UdKam STATE. PLANT BOARD 22/Lo'baaon UHIT3SD STATZS DSPARTl-.JLiT OP AGRICULTURS Agricultural Pecearch Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant '.Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B. E. P. !}. 593 August 15, 1951 PLAIT QpARAJTTIlSE IMPORT R3STRICTI0HS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LEBAHOH This summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Lebanon has been prepaied for the in- formation of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products from the United States to Lebanon. It was prepared by Richard Faxon, Division of Plant Quar- antines, from a translation of trie Agricultural quarantine Law dated June 10, 19^8, at Beyroutn, furnished by Dr. Lee Ling of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Tne information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for; the original text, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. Chief; Bureau of Entomology and Ple"nt Quarantine UNITED STATES EEPAaiVJNT OP AG-.UCbLTlRE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B. 2, PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LEBANON BASIC LEGISLATION Agricultural Quarantine Law, June 10, 19 hg QEB2HXL PROVISIONS Article I: Provides for the establishment of a Department of Agricultural Quarantine by the ninistry of Agriculture under tiie supervision of the Director of the Entomological Department. The quarantine department is authorized: a. To inspect all agricultural shipments coming from abroad in order to deter:.iine their condition and freedom from pests. b. To prohibit the entry of infected shinraents for- bidden undor existing regulations. c. To prohibit the entrance in Lebanon of shipments found to be infected or infested. d. To disinfect shipments when disinfection is pro- vided for in existing laws and regulations before entry into Lebanon. e. To inspect shipments of agricultural products for export and provide the necessary sanitary certi- ficate reauired by the foreign country to which the shipments are consigned. f . To carry out all regulations and formalities con- cerning the protection of plants from any pest that m?v be imported from abroad. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED Article II: Importation of the following is prohibited: a. Soil. b. Living ineects in any stage of development. c. Living bacteria and fungi harmful to plants. d. Bags, boxes and other containers or other material used in packing the above. - 2 - IMPORTATIOE P-EST^ilCTED The importation of trees and other plants or parts thereof, such as fruit, seeds, etc., alive or dry, fresh or dried, is not allowed unless by special permit from the Ministry of Agriculture. AUTHORITY OF THE MINISTRY Article III: The Ministry of Agriculture is authorized: a. To establish what should be considered harmful to agriculture. b. To forbid completely or on conditions the importa- tion of any kind of plant, seed, dates or soil if it seems necessary to avoid an outbreak of any plant disease or to prevent its spread among slants. c. To determine the conditions under which the import â– permit should be granted, d. To grant import permits for soil and living insects. e. To srant exceptionally special import nermits for prohibited articles to be used for scientific or technical purposes. f . To determine steps to be taken regarding agricultural shipments in transit by land, sea or air, in Lebanese harbors and customs. g. To establish costs and taxes collectable from the importer in accordance witn this law. DISPOSITION OF PROHIBITED SitlPfcuftTS Article IV: Prohibited shipments or those imported not in conformity with this law must be sent back by the importer and at his expense within a maximum limit of ten days, beyond which the shipment will be destroyed. The Minister of Agriculture will decide upon appropriate measures to be taken at the expense of the transgressor in order to prevent an outbreak of a potential disease pending reshipment. The Minister may order the im- mediate destruction of the shipment if it constitutes a danger to agriculture, 'bio recompense may be claimed by the importer. ! LOT ICE 0? ARRIVAL Article V: All shipping and transport agencies (air, sea or land) must report to the Agricultural Quarantine De- partment the arrival of all shipments subject to plant aunrnntine within twenty- four hours. LI7IKG 11*3 SCTS Article VI: Shipments of living insects must "be brought to the attention of plant quarantine inspectors within three days following their arrival in customs offices at harbors or air- ports. Packages of living insects may "be opened only under the supervision of plant quarantine inspectors. IBEAEiSKT OF IHF2STED ShlHiSiTS Article VII: All agricultural shipments which may be affected by a disease considered curable by the Ministry will be treat- ed at the expense of tne Ministry. Shipments affected by dis- eases considered incurable by the Ministry, including diseases harmful to plants which are not to be found in the Lebanese Republic, will not be allowed entry. They will be returned or destroyed with a delay of not to exceed one week after official notification from the Ministry. No appeal will be granted. TLMXtfAlIOH Ox PLAhlS Article VIII; All shipments by sea of plants or parts thereof capable of propagation, except seeds, will be fumigated or other- wise treated as a precautionary measure at the expense of the im- porter, without the necessity of proving them to be contaminated. Plants by parcel post will be fumigated, when deemed necessary, at the expense of the Ministry. ^LARAI'TIITS OF PLANTS Article IX: Tne Minister of Agriculture may seize living plants or parts thereof; except seeds, suspected of being infected and place them under close observation in the Agricultural Quarantine Station at the -olace of arrival until it is proved that they are not infected. The Ministry accepts no responsibility if the plants are infected, in which case they will be handled according to the preceding regulations. PACK IITG HSQJb IB3MEMT S Article X: All agricultural shipments coming from abroad must be packed so that they can be easily inspected and disinfected. They will be opened on the responsibility of the importer and at his expense. No plant material nay oe used as packing, ex- cept wood (shavings) and sawdust or any other stuff accepted by the Ministry. The remaining articles provide for the transfer of shipments, penalties and the public. tion of the regulations in the Official Journal. /ERSITY OF FLORIDA I I II 3 1262 09314 8509