34, 2: UY>3/a United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Foreign Missions Branch department of the treasury united states secret service The Organization And Its Mission Every member of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division is vitally interested in protecting you and your property. This pamphlet has been prepared to help you better understand our organization so that we may v^^ork together toward our common goal--the security of the diplomatic missions. The Secret Service Uniformed Division is divided into three branches: Administration and Program Support Branch, White House Branch, and Foreign Missions Branch. The White House Branch provides protection for the White House Complex, other Presidential offices, and assists in the protection of the President and members of the immediate family. The Foreign Missions Branch provides protection for the diplomatic community, the Vice President's residence, and assists in the protection of the Vice President and the immediate family. Officers of the Uniformed Division carry out their protective responsibilities through a network of foot patrols, vehicular patrols, and special support programs. Emergency Response Plan In the event of an emergency at a diplomatic location in the Washington D.C., metropolitan area, a coordinated multi-agency response will be implemented. Members of the United States Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Metropolitan Police Department are trained to execute a coordinated plan for crisis management. Each diplomatic location has been surveyed and a planned response prepared. The primary objectives of the emergency response plans are threefold: 1. The protection of diplomatic personnel and the their facilities. 2. The prevention of serious injury or loss of life to uniformed personnel. 3. To ensure a quick and coordinated multi-agency response to contain and stabilize the affected area. The Secret Service Uniformed Division believes it is important to work with the diplomatic community to minimize the risk to you and your family and to prevent criminal acts from taking place. You can obtain further information by arranging a "Premise Security Survey" by the Metropolitan Police Department Community Service Unit. Contact the Foreign Missions Branch at 566-2656 for information on how to arrange an appointment. By working together we can devise suitable techniques for handling any given emergency situation. Together~we can achieve a safe and your facilities. who Are Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers? They are trustworthy men and women who are highly motivated and trained. They have security clearances and maintain the highest standards of health, physical fitness, and job related skills. As Federal police officers, they receive intensive on-going training in police procedures; police-community relations-, criminal law; first aid; and physical defense techniques. They also receive training and instruction in the areas of diplomatic immunity, international treaties, and international diplomatic protocol. They are frequently briefed on current world events that may affect their protective mission. U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division officers of the Foreign Missions Branch take great pride in the fact that they have the responsibility of providing protection and assistance to the foreign diplomatic community. Each officer strives to provide a secure environment in which representatives of foreign governments can safely transact their daily business affairs, [nuintitiiaiJ!!,,^!. '^^' ''^ -il as well as provide a safe environment for the representative's family. Requests For Assistance Requests by the diplomatic community for assistance will be provided in the following manner: For Emergencies, Call: 566-8434 Emergency assistance will be provided by Uniformed Division personnel within minutes of notification. Non-Emergency Assistance will be provided by Uniformed Division personnel in a quick, safe, and efficient manner. Phone 566-2656 or 395-4390, business hours only. Additional protective coverage is provided as follows: 1. Fixed post and traffic control assistance can be provided for official diplomatic functions, such as dinners, receptions, luncheons, etc. Request assistance through the Protective Liaison Division of the Department of State. Phone: 673-3881. 2. The Uniformed Division Canine Explosives Detection teams will respond to bomb threats, suspicious packages, suspicious letters, or other situations where the teams' explosives and intruder detection training are needed. Phone 566-8434. 3. Special agent personnel of the U.S. Secret Service, in conjunction with Uniformed Division personnel, provide protection for official heads of state visiting the United States. Additional information regarding the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division and its role in providing protection and assistance to the foreign diplomatic community can be obtained by calling the Foreign Missions Branch, Deputy Chief's office at 566-2656. UDIVERSITY OF FtORlDA 3 1262 08858 4288 Secret Service Uniformea uivisiuu Telephone Numbers: For Non-Emergencies Call: Foreign Missions Liaison: 395-4390 (business hours only) or Deputy Chief of Foreign Missions Branch: 566-2656 (Monday thru Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.) For Emergencies Call: 566-8434 (24 hours a day)