles quadrimaculatuB Say). More than 2,000 materials gave no appreciable increase in effectiveness when 10 percent of a material was added to the standard formula. Of the remainder only five, namely, N,K-diethyl-alpha- cyclohexoxyacetamide, l-(3,^-dioxyraethylenephenyl)-2-msthyl-l,3-propane- diol methylene ether, N,N-dipropy3,~3-^^°^~3~methylvaleramide, allyl ester of N,K-dipropylsuccinamic acid, and ethyl ester of 6-iso-propyl-2- methyl-U-oxo-2-cyclohexene-l-carboxylic acid, gave outstanding increases in both fly and mosquito knock-down and kill. More materials gave an appreciable increase in knock-down and kill of mosquitoes than of house flies. Literature Cited (1) Gersdorff , W. A., and McGovran, E. R. 19^+. Laboratory tests on houseflies with DDT in contact sprays. Jour. Econ. Ent. 37: 137. (2) Lindquist, A. W., Schroeder, H. 0., and Knipling, E. E. I9U5. Concentrated insecticides—-preliminary studies of the use of concentrated sprays against houseflies and mosquitoes. Soap and Sanit. Chem . 21(7): 109, 111, 113, 119. (3) Lindquist, A. W. , Travis, B. V., Madden, A. H., Schroeder, H. 0., and Jones, H. A. I9H5. DDT and pyrethrum aerosols to control mosquitoes and houseflies under semi-practical conditions. Jour. Econ. Ent. 3S: 255-257. -5- Table 1.— Class ratings of compounds that showed some degree of effective- ness T7«cre8ol ester Acetic acid, ej-allylphsnyl ester Acetic acid, bensshydryl ester Acetic acid, 3-chloro-l~"butanol ester Acetic acid, 3""cnl°ro~2-xenyl ester Acetic acid, 1,2-cyclohexanediol monoester (trans) Acetic acid, decamethylene di ester Acetic acid, g^'-dlchlorobenzhydryl ester Acetic acid, diethylene glycol benzhydryl ether estei Acetic acid, diethylene glycol monoester Acetic acid, 5,5-4LLm&th.ylcycloh&xan.9d.iol- 1,3 diester Acetic acid, dodecanediol monoester Acetic acid, &-dodecyl ester Acetic acid, 2-ethyl-2-butyl-l,3-propandiol diester Acetic acid, ethylene glycol "benzhydryl ether ester Acetic acid, furfuryl ester Acetic acid, l-furyl-2,2-dimethylpropylene glycol-1,3 diester Acetic acid, 1,6-hexanediol diester Acetic acid, 2-(2-(2-hydrozyethoxy)- ethozy)ethyl ester Acetic acid, l-hydroxymethylethynyl-l- cyclohexanol diester Acetic acid, beta-(2-,j>-menthanyl)thioethyl ester Acetic acid, £-methoxyphenethyl ester Acetic acid, myristyl ester Acetic acid, alpha-naphthyl carbinol ester Acetic acid, jjh-nitrophenyl ester Acetic acid, 1,9-aonanediol diester Acetic acid, 2-octynyl ester Acetic acid, 3-octynyl ester Acetic acid, l-phenyl-l,3-propanediol diester Acetic acid, oj-propenyl-Ereresol ester Acetic acid, o.-propyl-£-cresol ester Acetic acid, resacetophenone diester Acetic acid, resorcinol diester 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 k 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 U 3 I 3 2 k 3 2 u k 2 2 2 2 k 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 U 2 2 Table 1 (Continued) Item Nc. Chemical l House files l Moscmltoea i Knock-down: Kill : Knock-down: Kill 1* 160 162 166 171 177 ISO 182 183 187 189 190 193 196 197 198 199 202 203 2C4 206 210 225 227 231 239 2U0 2^9 252 267 268 269 270 272 27^ 276 278 280 281 282 285 Acetic acid, styrene glycol diester Acetic acid, l,2,3,U-tetrahydro-2- naphthyl ester Acetic acid, 2,2,-thiodiethanol diester Acetic acid, 2-(m-tolyl)cyclohexanol ester Acetic acid, trimethylene diester Acetoacetanllide Acetoacetic acid, allyl ester Acetoacetic acid, "benzyl ester Acetoacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester Acetoacetic acid, cyclopentyl ester Acetoacetic acid, ethoxyethoxyethyl ester ethoxyethyl ester 2-ethylhexyl ester Acetoacetic acid, Acetoacetic acid, Acetoacetic acid, geranyl ester Acetoacetic acid, glycol diester Acetoacetic acid, heptyl ester Acetoacetic acid, Acetoacetic acid, hexyl ester 2-methylcyclohexyl ester Acetoacetic acid, 3-aetkylcyclohexyl ester Acetoacetic acid, U-methylcyclohexyl ester Acetoacetic acid, phenethyl ester U-Acetoacetylmorpholine Ace tome si tylene 2-Aceto-l-naphthol Acetonedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester Acetophenone glycerol Acetophenone oxine Acetoveratrone alpha-Ace toxyacetophenone 2-Acetozycyclohexanone oxime 1-Acetoxycyclohexenecarboxylic acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 1-Acetoxycyclopentanecarboxylic acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester N- ( 2-Acetoxy ethyl )acetanilide 3-Acetoxy-H-ethylectanoic acid, allyl ester 3-Acetoxy-H-ethyl-H-octenoic acid, methyl ester H-be ta-Ace t oxye thy 1-1 ,2,3, 6-t etrahydro- phthalimide 1-Acetoxyindane K- ( 1- (Acetoiymethyl )-l-aethyl ) ethyl acetamide 2-Ace toayme thy 1-2-me thy 1-5 , 5"P6^*amo thyl- ene-1 , 3-dioxolan-i*-one N- (1- (Acetoxymethyl )propyl ) acetamide alpha^Acetoxypropionamide 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 k 2 2 2 2 k 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 I 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 H 2 2 H 2 2 1 2 k 2 2 U 2 3 2 fc 3 2 U 2 2 k 2 4 1* 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 k 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1* fc fc -7- Table 1 (Conti Lznied) Item : No. : Chemical J House flies : Mosquitoes :Knock-down:Kill:Knock-doim:Kill 293 328 3U5 3U9 355 359 360 364 372 3l3r 376 379 5«5 3*7 388 390 4<58 460 469 470 *7 *7 ^75 478 508 511 512 513 516 526 52S 537 539 563 564 566 582 609 610 alpha-Aceto:xypropionic acid, p-tert- butylphenyl ester 2-Acetoxyvaleric acid alpha-Acetylglutaric acid, diethyl ester N-Acetyl-N-methylanthranilic acid, methyl ester gamma-Acety i-gamraa-methylpimeloni t ri le Acetyl-alpha-oximinoacetoacetic acid, ethyl ester Acetyl c_-phenetidine l-Acetylpiperidine-3-carboxylic acid, ethyl ester Acetyl salicylic acid Acetyl salicylic acid, cyclohesyl ester Acetylsalicylic acid, iso-propyl ester N-Acetyl-1 , 2 , 3 , 4-t etrahydroquinaldine alpha-Acetyl-gamraa-vinylbutyrolactone Aconitic acid, trihutyl ester Aconitic acid, triethyl ester Aconitic acid, tri-n-propyl ester Adipic acid, diallyl ester di-n-butyl ester di-n-propyl ester di -iso-propyl ester monopropyl ester mono-iso-propyl ester ditetrahydrofurfuryl ester Adipic acid, Adipic acid, Adipic acid, Adipic acid, Adipic acid, Adipic acid, Adiponitrile Alcohol byproduct from hydrogenation of methyl 2-naphthyl ketone 2-Allylcyclohexanone oxirae Allyl 2-cyclohexylphenyl ether Allyl 4-cyclohexylphenyl ether Allyl-1-ethoxyethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester N-Allylhexahydrophthalimide 524 K-Allyl-4-methyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydro- phthalimide o-Allyloxybenzaldehyde ■beta-Allyloxy-alpha-phenylethyl alcohol N-Allylphthalimide ST- Ally 1-1, 2, 3 , 6-tetrahydrophthalimide EpAminobenzoic acid, n/-amyl ester ErAminobenzoic acid, iso-amyl ester Er-Aminobenzoic acid, iso-butyl ester l-Amino-2, 3 — dihydroxypropane N-Amy lace t ami de H-n-Amy lac e t ani li de 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 I 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 I 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 I 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 4 -s- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. Chemical : House flies ! Mosquitoes :Knock-doTm:£ill:Knock-doim:gill 6l7 tert-Amylbenzene 619 iso-Amyl benzyl ether 621 N-n-Amyl-n.-butyranilide 622 N-iso-Amyl-n-butyranilide 626 alpba-a-Amylcinnamaldehyde 635 tert-Amyl diphenylene sulfide 636 x-tert-Amyl-diphenyl ether 637 N-Amyl-3, 6-endome thylenehexahydrophthal- imide 63S iso-Araylethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 6Hl 5- 1 er t -Amy lfuro i c acid, n-propyl ester 6H3 (l-Amylhexylidene)cyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 6U5 2-^Amyl-3-hydroacybutyric acid, ethyl ester 6^7 H-(n-Amyl)imide of l,2-dicarboxy-3,6- endomethylene-H-cyclohexene 650 N-Amyl-h^nethylhexahydrophthalimide 651 l-Anyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrroline-3- carbosylic acid, ethyl ester 652 N-Amyl-h-methyl-l , 2,3, 6-t etrahydro- phthalimide 65U Aa^rl beta-naphthyl ether 657 N-Amyl-clpha- (x-nonenyl ) succinimide 658 pj-n-nAmyloxybenzaldehyde 659 Oj-iso-Amyloxybenzaldehyde 662 1-n-Amyloxyindane 666 l-lg.-Amylpheno2y)-2,3-epo7ypropane 67^ N-n-Amyl phthalimide 675 N-iso-Amylphthalimide 677 N~n-Amylpropionanilide 678 N-iso-^Araylpropionanilide 679 N-(n-Amyl) saccharin 681 1-Amyl-l , U , 5 , 6-t e trahydro-2-methyl-6- oxonicotinic acid, methyl ester 705 Anisaldehyde diethyl acetal 706 Anisaldehyde glycerol acetal 708 Anisic acid, n-amyl ester 709 Anisic acid, n-butyl ester 710 Anisic acid, iso-butyl ester 713 Anisic acid, n-propyl ester flk Anisic acid, iso-propyl ester 719 Anisole 721 Anisoylacetic acid, ethyl ester 723 beta(p_-Anisoyl)propionic acid, allyl ester 724 beta-(£-Anisoyl)propionic acid, methyl ester 738 Anthranilic acid, ethyl ester 7h6 Anthraquinone blue, AB base 2 2 k 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 U 2 k 2 2 2 2 2 k k 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1* 2 2 2 k I 2 2 U 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I h 2 U U 3 U 2 H 2 3 2 3 2 u 3 2 3 2 2 U U U k 2 2 h 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 U U U If I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -9- Table 1 (Continued) Item No* J House fliea Chemical Mosquitoes tKnodc-down: Kill: Knock-down : Ki 11 761 778 785 787 790 797 801 86k 805 806 809 812 813 817 819 820 831 8U5 859 860 861 86 86 865 S67 869 879 SSU 892 901 915 916 919 920 922 Aroclor #1260 (chlorinated diphenyl) 2 2 Astro tone BE 10# 2 2 Azelaic acid, diethyl ester 2 U Azelaic acid, dimethyl ester 2 2 Azelaic acid, di-n-propyl ester 2 2 Azosyhenzene 2 2 Benzalacetoacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 Benzal acetonylacetone 2 2 Benzal acetophenone 2 2 Benzal acetylacetone 2 Benzalcyanacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 Benzaldehyde 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3-propane- 2 2 diol acetal Benzaldehyde 2-nitro-2-nethyl-l,3-propane- 2 diol acetal Benzal-9,10-dihy&rozystearic acid, butyl 2 2 ester delta-Benzallevulinic acid, methyl ester 2 delta-Benzallevulinic acid, n-propyl ester 2 2 Benzene hexachloride, crude product said to 2 U contain 10-12$ gamma isomer Benzenesulfonic acid, methyl ester 2 Benzhydrol 2 Benzhydryl iso-amyl ether 2 Benzhydryl n-amyl thioether 2 Benzhydryl ethylene glycol mono ether 2 2 Benzhydryl ethyl ethylene glycol diether 2 Benzhydryl 2-ethylhexyl ether 2 Benzhydryltoluene 2 Benzil 2 Benzoic acid, p_-allyl-p_-cresol ester 2 Benzoic acid, "benzyl ester 2 Benzoic acid, iBO-butyraldehyde oxime ester 2 Benzoic acid, j>-creeyl ester 2 Benzoic acid, ethylene glycol monoester 2 Benzoic acid, 2-ethyl-2-hexenal oxime ester 2 Benzoic acid, 1-ethynylcyclohexyl ester 2 Benzoic acid, furfuryl ester 2 Benzoic acid, guaiacol ester 2 Benzoic acid, n-heptyl ester 2 2 Benzoic acid, 2-heptyl ester 2 2-hydro3ypropyl ester 2 isoeugenyl ester 2 M- 5-methyl-2-hexyl ester 2 2-octyl ester 2 2 pentanediol-1,5 diester 2 U. 1,3-propanediol monoester 2 2 Benzoic acid, Benzoic acid, Benzoic acid, Benzoic acid, Benzoic acid, Benzoic acid, h 2 2 2 2 u u u u u I 3 h k 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 U 2 h 3 3 2 3 U h h U 3 2 3 U 2 u 2 5 3 2 2 U h 2 h 3 3 2 2 3 u 3 u 2 3 2 4 2 U 3 U 3 U 2 k 2 U u 2 2 h 2 U 2 2 3 2 3 -10- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. House flies Chemical >squitoes : Knock-down: Si 11 :Kno ck-down: Kill 973 2-Benzoaycyclohexanol 99m- Benzoylmesitylene 999 N-Benzoylpiperidine 1001 beta-Benzoylpropionic acid, allyl ester 1005 Benzoylpyruvic acid, ethyl ester 1012 delta-Benzoylvaleric acid, iso-propyl ester 102U- Benzyl n-butyl sulfone 1025 Benzyl carboallyloxymethyl sulfone 1029 Benzyl carbopropoxymethyl sulfone 1033 Benzylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 103*+ 1-Benzylcyclohexanol-l 1035 2-Benzylcyclohexanol 1036 It-3enzylcyclohexanol IO3S Benzyl ethylene glycol di ether 1033a 2-Benzyl-5-sthyl-6-propyl-l , 3-dioxane IOU3 Benzyl ethyl sulfone 10W Benzyl eugenyl ether 10U6 N-Benzyl glycine, butyl ester Benzylidenemalonic acid, diallyl ester lO^l Benzylidenemalonic acid, dimethyl ester Benzylidenemalonic acid, dipropyl ester IO53 Benzylidenemalonic acid, di-iso-propyl ester 1060 Benzyl alpha-naphthyl ether 1061 Benzyl beta-naphthyl ether 1071 Benzyl 1-phenylethyl ketone O-Benzylsalicyllc acid, methyl ester 1080 Benzyl sulfide 1082 N-3enzyl-l ,2,3, 6-t etrahydrophthalimide 10S5 Benzyl triethylphenyl ketone 1089 Benzyl tri-lso-propylphenyl ketone 1091 Bibenzyl cis-3icyclo-(2.2.l)heptene-2,3-dicarbox- ylic acid, dibutyl ester lllU- N,N-3is-(2-acetoxyethyl)acetamide 1115 N-Bis(beta-acetoxyethyl)alpha-acetoay- propionamide 1116 N-(l,l-3is(acetoxymethyl)propyl)acetamide 1120 Bis (beta-carboallyloxyethyl )ether 1123 Bis(beta-carboethoxyethyl) ether 1131 Bis-(3-chloropropyl)formal ll6l 3-Bromoacenaphthene II63 Bromoacetic acid, butyl dlethylene glycol ether ester 1171 £-Bromoanisole 1181 2,-Bromobenzoic acid, ethyl ester 118b Bromo-bi s (2,-chlorophenyl )methane 1205 1-Bromo-H-aethosynaphthalene 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 k 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 u It 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 u 3 3 2 2 it It 2 1* u 1+ it 1+ It u 1+ u 2 2 3 2 2 2 k 2 u 2 It 2 3 2 2 3 2 1+ 3 2 It 3 it it 2 3 2 2 It It It It It 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 -9- Table 1 (Continued) Item No* House flies Chemical Mosquitoes : Knock-down: Kill: Knock-down: Kill Aroclor #1260 (chlorinated diphenyl) 2 2 Astro tone BE 10$ 2 2 Azelaic acid, diethyl ester 2 U Azelaic acid, dimethyl ester 2 2 Azelaic acid, di-n-propyl ester 2 2 Azosyhenzene 2 2 Benzalacetoacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 Benzal acetonylacetone 2 2 Benzal acetophenone 2 2 Benzal acetylacetone 2 Benzalcyanacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 Benzaldehyde 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3-propane- 2 2 diol acetal Benzaldehyde 2-nitro-2-nethyl-l,3-propane- 2 diol acetal Benzal-9,10-dihydrosystearic acid, Imtyl 2 2 ester delta-Benzallevulinic acid, methyl ester 2 delta-Benzallevulinic acid, n-propyl ester 2 2 Benzene hexachloride, crude product said to 2 U contain 10-12$ gamma isomer Benzenesulfonic acid, methyl ester 2 Benzhydrol 2 Benzhydryl iso-amyl ether 2 Benzhydryl n-amyl thioether 2 Benzhydryl ethylene glycol mono ether 2 2 Benzhydryl ethyl ethylene glycol diether 2 Benzhydryl 2-ethylhexyl ether 2 Benzhydryltoluene 2 Benzil 2 o-allyl-pj-cresol ester 2 "benzyl ester 2 iBO-butyraldehyde oxime ester 2 2-cresyl ester 2 ethylene glycol monoester 2 2-ethyl-2-hexenal oxime ester 2 1-ethynylcyclohexyl ester 2 furfuryl ester 2 guaiacol ester 2 n-heptyl ester 2 2 2-heptyl ester 2 2-hydroxypropyl ester 2 isoeugenyl ester 2 U 5-methyl-2-hexyl ester 2 2-octyl ester 2 2 pentanediol-1,5 diester 2 4 1,3-propanediol monoester 2 2 Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Benzoic acid U 2 2 2 2 U U u h h U k 2 2 2 u 2 k k I 2 k 3 2 u I k k u u u 2 u 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 u 2 3 3 2 3 I U 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 -10- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. Chemical House flies : Mosquitoes : Knock-down: Si 11 : Knock-down : Ki 11 973 2-Benzoxycyclohexanol 99^ Benzoylmesitylene 999 N-Benzoylpiperidine 1001 beta-Benzoylpropionic acid, allyl ester 1005 Benzoylpyruvic acid, ethyl ester 1012 delta-Benzoylvaleric acid, iso-propyl ester 102U Benzyl n-butyl sulfone 1025 Benzyl carboallyloxymethyl sulfone 1029 Benzyl carbopropoxymethyl sulfone 1033 Benzylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester IO3U 1-BenzylcyclohesB.nol-l 1035 2-Benzylcyclohexanol 1036 U-Benzylcyclohexanol IO38 Benzyl ethylene glycol di ether 1038a 2-Benzyl-5-sthy 1-6-propyl-l , 3-dioxane IOU3 Benzyl ethyl sulfone lOUU Benzyl eugenyl ether 10U6 N-Benzyl glycine, butyl ester 10^9 Benzylidenemalonic acid, diallyl ester 1051 Benzylidenemalonic acid, dimethyl ester 1052 Benzylidenemalonic acid, dipropyl ester 1053 Benzylidenemalonic acid, di-iso-propyl ester 1060 Benzyl alpha-naphthyl ether 1061 Benzyl beta-naphthyl ether 1071 Benzyl 1-phenylethyl ketone 1078 O-Benzylsalicylic acid, methyl ester 1080 Benzyl sulfide 1082 N-3enzyl-l ,2,3, 6-t e t rahydrophthalimide IO85 Benzyl triethylphenyl ketone 1089 Benzyl tri-iso-propylphenyl ketone 1091 Bibenzyl cis-3icyclo-(2.2.l)heptene-2,3-dicarbox- ylic acid, dibutyl ester N,N-3is-(2-acetosyethyl)acetamide 1115 N-Bis(beta-acetoxyethyl)alpha-aceto3iy- propionamide 1116 N-(l,l-Bis(acetoxymethyl)propyl)acetamide 1120 Bis (beta-carboallyloxyethyl)ether 1123 Bis(beta-carboethoxyethyl) ether 1131 Bis-(3-chloropropyl)formal ll6l 3-Bromoacenaphthene II63 Bromoacetic acid, butyl diethylene glycol ether ester 1171 0,-Bromoanisole 1181 ^-Bromobenzoic acid, ethyl ester 1186 Bromo-bi s (^-chlorophenyl )methane 1205 1-Bromo-U-aethoxynaphthalene 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 h 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 h 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1* 3 3 2 2 u 2 h k k h k k k k U U u 2 2 3 2 k I k 2 1* 2 1+ 2 3 2 k 2 3 2 3 2 1* 1+ 2 3 2 2 If u k k k 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 * -11- Table 1 (Continued) Item J ; House files } Mosquitoes No, : : Kno ck-down : Ki 11 1 Kno ck-doim: Ki 11 1207 2 (4-Eromo-2-me thyl-phenoxy ) -2 • - chloro-di- ethyl ether 1230 beta-Bromopropionic acid, n-butyl ester 123^ 4-Eromo-3-resorcinol monomethyl ether 12*57 l-Bromo-2,4,6-triethylbenzene 1246 1,1,4,4-Butanetetracarboxylic acid, tetraethyl ester 1249 (l-Butenyl)butylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 1250 (l-Butenyl)ethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 1253 2-1 so-But enyl-2-methyl-l , 3-dioxolane-U , 5- dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester 1254 (l-Batenyl)propylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 1257 pj-|i-Butoxybenzaldehyde 1258 o-sec-Butoxyhenzaldehyde 1259 ]>-Buto:xybenzaldehyde I265 o-sec-Buto7yhenzyl alcohol 126S pj-sec-Butosybenzyl alcohol 1270 g-ButoaycinTiainl c acid, n-butyl ester 1271 E-Butojcycinnamic acid, 2-ethyl -n-butyl ester 1277 l-n-Butozy-2-hydroxyindane 1278 p_-Butoxyphenethyl alcohol 1280 p-sec-Butoagrphenethyl alcohol 1282 E-Butoxyphenylbroiiide 1284 2-iso-Butozy-l-phenylethanol 1285 2-2-a-Butoxyphenyl-5-ethyl-6-propyl- dioxane-1,3 1298 N-Butyl-N-(2-acetoxyethy5acetamide I3O3 N-Butylami noaceti c acid, lauryl ester 1364 alpha-n-Butyl-heta-amino diethyl ether 1305 alpha-Butylami no methyl benzyl alcohol 1306 -p-tert-Butyl anisole 1314 1-n-Butjl-l-benzoylacetone 1322 N-n-Butyl-n-butyranilide 1323 N-Butyl-K- r2-butyroxyethyl )butyramide 1324 N-iso-Butyl caprandde 1328 4-tert-Butyl-2-chlorophenol 13*58 N-n-Butylcrotonanilide 13% (n-Butyl)(3,5-dichloro-2-xenyl) ether I35I N-i so-Butyl-3, 6-endomethylene-l ,2,3,6- tetrahydrophthalimide 1353 levo-2,3-Butylene glycol 1357 H-n-Butylformanilide I362 N-n-Butylhexahydrophthalimide 1379 n-Butylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 1384 2-iso-Butyl-2-methyl-l, 3-dioxolane-4, 5- dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 2 3 k 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 u 3 4 4 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 -12- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. Chemical House files Mosquitoes tKnock-down:]gilHKnock-down:gill 1385 N-n/-3utyl-3-methylhexahydrophthalimide 2 I3S6 N-Butyl-3-methylhexahydrophthalimide 3 (isomerism of "butyl group not known) I387 N-n-Butyl-U-methylhexahydrophthalimide 4 1389 2-iso-Butyl-5-methyl-5-nitro-m-dioxane 2 1390 l-3utyl-2-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrroline-3- 3 carboxylic acid, ethyl ester 1391 l-iso-Butyl-2-aethyl-5-ozo-2-pyrroline-3- 3 carboxylic acid, ethyl ester 1392 l-se£-Butyl-2-aethyl-5-oxo-2-pyrroline-3- 3 carboxylic acid, ethyl ester !393 H-n-Butyl-3-ae thy 1-1 , 2,3, 6-t etrahydro- k phthalimide I39U N-n-Bntyl-^methyl-1, 2, 3, 6-t etrahydro- U phthalimide lU02 £-iso-Butylphenethyl alcohol 2 IU05 2- (U- t ert-Bu ty lphenoxy ) -2 * -chloro- 2 diethyl ether 1^18 N-Butyl-H-phenylcarbamic acid, hutyl ester 2 lUl9 N-Butyl-N-phenylcarbamic acid, ethyl ester 2 1^20 N-Butyl-N-phenylcarbamic acid, methyl ester 2 IU32 N- sec-Butyl phthalimide 2 IU33 B-tert-Butylphthalimide 2 1U34 N-Butylpropionamide 2 1U37 tf-n-Butylpropionanilide k 1^38 N-Butyl-lT-(2-propionoxyethyl)propionamide 2 lW* N-n.-Butylsuccinamic acid, ethyl ester 2 lkko, 1-Butyl-l , U , 5 , 6- 1 etrahydro-2-methyl-6- 2 oxonicotinic acid, methyl ester IU50 l-n-3uty 1-1 ,2,3, H- 1 et rahydro-2-naphthol 2 lk51 i-iso-Butyl-l,2,3,U-tetrahydro-2-naphthol 2 lU6l Butyl E-tolyl ether 2 IU62 N-iso-Butylundecylenamide 3 IH7U Butyraldehyde 2-nitro-2-methyl-l,3- 2 propanediol acetal 1^97 Butyric acid, catechol diester 2 1500 Butyric acid, 1,2-cyclohexanediol diester 2 1501 i so-Butyric acid, 1,2-cyclohexanediol 2 diester 1503 iso-Butyric acid, l,U-cyclohexanediol 2 diester 1510 Butyric acid, diethylene glycol monoester 2 1511 iso-Butyric acid, diethylene glycol 2 monoester 1512 Butyric acid, dodecyl ester 2 1513 iso-Butyric acid, dodecyl ester 2 1518 Butyric acid, glucose pentaester 2 2 2 2 2 2 k 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 U I 2 3 3 2 k k 2 2 2 u u 2 4 * 2 3 3 2 u 3 3 3 2 2 h k 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 -1}- Table 1 (Con tinned) Item : ; House fliea : Mosquitoes No, t Chemical t Knock-down ?gill:gnock-down: Kill 1521 Butyric acid, 1,6-hexanediol diester 2 2 2 3 1526 a-Butyric acid, lauryl ester 3 2 4 2 1527 i so-Butyric acid, lauryl ester 2 2 4 2 152S a-Butyric acid, a-methoxybenzyl ester 3 2 4 2 1530 Butyric acid, methyl-gamma-2-tetralyl ester 2 2 4 4 1532 Butyric acid, 2-naphthyl ester 2 2k 1533 Butyric acid, 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3-propane- 2 2 3 2 diol diester 1535 Butyric acid, 2-nitro-2-methyl-l,3-propane- 2 4 2 diol diester 15JS Butyric acid, 3-octynyl ester 2 4 2 1541 Butyric acid, 1,5-pentanediol monoester 2 4 4 4 1549 n-Butyric acid, 3-phenylpropyl ester 2 2 4 2 155° Butyric acid, piperonyl ester 2 2 J 2 155^ a-Butyric acid, resorcinol diester 2 ^3 1555 n-^tTTic acid, l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2- 2 1* 2 naphthyl ester 1556 a-Butyric acid, 2,2'-thiodlethanol diester 2 1| U I563 gamma-Butyrolactone 2 4 4 I56S Butyrotrifluoro-m-toluidlne 2 7 2 1569 alpha-Butyroiyacetophenone 2 ^3 1570 l-Butyroaycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, ,2223 propyl ester 1579 H-a-Butyryl-N-aethylanthranllic acid, 3233 methyl ester 1581 H-a-Butyryl-l,2,3,H-tetrahydroquinoline 4 3 2 2 *599 d-Camphoric acid, diethyl ester 2 2 4 2 1605 Caprlc acid, cycloheayl ester 2 4 4 3 1614 xgi-Caprole acid, "benzyl ester 2 2 h 2 l6l6 n-Caproic acid, clnnamyl ester 2 2^2 1620 Caproic acid, ethylene diester 2 2 4 2 1622 a-Caproic acid, guaiacol ester 2 4 2 1626 Caproic acid, 3-hydroaypropyl ester 2 4 2 1627 p.- Caproic acid, lauryl ester 2 4 2 1630 Caproic acid, 1,5-pentanediol diester 2343 1631 Caproic acid, 1,5-pentanediol monoester 2 h 3 I633 Caproic acid, 1,2-propanediol diester 2 3^2 1637 ErCaprolc acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 2 2 ^ 1638 arCaPr°ic acid, 2,2,-thiodiethanol diester 2 J 4 1639 Caproic acid, trimethylene diester 2 2 4 2 1640 Caproic anhydride 2322 1641 Caproin (or 6-hydrojy-7-dodecanone) 2 3 2 1642 alpha-Caproayacetophenone 2 23 16H3 alpha-Caproylcaproic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 4 I65O Caprylic anhydride 2 4 2 2 1654 2-Carhohen2oacymethyl-2-methyl-l,3-dioxolane 2 2 4 3 I656 2(2-Carhocyclohexoayethyl)-2-methyl-l,3- 2 2^3 di oxo lane Table 1 (Continued) Item : : House files : Mosquitoes No. : Chemical :Knock~down:Kill;Knock-doirQ:£lll 1657 ganBoa-Carboetho^r-gamma-cyanopimelic 2 acid, diethyl ester 1661 alpha-Carboethoxyglutaric acid, diethyl 2 ester 1666 2-Carbethoxymethyl-2-methyl-5,5-penta- 2 2 me thylene-1 , 3-dioxolan-4-one 1667 N-Carboethoxymorpholine 2 2 1671 alpha-Carboethoxy-beta-phenylheptanoic 2 2 acid, ethyl ester 1672 Carboethoxysalicylic acid, methyl ester 2 1673 2-Carboethoxytetralone-l 2 k 1677 2-Carbomethozymethyl-2-^aethyl-5-phenyl-l,3- 2 dioxolan-U-one 1678 3-Carbomethoxypropane-l,l-dicarboxylic acid, 2 diethyl ester l6s>4 Carbonic acid, H-tert-amylcycloheayl ethyl 3 2 ester 1685 Carbonic acid, benzyl ethyl ester 2 2 1631 Carbonic acid, carbethozyhexyl ethyl ester 3 2 1692 Carbonic acid, 2-(3-carbethoxy)octyl 2 2 ethyl ester 1693 Carbonic acid, E-chlorophenyl n-amyl ester 2 2 I696 Carbonic acid, cinnamyl ethyl ester 2 2 1702 Carbonic acid, 3,3,-dichlorodipropyl ester 2 1707 Carbonic acid, di-2-ethyl hexyl ester 2 1712 Carbonic acid, di-m-tolyl ester 2 2 1713 Carbonic acid, di-^tolyl ester 2 1716 Carbonic acid, ethyl g-bromophenyl ester 2 1717 Carbonic acid, ethyl E-tert-butyl-2- 3 2 chlorophenyl ester 1722 Carbonic acid, ethyl 2, M-di chlorophenyl 2 ester I72I1- Carbonic acid, pj-methozybenzyl ethyl ester 2 2 1730 Carbonic acid, phenethyl ethyl ester 2 1731 Carbonic acid, 2-phenylcyclohejyl ethyl 2 ester 1732 Carbonic acid, 3-phenylpropyl ethyl ester 2 2 1735 Carbonic acid, £-tolyl amyl ester 2 ltjo Carbonic acid, j>-tolyl butyl ester 2 17^6 2-Carbo23rphanoxyacetlc acid, diethyl ester 2 17^9 H-3-Carboaypropionylmorpholine 2 3 1750 3~^aJ^03cyProPion3rliaorPho1ine> ethyl ester 2 2 1766 Catechol 2 1767 Catechol diallyl ether 2 1770 Cetyl alcohol 2 2 1771 Cetyl bromide 2 1777 Chaolmoogric acid, methyl ester 2 3 2 3 * 2 H 2 2 3 3 3 U 4 fc 2 U U 3 2 k 3 2 3 2 2 U 2 U 2 I k 2 k 2 3 2 2 4 U 2 3 3 3 3 2 k 5 k 3 k 2 3 2 2 2 2 U 3 **• 2 2 3 fc 2 2 2 -15- Table 1 (Continued) Item : t House files : Mosquitoes No, : Chemical t Knock-down: Kill :gnock-down;Klll 1802 Chloroacetic acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 1806 £-Chloroacetophenone 1807 pj-Chloroacetophenone glycerol 1817 2-Chloro-5-tert-amylphenoxyethoxyethyl chloride 1825 0,-Chlorobemaldehyde oxime lSU/0 a-Chlorohenzoic acid, iso-amyl ester 18Ul j>-Chlorobenzoic acid, iso-amyl ester 18H4 m-Chlorobenzoic acid, n-butyl ester 18U5 pj-Chlorobenzoic acid, n-butyl ester 1851 o-Chlorobenzoic acid, n-propyl ester 1853 p_-Chlorooenzoic acid, fi-propyl ester 1855 2~Chlorobenzophenone 1856 p.-Chlorobenzoylacetic acid, ethyl ester 1859 beta-(pj-Chlorobenzoyl)propionic acid, allyl ester 1860 pj-Chlorobenzylcyanide 1868 alpha-Chlorobutyric acid, tetrahydrofur- furyl ester 1872 2-Chloro-2»-(U-chloropheno2y)aiethyl ether 1875 heta-Chloro-heta •-U-cyclohexyl-phenozy- di ethyl ether 1880 pj-Chlorodiphenyl 1889 2-(2-Chloroetho3y)-2,-(2-hydrozyetho3y)- di ethyl ether 1898 beta-Chloroethyl-H,U ,-dichlorobenzylhydryl ether 1900 1-Chloro-k-iodonaphthalene 1902 Chloromaleic acid, (allyl lactate) hydrogen ester 1920 U-Chloro-2-nitrodiphenylamine 1925 U-Chloro-6-tert-octylresorcinol 1932 o-Chorophenoxyacetic acid, ethyl ester 1938 N- (h-Chlorophenoxyethyl )-cyclohexylamine 1947 alpha (U-Chlorophenyl) ethyl alcohol I9U9 1- (g-Chlorophenyl )- 3-ethyl-2-pentanol 1950 p/-Chlorophenyl furyl ketone 195^ l-(a-Chlorophenyl)-2,U-pentanediol (solid form) 1967 Chloropropionic acid, amyl ester 1968 Chloropropionic acid, benzyl ester 1970 beta-Chloropropionic acid, 2-butoxyethyl ester 1973 alpha-Chloropropionoxypropionic acid 198b beta-Chloro-beta- (2,^,6-trichloro- phenoxy) diethyl ether 200k Cinnamic acid, benzyl ester 2 2 2 2 2 u 3 2 2 u U 2 3 k 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 U 2 2 2 U 2 2 k 2 2 2 k 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 U 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 U 2 1* 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 fc 3 2 3 H u 2 U 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 k 3 2 2 k 6 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 U 2 2 2 1+ 3 2 2 2 2 U 2 2 2 k 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 -16- Table 1 (Continued) Item No, Chemical House flies t Mosquitoes : Knock-down; Kill; Knock-down: Kill 2005 2007 2008 2009 2012 2014 2016 2021 2029 2030 2038 2042 2050 2053 *>55 2064 2091 2093 2098 2099 2100 2101 2107 2118 2119 2121 2122 2127 2141 2144 2145 2146 2149 2150 2151 2152 2155 2160 2162 2163 2164 Cinnamic acid, bornyl ester Cinnamic acid, iso-butyl ester Cinnamic acid, sec-butyl ester tert-butyl ester cetyl ester 3-chloro^2-methylpropyl Cinnamic acid, Cinnamic acid, Cinnamic acid, ester Cinnamic acid, Cinnamic acid, cyclohexyl ester glycol monoester Cinnamic acid, n-propyl ester Cinnamic acid, iso-propyl ester See Item No, 6315-a Citral oxime Citric acid, tri-n-hexyl ester Citronellal 1,3-butylene glycol acetal Citronellal oxime Coconut laurin o-Cresotinic acid, iso-amyl ester omega- (p-Cresoxy )acetophenone Crotonaldehyde dlcctyl mercaptal Crotonaldehyde 2-ethyl-2-butyl-l,3- propanediol acetal Crotonaldehyde 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3~ propanediol acetal Crotonaldehyde 2-nitro-2-methyl-l,3- propanediol acetal Crotonic acid, benzyl ester Crotonic acid, pentanediol-1,5 diester phenethyl ester 3-phenylpropyl ester 1,3-propanediol diester alpha-Cro tonoxyace tophenone alpha-Cyanoacetic acid, benzyl ester alpha-Cyanoacetic acid, cyclohexyl ester alpha-Cyanoacetic acid, 2-ethoxyethyl ester Cyanoacetic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester Cyanoacetic acid, methyl ester Cyanoacetic acid, 2-methyicyclohexyl ester Cyanoacetic acid, 3~me-fcnylcyclohexyl ester Cyanoacetic acid, 4-methylcyclohexyl ester alpija-Cyanobutyric acid, cyclohexyl ester Cyanocyclohexenylacetic acid, ethyl ester alpha-Cyano-beta, beta-dimethyl-gamma- acetylbutyric acid, allyl ester alpha-Cyano-beta , b e ta-dimethyl-gamma- acetylbutyric acid, ethyl ester alpha-Cyano-beta , beta-dimethy 1-gamma- acetylbutyric acid, beta-methoxyethyl ester Crotonic acid, Crotonic acid, Crotonic acid, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 I 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 -17- Table 1 (Continued) I Item : t House flies : Mosquitoes Wo. ; Ghemlcal ; Knock-dowa :E111 : Enock-down:£lll 2175 alpha- Cyanopropionic acid, cyclohexyl 2 3 2 ester 2176 alpha-Cyanopropionic acid, o-methyl- 2 4 2 cyclohexyl ester 2178 alpha-Cyanopropionic acid, ^-methyl- 2 2 4 2 cyclohexyl ester 2180 Qyano succinic acid, dimethyl ester 2 "5 2 2181 l-Cyano-2,2,4-trimethylpentanediol-l,3 2 2 4 2 2195 1,3-Cyclohexanediol (mixture of cis and 2 23 trans) 2202 Cyclohexan-1-ol-l-carboxylic acid, 2 4 2 2 cyclohexyl ester 2203 Cyclohexan-1-ol-l-carboxylic acid, 2 4 2 2 cyclopentyl ester 2205 Cyelohexanol-1-carboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy- 2 2 4 2 ethyl ester 2206 Cyclohexanol-1-carboxylic acid, 2 4 2 3-hydroxypropyl ester 2208 l-(Cyclohexane-2-ol)propanol 2 2 2222 (l-Cyclohexenyl)methylcyancacetic add, 2 4 ethyl ester 2225 Cyclohexylacetic acid, beta-butoxyethyl 2 2 4 2 ester 2227 Cyclohexylacetic acid, di ethylene glycol 2 4 4 monoester 2228 Cyclohexylacetic acid, methyl ester 2 2 2 4 2239 4-Cyclohexylbutanoic acid 2 3 2 2 2240 N-Cyclohexylbutoxyacetamide (Indlmide) 2 2 4 3 2250 Cyclohexylcaproic acid, methyl ester 2 3 4 2 2253 alpha-Cyclohexyl-alpha-cyanoacetic acid, 2 3 4 allyl ester 2254 Cyclohexylcyanoacetic acid, henzyl ester 2 2 "5 4 2255 alpha-Cyclohexyl-alpha-cyanoacetic acid, 2 44 cyclohexyl ester 2256 Cyclohexylcyanoacetic acid, 2-ethoxyethyl 2 2 4 3 ester 2257 Cyclohexylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 4 4 2258 alpha-Cyclohexyl-alpha-eyanoacetic acid, 2234 methyl ester 2259 alpha-Cyclohexyl-alpha-cyanoacetic acid, 2 2 4 4 propyl ester 2260 alpha-Cyclohexyl-alpha-cyanoacetic acid, 2 2 4 4 iso-propyl ester 2260a 3-Cyclohexylcyclohexanol 2232 2283 6-Cyclohexylhexenoic acid, iso-propyl ester 2233 2284 Cyclohexylidenecyanoacetic acid, methyl 2 23 ester 2289 Cyclohexylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 4 2 -18- Table 1 (Contimied) Item : No. t Chemical ! House files t Mosquitoes : Knock-down : Ki 11 : Zno ck-down : Ki 11 2289a Cyclohexyl 3~aefchyl-U-methoxyphenyl ketone 2299 x- ( 2-Cy clohexylphenoxy ) -x-propano 1 2300 alpha-Cyclohexylphenylacetoni tr ile 2302 Cyclohexyl phenyl ketone 2303 N-Cyclohexyl-H-phenylpropionamlde 2305 3-Cyclohexyl-l,2-propanediol 2315 Cyclohexyl 2-thienyl ketone 23IS Cyclopentan-L-ol-l-carhoxylic acid, iso-amyl ester 2319 Cyclopentan-1-ol-l-carDoxylic acid, cyclohexyl ester 2320 Qyclopentan-1-ol-l-carhoxylic acid, cyclopentyl ester 2326 Cyclopentylidenecyanoacetic acid, methyl ester 2327 Cyclopentylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 23^1 alpha-Decalol 23U3 beta-Decalol 23W alpha-Decalone 23U7 Decamethylene "bromide 235O Decanediol-3 , 5 2368 Dehydrocoumarin 2370 Deltyl prime (Laurie acid, iso-propyl ester; with small quantities of iso-propyl myri state and palmitate) 2379 Di- (l-acetoxycyclohexyl)acetylene 23SO Di(2-acetoxyethyl) sulfone 240U l,3-Diamino-2-n-propylheptane 2Ul6 N,fl-Diamylglycine, ethyl ester 2U19 Di-n-amylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2U25 Di-tert-amylphenoxyethanol 2^28 N,N-Diamylsuccinamic acid, ethyl ester 2U29 N,N-Eiamylsuccinamic acid, n-propyl ester 2U3I N,K-Di-n-amylurethane 2U3U m-Dianisyl 2^36 Bianol II (dimer of pj-hydroxycinnamyl) 2U53 Dihenzyl ketone 2^56 alpha, alpha1 -Dtbromoadipic acid, diethyl ester (racemic) 2U63 alpha,heta-Dihromocinnamic acid, ethyl ester 2H67 alpha, alpha * -Dihromo-he ta , he ta • -dimethyl- glutaric acid, diethyl ester 2H7 1 2 , h-Dihromo-alpha-naphtho 1 2hg0 Di-(2-outroxyethyl) sulfone 2U85 N,N-Di-iso-Dutylacetoacetamide 2^95 N,H-DiDutylclnnamamide 2502 N,N-Di-n-hutylfuroamide 3 2 3 2 k 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 k k 2 2 2 2 2 I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 U 3 ? 2 2 U 2 h 2 2 2 h 2 h 2 3 5 2 2 h 2 U 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1+ 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 U -19- Table 1 (Continued) I Item : : House files : Mosquitoes No. t Chemical ;Knock"down:glll:Knock-down:gill 2503 N,N-Di-n-butylfurylacrylamide 2344 2506 N,N-Dibutyllauramide 2 2 4 2 2522 N,N-Dibutylsuccinamic acid, ethyl eater 3 2 4 2 2523 NjN-Di-iso-butylsuccinamic acid, ethyl ester 4 2 1* 4 2524 N,N-Di-iso-"butylsticcinamic acid, 3 2 U If methyl ester 2525 N,N-Di-n-"btityl8nccinainic acid, jt-propyl 4 2 U 4 ester 2526 Dlrn-butyl sulfone 2 2 3 2533 Di-a-Tratylurethane 2 2 2536 0,0-Dicar"boethosy-l,3-cyclohexanedioi 2 2 4 2537 alpha, alpha '-Dicarhoethoxy-alpha, alpha1- 3 2 2 2 dime thy ladipic acid, diethyl ester 2539 Li-(heta-carboethoayethyl)methylamine 2 4 2 2541 gamma, gamma-Dicarboethoxypimelonltrile 2 2 4 2 25U2 Dicarboethoxyure thane 2 2 4 2 2544 U,5-Dicarbometho3y-2,2-tetramethylene- 2 2 4 2 1-3-dioxolane 2562 p^p^-Dichlorobenzophenone 2 ^3 2564 x,x-Di-(x-chlorobenzyl)chlorobenzene 2 3 2 2 2579 2,U»-Dichlorodiphenylmethane 2 2 2 3 2580 4,4»-Dichlorodiphenyl sulfide 2 k 3 2b02 l-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-2,3-epoxypropane 2 4 2 2608 Di-o-chlorophenylacetonitrile 2 23 263O alpha >beta-Dicyano-iso-val eric acid, 2 4 2 ethyl ester 2637 N,N-Dicyclohexylcarbamic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 4 2 2640 Dicyclohexyl carbodiimide 2 2 4 2 2646 Di-(3-cyclohexylpropyl) ether 2232 2649 Didecyl sulfide 2 2 3 "J 2657 Di-(2-ethoxyamyl)amine 2 2 4 265S 3,4-Diethoxybenzaldehyde 2332 2663 l,3-Diethoxy-2-hydroxypropane 2 2 7 2 2664 Di-(2-ethoxy-3-methylamyl)amine 4 2 4 4 2667 Diethylacetic acid 2 2 7 2670 N>N-Diethyladipamic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 4 4 2671 N,N-Diethyladipamlc acid,methyl ester 2 3k 2672 N,N-Diethyladipamic acid, iso-propyl ester 2 2 4 4 2674 Diethylamidotetrahydrobenzoic acid, 3 2 4 2 methyl ester 2675 pj-Diethylaminobenzaldehyde 2 3 4 2 2676 E-Diethylaminobenzyl alcohol 2 3 4 2677 beta-Diethylaminocinnamic acid, ethyl ester 3 4 4 3 2682 N-4-(l-Diethylaminopentyl)urethane 2 2 4 2683 2-(p_-Diethylaminophenyl)-l,3-dioxolane 2 4 2684 2-(E-Diethylaminophenyl)-4-methyl- 2 4 1,3-di oxo lane 2693 N,N-Diethyl-alpha-butoxyacetamide 2 3 -20- Table 1 (Continued) Item : No. 1 Chemical I House flies t Mosquitoes :gnock-doimiKilltKnock-down:gill 2699 N,N-Diethylcinnamamide •2700 N,N-Di ethyl-alpha-cyclohexoxyacetamide 2708 Methylene glycol, Dis(allyl carbonate) 2711 Diethylene glycol, ois(iso-hutyl carbonate) 2714 Diethylene glycol Ms (methyl carbonate) 2716 Diethylene glycol, bis(propyl caroonate) 2718 Diethylene glycol isobornyl "butyl ether 2721 N,N-Diethylfurylacrylamide 2722 IT,tf-Diethylgluteramic acid, ethyl ester 2723 N,F-Diethylglntaramic acid, methyl ester 2724 N,IT-Diethylglutaramic acid, propyl ester 2726 Di- (3-ethyl-l-heptanyl )amine 2727 2,5-Diethylhexane-l,6-diol 2729 U,ir-Diethyl-l-hydroxycyclohexaneacetaraide 27 32 H , H-Di e thyl-alpha-hydrosy-alpha-me thyl- glutaramic acid, gamma-lactone 2733 N,N-Diethyllauramide 2735 H,N-Diethylmaleamic(fumaramic ?)acid, ethyl ester 2737 N,N-Diethyl-2-methyl-l , 3-dioxolane-2- propionamide 2746 N,U-Diethylpiperonylamide 27U9 N,N-Diethylsuccinamic acid 2750 E,N-Diethylsuccinamic acid, alJyl ester 2751 N,H-Diethylsuccinamic acid, n-hutyl ester 2752 N,H-Diethyl8uccinamic acid, iso-butyl ester 275"5 N,N-Diethylsuccinamic acid, sec-butyl ester 2754 H,N-Diethylsuccinamic acid, ethyl ester 2755 N,N-Diethylsuccinamic acid, 2-methoxyethyl ester 2756 N,H-Diethylsuccinamic acid, a-propyl ©ster 2757 N^-Diethylsuccinamic acid, iso-propyl ester 276I N,H-Diethyl-pj-toluenesulfonamide 2763 N,N-Diethylundecylenamide 2775 Diglycolic acid, dipropyl ester 2779 Di-n-heptylacetic acid, glyceryl ester 2786 Di-n-hexy lace tic acid 279U l,2-Dihydro-2,2-dimethylnaphtho (2.1-b)furan 2796 Dihydroeugenol 2800 Dihydrosafrole 2817 heta-(2,U-Dihydroxyphenyl)propienic acid 28^5 2,4-Dimethoxyacetophenone 2843 2,3-Dlmethorycinnamic acid, n-butyl ester 2853 2 * 3-Dimethoxy toluene 2857 H,Tr-Dimethyladipamic acid, iso-propyl ester 2866 2- (p-Dimethylaminophenyl )-4-methyl- 1,3-dioxolane 2868 N,N-Dimethylanthranilic acid 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 I 4 4 I 4 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 I 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 4 4 -21^ Table 1 (Ck mtimxed) It«m t No, | Chemical t Hems* flies t Moeouitoes j Kno ck-do wn: li 11 1 Kno ck- down : li 1 1 2878 2889 2892 289J 28$ 2910 2912 2913 2915 2933 29^3 29^5 2950 2952 295: 2956 2957 2967 2968 2970 2971 2973 2975 2977 2978 2979 2981 2982 2983 2989 2990 2991 2992 300fc 3005 3007 3016 3023 (l , 3-Dimethyl-2-'but enylldene ) cyanoacetie acid, methyl ester k,7-Dimethyl-l,9-decadieriediol-k,7 5,9-Dimethyldecanoic acid 5>9-Diaethyldecen-8-oie acid 2 , 2-Dimethy 1-1, l-dicartoallyloxypentanone-^ beta, "beta-Dime thy Iglutaric anhydride beta, beta-Dime thylglycidic acid, ethyl ester beta,beta-Dimethylglycidic acid, 2-ethyl- hexyl ester 2,U-Dimethyl~3, 5-heptanediol k ,U~Dimethyl-2- (jfmetho xyphenyl ) t e tra- hydrooxasole 3, 6-JDimethyl-^-Bonynedio 1-3 , 6 3 , 7-Dimethyl-l , 7-oc tanedio 1 2, 5-Dimethyl- Voctynedlol-2, 5 3, 6-Dimethyl-4-octynediol-3> o Dimethylolbenzyl n.-butyl sulfone alpha,alpha-Dimethylolbenzyl ethyl sulfone 1, l-Dimethylol-2, k-dimethylcyclohexano 1, l-dmethylol-2, 3-dlmethylcyclohexene-b 2- (x, x-Dlme thy lphenyl )cyclohexanol 2, 2-Dlme thyl-5-phecyl-l , 3-dioxolan-U-one l-(2, 5-Dime thy lphenyl )~3-ethyl-2-heptanol 1- ( 2 , 5-Dime thy lphenyl )-3-e thyl-2-pentanol alpha, Deta-Dimethyl-heta-phenylglycidic acid, ethyl ester alpha, be ta-Dime thy 1-beta-phenylglyci die acid, propyl ester 2-( 2, H-Dime thy lphenyl )-l-propanol 2- (2, 5-Dim6thylphenyl)-l-propanol 4,H-Dimethyl-2-phenyltetrahydrooxasole 2 , 6-Dime thyl- 3- i so-propyl-U-hep tynedi 0 1- 3 , 6 2,6-3MLmethyl-3-iso-^ropyl-U-octynediol«3»^ 2, 6-Dimethylpyrene-4 N,N-Dimethylsaccinamic acid, propyl ester tran6-alpha,beta-Dimethylsueclnic acid, dl-n.-hutyl ester trans-alpha, beta-Dimethylsuccinio acid, di(2«ethyl-n.-butyl) ester Dimethyl sulfite 2,U-Dimethyl-1, 2, 3,6-tetrahydro'bensaldehyde 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3-propanediol acetal 2 , 6-Dimethyl-l ,2,3, 6- tet rahy&robenxalde- hyde 2-ni tro-2-me thyl-1 , 3-propanediol acetal 2 , 6-Dimethyl-l ,2,3, 6-tetrahydrobenxal- dehyde oxime H, H-Dimethylundecy lenamide 3,5-Dinitrobensoic acid 2 2 2 U 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 k U 2 3 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 k 2 k k 2 3 k 5 2 2 2 k U k 2 2 2 3 k 2 k 2 2 3 k 3 k 2 u 2 2 k 3 2 3 2 2 k 5 2 k 3 2 u 3 2 2 2 2 k 2 U 3 -22- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. Chemical : House files i Mosquitoes t Knock-down: Kill : Knock-down: Kill 3026 3030 303I 3032 3057 3073 307U 3076 307S 3079 3082 3090 3100 3104 3119 3120 3123 3125 3133 313U 3139 3140 3l4l 3146 3149 3152 3153 3154 3155 3157 3159 3160 3161 3162 3165 317 317 i Dinitro-o-sec-'butylphenol 4 2 4 2 ,5-Dinitro-o-cresol 2234 ,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ethyl ether 2 2 2 \ 4,6-Dinitro-Oj-cresol methyl ether 2234 2,4-Dinitrophenyl n-propyl ether 2 2 2 4 1,4-Dioxane 2322 l,4-Dioxaspiro(U.5)decane-2,3-dicarboxylic 2 32 acid, dimethyl ester l,4-Dioxaspiro(U.4)nonane-2,3-dicarhoxylic 2 ^3 acid, diethyl ester l,3-Dioxolane-2,2-diacetic acid, diethyl 2 ^3 ester l,4-Dioxolane-2-methanol,5-furyl- plus 2 4 4 l,5-dioxan-3-ol,6-furyl- (mixture) l-(3,4-3>io3cymethylenephenyl)-2-methyl-l,3- 4 4 4 4 propanediol methylene ether 1,1-Diphenylacetone 2 3^2 Diphenylene sulfide 2 2 4 2 Di-(2-phenylethyl)amine 3 2 4 4 1,2-Diphenylpropane 2 2 4 2 1,3-Diphenyl-l-propanol 2 2 2 3 Di-(3-phenylpropyl) ether 2 2 4 2 Diphenyl sulfide 2 ^ 3 Di-(omega-piperidinopropyl)ketone 2 3 2 Dipivaloyl 2332 N,N-Di-iso-propyladipamic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 4 N,N-Dipropyladipamic acid, methyl ester 2 4 4 N,N-Dl-iso-propyladipamic acid, methyl ester 2 4 4 N,N-Dipropylcinnamamide 2 2 3 3 Di-iso-propyl-E-cresol ethylene glycol 2 3 2 mono ether Di-iso-propyl ethynyl carbinol 2 4 2 N,N-Dipropylglutarainic acid, ethyl ester 3223 N,N-Di-iso-propylglutaraiaic acid, 2 ^ 3 ethyl ester N,N-Dipropylglutaramic acid, methyl ester 3 2 N,N-Di-iso-propylglutaramic acid, 2 3 propyl ester N,N-Di-iso-propyl-l-hydroxycyclohexane- 4 4 4 3 acetamide N,N-Dipropyl^lpha-hydroxy-alpha-methyl 4 2 H 2 glutaramic acid, gamma lactone N,N-Dipropyl-Vhydroxy-3-methylvaleramide 4 4 4 4 N,N-Bipropyl-4-hydro3yraleramide 2 4 2 N,N-Dipropyl-2-methyl-l,3-dioxolane-2- 2 2 3 \ propionamide N,N-Dipropylsuccinamic acid, allyl ester 4 4 4 4 N,N-Dipropylsuccinamic acid, sec-hutyl 4 3 U U ester I I -23- Table 1 (Continued) Item : t House : Mosquitoes Ho. t Chemical :Knoclc-down:Kill;Knock--aown;gill 3175 N,N-Di-iso-propylsuccinamic acid, sec- U 2 k h butyl ester 3176 N,N-Dipropyisuccinamic acid, ethyl ester U 3 2 2 3177 N,N-Di-iso-propylsuccinamic acid, ethyl 3 2 U k ester 3I7S N,N-Di-iso-propylsuccinamic acid, 2 2 k U 2-methoxyethyl ester 3179 N,N-Dipropylsuccinamic acid, methyl ester 2 2 3 U 31S0 N,N-Di-iso-propylsuccinamic acid, methyl 2 3 £ k ester 3181 N,N-Di-n-propylsuccinamic acid, n,-propyl h 3 k 2 ester 3182 H,N-Di-n~propylsuccinamic acid, iso-propyl 4 2 ^ 2 ester 3183 N,H-Di-ieo~propylsuccinamic acid, propyl ^3^3 ester 318U N,N-Di-iso-propylsuccinamie acid, ^3^3 iso-propyl ester 3IS9 K,N-Dipropyl-E-toluenesulfonamide 3202 Di-(tetrahydrofurfuryl)amine 3202a Dixanthogen 3212 Dodecane-l,12-dicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester 3213 1,2-Dodecanediol 321S Dodecanone-6 oxime 3225 Dodecine-6 323O Dodecyl benzyl ether 3235 Dodecyl ethyl ether 32&1 Dodecyl phenyl ether 32U7 N-Dodecyl-tri-iso-butenylsuccinimide 326U Enanthic acid, glycol monoester 3265 Enanthic acid, 1,5-pentanediol di ester 3266 Enanthic acid, 1,2-propanediol monoester 3267 l,U-Endomethylene-5-cyclohexene-3- carboxylic acid, cyclohexyl ester 3269 l,U-Endomethylene-5-cyclohexene-3" carboxylic acid, furfuryl ester 3271 l,U-Endomethylene-5-cyclohexene-3- carboxylic acid, phenethyl ester 32S1 Bpoxymethylphenylacrylic acid, ethyl ester 3286 Erucic acid, methyl ester 3287 Erucyl alcohol 329I alpha-Ethoxalyllaunc acid, ethyl ester 3297 E-Ethoxybenzaldehyde 32§8 o-Ethoxybenzoic acid 330^ ErEthoxycinnamic acid, athyl ester 3306 U-Ethoxydiphenylme thane 3310 2-(2-Ethoxyethyl)hexahydro-l,3-benzodioxole 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 u 2 h 2 3 3 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 k 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 k k 2 k k 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 * 1| 3 2 2 U 2 2 3 2 2 2 u 2 2 2 U 2 k 2 2 k If 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 -2U- Table 1 (Continued) Item : Ho. I Chemical i House fliea i Mo soul toes tlnock-doire: Kill :Kpock-down :Iill 3315 alpha-£thoxyethyl-2~pentyliBaloaie acid, 2 diethyl ester 3315 l-Xthoxy-^hydroxyindane 2 2 3316 Xthoxyaethyleneaalonie acid, diethyl eater 2 331S o„-Ithoxjph4nethyl alcohol 2 33*9 jfc-Xthoxyphenetbyl alcohol 2 3321 2-(^Xthoxyphenyl)-^ethyl-6-nrpropyl- 2 2 1,3-dioxana 3322 3-Xthoxyphthalide 2 3 33^3 3-Xthoxypropioaaldehyde dlbtttyl acetal 2 3330 alpha-Xthoxy-alpha-toluie acid 2 2 3331 alpha-Xthoxy-alpha-toluie acid, ethyl eeter 2 3339 Mthylacct-jt-toluidide 2 33^1 Xthylacetylaalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 3352 Xthylbensylaniline 2 k 3359 (2-3thylbutylidene)nalonlo acid, diethyl 2 ester 3362 2-Xthylbutyraldehyde dipropionate 2 3365 Mthyl-X-<2-butroxyetbyl)butyra*ide 2 3 3366 2-Xthylbutyric acid, l,*Mmtanediol diester 2 3 3367 2-Xthylbutyric acid, glycol diester 2 3 3368 2-Xthylbutyric acid, pentanediol-1,5 fc 3 diester 3369 2-Xthylbutyric acid, 1,2-propanediol 2 3 diester 3370 alpha-Ethylbutyric acid, 1,3-propanedlol 2 2 diester 3371 2-Xthylbutyrie acid, 1,2-propanediol 2 aoaoester 3372 2-Xthylbutyrie acid, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- 2 2-naphtbyl ester 3373 2-Xthylbutyric acid, triethylene glycol 2 3 diester 337U X-Xthyl-5-nrbutyrylaniline 3 3 3386 2-Xthylchroswne 2 3 3389 Xthylcrotylnalenic acid, diethyl ester 2 3399 Xthylene glycol 2 3$00 Xthylene glycol bis-(beta-cyanoethyl) ether 2 2 3U01 Xthylenetetraearboxylic acid, tetraethyl 2 2 ester 3U07 2-Xthylhesanal-2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3- 2 2 propanediol acetal 3*K8 2-Xthylhexanal 2-aitro~2-«ethyl-l,> 2 2 propanediol acetal 5^11 3-Xthylhexanediol-2,* 2 2 3^12 2-Xthylhexanol 2 3 3*U4 2-Xthyl-2-hexenal oxiae 2 3^19 2-Xthylhexoic acid, L-ethynylcydohexyl 2 ester 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 U 2 I k U H 2 3 2 U 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 k 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 -25- Table 1 (Conti nued) Item : Chemical : House flies J Mosquitoes No. t : Knock-down : Kill : Knock-down :Kill 3U20 3421 3422 3U23 3427 3^33 344g 3H51 31+5^ 3*56 3^57 346 346 3^7 346s 3^69 3*75 3^76 34si 34s6 3^*7 3USS 3^97 3U99 3500 3503 3512 3519 3520 2-Ethylhexoic acid, 1,2-ihdanediol di ester 2-Ethylhexoic acid, 2-nitro-2-ethyl-l,3- propanediol di ester 2-Ethylhexoic acid, tri ethylene glycol diester 2- ( 2 * -Ethylhexo xy ) cyqlohexanol 2-Ethylhexylcyanoacetic acid, methyl ester (2-Ethylhexylidene)acetoacetic acid, ethyl ester N- (2-Ethylhexyl )phthalimide Ethylidenemalonic acid, diethyl ester 2-Ethyl-2-methyl-l, 3-dioxolane-4, 5- dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester 2-Ethyl-3-methyl-2-hexenenitrile 6-Ethyl-2-methyl-4-oxo-2-cyclohexene-l- carhoxylic acid, ethyl ester alpha-Ethyl-beta-methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, ethyl ester alpha-Ethyl-heta-methyl-heta-phenylglycidic acid, methyl ester "3-Ethyloc tanedi ol-2 , 4 4-Ethy3^3 , 5-0 ctanediol 6-Ethyl-3, 5-octanediol Ethyl-sec-octylmalonic acid, diethyl ester (dextro) Ethyl-sec-octylmalonic acid, diethyl ester (levo) Ethyl-sec-octylmalonic acid, diethyl ester (racemic) N-Ethyi-U-phenylcaprylamide N-Ethyl-N-phenylcarbamic acid, butyl ester alpha-Ethyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, allyl ester beta-Ethyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, methyl ester beta-Ethyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, propyl ester beta-Ethyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, iso-propyl ester N-Ethyl-N-phenylglycine, ethyl ester N-Ethylpropion-o-toluidide N-E thy lpropi 0 n-i^ t o lui di de N-Ethyl-H-propionylaniliae 2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein 2-ni tro-2-ethyl-l , 3-propanediol acetal 1-Ethyl-l , 2 , 3 , 4-tetrahydro-2-naphthol alpha-Ethylvaleric acid, allyl ester Ethylxanthic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 2 2 2 u 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 LiBRARY3 STATE PLANT BOARD 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 -26- falble 1 (Continued) Item s : House flies t Moaquitoes Ho. i Chemical >gnock-doen:gilltgnocfc-doim:gill 3522 Ithylxanthoacetic acid, isohornyl ester 2 3 3536 Fluorenone 2 2 3343 Formanilide 2 2 3551 Formic acid, 1,6-hexanediol diester 2 2 3553 formic acid, lauryl ecter 2 2 355o Formic acid, oleyl ester 2 2 3558 oj-tformotoluide 2 2 356O 5-(2-fforaoayethyi)fonaaEd.lide 4 2 3573 Tcuaaric acid, diethyl eater 2 3591 Turrurylideneacetie acid, ft-amyl eater 2 3 3593 Farfurylideneacetic add, ethylene glycol 2 3 methyl ether eater 3605 heta-Furforylosypropionitrile 2 3609 Turoie acid, cyclohezyl ester 2 2 36H JVroic acid, phenyl eater 2 36I8 Tarylaorylic acid, henzyl eater 2 362O Forylacrylic acid, cyclohesyl eater 3 2 363I Wuryl-2,2-dimethyl propylene glycel-1,3 2 36^U 2-Furyl-5-ethyl-5-nitro-a-dio3aae 2 2 3640 l-yuryloctene-l-one-3 4 2 3643 2-(2-?nrylvinyl)-2-.methyl-l,3-dio3colatte 2 36U5 0-650 (sorbitol ricinoleate, technical) 2 3657 Oeranylacetone 2 366O Glataric acid, di-n-hutyl ester 2 2 3664 (Jlutaric acid, di-2-aethyl-l-butyl eater 2 4 3667 Olatarie acid, monoethyl ester 2 3 3608 CHutarie acid, monopropyl ester 2 2 3669 Oltxtarie anhydride 2 3 367I dl-Glyoeric acid, ethyl ester 2 2 3673 Glycerine 2 3 3698 Olycolic acid, oeta-methozyethyl ester 2 2 3701 Goaiacol 2 3 3713 10-Hendecenoic acid, jg-butyl ester 2 3714 10-Hendecenoic acid, a-propyl ester 2 3715 l,l,l,2,3,3,3-Heptachloro-2-flucropropane 2 3718 a-Heptaldehyde 2 2 3719 Heptaldehyde dibutyl acetal 2 3 3721 Heptaldehyde glyceryl hutoxy acetal 4 3 3725 Heptamethylene glycol 2 3726 1,2-Heptanediol 2 3728 Heptanol-2 2 £ 2 3729 (l-Heptenyl)ethylmalonic add, diethyl ester 2 4 4 373I heta-(3-Hepten-3-yl)glycidic acid, methyl 2 4 2 eater 3733 (l-Heptenyl)methyimalonic add, diethyl 2 4 4 ester 3736 arHeptoic acid, 2-aramyl-3-hydroaynonyl 2 4 2 ester 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 I 2 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 5 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 5 4 2 4 2 2 4 -27- Table 1 (Continued) I Item : t House files i Mosquitoes Ho> | Chemical : Knock-down; £lll^Knoclc-down:tlll 37^8 4-Heptylcatechol 2 k 2 37UO jk-Heptylcyanoacetio acid, ethyl ester 23 2 U 37I& Heptylic acid, 1 , 5-pentanediol monoester 2 4 4 37U5 a-Heptylic anhydride 2 2 k 2 37U6 a-Heptylidenemalordc acid, diethyl ester 33 k k JjkB n^Eeptylmalonic aoid, diethyl ester 2 U 37U9 2-jfc-Heptylnonanol-l 2 4 375& 2-Heptynoic acid 2 4 2 3756 2-Heptynoic acid, a-amyl ester 2 4 2 3757 2-Heptynoic acid, iso-cmyl ester 2 4 2 3759 2-Heptynoic acid, cyclohexyl ester 2 4 2 37§1 2-Heptynoic acid, 3-ootynyl ester 2 2 U 2 3767 Hezachlorobutadiene 2 2 3775 Hexadecane 2 2 4 3777 a-Hexadecanenitrlle 2 J 2 ?7S0 1-Hexadecene 2 43 3/S3 Hexaethylene glycol 2 2 4 2 3783a Hexaethyl tetraphosphate 2 2 4 2 3787 Hexahydrobenzolc acid, diethylene glycol 2 4 4 monoester 3791 Hexahydrobenzolc acid, methyl-lso-butyl- 2 2 4 ethynyl carbinyl ester 3792 Hezahydrehenzoic acid, methylethylethynyl 2 23 carhinyl ester 3793 Hexahydrohenzoic acid, 2-octynyl-l ester 2 12 i 3795 £-Hexahydrohenzylcyclohexanol 2 2 4 4 3797 Hexabydro-2-(E-methoxyphenyl)-l,3- 4 2 4 3 benzodioxole 38OO Hexahydrophthalio add, di-£-butyl ester 4 2 3305 Hexahydrophthalic acid, dimethyl ester 2 2 23 3SO6 Hexahydrophthalic acid, di-n-propyl ester 2 2 32 38II Hexaldehyde glyceryl acetal 2 3 2 2 38I5 N,N'~Hexaiaethylenedipiperidine 2 3 2 3819 1,5-Cexanediol 2 k k 3821 (l-Hexenyl)ethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 4 k 3822 (l-Hexenyl)methylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 4 4 3825 alpha-A-Hexylcinnamaldehyde 2 23 3826 U-Hexylcyclohexanediol-1,3 2 2 4 k 3829 a-Hexylidenemalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 4 4 3830 oj-&-Hexyloxybenzaldehyde 2 3 2 3 3831 &-&-Hexyloxybenzyl alcohol 2 2 4 2 3836 Hexyne->diol-2,5 2 3 3 3837 Haxyn-2-oic acid, cyclohexyl ester 2 3 2 38U1 Homophthalic aoid, diallyl ester 2 3 4 2 38U1 Homophthalic acid, dimethyl ester 2 4 2 3844 Homophthalic aoid, di-fr-propyl ester 2 2 32 38U5 Homoveratric acid, methyl ester 2 2 4 3 -28- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. Chemical House flies : Mosquitoes tgnock-down:Kill:gnock-doyn:Kill 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 U 38^6 Hydno carpus wight iana acids, mixed 2 ethyl esters 3^52 m-Hydrobenzoic acid 2 3856 Hydro cinnamic acid 2 386U Hydroquinone diphenyl ether 2 3873 alpha-Hydroxy-beta-acetoxy-i so-butyric 2 acid, iso-amyl ester 3875 l-Hydroxy-2-acetoxyindan 2 392M- 2-Hydroxy-iso-Dutyrophenone 2 3927 2-Hydroxycaprylic acid, a-butyl ©eter 2 3933 Hydroxycitronellal 2 393U Hydroxycitronellal dimethyl acetal U 3935 Hydroxycitronellal oxime 3 3936 Hydroxycitronellic acid 2 3937 Hydroxy citronellol 2 3939 1-Hydroxycyclohexaneacetic acid, iso-amyl 2 ester 39*K) 1-Hydroxycyclohexaneacetic acid, cyclopentyl 3 ester 39^1 l-Hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, k acetonyl ester 39^2 l-Hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 2 2-butoxyethyl ester 39U3 l-Hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 2 2-ethoxyethyl ester 39I+5 l-Hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 2 2-methoxyethyl ester 39^+6 l-Hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 2 tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 39^9 1-Hydroxycyclohexylacetic acid, n-butyl ester 2 3951 2-Hydroxy-l-cyclohexylacetic acid, lactone 2 3952 1-Eydroxycyclohexylacetic acid, n-propyl 2 ester 3957 3-(l-Eydroxycyclohexyl)propanol-l 2 3958 3-(l-Hydroxycyclohexyl)-2-propen-l-ol 2 3959 1-Hydroxycyclopentaneacetic acid, 2 cyclohexyl ester 3960 1-Hydroxycyclopentanecarboxylic acid, 2 2-butoxyethyl ester 3961 1-Hydroxycyclopentanecarboxylic acid, 2 tetrsbydrofurfuryl ester 3965 2-(beta-Hydroxyethoxy)cyclohexanol 2 3966 N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)acetamide 2 3967 H-2-Hydroxyethylacetanilide 2 3968 beta-Hydroxyethyl o_-allyl-p_-cresol ether 2 3969 beta-Hydroxyethyldodecylamine 2 3972 N-Hydroxyethyllactamide 2 3975 N-beta-Hydroxyethyl-H-methyl-1,2,3,6- 2 tetrahydrophthalimide 2 2 k 3 2 3 2 I I 2 2 2 U U 3 3 3 U U 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 I 3 U k U 2 2 2 2 2 2 h 2 3 2 2 -29- Table 1 (Continued) Itea t Chemical : House flies t Mosquitoes !Knock~down:Kill;Kiiock:-down:Klll 3976 3977 3979 3981 3983 3984 3995 4008 4006 4008 >4010 4011 4012 4016 4028 4038 4049 4058 4077 4084 4085 4088 4097 4115 4116 4129 4136 4l43 4i45 4159 4i6l 4164 4165 4168 4183 4186 4193 4198 3-Eydro:*y--4-.ethyloctanoic acid, allyl ester 3-Bydroxy-4~ethyloctajaoic acid, aethyl ester 3-3rdroxy-4-ethyl-4-octenoic acid, allyl ester 3-H3rdrojy-4-ethyl-4-octenoic acid, propyl ester V- (2-5ydroxyethyl )phthalinide H-beta~3jrdroiyethyl«>l ,2, 3 , 6~tetrafaydre- pbthalimide beta-^ydroxy-beta-iaethyladipic acid, gamma- lactone, methyl ester l-Hydi*>ay»»thyletbyi^l^l-cyclohexanol (25^ solution in triacetin) H- ( 1- (Ifcrdroxyne thyl )-l~oe thy 1 ) ethy lacetamlde V- ( l-^ydroxyme thy 1 )propyl )acetamide 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, n.-amyl ester 3-Hydro3y-2-»naphthoic acid, n^butyl ester 3-2ydro3y-2-E&phthoic acid, ©.-propyl ester 2- (i-Bydroxyphenyl )-l , 3-dioxolane B-heta-Bydroxypropyl-J^-oethyl-l ,2,3,6- tetrahydrophthalimide 2-Hydrozyralerio acid 2-^ydroxyYaleric acid, cyclohexyl ester 1-Xndanol &-Xodobenseie acid, methyl ester Isodehydroaoetic acid, ethyl ester I so thymol ethylene glycol monoether Ztaconic acid, diethyl ester alpha-Ketoadipic acid, diethyl ester 4-Ketopimelic acid, diethyl ester Lactic acid, beta-ehloroethyl ester crotyl ester 2-ethylhexyl ester Lactic acid, methylamylmethyl ester Lactic acid, 1,3-propanediol diester Lactic acid, sorbitol ester Laurie acid, amyl ester Laurie acid, butosyethyl ester Laurie acid, diethylene glycol monoester Laurie acid, 2,5-diaethyl-l,l-diaiethylol- eyclohexane diester Iecuric acid, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether ester Laurie acid, polymerised glycol diester Lenrie acid, sorbitol ester beta-Louroyltetralin Laurylcyclohexylaaine 3 2 2 2 lactic acid, Lactic acid, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 I 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 i 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 $ 4 2 2 I 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 -30- Table 1 (Continued) Item No. House flies Chemical Mosquitoes : Knock-down; Kill; Knock-down: Kill 1+199 Laurylethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 1+213 LevTilinic acid, cyclohexyl ester 1+222 Lerulinic acid, sodium salt 1+21+1+ Maleic acid, di-2-(2-bromo-l+-ethylphenoxy)- ethyl ester I+25I Maleic acid, di-beta-ethoxyethyl ester U270 dl-Malic acid 1+272 dl-Malic acid, diallyl ester U275 levo-Malic acid, di-n-Dutyl ester 1+277 dl-Malic acid, di-sec-hutyl ester 1+281 dl-Malic acid, dipropyl ester 1+232 dl-Malic acid, di-iso-propyl ester 1+289 Malonic acid, dipropyl ester U293 dl-Mandelic acia U293a Melinis minutiflora 1+31J Mesitaldehyde U3I4 Mesitylacetonitrile 1+322 Methacrylic acid, 2-(2-chlorophenoxy)ethyl ester I+3H0 Methallyl E-methoj^benzyl ether I+3I+U o-Methallyloxybenzaldehyde I+3I+7 ;p.-Methallyloxycinnamic acid, n-butyl ester U355 Methallyl beta-phenoxyethyl ether U3S2 2-Metho2y-l-acetonaphthone U363 U-Methosy-1-acetonaphthone ^3^7 2,-Methoxyacetophenone 03dme ^■372 £-Metho2y-alpha-aceto3yacetophenone ^37^- Pj-MethoTyhenzaldehyde dibenzyl mercaptal 1+373 Methoxyhenzoic acid, 3-butynyl-l ester 1+379 p.-Metho2ybenzoic acid, cyclohexyl ester 1+331 p-Methoxybenzophenone 14-3S1+ U-Methoaybenzyl cyclohexyl ether I+386 TD-Methojycinnamaldehyde 1+390 2,-Methoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethyl-n,-butyl ester 1+391 p_-Methoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethyl-n-hexyl ester 1+395 trans-o-Methozycinnamic acid, iso-propyl ester 1+1+01+ U-Methozydiphenylmethane I+I+05 2- (2-Methoxyethozy )-l-phenylethanol 1+1+08 p_-Metho3yhydrocinnamic acid, ethyl ester 1+1+09 pj-Methoxy-alpha-hydrozyacetophenone 1+1+11 l-Metho2y-2-hydroxytetralin 1+1+12 ^-Methosymethoxybenzaldehyde 1+1+13 2-Methoxy-5-methylhenzophenone 1+1+20 U-Me thoxymethyl-2-methyl-l , 3-dioxolane-2- propionic acid, ethyl ester W+22 2-Methoxy-5~methylpropiophenone 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 U 2 2 2 3 2 1+ 2 3 2 2 1+ 3 2 2 3 2 1+ 3 3 2 2 2 2 1+ 1+ 1+ 2 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 2 2 U 2 1+ 3 1+ 2 2 1+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 I u 2 2 1+ 2 3 2 1+ 1+ 2 1+ 2 2 1+ 1+ 2 1+ -31- Table 1 (Continued) Item : No. : : Hojuseflies Chemical Mosquitoes : gnock-aoTO : Kill : Knock-domi: Ki 11 UH28 Oj-Methoayphenojyacetic acid UU30 oj-Methosyphenoayacetic acid, ethyl ester 1+1+31 ]>-Methoxypheno3yacetic acid, ethyl ester I+I+32 ^pj-Methoxyphenyl-2-butanol ^■33 2{]2-Methoayphenyl)cyclohexanol (trans) ^35 2-(£-Metho3yphenyl)-5,5-dimethyldioxane-l,3 U¥*0 2- (p.-Methosyphenyl )-5-ethyl-6-n-propyl- dioxane-1,3 1+1+1+1 E-Methosyphenyl furyl ketone UUU2 l-(pj-Methoiyphenyl)-2-methyl-l,3-propanediol methylene ether W+3 VMethozy-3-phenylphthalide 1+1+66 4-Methojgrvalerophenone I+I+69 Methylacetoacetic acid, ethyl ester 1+1+SO N-(1-Methylamyl)benzamide 1+1+S1+ 2-Methyl-2-2ranisyl-m-dioxane 1+1+S6 H-Methylanthranilic acid, allyl ester I+I+90 N-Methylanthranilic acid, n-propyl ester 1+1+99 beta-(pj-Methylbenzoyl)propionic acid, allyl ester 1+500 alpha-Methyl-alpha-benzoylpropionic acid, ethyl ester I+505 Methyl benzyl snlfone 1+507 3-Me thy 1-1; • -bromo diphenyl I+5O8 Methyl- (beta-bromoethyl)malonic acid, diethyl ester U517 (l-Methylbntylidene)cyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 1+520 Methyl iso-butyl ketone 2-nitro-2-ethyl- 1,3-propanediol ketal U52I Methyl iso-butyl ketone 2-nitro-2-methyl- 1,3-propanediol ketal I+523 N-Methyl-n-butyranilide 1+526 2-Methyl-2-carboetho3ycyclohexanone U52S 2-Methy 1-3-chloro-U , 6-di-i so-propylphenosy- * ethoxyethyl chloride 1+530 beta-Methyl-beta-p_-chlorophenylglycidic acid, allyl ester U53I beta-Methyl-beta-p_-chlorophenylglycidic acid, ethyl ester U532 beta-Methyl-beta-2-chlorophenylglycidic acid, methyl ester 1+533 beta-Methyl-beta-pj-chlorophenylglycidic acid, propyl ester I+53I+ alpha-Methylcinnamic acid, allyl ester 1+535 alpha-Methylcinnamic acid, n-butyl ester 1+536 alpha-Methylcinnamic acid, ethyl ester (trans) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1+ 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1+ 2 3 2 2 2 1+ U 5 1+ 2 2 3 2 1+ 5 2 2 1+ 1+ u 3 3 3 2 1+ 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 1+ 3 3 1+ 3 3 2 2 2 -32- Tahle 1 (Continued) Item : : House flies : Mosquitoes No. : Chemical :gnock-down:gill :gnock-down:£ill **537 alpha-Methyl cinnamic acid, n-propyl ester (trans) U539 Methyl cinnamyl alcohol H54I 6-Methylcoumarin h$)k Methylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester U5U5 heta-Methyl-alpha-cyano-gamraa-carboethoxy- butyric acid, allyl ester k^hS 'beta-Methyl-alpha-cyanoglutaric acid, diethyl ester 1*51*7 "beta-Methylcyanosuccinic acid, diethyl ester 1*559 Ij-Methylcyclohexylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester I+563 2-Methy 1-3 , 5-decanediol 1*568 2-Methy 1-2, 5-diethyl-5-nitro-m-dioxane 1*570 2-Methyl-5-dimethylamino'benzyl decyl ether 1*571 Methyl alpha, alpha-dimethylolhenzyl sulfone U573 2-Methyl l,3-dioxolane-2-acetic acid, cyclohexyl ester U576 2-Methyldiphenylether 1*581 p_,pj -Methyl enediani line ^585 3,t-Methylenedioxycinnamic acid, ethyl ester 1*587 1- (3,l*-Methylenedioxyphenyl )-l-acetoxy- hatene-3 1*588 2- (3,U-Methylenedi02yphenyl)-U,l+-diethyl- 1,3-dioxane 1*59** alpha-Methylepoxycyclohexylideneacetic acid, allyl ester 1*596 alpha-Methylepoxycyclohexylideneacetic acid, propyl ester 1*599 1*-Methyl-1* * -ethyl oenzophenone 1*600 2-Methyl-2-ethyl-5-hydro2ymethyl-5-ni tro- m-dioxane U602 2-Methyl-5-ethyl-5-nitro-m-dioxane l*6ol* 2-Methyl-7-ethyl-3,U-nndecanediol and 2-methyl-7-ethyl-H, 5-undecanediol, mixture U605 N-Methylformanilide 1*608 heta-Methylglycerin monochlorohydrin l*6ll l*-Methyl-l,7rheptadiene-l*-ol U612 2-Methy 1-3 , 5-heptanediol H617 H-Methylheptanol-1* 1*618 2-Methylheptanol-3-one-5 1*621 (l-Methylheptyl)cyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester M>22 (l-Methylheptylidene)cyanoacetic acid, methyl ester 1*628 (l-Methylhexyl)cyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 1*629 (l-Methylhexylidene)cyanoacetic acid, methyl ester U63O Methyl hexyl ketone 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1* 2 U 2 2 1* u 2 2 2 5 1* 3 2 1* 2 2 2 3 2 2 1* 2 2 2 1* 1* 1* 2 1* 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1* 2 2 2 2 1* l* l* 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 u 2 2 2 I* 2 2 2 1* U 2 1+ 1* 2 2 2 2 2 3 1+ 1* -33- Table i (, Continued) Item No. Hottoe flies Mosquitoes Chemical : Knock-down : £i ll:Knock-down:Kill U63I Methyl hexyl ketone glycerol acetal 2 U63U Methyl 1-hydroxycyclohexyl ketone 2 U637 l-Methyl-2-hydrosy-2-phenylcyclopentane 2 carboaylic acid, methyl ester k€kj 2-Methyl-U-~metho3yacetophenone 2 U6US 3-Methyl-U-methosyacetophenone 2 I+6U9 5~M-e'fci|yl-2-metho3yacetophenone 2 U65O 3-Methyl-U-methozybutyrophenone 2 U65I beta-Methyl-Deta-p^methoxyphenylglycidic 2 acid, allyl ester ^652 beta-Methyl-beta-2-metho:xyphe:aylglycidic 2 acid, methyl ester ^653 Deta-Methyl-beta^Er^tkos^pkenylglycidic 2 acid, 2-phenylethyl ester U65*f 3-Methyl-U- methoayvalerophenone 3 U657 £-Methyl-alpha-methylstyrene dibroraide 2 U672 5-Methyl-5-nitro-2-iso-propyl-m-dioxane 2 U672a U-Methyl-3,5-nonanediol 2 hSJk S-Methylnonanoic acid 2 U676 Methyl nonyl ketone 2 H67S U-Methyl-3,5-octanediol 2 U679 7-Methyl-2,4-octanediol 2 U68"5 alpha-Methylol-iso-butyrophenone 2 lf6S*f N-Methylolnonamide U686 2-Methyl-U-oxo-l,3-diozaspiro(^.5)decane- 2 2-carbozylic acid, propyl ester U688 7-M©thyl-U-oio-5-octenoic acid, allyl ester k U693 14-Methyl-2-pentenoic acid, ethyl ester 2 U695 m-Methylphenethyl alcohol 2 U703 alpha-Methyl-alpha-phenylcyclohexanone 2 U705 2-Methyl-2-phenyl-mrdioxane 2 U7O6 beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 allyl ester U7O7 alpha-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 allyl ester U709 alpha-Methyl-alpha-phenylglycidic acid, 2 "butyl ester U7II beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 2-ethoayethyl ester U712 alpha-Methyl-bata-phenylglycidic acid, 2 ethyl ester U71I* beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 2-hydro3yethyl ester U715 alpha-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, meth- 2 allyl ester U716 beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 methallyl ester U717 alpha-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, 2 methyl ester 3 2 2 2 If 2 if 3 3 2 U 2 2 3 S i I I I I >* 3 u u 3 3 u 2 2 H If If 2 2 I* M. 2 2 3 2 1* 2 k 3 2 3 2 2 U h k U if H 2 if -JU- Table 1 (Continued) Item i go. ; Chemical i House flies : Mosquitoes t Knock-down tlCill t Knock-down? £111 ^719 beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, beta-phenethyl ester U723 beta-Methyl-beta-phenylglycidic acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester U-72^ N-Methyl-H-phsnylglycine, ethyl ester H727 2-Methyl-5-pheny l~2«propyl-l , 3-dioxolan- U-one kj2S (l-Methyl-3-pheny Ipropylidene ) cyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester ^730 5-MethyL-H-phenylurethane kj^S (l-Methyl-1-propenyl )butylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester , ^739 (l-Methyl-l-propenyl)butylmalonic acid, diethyl ester kjkO Methyl o_-propenyl-Ercresol ether kikl 7-Methyl-4- (2-propenyl)decad.iene-l,9- diol-H^ Uj^3 (l-Methyl-1-propenyl )propylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester U7U9 7-liethyl-U-propyldecanediol-^,7 ^750 2-Methyl-2-n-propyl-»-dioxane H75I 2-Methyl-2-propyl-l , 3-dioxolane-U, 5- dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester U752 beta-Methyl-beta-propylglycidic acid, cyclohexyl ester U757 (l-Methylpropylidene)malonic acid, diethyl ester H758 Methyl propyl ketone glycerol kjbO 2-Methyl-5-iso-propylphenethyl alcohol U765 2-Methyl-5-iso-propyl stearophenone hjjb l-Methyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-naphthol H776 S-Methyl-2, 3-tetramethylene-l,J4-dioxaspiro- (U.5)decane U7S3 beta-Methyl-beta-2-tolylglycidic acid, iso-propyl ester U78U Methyl j>-tolyl ketone glycerol acetal U792 Monoamylbiphenyl (Pentaryl A) 1*79^ N- (mixed Monoamyl)imides of 3,6-endomethyl- eneJ+-cyclohexene-l,2-dicarboxylic acid US01 Monokerylbenzene kSGk Mononitrile of azelaic (?) acid US05 Mononitrile of azelaic (?) acid, butyl ester li-806 Mononitrile of azelaic (?) acid, ethyl ester 1+807 Mononitrile of azelaic (?) acid, methyl ester l&ll U-Morpholineacetic acid, butyl ester US12 U-Morpholineacetlc acid, isobornyl ester 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 k 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 2 h 1* 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 U 3 2 2 k 2 k 2 k ^ 2 2 U 2 2 k * 2 k k 2 \, k 2 k k 2 2 2 I 2 3 -35- 'JEable 1 (Continued) Item 2 No. I House flies Chemical Mosquitoes :gnock-down:gill:Znock-doTm;gill 4816 Morpholineundecylenamide 4827 Myristic acid, cyclohexyl ester 4830 Juristic acid, ethyl ester 4837 Myristic acid, methyl ester 4819 Myristonitrile 48% 1-Naphthalenehutyric acid, ethyl ester 4848 2-Naphthalenehutyric acid, ethyl ester 4857 Haphthenic acids (chiefly cyclopentane acids), n-propyl esters 4868 2-ITaphthonitrile 4871 alpha-Naphthoxyacetal 4872 beta-Naphthoayacetal 4883 alpha-Naphthylcarhinol 4885 heta-Naphthyl ethyl ether 4893 N-2-Naphthylpropionamide 4899 Neo Pat No . 3E Acid, 2-chloroallyl ester U9OI Nerolidol U915 Nicotyrine U993 3-Hitro-4-heptanol 4994 2-.Nitro-3-hydroxy-4-ethyloctane H995 2-TTitro-3-hydroxyhexane 4995* 2-Nitro-2-methyl-l,3-propanediol benzalde- hyde acetal (triacetin solution) ^995^ 2-Nitro-2-methyl-l,3-propanediol pj-methoxy- "benzaldehyde acetal (triacetin solution) 5006 2-Nitro-2-methyl-l-propanol 5029 l-(pj-Nitrophenyl)piperidine 5051 alpha-iso-Nitrosopropionphenone 5O5S alpha, alpha ' , alpha ' '-Nonachloromesitylene 5066 1,2-Nonanediol 5067 1 , 9-Nonanediol 5068 2,4-Nonanediol 5073 n-Nonylphenylcarbinol 5076 Octah (a quaternary ammonium salt) 5077 Octadecane 5082 Octadecene-1 5086 Octadecyl hromide 5091 2-Octadecynoic acid, methyl ester 5093 0ctahydro-l(2)-naphthalenone diethyl acetal 5097 2,3-Octanediol 5098 2,4-Octanediol 5099 4,5-Octanediol 5106 3-Octenol-l 5113 Octylamine 5118 n-Octyl carhomethoacymethyl sulfone 5121 alpha-n-Octylcinnamaldehyde 5124 o-sec-Octyloxvbenzaldehyde 5127 n-Octylphthalimide 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 i 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 1* 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 U 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 4 2 4 4 I 3 3 2 Table 1 (Continc>.ed) Item J Chemical : House flies : Moscroltoea No. : :£nock-doyn;Kill;Zhock-down;Kill 5131 2-Octynol-l 2 4 2 5132 3-Octynol-l 2 4 2 5I3U Oil, castor 2322 5163 Oil of cajeput 2 3 1|. 516S Oil of cedarwood 2 2 2 3 5189 Oil of gydno carpus anthelmintica 2 4 2 5212 Oil of raruteel 2 4 3 5225 Oleic acid, n-hutyl eater 2 2 4 2 5229 Oleic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 4 2 523I Oelic acid, glyceryl mono ester 2 2 3 3 523U Oleic acid, methyl ester 2 2 4 2 5248 Orthoacetic acid, triamyl ester 2 4 2 5251 Orthohenzoic acid, tripropyl ester 2 4 4 5252 Orthocarhonic acid, tetra(2-methoxyethyl) 2 2 3 2 ester 5253 Orthoformic acid, borayl diethyl ester 2 23 5254 Orthoformic acid, triamyl ester 2 3 2 5256 Orthoformic acid, tri(2-methoxyethyl) ester 2 2 ** 5270 Oxanilide 2 2 4 2 5272 gamma-Oximinovaleric acid, ethyl ester 2 4 5275 2-0xo cyclopentanecarhoxylic acid, 2 4 hutoxyethyl ester 5276 2-Oxo cyclopentanecarhoxylic acid, 2 3 3 cyclohexyl eater 5277 2-0xocyclopentanecarhoxylic acid, 2 23 cyclopentyl eater 527S 2-0xocyclopentanecarhoxylic acid, 2 2 4 ethoxyethyl eater 5279 2-0xo cyclopentanecarhoxylic acid, 2 4 4 tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 5280 heta-Oxoglutaric acid, dihutyl ester 2 2 4 2 5281 heta-Oxoglutaric acid, dipropyl ester 2 2 4 2 5295 Palmitic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 H 2 5314 Pelargonic acid 2 3 4 U 5329 Pentahromophenol 2 2 3 2 5350 N,N-Pentamethylenegl"u.taramic acid, ethyl ester 2 3 3 5352 N,N-Pentamethyleneglycine, butyl ester 2 4 2 5353 N,N-Pentamethyleneglycine, cyclohexyl ester 2 4 4 3 535U 3,3»-Pentamethylene-2,3,4,5,6,(7 or 9)- 3243 hexahydroindone 5357 H,N-Pentamethylene maleamic (fumaramic T) 2 3 3 2 acid, ethyl ester 5359 H,N-Pentamethylenesuccinamic acid, 2 4 4 2 iso-hutyl ester 5360 N,N-Pentamethylenesuccinamic acid, ethyl 2 2 4 3 ester 5361 N,N-Pentamethylenesuccinamic acid, 2 2 2 4 methyl ester lab le 1 ( Continued ) -37- Item : No. t Chemical Eouse flies .: Mosquitoes :Knock-doim:Iill:Enock-down:Eill 53^2 N,N-PentamethylenesTiccinamic acid, k n-propyl ester 5363 E,l-Pentoxybenzyl alcohol 2 53SO ]>-iso-Pentoxybenzyl alcohol 2 5380a ErPentoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethylbutyl ester 2 53^5 B,-Pentoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester 2 5386 E-iso-Pentoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethylhexyl 2 ester 5388 E-Pentoxyphenethyl alcohol 2 5389 E-iso-Pentoxyphenethyl alcohol 2 5391 2-;p/-Pentoxyphenyl-5-ethyl-6-propyl-* 2 dioxane-1,3 5392 2-iso-Pentoxyphenyl-5-ethyl-6-propyl- 2 dioxane-1,3 5395 iso-Pentylideneacetoacetic acid, 2 iso-propyl ester 5399 6-Pentylundecene-5 2 5W0 Perhenzoic acid, tert-hntyl ester 2 5*+0H 2-Phenethoxycyclohexanol 1* 5^7 Phenetole 2 5^-21 Phenoxyacetic acid 2 5^28 Phenoxyacetic acid, 1,3-propanediol 2 raonester 5^32 E-Phenoxyacetophenone 2 5^3^ Phenoxyhutyric acid, ethyl ester 2 5^37 "beta-Phenoxycrotonic acid, ethyl ester 2 5*WS beta-Phenoxystyrene 2 5^58 Phenylacetic acid, cyclohexyl ester 2 5^59 Phenylacetic acid, diethylene glycol 2 monoester 3^60 Phenylacetic acid, ethylene glycol monoester 2 5^6l Phenylacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 5^6 alpha-Phenyl-beta-aminodiethyl ether 2 5U7U Phenylbarbituric acid, diethyl ester 2 5H78 Phenylbenzylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 3 5U79 l-PhenylDutane-l,3-dione 2 5*181+ U-Phenyl-2-butanol 2 5U90 JT-Fhenyl-E-a-Dutylfuroamide 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 1+ 2 2 2 2 u 2 3 2 3 I U 1+ u 2 1+ 2 3 2 u 2 2 3 k k 3 2 h 3 2 3 2 3 2 U 1+ k k 2 2 k k 2 3 I k 1 2 2 V 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 I I -3S- Table 1 (Continued) Item i No* 1 Chemical I House flies t Mosquitoes :gnock~dowi;Killignock-doimtgill 3 3 5491 (l-Phenylbutyli&eneJcyanoacetic acid, 3 3 ethyl ester 5U95 alpha-Phenylbutyric acid 2 5J+97 dl-beta-Fhenylbutyric acid 2 5U98 gamma-Phenylbutyrlc acid 2 2 5499 alpha-Phenylbutyric acid, allyl ester 2 4 5500 alpha-Phenylbutyric acid, ethyl ester 2 5502 N-(alpha~Fhenylbutyryl)piperidin© 2 2 550S Ffaenylcyanoacetic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 5508a VFhenylcyclohexanol 2 2 5513 4-Phenylcyclohexanol 2 551^ Phenylcyclohexanone 2 2 5517 l-Phenylcyclohexene-2-ol-l 2 5519 E-Phenyleyclohexylamine 2 5522 U-Phenyl-5,5-dicarbetho3ypentanone-2 2 5529 4-Phenyl-l,Vdioxane 2 5530 3-Phenyl-l,4-dioxaspiro(4.4)nonan-2-one 2 5532 3-Fhenyl diphenyl ether 2 2 55^1 dl-alpha-Phenylethylamine 2 55^2 beta-Phenylethylamine 2 5550 2-(2-Phenylethyl)-»-dioxane 2 5551 2-Phenyl-2-ethyl-m~dioxane 2 2 5552 Phenyl ethylene glycol monoether 2 2 5555 beta-Phenyl-beta-ethylglycidic acid, 2 2 ethyl ester 5556 l-Phenyl-3-ethyl«-2-heptanol 2 3 5557 (l-Fhenylethylidene)cyanoacetic acid, 2 2 ethyl ester 5558 Phenyl e thy lmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2 3 5573 tert-Fhenylfenchol 2 2 5574 Phenyl furyl ketone 2 5576 beta-Phenylglycidic acid, ethyl ester 3 2 5578 beta-Phenylglutaric acid, diethyl ester 3 2 5580 beta-Phenylglycidic acid, propyl ester 3 2 5586 3-Phenylheptoic acid, ethyl ester 2 4 5589 (l-Phenylhexylidene)eyanoacetic acid, 2 2 4 ethyl ester 5595 beta-Phenyl-beta-hydroacybutyric acid, 3 2 4 iso-propyl ester 5597 2-Phenyl-5-hydro2y-l,3-dioxane and 2-phenyl- 2 2 4-hydroxymethyl-l, 3-dioxolane, acetate (jnfature) 5601 beta-Phenyl-beta-hydroxypropionic acid, 2 2 4 n-butyl ester 5602 beta-Phenyl-beta-hydroxypropionic acid, 2 4 ethyl ester 5603 beta-Phenyl-beta-hydroxypropionic acid, 2 4 methyl ester 5604 beta-Fhenyl-beta-hydrosypropionic acid, 2 2 4 n-propyl ester i 4 4 2 4 4 3 i 4 3 3 2 I 4 4 I 2 3 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 u 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 -39- Table 1 (Continued) Item l Ho. X Chemical : House flies : Mosquitoes : Knock-down: Kill: Knock-do wn:Ki. 5605 5608 5609 5610 561U 5617 562? 563* 5&5 36U7 5651 5652 5655 5660 5662 5665 5667 5672 5673 5672 56SO 5681 5682 £2 5713 5719 5735 5755 5763 576U 5766 57SO 57S9 5796 5806 5808 5812 5818 5820 5821 beta-Fhenyl-beta-hydrojgrpropionic 2 acid, iao-propyl eater H-Phenylmaleimide 2 Phenyl ml onic acid, diethyl ester 2 Phenyl malonic acid, dimethyl ester 2 H-Phenyl-H-methylfuroamide 2 beta-Phenyl-beta-methylglycidic acid, 2 iao-propyl ester l-Phenyl-2-octanol 2 Phenylpho aphonic acid, dicreayl eater 2 1-Phenyl-l , 3-p r 0 panedi 0 1 2 l~Phenyl-2-propoxyethanol 2 2-(l-Phenylpropyl) allyl ether 2 Phenyl iao-propyl ether 2 (l-Phenylpropylidene)cyanoacetic acid, 2 ethyl eater Phenyl n^propyl ketone 2 Phenyl propyl ketone glycerol 2 2-(l-Phenylpropyl) methallyl ether 2 3-Phenylsalicylic acid, beta-butozyethyl 2 ester Phenylatearic acid 2 alpha-Phenyl succinic acid, diethyl eater 2 2-Phenyltetrahydrooxazole 2 Phenyl thienyl ketone 2 Phenyl pj-tolyl ketone 2 1-Phenyl-U-o-tolyl semicarbazide 2 2-Phenyl-h>^,6-trimethyldio3ane-l,3 2 Phenyl undecyl ketone 2 delta-Phenylvaleric acid 2 alpha-Phenyl-gamma-valerolactone 2 alpha-Phenyl-gamma-Tinylhutyrolactone 2 2-(Phenylvinyl)-nrdioxane 2 Phosphoric acid, triethyl eater 2 Phosphoric acid, trioctyl eater 2 Phthalic acid, i80-hutyl cyclohexyl eater 2 terePhthalic acid, di-n-butyl eater 2 Phthalic acid, di (beta^ethoay-beta- 2 ethosyethyl) eater Phthalic acid, di-beta-ethozyethyl eater 2 diethyl eater 2 di-beta-methoxyethyl eater 2 di-n-propyl eater 2 ethyl cyclohezyl eater 2 methyl cyclohexyl eater 2 methyl a-hexyl eater 2 Phthalic acid, methyl n-octyl eater 2 Phthalide 2 Phthalonitrile 2 alpha-Picolyltartronic acid, diethyl eater 2 Phthalic acid, Phthalic acid, Phthalic acid, Phthalic acid, Phthalic acid, Phthalic acid, 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I k 2 2 2 2 2 * 2 3 3 3 2 I k k 2 3 I 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 h 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 h 3 -HO- Sable 1 (Continued) Item : No, : : House files Chemical Mosquitoes i Kno ck-doim : Ki 11 : Kno ck-dowi :Kill $82k Pimelic acid, diethyl ester 2 5828 Pinacolonyltartronic acid, diethyl ester 2 58381 Piperidine-2,3-dicarDoxylic acid, 2 diethyl ester 58U3 omega-Piperidinododecylbenzene 3 2 5SU9 Piperonal glycerol acetal 2 3 5851 Piperonylacetonitrile 2 2 5852 Piperonyl alcohol 2 2 5853 Piperonyl cyclonen© 4 2 5855 Piperonylic acid, xi-amyl ester h 2 5856 Piperonylic acid, n,-"butyl ester 3 3 5S58 Piperonylic acid, n-propyl ester 2 3 5859 Piperonylic acid, tetrahydrofurfuryl ester 3 2 5860 Piperonylidenemalonic acid, di-n-Tmtyl ester 2 2 5865 Pivalic acid, 1,5-pentanedlol diester 2 2 5867 2-Pivalyl-l,3-indanedione (isri-butyl 2 2 valone) 5882 Prickly ash extract 3 2 5886 Propane-l,l,2,3-tetracar'boxylic acid, 2 2 tetraethyl ester 5888 iso-Propenylallylmalonic acid, diethyl 2 ester 5889 iso-Propenylbenzylmalonic acid, diethyl k 2 ester 5890 iso-Propenyl-n-Twtylmalonic acid, diethyl 2 ester 5892 £-Propenyl-T>-cresol 2 5896 2-Propenyl-4,U,6-trimethyl-m-dioxane 2 5898 F-(2-Propionoxyethyl)propionanilide 2 590*1- Propionic acid, 2-(H-tert-hutylphenoxy)- 2 2 ethyl ester 5906 Propionic acid, catechol diester 2 2 5907 Propionic acid, cetyl ester 2 2 5909 Propionic acid, 1,2-cyclohexanediol 2 diester (cis and trans) 5910 Propionic acid, 1,3-cyclohexanediol 2 2 diester 5911 Propionic acid. l,U-cyclohexanediol 2 2 diester (cis) 591^ Propionic acid, l,U-cyclohexanediol 2 monoester 5915 Propionic acid, diethylene glycol diester 2 2 5920 Propionic acid, 2-ethyl-2-hutyl-l,3- 2 propanediol diester 5925 Propionic acid, 1,6-hexanediol diester 2 5929 Propionic acid, lauryl ester 2 3 5930 Propionic acid, pj-aethoxyhenzyl ester U 3 5931 Propionic acid, £-methoxyphenethyl ester 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 u 3 3 2 U 2 U U 3 3 k k k k U 1* 2 2 2 2 k I k 3 3 3 3 3 if 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 -m- Table 1 (Continued) Item I Ho. t CheraicaX Honse fliea i Mosroltoes s Knock-down; Eli 11 : Knock-down :Kill 5935 5936 5937 59*1 59^2 59^3 59^7 59^8 59^9 5950 5951 5961 596U 5965 596S 5973 5975 5976 5977 5981 5983 5986 5992 5995 5998 5999 6001 6005 6007 601U 6023 6036 60H1 60U6 6oUg 6053 6060 Propionic acid, Propionic acid, Propionic acid, l99-:nona».9diol diester Propionic acid., pentamethylene diester Propionic acid, l,S~p9nt&nediol mono-ester Propionic acid, phanylethylene glycol di aster Propionic acid, 2-phenyl-2~hya.r©xyethy:i ester Propionic acid, 1-pharsrX-l , 3-propanedioX diester Propionic acid, piperonyl eater Propionic acid, resorcinol diester Propionic acid, resorcinol raonoester sorMtan tetraester l,2,3,W.etrahydro-2- naphthyl ester Propionic acid, 2,2,-thiodiethanol diester Pj-Propionotoluide 1-Propionoxycyclohexanecarboxyllc acid, propyl ester alpha-Propionoxypropionie acid tf-Propionyl-E-methylanthranilic acid, methyl ester Propionylsalicylic acid, methyl ester H-Propionyl-1, 2, 3,U-tetrahydroqninaldine N-Propi onyl-1 ,2,3, U-t etrahy droquino line Propiophenone o_-i so-Propo jybenzaldehyde 2r i so-Propoxybenzaldehyde o-n-Propoxybenzyl alcohol j£-iso-Propoxycinnamic acid, n-butyl ester 2-n-Propoxycyclohexanol E-Propoxyphenethyl alcohol E-iso-Propoxyphenethyl alcohol 2-2,-1 so-Propoxyphenyl-5-ethyl-6- propyldioxane-1 , 3 alpha-iso-Proposy-alpha-toluic acid, iso-propyl ester U-i so-Propylacetandde E-iso-Propylhenzaldehyde oadLrne Tl-Propyl-l-butenyl)ethylcyanoacetic acid, methyl ester ]J-i so-Propyl-3 , 6-endomethylene-l ,2,3*6- tetrahydrophthalimlde lso-Propylethylmalonic acid, diethyl ester 2-n-Propyl-l , 3-heptanedi ol N-n-Pr opylhexahydrophthaliai de 180-Propylidenemalonic acid, diethyl ester 6-iso-Propyl-2-methyl-H-oxo-2-cyclohexene- 1-carboxylic acid, ethyl ester 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 1* 2 2 2 U 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 U 2 3 2 3 2 2 u 2 2 2 2 2 3 U 2 u 2 2 2 2 k 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 5 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 U U U 2 h 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 5 I 2 2 -1*2- Table 1 (Continued) Item : No. : Chemical I HouBe flies : Mosqtdtoea t Knock-down; gill; Knock-down: Kill 6061 l-Propyl-2-methyl-5--iso-Propylphenyl)-2-pentanol 60SS H-Propylphthalimide 60SSa H-iso-Propylphthalimide 6090 N-iso-Propylpropionamide 6091 B-n-Propylpropionanilide 6108 "beta- (2-Pyridyl)acry lie acid, ethyl ester 6110 Pyrogallol dimethyl ether 6ll6 1-Pyrrolacetic acid, cycloheayl ester 6U7 1-Pyrrolacetic acid, cyclopentyl ester 6122 Pyruvic acid, ethosyethoxyethyl ester 6129 Quinolinic acid, diethyl ester 6133 Hesorcinol Slw Hesorcinol acetate propionate 6140 Hesorcinol monomethyl ether 6lU6 fiicinoleic acid, methyl ester 615O Eotenone 6159 Salicylaldoalme 6l62 Salicylic acid 6169 Salicylic acid, 2-n-huto:xyethyl ester 617U Salicylic acid, cyclohezyl ester 61SS Salicylic acid, phenylethyl ester 619O Salicylic acid, propylene glycol monoester 6193 Salicylic acid, Erthymol ester 6206 Sehacic acid, diethyl ester 6210 Sehacic acid, dimethyl ester 621S Sesamin concentrate 6261 Sorhitol triacetal 6277 Stearic acid, amyl ester 6228 Stearic acid, ethyl ester 631U 2-Styryl-5,5-dimethyldioxane-l,3 63lUa 2-Styryl-4,4,6-trimethyldioxane-l, 3 6316 63IS 632I 632S 6329 Suberic acid, diethyl ester Succinic acid Succinic acid, dl-n-amyl ester Succinic acid, dicyclohexyl ester Succinic acid, dicyclopentyl ester 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 U 2 2 U 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 h k 2 2 3 2 2 h 2 3 3 2 3 1* 2 3 2 * 3 2 U h 2 2 2 2 2 u h 2 2 3 2 U 2 2 h 2 3 3 3 2 u 2 h 2 h 2 2 h I 3 3 2 2 h 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 h U 2 3 2 2 2 2 U 2 -+3- Table 1 (Continued) Item : : House file 3 , ; Mosquitoes Ho« : Chemical :Knock-down:Mll: Knock-do wntKill 633U Succinic acid, di "HTP" ester 2 2 3 6337 Succinic acid, ai-2-methyl-l-butyl estei 4 2 2 2 633S Succinic acid, dioctyl ester 2 2 3 6339 Succinic acid, di-(2-octyl) ester 2 2 4 6346 Succinic acid, di-4-penten-l-yl ester 2 2 4 2 63UI Succinic acid, di-2-pentyl ester 3 2 2 2 63U2 Succinic acid, di-3-pentyl ester 2 2 4 2 634S Succinic acid, monallyl ester 2 2 4 4 63U9 Succinic acid, mono-sec-butyl ester 2 2 2 3 635I Succinic acid, mono-2-iaetho2cyethyl ester 2 4 4 6353 Succinic acid, n-propyl hydrogen ester 2 2 4 4 635U Succinic acid, iso-propyl hydrogen *ster 2 3 4 6359 Succinonitrile 2 2 4 2 6364 Sulfapyridine 2 2 3 2 6379 d-Tartaric acid 2 4 2 2 6385 Tartaric acid, diethyl ester 2 2 3 2 6391 o-Terphenyl 2 3 2 2 6"392 m-Terphenyl 2 2 3 2 6403 Terpinyl triethylene glycol ether 2 2 3 j 6412 Tetrachlorocumene 2 3 3 6U23 2-(2-(2,4,5,6-Tetrachlorophenosy) 2 3 3 3 etho:xy) ethyl chloride 6429 alpha, alpha, alpha- 4-Tetrachlorotolaene 2 3 2 2 6441 Tetraethylene glycol 2 2 3 2 6442 Tetraethyleneptntamine 2 4 3 6444 Tetraethylthiuram monoRulfide 2 3 2 2 ^^5 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydrobenzophenone 2 2 3 2 6448 Tetrahy&rofurfural glyceryl acetal 3 3 4 2 6452 Tetrahydrofurfuryl butyl ethylene glycol 2 4 4 ether 6456 Tetrahydrofuroic acid, n-butyl ester 2 3 2 6458 beta-Tetrahydrofurylpropionic acid, 2 2 2 3 n-amyl ester 6U59 Tetrahydrogeranic acid 2 4 2 6U5§a l,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-6-naphthaldehyde 2 4 2 ®&3 l,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-2-naphthol 2 23 6464 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-2-naphthol 2 32 6U67 4-(l«-Tetrahydronaphthyl)butanol-l 2 2 3 4 6U7I beta-(l,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-5-naphthyl)ethanol 2 2 4 4 6478 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydrophthalic acid, 2 2 4 monoallyl ester 6486 alpha-Tetralol 2 2 4 6U93 2,M,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decenediol-4,7 2 2 4 4 6494 2,4,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decynediol-4,7 4 2 4 4 6495 NjN-Tetramethylenesuccinamic acid, fi- 2 2 4 2 propyl ester 6498 Tetraethylthiuram mono sulfide 2 2 2 4 6499 Tetramylbenzene 2 2 4 2 6504 Tetra-n-propyl ethylene glycol 2 ^3 -ift- Table 1 (Continued) Item No» Chemical House flies : Mosquitoes :Knock-doim:gill; Knock-down: Kill 6506 Thanite (thiocyanoacetic acid, mixture of 3 6517 6519 652^ 6525 6527 6528 6530 6537 65UO 65UI 65^5 6556 6557 6599 66c4 6610 6611 6612 661U 6617 6620 6622 6630 6617 66UO 66U7 6651 6662 6667 6685 6708 6709 6711 671H 6720 6723 6731 6736 6737 6738 fenchyl and iso-bornyl esters) ]>-Thiocyanodimethyl aniline U 3 Thiocyanic acid, amylbenzyl ester 2 2 Thiocyanic acid, 3-(2-cyclohexylphenoxy)- 3 2 propyl ester Thiocyanic acid, n-decyl ester U 2 Thiocyanic acid, n-dodecyl ester 3 2 Thiocyanic acid, n-hexadecyl ester 2 2 Thiocyanic acid, lauryl ester 2 2 Thiocyanic acid, n-octa&ecyl ester 2 2 Thiocyanic acid, n-tetradecyl ester 2 2 Thiocyanic acid, triglycol di ester 2 2 Thiodiglycol 2 Tiglic acid, benzyl ester 2 3 Tiglic acid, phenethyl ester 2 3 alpha-Toluic acid, acetonyl ester 2 2 alpha-Toluic acid, 2-hydroxypropyl ester 2 o-Tolylacetic acid, "benzyl ester 2 E-Tolyl allyl sulfone 2 2 m-Tolyl Eranisyl ®ther 2 E-Tolyl benzyl ether 2 U o,-Tolylcyclohexanol-2 U 2 ^-Tolyl-alpha,8lpha-dimethylol allyl sulfone 2 2 E-Tolyl "beta-hydro zyethyl sulfone 2 jvTolyl phenyl methane 2 +79 1564 1710 1S76 2037 2167 2271 2392 2508 26§9 14SG 1566 1715 1877 2039 2168 2274 2394 2509 2660 1481 1571 1721 1S7S 2CW0 2169 2275 2395 2520 2665 1482 1572 1723 1882 2044 2170 2279 2396 2521 2666 1483 1582 1727 I883 2045 2172 2280 2397 253I 2668 lUsS 1590 1728 1890 20U7 2174 2281 2403 2534 2669 1485 1594 1737 1898a 2048 2177 2282 2*L0 2538 2673 1486 1597 1738 189Sf 2052 2179 2296 2U12 25UO 2678 11+87 1598 nil 1899 2056 2182 2297 1*13 25U7 2679 1489 1600 17^3 1901 2058 2186 2298 2Hl4 2549 2681 1U91 1602 1V& 1910 2060 2188 2301 2U15 2550 2685 1U92 1603 17^5 191^ 2068 2191 230U 2^20 2551 2686 1493 1611 17^7 1922 2069 2192 2306 2^21 2552 2690 im 1612 17^8 1927 2080 2193 2307 2423 2556 2694 1495 1613 1760 1928 2081 2196 2308 2H26 2557 2695 1496 1615 1762 1935 2083 2198 2309 2H32 2558 2696 1499 1617 1768 1937 2086 2199 2310 2kp 2559 2702 1*0? 1618 1775 1939 2087 2201 2317 2440 2560 270? il§| ^619 1781 m 2088 2204 2323 4*6 25f3 2Tofi 1506 1623 1787 1945 2089 2207 232H 2^7 2565 2706 1508 162* 1790 1948 2095 2210 2328 2448 2566 2710 15lU 1625 1791 1951 2097 2211 2330 2U49 2577 2712 1515 1628 1792 1953 2104 2213 2331 2U50 2578 2713 151S 1629 1794 1969 2105 2215 2333 2U51 2581 2715 1517 1635 1795 1971 2106 2218 2337 2U55 2585 2717 1519 I636 1795 1972 2108 2219 2338 2*57 2589 2719 1520 16% 1805 1975 2110 2220 2339 2^58 2596 2720 1522 1651 1812 1980 2111 222* 23fe 2kp 2598 2725 1523 1652 1813 1981 2114 2226 23U5 2U66 2599 2731 152J+ 1653 1816 1984 2115 2229 23*6 2^2 2600 273* 1525 1655 ISIS 1989 2116 2230 2349 2*7* 2606 2736 1*31 1658 1819 1993 2117 2233 2351 2*75 2612 27*3 IrS 1663 1821 199* 2125 2234 2352 2476 2615 27** M ill2 isli 1995 2126 2235 2356 2*78 2617 2762 1R*0 1665 1826 1996 2129 2237 2357 2*79 2620 2774 lite 1668 1832 2001 2130 22*3 236l 2*81 2623 2780 lEkk i3£ 181+8 2003 2142 2245 2362 2482 2625 2783 i*K 1676 1SU9 2013 211+3 22*6 23§3 2484 2629 2788 i^S l?qo 1850 2018 211+8 2252 236* 2488 2632 2789 $£ Itll lift SS gg 22| 2367 |91 2638 280* J! 16| is! H! * ^ I 772 l| 2 fl S 1RR7 1706 1862 2027 2158 2270 2375 2504 26*2 2815 i§i 1708 U73 2035 2165 2271 2376 2505 2643 2821 Table 2 (Continued) Item : Item : Item : Item t Item i Item : Item : Item : Item : Item No. : No. : No. : No. t No. : Ho. : No. : No. t Ho. : No. 2822 29U6 3062 3238 3395 35U2 3687 3842 U019 4l44 2830 29U7 3064 32U6 3403 3544 3690 38^7 4023 U150 2836 29H8 3069 325O 31*04 35U5 3707 38U8 4024 UI55 2839 2955 3072 3251 3U05 35U6 3712 3849 4026 1+156 2840 295S 3075 3268 3406 35U7 3716 3855 U027 4157 2842 296O 3O85 327O 3410 3555 3717 3857 ^029 1+160 2844 2961 3086 3272 3I+17 3557 3722 3858 I+03O 1+162 2845 2962 3O88 3273 3I+28 3563 3723 3859 1+035 Hl69 2847 296I+ 3091 3274 3I+H7 3567 3724 3870 4036 4177 2851 2965 3095 3278 3H52 3587 3727 387^ to37 1+179 2554 2972 3096 3283 3455 3592 3732 387S 1+040 4185 2555 2976 3097 3289 3458 3595 3739 3881 4ol+l 1+190 2856 2994 3099 3293 3461 3596 3741 3882 4047 4194 2859 2995 3101 3294 3462 3598 37I+2 388U 4o48 4197 2867 2996 3103 3300 3466 3599 37I+3 3886 1+050 4201 2869 2997 3105 3301 3470 3600 3751 3887 U053 ^206 2870 2998 3106 3302 3I+72 36OI 3753 3889 4o6l 4208 2873 2999 3109 3305 3I+79 3607 3755 3894 4o67 tell 2874 3000 3111 3307 348O 36O8 3758 3899 4o6S 4217 2876 3001 3112 3312 3U82 3610 376O 3906 U069 te20 2877 3002 3114 3317 3483 3613 3762 3917 ^073 te2l 2879 3003 3122 3325 3I+85 3615 3763 3921 4079 te2l+- 2880 3006 3126 3328 3I+9O 3616 3768 3922 1+081 1+225 2881 3009 3127 3332 3U93 3617 3769 3923 4082 1+226 2882 30IO 3131 3333 3494 3619 3770 3925 4083 4228 2883 3013 3132 3334 3495 3623 377I 39I+4 4087 4240 2885 3014 3135 3336 3498 3624 3772 3947 4090 4241 2895 3015 3136 3337 3501 3626 3773 3953 4091 4242 2896 3018 3137 3338 3502 3627 3776 395* 4092 4243 2897 3021 3138 3340 3505 3628 3784 3955 4093 4246 2898 3025 3145 3343 3506 3629 3785 3970 4094 4249 2899 3027 3148 3345 3509 3630 3786 3978 4096 4252 2906 3033 3150 3351 3511 3633 3789 3980. 1+09S 4257 !£S 3°3^ 3151 3355 3513 3635 3794 3982 4102 4259 2914 3035 3156 3358 3514 3636 3799 3987 4105 4276 2918 3037 3170 3361 3517 3638 3802 3990 4106 4278 2920 3039 3171 3363 3523 3639 3807 3998 4107 4280 2921 3042 3172 3375 3524 3641 3804 4000 4109 4284 2924 3043 3185 3376 3525 3642 38O8 4001 4123 4285 2927 3045 32O8 3384 3527 3649 3810 1+004 4124 4286 2928 3046 3209 3385 3528 3656 3814 4009 4130 4290 2934 3047 3211 3388 3529 3665 38I8 4017 4135 4291 29"36 3051 3214 3390 353O 3676 3827 4014 4137 4295 2942 3059 3217 3391 3532 36S2 3832 1+015 4139 4300 2944 3061 3234 3394 3533 3686 3835 4016 4142 4301 -50- Table 2 (Continued) Item : Item : Item : Item : Item : Item : Item : Item : Item : Item No. ; No. : No. t No. : No. : "So. t No. : No. i No. : No. *308 M-U67 *572 4722 1+879 5065 5184 5282 5**5 5537 *309 1+470 1+577 H726 1+880 5069 51S5 52S3 5**S 5539 4311 I1U7? 4586 4729 i+sa 5070 5IS6 528* 54*9 5540 4315 1+474 i|592 1+735 HssU 5074 51S8 52S5 5450 55** 4321 1+476 11.597 1+744 4887 50S3 5191 52S6 5I+51 55*9 1+335 W477 1+607 *7*5 *888 5095 5192 52S7 5*52 5553 4336 1+l+yg 1+6x3 *7*8 4891 5096 5193 5289 5*5* 5554 U337 1+1+81 4614 4753 4892 5100 5194 5305 5*55 5570 f338 4483 4615 1+754 4895 5101 5197 5306 5*56 5571 |*339 4485 4616 U755 4903 5103 519S 5316 5*62 5572 4341 l+i+sy U619 H756 4908 5110 5201 5317 5*6? 5575 4342 l+l+gg 1+620 4759 4909 5H* 5202 531S 5464 5577 *3*3 41+91 4621+ 4766 i+913 5H5 5203 5319 5*^7 5584 1+346 1+1+94 4625 4769 4921 5ll6 5205 5320 546S 5585 434s 41+95 1+626 4770 4925 5117 5206 5322 5469 5588 4352 4497 1+627 1+771 4930 5119 5207 5332 5*76 5590 435^ l+l+gg 1+635 *773 H93I 5125 5208 5333 5*77 5592 4356 1+501 1+638 4775 *9*l 5126 5209 5336 5*80 5593 4359 4502 4641 4777 4951 5128 5211 5339 5*81 5594 4366 I+50I+ i+642 4780 1+953 5135 5214 53*0 5482 5598 U368 1+509 1+6I+5 4781 4957 5137 5216 53*5 5*83 5599 %*37l 1+510 1+660 4782 4968 5138 5217 53*7 5*87 5600 ^373 4511 1+666 4735 4970 5139 5220 53*8 5*88 5607 *376 I+512 1+667 *78S 4974 51** 5221 53*9 5*89 5611 438O 1+51I+ 1+670 4795 4983 51*5 5222 5351 5*93 5612 t*383 4516 4671 4796 4984 51*7 5224 5356 5*96 5613 1+388 1+519 U673 *797 *986 5150 5226 5358 5501 5616 *396 1+527 4677 *798 U990 5153 5227 53^* 5503 5620 ,*398 1+5^8 1+680 4799 4999 5155 5233 53§8 5505 5621 **02 1+51+0 4687 *803 5007 5157 5219 5369 5509 5§26 **03 4542 1+689 4808 50O8 5158 52*0 5377 5510 5631 4406 I+5I+3 1+692 4810 5009 5159 52*1 5381 5512 5§32 4407 I+5I+8 1+694 4818 5017 5160 5249 538* 5515 5§37 1+1+10 1+549 I+696 4823 5022 5161 5250 5390 5516 5§38 4416 4550 1+697 *825 5027 5165 5257 5396 5520 5§*l **17 4551 4698 4840 5028 5166 5258 5398 5521 5g* 4427 U552 1+699 *8** 5038 5169 5261 5*02 5524 5®6 W2? *553 *700 4846 5039 5170 5262 5U14 552p 56HS **3* 4555 1+701 4860 5045 5171 526? 5^17 552b 5649 **39 4556 1+702 4862 5052 5172 526* 5^19 5527 5650 4***5 456O 1+708 4863 505* 517* 5266 5*22 5528 5§57 W*7 I+561 1+710 4864 5057 5175 5268 5^25 5533 5663 ***8 1+56* I+7I8 4870 5060 5177 5271 5^26 553I+ 5666 *^*9 1+565 1+720 487* 5061 5181 5273 5^31 5535 5g6S 4461 1+567 1+721 4878 5063 5182 527* 5**0 553& 5670 -51- Table 2 (Continued) Item : Item : Item ; Item 1 Item j Item : Item : Item : Item : Item No. : No. { No. 1 No. ! No. : No. 1 No. t No. J No. : No, 5676 5842 5972 6064 6155 6319 6485 6645 6758 6865 5677 5844 5971* 6070 6156 6320 6487 665O 6759 6868 5685 58U5 5980 6071 6164 6323 6488 6652 6761 6872 5688 5846 5988 6076 6165 6325 6489 6653 6762 6873 5690 5847 5989 6080 6166 6331 6492 6659 6763 6764 6879 5697 5848 5991 6093 6170 6332 6503 6668 6881 5737 57W 5854 5993 599* 6094 6171 6333 6505 6669 6765 6882 5864 6095 6172 6336 63U6 65O8 6680 6766 6883 6884 57^1 5866 5997 6096 6175 6509 6684 677^ 57^2 5869 6000 6097 6176 635O 65II 6686 6778 6887 5745 5871 6009 6104 6177 6357 6522 6693 6784 6892 5747 5891 6010 6106 6178 635S 6523 6697 6786 6893 57^9 5893 5894 6013 6107 6181 6362 6531 6707 6787 6896 5751 6018 6111 6182 638I 5535 6710 6789 6903 5752 5895 6019 6112 6184 6383 653S 6716 6790 6915 5753 5899 6021 6114 6187 6395 6552 6717 6791 6923 5757 5901 6024 6115 6189 6396 6553 6718 6793 6929 575S 5903 6027 6118 6197 6397 6402 6570 6721 6823 6931 5759 5905 6028 6119 6198 6572 6722 6827 6932 5760 5908 6029 6120 6200 6408 657* 6724 6829 6934 5767 5912 6030 6121 6202 6413 6575 6725 6830 5782 5913 6035 6123 6124 6204 6422 6576 6726 6834 6935 5783 5917 6037 6042 6208 St3k 6587 6727 6836 6841 6936 5790 5918 6125 6220 64% 6597 673* 6937 5800 5921 6044 6126 6257 6598 6735 67U1 6845 6938 5801 5922 6049 6128 6259 6451 6607 6849 6939 6940 5802 5924 6O5O 6I3O 6268 6455 6608 6745 6S5O 5809 5926 6051 6132 6271 6460 6613 6745 6851 695* 5814 5928 6052 6135 6274 6466 6621 6747 6852 6960 5832 5933 6054 6I36 6276 6468 6625 6748 6853 6964 5S33 5834 5939 6055 6139 6142 6278 6476 6632 67^9 6856 6967 59*+5 6O56 6280 6479 6634 6750 6857 6975 5S35 59^6 6057 61U3 6144 6291 6480 6638 6752 6858 6992 5S36 5840 5969 6058 6297 6481 6639 6641 6753 6861 5970 6059 6145 6307 6482 6755 6862 584-1 5971 6063 6147 6317 6484 6644 6756 6863 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09239 2223