'f/*^/ Or l'. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAl OF PLANT INDUSTRY— Circular No. 37. 1'.. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. .1. K. \Y. TRACY, A.SSIS1 wi Superintendent of Testing Gardi ns, vssis JOSEPH V. REED, Assist w i tx Sug vr-Beet Investigations. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1908 d#£um?ntV bfpy ■ • » L DEPOSITORY BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. ' B reau, Beverly T. Galloway. A ■■ i a B treat . \i. heist F. \\ i « ids. Editor. J. E. Rockwell. ' ' Clerk, James E. Joni s. (Cir. 37] ? is. P. I 189 COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. INTRODUCTION. The tests ami trials recorded in this circular have been carried on for a term « » f five years in cooperation with the New York Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Geneva, X. Y.. the Experimenl Station of the Michigan State Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich., the Agricultural Experimenl Station, Logan, I tali, and private indi- viduals under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture at Holland, Mich., and Fairfield, Wash. The Agricultural Experimenl Station ;ii Fori Collins, Colo., and the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Experimenl Stat ion at Union, Oreg., also cooperated with the Depart- ment for three years. Many of the various beet-sugar factories throughout the United States have assisted materially in the work. IMPORTANCE OF COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Although the import a nee of quality of seed is quite generally appre- ciated, it is often difficult, if not impossible, for one not personally acquainted with the growers to judge wisely as to the true merits of • I before purchasing. Reports regarding tests of seed often convej a false or misleading impression. This arises from a number of causes, a \ci\ common one being thai the peculiar climatic and soil condi- tion- prevailing during the year the tests were conducted were espe- cially advantageous to certain varieties and injurious to others. Tin- fact might not he apparent during a single year'- work, although it nia\ have been a mosl important factor in determining the relative ■ a aumbi re there has been considerable discussion among sugar-beel growers ami others interested in the beet sugar industrj regarding die comparative values of the different varietii I I Five years ago thi Bureauunder- took some carefully planned experiments for the purpose "i deten ing the relative merits of the leading varieties used 1>\ two <>r more factories in this country. Tl tests have been carried on under different Boil and climatic conditions during the ]>rri"<• of interest an. I value to the beet-eugar companies, as well as to the su era B. 1 Galloway, ( 'hiej i ■ 37] 3 4 COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. results for a series of years. Influences of local climate and soil should not be ignored; in fact, they can be used to great advantage, although to comment wisely upon the quality of varieties it is neces- sary to eliminate as far as possible any temporary adverse conditions which a given variety may have encountered. The greater the num- ber of comparative tests made under various soil and climatic condi- tions the more the objectionable elements of chance are eliminated, and just so much more by continuing the tests through a number of years. Permanent soil and climatic conditions should lie considered as bearing certain relations to the crop, and the effect of such influ- ences should be recorded. A variety which has been developed under certain local conditions would probably be much better suited for use in sections having similar soil and climatic conditions than in sections widely different in this respect from that where the seed was pro- duced. These experiments were conducted for a term of five years in localities representative of the various beet-growing sections of the United States. METHODS OF CONDUCTING THE TESTS. The tests at the various stations were uniformly conducted with the idea of determining the ability of each strain or variety to produce a paying crop under varying local conditions. The plots were made as large as feasible, in most cases being one- fourth to one-half of an acre, although under irrigation at one station they were but one-twentieth of an acre. All plots were planted and treated as a farm crop, no care being taken to produce extra yield or high sugar content that could not be secured in a general crop. Fields uniform in soil and physical condition were chosen for the tests, and the tables are made up of the actual results secured, except that in a few instances, where peculiar conditions of soil or drainage appeared or varieties were washed out by rain or injured by local conditions, the results have been eliminated, no attempt having been made to correct the figures on account of such exceptional local con- ditions. It is possible that if these eliminations had not been made it would have changed the relative positions of the varieties. As a suggestion to those who care to study the matter further, die mean position of the varieties in question a1 a particular station during the remaining years' experiments can he used for the computation of a possible result . At each si at ion the plant ing of all plots was done on the same day and in t he same manner. The care, including the blocking, thinning, cultivating, and general attention, of each plot and the harvesting, topping, and weighing of the roots fr )in each plot were practically the same. [Cir. 37] iMPARA I [V] li VARIETIJ S. The testing at each station was done under similar conditions and in the same manner, the samples used being uniformh taken of -ill roots ;- grown in the row, a like number being taken of each sort. The standard of measurement used lias been the gross amount of BUgar produced to the acre, as represented by the yield of roots multi- plied by the sugar content (sugar in beel I. Separate tables showing the comparaf ive \ ields of roots and of sugar have not been included, although the figures are given. The purity of the roots was not taken into considerai ion. METHODS OF SECURING THE SEED USED. The Depart meiit of Agriculture receives numerous requests from suear-beei growers to test seed grown by themselves and has been offered large quantities for this purpose. In the preliminary work of these experiments it was found that such samples were often much superior to the samples of the same variety secured in the open market, and n was therefore decided to purchase all seed in commer- cial lots in the original sacks as senl oul by the seed growers. The Beed tested, therefore, was purchased from factories using it for com- mercial purposes and nol From the growers themselves, the only exceptions throughout the entire series of experiments being thai obtained from J. IS. Ajmw, C. C. Morse & Co., and E. 11. Morrison, which was purchased in L,000-pound lots direct from these growers. The varieties determined upon were -ill those which to the Depart- ment's knowledge were used h\ two or more beet-sugar factories in t he United States. VARIETIES OF SEED USED AND GROWERS PRODUCING THEM. Nan i ted ignai ion used in tables and charts. Klein Wanzleben ... Morrison. Grown bj E. II. Morrison, ['"airfield, Wash. Klein Wanzleben Original. Gi 'V.n bj Klein Wanzleben Sugar Factory, Klein Wanzleben, ( rermany. Klein Wanzleben .Breustedt. Grown bj Otto Breustedt, Schladen a Harz, Germany. Klein Wanzleben . . Mette. Grown bj Henrj Mette, Quedlinburg, Germany. Schreiber Specialitael .Schreiber. An by <1. Schreiber A: Son, Nordhausen, Germany. Klein Wanzleben Uraune. i dun ii bj ' I Iraune, Bembur j, Gei many. Klein Wanzleben Heine. ( rrown b ■ n. < iermanj Klein Wanzleben t'tah. G by 1 tah Sugar Company, Lehi, Utah. [Clr. 37] b COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Xame or abbreviated designation used in tables and chads. Klein Wanzleben Hoerning. Grown by Otto Hoerning, Eisleben, Germany. Jaensch Victrix Jaensch. Grown by Gustav Jaensch & Co., Aschersleben, Germany. Klein Wanzleben Dippe. Grown by Dippe Brothers, Quedlinburg, Germany. Klein Wanzleben Kuhn. Grown by Kuhn & Co., Naarden, Holland. Knauers' Mangold Knauers. Grown by M. Knauers & Son, Grobers, Germany. Klein Wanzleben Agnew. Grown by J. B. Agnew, Agnew. Cal. Klein Wanzleben Nebraska. Grown by American Beet Sugar Company, Grand Island. Nebr. Klein Wanzleben Idaho. Grown by Idaho Sugar Company, Sugar City, Idaho. Old Type Old Type. Grown by Klein Wanzleben Sugar Factory, Klein Wanzleben, Germany. Pioneer Pioneer. Grown by Klein Wanzleben Sugar Factory, Klein Wanzleben, Germany. Klein Wanzleben Mi use Grown by C. C. Morse & Co., Gilroy, Cal. Klein Wanzleben Strandes. Grown by Ado] ph Strandes, Anhalt, Germany. Zuckerreichet Zuckerreichel . Grown by Wohanka & Co., Prague, Bohemia, Austria. Klein Wanzleben Wohanka. Grown by Wohanka & Co., Prague Bohemia, Austria. Aderstedt (peeled and disinfected! ^.derstedt. Grown by Zuckeschwerdt A- Beurhel, Madgebunr, Germany. Behren Klein Wanzleben Behren. Grown by Zuckeschwerdt & Beuchel, Madgeburg, Germany. RESULTS OF THE TESTS. It was found that if alphabetically stated there would be such a . wide variation in the diagrams (figs. 1 and 2) that their object, the graphic presentation of facts, would be lost; therefore, the order shown in-Table 1, giving the yield of sugar per acre at all stations for the entire period, was used. The variety showing the highest sugar content for the entire period was therefore given first place throughout the entire report; the variety showing the next highest sugar yield was given the second place, etc. Varieties not appearing in Table 1 follow alphabetically according to growers. [Cir. 37] COMPARATIVE TESTS OF S I II. s. The Departmenl of Agriculture does not wish to be understood as stating thai the actual value of the varieties is in the order given in this report, as there arc many conditions and reasons \\li\ a variety farther down on the lis! may be superior for use in certain sections and under certain conditions. The figures presenter] in the tables DESIGNA- . iON OF VARIETY TESTED. MORRISON ORIGINAL BREUSTEDT METTE SCHREIBER BRAUNE HEINE UTAH HOERNING JAENSCH DIPPE HUHN HNAUCRS 7400 7000 6600 <* 6200 o <* S800 25 Q. 5400 <£ 5000 (0 4600 O 4200 to Q 3800 O 3400 3000 2600 2200 iboo / ^ ^ „ - / V \ i / l^GAN, UTAfi> ■^4 YEARS y /■■■ \ / 1 ' \ / / > \ I FORT COLLINS COLO. - 3Vt/)RS \ / I \ 'l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,-*' '•-.. UN ■ON, ORE ■3 YEAR s --.. '"•- I ""---. -'-'' v ~* \ ,-' \; ', \ •' \ \ \ / \ ' \ i ' t AVER* \GE fO/f ~ALL_S] ■■■ 0/YS s \ J' SI \ GEN h<4jN> - S YEA. RS. \ s' / \ **■ ■ ■'' ,.-'• K"""-- "** ""- y / \ \ \ \ i i \ 'LANSIH G, Ar noted thai several varieties which were tested from one to three years have not been included in Tables 1 . 1 1. 1 1 1 . and I \ oi inthedia ram , bu1 they are includi d in all other tables, every variety h tested bul a single roar b own *n its comparative posi- tion among all varieties tested tl each station bul [Clr. 37] COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. ;il all stations. It was found that should these varieties be included in all the tables their position would sometimes rank among the best, although during those years when they were tested they were well down on the list. This arose from the fact that they were only tested during the plentiful years, as shown by the following facts: DESIGNA- TION OF VARIETY TESTED. MORRISON ORIGINAL BREUSTEDT METTE SCHREIBER BRAUNE HEINE UTAH HOERNING JAENSCH DIPPE HUHN HNAUERS S600 5400 5200 ^ 5000 L> <* 4600 <*. 4600 ^ 4400 (0 4200 I*. ^4000 <0 Q 3600 ! O 3600 3400 3200 3000 2B00 \ \ \ ..--' \ \ j \ \ /?{ >>? \ v ! I '"--.. v \ t \ ; \ i \ 1 / / \ > V / \ \ \ / \ 78 \ / \ / / \ \ \ ; \ * \ ' \ ', \ I /S ', \! / ^N. \\ A1/ERA6 E FOR %* \ '; ..-''' s*v> £ - \\ \ /do 3 A\ _,-'' \ \ / ---.. i \ I904 , \ ■■ / V ^ \ ( • \ 'Si *£._._ // \""--... \ *' \ / \ \ ■■ \\ \ / \ // \ > / *\\, // — ^- * HOT TESTED M 1906 + + AI/ ■ERASE f VR FOUR YEARS. Fig. 2.— Diagram showing the standing of sugar-beet varieties tested, for each year and for all years. The gr'eatesl amount of sugar obtained in 1904 and 1905 was 4,094 pounds, and the average 3,477 pounds, while during the two good years of 1906 and 1907 the highest sugar obtained was 5,729 pounds, and the average was 4,947 pounds; thus, the highest sugar recorded during 1904 and 1905 was not only 1,635 pounds below the highest obtained in 1906 and 1907, but 853 pounds below the average obtained during these two years. Kir. 37] i PARA I l\ I i I - i .- "I SUG \i. B] i 1 \ ARIETIES. 9 The results obtained in this series of tests have been recorded and tabulated as Follows : ■ I The relative performance of varieties by stations for the entire period. Table 1 and figure i rhe relative performance of varieties b) years for the entire period. Table I and ' an rhe relative standing of varieties b) years and stations for the entire period. T;. 1.1. i 1X1 relative performance of varieties for the entire period al each station. Table II and figure I. rhe relative performance of varieties al all stations for each year. Table III and figure 2. rhe yearly performance of varieties al each station. Tables IV to \. inclusive. The yearly standing of varieties at each station. Table XII A .■.■ireful study of the data will show thai each table brings out certain facts no1 shown in the' others. T v i . i i I /.'/ lat Arranged by stations. Arranged by years. i '■ ■ Ion of variety ted, Roots. Morrison . " Schreiber. Braune... Utah.... Boerning. Jaenscb . Dtppe. Kuhn - Knauers. . Tom i»r 14 25 14.39 14.49 14.10 14.53 13 95 13.95 13.57 13.01 12. 40 tnd- Sugar. tested. 16.60 17. 30 - 16 80 16.99 15. 05 Pounds 1,881 1,711 4,571 4. 190 3,721 Tons per Pounds 1 14.25 1 2 13. 15 2 3 3 l 1 ■ » 12.79 16 :: 1.214 .", 6 13. 4s 4 , 12 59 4.101 9 S 12, 72 4,147 7 1 13.35 1, 12s 8 10 12. 42 12 11 12, 52 10 12 11 13 1 1 . 25 M 64 13 Tabli 1 1 Standing o/sugar-b sted at each dud all stations. i i itlon of variety Morrison . . Original. . I Heine 1 Jaenscb . . Knlin Colorado, Fori Collins (tested three Tons per acre. 22. 13 IS. 20 21.03 18. 53 19.90 22 17 16 40 Ing at 16.90 17. 10 17. 12 17. 10 16.23 1 7. 20 16.78 15.90 16.50 17.90 pt r lien . 7,532 6,616 ... 149 ■ 1 four Roots. Sugar. ! tier: . 12. 16 12. 19 11. in 13.26 12.08 11.41 17.02 17. 11 16.62 17. is 17.33 Pounds pt r (ten . 1,044 4,261 4,121 I. 191 Stand- ing at I 10 COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table II- Standing of sugar-beet varieties tested at each and all stations— Continued. Designati:n ::f varietf tested. Morrison . Original. . Breustedt Mette Schreiber Braune . . Heine Utah Hoerning. Jaensch . . Dippe Kuhn Knauers. . Michigan. Holland (tested five years). New York, Geneva (tested five years). Roots. Tons per acre. 8.78 7. 92 8.70 8.45 8.11 8.43 8.06 6.83 9.57 8.53 7.78 8.21 9.17 Sugar. v cent. 14.36 14.98 14.06 13.62 14.78 14.48 14.40 14.40 14.36 14.3d 15.02 1 4. 58 L2 58 Pounds per acre. 2,517 2,371 2,394 2, 286 2,393 2,407 2,311 1,930 2,736 _>, 136 2,345 2,410 2,336 Stand- ing at Roots, station. Tons per acre. 17.97 15.17 15.95 14.40 15. 06 15.36 14.00 14.50 14.32 14.76 15.23 1 4. 38 15.50 Sugar. Per ri ill. 15.36 15.68 11.71 1 1. 93 15.21 14.97 15. 50 15.54 14.47 14.70 i:, 51 15 13 13.41 Pounds p hi ll ■ • in 83 Sugar. inj; ."or 1 3 9 in ! 7 11 12 5 8 13 Ton* per acre. 11.90 12. 32 11.39 10.98 12. 16 12 02 11. 17 11.88 10. 79 11 75 • 11 26 12. 42 ; ':ir. int; for I'tr cent. ll. u 16. 13 15 73 16 s7 17 16 15 58 - 16 82 16. 7s 15. 13 Pounds pir acre. 3, 479 - 3,661 ■ 3,547 3,727 3,706 3,572 1 I'tr ant. I I 69 14.34 14. 46 16 06 14.03 II 85 1 1 72 14.70 15. 40 15 08 1 ! (IV 14.61 Pounds pir acre. 3, i-'. 3,530 3,267 3,503 3,507 3,504 3,325 3,323 3,183 3,270 3,379 7 ll Schrell ei Braune Heine 3 2 12 4 5 9 111 Kuhn Knauers 13 1 11 B edl 14.66 3,683 vane ; j tested. Roots. Tons ptr acn. Morrison 16. 16 ordinal Breustedl 15.49 Mette Braune Heine Utah 14.84 Hoeming 16. 45 raensch Dlppe 14.01 Kuhn 13.91 Knauers 10.66 Idaho Wohanka i i 60 190 Stand- Sugar. Ing for Rool :ir. ing for Tons per Pounds year. Pounds l'it cent. per acre. ucrt. per acre. 5,378 1 16.81 17 in 1 ■> 17.74 5,386 4 4,983 17 37 ■» 4,987 4 14.99 17.07 5. 177 6 1, 38 1 6 13.32 17.39 1,643 12 15.77 1,670 (l 15.37 17.55 .'i 16.53 4,874 * 11 in 15.01 17 32 5,225 ,-, 5,01.5 3 15 12 17 11 .5. 139 7 16.51 4,756 8 15. 13 8 16. 46 4,510 11 14 1.5 17. 16 1, 767 10 16. :i7 12 13 10 17 77 4,790 9 15 02 ■ 13 ll 65 16 3,542 13 16. -Is 4,538 1.5. 36 17. 1.5 5, 169 15.95 • Desi. iriety ted. e '«r all years. Id Schrelber Heine i irppe Kuhn I 1 ,'!!., Behren Old i Zuckerrelchel Pioneer Wohanka Aver- Sugar. stand- ing Pounds per ncrt . 1 17.00 •1, 429 J 3 ('> 16 77 .5 4,243 4 4,101 9 1,147 7 1.5 79 4,128 8 16. 13 1 12 in 16 66 11 14 64 3,254 13 12 i-uMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table IV. —Standing of sugar-bet t varit ties U stedai the Agricultural Experimt nt station, Fort Collins, Colo., for each and allyears. 1906. 1907 Designation oi variel tested Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for j-ear. Morrison Original Breustedt Mette Sehreiber acrt . 26.80 is. 7M 20.00 23 50 19.60 21.50 18.70 I\ t Ct ill . 17.50 IS. 10 16.80 17. 10 16.20 15.40 17.20 Pounds per ncri . o,:isi> 6,769 7,022 8,037 6,350 6,622 6, 133 1 6 5 3 10 7 8 Tons per acrt 21.50 20.40 17. 60 21.90 20.40 19.50 Per ct .ii - 17 60 17 60 19.90 is. .'O 17 60 18.50 Pounds 7,568 7,181 7,005 7.072 7,181 7..'!7, 4 "7 9 2 1 7 6 i i ,i, 22. 10 22.70 18.30 17.20 8,089 7,809 1 26. 70 L8 10 16. 4(1 18. 50 1 5. 71 l L6 50 17.90 17.30 - 1 6,072 5,871 6, 101 2 11 12 9 3 [Cuhn 15.50 21.40 19.00 18.70 '17.30 16. 30 5,797 7,404 6,194 11 Wohanka 21.00 17. 10 7,182 4 10 1908. Average for all yean l »e ignation ol variety e ted. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Num- y e e r ar°s f , Boo* tested. Sugar. Tons per acre. is. 10 IS 00 16. 10 17.70 17. so 17.60 r, r ci hi - 15 60 15.60 l (.65 16.00 14.90 [5.65 I'm, , nls per acrt 5,6 7 5,897 1,717 5,664 5,304 5,509 4 2 13 3 8 ii Tons pt r acre. 3 22. 13 16 80 Pounds 7,532 3 3 3 3 3 1 •» 3 1 1 3 19. 33 17. 10 18.20 17.12 21.03 17.10 19.27 I 16.23 19 53 16.52 18.70 17.20 6,616 6,248 Mel te 7,224 6,278 6,449 Heine 6,433 Utah 17.70 17.10 15.25 14.80 5,399 5,062 7 10 19.90 22. 17 15. Ill 16. 10 16.43 16. 78 15 90 16. 50 17. 90 1 7. 12 0,744 7,085 6,072 Dippe 5,871 Kuhn 15 30 13.00 18. 00 15.90 16 20 16. 10 16.90 16 ! i 1 1. 85 15.55 14.45 19 66 16.25 14.80 1,973 3,861 5,598 4,595 1 5 133 5 . 1 ii 12 12 15 5 14 1 9 11 .-,.721 Behren i (id Type Pioneer Wohanka a The Original and the Sehreiber varieties have 1 he: same relative standing for 1007 at Fort Collins, Colo. [Cir. 37] COMPARATIVE fESTS OF Sl/CiAR-BEEl VARIETIES. I:; Table V Standing of sngar-h t tested at ! •itution, East I Uicl 'Hid a// >/, i nation of variety testi ronji per acri . 1 1 28 L5.35 14. 54 12.21 12. 57 • 11.30 12. 90 13. 09 I\r a ul. 15.29 15.67 16.81 15.20 1 1. 72 15. 10 14 72 16.24 14. .14 15.96 14.44 Stand- 13 ■> 3 '.i I v 10 14 12 17 7 1 11 Roots. acri . 1 1101 11 21 13.71 14. 10 13.35 Sug Stand- ing Ii>r year. » Pounds 4,811 3,712 4. Ml 3,721 1,083 2.71s 3,670 3,812 1. 137 3,031 J'i r ci ni. 17 70 i- 10 16.20 10. 70 Pounds 1, 121 5 229 3^389 3, 135 3,813 4,115 3,097 5 1 II 4 1 o 3 10 12 7 15 v 82 is BO s 13 Sill 15. 10 1.".. .'.() 17. Id 15. 30 17.30 15.70 ar. Pounds pi r ikti . 4,077 4,547 4. 177 Stand- ing for 8 13 14 •j 3 10 ■ t. 1 Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Tons /a r 16.77 11. 19 12 7'.' 15 52 14.39 14. 14 L4.39 16.97 16. 91 12.94 15. 18 8. 28 7 58 7.41 ■ :, 10 1 I'l f Cl III. •JO (HI 10. 10 10. 10 21.30 20. 10 20.00 21.30 is. 00 Pounds 3,312 3, 456 2. Ml 3,229 2.203 9 ed( 7 15 10 1 13 11 12 Is 7 41 8 72 5. 7.') 7.01 19 10 22.30 3, 730 3,iKls 4 I 2 3 Old i Zuckerrelchet s l!l 17 lea.. 10. .-,0 « No report 1 for the year 1905 14 COMPARATIVE TESTS OE SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table V. Standing of sugar-bet t varietit s tested at tht Agricultural Experirm nt Station, East Lansing, Mich., for each and nil years —Continued. Designation of variety tested. Average fur all years. Num- ber of years l.'-IC'l. Morrison . Original. . Breustedt Mette Schreiber. Braune.". . Heine Utah Hoerning. Jaensch . . Dippe Kuhn Knauei ,. Roots, j Tons per urn 12 16 12 19 12. 24 11 10 13 26 12 08 12 18 11 00 10.08 11 35 11 42 10.86 11 41 sugar. I'n- (■< nt. 17.U2 18.14 17. 11 16.50 17.98 16.62 17.51 17.33 17.18 17.33 16. 93 17.34 15. 00 Pounds pt r m it . 4,044 4,261 4,121 3,614 4,682 3,902 4,191 3, 737 3, 328 3,717 3,767 3, 754 3,452 Table VI. Standing of snesignation of variety tested. 1904. 1905. Hoots. sugar. Stand- ing for year. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Tons per acre. 11.42 8.07 11.05 12. S3 11.80 11.50 10.50 l'tr cint. 14.40 11.70 1 l. in 14.10 14.40 13. 70 14.30 1 'mi lilts pi r acrt . 3,289 2,373 3, 182 .'(.CIS 3 398 3, 151 .; 003 5 17 7 2 4 8 10 Tons per acre. 10.80 10.40 10.60 9.90 9.30 10. 40 11.50 9.90 11.60 9.60 10.50 10 10 10 so 9 50 9 30 10.90 in go I'i r ct ill. 13.60 13.80 12. 10 13. 60 14.50 13.30 14.10 13. 50 13. 70 13 70 14.90 14.40 13, 20 13. 20 13. 40 13.70 14.30 Pounds /x r acrt . 2.'.r,s 2, 870 2,565 2 693 2,697 2,766 3 243 2,673 3,178 2,630 .; L29 2,909 2,851 2,508 2.492 2,987 3.089 6 8 15 12 Schreiber 11 10 L Utah 13 13. 40 10.52 8.69 10.91 11.13 11. 17 9.44 11.70 9. 93 L3 90 14.00 15.40 15. 60 13.40 13.80 14.20 13 80 13. 90 ?. ■■.:-. 2, 946 2.677 3, 104 2,983 3,083 2, 681 3,229 2,761 1 12 15 3 11 9 14 6 13 2 14 3 7 9 16 17 Morse 5 4 1 lesignatlon of variety tested. 1906. 1907. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Tons per acre. 5. 78 5.83 v :>s 7.00 6.37 6.41 6.02 7.02 6.90 8.13 6.14 6. 57 8.09 6.57 7. 15 /'. / Ct nl . 12.70 13.40 13. 10 12.50 1:1.50 12.80 12.90 13. 20 13.20 13.10 13. 40 13.20 12.30 12.40 12.60 Pounds per acre. 1,468 1 . 562 2,248 1 . 750 1.720 1,041 1,553 l . 853 1 . 822 2, 130 1,646 1,734 1,990 1,629 i 802 15 13 1 7 9 11 14 1 5 2 10 8 3 12 6 Tons per acre. 8.76 7.7s s. 17 8. 32 5. 27 7 69 6.39 6. 89 7. 12 6. 53 ., 58 6. 50 6. 67 7. 13 5 95 Per ct nl. 13.90 16.20 14.00 12 50 15.00 L5.20 13.70 15. 10 14.80 .; in 14.90 14.10 11.40 14.10 13.80 Pounds per acre. 2. 135 2,521 2.372 2 080 1 . 581 2,338 1,751 2,081 2,196 1 . 776 1.9M l . 833 1,521 2.011 1,642 o I Miginal 1 Breustedt 3 Mette 7 Sohreiber.. . 11 Braune 4 Seine 12 Utah 6 Hoerning Jaen ich 5 11 Dippe Kuhn 9 10 15 [daho 8 Wohanka 13 [Cir. 37] Tabi i VI COMPARATIV] TESTS OF SI GAB BEET VARIETIES. 1.1 arieties tested at th Holland, Mieh., station < Will for each and all years Continued. I for all years il Ion of variety testi on. i )rigin tl Breustedl .. .. Sohreib Heine i tab : I ',' laenscb Dippe Kuan U. nailers Idaho. Behren Old Tj ; Zuckei er ka Sugar. l'ir C( nl. 17.20 10.80 15. 10 10.50 17.40 17.10 16.50 15.00 17.50 15.30 10.70 17.60 15.80 16.80 IV 00 Pounds pir ncr, . 2, 153 1,603 ■J.. -.7 1 2.1IO 2.0OI. 1.112 2,760 2.172 1,610 2,316 1,681 Ing fur \ ear. in • IS 19 l'l 15 20 3 •I 12 Num- ber of years Roots. acrt . B.78 7. 92 8.70 • I 8.11 8.06 6. S3 9. 57 7.78 0.17 Sugar. rounds jur acti . 1 1. 36 2.. ",17 14.98 2.371 11.00 13.02 2 ^^ 1 1. 78 11. IS 2, II i7 11. 10 2.311 11. 10 H.36 2, 730 14.30 2. 436 15.02 2,345 1 1. 58 2.110 12. .'.S. eVII. Standing of sugar-beet ■ [cultural 1 mi n ■!. \ ) I and nil years. ■ ion nf variety ted. Morrison. Original.. m. Braune. . . Utah... I loerninj Kubn . . . Agnew. . \|.i , [Clr. 37] HUM. 1905. Sugar. acre. 17.43 10.70 10.38 11.19 v J I to. 01 a mi 11.90 10.54 8.80 l'ir ci nt. 15. 10 14.60 1 1. 50 13.90 11.110 13.70 1 1. 20 15. 00 15.00 13.30 11.40 Pounds jit r acn . 3. 1 12 3.01O 2.013 3,133 2,685 2. 77s 3. a70 3,310 2. 182 Slanil- ing for Roots. oils />,172 10 5, 1 1 1 17 0, 125 2 .-,,.-,71 13 5.766 10 6,062 7 0,013 s 5,729 II 6,351 3 1G COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table VII. — Standing of sugar-beet varieties tested at iht Neu York Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Geneva, X. Y.,for each and all years Continued. 1907. I '• i nil ion of variety tested. Roots. Sugai Morrison . . Original.. . Breusii'di . Mette Schreiber. . Braune Heine Utah HoerniDg. . Jaensch... Dippe Kuhn Knauers. . Idaho Mohanka. Tons per acre. 14. 73 14.65 12. 33 12.37 15.39 14.52 14 58 13.88 13.18 10.99 15. 92 11.70 11.77 13. 92 12.83 14.92 16. 05 13.87 14.44 14. 72 14. 25 14.44 14.82 14.35 14.87 14. .53 13.77 12.06 14.44 14.72 Stand- ar. ing for year. Pound i ,.. | urn 4,395 4 4,703 1 3, 12(1 12 3,572 11 4,531 3 i L38 6 1,211 5 4,114 i 3,783 9 3,268 13 4,626 2 14 2,839 15 020 8 3,777 10 Roots OCT! 18.88 14.30 17.60 13.44 13.61 13.04 12. 72 12.02 13.58 17.24 13.02 14.84 18.50 15.92 L5.20 Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Per iv ni. 17.80 17. 73 16.29 17.73 16.83 17.91 17.55 18.00 17 82 15.93 IS. Mil 17.19 14.67 17.28 15.84 Poll mix per acre. 6,721 5,071 5,734 4,766 1,581 4,671 l. 165 4.327 !.MM 5, 193 4,687 5,102 5. 428 5,502 4,815 1908. Num- ber of years tested Average for all years. Designation of variety tested. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. 2 14 10 1 11 13 12 1 20 8 19 6 Roots. Sugar. Morrison Tons per acre . 19 50 16. 76 18. 85 - 13 1 7. 85 17. 33 14.85 18.75 16.83 18.85 60 18 90 Per ant. 14.00 12.90 14.20 13. 30 15.80 14. 70 12.30 13.30 13.70 13.40 Pounds 5, 160 86 1,748 4,679 l v 693 5,513 4,140 5,014 4.274 i,065 .i 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Tons i" 1 i: 97 15. 17 15. 95 11.40 15. 06 15. 36 14.00 14.50 14.32 i i 76 ; 1 1. 38 15. 50 i 15. 36 15.68 11.71 14.93 15.21 14.97 15. 50 15. .VI 14.47 14.70 15.51 15. 13 13.41 Pov ntls 5,525 Original 4 , 763 Breustedt 1,723 Mette 1 . 295 Schreiber 1,7.73 4,584 4,312 Braune... . Heine Utah 1,487 Hoerning 4,124 Jaensch 4,339 Dippe 1 716 Kuhn 4.354 Knauers . 1.209 Aderstedt 6 i s. i g 19.13 16 28 19. 23 16.67 16.31 13.50 13 80 13.90 13.40 13.30 14. 10 12.00 5,028 1,90) 4,526 5, l. M 1,519 7 9 3 H, 5 18 15 17 Idaho Behren Old Type... Zuekerreichet Pioneer Strandes. .. Wohanka [Cir. 37] COMPARATI\ I VARIETIES. IT Tabi e VIII.— & .aid all yea Designation o Ton acre. I' •i 17.57 16.43 dl 18 21.51 16.24 18.13 17.19 Braune.. 19 >8 17 02 Heine 23 14 16 24 rnioi 17.67 18.01 Knlin 19 -<-' IB 34 18 16.91 Wohanka. 20 77 15 48 S . 24 4 6,517 7 . 7S2 mri . // 16 21 .i.s. .i 13 6,131 17.70 17. 11 6,057 11 nation uf \ ed. on Original Breustedt S<-hri'il«r Utah 1 llMTIlillK ■ Knlin Knauers i Old tj : Zucken Strandi ika Sugar. 19 90 19. 16 17.67 13.76 16.00 15.62 14.32 14.88 A. 107 in urn- years Roots. .'! 18.04 1 16. 55 15.97 3 16. 60 8 3 15.77 10 10.05 11 3 16. 72 15 10.40 17 3 ■ 16 3 16 02 18 11 07 1 is 10 Sugar. 17 20 is 16 17.54 17 20 16.48 17.01 17.01 16. 40 - 15.58 4,021 - • I 265 2,661 I II 12 •> V< per lien . 5.721 • 4,975 5,640 Hiding for loos at Unioi [Clr. I 18 COMPARATIVE TESTS OF SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table IX. — Standing of sugar-beet varieties tested at tht Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Logan, Utah, for each and all years." u ion of variety tested. Morrison.. i >i iginal . Breustedt . Mette Schreiber.. Braune Heine Utah Hoerning.. Jaensch. . . Dippe Kuhn Knauers. . Vgnew. Nebraska. Morse Aderstedt. Idaho Wohanka. I'"'!. Roots. Tons per urn . 18.39 15.20 15.16 17. JO 16.91 18.33 17 78 17.69 15.96 12.78 17.30 16.23 14.61 16.96 20.78 19. 89 13.09 Sugar. Per cent. 16.93 18.53 15. 62 14 91 17.02 16.68 17.22 18.22 15.36 15.95 17.90 16.77 16.08 18.30 18.45 16.71) 15.74 Pounds per acre. 6,227 5,633 4,736 5.189 5, 756 6.115 6, 123 6,446 4,903 4,077 6,193 5.444 4.699 I 207 7,668 6,643 4,121 ing for year. 1906. Roots. Sugar. 13 17 6 11 15 5 1 2 16 Tons inr acre. 24.00 25. 20 27. 4(1 28 mi 25.30 28 00 26 20 25. 40 28 00 25.00 25 4(1 23.20 26.00 25. 70 Per ct ni 15.07 16.37 15.25 15.16 16.18 14.57 14.97 14.42 13.67 16 09 14.42 15.16 16.00 14.00 Pounds fur acre. 7,234 8.250 8,367 v 190 8,187 8,159 7.X44 7,325 7,655 8,045 7.325 7,034 Stand- ing for year. 13 4 2 1 5 6 8 '•11 9 7 Ml 14 8, 320 7.504 1907. 1908. 1>( sunilion cf : ariety tested. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Morrison Tons per acre. 23.93 26. 09 27.14 25 mi I'l / .', ill . 16.34 16.49 18.11 18.00 Poti nds pi T ucrt . 7,820 6 604 9,830 9 5 1 3 Tons per acre. 25.98 24. 10 25 -"J 25.30 22.45 .'.'. 71 24.42 22 73 .'4.61 22 7'.i 26 21 25.00 .'1 ii! 24.94 27.21 26 06 25.85 22 6(i 25 s7 24.03 Per cent. 13.99 17.91 15.89 14.12 15.53 14.49 17.60 15.50 15.97 15.76 15.78 16.34 15.94 14 63 15.81 14.91 15.34 14.96 14.38 16.33 Pounds per acre. 7.269 6 ii.;: 8.015 7. 162 6,973 7. 45 1 8.596 7, OK'. 7,860 7,183 8,272 8,170 7,855 7,207 8,604 7.771 7,931 i. 01,2 7,440 S.142 15 1 Mette 17 Schreiber 19 Braune 24.21 25.82 25.33 24. IS 24.04 21.27 21.33 17.64 15.87 17 86 16.20 18. 00 1 1 12 18.14 8,54] s. id;, 9.048 7,834 8,654 7.739 ■ 2' 8 4 13 10 12 3 Utah... 18 Hoerning 9 16 4 5 10 24.45 14.62 7.149 11 14 2 Old Tvpe 11 s 20 13 Wohanka 21.44 15.73 I i 15 12 i. I lesijjnalion of variety tested. Morrison. i ii iginal Breu tedi Mette . Schreibei Braune. .. Heine . . . i tab Hoerning laenscb . . Dippe Kuhn ... I\ ii. in I \ verage for all years. Num- ber of e ii tested. Roots. acre. 23 08 22.6:, 16 22 70 23. 10 21. 15 J\ 4 4 14.61 Sugar. P It 15.58 17.33 15.55 ii. 21 I (.42 n; 50 15.30 16 I.". 15.63 It, ell II. IIS pi r ucr 1 . 7.138 7,780 7,735 r.ton 7.."i67 ;, im. 7, 1 in:! - 6,981 ; 699 1' 1 be results tor 1905 are not comparable on account ol the partial de traction of several varieties bj in .1 1 1 i> The Utah and the Dippe varietie bavi 1 1 tai ling f 01 it Logan, rtah. [Cir. 37] COMPAKATIVE CESTS OJ SUGAR-BEEl VARIETIES. 19 Tabi i \ Standing of sugar-h led at Fairfield, Was) Joseph F. Peed, in chargt \,for each and ■■ 190 . irlety tei Roots. Sugar. Stand- ing for year. 1 3 7 8 '•13 11 Hi 6 5 12 c9 17 '< 13 2 17. 4 • tirri . .5. Ill) I 81 6.00 I 86 ,5. 30 :,. 70 ,',. 8 I 5 vl 5.03 Mil :.. 7 1 .5. 12 Sugar. Stand- ing for year. Tons pir acre. 5. 46 5. 66 5. in 5.64 ■ :,. 16 5.01 .">. 55 5. 7.5 5 97 Pounds Percent, pa 20.50 21.20 -'. in" 21.50 20 10 21.50 19.70 21.40 60 2.101 2,279 2.312 21. 1(1 2,239 Per ct hi. 15.48 15.03 14.91 1.5.30 17.38 13. . 50 H 13. NT 15.20 15. (X) 14.53 12. 54 1 4. 25 11.07 15.20 14.48 Pounds pi r acn . 1,734 1,446 1.T2T 1,847 1,457 1,586 1,743 !0 1,775 1 , .500 1,440 1 , 47,0 1.631 1,687 1.010 4 15 5 1 14 11 3 2 12 IT 21. ID 1,904 2,187 . 2, 171 16 13 ■ 7 10 1907. - nation of variety ted. igar. Stand- Ing for Hoots. Sugar. Stand- ing for Morrison acrt . 6.03 6.40 6. 57 5. 73 :,. 92 1 In :,. 73 6. 29 5. 77 5.94 Pit Cl lit. 21.37 21.37 18. 13 20. 42 21.37 1 - 21.47 20. 11 20 ii 21. 17 19 18 21.00 is. 7.2 Pounds pi r acn . 2,577 2,359 2.. ",77 2,385 189 2,177 2,641 2,151 i 1 11 2 12 10 ti 14 ill 3 1.-, 9 13 Tons per acn . 6.94 T.IK) 0.74 6.50 6. 54 0.7,0 6.23 6.60 l'ir ci id. 20.71 20. Tl 20. 33 20. 33 20. 1 4 20.14 20. 1 l 10. TO 20. 33 18.53 20.00 19.67 20. 7 1 per acre. 2,712 2,614 2.T17, 2,618 2,634 2,745 2,490 2. TOT, 2,7£8 2 i s 13 T 11 i ' Utah 12 Hoeming Kuhn Knauers. . . . Idaho.. Ii 14 3 9 4 5 1908. Average lor all j i ■union of variety tesi • igar. Stand- ing for year. Num- years 5 .-, ."> r> .5 7, 7, 7, ■", 5 5 5 l Hoots. igar. ncri . 6.27 5.40 - 1.94 5. 1 8 21.00 2i. mi 19.76 111. 7.7 211. 33 211. 1 1 20. 33 20. 2 ! 20. 43 Pounds per acrt. 2,633 2,126 2, 309 2, 402 2, 10., 2. 220 1 6 10 15 .5 10 is 2 ll 7 12 8 acn . 5. oo a. Tl 5. 30 .-,. 1 1 5. 02 Per ci nl. 10. si 20. 11 10. 12 18.88 10. T.s 10. 49 Pounds /nr acn . 2.412 ■ 2.2.51 1 2,035 I'tali 2, 249 . 2,248 2. 200 2.223 Kuhn I'M 4.74 .-,.07 20. 90 20.81 1H.7'. 1.101 2,312 l . 882 1,973 2,004 20 17 1 3 9 Idaho i Hd I ! Strandl a The Morrison and the Kuhn varieties hai i '.ran in' and i Or Agnew varieties have the same relath o standing for 1904 al Fairfield, W 1 the Schreiber varletii I lative stand d The Heine and the Dlppe varieties have the same relative standing for 1906 ll Fairfield, \\ [Clr. 37] 20 COMPARATIVE TEKI s OE SUGAR-BEET VARIETIES. Table X 1 .—Relative standing, by stations and by yi ars, of sugar-h , t i m ielit s U sU d, for all yt ars ,i ion ol variety tested. Morrison. . I HlL'ltl.l... Breusterlt. Mette Schreiber. Braune. . . Heine Utah Hoerning. Jaensch. . . Dippe Kuhn Knauers. . Arranged by stations. ( lilm.i.lii (Fort Collins). Michigan ( East Lansing). Michigan (Hol- land). New York (Geneva) Oregon (Union). 1 2 10 06 11 4 9 06 12 3 8 13 5 Utah (Logan). Washing- ton (Fair- field). All stations. Designation of variety tested. Morrison . Original.. Breustedt Mette Schreiber. Braune. . . Heine Utah Hoerning. Jaensch. . Dippe Kuhn Knauers. . Arranged by years. 190-1. 1905. 1906. 190' All years. 2 1 6 4. 3 7 9 s 10 11 12 5 Table XII. — Relative standing, by stations , of sugar-beet vat u tit s U sted,for each year. Designation of variety tested. Colorado ( Fort Collins). Michigan (East Lans- ing). Michigan (Holland 1906. 1 6 5 3 10 7 8 1907. 1908. 1904. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. Morrison Original Breustedt Mette Schreiber Braune Heine 4 '.7 9 2 & 7 6 4 2 13 3 8 6 13 2 3 9 1 8 6 16 15 14 12 to 17 7 -1 11 5 5 6 1 11 1 14 2 3 10 9 12 7 15 5 8 13 14 2 3 10 12 9 6 1 11 7 9 7 15 10 1 5 13 11 20 12 IS 16 5 17 7 2 4 8 11) 1 12 15 3 11 9 14 6 13 6 8 15 12 11 10 1 13 2 14 3 7 9 in 17 5 4 15 13 1 7 9 11 14 4 5 2 10 s 3 2 1 3 7 14 4 12 6 5 11 9 in L5 10 9 18 19 7 14 15 Utah 1 3 7 10 20 Hoerning 2 11 12 9 3 Jaensch 4 Dippe 12 Kuhn 11 12 13 Knauers \"lir\V Nebraska :. Morse Aderstedt IS 5 14 1 4 2 3 11 s 19 17 6 17 Idaho 5 8 4 12 8 11 Behren 2 Old 1 Ape 8 Zuckei reichel li. Pioneer 9 5 Strandes 1 Wohanka I in 11 13 15 6 13 6 a The Mette and the Utah varieties have the same relative standing at Union. Oreg. & The Original and the Schreiber varieties have the same relative standing for 1907 at Fun Collins, Colo. [Cir. 37] COMPAB \ I l\ I- rESTS "I SUGAE BEET VABI] 21 Table XII. R mding, by 12 ■> 11 13 IS 1 3 s 10 9 11 17 16 IN 1 14 12 » 10 " Washington (Fair L90g. 1904. &9 1 3 S -/i:i 11 12 I>9 17 dl3 2 l r > in II 20 13 10 12 <• 4 1 11 2 c4 12 e 1 10 6 11 ' 7 3 1 6 10 15 19 18 11 12 20 17 1 16 It 13 9 , ,,, varieties have the same relative standing (or 1908 at Union, ( ire on and the Kuhn varieties have the same relative standmg for W04 at Fairfield, \\ ash B standing Jor 1906 at Fairfield Wash. «r The Braune and the Agne« n lM "'- ^ v V Dippe varieties have the sa i ,' " ! ' ', , eUtahandtl rieties havi e standing (or 1906 at Logan, Utah. [Cir. 37] o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08928 9440