UB^: >RY STATE PLANT BOARD October 19A4 ET-219 ITNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant (^rantlne IKJECTOR FOR FUMIGANTS IN LiqtJID FORM By R, D. Chisholm, Division of Insecticide Investigations, and W. C. Fest and A, C. Mason, Division of Fruit Insect Investigations Many devices have been described for the applicaticn, for partictilar purposes, of measured doses of ftaiigants lAich are liquids under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure. This paper describes an injector which has been found to be useful for the injection into corrugated paper cartons of doses of ethylene dlchlorlde ranging in volume from 1 ml. to 21 ml. in steps of 0.5 nl* The cartons contained plant material Infested with Japanese beetle larvae. Description of Apparatus The injector can best be described by referring to the lettered parts in the drawing (figure l). The barrel (A) is a piece of extra heavy brass pipe reamed to a convenient uniform diameter and of the desired length. The piston (B ) is made from a piece of round brass rod machined to a diameter emd to a length which are both slightly less than the diameter of barrel (A)^. A groove (C2 Is provided in piston (B) to accomodate a closely fitted packing ring lubricated with graphite. Piston (B) is moved by means of screw (D) , the lower end of which is recessed to rotate In split-bushing (E)^ which is screwed Into a hole drilled in the upper end of piston (B) , Split-bushing (E) la made from hexagon- shaped brass rod. The rod is halved vertically. The halves are placed together and drilled to accomodate the recessed end of screw (D), With the exception of l/g Inch, the outside of the halves are then machined and threaded to screw into the hole in piston (B), All parts are fitted closely to reduce lost motion when screw (D) is rotated. Screw (D) extends through a threaded hole in flanged plug (fT, which is screwed tightly into the end of barrel (A), A small-bore tube (G) is fitted in flanged plug (H) , which is screwed tightly against a paper gasket resting on the lower end of barrel (a). Screw (D) is rotated by means of crank (I). The top of flanged plug (F) ig graduated in convenient units. Barrel Ta) is provided with a vent (J) . The injector is filled by placing the tip of tubs (G) below the surface of the liquid fumigant and rotating screw (D) in a counterclockwise direction. The fumigant is discharged by rotating screw (D) in a clockwise direction. The injector is calibrated by dividing the voliime per unit length of barrel by the ntunber of threads per unit length of screw, or by measurement of the volume of fumigant actually discharged during each rotation of the screw. - 2 - Usee for Apparatus The Injector has "been foiind to be suitable for the ap-nlicaticn of ethylene dichlorlde for Japanese beetle quarantine purToosee, The barrel of the injector used was 5 inches long and had an inside diameter of I-I/16 inches and a screw with lU threads per inch. The delivery of ethylene di- chloride per rotation of the screw was calculated to be l.oU ml. Twenty rotations of the screw delivered 21 ml, or aji excess of 0,01 ml, per rota- tion. Tractions of a milliliter are delivered by partial rotation of the screw regulated in reference to the pointed end of the crank and the gradu- ations on the top of the upper flanged plug. By selecting the proper barrel diameter and screw pitch the injector may be constructed to deliver other measured doses for a variety of |)urpose8 such as soil injections. FIGURE I. DIAGRAM OF INJECTOR