HOU>.> UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics D#CWcNT$ Qifp IPOS I TORY ^ TARIFF RATES ON REPRESENTATIVE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS UNDER TARIFF ACTS OF 1930 AND 1922 Washington, D. C. June, 1931 Contents Page Introduction 1 Sugar, molasses, and related products 2 Tobacco 4 Livestock and other live animals except live poultry and birds 5 Meats 6 Animal and fish oils and fats and wax 7 Vegetable oils expressed or extracted 8 Oilbearing raw materials 10 Dairy products and substitutes 11 Poultry and other birds 13 Eggs of poultry 15 Grain and grain products 16 Fodders and feeds 18 Fruits 20 Vegetables 24 Nuts 28 Grass and other forage crop seeds 30 Other garden and field seeds 31 Cotton and other vegetable fibers 32 Wool and hair 33 Hides, skins, and leather 36 Furs and fur skins 40 Miscellaneous 40 Index 41 TARIFF RATES OK REPRESENTATIVE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS UNDiR TARIFF ACTS OF 1930 AKD 1922 By C. F. V/ells, Associate Agricultural Economist, Division of Statistical and Plistorical Research Introduction The following tabulation includos tariff rates on both free and dutiable agricultural products. It mentions only thos.e articles that are specifically mentioned in the Tariff Act of 1930 or the Tariff Act of 1922. There are 416 named items in Schedule 7, "Agricultural Products and Provisions." In addition, this tabulation includes certain items from Schedules 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 16. : But many agricultural products are dutiable although not specifically mentioned in the Tariff Acts» for unless a non-emvne rated article is classified as oh the free list, it is necessarily dutiable under one of the so-called "basket-clauses" in the dutiable list. There are 47 of these "basket clauses" in Schedule 7 alone of the 1930 Act. Under Section 336, the so-called "flexible provision," the Tariff Commission may recommend a change in rate of duty not to exceed 50 per cent of the rate of duty : specif ied in the Tariff Act and the President may make the change recommended. The following tabulation includes all such changes in rates made-under the flexible provision since the passage of the 1922 Tariff Act up : to the date of this compilation. All rates established by Presidential proclamation are carried in the body of the tabulation; the date of the change and the former rate are carried in footnotes. Thus, the material in this publication furnishes a complete history of each rate from September 21, 1922 to the date of release of this report. Anyone who wishes to be informed of changes in these tariff . rates as soon as such changes occur may have his name placed on a mailing list to receive such information by making request of the Division of Statistical and Historical Research, 3ureau of Agricultural Economics, Washington, D. C. The description of the product is in the words used in the 1930 Act unless otherwise specified and the statement of the unit of quantity is in the words of the respective acts. Cuba . Unless free of duty all articles produced in Cuba and imported by the United States receive a reduction of 20 per cent from the import duties listed in this report. Items freo of duty are so specified in footnotes. Philippines . All- products of the Philippines are admitted into the United States free of duty. Abbreviations :-"n.s. p. f." stands for' "not specially provided for," "ad val." stands' for- ad valorem. An ad valorem duty is levied upon a commodity according to its value. TARIFF HATES OH SUGAR, MOLASSES, AHD RELATED PRODUCTS Tariff Act of 1922 : TarifJ Act of 193C Product : (&5 described in 193C Act) . Par. : Rate of duty Far. : Rate of duty Sugar cane in its natural ; State 503 : $1 per ton of : 504 : $2.50 per ton of 2000 lbs. : 2000 lbs. Sugar beets '. 754 : 80j£' per long ton : 7C6 : 80^ per ton of 2000 lbs. Sugars, tank bottoms, sirups of cane juice, melada, con- centrated melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by the polari scope, not above 75 sugar degrees, and all mixtures containing the polari scope a^ove 50 sugar degrees and not above 75 sugar degrees 501 a/l.24/£ per lb. 501 a/ 1.7 125^ per lb. For each additional sugar de- gree shown by the polari s- copic test (fractions of a degree in proportion) 501 ! 0.046^ per lb. • 501 0.0375/ per lb. Sugar contained in dried sugar- cane or in sugar cane in any : other than its natural state • 503 : 75;j of the rate : of duty appiica- : ble to laanufac- : tured sugar of : like polari s- : co-pic test. : 504 ; 75;o of the rate : of duty applica- : ble to manufac- : tured sugar of : like polari s- : copic test. a/ Of the total imports for consumption of sugar plus shipments of sugar to the United States from Hawaii and Porto Rico' in the calendar year, 1929, about two-tnirds was dutiable, most of the free sugar coming in from the Philippines, Hawaii and Porto Rico. Of the two- thirds that was dutiable about 87 per cent consisted of 95 and 96 degree sugar imported for consump- tion from Cuba, dutiable under the 1922 Act at 2.16^ and 2.206^ .per pound less 20. per cent orl.7280^ and 1.7643^ per pound. Comparable rates under the 1930 Act on imports from Cuba are 2.4G25£ and 2.5j£ per pound loss 20. per cent or' 1.97^ and 2.0^ per pound,. All sugar, the growth or product of the Philippines or the Virgin Islands', is'free. -2- TARIFZ RATES OH SUGAR, MOLASSHS, Ai:D RELATED PRODUCTS - Continued Product (as described in 1930 Act) Molasses and sugar sirups, n.s.p.f . : Testing not above 48$ total sugars- i Testing above 48$ total sugars for each per cent of total sugars and frac- tions of in proportion lodasses not' -imported to' be - commercially used for the extraction of- sugar or for human consumption Koney, ISaple sugar, xple sirup. Tariff Act of 1922 Far. 50- 502 502 716 503 503 Hate of duty cj ti per gal. a/ 0.275^ per gal additional yj Zi per, lb. 4/ per lb. 4^ per _ lb. Tariff .Act of 1930 Par. : R at e of duty 502 502 50< 716 503 J %t Per gal a/ 0.275/ per gal, additional 0.03^ per lb. of total sugars 3^ per lb. c/ 6p per lb. d/ 4^ per lb. a/ Bulk of this edible molasses and sugar sirup imported for consumption in 1929 tested from 63$ to : 69$ - mostly 59$. Molasses and sirup testing 69$ is dutiable at 6.025^ per gallon. Imports from! Cube, receive a 20$ reduction in the tariff and imports from the Philippines are free. b/ The provision in £he : 1922 Act was on a different basis. The duty in the 1922 Act varied with the per cent of total sugar in the molasses, whereas the duty in the 1930 Act is based on total sugar 'content. The Act of 1922 read "molasses testing not above 52$ total sugars not imported to be commercially used for the extraction of sugar or for human consumption, l/6 of a cent per gallon; testing above 52$ and not above 55$ total sugars not imported to be commercially used for extraction of sugar or for human consumption, l/6 of a cent per gallon additional for each per cent of total sugars (above 52) and fractions of a per cent in proportion."'' Imports from Cuba receive a 20$ reduction in duty and imports from the Philippines are free. c/ 8^ in 1930 Act but reduced by Presidential proclamation effective on and after March 7, 1931. d/ 5-gp in 1930 Act but reduced by Presidential proclamation effective on and after March 7, 1931. tariff rates o;; tobacco a/ (*■ Product described in 1930 Act) :ariff Act of 1922 Par. : Rate of duty Tariff Act of 1930 Par. ' Rate of duty Wrapper tobacco, and filler b/ tobacco when mixed or .packed, with more than 35$ of wrapper tobacco, and all leaf tobacco i the product of two. or more countries or dependencies when mixed or packed together: Uns temmed . . . . : Stemmed • Filler tobacco, Uns temmed Stemmed . . s.p.f.: b/ 601 601 601 Scrap tobacco 603 Tobacco stems,: ; Not cut,, ground or pulverized . .. ...._. . . . :1686 Cut, ground, or pulverized .: 604- All other tobacco manufactured ■. or unmanufactured, n. s.p.f. b/ 603 $2.10 per lb.: 601 2.:75 per lbVi 601 35# per lb. 50^ per lb. 35.C" per lb... . Free. . . 55^ per lb. 55# per lb, 601 601 603. 1787 604 $2.27i- per lb. 2.92-| per lb. 35^ per lb. 50^ per lb. 35^- per lb. - . , Free 55# per lb. 603 : 55^ per lb. a/Free if the product of the Philippine Islands. Imports from Cuba receive a 20^ reduction in the above duties. b/ Both acts contain the following: The term "wrapper tobacco" as used in this title means that quality of leaf tobacco which has the requisite color, texture, and burn, and is of sufficient size for cigar wrappers, and the term "filler tobacco" means all other leaf tobacco. 4 - IaRIEF HATES 01J LIVESTOCK AIO OTHER LIVE ANIlLJiS a/ Product fits described in 1930 Act) :ari,f£,Act of 1922 Tar iff Act of 19 30 ■j Pari J Rate of duty : Par. | Bute of duty : • t Cattle (except for breeding) : t Weighing less. than 700 lbs. eachs »701 :b/ 1^ per lb. Weighing 700 lbs. or more each .: -701 rb/ 2^ per lb. 701 701 Sheep (except for .breeding). i :702 : -#2 per head i 702 Lambs . Goats (except for breeding) Swine (except for breeding) : Horses and mules unless imported for immediate slaughter (or breeding) : Valued at not more than #150 per head Valued at more than $150 per head Horses and mules imported for immediate slaughter Any purebred pedigreed animal except black or silver foxes im- ported by an American citizen specially for breeding purposes . Animals brought into the United . States for specified purposes f/ Live guno animals imported for stocking purposes Live animals, vertebrate and 'in- vertebrate n.s.p.f. i i 702 703 .714 -714 c/ #2 per head ^2 per head fe per lb. :d/^30 per head id/ 20$ ad val. d • 1506 1507 Free Free g/ 15$ ad val, 715 : 15$ ad val. 702 702 703 714 714 1695 1606 (a i 1607 1682 715 2fe per lb, 7)4 per lb. : : ^3 per head sp3 per head $3 per head 2c 7 per lb. : $30 per head 20$ ad val. Free Free Free Freo a/ Exclusive of live poultry, game birds and other live birds which are listed in this tabulation under "Poultry and Game Birds". b/ In the 1922 Act the weight classes were "less than 1,050 pounds" and "1,050 pounds and over" . c/ Lambs not specially mentioned in 1922 ^ct but dutiable as sheep* dy The words "unless .imported for immediate slaughter" .new in 1930 Act. e/ L T ot specially; mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable as horses and mules, Paragraph 714. f/ Includes animals brought in for a period not exceeding six months for breeding, exhibition or competition for prizes offered by any agricultural, polo or racing association; also tennis owned by persons emigrating to the United States; also wild animals for exhibition not for sale or profit. g/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 715. - 5 - TARIFF RATES OK MEA2S a/ Product'" ; •' - : ? ariff - Act of 1922 ' Tariff Act of 1930 [as described in 1930 Act) : Par. S- Rate of duty : Par. : Rate, of duty Beef ,• fresh, chilled or frozen ..: Veal, fresh, chilled or frozen ..: Mutton, fresh, chilled or frozen : Lamb,- fresh, chilled or frozen ..: 701 701 702 702 Goat meat, fresh-, chilled or* frozen '. Pork,- fresh, chilled or frozen ..: Bac on '. .....: Hams s Shoulders . . . » .....: Other: pork 'prepared cr preserved : 702 b/ 30 per lb.: 701 b/ 30 per lb.: 701 b/ Z& p,;r lb.: 702 b/ 4^'p'uT lb.: 702 b/ 2^ per lb.: 702 Reindeer meat, fresh, chilled or frozen Venison, fresh, chilled or frozen Game animals killed in foreign countries by residents of the United States and imported' by them for non-commercial purposes ; . . . . , Other game (except birds') fresh, chilled or frozen n.s.p.f.' .... Other meats, fresh, chilled,- frozen, prepared cr preserved not specially provided for o/ 703 :b/ f£ per lb.: 703 703 : 29! per lb. : 703 703 : 20 per lb.: 703 703 ': 20' per lb.: 703 703 : 20 per lb.: 703 704 :c/ 40 per lb, 704 :c/ 40 per lb. : :d/ 40 per lb, : 704 :c/ 40 per lb, 706 b/ 20% ad val, : : l 704 704 1682 704 706 60 per lb. 6$ per lb. 50 per lb. 70 per lb, 50 per lb. 2^0 per lb. 3jj* P Q r lb » 3-|0 per lb. 5p per lb. &|0 per lb. 60 per lb. 60 per lb. Free 60 per lb. 60 per lb. but not less than 20% ad val. a/ Other than dressed poultry, game and other birds listed in under "Poultry and Game Birds". b/ The words "chilled or frozen" new in 1930 Act. c/ The words "fresh, chilled or frozen" new in 1930 Act. d/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Par e/ Includes canned, pickled and cured meats except pork. this tabulation 704 as game. - 6 TARIFF RATES ON ANIMAL AND FISH OILS AND FATS a/ AND WAX Product as described, in 1930 Act) Tariff Act of 1922 Par. 1458 1630 1630 53 703 703 1615 53 701 53 53 53 53 701 53 53 1693 Rate of duty 25# ad v'ai. Free Free Free d/e/20^ ad val. d/~5 i per gal. 10^ per gal. f/ Free \ I per lb. d/ 6 i per gal. i/ g/ g/ 1730 1730 1730 52 703 703 1715 52 701 52 52 52 52 52 701 52 52 a/ 5 i per lb. Free 5 i per gal. 1 i per lb. 6 ^ per gal. 5 4 per gal. 10^ per gal. 14^ per gal. 6 i per lb. \ $ per lb. 6 £ per gal. Beeswax, bleached _b/ Unbleached • c/ Cod liver oil Cod oil Eulachon oil Herring oil Lard Lard compounds and lard substi- tutes Harrow, crude I'er.haden oil Oleo oil and oleo stearin .... Seal oil Sod oil Sperm, crude Refined or otherwise processed Spermaceti wax Tallow Whale oil Wool grease Containing over 2$ free fatty- acids Containing 2f : or less of free fatty acids and not suitable; for medicinal use Suitable for medicinal use in-: eluding adeps lanae, hydrous: or anhydrous All other animal and fish oils fats and greases not specially; provided for Animal '.vex not specially provid- ed for . . a/ 7 " Other than dairy produc ts alid~aa iry~p rod uctT substitutes listed in this tabu- lation under "Dairy products and substitutes." b_/ Act of 1922 specified "white bleached beeswax". Tree if imported from Cuba, c/ Not specially mentioned in either Act but free as "Wax; Animal, n..s.p.f." 1922 Act Paragraph 1693 and Paragraph 1796 Act of 1930. d/ Put if the product of American fisheries it is free under paragraph 1630 of given Act. e/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 53 as "all fish oils n.s.p.f.". f/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but free under Paragraph 1693. g/ The description in 1922 Act is not directly comparable. The following is from paragraph 53: "Wool grease, crude, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, \ j. per lb.; wool grease, not crude, including adeps lanae, hydrous and anhydrous, \sf. per pound." h/ 1922 Act read "All fish oils and all other animal oils fats and greases not specially provided for." g/ d/h/20^ ad val, Free Tariff Act of 1930 Par. 1556 52 52 1796 Rate of duty 30$ ad val. Free Free Free Free 5 / per gal. 3 i per lb. 1 / per lb. 2 i per lb. 3 i per lb. d/ 20$ ad val. Free - 7 TARIFF RATES ON VEGETABLE OILS EXPRESSED OR EXTRACTED a/ Product '„ ... . {as described in 1930 Act) Tariff Act of 1922 Par. Almond oil, sweet ......; 1632 Cacao butter ,...'..: 775 Carnauba wax b/: - - Castor oil T. : 54 Coconut oil c/: 55 Cottonseed oil : 55 Croton oil : 1632 Flaxseed oil (see linseed oil): Rempseed oil : 54 Linseed or flaxseed oil .,..,.: 54 and combinations and mixtures of chief value of such oil Olive oil weighing with immed iate container less than 40 lbs., on contents and con- tainer Olive oil rendered unfit for use. as food or for any but mechanical or manufacturing purposes Olive oil not specially pro- m ided for Palm kernel oil Rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechani- cal or manufacturing pur- poses palm oil 1632 54 1632 1631 Rate of duty Free 25$ ad valorem Free 3 / per lb. 2 i per lb. Z i per lb. Free l£/:per lb. d/3-7/10/ per lb. l\i per lb, 6^/ per lb, Free Tariff Act of 1930 Par. 1732 777C ■ 53' 54 54 1732 53 53 53 53 1732 Rate of dutv Free 25$ ad valorem Free 3 ^ per lb. 2 / per lb. 3 / per lb. Free liW per lb. 4§/ per lb. 4-^/ per ]b . 9-jj^ per lb. Free 6y per lb, 1 i per lb, f/Free : 1732: Free Free ' : 1732; Fr ee a/ Nut including oils distilled or essential such as Eucalyptus oil, grape- fruit oil, lemon oil, orange oil, peppermint oil, etc. Oilcake and oilcake meal are listed in this tabulation under "Fodders and Feeds", b/ Not specially mentioned in either Act but free as "wax: vegetable not specially provided for" under par. 1693 Act of 1922 and Par. 1796 Act of 1930. 2_/ Free if the product of the Philippines or Cuba. d/ Act of 1922 description was "linseed or flaxseed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized". Rate increased from 3-3/10 cents per pound by Presidential pro- clamation effective July 25, 1929. e/ From, the passage of the 1922 Act until March 1930 tl*l» merchandise was held to be dutiable at 25 per cent under Paragraph 58 rather than as linseed oil under paragraph 54. In March 1930 Treasury Decision No. 43910 held that a mixture of vegetable oils composed of 95 per c^nt linsoed oil was dutiable as linseed oil under paragraph 54. f/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but free under Paragraph 1632 ss Palm Kernel oil. - 8 TARIFF RAIE3 Oli VEGETABLE OILS EXPRESSED OR EXTRACTED - Continued 1 Tari Produc t (as described in 1930 Act) f f Act of 19 2J .Par. Rate; of duty Tariff Act cf 1930 Par. Rate of duty Peanut oil .......: 55 Perilla oil . ....':1632 Peppy seed oil : 54 Rapesoed oil .....: 54 Rendered unfit for use as food or' : for any but mechanical or : manufacturing purposes . : Sesame oil :1632 Rendered unfit for use as food or : for any but mechanical or : manufacturing purposes ' : Soy-bean oil ©/ ........: 55 Sunflower seed oil rendered unfit : for use as food or for any but : mechanical or manufacturing : purposes '.....: Tung oil :1632 Vegetable tallow :1691 All other expressed or extracted : (vegetable) oils not specially provided for h/ ' : 54 Nut oils not specially provided for :1632 Combinations and mixtures -of animal, : vegetable or mineral oils or of any: of them (except combinations or : mixtures containing essential or : distilled oils) with or without : other substances and n.s.p.f. .....: 58 Wax, vegetable, n.s.p.f :1693 40 per lb Free a/ 20 per lb 60 per gal*! oj 60 per gal Free d/ F: 54 1732 53 53 1732 54 1732 2^ per lb.: 54 f/20$ ad val.' £/ Free 20$ ad val, Free 25$ ad val, Free 1732 1732 1794 53 1732 57 1796 40 per lb. Free 2c' per lb. b/ 60 pur gal, Free 30 per lb, Free 3-g0 per lb. but not less than 45$- ad val. Free Freo Free 20$ ad val. Froc i/ 25$ ad val Free a/ Described in 1922 Act as "poppy seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized." b/ But most rapeseed oil entering the United States is not used for edible purposes. c/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 54 as rapeseed oil. &/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but free under Paragraph 1632 as sos ame oil. oj Free of duty if the growth or product of Cuba. f/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 54 as "all other expressed or extracted oils n.s.p.f." &j 1922 Act specified "Chinese and Japanese" tung oil. h/ But not including distilled or essential oils. i/ "But not less than the rate applicable to the component material subject to the highest r^te of duty". 9 - TARIFF RATES 01! OILBEABDTG RA.7 tiiTERULS &j Product (as described in 1930 Act) Apricot and peach, k Castor beans .■ . . Copra . . . . :. . . Cottonsood b/„ . . .Flaxseed Hemp so od ..... Kapok sood . . , . Palm nut kernels . Palm nuts Peanuts (Listed und Perilla seed . . . Poppy soed ... Rapeseed Rubber seed .... .Soasame seed . . . Soy beans . . . . < Sunf lower sood . . Tung nuts . . • . . . Scods and nuts, not provided for v;hon derived therefrom me Is r "Euts specially the oils arc free Tariff Act of 1922' Tariff Act of 1930 Par 760 760 1626 760 760 1626 1626 1626 1626 760 1626 Zj, per lb. : •i^ per .lb. . •: Free • ■ •: 1/3^ -per lb. : :c/56^ per bu.- -of: 56 lbs. : Froe Froo 1526 760 760 1626 1626 Rato of dut: Par Rate of Ivt- 762 • -762 1727 762 762 1727 1727 1727 1727 Free ■- :1727 32^ per -100 lbs: 762 Free tff, per lb. 2 -728 c/42/ per bu.60 lbs: 729 c/Ol.04 per 100 lbs I 729 e/42/ per bu.60 lbs: 729 2/ per lb.. 2/ per lb. 20$ ad valorem 725 725 732 15/ per bu. 56 lbs. .45/ per 100 lbs. ;40/' per 100 lbs. :d/42/ per bu.60 lbs #1.04 per 100 lbs. 10$ ad valorem 2c 7 per lb, 3c 7 per lb, IQffo ad valorem a/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable' as' barley malt. b/ -V/heat imported for grinding in bond and export is free under Section 311 of both Acts, with, the exception given in footnote &/ below. _ c/ Original rates under 1922 Act: V/heat, 30j^ per bu. ; wheat flour, etc., 78/ per 100 lbs,, increased to 42c 7 per bu. and Ol«04 per 100 lbs., by proclamation of the President, effective April 6, 1924. '■ d/ Under the 1930 Act wheat imported and ground in bond for export to Cuba pays a duty equal to the reduction in duty which by treaty applies in respect of such flour in Cuba. This provision was not in the 1922 Act. ej Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as wheat. ■17- ?ARIFF RATES Oil FODDERS AND FEEDS a/ Product (as- describ/qd in 1930 Act) Tariff Act of 1922 Par. ' Rate of duty Tariff Act of 1930 Par. Rate of duty Bran, shorts,' by-product Feeds obtained in milling wheat Bran, shorts, by-product feeds, other than wheat ...... Hulls of oats, barley, buck- wheat, or other grain ground or unground Screenings, scalpings, chaff or scourings of wheat, flax- seed, or other grains or seeds, unground or ground c/ Dried beet pulp Malt sprouts Brewers ' grains Soy-bean oil-cake and soy-bean oil-cake meal All other .vegetable oil-cake and oil-cake meal, n.s.p.f.o/ 730 730 730 731 730 730 730 1629 b/ 7-fcS ad val, 15% ad val. 730 730 10c* .per iOO.vJbsu 730 10$ ad val. 10$ ad val. 10^ per 100 lbs, 10$ ad val. 731 10$ ad val. ^5 per ton 730 : #5 per ton h?5 per ton . 730 : ^5 per ton ^5 per ton : 730 : «tf5 per ton d/ Free f/ Free 730 730 3/10 of 14 per lb. g/3/10 of 1<< per lb. a/ Sea also "Cowpeas, n.s.p.f." listed in this tabulation under "Grass and other Forage Crop Seeds." b/ Original rate in 1922 Act, 15$. ad valorem; decreased to 7%? 3 ad valorem by Presidential proclamation, effective Aprtl 6, 1924* c/ Both Acts provided, "That when grains or seeds contain more than 5 per centum of any foreign matter dutiable at a rate higher than that applic- able to the grain or sood the entire lot shall be dutiable at such higher rate. d/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but free under Paragraph 1629 as oil- cake and oilcake meal. e/ But free of duty if the product or growth of the Philippine Islands. tj The words "All ether vegetable" and "Not specially provided for" new in Act of 1930. £/ But Treasury Decision 44519, January 7th, 1931, held hempsood meal free of duty under Paragraph 1605, *ict 1930, as chiefly used as fertilizer. All oil cake the growth or product of Cuba is free of duty. 18 - ,.3~-- :TARIi?/ RATES OH FODDSRd iiKD FEEDS - Continued . ' "■•"•■' Product ■ as described in 1930 Act tankage, fish scrap,' fish rneal cod-liver oil-Cake, and cod- liver oil-cake -meal, all the foregoing unfit for human consumption Mixed feeds consisting of an admixture of grains or t;rain products with oil-cake oil-cako meal, molasses, or other feeds tuffs Hay Straw Tariff Act of 1922 Par. ' Rate of duty 730 777 '77 sJ 10% ad val. $4 per long ton §1 por long ton ]ariff Act of 1930 Par. ' Rate of duty 1780 730 779 779 10% ad val, $5 per short ton $1.50 per short ton a/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 ^ct. - 19 - TARIFF RATi^S ON FRUITS Product (as described in 1930 Act) Apples: Green or ripe Dried or evaporated Otherwise prepared or pre- served, and n.s.p.f Apricots: Green, ripe, or in brine .... Dried or evaporated Candied, crystallized, or glaee Otherwise prepared or pre- served , and n.s.p.f. Avacados or avacado pears, also known as alligator pears b/ Bananas, green or ripe Eerries, edible; In their natural condition or in brine Dried or evaporated Candied, crystallized, or glaco Otherwise prepared or pre- served, or frozen, and n.s.p.f Cherries: In their natural state Dried or evaporated .., Sulphured or in brine ■ With pits Pits removed , Tariff Act of 1922 te riff ;ct of 1930 Par. ; Rate of duty ; par. : Rate of duty 73-1: 734: 25/ per bu. 50 lbs.: 2/ per lb. : 734 734- 25/ per bu.50 lbs.. 2/ per lb. 734 zy per lb. 734 2-|-/ per lb. 735 733 y per lb. j>jl per lb. 735 735 jrf per lb. 2/ per lb. — a/ 35$ ad valorem 752 40f ad valorem 735 35^ ad valorem 735 35f; ad valorem c/ 35$ ad valorem 750 15/ per lb. 1517 Free 1618 Free 736 736 If/ per lb. -2|-/ per lb. : 736 • 736 :iy per lb. :2§/ per lb. :a/ 35^. ad valorem : 752 •A&f ad valorem 736 :d/ 35f. ad valorem : 736 •35^ ad valorem :2/ per lb. •e/ 40^ ad valorem : 737 : 737 :2/ per lb. :6/ per lb. , 757 737 :2/ per lb. :£/ 3/ per lb. : 737 : 737 :5^-/ per lb. :9-|/ per lb. a/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as given fruit "otherwise prepared or preserved, and n.s.p.f." b/ Free of duty if the growth or product of Cuba. c/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as "fruits, n.s.p.f." d/ 1922 Act did not specially mention frozen berries. e/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as cherries, prepared or preserved in any manner. f_/ In the 1922 Act dutiable at 2/ per lb. as cherries, sulphured or in brine. Cherries, sulphured, or in brine, stemmed or pitted, increased to 3/ per lb. by Presidential proclamation, effective January 2, 1928. - 20 - TARIFF RATES ON FRUITS - Continued Product (as described in 1930 Act) Cherries - Cont. Maraschino, candied, crys- tallized, or glace, or pre- pared or preserved in any- manner <, . . 741 741 Dates, fresh or dried: With pits Pits removed Any of the foregoing in pack- ages weighing with immediate container not more than 10 lbs. each Candied, crystallized, or glace Prepared or preserved, n.s.p.f.741 Par. ?*:riff Act of 192' Rate of duty 737 Figs,, fresh, dried, or in brine Fig paste Candied, crystallized, or glace Prepared or preserved, n.s. p. f Grapes in bulk, • crates, barrels or other packages Raisins Other dried grapes . Currants, Zante or other Lemons Limes, natural or in brine . . c/ Oranges c/ Grapefruit . c/ 8/ 740 740 a/ idfc ad valorem l/' per lb. l/* per lb. b/ 35$ ad valorem 35$ ad valorem 2/ per lb. b_/ 35$ ad valorem b/ 35$ ad valorem 35$ ad valorem 742 »25j? per cu. ft 742 :2/ per lb. 742 \zy per lb. 742 :2/ per lb. 743 :2V per lb. 743 :l/ per lb. 743 :l/ per lb. 743 :l/ per lb. par. : Rate of duty • (9-JjJ per lb. and 737:(40^r ad valorem Tariff Act of 1930 741: If? per lb. 741:20? per lb. 741 :7§/ per lb. 752:40$ ad valorem 741:35$ ad valorem 740:5/ per lb. 740:5/ per lb. 752:40$ ad valorem 740:40$ ad valorem 742:25/ per cu. ft. 742:2/ per lb. 742: 2^-/ per lb. 742:2/ per lb. 743:2^-/' per lb. 743:2/ per lb. 743:1/ per lb. 743 :lA/ per lb. &/ Candied, crystallized, or glace cherries not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as cherries, prepared or preserved in any manner. b/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as given fruit "prepared or preserved". c/ Imports from Cuba receive a 20 per cent reduction in duty. 21 TARIFF RATES ON FRUITS - Continued Product (as described, in 1930 Act) Tariff Act of 1922 Mangoes Olives: In brine, green .... Ill brine, ripe In brine, pitted or stuffed Dried, ripe ,,.,., Not specially provided for , Peaches: Green, ripe, or in brine . Dried, desiccated, or evaporated Candied, crystallized or glace . Prepared or preserved,& n.s.p.f. Pears: Green, ripe, or in brine Dried, desiccated, or evaporated Candied, crystallized, or glace Prepared or preserved, & n.s.p.f. Pineapples: Per crate d/ In bulk d/ Candied, crystallized, or glace Pa r. ; Rate of duty — :b/ 35$ ad valorem 744:20/ per gal. 744:20/ per gal. 744:30/ per 'gal. 744:4/ per lb. :b/ 35$ ad valorem 745:^/ per lb.' 745:2/ per lb. -to/ 35$ ad valorem 745:35$ ad valorem 745:|/ per lb. 745:2/ per lb. :c/ 35$ ad valorem 745:35$ ad valorem 746 :e/ 22-|/ per crate 746:"|/ each 746:35$ ad velorem 'ariff Act of 1930 Prepared or preserved,&n.s.p.f .d/ 746:2/ per lb. 'lantains, green or ripe a/ :b/ 35$ ad valorem Par . : Rate of duty 746:15/ per lb. 744:20/ per gal, 744:30/ per gal, 744:30/ per gal 744:5/ per lb. 744:5/ per lb. 745:^/ per lb. ; 745 ;2/ per lb. j 752;40$ ad valorem 745; 35$ ad valorem 749 -.y per lb. 749:2/ per lb. 752:40$ ad valorem 749:35$ ad valorem 747 :e/ 50/ per crate 747:1-1/6/ each 747:35$ ad valorem 747:2/ per lb. 1618:Free a7" Free if imported from Cuba. b_/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Par, 749 of that Act as "Fruits, not specially provided for". c/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable as given fruit "otherwise prepared or preserved and n.s.p.f." d/ Imports from Cuba receive a 20$ reduction in duty, e/ The 1922 Act specified a crate of 1-96/100 cu. ft. and the 1930 Act specified a crate of 2-45/100 cu. ft. The above rates' arc therefore not comoarablj until converted to a common basis. 22 TARIFF RATES ON FFUITS - Continued _, . : Tariff Aot of 1922 : Tariff Act of 1930 product. ~ (as described in 1930 Act) }Par. Pale of duty : Par. : pate of duty Plums, prune's, and prunelles: : Green, ripe, or in brine . ; : 747 ptf per lb. 748 -g/ per lb. Dried, desiccated, -or evaporated: 747 y per lb. . ' ■": 748: 24 T>ev lb. Candied, crystallized,: or glace : a/ 35$ ad valorem ' '752« 40? ad valorem Prepared . or .preserved ,& n. s.p.f . : 747 35% ad valorem : ' 748 35$ ad valorem Tamarinds ■ :1679 Free 1779 Free Fruits in their natur- 1 .state', or : in brine, pickled, dried, desic-: cated, evaporated, or otherwise : prepared or preserved, -. and not : specially provided for-, and mix-: tures of two or more fruits, : prepared or preserved : 749 b/ 35f ad valorem '752 35$ ad. valorem Fruit pastes and fruit pulps, : n. s.p.f. : c/ 35<£ ad valorem 752 :35f. ad valorem All jellies, jams, marmalades : and fruit butter • ■ : 748 55^ ad valorem 751 35$ ad valorem Candied, crystallized, or glaco ; fruits, n. s.p.f .....:....: c/ 35'" ad Valorem 752 d/ 40f ad valorem a/~~ Not specially mentioned in 1922 /.ct, but dutiable as given fruit "otherwise prepared or preserved, and n. s.p.f." b/ "Provided, That all specific provis Lons of this bitlp for fruits and berries c/ prepared or preserved shell include fruits and berries preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices." - In 1922 Act only. Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Paragraph 749. "Provided, That a mixture of two or more kinds of candied, crystallized, or glace fruit shall boar the highest rate of duty applicable to any of the components." This provision is new in the 1930 Act. 23 TARIFF RATES ON VEGETABLES Product (as described in 1930 Act) Beans, n.s.p.f. Green or unripe Dried . . .. ' In brine Prepared or preserved in any manner, on entire con- tents of container : 763 Tariff Act of 1922 Par.; Rate of duty 763 763 763 773 Bean stick, miso, bean cake, and similar products not specially provided for c/ Beets, other than sugar beets d/ : 764 Blackeye Cowpeas ef Green or unripe Dried In brine Prepared or preserved in any manner on entire con- tents of container Cabbage, in natural state a/g/- \i per lb. lf^ per lb, 24 per lb. b/ 2/ per lb, 35$ ad valorem 17$ ad valorem f/ \H per lb. h/ 25^ ad valorem Tar i ff Act of 1 930 Par. : Rate of duty 765 765 765 765 775 766 765 765 765 765 774 3§jrf per lb, 3? per lb. 3/ per lb. 3* ad valorem 1-|/ per lb. ■ ■ 1 i per lb. 1 / per lb. ±rj per lb; e/ 2 i per lb, b/ 25^ ad valorem 6 4 per lb. 50^ per 100 lbs. 2§/ per lb. 2 J/ per lb. lf^ per lb. 35?' ad valorem ;/ 35^ ad valorem Tariff Act uf 1930 Par. 774 768 768 77.5. 771 771 771 83 775 775 Pete of d uty 2 i per lb. 10/ per lb. and 45f ad valorem 10/ per lb. drained weight and 45£ ad valorem 770: 2,y per lb. 769 769 769 3 / per If/ per 2f/ per lb. lb. lb. 769 2 / per lb. 774 3 / per lb. 6 / per lb. 75/ per. 100 lbs. 2?-/ per lb.' 2§/ per lb. $ per lb, 35^ ad valorem 50# ad valorem e[7 Both acts provide that in the assessment of duties on vegetables no seg- regation or allowance of any kind shall be made for foreign matter or impurities mixed therewith. b/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 772 as "Vegetables in natural state, n.s.p.f." c/ Originally 1 cent per pound under 1922 Act. Raised by Presidential proclamation effective January 21, 1929. Imports from Cuba receive a 20 per cent reduction in duty. d_/ "Unripe" new in Act of 1930. Imports from Cuba receive a 20 per cent re- duction in duty. e/ The words "on entire contents of container" new in 1930 Act. £/ Imports of potatoes from Cuba receive a 20 per cent reduction in duty. _g/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but dutiable under Paragraph 773 "Vegetables - - - prepared or preserved in any manner n.s.p.f." - 26 TARIFF RATES ON VEGETABLES - Continued Product [as described in 1930 Act) Soy beans, prepared or preserved in any manner a/ Squash, in natural state b/ d/ Tomatoes In natural state , (Paste, 1922 Act) 7. Prepared or preserved in any manner ' d/ Truffles, fresh, dried or other- wise prepared or preserved .... Turnips and Rutabagas tl Vegetables in natural state, specially provided for .., not ,..b/ Vegetable substances, moss sea- ■ weeds, crude or unmanufactured n.s.p.f Tariff Act of 1922 Par. 773 770 770^ 770 : 766 771 772 1622 Vegetables (including horseradish if cut, sliced, or otherwise re , duced in size, or if reduced to flour or if parched or roasted or if pickled, or packed in salt, brine, oil,- or prepared or preserved in any other way and n.s.p.f. 773 _Rate_ o_£ duty 35$ ad valorem c/ 85$ ad valorem \ i per lb. 40$ ad valorem 15$ ad valorem 25$ ad valorem 12/ per 100 lbs 25$ ad valorem Free g/ 35$ ad valorem Tariff Act of 193 Par_._ 775 774 772 772 1788 773 774 1722 775 _ gat e of duly 35$ ad valorem 2 i per lb. 3 i per lb. e/50$ ad valorem 50$ ad valorem Free 25jzf per 100 lbs, 50$ ad valorem Free 35$ ad valorem a/ 7 Soy bean oil cake and oil cake meal lTsted Tn~l;his tabulation undei r_ ' r Fod^~ ders and Feeds". Soybeans listed in this tabulation under "Oilbearing Paw Materials", Soybean oil undjr "Vegetable Oils Expressed or Extracted'! b/ Both acts provide that in the assessment of duties on vegetables no seg- regation or allowance of any kind shall be made for foreign matter or im- purities mixed therewith. All vegetables imported from Cuba unless free receive a 20$ reduction in duty. Yams from Cuba are all free. c/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Paragraph 772 as "Vegetables in natural state, n.s.p.f." d_/ Tomatoes imported from Cuba receive a reduction in duty of 20 per cent. e/ Not specially mentioned in 1930 Act, but dutiable as "tomatoes prepared or preserved in any manner" under Paragraph 772. fj "And Rutabagas" new in Act of 1930. Imports of turnips from Cuba receive a 20$ reduction in duty. g/ "Including horseradish" . and "or if reduced to flour" new in 1930 Act. 27 TARIFF RATES OH NUTS Tariff Act of 1922 product ( as described in 19 30 Act) Par, / : Almonds: Hot shelled Shelled Bla&ched, roasted, or otherwise prepared or preserved Paste 754 754 754 Cashew nuts: Shelled or unshelled. ll £/: Chestnuts (including marrons):a/ : Hot further advanced than : crude, dried, or baked ; Candied, crystallized, or glace: or prepared or preserved in : any manner : 1546 1546 Brazil or Cream nuts: Hot shelled Shelled )J 5.1' e e/ 755 755 Coconuts a/ f /: 756 Coconut meat, shredded and dried : or similarly prepared &/: 756 Filberts: a/ c/: Hot shelled : 755 Shelled : 755 i/l/i Mandalonas or almond substitute..: Rate of duty 4f/ per lb. 14j£ per lb. b/ 35$ ad valo] • 14f£ pier lb. d/ lf£ per lb. Free Fr< lj£ per lb. l/ per lb. U each 'it P er 1 ' ' 2U per lb. 5/ per lb. b/ 35$ ad valorem Tariff Act of 1930 Par, 756 756 756 756 761 1646 756 757 757 758 758 757 757 756 Rate of duty 5g£ pe r lb. 163^ per lb 16^ per lb, 18§j£ per lb, 2/£ per lb. 25/ per lb, l\£ per lb. 4^ per lb. \l each 3^ per lb. 5^ per lb. 10^ per lb. 18^4 Per lb, a/ In 1930 Act, Par. 761 - "a mixture of two or more kinds of nuts shall bear the highest rate of duty applicable to any of the components." In both Acts - "no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled." b/ Hot specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Par. 759 as "edible nuts, pickled, or otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for." c/ In 1930 Act - "blanched, subject to sane rate of duty as if not blanched." d/ Hot specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Par. 759 as "edible nuts, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for." e/ Free if the growth or product of Cuba. f/ Free if the growth or product of the Philippines or Cuba. g/ Free if the growth or product of the Philippines. h/ Mandalonas consist of peanuts, shelled, blanched, sliced, and treated with almond oil. • 28- TARIEE' RATES OH' HUTS- jJ-~ Continued Product (as_ described in 1930 Act) Tar iff Act of 19 22 Par.'. Rate of duty Tariff Act of 1930 Par,'. Rate of duty Peanuts: '•—•.« : Hot shelled .' b/ : 757. • Shelled : 757 •Blanched, salted, prepared, : ' or preserved, n.s.p.f : • Peanut butter ....•...,. : Pecans: : . Hot shelled : 758 Shelled i : 753 (Pignolia (or pine) nuts:- 1922: Act) ; ... i- (Hot shelled) • : 755 (Shelled) . . . « : 755 (■Pi st ache nuts:- 1922 Act) : (Hot shelled) - : 755 (Snelled) : 755 Walnuts of all kinds: : Hot shelled : 758 Shelled : 758 Blanched, roasted, prepared : or preserved « : Paste.'. : — Edible nuts, n.s.p.f. : • got shelled : 759 Shelled .' . . : 759 Pickled, or otherwise pre- : pared or preserved, and : n.s.p.f : 759 Hut and kernel paste n.s.p.f...: 759 :c/ 4^(6 per lb. c/ 6(6 per lb. :d/ 35$ ad valorem e/ 25$ ad valorem 3^ per lb. 6^ per lb. .l/ per lb. l£ per lb. .1/6 ^er lb. .1(6 .P^r lb. .4jS.per.ib. 1256 per lb. d/ 35$. ad. valorem el 25fo ad valorem 1^ per lb, 1^ per lb, 35$ ad valorem 25$ ad valorem 759 : 4^ per lb. 759 : 7^ per lb. 759 : 2(6 per lb. 759 : 7/i per lb. 760 : 5^ per lb. 760 : 104 per lb, :f/ 2U Per lb. f/ 5^ per lb. f/ 2U Per lb. f/ 5^ per lb. 760 : 5/6 per lb. 760 : 15)6 per lb. 760 : 15)6 per lb. 760 : 15|6 per lb, 761 :g/ 2U Per lb, 761 :g/' 5^ per lb, 761 : 35$ ad valorem 761 : 25$ ad valorem a/ in 1930 Act, Par. 761 - "a mature of two or more kinds of nuts shall bear the highest rate of duty applicable to any of the components." In both Acts - "no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled." b/' Eree if the product of the Philippines. jc/ Original rates under 1922 Act were 3(6 on peanuts not shelled and 4(6 on . snelled, increased by Presidential proclamation, effective E e bruary 18, 1929. d/ Hot specially mentioned in 1922 -.Act, but dutiable under Par. 759 as - "Edible nuts, pickled, or otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for." e/.Hot specially mentioned in 1922 Act, but dutiable under Par. 759 as - "Hut and kernel paste not specially provided for." f/ Hot specially mentioned in 1930 Act, but dutiable under Par. 761 a* - "Edible nuts, not specially provided for." £/ In 1930 Act - "blanched subject to same rate of duty as if not blanched." •29- tariff hates ok grass and other forage crop seeds a/ Produc t described in 1930 Act) 'ariff Act of 19 22 Par. Rate of duty Tariff Act of 1930 Par. Rate of duty Alfalfa seed : 761 Alsike clover seed : 761 Bent grass (genus agrostis) seed: Bluegrass seed : Chickpeas or Garbanzos c/ : Cowpeas seed, n.s.p.f. d/ :1657 Crimson clover seed : 761 Ladino clover seed : Millet seed Orchard grass .seed Red clover seed. Ryegrass seed Sweet clover seed Tall oat seed Timothy seed Vetch, hairy, seed (Vetch, spring - 1922 Act) .... White clover seed Clover seed n.s.p.f Other vetch seed All other grass and forage crop seeds n.s.p.f. ±f 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 : 761 4^ per lb. 4# per lb. b/ Z$ per lb. b/ Z4 per lb. Free 1£ per lb. ej 2c 7 per lb. \<* per lb. b/ 2£ per lb. 4c 7 per lb. b/ Z$ per lb. o/ Z$ per lb. b/ 2^ per lb. lb. lb. ib , lb. Z<* per per per per per lb. b/ 2c 7 per lb, Zi per lb, 763 763 763 763 1757 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 763 8c" per lb. 6y per lb. 40^ per lb. 5£ per lb. Free 2£ per lb 6£ per lb l .ctual v;eU;ht \\<* .pqr lb. . 12c; per. lb. , i8c* per lb. ' 1101 : 24c" per lb. Foregoing -imported: under bond for: . .: .... manufacture. of carpets, etc. h/sll01 : Free Clean content :c/22C" per lb. :c/24^ per lb. :c/24c- per lb. :c/25c' per lb. :c/27^ per lb. Free a/ Origins- specified in 1930 i.ct: Donskci, Smyrna, Cordova, Valparaiso, Ecuadore^n, Syrian, ^leppo, Georgian, Turkestan., ^rabian, Bagdad, Persian, Sistan, East Indian, Thibetan, Chinese, Iianchurian,_ Mongolian, Egyptian, Sudan, Cyprus, Sardinian, Pyrenean, Oporto, Scotch Blackfc.ce, Black Spanish, Kerry, Haslock, and -Welsh Mountain. b/ Words of 1922 uCt were: .."Wools, not improved by the admixture of merino or English blood, such as Donskoi, .native Smyrna, native South ^jnerican, Cordova, Valparaiso and other -wools of like character or description, -and hair of the camel." c/ Provided that .a tolerance of 10$ of wool net finer than 44s may be allowed in each bale or package. d/ See footnote c/ on following page for definitions under both .-.cts. e/ Defined in 1922 Act as: "Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back, or on the skin." Defined in 1930 act as: "Washed wools and hair shall be considered such as has been washed with water only on the animals back or en the skin, and all wool and hair, not scoured, with a higher clean yield than 77;o shall be considered as washed." f/ As defined by the 1930 Act: "Sorted wools or hair, or matchings, shall be wools and hair (other than skirtings) wherein the identity of individual fleeces has been destroyed, except that skirted fleeces shall not be con- sidered sorted wools or hair or matchings unless the backs have been removed." Not specifically provided for in 1922 Act. gj Defined in 1930 Act as: "Secured wools and hair shall be considered such as have been otherwise cleaned (not including shaking, willowing, burr- picking, or carbonizing). "Not explicitly defined in 1922 i*ct. h/ 1922 Act provideu that such wools if used in manufacture of rugs, carpets, or other floor covering shall have duties remitted or refunded. 1930 **ct provides that such wools if used in the manufacture of yarns which have been used in the manufacture of press cloth, camel's hair belting, rugs, carpets, or any other floor covering, or in the manufacture of knit or felt boots cr heavy fulled lumbermen's socks the duties shall be remitted or refunded. 33 TARIFF RATES OK V/OOL AID JL.IR lontinuec ' Product' ^as described in' 1930 avct; Tariff ,xt of 1922 Tariff ,.ct of 1930 Par. " Rate of duty Par. Rat o cf duty \7cols, not specially provided : fcr, not finer than 44s: : On the skin : In the grease c/ : Washed d/ : Sorted or matchings, if not : sc cured e/ • m Scoured ,'f/ : : Clean content ; \£j 30c' per lb.: 1102 (a) :a/ 31< per lb.:1102(a) :a/ 31c' per lb. : 1102(a) .a/. :1102(a) :a/ W,ppr lb. :1102(a) /ools, not specially provided : for, and hair of the .engora : goat, Cashmere goat,- alpaca, : and other like animals: : On the skin : In the grease c/ : V/ashod d/ : Sorted or matchings, if not : scoured e> 3coured-f :1102 •1102 :1102 ,1102 Clean content : 30c' per lb. : 1102(b) . 31£ per -lb.: 1102(b), 31c J per lb.: 1102(b) £/ :1102(b) ,31c per lb.': 1102(b) Clean content b/ '27< por lb. b/ 29c' per lb. b/ 29 c y per lb. b/ 30c per lb. b/ 32c' per lb. Clean content 32c per lb. 34c' per lb. 34c per lb. 35c" per lb. 37c 7 per lb. a/ In the Zct of 1922, this classification was net specially providea for but was covered by Paragraph 1102, which. was worded the. same 'as Paragraph 1102 (b) of the 1930 Act, as quoted above..' b/ Provided that a tolerance of not more than 10$ of wools' not finer than 46s may be allowed in each package or bale. c/ Defined in 1922 Act as: "Wools such as shall have been. shorn from the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition." Defined in 1930 Act as: "Wools and hair in the grease shall ho cc nsidered such as are in their natural condition as shorn from .the animal and- net cleansed otherwise than by shaking, willcwing or burr-picking." d/ For definition see footnote e/ on previous page. e/ Por definition see footnote f/ on previous page. f/ For definition see footnote g/ on previous page. gj i\ T ot specially mentioned in x.ct of 1922. 34 - &JUFF R.-:SE3 ON WOOL .uO ft.IR - Continued Product (.as described in 1930 Act) .riff ,.ct of 1922 Rate cf duty Tariff act of 1930 Par. Rate of duty Top, slubbing, roving and ring waste : • Game t ted w^ste . . . .: Noils : Carbonized . r Not carbonized .... Thread or yarn waste Card or burr waste: ■ Carbonized Net carbonized . . < Shoddy and wool extract Ivlungo t .- Wool rags . .• Flocks - - All other wool wastes, n p.f Wastes of the hair of the ..mgora goat, Cashmere goat, alpaca, and other like animals Wool and hair of all kinds provided for in this schedule,: if carbonized, cr advanced in any manner -or by any process Of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition including tups, but not fur- ther advanced than .roving ... 11015 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1106 31£ per lb. 24c 7 per lb. 24c' per lb. 19c per lb. 16c' per lb. 160" per lb. 16c 1 per lb. per per per per 16c' lb. lb. lb. lb. 16c 7 per lb. Dutiable at rates pro- vided for • similar typos cf :\vool wastes; 1105(a 1105{a 1105 (a 1105(a 1105(a 1105(a 1105 (a 1105(a 1105(a 1105(a 1105(a 1105 (a 1105(b) b/33^ per Ib.i 20$ a.-: val. 1106 37c' per lb. 26c per lb. 30c' per lb. 23c 1 per lb. 25c' per lb. 23c' per lb. 16c' per lb. 24c' per lb. 10c' per lb. 18&' per lb. 8c' per lb. 24c' per lb. Dutiable at rates pro- vided for similar typos of wool wastes 37c' per lb, 20/a ad val a/ Not specially mentioned in the Tariff ..ct of 1922. - Xj The 1922 Act did not include the words "if carbonized" in Paragraph 1106. Under the *:ct of 1922 carbonized wool was dutiable without specific mention, as wool, n.s.p.f. scoured. Hinns, 3ICIK3 .-,■:. leather Product as doscribod in 1930 Act) Hides and skins of cattle of the bovine species (except hides and skins of the India water buffalo imported to be used in the .-manufacture of rawhide articles) raw or un- cures, or dried, salted or pickled , Hide cuttings, raw, with or without hair, ossein, aryl all other glue stock Hides and skins of the India water buffalo imported to be used in the: manufacture of rawhide articles ....... ■ Skins of all; kinds, raw,- (oth>r than fur skins) and: hides not specially provided: for ....... ■ b oy lire Ln-.i n n;p. Leather made' from hides or skins of cattle of the bovine s pe c i e 3 ( o th e r than, fane;/ leather c/) sole or: belting leather (including offal), rough, partly finished, finished, curried, or cut or wholly or partly manufactured into outer or inner soles, blocks-, strips, counters, taps, box toes, or any other forms or shapes suitable for con- version into boots, shoos, footwear, or belting . .• Tariff Act of 1922 Par. 1589 Rate of duty a/ Free Tariff ,xt of 1930 Par. 15G7 : Free .c i • • 166c 1530(a) 1669 Rate of duty 10, 3 ad val. b/ Free ¥re& d/ Free 1691 1765' Free Free 1530(b) : 12j$ ad val. and the exception in parenthesis are new a/ The words "of the bovine species' in the 1930 Act. b/ Kot specially mentioned in 1922 ^ct but free under paragraph 1666 as "skins of all kinds, raw, and hides not specially provided for". c/ The fancy leather referred to is the grained embossed, or fancy leather pro- vided for in paragraph 1530 (d) of 1930 Act. d/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act but free of duty under paragraph 1606 as "leather not specially provided for". 36 HIDaS, SKINS .J1D LIUTHZR - Continuod Product as described in 1930 Act) Leather v/olting made from tho hides or skins of cattle of tho bovine species (not in- cluding fancy leather a/) .... Leather made- from the hides or •skins of cattle of tho bovine species (not including f-ency leather -/) to be used in the manufacture of harness or saddlery ; Leather mado : from hides or skins of cattle of the bovine - species: (not including fancy leather a/ j : Side upper leather '(including grains and 'splits],' patent leather and leather made from calf or kip- skins rough, partly f ln£sh -r a-- finished, or cut or wholly or partly- manufac- tured ir. to uppers, vamps, or any forms or shapes suitable for conversion into boots, shoes , or foe twear ■' Leather made from hides or skins of cattle of tho bovine spocios: (not including fancy leather a/ j Upholstery, bag, case, glove, or strap leather in the rough, in the white, crust, or russet partly finished, or f ini shed Cellar or garmet leather, in the rough, in the v/hite,- crust, or russet, partly finished or finished Tariff Act 1922 : Tariff Act 1930 Hate of duty * Par. b/ Free b/ ib/c/Preo 1530(b) 1530(b) 1550 (b 1431 :d/ 205s ad val. :b/ |pG 1530(b) 1530(b) Hate of dut: 12JP ad val, 15JS ad val, 20$ ad val. 203 ad val, cr fancy leather a/ The fancy leather reforro* to is the grained, emboss provided fcr in Par-graph 1530(d) of the 1950 Act. b/ act specially mentioned in the 19 22 act but free of duty under Paragraph 1605 as "leather net specially provided for". c/ 3ut dressed and finished calf and kip leather, other than shoe leather 20 per cent in Act of 1922 under Paragraph 1431. d/ Paragraph 1431 of the 1922 Act included leather made from hides of both bovine and nenbovine cattle. HIDES, 3X11,3 ATJ LEA2HEB - Continued Pi«riinof • Tariff Act 1922 : Tariff Act 1930 (as described in 1930 Act) : Par. ; Rate .of duty ! Par. : Rate of duty Leather made from hides or skins of cattle of the bovine : species: (not' including fancy : leather a/) To be used in the : manufacture-' of footballs, :' basket balls ,' soccer balls, or: medicine ball's : 1431 b/ 20$ : 1530(b): 20$ ad val. All other leather made ; f rom the: hides or skins of cattle of : the bovine species (not in- : eluding fancy leather a/) : rough, partly finished, fin- ished, or curried, not special- ly provided for : : 1606 Free 1530(b) 15$ ad val. Leather made from the hides or : skins of cattle of the bovine : species, gralnou, printed, em-: bossed, ornamented, Or decora-: ted, in any manner ot to any : extent (including leather : finished in gold, silver, : aluminum, or 'like effects), or: by any ether process (in ad- : dition to tanning) made, into : fancy leather, and any of the' i foregoing ---------- : by whatever name known, and te:_ whatever use applied ; (1431 .(1606 ic/ 20$ ) : Free ) : 1530(d) : 30$ ad val. a/ Tn,) fancy leather referred to is the grained, embossed or fancy leather provided for in Paragraph 1530 (d) of the 1930 Act. b/ Basket ball, soccer ball and medicine ball leather not specially mentioned in the 1922 Act. c/ Enameled upholstery' leather, bag, strop, '^sd, football, and glove leather, finished in the white or crust, and seal, sh'eep, goat, and culf leather, dressed and finished^ other than shoe leather, 20 per cent, Act of 1922. - 38 H1D T :3,_ 3K1ITS AID LEATHER - Continued Froduc t scribed in the 1930 Act) :.riff Act of 19; Rate cf Cut: 2<*rlfX ;:xt,: I*.'. 19 op _ Rat:- Of duty LeV,ThE R OTHER THAI; 3QY1I:E Leather (not including fancy leather a/) made from hides or ■ s k in 3 of an iraals ( inc lud ing fish, reptil3s, and birds, but not including cattle of the bovine species ) :- In the rough, in the white, crust, or russet, partly finished or finished; Vegetable - tanned rough leather made from go.at or sheep skins (including those commercially known as India tanned goat or sheep skins J Any of the fere-going if im- ported to be used in tae manuf l c ture of boots, s he e s or footwear, or cut: or wholly or partly manufactured into uppers, vamps, or any forms or shapes suitable for con- version into boots, shoes or footwear Leather other than bovine, grained, printed, embossed, ornamented, or decorated, in any manner or to any extort (including leather finished in gold, silver, aluminum, or like- effects), or by any other pro- cess (in addition to tanning) made into fancy leather, and any of the fore going by itover name known, and to whatever use applied . , ( 1431 (1606 b/ ZOfo. ad vaL Free c/ Frej 1530(c) 1330 (c ie ; val, val. c/ Fre< 1530 (c 10 val< (1431 ( 1606 d/ 20^ ad val. Free 1530 (< 20/a ad val, r f rumoa, .mo 1930 Act. action, player-piano ncy leather " action leather a/ The fancy leather referred to is th< provided for in Paragraph 1530 (d) of ti b/ Chamois skins, pianoforte, pianoforte 20 per cent; seal, sheep, goat leather < c/ Not specially mentioned in 1922 Act 1 as "leather not specially provided for". d/ Enameled upholstery leather, bag, strap, case, football, and glove leather, finished in the white or crust, and seal, sheep, goat and calf leather, dressed and finished, other than shoe leather, 20 per cent, Act of 1922. ther than shoe leather, 20 per cent. t free of duty under Paragraph 1606 39 FU33 Alu) FC. 3KIIJ; Product [as described in 1930 ixct] Dressed furs' ana dressed fur skins (except silver or black fox) Not dyed : , Dyed : Plates, mats', linings, strips and 'crosses 'of dressed dog, goat or kid skins Not dyed Dyed Tariff Act IS Par. Silver or black fox-furs or skins, dressed or un- dressed, not specially provided for •'....., Furs and fur skins,' not specially 'provided i'^r, undressed ' ' 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1579 Rate of dut: Tariff Act 1930 a/ Z&fo ad val. a/ 25$ ad val. b/ 10$ ad val. b/ 10$: ad val. P; r. 1519 (a J 1519 (a) 1519 (a) 1519 (a) c/ 50$ ad val j 1519 (c) Free :1681 i duty L val . 30/; ad val 254 ad val, 30$ ad val, 50% ad val, Free 'Furs are )n the skin, not advanced a/ Described in the act of 1922 further than dyeing". b/ Described in the Act of 1922 as "Plates and mats of dog and goat skins" c/ The word "furs" new in 1930 Act. r MISCELLANEOUS ;T~T~~~ ; Tari ff -act of 19 22 Product t ; (as described in 1930 Act) J Par. [ Rate of duty P-h?- *fi corn a/ : 1538 : Free Hops : 776 : 24^ per lb. Hop extract : 778 : #2.40 per lb. Lupulin : 776 : 75f per lb. u/ Free if the' growth or' product of Cub... .riff Act of 1930 Par. 779 780 760 760 Rate of duty i„>20 per ton of £,000 lbs, 24^ per lb. ^>2.40 per lb. #1.50 per lb. 40 Index Alfalfa se'ed V.W.N Almond oil A'lmonds '.'.'.'. .'. . . .'.'« Al's'ik'e' clover seed Angora goat hair '.'. Animal's': 'Breeding' ........ 'Game ............ Live ............ Pedigreed' . .'..'.'.. II. s.' p.' f .' '..'.'.•. Apples Apricots "i 34 16 Bacon Bananas Barley Bean cake and stick, etc Beans : Gas tor Green, dried,' in brine, etc. . Beef Beeswax: Bleached Unbleached Beet seed ..... Beets : Other' than sugar beets '.'...... Sugar' . . ............. Beet' pulp, ' dried Berries .'............' Birds: Live' All other 13 Bran Brazil' or cream' huts ........... Brewers ' grains' '..'.' Broom' corn Buckwheat 16 Butter and substitutes" Buttermilk ...... ..'. ' Pago , 30 8 , £8 50 ,35 5 5,6 5 5 5 20 , 20 , 6 , 20 ,18 24 10 24 6 7 7 31 24 18 20 Page 12 10 13 14 18 28 18 40 ,18 12 11 Cabbage ......... ! 24 Cabbage seed '. 31 Cacao' butter 8 Canary seed 31 Carnauba wax 8 Carrot seed .................... 31 Cashew' nuts ' 28 Cashmere goats 34,35 Casein' and' casein glue Castor beans ' Castor oil 8 Cattle 5 Cauliflower seed' 31 Celery '.':': ............ ". 25 Ceiery seed' 31 Cereals ........................ 17 Cheese and substitutes •'•'. 12 Cherries 20,21 Chestnuts • 28 Chickpeas : Green or unripe, dried, split, etc. ......... '.'. 25 China grass. See Ramie" Clover seed 30,31 Cocoa. See Cacao' Coconut meat 28 Coconut oil 8 Coconuts 28 Cod and cod-liver ' oil' .......... . 7 Cod-liver oil cake' and meal .... 19 Copra 10 Com 16,40 Cotton 32 Cottonseed' ..................... 10 Cottonseed' oil 8 Cotton waste 32 Cowpeas : Green' or unripe, dried, in brine, etc. 24 Cream 11 Crotoh oil 8 Cucumbers ...................... 25 Currants 21 Dates «... 21 Dog skins 40 Eggs 15 Eggplant 25 Eulachori oil ................... 7 Feeds , mixed 19 Fibers 'and grasses ,' etc. ...... . 32 Figs'.................. 21 Filberts 28 Pish' scrap' 19 Flex '.:................ 32 Flaxseed . 10,18 41 - Continued Index - Continued Pag( Flaxseed oil 8 Flower seeds 31 Fruit paste and pulps, N.s.p.f. 23 Fruits : Candied, etc .. 23 Dried, etc 23 In brine 23 In natural state 23 Pickled 23 Furs 40 Garbanzos. See chickpeas . Garlic 25 Goat: Hair ... . 34 Meat .• 6 Skins .............. 40 Goats 5 Grapef rui t • . . . . , 21 Grapes 21 Grasses : .... N.s.p.f.- 32 Others 32 Greases 7 Hair (animal)- 54,35 Hams 6 Hay .• 19 Kemp and hemp tow 32 Hemps eed 10 Hempseed oil 8 Hcncquen .....;. 32 Herring oil 7 Hides and skins of cattle 36 Honey 3 Hops and hop extract . . . < 40 Horseradish 25,27 Horses .;.... 5 Istle or Tampico fiber 32 Jellies and jams . . . . . ; 23 Jute .........; 32 Kale seed 31 Kapok 32 Kapok seed ...;.;..; 10 Kernels : ' ... Apricot ■ and -poach 10 Palm nut ;.....;...... 8 Kohlrabi seed ...;.... i 31 Page Lambs 5, 6 Lard »,*.. 7 Leather : Bovine 36,37,38 Other than bovine 39 Lemons 21 Lentils 25 Lettuce 26 Limes 21 Linseed oil . . 8 Lupines 31 Lupul in 40 Macaroni ■ 17 , 18 Maguey 32 Mai t sprouts 18 Mandalonas- 28 Mangolwurzel seed 31 Mangoes . . •. 22 Manila fiber 32 Maple sv.fr. lT- and syrup 3 Marmalades 23 Marrow, crude ........ 7 Meats, fresh: Beef and veal ....... 6 Goat 6 Lamb and mut ton 6 N.s.p.f 6 Pork 6 Re indeer 6 Veni s on 6 Menhaden oil 7 Milk: Buttermilk 11 Condensed or evaporated 11 Fresh and sour 11 Malted 11 Mixtures of 11 Powder 11 Substitutes 11 Molasses 3 Mules 5 Mushrooms 26 Mushroomseed 31 Mustard seed 31 Mut ton ...... 6 New Zealand fiber » . . 32 Koodles .... 17 Hut and kernel paste n.s.p.f. ... 29 Continued 42 - Index - Continued Pl.gG Huts i N.S.p.f 10,29 Oil 9 Oats ••• 46,16- Oil cake and oil-cake meal .. 18,19 Oils: Mixtures • '9 Vegetable -8* -9 K.S.p.f 7, 9- Oleo oil and stearin 7- Oleomargarine 12 Olive oil 8 Olives 22 Onion seed 31 Onions 26 Oranges - • 21 Falm oil 6 Palm kernel oil 8 Palm nuts 10 Pars ley s eed 31 Parsnip seed 31 Peaches 22 Peanut butter » , 29 Peanut oil 9 Peanuts 10 , 29 Pears 20,22 Peas » • 26 Pepper seed 31 Peppers 26 Perilla oil 9 Porilla seed * 10 Pigeons ■ 14 Pignolia nuts 29 Pimentos • 26 Fineapples 22 Pistacho 29 Plantains ■. . 22 Plums 23 Poppy seed 10 Poppy-seed oil 9 Pork * 6 Fotatoes 26 Poultry: Dressed and undressed 13,14 Live 13,14 Prunellos 23 Prunes 23 Pulu 32 Radish seed . . Raffia ....... Raisins '.'..... Ramie grass '. . RapWeo'd" .....< R^peseod oil . Reindeer moat Rico' .'.'.:.:'.'.., Rubber' seed", . . Rut-baga'soed •Rutabagas _..,. •Rye .......... Page 31 32 21 32 10 9 6 16 10 31 27 17 Sauerkraut 26 Screenings , etc 18 Seal oil 7 Seeds : Field'.. 30,31 Garden 31 Grass 30 K.S.p.f 10,30,31 Sesame : Oil 9 Soo'd' 10 Sheep' '. . ' 5 Snouldors 6 Shrub seed 31 Sirups 2, 3 Sisal 32 Skins 36 ,40 Sperm ' .'.' 7 Spermaceti wax 7 Spinach seed 31 Sod oil 7 Soy-bean oil 9 Soy-bean oil-cake and soy-bean oil-cake meal 18 Soy beans 27 Squash 27 Straw 19 Sugar 2 , 3 Sugar beets 2 Sugar cane 2 Sugars , s irups , etc 2 , 3 Sunn 32 Sunflower oil 9 Sunflower seed 10 Swine 5 Continued 43 - „ t . d ■■iiii Index - Continued 3 1262 089214786 Page Tallow 7, 9 Tamarinds 23 Tampico. See Istle fibre Tankage 19 Tobacco: Filler 4 Leaf 4 S terns 4 Wrapper 4 All other 4 Tomatoes 27 Tung: Nuts