Library STATE etANT BOAK-f) E2/Chile UNITED STATES DEPARTi'OT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine '.'.'ashington , D. C. B. E. P. q. 511 November 28, 1940, (Supersedes B. P. Q. 348) PLANT-QUARALITINE IM?ORT RSSTRICTIO'iJS REPUBLIC 07 CHILE E2/ Chile UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGHI CULTURE Bureau of Entomolof^y and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q. 511 (Supersedes B. P. Q. 348) November 28, 1940. FIANT-Q,UARA3^TTINE I^^PORT RESTRICTIONS REPUBLIC OF CHILE This revision of the digest of the plant-quarantine im-oort restrictions of the Repuhlic of Chile has been prepared for the information of exporters of plants and plant products to that country and plant quarantine officials. This circular v/as prepared by Richard Faxon, District Supervisor, Certification for Export, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from a translation of "Lsyes y Reglamentos en Vigencia sobre Sanidad Vegetal 19?5 a 1936" received from the Ministry of Agriculture, Santiago, Chile, dated 1939, and later decrees, and was reviewed by the Chief of the Department of Plant SaJiitation, Santiago, Chile. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and sufficiently complete for its purpose up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. lant Quarantine. Digitized by tlie Internet Archive in 2013 UNITED STA.TES DEPART!- ITT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q. 511 ^ November 28, 1940. PMNT-QUARANTIlJE IMPORT RESTRICTIOnS RliPUBLIC OF CHILE BASIC lAW Decree-Law No, 177 Plant-Quarantine Law (Ley de Polinia Sanitaria Vegetal) • of December 31, 1'j24: Decree -Law Article 1. For the purjosos of the present lav it is here- "by declared that weeds, ir jurioMS aninals and in general, dis- eases of ci;'^,'togamic or rj.imal firigin, especially dangerous insects, viiil he deemed plant pests and will he the objects of sani- tary measures. Art. 2. The importation of plants, cuttin?;s, seeds, fruits, or any other plant products will onl;,- he authorized through ports determined hy special decrees in accordance with the regulations prescribed to that effect. The same regulations will prescribe the procedure to be fol- lowed in case of mail importations. Art. 3. Such -olants and lolant products offered for im- portation shall be inspected in the Customs by the Plant Quaran- tine Service (Servicio de Policia Sanitaria Vegetal), and in case they are infected or are suspected of being infected, any of the following measures may be ordered: Disinfection, quarantine, return to port of departure, confiscation, or destruction. - 2 - CONCISE SWARY IMPORTATION PR03II SITED Seeds, plants or parts thereof, if infested "by any of the diseases or insects named in Decree No. 105, article. 5 (a) and (b). (See p. 5.) Rooted grapevines from any source. (Decree No. 105, art, 5 (d) , and Decree No. 29;51, May 27, 1929. See pp. 5 and 6.) Peach trees from the United States. (Decree No. 105, art. 5 ( e) . See p. 6. ) Plants with soil. (Decree Ho. 105, .-^rt. 5 (f). See p. 6.) Bulbs, tubers, or roots infested v^ith injuriour< parasites, (Decree No. 105, art. 5 {p). See p. 6.) Fresh plant products capable of introducin.?:; fruitflies. (Decree No. 105, art. 5 (h), and Decree No. 12, September 4, 1930. See pp. 6 and 7.) Fruits infested with Aspidiotus perniciosus or Pi asp is pentagona. (Decree No. 105, art . 5 ( i ) . See p. 7.) Corn on the cob and brooracorn. (Decree No. 2526, Au^nist 28, 1928. See p. 9.) Potatoes. (Decree No. 130, April 2°, 1931. See p. 13.) IMPORTATION RESTR1CT^.D INSPECTION CERTIFICATE REQUIRED Seeds if not infested by any of the insects named in article 5 (a) of Decree No. 105, February 11, 1925. (See p. 5.) Soybeans for industrial purposes, subject to fumis-ation if slightly infested. (Decree No, 29S of April 9, 1935.) (See pp. 15 and 16.) Plants or parts thereof if not infested by any of the insects named in article 5 (b) of Decree No. 105, February 11, 1925. (See p. 5,) Bulbs, tubers, or roots free from parasites deemed injurious, (Art. 5 (g) of Decree No. 105, February 11, 1925. S^e p, 6.) - 3 _ Fresh fraits from the United States if free from the scale insects Aspidiotus perniciosus and Diaspis pentngona , and if ac- companied b a certificate attesting ori.^in in a district free from Mediterranean fruit fl.y and visaed by Chilean ConsMl. (Decrt'^e ITo. 105, art. 5 (i), February 11, 1925, and Ho. 12, September 4, 1930. See pp. 7, 10, 11, and 13, and following.) Alfalfa, clover, and other forage seeds containing less than 10 seeds of Oyrs cut a sp. per kilogram. (Decree No. 629 of September 27, 1939. See p. 7.) Straw packing to be sterilized and certified accordingly. (Decree No. 2526, Auerast 28, 1928. See pp. 9 and 10.) Grapevine stocks of varieties resistant to phylloxera. (Decree No. 2921 of Ma,v- 27, 1929. See pp. 5 aiid 6.) Fe^ch trees from the United States in conformity vith the provisions of Decree No. 731 of May 29, 1935. (See p. 6.) Clean shelled corn end sor^.o seed. (Decree Ho. 2526 of August 28, 1929. See p. 9.) Cottonseed for the piod'iction of oil, and unginned cotton, subject to f-j-mi!«;aticn and other provisions. (Decree ITo. 226 of March 31, 1936. See pp. 15 and 17.) Wheat for milling purposes must be free from Angouinois grain moth and so certified. (Decree No. 4, January 4, 1934. See pp. 14 and 16. ) Seed v/heat must be certified as coming from a district free from loose smut of wheat. (Decree of January 31, 1939. See p. 15.) II^^CRTATION UNRESTRICTED Coffee, tea, yerbamate, rice, chicory, saffron, mushrooms, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, peanuts, cacao, and pepper: No inspection certificate required. If imported in tin cans may enter any port without inspection. If found infested with pests, subject to the general regulations of Decree No. 105, (Decree N^. 450, Ausust 6, 1936. See pp. 8 and 9.) LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD - 4 - Wood, ground red pepper, comraeal and com starch, dried leaves, and bark and roots for medicinal ?nd industrial purposes through the port of Chacalluta. (See p. 10.) SUMMARY OF THE GENERAL REGULATIOIJS ■ (Decree li.o. 105, sec. 1, February 11, 1925) . . DECLABATIOM OF PLANT p-^ST3 Article 1. Plant diseases of cryptogamic or animpl nature, as '•'ell as injurious animals and vreeds, '^rhich can be regarded as plant pests, vlll be so declared by decree. The office of the Plant Quarantine. Service ^'ill indicate the procedure to be follovred in each case, AUTHORIZED FORTS OF EITTRY Art. 2. (a) The importation of olants, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, fruits, and other plant products capable of introducing any agricul- tural pests into the country may be permitted through the ports of Val- paraiso, Talcahuano, and Los Andes. (b) The importation by mail of the products above mentioned may only be made through those ports and Santiago. (c) The imported products are subject to the juris- diction of the Plant Quarantine Service who are entrusted the task of preventing the introduction of plant pests. (d) Other T)orts of entry may be either limited or authorized in accordance v.lth the recommendations of the Board -if Agriculture. DECLARATION AITO CERTIFICATE REQUIRED Art. 3. The importer in Chile shall furnish to the Customs a written declaration indicating: (a) Name and address of importer; (b) Purpose for vhich material is intended; (c) Countr- of origin; . (d) Locality ^'here the material will be planted or so^^m. - 5 - The declaration shall be accompanied ti;/ a certificate of inspection issued by the competent authority- of the exporting coxzn- tr:/ and visaed by the respective consul of Chile. INSPECTION OF PASSENGERS' BAGGAaS Art. 4. Passen^rers who carry in their baggage any plants, seeds, fruits, or any other product subject to inspection, .are required to declare them to the Captain of the vessel, vho in turn shall notify the cuBtoms authorities. Customs inspectors shall confiscate all plant products whose clandestine importation is attempted, I^iPOF.TAT I QIC PRO HI BI T3D Art. 5. The importation is prohibited of; (a) Every kind of seed which reaches the country in- fested by any of the follov'ing-named insects: SitotrojJ:a ce^-ealella, Bruchus obtectus, B. quadrimacula- tus , B. rufirxianus , B. chinensis, 3. si£;nntico rnis , B. lentis, Spermophat':?is pectoralis. (b) Plants or parts thereof uoon v^'ii ch the following- named insects are shown to exist: AsToidiotns perniciosris , Diaspis pentagon?, Eu-oroctis chrysorrhoea, Porthetria dispar. (c) Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). (See Decree No. 130, April 28, 1931.) (d) Hooted grapevines vrhatever their origin may be (as modified by Decree No. 2921 of May 27, 1929), except as follows: 1. The imoortation of grapevine stocks v;ill be author- ized when the varieties are knovTi to be resistant to phylloxera and when application is made in con- formity with the requirements determined by the Plant Quarantine Service and the Services of Viti- culture and Oenol0;:;ry. - 6 - 2. The Customs v.dll exercise special supervision to prevent the importation of plants from coun- tries infested with phylloxera and will extend such supervision to "baggac^e and c-r-i^o. (e) Peach trees originating in the United States of Ameri- ca which ai'e infected vdth the diseases -cnoTm as peach j'-ellows, peach ros-ette, and little peach. (As nodi- . fied "by Decroe No. 781 of May 29, 1935.) Those not showing sir-ns of these diseases may he imported in conformity with the following provisions: 1. Compliance with the general reauirements of the Laws and Hegul?tions of the Plant Quarantine Service . 2. In case the imon rt-^t i ^n consists of several varie- ties, only 10 plants of each variety are allowed, and 20 plants in case only one variety is involved. The plants shall "be subjected to quarantine or iso- lation during a growing season in the Experimental Field of the Plant Quarantine Service of the Minis- try of Agric-al.ture, 3. At the expiration of this -oeriod the slants will be returned to the im ^ortey provided they have not sho^^'n any signs of the diseases indicated in the preamble, or of any other dangerous diseases not yet established in Chile or v^hich cannot be con- trolled by the kno^Ti methods of treatment. (f) Plants in pots or other containers with soil, from whatever source. To permit the entry of these plants they will have to be deprived of all their soil for inspection, after v.'hich their admission or rejection will be determined. (g) Pulbs , tubers, or roots in which parasites deemed in- jurious are sLovrn to exist, and v;hose existence has not been demonstrated in the country. (h) Fruits which are believed capable of introducing in- sects commonly knov/n as "frui tflies; " Rhagole tis pomo- nella , R. cin.'rulata. Contarinia p.^rivora , Spochra cana- densis , Or talis ( Tephritis) cerasi , Ceratitis capitata. - 7 - Dacv-5 oleae , Trype ta ludens , T. acidusa. Tephritis tryoni , and others. A decree shall determine the cases and the classes of fruits deemed to be comprehended in the prohibi- tions referred to in the preceding section. (See Decree No. 12, September 4, 1930.) (i) Fruits in vhich the presence is determined of; Aspidiotus perniciosus and Diaspi s penta'^on.^- . (See Decree Fq. 12, September 4,- 1930.) (j) Alfalfa (Medicapo sativa L.), Clover (Trifoli\im sp . ) or other seeds v/hich contain more than 10 seeds of Cuscuta sp. per kilofram. (As modified by Decree No. 629 of September 27, 1939.) The certificate of inspection issued by the official authorities of the exporting country shall have a state- ment to the effect that this provision has been com- plied vnth. On its arrival in Chile, alfalfa, clover, or any other seeds subject to the contamination of Cuscuta sp. seeds, shall be inspected by the Plant Quarantine Service and shall be refused entry if found to contain more than 10 seeds of Cuscuta st). per kilogram. The enumeration of the diseases in the various sections of this article is not limited and, consequently, others may be added in sub- sequent orders. DISPOSAL OF PROHIBITED MATERIAL Art. 6. If, uoon inspection by the Plant Quarantine Service, any of the conditions set forth in article 5 or in any of the special prohibitions promulgated in accordance nith paragraph (h) or in any other necessary prohibitions, are found to be violated, the Chief of the Plant Quarantine Service is authorized to order the return or the destriction of the plants, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, or fruits - 8 - offered for iraoort-iti on. VHiere the value of t-^e consignnent exceeds 5,000 pesos, authority for the aoplication of those measures ma?/ be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture. Such destmction does not entail any indemnity and if relading of the refused products is resorted to, it shall talce place immediately, or else shall be subject, pending reshipment , to such conditions of isolation as the Plant Quarantine Service ma,y determine. Art. 7. Not applicable. TRSATMEWT ESQUIRED IF IEEM3D NSC33SARY Art. 8. Plants, seeds, cuttin.'^s, bulbs, or fruits, the im- portation of v'hich is not prohibited by article 5, may be released after having passed inspection and other requirements having been fulfilled, in accordance vith the following provisions: (a) Quarantine of suspected or infected consignments pending final decision. (b) Disinfection in the manner prescribed by the Plant Quarantine Service. The expenses incurred, incliiding the cost of ingredients for disinfection j will be borne by the importer. SPECIAL QUASANTIIJES Coffee, tea, yerbamate, rice, chicory, saffron, mushrooms, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, peanuts, cacao, and peppers: Since these products are exclusively for food purposes no inspection certificate is required. They may be imiDorted in tin cans through any port of Chile without inspection. Rice, cumin, peanuts, ajid cacao may be imported ^'dthout restriction through the ports of Arica, Iquique, Tecopilla, Anto- fagasta, and Taltal, but shipment thence to southern ports is pro- hibited. These products may be imported through the ports of Coquimbo, Valparaiso, T^lcahuano, Los Andes, and Corral subject to inspection. If any of these products are found to be infested with pests, \\^ether or not those pests occur in Chile, they shall - 9 - "be subject to the general provisions of the respective law and regulations. (Decree No. 450, Au; 6, 1926.) Rice may enter Puerto Montt subject to inspection. (Decree No. 143, March 16, 1927.) The southern limit of the zone fixed by Decree Uo. 450 for the unrestricted entry of rice, cumin, peanuts, cacao, etc., is the Department of Chanaral and the unrestricted reshipment of these products is permitted between the ports included in this zone. (Decree No. 1080, April 25, 1928.) STRAV.' PACKIT^G, C0R2T ON THE COB, A^H) BROOM CORN (Decree No. 2526 of An-^unt 28, 1928) Article 1. The importation of corn on the cob or pc-^rts thereof is prohibited. Art. 2. The irnportati on of brooracorn for manufacturing pur- poses is equally prohibited. Art. 3. The imsortstion of clean shelled com and sorgho seed, if thoroughly clenn and free from frat^ments of cobs and stalks, may be allov'ed. Art. 4, Except for the dispositions of articles 5 and 6 of this decree, no goods of v/hatever origin may be imported if packed in straw, grasses, or stems of any class of plants. Art. 5, The importation of spirits, wines, or other bottled liquids shall not be allov'ed, v/hen packed in straw Jackets, un- less the consignments are accompanied by a certificate issued by authorized officials of the exporting country attesting th« t the jackets hnve been sterilized vath steam for at least 15 minutes at 115° C. , or disinfected in a closed chamber at a temperature of not less than 20° C. , with a solution of formaldehyde. The solution shall contain at least 37 percent by weight of formal- dehyde and shall be used at the rate of 500 cc. per 20 cubic meters of space, in a hermetically closed chamber. The straw to be dis- infected shall remain there for at least 8 hours. - 10 - Art. 6. The importation of .'jlasa, glnssv'are , chinavare, etc., if packed ^dth straw, shall be alloved provided the shipment is accompanied by a certificate i'sued by the exporting country and visaed by the corresponding Chilean consyil attesting that the straw used for packing has been disinfected by one of the processes outlined in article 5. Art. 7. Goods arriving without the above-mentioned certifi- cate of disinfection shall be treated as prescribed under article 5, Art, 8. All expenses incurred in order to comply vith the provisions of the present decree shall be charged against the person directly concerned. CHACALLUTA AN AUTHORIZSD FORT OF 3NTRY (Decree No. 1555 of Kay 28, 1930) Article 1, Authorizes the importation of vood, ground red pepper, cornmeal and corn starch, dried leaves, and bark and roots for medicinal and industrial purposes, through the Customs at the port of Chacalluta, without an inspection certificate. Art. Cereals, including clean shelled com, are allo^ved provided they are accompanied hy a certificate of inspection to the effect thr^t they are not infested with the Angoumois grain moth (Sitotro^a cerealella) or with any other insects or plant diseas es , Art, 3. Through the ports of Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama only the follov/ing products are alloi''ed entry without a certificate; V/ood, ground red pepper, cornmeal and com starch, and dried leaves, bark, and roots for medicinal or industrial purposes, IMPORTATION PROHIBITED OF FRESH PUNT PRODUCTS . CAPABLE OF CARRYIIIG FRUITFLIES (Decree Wo. 12, September 4, 1930) Article 1. The importation into Chile is prohibited of all fresh plant products, whatever their origin, which are capable of carrying fruitflies. Especially included in this prohibition are all kinds of fresh fruits, and the following vegetpbles: Tomatoes, eggplants, squash, string beans, and peppers. - 11 - ENTRY FEKv;iTTSD IVHEN CERTIFIED A3 ORIGINATING IN A DISTRICT FRE.^ ERDW TRUITELIl^S Art. 2. Fresh fruits from the St?te of California are excepted from the above prohibition. Art. 3. The declaration that the fruits or other products are from a zone free fv::n fr.iitfly shall be made in the certif- icate issued by tl & pl\t qua.' -ntine authorities of the country of origin, v:' -".ch c:;. ■". i crto r'-all aciomppny the shippin-^ papers or bill of I'uiin;''. r - d .''..•:.oh '-'ill ii '.i.cate in ench case the kind, quality, and ori- . i of the products Vxiose entry is permitted by this decree. ThiL certificate shall be issued in duolicate and shall be visaed by the Chilean Consui in the country of origin of the fruit. A copy of the said certificate shall accompany the ship- ping papers, and another shall be retained with the fruit vliile it remains on board. Art. 4. The importration of the products excepted from the prohibition, indicated in article 2, are subject to the following conditions: I^ISFECTIOF CERTIFICATE REQUIRED (a) Through the ports of the zone included between Arica and the Chanaral entry is permitted, provided that the products are accompanied by the sanitary certificate which must come with each shipment and in which it is also stated th-^t the consignment has been inspected at the port of embarkation by competent sanitary authority. The said certificate shall be visaed by the respective Chilean consul, in accordance with the provisions of article 3, and it will also be required that the certificate be.'^r the approval of the inspector of the Plant Quarantine Service of Arica, after in- spection made on board by the official. AUTHORIZED FORTS OF ENTRY ' The inspection made at Arica ^vill serve to permit entr;;-- through ports where there are no inspectors of the Plant Quarantine Service; but in ports vrhere there are officials of that service, entry ivill be permitted only after inspection has been made at the place vrhere the products were unladen. ("b) The fruits and other products naned in article 2 of the present decree may be entered through the port of Chanaral, provided that they are intended exclusively for consumption in the mining establishments of the region included be tveen Fueblo Hundido rnd the northern boundary. (c) Tlie products named in article 2, vith the exception of avocados, watermelons, and cucumbers, may be entered south of Chanaral only through the porta of Coquimbo, V.-'lparaiso , Los Andes, San Antonio, Talcahuano, and Valdivia, after the inspec- tion established by the Law of the Plant Qw-arantine Service pnd upon presentation of the certificate referred to in article 3, Art. 5, The imDortation is authorized of fresh fruits and vegetables of whatever origin through the port of Magellanes )^rith- out other reouirement thaH the certificate prescribed by article 3, provided that those products are intended for consumption in the Departments of Magellanes, Natal^s, and Tierra del Fuego, their rel?ding being definitely prohibited for the north of these Depart- ments, Art. 6, Not applicable. Art. 7, Not applicable. Art. 8. Not applicable. Art, 9. Not applicable. Art. 10. Not applicable. Art. 11. Steamship companies are prohibited from transoorting to any port of the country fresh fruits and the other products named in article! 1 of the present decree, and the crew and passengers shall not be allowed to have or to embark those products; but the trans- portation of the products excepted from the prohibition in article 2 may be effected. Art. 12. Not applicable. Art. 13. Not applicable. Art. 14, Vessels that embark fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products whose importation is prohibited by article 1 shall not keep these products on board if they have to call at any port south of Taltal; but if those products should be intended exclusively as food for their passengers and crews they may be retained on board - 13 - provided that they "be kept in locked inclosures i\'hile the ves- sels remain in port. In no case mr^y tomatoes, man.eoes, cherimoyas, guavps, or other tropical fniits be kept on l)0''.rd, unless ex- pressly excepted from the prohibition to ent6r, <=i> ordered in the present decree. An inspector of the Plant Quarantine Service vfill confirm compliance with this provision and the vessel shall not be received if this requirement is not complied with. Art, 15. Not applicable. Art, 16, Not applicable. FESSH FRUITS FROM TIIE UNITED STAT3S Fresh fruits may be iraportod into Chile from any S^ate of the United States, provided that epch shicment is accompanied by a certificate issued by the coiripetent America^ authorities, affirm- ing that the fruit origia-"-3ted in a district free from the Mediter- ranean fruitfly (Ceratitis cat>i"8ta) . the certificate to be visaed by a Chilean Consul. (Minister of AgricuD.ture of Chile through the American Consul, Santias^o, Chile, October 28, 1930.) I^CPORTATION OF POTATO ^--S PROHIBIT'-]© From the date of tjiis decree the importation is jjrohibited of potatoes from foreign sources, to prevent the introduction of the wart disease. ( Chrysophlyctis endobiotica) . (Decree 2To. 130, April 38, 1931.) ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED PORTS (Decree No, 336 of July 24, 1933) Authorizes the importation of the follo^'ing products through the port of Ban Antonio: Fruits, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, and any- other plant products. (Decree No, 270 of March 28, 1934) Authorizes the importation of the follo'-'ing products through the port of Antofogasta: Plants, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, fmits, ?nd any other plant products. - 14 - (Decree llo. 553 of Au'Tust 18, 1934) Authorizes the importation of the following products through the port of Arica: Plants, cuttings, fruits, and a:ny other agri- cultural products. (Decree No. 708 of llovember 30, 1934) Importation of fruit through the -..ort of Arica for local consumption Article 1. The importation of fruit for local consumption is herehy allowed through the port of Arica, provided it originates in national orforeign territories free of the fruitfly. The must "be accompanied by a certificate of inspection stating that it is free of the fruitfly. If the frait is of foreign origin, the certificate must he visaed by the corresponding Chilean Consul. Fruit imported into Arica for local consumption is not al- lo\\'ed to proceed to the valleys of Azapa and Codpa. USE OF vESAT I^ffGRTZD FOR MILLING (Decree No. 386 of September 30, 1932) Article 1. The use for planting purposes of vheat imported for milling is hereby prohibited. All whe-t so imTDorted must be milled in its entirety. 1-/HSAT INTENDED FOR MILLrJG Chilean Decree No. 4 of January 4, 1934, extends the prohib- itions of article 5 of Decree No. 105 of February 11, 1925, to v/heat intended for milling. The text of Decree No. 4 follo'^'s: Article 1. '-Jhe-t intended for milling may be acimitted into Chilean territory only '-'hen absolutely free from the Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) . Art. 2. Each shipment must be accompanied by a certificate issued by competent authorities of the exijorting country, vis£,ed by the res-oective Chilean Consul, affirming that the r^;:ion in which the vrheat ^as grovm is free from the insect mentioned in article 1. I - 15 - Art. 3. Shipments of v.'haat and their containers proceed- ing from regions where this insect exists siiall be fumis;-^'ted or treated with he-^t before shipment in a manner as to the total destruction of insects v/hich may infest, the virhe.'^t. Art. 4. A single proof of the presence of live insects in the shipment offered for imr)ort&tion will be sufficient cause for the Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal to prevent its unlading. Art. 5. Sacks containing v'heat shall be strong enough to withstand the ordinpr/ operations of lading and unlading without being torn. Art. 6, V'heat imported for seed purooses shall be subject to the generol provisions of the regulations governing the imiDor- tation of seeds. Art. 7. Violations of the foregoing provisions v/ill be sub- ject to the senctions of Decree No. 177 of December 31, 1924. SS3D ^v'h:?at (Chilean Decree, Santiago, January 31, 1939) Article 1, The use of wheat infected with loose smut (Ustilago tritici ) for seeding purposes is prohibited. Arts. 2 to 5. Refer to domestic matters. Art. 7. I'/lie:-.t imported for seed purposes m.ust be accomiDanied by 8 certificate issued by comt)etent authorities of the exoort- ing country, stating that the wheat vras grovoa, in. localities free from loose smut (Ustilago tritici) . IMPORTATION OF S0Y3WS FOR OIL IXTRACTION (Decree No. 298 of April 9, 1935) ^.Vhereas it is convenient to import soybeans in sufficient quantities to meet the demand of the oil industry' until we are capable of producing enough ourselves; whereas it is highly im- probable that soybeans may be infested with 3ruchus obtectus, and that if sa infested any danger of contamin' tion could be avoided by refusing its entry, therefore the following decree is issued: - 16 - Article 1. The provisions of article 5 of Decree ^^o. 105 are hereby waived in the case of the importation of soybeans. Art. 2. If the presence in small number;? of Bnichus obtectus, Laspeyresia f^lycinivorella, or any other dangerous insect not established in Chile is detected upon inspection by the Plant Quarantine Service, fumigation shall be required before its release. Art. 3. In case of a heavy infestation the seed must be reembarked within a period desi/^ated by the Plant Quarantine Service. At the expiration of that period the seed- shall be destroyed by burning if this order is not complied v.dth, C0TT0]^!S2,E.D PZ3TS (Decree No. 226, March 21, 1936) Fumigation required to prevent introduction of pink bollvorm Article 1. Cottonseed im-norted into Chile for the production of oil, unginned cotton, and the containers thereof, proceeding from regions where the pink bollvorm (Pectinorhora gos?ypiella Saund.) exists shall be fumigated or treated by heat before em- barkation, in such a manner as to destroy all insects con- tained in the shipment . The phytosanitary authority of the exporting country shall certify to the fumigation in the phytosanitary certificate th»t must accompany the shipment, in accordance with article 3 of the General Regulations of the Law of Phytosanitary Police. Art. 2, If on arrival in Chile a consignment of cottonseed is found to carry live insects, despite co':ipliance with the require- ments of the preceding article, it shall be fumigated, the operation to begin ^-'ithin 24 hours after unlading. If fumigation cannot be effected within the designated period, the Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal shall prevent the unlading of the shipment or proceed with its destruction after the lapse of 24 hours fron unlading. Art. 3. If the certificate referred to in article 1 rannot be obtained, the shipment shall be fumigated on board, before ur.lad- ing is begian in the Chilean port, for a minimum period of 12 hours. If this treatment does not prove efficacious, a second fijimigation shall be applied on board or on lighters or barges, and its landing shall not be permitted v/hile live insects are fo\md in the shipment. - 17 - FumigRtion on board may "be v-aived if the oper.ntion can "be effected on lighters or barf^es on condition that botli the •unlading of such a shipment and the fumigation ^re carried out not less than 500 meters from shore. The shipment shell not be Irnded while specimens of live pink bollvrorras or other insects are found therein. Art. 4. Shipments of cottonseed arriving: by Innd, if not supported by the fumigation certificate referred to in article 1, shall be returned to the country of origin vith a minimum period thf-^t will be determiiied by the Servicio de S,-.nidT.d Vegetal, or destroyed if the return is not effected vrithin the stipulated period. Art. 5. In all cises, this seed fthall be ground immediately after it is received, preference bein."" given over any other, and not allov/ing the work to stop until the entire shipment has been manufactured. Art. 6. T'-'e fore.p-oirig measures will not be required for seed proceeding from regions where pink bollv/orra does not exist, if such seed is subjected to the generrl provisions relating to the importation of seeds. In such, the certificate shall explicit- ly declare that pink bollworn does not exist in the region v/here the seed v;as produced. The Cotton St-4ner (Sygdercus sp.) Art. 7. The phytosani tary certiiieate accompanying cottonseed intended for the production of oil proceeding from regions in which the cotton stainer (Dy^dercus sp.) exists shall clearly affirm that the shipment does not oonlain tlaat insect. If the said insect does not occur in. the region, th^t fact shall be stamped on the certif- icate, • Art. 8. The seed shall be inspected on board in the port of destination by the Servicio ue Sanidad Vegetal. ■ Art. 9. If live cotton stainers are found, the seed \vill be treated in accordance with the provisions of the second article of this decree. Art. 10. Unginned cotton or cottonseed imported from regions where the pinic bollworm or the cotton stainer exist shall meet the requirements of articles 1, 2, 3 , 4, and 5. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09312 1928 - 18 - Art. 11. Importation of cotton will "be permitted only in sacks; these shall oe so strong that they will not te- r or burst during transportation or in Ir.dirg or unlading. The unlnding of torn sacks vlll not "be permitted. Cottonseed Intended for Sov.lng . Art. 12. The irn-oortati on of seed for sov;ing from re,°i.ons in w ich pink bollworm occurs is prohi"bitr.d, and all the other measures indicated in the prese'it decree ^111 be applied to the said seed. Samples Imported by I^'ail Art, 13, Samples without value arriving by mail v/ill comply with the requirements of article 3 of the General 1?' t ions of the Law of Phy to sanitary Police only. Art. 14. Decree llo, 1031 of September 30, 1935, is revoked. I^3^0RTATI0i• 0? B31]3?ICIAL IITSSCTS (Decree No, 458, April 27, 1935) Article 1. The importation of insects beneficial to agricul- ture, namely, those vhich are natural enemies of other that con- stitute pests, may be effected only by the Phytosanitary Sei'vice of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. Art. 2. The importation of otlier insects of direct economic value to private persons, such as bees, sil>'--orms, etc., may b'^ effected, provided that all the requirements established by the Law of Phytosanitary Police for the importation of plants, or parts thereof, are complied 'dth. Art. 3. Relates to the importation of birds, rodents, and other small animals, and article 4 deals with penalties for viola- tions .