j«.//j; \\ Is SBBSEZ . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT • OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Economic Library List No. 18 Washington, D. C.., November 1940 FOOD AND COTTON STAMP PLANS A Selected List of References Compiled tjy Mamie I. Herb Library, Bureau of Agricultural Economics This list contains references on the food stamp and the cotton stamp plans for the distribution of surplus farm products. The references, many of ' which have not been examined, were compiled from the following sources: card catalogue of the library of the Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics; Agricultural Economics Literature, Jan. 1939 to Oct. 1940; Agricultural Index,' 1939 to Oct. 1940; Industrial Arts Index, 1939 to Oct. 1940; Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin, 1939" to Oct. 19, 1940; : Headers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 1939 to Oct. 25, 1940. FOOD STAMP PLAN 1. Berry, M. H. Helping the farmer reduce surpluses through the food stamp plan. South. Agr. 70(8): 2. Aug.' 1940. 6 So83 2. Carter, Keith. "Down the hatch" with surplus foods. The food stamp plan - how it works. Nebr. Farmer 82(6): 3, 27. Mar. 23, . 1940. 6 N27 3. Colcord, Joanna C. Starmos to move the surplus. Survey Midmonthly 75(10): 305-307. Oct. 1939. 280.8 C37 A discussion and appraisal of the food stamp plan. 4. Davies, J, Newton. Surplus foods and the food stamp plan. Northv/est. Miller and Amer. Baker 16(11); 26, 27, 29.' Nov. 1, 1939. 298.8 N81 - 2 - Describes the purposes arid operations of the food stamp plan. Regulations are quoted, 5. Dougherty, Emmet. Food stamp plan in Rochester. Northwest. Miller 199(7): 8, 10, 13, 48. Aug. 30, 1939. 298.8 N81 Contains the findings of a survey "by the Millers National Federation of the operation of the food stamp plan in Rochester, N. Y. The opinions of wholesale and retail food merchants were sought out, as were those of local and state relief agencies, WPA officials, representatives of the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation in charge in Rochester, newspaper editors, millers and individual recipients of food stamps. 6. Duffus, R. L. In place of surpluses, food stamps. N. Y. Times Mag. Juno 9, 1940, pp. 10-11+. Not examined. 7. Gold, Norman Leon. Expanding domestic consumption through the food stamp plan. New mechanism now in operation in many sections of the country. State Govt. 13(9): 171-173, 189. Sept. 1940. 280.8 St2 8. Gold, Norman Leon. The food stamp plan. Plan Age 6(1): 15-25. Jan. 1940. 280.8 P694 9. Gold, Norman Leon. The food stamp plan. U. S. Dept. Agr.Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Situation 23(12): 18-20. Dec. 1939. 1 Sc7Ag 10. Gregory, Cliff. Parade of the week. Blue tickets. Wis. Agr. and Farmer 66(7): 8. Apr. 8, 1939. 6 Vv'751 "Of all the simple and quickly- ope rated plans for solving the dilemma of too much food and too many undernourished people, this is probably the best that has been suggested." However, it is felt that the plan is only a temporary solu- tion after all and should be replaced by a permanent solution as soon as possible. 11. Grimes, J. Frank. Expanding consumption of agricultural products. The government must take a hand. Vital Speeches of the Day 5(17): 535-539. June 15, 1939. 286.8 J82 Address before the Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D. C. , May 2, 1939. Four steps in expanding consumption of agricultural products are summarized, one of which is the stamp plan. "This plan*., will at once increase the consumption of agricultural products; while at the same time, be rendering a great service to those unfortunates on relief and those with inadequate incomes," 12. Hart, H. M. Food stamps in Texas. Banking 33: 61. Oct. 1940. 284.8 Am3 . Not examined. - 3 - 13 4 Hasselman, Ji Bi Food order 3tamp plant South. Planter 100th year (12): 31. Dec. 1939. 6 So89 14. Hetzel, Ralph. Hatchet men endanger stamp plan. Farmers Union Herald (n.s.)l4(3): 1. Mar. 1940. 280.28 F224 15. Hooning, Gerrit Vander. Food stamp plan support advised "by Nargus leader. Jour. Com. and Commercial [N. Y.3 184: 1-A, 3-A. June 14, 1940. 286.8 J82 The president of the National Association of Retail Grocers sees the food stamp plan relieving the overproduction and under- consumption problem of agriculture, and endorses the movement, not as a continuing proposal, "but a stop-gap in the national emergency. The Journal of Commerce and Commercial for Mar. 8, 1940, p. 15, contains a reference to a speech on Mar. 5 "by Mr. Hooning "before the Independent Association of Retail Grocers and Meat Dealers. 16. Howard, Fred K. Agriculture today. Calif. Cult. 86(22): 590. Nov. 4, 1939. 6 C12 Discusses the increased spread in prices "between, the farmer and the consumer. "The food stamp plan which has been developed. ., is already demonstrating some of the possibilities of streamlined market- ing... This latter market evidently has surprising potential- ities if wo study the evidence already accumulated in the cities where the Stamp Plan is functioning." 17. Howe, Elton J. Stamps for surplus. Calif. Cult. 86(19): 509, 525. Sept. 23, 1939. 6 C12 A pro and con discussion and explanation of the stamp plan for food distribution. 18. Latham, F. B. Want in the midst of plenty; food stamps are helping. Scholastic 35: 13S-14S. Dec. 11, 1939. Not examined. 19. McCammond, D. 3. Blue stamps for supper. Christian Science Monitor Weekly Mag. Sect. Aug. 17, 1940, p. 3. Not examined. 20. Miller, Ivan C. Do we want the stamp plan? Most say yes. Food Indus. 11(11): 629-630. Nov. 1939. 389.8 F737 The writer discusses the various Government plans that have been introduced to subsidize the farmer and concludes: "The general opinion is that, if farmers must be subsidized by pur- chase of their surpluses, and as long as relief must be pro- vided for the unemployed, the stamp plan is the best plan thus far devised." - 4 - 21, Patch, B. W. Expansion of the food stamp plan. Editorial Res. Rpts., Jan. 10, 1940, pp., 23-36.. Not examined, 22, Perkins, Milo. Agricultural aspects of food stamp plan operations; summary of statement. . .at the sixth annual meeting of the National' association of food'-' chains in Chicago, Illinois, on October 10, 1939. 11pp., processed. c Washington, D. Co U. S: Dept. of agriculture, Federal surplus commodities corporation, 1939, 1.954 P41 c no. 1 D 23, Perkins, Milo. The challenge of under-consumption; an address., , at the fourth annual National farm institute, Des Moines, Iowa, February 24, 1940. 37pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agriculture, Federal surplus commodities corporation c 1.940] -1.954 P41 c no. 3 D The food stamp plan, pp. 17-20. Results of stamp plan operation, pp. 20-28. . Includes a table which shows the percentage distribution of various commodities secured with Blue Stamps in six areas, July 16, 1939-January 13, 1940. 24, Perkins, Milo.. Eating the surplus. . .address at a meeting of the National association of retail grocers at Kansas City... June 21, -1939. 13pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept, of agriculture, Federal surplus commodities corporation, 1939. 1.9 Su7Ea Reprinted in Canning Trade 61(47): 7-8, 22. June 26, 1939; Southwest. Miller 18(17): 19-20. June 27, 1939; Northwest. Miller and Amer. Baker 16(7): 14, 15, 16, 18, 19. July 5, 1939. 25. Perkins, Milo. Feeding America first; summary of remarks... at the annual picnic of the Minneapolis central labor union, Minneapolis, , Minnesota,. 5PM CST, August 25, 1940. ,8pp., processed. c Wash- ington, D. O.3 U. S. Dept. of agr i eulikire , Federal surplus com- modities corporation c 1940;j 1.954 P41 c no. 5 D 26. Perkins, Milo. The food stamp plan and the farmer; statement.... before the Fruit and vegetable committee of the American :farm bureau federation at Chicago, Illinois, December 4, 1939. 16pp., processed. c Washington , D. O.q U. S. Dept. of agricul- ture, Federal surplus commodities corporation, 1939. 1.954 P41 cno. 2 : 27. Perkins, Milo. Stamps help pork and lard. Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead 65: 19. Jan. 13, 1940. 6 W15 28. Perkins, Milo. Testimony of Hon. Milo Perkins, President, Federal surplus commodities corporation, Washington, D. C. In U. S. Temporary national economic committee. Investigation of concen- tration of economic power. Hearings. . .pt. 9, 1940, r)V. 3859- 3868. Washington, D. C. , 1940. 280.12 Un3986 pt. 9 - 5 - 29. Pierson/H. E.. "The food stamp plan. Tax. Digest 18: 79-80+. Mar. 1940. 284.58 T192 Hot examined. 30. . R* , Z. Battered "bread for Dickie. Wallaces' Farner & Iowa Homestead £4(24): 758. Dec. 2, 1939. 6 W15 Explains how the food stamp plan makes possible nourishing food for underprivileged children. What it means to a typical family of Des Moines is told "by the writer. 31. Rand, Harold S. The food stamp plan raises an issue. Natl. Munic. Rev. 29(1): 14-17. Jan. 1940. 280.8 N21 - "Planned originally as an aid to the farmer, new method of distributing surplus foods proves "boon to reliefer and retail • food merchant, but added "burden to taxpayer." 32. Rippey, Stephens. Stamp plan expected to "boost food sales. New type distribution seen as revolutionary. FSCC planning to use commodity campaign technique; brand sale expansion seen. Food Field Reporter 7(7): 1, 29. Apr. 3, 1939. 286.83 F73 33. Taylor, George R. The first year of the stamp plan. Dun's Rev. 48(2147): 19-24. July 1940. 286.8 D92 34. Thompson, Arthur T. "We're eating it." Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead 65(4): 121, 134, 135. Feb. 24, 1940. 6 H5 The food stamp plan offers a new outlet for surpluses for the plan has proved "beyond a doubt that poor city families can and will eat a lot more if they get the chance." 35. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Facts about the experimental food- stamp plan for distribution of surplus farm products. 3pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , Mar. 24, 1939*. 1.9 Ag86M Accompanied by circular letter to employees of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, signed by: the secretary, dated March 24, 193.9, and Remarks by the secretary before a meeting of the Food and Grocery Conference Committee in Washington, D. C. (6pp.) 36. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Report of the Secretary of Agricul- ture c Henry A, Wallace^ 1939... to the President. 169pp. Washington, D. C. , 1939. 1 Ag84 Relief distribution of surpluses, pp. 22-23. Describes briefly two methods used for the disposition of surplus commodities, one of which is the food-order stamp plan. 37. U. S. Dept. of agriculture, Agricultural adjustment administration. Stamp plan for distribution of surplus foods. 2pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , May 1939. (ECR Committeemen's letter no. 210) 1.42 Ea7C no. 210 -- 6 - Also issued as- ECR 7 Committeemen's Letter No. 18 (1.42 N75Co) and VAL-1, a letter to teachers of vocational agriculture (1.42 Ad4V) 38 • U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. Consumers' counsel division. Dayton works out wrinkles in the food stamp plan. One of six cities to try out the new experi- ment in "better nutrition, Dayton, Ohio, shows how stamps can pull farm surpluses through commercial channels and into the market "baskets of poorly fed citizens. U. S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Adjust. Admin. Consumers' Counsel Div. Consumers' Guide 6(8): 3-8. ' Oct. 1, 1939. 1.94 Ad422C 39. U. S.-Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. Consumers' counsel division. An experiment 'in "better nutrition. The stamp plan of the Federal surplus commodities corporation offers a new attack on the old problem of moving farm surpluses into the homes of needy consumers. U. S. Dept. Agr. A^r. Adjust. Admin. Consumers' Counsel Div. Consumers' Guide 6(l): 3-5, 8. Apr. 15, .1939. - 1.94 Ad422C 40. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. c Bureau of agricultural economics} Division of program surveys. Report on attitudes of urban residents toward the food stamp plan and toward alternative methods of disposing of agricultural surpluses. 13pp., processed. c Wash- ington, D.. C. D Apr. 29, 1940. 1.941 R6R29 41. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of agricultural economics and Surplus marketing administration. Domestic surplus removal programs for farm products. 21pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , .. Oct. 23, 1940. "A report prepared. . .for the use of the .Agricultural Outlook Conference. " ' ' . Discussion of the food stamp plan, pp.' 7r-10. Includes a table giving. the following data: mimber of areas, number of persons participating, and the total value of blue stamps received under x operation of the food stamp plan, May 1939-August 1940. The food stamp plan was inaugurated in Rochester, U. Y. , on May 16, 1939. On Oct. 18, 1940, there were 208 areas included under this program. Discussion of the cotton stamp plan, pp. 10-11. 42. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Division of marketing and marketing agree- ments. Federal surplus commodities corporation. . Report of the Associate administrator cMilo Perkins: of the Agricultural ad- justment administration, in charge of the Division of marketing and marketing agreements, and the President of the Federal sur- plus commodities corporation, 1939. 67pp. Washington, . Di' C. , 1939. 1 Ag84 • • '•■'•/■ - 7 - Report on the food stamp plan, pp. 54-55. Explains how the plan operates, points out the increased "buying power it gives to families on relief and lists sone "operating highlights." 43. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Extension service. To increase consumer "buying power. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ext. Serv. Ext. Serv. Rev. 10(7): 101. July 1939. 1 Ex892Ex 44. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus commodities corporation. Facts about' the food stamp plan to "be tried out in Rochester upon an experimental "basis. 5pp. , processed. [Washington, D. C] Apr'. 1939. 1.9 Su7F 45. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus commodities corporation. The food stamp plan. Why it is "boing tried out and how it will work in Dayton, "beginning June 1. 9pp, , processed. [Washington, D. C. D May 1939. 1.9 Su7Fe Dayton 46. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus commodities corporation. The food stamp plan. Why it is "being tried out and how it will work in Rochester. 7-pp. , processed. [Washington, D. 0.] May 1939. 47. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus commodities corporation. Proposed plan for distributing surplus agricultural commodities to needy persons through normal wholesale and retail channels of trade. 20pp., processed. [Washington, D. Co Mar. 1939. 1.9 Su7P 48 . U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Office of the secretary. Regulations and conditions governing the issuance of food order stamps, es- tablishing the eligibility of the holders thereof to receive agricultural commodities or the products thereof and providing for the payment of claims made by retailers of such commodities and products. U. S. Natl. Archives. Federal Register, Apr. 25, "1939, pp. 1683-1685. 169 F31 Amendment in U. S. Natl. Archives. Federal Register, Apr. 29, 1939, pp. 1716-1717. 49* U. S. Dept. of commerce. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Business information service. Blue stamp commodities distribution, lp., processed. Washington, D. C. , Oct. 1939. Not examined. 50. Wallace, Henry Agard. The agricultural surpluses; address... at a luncheon program of the Retailers' national forum sponsored by the American retail federation at the Mayf lower hotel, Washington, D. C, May 23, 1939. 12pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agriculture, 1939. 1.9 Ag8636 c no. 219 D - 8 - 51. Wallace, Henry Agard. . Anniversary statement on food stanp plan. 5pp. , processed, c Washington, D. 'C. , U.- S.' Dept. of agriculture, May 16, 19403- Press release. c Statement' no. 104} 52. c Wallace, Henry Agard] ,.., Describes that two-price plan. Wallaces' : . . ■ Farmer and Iowa Homestead 64 (l): 9. .Jan. 14, 1939. 6 W15 53. Wallace, Henry Agard. Making abundance work for the American people; radio address... on the program of the National radio forum.... October 24, 1938. 13pp., processed. c Washington, D. C, U. S. Dept. of agriculture, 1938 D 1.9 Ag8636 c no. 200 3 54. Wallace, Henry Agard. Our plan for marketing surplus 'foods. Advertising and Selling 32(5) :. 33-35, 98, 100. Apr. .1939. 238.28 Ad '.'..'"' 55. Wallace, Henry Agard. Plans. for experimental program of surplus distribution announced. 5pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept, of agriculture, Mar. 1939. Press release. cState- ment no. 71 ^ Summary of the food stamp plan, pp. 2-5. 56. Wallace, Henry Agard. Remarks. . .before a meeting of the Food and grocery conference committee in Washington, D. C, March 13, 1939. 6pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agricu.lture, Mar. 1939. 1.9 Ag8636 : no. 21 1 : Concerning surplus food distribution for relief purposes. 57. Waugh, Frederick Vail. The disposal of agricultural surpluses and the improvement of consumption standards. In New England research council on marketing and food supply. Proceedings of the annual meeting, Apr. 26 and 27, 1939, pp. 20-22. 252.004 N443M 1939 58. Waugh, F. V. Subsidizing consumption of foods. U. S. Dept. Agr. Food and Life - Yearbook of Agriculture, 1939: 392-396. Wash- ington, D. C, 1939. 1 Ag84Y 1939 A brief explanation of the stamp plan is given on p. 396. 59. Wharton, Don. Federal food stamp plan. Amer. Mercury 49: 474-480. Apr. 1940. Same abridged with title, Stamping Out Starvation in Readers' Digest 36: 73-76. Apr. 1940. Not examined. 60. Whitbread, Jane. "Stamping" out hunger. Nation 150(16): 507-509. Apr. 20, 1940. 110 N On the food-stamp plan of the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation. - - 9- - 61. Williams, C. G. As I see it. Y/hat to do with our surplus agricul- tural products. Ohio Farmer 183(9): 2. May 6, 1939. 6 0h3 A discussion of the government's plan to distribute surplus agricultural products to people who are on relief or in the lowest income groups, Discusses the plan and seems in favor of it. 62. Win^, DeTfitt C. Food trader ad in stanp plan success. Fanners and "business men learn results reward tackling tough job together. . Md. Farmer 23(12): 16. Dec. 1939. 6 M362 This article on the stanp plan is in the form of a letter to the editor of the Maryland Farmer. Unsigned Articles and Editorials 63. Agitation for enlarged food-stamp plan. Mod. Miller 66(32): 11. Aug. 12, 1939/ 298.8 M72 Editorial holding that the food stamp plan, enlarged to in- clude low-income groups "may he the cause of YJ.P.A. agitation and promote unrest to add to the strikes and wide growing social ferment... "Modern Miller has said that the Food Stamp plan of flour and other commodity distribution would show an enormous increase in relief flour distribution, probably reaching its maximum at the approach of elections." An article from the Seattle Post- Intelligencer, urging for' enlarged W. P. A. groups, and discussing the restriction of operations of the food-stamp plan due to snags between agencies of the government, is reprinted. 64. Attack on stamp plan. Southwest. Miller 18(31): 23. Oct. 3, 1939. 298.8 So82 The Chamber of Commerce of the United States made an attack on the 'plans, of the Department of Agriculture to extend the food order stamp plan through the Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora.tion to low income groups. A careful study of the underlying policies and consequence before the stamp plan is extended to include low income groups, was urged. 65. Bankers, grocers join to keep food stamp plan. Rochester Commerce c Rochester, IT. Y.3 Nov. 27, 1939, p. 3. ITot examined. 66. Blue stamp year. Survey 76: 201. June 1940. 280.8 C37 ITot examined. 67. California is about to be counted out on U. S. food stamp plan. Pacific Rural Press 137(12): 435. May 13, 1939. 6 P112 - 10 - 68. Consider scrip plan as aid to nation's needy. By our Washington correspondent. Nebr. Fanner 81(6): 7. Liar. 25, 1939. 6 N27 Discusses the food scrip plan pro and con, and asks and answers questions concerning it. There is also an editorial on this subject on p. 6, entitled Food Scrip for Belief Families. 69. Defer food stai.ro fee. Auer. Prod. Rev. 89: 108. Nov. 29, 1939. Not examined. 70. Distribute relief in regular channels of trade. Mod. Miller 66(20): 11-12. May 20, 1939. 298.8 M72 Editorial explaining "briefly the plan to distribute relief food through regular channels of trade. The editorial also reproduces the "Chicago Daily Tines report on this trial stanp plan as an apt description of the reaction from Rochester Merchants." 71. Distributing surpluses of foods by stamps. Barron's 19: 5. Apr. 10, 1939. 284.8 B27 Hot examined. 72. Dump surplus in our own stomachs. Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead 64(11): 361. June 3, 1939. 6 W15 "This article tells what the "blue stamp plan is, where it is being tried and what it may r.ean to farmers and to city people." 73. Everybody satisfied? Food Ind. 11: 212-213. Apr. 1939. 389.8 F737 Not examined. 74. Extension of food stamp plan sought. Jour. Com. and Commercial cN. Y.] 184: 13. June 18, 1940. 286.8 J82 "Im-ediate extension of the F.S.C.C food stamp plan to the entire nation, both as an aid to the underprivileged and a stop- gap to sustain normal volume of food sales for agriculture during the stoppage of exports due to war conditions abroad was urged by the National Food and Grocery Conference Committee at a meet- ing at the Hotel New Yorker here yesterday [New York City, June 17, 1940:" 75. FSCC pushes stamp plan despite war price rises. Northwest. Miller 200(1): 13. Oct. 11, 1939. 298.8 N81 76. First stamp survey shows dealers, reliefers approve. Food Field Reporter 7(14): 2, 25. July 10, 1939. 286.83 F73 Post-card survey conducted by the Dayton (0.) Journal-Herald. 77. The first year of the food stanp plan. Northwest. Miller 17(10): 16-. 17. Oct. 2, 1940. 298.8 N81 Not examined. 7 11 ~ 78. Flour distributors discuss stem® plan 'Uid free flour problems. Northwest. 'Miller rind Jsdbv, Bafcer 17(6): 38. June 5, 1940. 298.8 N81 At the twenty- second annual convention of the National Asso- ciation of Flour Distributors held June 3-4 in St. Louis, Mo*, the president, Henry Albrecht cited several changes in trade practices, such as the free distribution of flour, and the stamp plan which has had "gratifying res\xlts» and should be extended to include bakery products. 73. Food conference committee backs stamp plan anew. Jour. Com, and ' Commercial C N. I.3 180: 13. May 26, 1939. 286.8 J82 Telegram sent to Secretary Wallace by the' National Food and Grocery Conference Committee commending the way the food stamp plan has been carried out. 80. Food for' stamps. Newswarek 13: 38. May 29, 1939. Not examined. 81. The food stamp experiment, c editorial] Southwest. Miller 18(3): 41. Mar. 21, 1939. 298.8 So82 82. The food stamp plan. Jour. Com. and Commercial [N. Y.] 182: 2. Oct. 20, 1939. 286,8 J82 Editorial. "There is room for a good deal of doubt about the ultimate wisdom of combining the relief and agricultural prob- lems in one solution," nor does it seem wise to extend the plan with the added uncertainties injected by. the war. 83. Food stamp plan. Milk Dealer 25: 58. Aug. 1939. 44.8 M595 Not examined. 34. Food stamp plan. Survey 75: 144. May 1939. 280.8 C37 Not examined. 85. Food stamp plan announced by Wallace. Mod. Miller 66(32): 16. Aug. 12, 1939. 293.8 M72 Quotes Secretary Wallace and lists facts which "have stood out in the reports of Stamp Plan program operation in Rochester." 85. Food stamp vla.n benefits. Editorial. Calif. Cult. 86(24): 646. Dec. 2, 1939. 6 C12 87. The food stamp plan in Illinois, 111. Emergency Relief Comn. Monthly Bui. Relief Statis. 7: 133-139. Aug. 1940. Not examined. 33. Pood-stamp plan makes hit. Business Week, no. 520, pp. 19-20. Aug. 19, 1939. 280.8 Sy8 How Rochester families on the various relief rolls participated in the plan to move surplus foods during first two months of operation is presented in tabular form. - 12 - 89.. Food stamp plan takes new turn, c in Shawnee, Okla.3 Amer. Agr. 136(23): 562. Nov. 11, 1939. 6 Am3 "Needy families in Shawnee, other than those on relief, are now "being allowed to take part" in the stamp plan. 90. The food stamp plan today. Jour. Com. and Commercial [N. Y.] 184: 4. June 6, 1940. 285.8 J82 Editorial reviewing the food stamp plan, its purpose, the extent to which it is "being used, arid some of the results. 91. The food stamp scheme. Commercial & Financ. Chron. 149(3884): 3457-3458. Dec. 2, 1939. 286.8 C73 Criticizes the food stamp scheme and defends the attitude taken by the Rochester banks. 92. Food stamp surplus sale system will be expanded. Calif. Fruit News 100(2669): 4. Sept. 2, 1939. 80 012 States that this plan was first suggested by Carlyle Thorpe of the California Walnut Growers Association. 93. Food stamps. The Compass, Oct. 1939, pp. 3-5. ■ ; Not examined. 94. Food stamps and the banks. Jour. Com. and : Commercial [N. Y. : 182: 4. Nov. 24, 1939. 286.8 J82 Editorial discussing the problem that arose in connection , with the announcement of the banks of Rochester, N. Y. , that they would impose a service charge of 1 per cent for cashing stamps for grocers in the distribution of - surplus food products to persons on relief . Two possible solutions are suggested, 95. Food stamps as a subsidy for low wages. Social Serv. Rev. 13(4): 687. Dec. 1939. 280.8 Sol Critical editorial. 96. Food stamps: Broadening the plan. U. 3. News 7(24): 11. June 12, 1939. 280.3 UnooA Notes variations in the food stamp plan as carried out in Dayton, Ohio, Rochester, New York, and Seattle, Washington. 97. Food stamps dual purpose. West. Farm Life 41(12): 6. June 15, 1939. 6 R153 Editorial on food plan. in Rochester. 98. Food stamps' first week. Business Week, no. 508, pp. 15-16. May 27, 1939. 280.8 Sy8 99. Food stamps for the low-paid. Editorial. Jour. Commerce and Commer- cial C N. Y. : 181: 2. July 28, 1939. . 286.8 J82 - 13 - 100. Food stamps: How plan is working and proposals for its expansion. U. S. News 7(22): 5. May 29, 1939. 280.8 Un33A 101. Food stamps in America. Economist 138(5045): 804-805. May 4, 1940. 286.8 Ec7 Deacribes the food stamp plan and points out its merits for the United States and its points of interest for both peace and war to countries outside of the United States. 102. Food stamps reverse farm policy. Sphere 26(l).: 34-36. July 1940. 280.8 N215 103. -Food surplus a myth - Perkins; and Hunger makes poor citizens. c Editorials 3 ttebr. Farmer 82(7): 8. Apr. 6, 1940. 6 IT27 104. Food surplus to the needy. Farmers Guide 96(7): 170. Apr. 6, 1940. See also an editorial on this subject, Stamping Out the Surplus, p. 162. 105. Gallup says voters approve stamp plan. 70$ face FSCC operation; ■ new products, more cities are being added every day. Food Field Reporter 7(25): 3, 10. Dec. 11, 1939. 286.83 F73 106. Give hungry people more food to eat. Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead 64(7): 222. Apr. 1939. 6 W15 Editorial commenting on the government's new plan to dis- tribute surplus farm products to families on relief by means of : stamps. 107. The greater consumption. c editorial} ITorthwest. Miller 197(9): 23. Mar. 22, 1939. 298.8 H81 108. Half-price food for the needy? U. 3. Hews 7(9): 12. Feb. 27, 1939. 280.8 Un33A States that the country's organized grocers have been giving much thought to a plan whereby low-income groups could buy food at cheaper prices, thereby creating what amounts to a two-price system. The use of scrip is proposed to put the plan into ■ effect. Attention is called to difficulties that will be en- countered in putting the plan into effect. 109* It's not a bread line. Mod. Miller 66(33): 11. Aug. 19, 1939. 298.8 M72 Editorial -disagreeing with comment of the Chicago Daily News to the effect that distribution of F.S.C.C. foods to persons not on relief is food given to hungry, starving people who are begging for food. 110. Large food stamp sum. Southwest. Miller 18(25): 23. Aug. 22, 1939. 298.8 So82 - 14 - 111. Let them eat up the surplus. Wallaces' Fanner arid Iowa Homestead 64(5): 168. Mar. 11, 1939. 6 W15 112. "like a raise in salary": that is a typical reaction of member of low income group in Shawnee, Okla. , on "being permitted to use federal food stamp plan is favorable among "business men as well as others; same principle may "be used elsewhere if experiment started Oct. 23 proves successful. Retail Exec, Nov. 8, 1939,. p. St. .Not examined. 113. Lure of 'free money' and the 'stamp plan.' U. S. News 8(9): 12. Mar. 1, 1940. 280.8 Un33A The 'background against which the 3 tamp plan operates is described in this article. The writer explains how the plan works in practice, and wiiy it pleases everybody - Government, business and the unemployed. 114. A million-dollar dent in farm surpluses: what food stamp plan has accomplished. U. S. News 7(43): 9. Oct. 23, 1939. 280.8 Un33A 115. Mirage. Northwest. Miller 199(4): 23. Aug. 9, 1939. 298.8 N81 Editorial discussing the "possibilities and implications" of the extension of the food stamp plan to all low income families, shortly to be tried out in Oklahoma. 116. Mr. Yfallace's new panacea. [Editorial] Missouri Farmer 31(15): 8. Aug. 1, 1939. 6 M696 117. Modified food stamp suggested by leaders. Wis. Agr. and Farmer 66(13): 9. July 1," 1939. 6 W751 An explanation of a proposed plan whereby the 'Wisconsin legis- lature "could divert part of the regular relief funds for food stamp redemption." There is also a short editorial on. this sub- ject on p. 8, entitled that's Your Idea of This? 113. Nationwide food stamp nlan. Business Week, no. 538, pp. 18, 20. Dec. 23, '1939. 280.8 Sy8 Two lists accompany this article. One shows the places where the food 'stamp plan is in operation, and the other shows how reliefers spend their blue stamps in six areas; 119. New distribution plan for surplus food. Mod. Miller 66(9): 12. Mar. 4, 1939. 298.8 M72 The plan is discussed editorially on p. 11, under the cap- tion: The Latest New Deal Plan. 120. New food relief plan is indorsed by trade. Northwest. Miller 197(8): 18. Mar. 15, 1939. 298.8 N81 - 16 - 121. A new plan for food relief. Pacific Rural Press 137(8): 180. Feb. 25, 1939. 6 P112 Editorial explanation of a food relief plan suggested "by Mr. Carlyle Thorpe. 122. Few relief food distribution to be tried out. Calif. Fruit News 99(2646): 3-4. Mar. 25, 1939. 80 C12 Editorial stating that Washington has just announced that it will try out the plan suggested for the distribution of relief food products that was suggested "by Carlyle Thorpe of the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association. 123. New-style money, more food for needy. U. 3. Hews 7(17): 13. Apr. 24, 1939. 280.8 Un33A A brief report on the progress of the government's plan of distributing surplus farm products to WPA workers and recipients of other forms of governmental aid through grocery stores or other normal trade outlets. 124. Non- reliefers cool to stamp plan i in Shawnee, Okla.^ Business Week, no. 530, pp. 15-16. Oct. 28, 1939. 280.8 Sy8 125. Apian to "stamp out" surpluses. Amer. Fruit Grower 59(4): 5. Apr. 1939. 80 G85 Editorial discussing and approving of the food stamp plan. 126. Plea for bread in new stamp plan. Southwest. Miller 18(15): 31. Juno 13, 1939. 298.8 So82 American Bakers' Association asks general inclusion of bread on the list of surplus foods which may be purchased with the "blue" stamps being given to relief clients under the new food stamp plan. The Southwestern Miller of Aug. 8, 1939, p. 20, stated that this plea was refused. 127. Poor will get U. 3. food stamps. Business Week, no. 496, pp. 15-16. Mar. 4, 1939. 280.8 Sy8~ 128. Frivate enterprise lends aid to free distribution; orange and blue stamp system. Nation's Business 27: 30. July 1939. 286.8 N212 Not examined. 129. Rochester C N. Y.^ enthusiastic over food stamp plan: food merchants there say new method of distributing surplus foods works well. Progressive Grocer, July, 1939, p. 33t. 286.83 P942 Not examined. t . 130. Rochester's food stamps. Banking 32: 39. July 1939. 284.8 Arn3 Not examined. - 16 - 131. Scrip for surplus disposal. Southwest. Miller 18(1): 23. Feb. 28, ^1939. 298.8 So82 Editorial discussing unfavorably the scrip plan as a means of disposing of food surpluses among the low income groups. "An ideal solution of the surplus problem and of the needy will "be achieved only when employment conditions provide jobs for all- willing workers at reasonable wages and permit increased total consumption of foods and other articles." 132. The scrip money plan in action. U. S. News 7(21): 12. May 22, 1939. 280.8 Un33A .133. Scrip plan for distributing surplus food to relief workers; how banks may be affected. Burroughs Clearing House 23: 15-fi Apr. 1939. Not examined. 134. Scrip plan for relief food distribution. Calif. Fruit News 99(2645): 3, Mar. 18, 1939. 80 012 Editorial expressing approval of the method of distribution, i.e., through regular trade channels. 135. Shape new relief idea; Department of agriculture officials receive unanimous endorsement of grocers' group on scheme for surplus food distribution. Amer. Prod. Rev. 87: 542. Mar. 15, 1939. Not examined. 136. Stamp distribution for cotton. Jour. Com. and Commercial [N. Y.3 180: 2. June 17, 1S39. 286.8 J82' Editorial holding that, because the Government is now consid- ering the use of the stamp distribution method to expand domestic cotton consumption, it indicates that the results of the food distribution experiment are regarded as favorable by the Ad- ministration. It is considered -likely that this method of ex- panding domestic consumption "will assume increased importance for the future. " 137. Stamp plan for Nebraska. Nebr. Farmer 82(2): 6. Jan. 27, 1940. 6 N27 . Editorial discussing objections to the plan. 138. Stamp plan gains popularity. Wherever put in operation it has support of distributors and undernourished consumers alike; helps to take burdensome food surpluses from oversupplied markets. Farmers Union Herald (n.s.)l4(3): 1. Mar. 1940. 280.8 F224 139. The stamp plan in practice. Jour. Com. and Commercial j;N. Y.j 181: 2. . Aug. .5, 1939. 2S6.3 J82 Brief editorial stating that officials of the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation and interested manufacturers and dis- tributors of groceries have concluded that the distribution of - 17 - food to persons on relief through the stamp plan is having "a desirable stabilizing effect upon prices of some of the agri- cultural commodities which have been made available under the stamp plan. " The editorial holds in conclusion that the results to date "are more satisfactory than many observers had anticipated." 140. Stamp plan makes prices drop. Printers Ink 187: 20. May 25, 1939. 238 • 8 P932 Hot examined. 141. Stamp plan shows gain in several new cities. Food Field Reporter . 8(2): 2, 19.' Jan. 22, 1940. 286.83 F73 142. Stamping out the surpluses. Collier's 104: 54. Aug. 12, 1939. Not examined. 143. Stamps for Brooklyn. Amer. Butter Rev. 2: 216. July 1940. Not examined. 144. Stamps for money at Rochester. Current Hist. 50: 52. June 1939. " 110 C93 Not examined. 145. Stamps for relief. Jour. Com. and Commercial cN. Y.d 180: 2. May 19, 1939. 286.8 J82 Editorial agreeing that the food stamps distributed to recipients of relief or other public assistance constitutes a supplementary type of paper money, but that the amount involved i.s so small as to be insignificant. It is held, however, that unless the experiment is conducted with great care, it can have considerable disturbing effects upon the business of food distribution. 146. Stamps help pork and lard. Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead 65(l): 19. Jan. 13, 1940. 6 W15 147. Surplus food for needy. Mont. Farmer 27(13): 6. Mar. 1, 1940. 6 M764 Favorable editorial. There is also another article on this subject on p. 10 en- titled Food Stamp Plan. 143. Tackling underconsumption. Mont. Farmer 26(24): 4. Aug. 15, 1939. 6 M764 Editorial discussion of the food order stamp plan, and of success to date. 149. Taking stock of the food stamp plan c in Rochester^ . Northwest. Miller 199(5): 18, Aug. 16, 1939. 298.8 N81 There is also an editorial on p. 27, entitled Dangers in Stamp Plan. - 18 - 153. Theory vs. practice. Calif. Cult. 37(15): 414. July 27, 1940. 6 C12 Editorial calling attention to instances of "chiseling" in the food stanp plan in Los Angeles. 151. Ticket dole? Tine 33: 17. Mar. 13, 1939. Hot examined. 152. U. S. Chamber c of commerce^ hits staiap plan for low incomes. Northwest. Miller 200 (l): 13. Oct. 11, 1939/ 298.8 N81 153. What reliefers bought with "blue stamps. Business Week, no. 528, p. 30. Oct. 14, 1939. 280.8 Sy3 A tabulated report showing the percentage distributiDn "of surplus foods purchased in cities where the Federal Surplus Com- modities Corp. has tried out its food stamp plan, before and after fresh vegetables were added to the list." 154. Will stamp money reduce surpluses? Kans. Fanner 76(7): 3, 19. Apr. 8, 1939. 6 KL3 155. Working our food stamp plan in Rochester. Burroughs Clearing House ' 24: 16-1*7. Jan. 1940. Not examined. COTTON STAMP PLAIT 156. C. , K; Back to the fanner. Survey Midrnonthly 76(8): 236. Aug. 1940. 280.8 C37 Brief article on the stamp plan for the distribution of surplus cotton to needy persons, and the mattress plan. 157. Clothes for needy via a stamp plan. U. S. News 7(51): 11. Dec. 18, 1939. 280.8 Un33A "Blue stamps that will buy cotton goods - mattresses, sheet- ing, even shirts and other cotton clothing - are likely soon to take their place alongside the blue stamps that already will buy foodstuffs for the underprivileged." Doubt of the success of moving the textile surplus by means of the stamp plan is expressed by some officials. 153. Cotton stamp plan may be extended. Jour. Com. and Commercial C N. Y.] 184: 3. Apr. 3, 1940. 286.8 J82 "Benefits which will result from' placing cotton under the orange and blue stamp plan of the F. S. C C. will be of im- measurable advantage to both the agricultural and industrial sections of • the country, Col. C. C. Hanson, secretary of the Southern, Commissioners of Agriculture, declared tonight c April 7 D ." It is believed that the trial test will be so successful "as to result in the extension of the program on a nation-wide basis." - 19 - 159. Cotton stamps hailed. Business Week, no. 560, pp. 34, 35, 36. May 25, 1940. 280.8 Sy8 "Merchants are enthusiastic after FSCC launches latest plan in Memphis during annual festival c Memphis Cotton Carnival:"' Springfield, Mass., has "been selected as the second city in which the cotton stamp plan will he tried. 160. 'Cotton stamps': how plan works. U. S. News 8(5): 15. Feh. 2, 1940. 280.8 Un33A < 161. Cotton stamps next. Business Keek, no. 545, pp. 17-18. Feh. 10, 1940. '280.8 Sy8 "Hew plan patterned after food program, hut it will cost $250 to move equivalent of a hale." 162. Hill, Grover B. Aid given hy the Department of Agriculture in ex- panding the consumption of cotton. Speech. . .hef ore the Cotton research congress, Waco, Texas, June 29, 1940. 10pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Department of agriculture, 1940. 1.91 A2H55 c no. 2 D The various steps taken to encourage the use of cotton are discussed in this address. One of these is the cotton stamp plan. "It is patterned after the. . .popular and generally ap- proved food stanp plan." 163. Owen, Harry 17. As things look to me. The Farmer 58(10): 9. May 18, 1940. 5 P2211 One of the articles under this heading is How to Wreck the Stamp Plan. Mr. Owen disagrees with a statement made hy Drew Pearson and Rohert S. Allen that the stamp plan will cause farmers to grow more cotton instead of less cotton. 164. Perkins, Milo. Can we use our cotton at home? An address... at Los Angeles, Cal., hef ore a meeting of farmers, consumers, mer- chants, garment manufacturers, and workers in the textile trade, arranged hy the California Farm Bureau Federation, June 28, 1940. 26pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Department of agriculture, Federal surplus commodities corporation, 1940. 1.954 P41 c no. 4^ A discussion of "cotton in general and the cotton stamp plan in particular." 165. Surplus cotton; cotton stamp plan. Survey 76: 111. Mar. 1940. 280.0 C37 166. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. Consumers' counsel division. Stamp planning for cotton. Fol- lowing the trail "blazed hy blue food stamps, now come hrown cotton stamps to weave cotton surpluses into cotton goods to give relief to cotton growers, johs and wages to workers, and clothing and household articles to the needy. U. S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Adjust. Admin. Consumers' Counsel Div. Consumers' Guide 6(13): 3-6. Apr. 1, 1940. 1.94 Ad422C -so- le?. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus corxiodities corporation. Proposed plan for distributing surplus cotton to needy persons through nornal wholesale and retail channels of trade. Spp., processed. Y/ashin^ton, D. C. , Nov. 21, 1339. 1.954 P94 163. Wallace, Henry A.^ard. Cotton stanp plan prograr. announced by Secretary Wallace. ?pp. . processed. c Yii"ashington, D. C.j, U. S. Dept. of agriculture, Feb. 6, 1940. Press release [Statenent no. 95;] - 21 - IND3X Item Item Agricultural commodities' how reliefers spend their ' ' ' 'stamps. 118,153 new products included in ' 'plan ...105 statistics of distribution. .'. .153 6 areas 1...23 Agricultural outlook conference, report prepared for the use of the conference 41 Albrecht, Henry ........; .78 Allen, R-.'S... j ......163 American "bakers' association. ... .126 American farm bureau federation. Fruit and vegetable com- mittee 26 American retail federation 50 Bakery products, should be included in plan, ............. .78 Bankers, and grocers, join to keep plan 65 Banks effect of scrip plan on 133 Rochester, attitude on plan. ..91, 129 Berry, M. H. Helping the farmer reduce surpluses through the food stamp plan... ..1 Bread 126 Brooklyn, New York. . .' .143 Business, attitude on plan 113 C, Z. Back to the farmer 156 California "...' .67 California farm bureau federa- tion 164 California walnut growers as- sociation .92,122 Carter, Keith. 1, Down the hatch" with surplus foods 2 Chamber of commerce of the United States 11 , 64 •hits stamp plan for low incomes 152 Chicago Daily Times',' report on reaction from Rochester merchants to plan 70 Colcord, J. C. Stamps to move the surplus 3 Cotton research congress 162 Cotton stamp plan. ...41,136,156-168 announcement 168 areas having plan, Memph is, Te nn . ,. . and Springfield, Mass 159 cost • • • • «161 effect on cotton production. .163 extension to a nation- wide basis .158 Davies, J. N v Surplus foods and the food stamp plan 4 Dayton, Ohio . • .38 ,45,96 Dougherty, Emmet. Food stamp plan in Rochester 5 Duffus, R. L. In place of surpluses, food stamps. ....... .6 Flour. 63 free distribution 78 Food and grocery conference committee .35 remarks by Secretary Wallace at meeting 56 Food scrip plan See Food stamp plan Food stamp plan. 1-155 agricultural aspects 22 announcement 55 , 85 areas having plan in operation. . .23,41,118,141,153 Brooklyn, N. Y 143 Dayton, Ohio 38,45,96 Nebraska 137 Rochester, N. Y. ..5,46,96, 97,130,144,149,155 Seattle , Wash 96 Shawnee , Okla 112 Texas 12 -22 - Item Item Pood stamp plan - Continued attitude of urban residents on plan 40 "chiseling" in Los Angeles. .. .150 discussion, pro and con 17,68 eligibility of holders of stamps 48 expansion and extension 61, 63,64,92,96 Oklahoma. . ". '. 89 , 115 proposals. 100 to the entire nation 74 extent of use. 90 number of persons participating in' plan. ... . .'.'.' 41 payment of claims made by retailers for commodities used under plan 48 popularity 138 , 162 regulations '. . . 4,48 results 5,16,18,23,31, 34,42,62,78,85,90, 105,114,129,136,139,148 first year . . .33 , 77 typical family, Des " Moines, la. . . . 30 suggested by Carlyle ' Thorpe . . . . . . . .' . . . ... 92 , 121 , 122 survey of operations 76 Rochester, N. Y. , by Millers national federation 5 temporary, not permanent solution 10,15,74 value of stamps 41,110 variations in carrying ' out ' the plan 96 Gallup poll 105 Sold, t'.'t. V" Expanding domestic consumption through the food stamp plan. 7 ' Pood' stamp plan 8,9 Gregory, Cliff. Parade, of the week. . . . . . 10 Grimes, J. P. Expanding con- sumption of agricultural products 11 Hanson, C. C 158 Hart, H. M. Food stamps in Texas. .12 Hasseliaan, J. B. Food order stamp plan ...13 Hetzel, Ralph.' ' ' Hatchet men endanger stamp plan 14 Hill, G. B. Aid given by the Department of agriculture in expanding the ' consumption of cotton 162 Hooning, G. V. Food stamp plan support advised by Nargus leader . '. 15 Howard, F. K. Agriculture today 16 Howe, E. J. Stamps for surplus 17 Illinois. Emergency relief commission. Food stamp plan in Illinois.... ....87 Independent association of retail grocers and meat dealers .."... .15 Lard See Pork and lard Latham, F. B. Want in the midst of plenty; food stamps are helping 18 Los Angeles, California. ....... .150 McCammohd,' LV BV V Blue ' stamp's' for' supper 19 Mattress' plan 156 Memphis cotton carnival 159 Miller, I. C. Do we want the' stamp' plan'?'.'. . '. '..'. ' 20 Millers national federation ' survey' of operation of 'the food stamp plan in Rochester, NV Y.'.'.V. 5 Minneapolis central labor ' union, Minneapolis , Minn 25 Modified plan suggested by Wisconsin leaders 117 National 'association of flour distributors 78 - 23 - Item Item National association of food chains 22 National association of retail grocers 15,24 National farm institute, Des Moines, la 23 Natioral food and grocery- conference committee 74,79 Nebraska 137 New England research council on marketing and food supply 57 Oklahoma 115 Owen, H. N. As things look to me 1 53 Patch, 3. W. Expansion of the food stamp plan 21 Pearson, Drew 163 Perkins, Milo Agricultural aspects of food stamp plan opera- tions 22 Can we use our cotton at home ? 164 Challenge of under- con sump- tion. 23 Eating the surplus 24 Feeding America first 25 Pood stamp plan and the farmer 26 Stamps help pork and lard 27 Testimony 28 Pierson, H. E. Food stamp plan 29 Pork and lard 27 , 146 Prices effect of plan on 139,140 spreads 16 Purchasing power, increase of.. 42, 43 R. , Z. Buttered bread for Dickie 30 Rand, H. 5. Food stamp plan raises an issue 31 Retailers' national forum 50 Rippey, Stephens. Stamp plan expected to "boost food sales • • • «32 Rochester, New York 85,88,96,97, 130,144,149,155 hanks announcement of a service charge for cashing stamps for grocers. • 94 attitude defended 91 how plan will work in 46 inauguration of plan in... ,41, 44 merchants, attitude on pi an.. 129 survey of operations of plan 5 Scrip plan See Food stamp plan Seattle, Washington .96 Shawnee , Oklahoma 112, 124 plan extended to needy families 89 Springfield, Massachusetts 159 Stamping out starvation 59 Taylor, G. R. First year of the stamp plan 33 Texas'.. . .... 12 Thompson, A. T. "We're eat- ing it" 34 Thorpe , Carlyle 92 , 121 , 122 Two-price plan 52,108 U. 3. Dept. of agriculture Agricultural surpluses. 50 Aid given "by the Depart- ment of agriculture in expanding the consumption of cotton 162 Anniversary statement on food stamp plan 51 Cotton stamp plan program announced by Secretary Wallace 168 Facts about the experimental food-stamp plan for dis- tribution of surplus farm products 35 - 34 - Item Item U. S. Dept. of agriculture - Cont'd Food and life - yearbook of agriculture, 1939 58 . , .letter of .Secretary of agri- culture to employees explaining the plan 35 Making abundance work for the American people 53 Plans for experimental program of surplus distribution announced. . 55 Remarks of Secretary V/allace before a meeting of the Food and grocery conference committee 56 Report of the Secretary of agriculture, 1939 36 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment ad- ministration. Stamp plan for distribution of surplus foods 37 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment ad- ministration. Consumers' counsel division Dayton, works out wrinkles in the food ' stamp plan 38 Experiment in better nutrition 39 Stamp planning for cotton.. 166 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of agricultural economics. Food stamp plan.... 9 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. [Bureau of agricultural economics^. Division of program surveys. Report on attitudes of urban residents toward the "food stamp plan and toward alternative methods of disposing of agricultural surpluses 40 IT. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of agricultural eco- nomics and Surplus marketing administration. Domestic sur- plus removal programs for • - form products 41 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Division of marketing and marketing agreements. Federal surplus commodities corpora- tion. Report of the Associate administrator, 1939... 42 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Extension service. To increase consumer buying power 43 U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Federal surplus commodities corporation .60,139,153 Agricultural aspects of food stamp plan operations. . . 22 Can we use our cotton at home ?....... 164 Challenge of under- consumption; address. .. .23 Eating the surplus 24 Facts about the food stamp plan to be tried out in Rochester upon an experimental basis... 44 Feeding America first 25 Food stamp plan 45,46 . . Food stamp plan and the farmer 26 Proposed plan for dis- tributing surplus agri- . cultural .commodities to . . needy persons through ... . normal wholesale and retail channels of trade. .* 47 Proposed plan for distribut- ing surplus cotton to needy persons through normal .wholesale and retail channels of trade 167 U. S. Dept. of agriculture.. Office of the secretary. Regulations and conditions governing the issuance of food .order stamps 48 - 25 - Item I ten U. S. Dept. of commerce. Bureau of foreign and domestic com- merce. Business information service. Blue stamp com- modities distribution 49 U. S. Temporary national economic committee. Investi- gation of concentration of economic power. Hearings... pt. 9 28 Vegetables 153 Wallace, H. A 36 Agricultural surpluses 50 Anniversary statement on food stamp plan 51 Cotton stamp plan program announced by Secretary Wallace 168 Describes that two-price plan 52 Making abundance work for the American people 53 Our plan for marketing surplus foods 54 Wallace, H. A. - Continued Plans for experimental program of surplus dis- tribution announced. ...... .55 Remarks. . .before a meet- ing of the Food and grocery conference committee ♦. .35,56 Waugh, F. V. Disposal of agricultural sur- pluses and the improvement of consumption standards. . .57 Subsidizing consumption of foods 58 Wharton, Don. Federal food stamp plan 59 Whi thread, Jane. "Stamping" out hunger 60 Williams, C. G. As I see it 61 Wing, DeW. C. Food trader ad in stamp plan success 62 Wisconsin leaders sug- gest modified plan 117 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 26 - ECONOMIC LIBRARY LISTS 3 1262 08926 5697 No. 1. State, trade "barriers; selected references. March 1939; Revised ■' June 1940; ■ :....' No. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to ' March 1939. April 1939. No. 3. High drafting in cotton spinning; selected references. April 1939. No. '4.' ' Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered "by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No. 6. Periodicals relating to shipping, , October 1939. No. 7; Electrical properties of cotton.; sone references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940. No. 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of ref- erences. June 1940. No. 11, The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No. 12. Planning for the farmer; a short reading list of free and inex- pensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood damages; a list of references. August 1940. No. 14. Relocation of farm families; selected references on settler relo- cation. September 1940. No. 15. Homestead tax exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 16. Mate; a list of references. October 1940. No. 17. Exhibits; a selected list of references. November 1940. No. 18. Food and cotton stamp plans; a selected list of references. November 1940.