NACA- L'20< ARR No. Ll+IX)3 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WARTIME REPORT ORKJlNALLy ISSUED April ISkk as Advance Eestrlcted Report LI+DO3 VIKD-TUHHEL INVESTIG5ATI0N OF CONTROL-SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS IVI - PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN NACA OOO9 AIRFOIL WITH 0.30 -AIRFOIL-CHORD BEVELED -TRAILING-EDGE FLAPS By H. Page Hoggard, Jr., and Marjorie E. Bulloch Langlej Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. nwx: "^ WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- viously held under a security status but are now unclassiiied. Some of these reports were not tech- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 205 n'b f^^ H'i '^toqi'^'f NATIONAL AD'/ISORY COLnvIITTEZ FOR AERONAUTICS AD'.^'A^'^CS R'']3TRICTFD RT]?CRT NO. lIiDOJ 'A'IND-TTJIIT'jEL Br^'ESTIGATinn OT'' CONTROL- SURFACE GNARACTERISTICS XVT - PRESSURE LISTRIBUTION 0\'ER AN NACA 0000 AIRFOIL V/ITH O.JO-AIRFOIL-CRORr> BE^/ELED-TRA ILING-SDGE FLAPS Ey 11. Page Hoggard, Jr., and Marjorie E. Bulloch SUMMARY Pres3-are-dl3tribntlon tests have heen made in the NACA [(.- hy (-.-foot vertical tunnel of a plain flap with interchangeable beveled trailing edges on an NACA 0009 airfoil. The flap chord vms 30 percent of the airfoil chord and the bevel chords were I5 and 20 percent of the flap chord. The IS-percent bevel was tested with the bevel corner faired with both large and snail radii. The ourpose of these tests wts to supply pressure- distribution data that may be used for structural and aerodynamic design of horizontal and vertical tail sur- faces , The results are presented as diagrams of resultant pressure coefficients and of increments of resultant pressure coefficient for the airfoil with the flap h.iving beveled trailing edges. The diagrams are preserited for the control surface with the gap at the flap nose sealed and unsealed. A comxoarison of the beveled-flap pressure data with plain-flap data indicated that the addition of a bevel reduced the pressures over the entire airfoil, including the peak at the airfoil nose, and caused a reversal of pressiire over the beveled part of th'j flap. The normal-force coofficient for the beveled-tralling-edge flap was loss than the coofficient for the plain-alrfoll- contour flap. The open gap produced a tendency toward overbalance by docroaslng the negative pressures over the upper surface of a flap when deflected downv/ard. The results gen-^^r-allj^ were in fair agreement with force- test data previously published. MAC A ARR No. L^DOJ INTx'^ODIJCTION The !3° and 19.3°) were run at an average d'^/namic pressure of 15 pounds rer square foot. The large flap deflections at high positive angles of attack required more power than was available to maintain a dynamic pressure of I5 pounds per square foot; therefore, these tests were run at an average djmamic pressure of 12 poionds per square foot* The airspeed in the test section at d;'/naraic pressures of I5 and 12 pounds per square foot is about 76 an.d 69 miles per hour, respec- tively, at stanaard sea-level conditions. The corre- sponding values of effective i^e /molds number are 2,760,000 and 2,208,000. (Effective Reynolds num- ber -■ Test Re:;/nolds number x Turbulence factor; the turbu- lence factor of the HAGA ]+- by 6-foot vertical tunnel is 1.93.) The tests were made at angles of attack ranging from -20'-' to 20° at intervals of 5^ and at angles giving maxi- mum positive and negative lift. It m.ay be noted that all ITACA ARR No. L4.DO5 angles of attac'^c are o.'^rset Troin the exact values of 0°, 5", IC^, 15", and 20° by -0.7° ov/lng to an error :n setting the zero angle of attack. This error was foimd to be consistent throughout the tests and the data v;ere corrected acccrdinsly. Tae inodel v/as tested with the 0.50c T) flap deflected 0°/ 1'^, 2°, 5°, 10°, 150^ 20°, 250^ 30°, and [^50. 'fne tests were run with the flap gap both open (O.JO5C gap) and sealed v/ith plasticine. During the tests with 30° and [|.5° flap deflection, pressure orifice I5 for the lower surface (fig. 2(b)} was sealed because its position at both large flap deflections was insile the gap. Check tests were nade for each flap deflection as an indication of the accuracy of the test results. ■.'.h.en the 0.005c gap was used, the check tests v/ere made after both angle of attacK and flap deflection had been reset. The sealed-gap check tests had only the angle of attack reset, because the plasticine seal would have to be refaired if tne flap deflection were changed. The speed of the tunnel was maintained at the test value of q for approximately 2 minutes before readings were recorded in order to allow the alcohol in the manometer tubes to reach the correct height. RESULTS Presentation of Data The results of the pressure-distribution tests ai'e given in the form of diagrams of resultant pressures v/ith flap neutral and resultant-pressure increments caused by varying the flap deflection. The resultant pressui^'es and increments of resultant pressure are presented for the various bevel and gap combinations and for various angles of attack in figures 5 to 10. The resultant normal pressure at any point along the chord of the airfoil was determined by taking the algebraic difference of the pressures normt'l to the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil at that point. All diagrams of resultant pres- sures or resultant-pressure increments of the airfoil and flap combinations are plotted as pressure coeffi- cient P-:^ or as aPn. The resultant press^jre coeffi- cient is' defined as ' Pp = P, - P TT NACA ARR ^To. 1J4DO5 7 where PlJ- Pf - ?o Pt 'o P pressure coefficient p static pressure at a point on airfoil Pq static pressure in free air stream q dynaiaic pressure of free air stream and the subscripts U upper surface L lower surface R resTiltant The resultant-pressure diagram for any condition may be obtained by adding the distribution at a given angle of attack and the distribution at a given flap deflection, A comparison of resultant-pressure distributions over the bevel ji.ancture v/ith large and snail radii is presented in figure 11 at several angles of attack and flap deflec- tions , Pressure distribu*:ions for the upper and lower sur- faces of the flap having a 0.15Cf bevel with sealed gap are presented in figure 12 for larious angles of attack and flap deflections. The resultant -oressures over the NACA OCOQ airfoil with CJOc plain flap and sealed gap (reference 5) ^^® compa^r'od. v/lch uhe i-esultant pressures over the modified airfoil with 0,15c-f--be vel flap in figure 13. Figure ll\. presents upper- and lower-surface pressures over the plain flap and bhe O.l^c^-bevel flap for the same conditions for which resultant pressures are given in figure IJ . The rates of change of pressure coefficient with angle of attack and with flap deflection are presented for 8 ^'ACA ARR Ho. lIvDOJ the various bevel and gap combinations in figures 15 to 18 for convenience in calculating distributions at small values of a^ and 5|>. The flap section normal- force coefficieiit as a fianction of flap deflection is presented for all combinations of bevel and gap in figures I9 and 20 at several angles of attack. Com- plete chorduise pressure distrib\itioas for various combinations of Qq and 6f that might occur on the horizontal tail of a dive bomber in highly accelerated maneuvers at various speeds are presented in figure 21 for the 0,15c-f>-bevel flap with sealed gap. The section aerod3,"nanic coefficients of the airfoil and flap are presented as functions of angle of attack for all bevel and gap combinations in figures 22 to 2ii. The coefficients were obtained in each case by mechanical integration of the original pressure diagrams. The parameter values for beveled flaps are pre- sented in table II along v/ith values for the plain- airfoil-contour flap for convenient comparison. The plain-flap parameter values wore obtained from refer- ences 1 and 6 . Precision The angles of attack are believed accurate within ±0.1°. riap deflections are believed accurate within -0,2°. Plotted values of pressure coefficient P are correct within t2 percent except for peaks at the leading edge and flap hinge a::is or for stalled con- ditions . have by .. _. ^^^„ _, ., ._ .__. ^ .. accuracy of the plot; others vary a negligible amount. The accuracy of the corrected zero angle of attack is indicated by the deviation from zero of lift and m.oment coefficients at zero angle of attack. Prom figures 19 and 22, it appears that the maximum error in setting the angle o^ attack at 2ero lift is 0,2°. This discrepancy may be caused by flov/ misallnem.ent in the tunnel or by an asymmetrical model. Two-dimensional flow having been approximated, the results ma;/ 03 considered as section characteristics. NACA ARR No. i4D03 J Experimental tunnel corrections were applied only to the airfoil section norrial-f orce coefficient Cn . Although no corrections were made for the other coefficients, the tunnel values are believed to be higher than the free-air values and hence are on the conservative side for struc- tural purposes. The magnituc'e of the airfoil resultant pressure coefficients as represented in the resultant- pressure diagrams (figs. 5 to 10) is known to be too large by about 7 percent because these curves v;ere plotted directly from manometer records without the application of the experimental tunnel correction, which allows for the increase in lift produced by tunnel-wall interference. DISCUSSION Re suit ant- Pressure Distribution The resultant-pressure diagrams should prove useful in determ.ining loading conditions for the structural design of ailerons and horizontal and vertical control surfaces. Tests have indicated that the increments of pressure and the increments of section aerod;^7namic coefficients caused by flap deflection are approximately independent of the airfoil section for airfoils of anproximately the same maximum thickness and thickness distribution (references 7 ^^ and chf,- for both bevel chords were found to fall near the correlation curve of figure I50 in reference 1 v-^ith less scatter than the average scatter of the correlation points. Prom the values of hinge-moment parameters in table II it anpears bhat decreasing the radius at the bevel Juncture tends to decrease the negative valixes of Chf for both gap conditions. Decreasing the -"•6 radius had no effect on the value of cv^^ when the gap was open but decreased the positive value when the gap was sealed. Pitching-momcnt coeff i cient .- The slopes of the curves of pi tching-moment coefficient as a function of lift coefficient at a constant angle of attack aiid at a constant flap deflection are glv^n in table II. The aerodjmamic center of additional lift caused by varying the angle of attack generally was located at approxi- mately the 0.22c station for the sealed-gap tests and the 0.21c station for the O.OO^c-gap tests. The bevel chord had little effect on the location of this aerodynamic center. The aerodjTiamic center at which the lift produced by flap deflection may be considered to act is located at approximately the O.lilc station for either gap ccnliticn. All aerodynamic-center locations for the gap-sealed condi- tion are in fair agreement with the values presented in reference 5, C0NCLU3I0KS Pressure-distribution tests have been made in the NACA i|- by 6-foot vertical tunnel of a plain flap with interchangeable beveled trailing edges on an NACa 0009 airfoil. The flap chord was 30 percent of the airfoil chord and the bevel chords were 1^ and 20 percent of the flap chord. The results of these, tests indicated the following conclusions : NAG A ARE No. i4D03 15 1* At a given angle of attack and flap deflection, the addition of a bevel reduced the resultant pressures over the entire airfoil, except for the pressiire at the flap hinge axis, including the peak at the airfoil nose, and caused a reversal of over the beveled part of the flap. 2. The normal-force coefficient for the beveled- tralling-edge flap v;as less than the coefficient for the plain-airfoil-contour flap with the airfoil at the same angle of attack and the flap deflected through the same angle. 3. The open gap at the flap nose gave the flap a tendency toward overbalance because of a decrease in the negative pressures over the upper surface of a dovmv/ard deflected beveled flap and because of a slight increase in the negative peak on the lov/er-surface bevel juncture, ii. The size of the radiiis used to fair the bevel juncture appeared to have no appreciable effect on the pressure distribution developed, 5. The results obtained from the pre s sure - distribn.tion tests generally were In fair agreement with force-test results of a comparable arrangement. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, National Advisory Comimittee for Aeronautics, Langley Field, Va. l6 NACA ARIl No. Li|D05 KTTI^OD FOR GALCinLA^-'IMO PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER A BEVEL FROII TAB PR3;SSUxRE-DIST:xIBUTI0N DATA "rtTien an elevator, aileron, or I'udder is designed, the general practice 13 to use the total load ovex'' the surface, r.Iotlon pictures of tul^^ed fabr-ic on ailerons in hlgh-speud dives indicate that the pressures along the chord should be used to deteriaine how securely the covering riust be fastened to the structural nerabers. In the case of a beveled surface for -.'.hich a pressure peak at the be vel ji-ncture , a st^idy of the chordvvise distribution might prevent a covering failure. A method for predicting the chordwise pressure distribution over a beveled surface without having to test it is advan- tageous, particularly as such a method supplements a method already established for predicting "the hinge- moment characteristics. \ nethod for predicting the chordv/i se load distribu- tion on the flap is descrloed herein ^ Po attempt is made to predict flap section hinge-moment coefficients; the hinge-morient correlation based on tlie included angle at the trailing edge (for sealed-gap condition) may be found in figure ISO of reference 1. The bevel contour was developed (fig. 3 of refer- ence 3) bj'- doflecting a C.20c^ tab ±10^ and deflecting the flap slightly each vaj oo'keep the tab trailing edge centered on the airfoil chord line. Inasmuch as the bevel profile was developed by using deflected-tab contours. It was decided to use tab pressure diagrams to estiiuate the pressvj^e distribution of a beveled flap. Only the upper-suriace distribution for a tab deflected dov^nward and the lov/er-surface distribution for a tab deflected upward are considered. It is necessary to correct these pressures by means of Pg to allow for the small flap deflections necessary to keep the tab trailing edge centered on the airfoil chord line. The resulting diagrams (fig. 25) were integrated and found to give Values of Cj^„ that v/ere in good agreement v'ith the bevel test data for flap deflections of 10° and 20° at values of a^ of -0.7° and [1.3° (figs. 25(c), 25(d), 25(g), and 25(h)). The value of c,^ ^ based on tab N/VCA A^R No. LJ4-DO3 17 data viras in rreneral sonewhat larger than th^-3 bevel test va].ue . At the smaller flap def l.ections , the values of 0^ f from tab data were generally much largpi' than from bevel test data out, from a comparison of th.e valiies with those for a plain flat) in fi.r^ure 20, the estimated values were found to be closer to the bevel test values than to the plain- flap values. In order to use tlie present correlation method, it is necessary to have pressure-distribution diagrams for a flap and tab of the desired chords. The tab chord should approximately eqizai the distance froin bevel .juncture to trailing edge. The included angle of the bovel must be reproduced by the correct tab and flan deflections. These deflec- tions must be foimd in order that the tab-deflection diagram m.ay be chosen and corrected. The following equation gives the amount that the flap must be deflected to keep the tab trailing edge centered en the airfoil chord line ; . >^oevel " i^airfoil ct sin A5f = sin ~ Cf - c^ v;he re ^bevel Included angle at trailing edge of bevel (for which prediction is being m.ade ) ^airfoil included angle at trailing edge of airfoil from tests of which flap and tab pressure diagram.s are to be used c^ chord of tab, percent airfoil choi'd Cf chord of flap, percent airfoil chord With ASjf, i^bevel> ^^-^"^ ^airfoil known the angle through which the tab is deflected ±5t to reproduce the included angle of the bevel may be found by the fol- lowing equation: ,^ _ ,r ^ ^bevel - ^airfoil ,,, ± 6 1- = A G f. + 1 ) l3 MCA ARR No. L4DO3 It may 'be noticed in flgiire 25 that the tab data used v;ere for 6-^ = ±13*^ vvhsreas equation (1) gives 6t = ±3.i|-0°. By using the diagrai^is for 5t = ±10°, the included angle was found to ne 27,6'^ instead of the correct value cf 25*^; but, inasmuch as the correlation for the hinge-?nonent ■oarame teis based on included angle shows a change of 0.001 in the value of the hinge -moment uarameters for a change of 2''^ in the included angle, there could be only a sllghb change in the si^e or shape cf the pressui'e diagram. NAG A ARR No. Lk'DOy 19 REF3RENGES 1. Sears, Richard I.: Wind-Tunnel Data on the Aerody- namic Characteristics of Airplane Control Surfaces, FAGA ACR No. 5L08, 19l|5. 2. Ames, Milton B., Jr., and Sears, Richard I.: Deter- mination of Control-Surface Characteristics from NAG A Plaln-Plar) and Tab Data. NAG A Rep. No. 721, 19U. 5. Jones, Rotert T., and Ames, Milton B., Jr.: Wlnd- Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Character- istics. V - The Use of a Beveled Trailing Edge to Reduce the Hinge iMoment of a Control Surface, NAG A AF^R, March 19^42. [(.. Wenzinger, Carl J., and Ha-x'ris, Thomas A.: The Vertical ¥/ind Tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics , NAGA Rep. No. 387, 1931. 5. Ames, Milton B., Jr., and Sears, Richard I.: Pressure- Distribution Investigation of an N.A.G.A. OOO9 Air- foil with a 30-?ercent-Ghord Plain Flap and Three Tabs. NACA TN No. 759, 19i4-0. 6. Sears, Richard I.: Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surl'ace Characteristics. I - Effect of Gap on the Aerodynamic Gharactsristics of an NACA 0009 Alrfoli with a JQ-Percent-Chord Plain Flap. NAG A ARR, June I9I1.I. 7. Allen, H. Julian: Calculation of the Ghordwlse Load Distribution over Airfoil Sections v/lth Plain, Split, or Serially Hin^-ed Trailing-Edge Flaps, NAGA Rep. No. 6'}k, 193o. 8. Allen, H. Julian: A Simplified Method for the Calcu- lation of Airfoil Fressiire Distribution. NACA TN No. 703, 1939- 9. Glllis, Clarence L. : Characteristics of Beveled- Tralling-Sdge Elevators on a Typical Pursuit Fuselage at Attitudes Simulating Normal Flight and Spin Conditions. NACA ARR, Dec. I9/4.2. 20 NAG A ARR No. lI|D05 10, Stack, John, Lindse^, \V, F., and Li'.ttell, Robert E.; The Coripressibility "»3>urble and the Effect of Compressibility on Pressures and Forces Acting on an Airfoil. NACA Rep. No. 6I4.6, 1953. ITACA ARR No. li^-DOj TA^LE I 21 ORDIFAT'^S CF I'OrT^iT^D ?TACA OOO9 AIRFOIL Stations and ordinates in psrcent of airfoil chord Station Ordinate NAG A 0009 airfoil section. 1.25 2.5 5.0 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 1.0 50 ±1.1^2 ±1.96 ±2.67 ±3.15 ±3.51 ±k . 01 ±1|.30 ±^..'+6 ±Il.50 ±i|-.55 ±5.97 straight portion 60 70 80 90 ICO ±5.42 ±2.85 ±2.25 ±1.67 ±1.08 L.E. radius: O.89 NACA ARR Vg. LI4.DO3 22 M M CO < M PL, hi Cm o o CO M c.:> (>1 o I . CO Cm ; i 1 1 ^ _o •M 1 ! COVO C■^0 CD I^ y*^" N. I f\j 1 ; rH t^H 1 1 a • 1 ! • • « • • • 1 -0 1 ! 1 1 V._^- : 1 , 1 1 •ON i 1 l>- r-i n-N c— ^& X i ■0, 1 ; iVNCXJ K^iXj N>rj ClH 1 i • ' i • • * • • 'O 'O I \ (--) ' . , _y 1 1 r—i r-\ 1 OoO _r)-C'- -IJ-OJ _^ LT Lr> L>----d- •■-0 L'^ u-wd- / 1 iH i-H i rH rH r-; r-f rH rH c- r-' . . • • • • • • ^-^ c c 1 ! CD 1 1 1 v:o_^ <5. ' 1 1 < J i ^ rH tUi -- «J M t:' ro-^':^ CO :\l cj 0- r-{ \S\ Z' ^. P a: 0- ON c:)ro cr-co c CO d '^ y. C> fi "H . . • • » • • 'C .<^ '^-. \^ __^ "-' •*H i.r--vrt LTnO vo f g ^-o vo-o r-l' ^-^ K> /'' "^ '^'^ ^ • • • • C 9 • • 1 <5 <;■ 1 1 1 V_^^ oco _^^o ■ iX- LTN Lr\ a (\J r-l LTNrH vO t^' \ n~nO /" "^ r-l rH '^■m 00 c r-f ^> - . • • • « r---! (O i ° ' 1 I 1 'O 1 1 I V_^^ 1 |_ •d •xj X) •Vi © LPs Q? U> a-. u-N Lf^ ft iH d H '3 rH r-i cd cd ■.(5 aJ 0^ e; " r.-. . C.1 • (Vj 00 GO .;d CO O'jCD r ^-^ 1 a fM r-l > ^> \.r-\ > (.s -H 1 ^ rH OJ rH r^ XJ Fl "^H ! f^ • ^ • r3 • X" m oJ 1 — ' (L, NACA ARR No. L4D03 Fig. 1 -^ -^ -\A vv- s -V- — I -'W- P/tch axis a/ -.SSc Rectangular 'test section -AV- -A^- ^ c .8 -vv- Model sSupporf 1 /6 Mode/ nnounfed /n A/ACA A-bi^C-foof t^er/ical funnel Tunnel ^va//3 ^ ■^ -^24 -\ >> -^ ^ (^ of orifices -48' -\- Z4 72" ii '/6 ^ ^ 4 444 < ^ -^ ■V ^^- MATIONAL ADVISORY CIlUMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Figure 1 .- /nsfa/lation of beveled -trailing- edge pressure - d/sfribufion model in NACA4-by6-^foof verficol tunnel. NACA ARR No. L4D03 Fig. 2 Straight confour from t>ere to hei^e/ed trailing edge Airfoil with ./5cf bevel 4.50 Gap sealed or .OOSc open .20c^ bevel /A ff=133- tSCf bevel mlh small radius (a) Two -fool- chord NACA 0009 a/rfo/l model yvilh a 0.30c plain flap having O.I5c^ and 0.20 c^ beveled I railing edges. Dimensions are in percent of airfoil chord. NATIONAL ADVISOHY COMMtTIEl FOR AERONAUTICS ^9 ^' 12 IS/4 J5 .^ ,, 21 23 ^^17 J8 19 20 22^4^25 Ori- fice Loca tion 1 i.25 2 250 3 6.00 4 7.50 5 lom 6 /5.00 7 6 20130 30.0C S> 40.00 10 II 50.00 55.0C 12 6oa 65.00 6750 70.00 72S0 75D0 6000 65.00 9Q00 92J00 94.00 96.00 98.00 25 100.0C (6) Chordkvise localions of pressure orifices on airfoil and or) the flaps f)aving 0.15 c^ and 0.20 c^ beve/s. f^igure 2. ~D/mens'or)s and cf^ordwise pressure-orifice localions for MAC A 0009 beveled- lrailing-e -4r ■" ' i H- ■ ■ y-A ! jX^=^2^ _L--'± 1 1 '1 1 ■" ~ ■ '; ' 1 i f"^ 1 ' ■ ■ i :t . . Y \ y ■ \ \ - ■ 1 ' , lil— ■ 1— ■' ' ■ 1 ■ i i ' . :. : [H"' , ' , 1^ 'i ■ ^- ■ i ; 1 i 1 ■ ! ■ n :, ^■' ■ - !■- 1 . ' / 1-1 ' . i i Vv ■■ • 1. . '■ A^ "! .• j . 1 : 1 ."-■-;.■ 1 -■■■.-.■"!"■ ! 1 \' i . \ : ■ j , ., ! 1 i . , E2-=f-?^-^ ^^^^^ ^"" ■ ! -i ' •■■i3 ::t:^:' -^'-^- -•■ ■ .^^ ^--..i-,.,^- "-Hf^ ■"'■■■'; ' '! ! ' -, ' ^ ; ^^c::'^T::^ip ijz ^ 7i^.._, ._.___, , ■ !"' . . 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X_i-_J^pX-.:-r-^4t-t— 4-x"_.; -rt-,--i-4~-l--U-'+ 14 tp"^-^^^ - 4f:^^^-^i- ■■^2i.S:^''-^----^-"=F-i-T- -t-T— +:- — 1 ! 1 \— - -■r/y^y^'-^, '— ^X ' ■ ^"i?,"^:' i 1 ; Mfio i«L «uviSol r ' ' r:' -t ^ //// i '■""!" XtliIll_~^X^ ■ *o*l"T« ^^'WmutlC [_ t-^- ■ -j". 5""^// V* 1 ' ' ' 1 X ! ' ■■ _; -t — r , r 1 -jjj^fi ] "^ ■ 1 ■ 1 I ] j ■ 1 ■ iJ. :| ' I .-.'J, : . ,. .'--- Jo^ ' ^/i ^J— -Wo- ^ --' 1*"!-- 'ifiA --.. • i i£>' ' ' 2.0^^ i4Q- • -OlJ^ -_l_.j5 7 .^ JlIO ^.. — , T!--- -r----1 !-"i - ■ i Ojc/^^t' Z'hLrd-L-'lx^..^ ^.4 -^ __l_-.^_J ■ ' 1 1 ' ' I/' 1/ ■ ' ■' ' -( i ;■'■(- L -..-. ,- .].., ''I' •' fiT^/iina'yf --f"f\try\/)u/ioA/ > ' X i ' ' 1 ]~-^^.X\r-^^liy ^ --^^-4— J- u-., , 7,^1 _.__-j NACA ARR No . L4D03 Fig. 22a X^'\ m )^3a Mri fp ( ya;\-r\ '' \\'A^XX ' ^^'^^^tf^ ^jifS£Z-.-t6et^f'fO'rtiDhar^cferisfics ':-m^^-\'^^^^'x-^^'- of the M^hOO'ds a/Kjbil wiih aa.3Qc fiap haif/ng a£iius,Q.63A6b ;.. /nctaded ang/e \af fhe frdtlmq edge. NACA ARR No. L4D03 2, -^20 -JO -J2 (b) Gap.O.OOSc . figure 22 -Concluded. -8-4 4 8 Angle.oA oHack ^cl^deg 16 20 NACA ARR No, L4D03 Fig. 23a [\^-:^ 6f m ■:' y V -rr-Y"* ^-^20^^ '%^^lj^g^^^^^^Qj2g}c-, jnctiMi&d. angle hf Jiruhng hdge,Z6.0'' NAPA y\RR No L4D03 Fig. ?,3b ffi&«MftftffiSitgS5ftf ■}dintLf^'i)(eZ3 :-Ca NACA ARR No. L4D03 Fig. 24a eg^ fdMi _ I p±|:±ii+:l(iijjSs£2/fey ^o/s .¥: Anq/^ of'affack'.bf,. NACA ARR No. L4D03 ' , Fig. 24b fTrTjrn'TTXixr^i-gi^m nTTi i T :u''m\i'iqn:rr]TrrTr:pjxirrTnxr ^ R: "OlSc %■ JfOt ^ m Gap.O.OOSc^ :-P -4 ■:i: -^J^ - '--4- Ttt- NACA ARR No. L4D03 A/H/ n/tY'J bh fonr y, .vz/^tp^ «^^- ,57- -mi a -_-l!LTSI( .-li'l itt^ ? .. >)' ^iQ ■'"^'"-vtrK ■•^jj-ff Tj-Q/nj/^^X- * :^/f?^ ^+-^- WW^. 'ms ±^M^M:\M^ -A- i50 ^A^_^,_^^__ u^_XW- — t N*itqN»r*p¥BUfr^7 ^"^R/^gi^^^PhoA^^iK^ ^ff/AMhjhon WiMu^iJ^^s^ul& 'jCCisnr (Qi '^^t: iizli?: prkn^tr^l^d^am s. NACA ARR No. L4D03 Fig. 25c. d m tr m^d. ■p % "s^ U^t,^c 1| " itrf!:|t[i]i.Ji''|itVj-i -j' - ^^ ^-^-1-+ '^-.r^ r^ ■N ^ '^^i.^ ■^=^ :- :- 7-- '^p)^'}^fMMijneE FOR *(liOj»A(iTH;S ydo- ; PerceF)f^hor^ rmlTi W~25^^jOonf/nued. NACA ARR No. L4D03 lid,. :+.fH+ -1. . Fig. 25e.f r M- r (Th/a) iM XMhxA2^il .,-M^ r,. •A mi 425i<£i^ Iq:^; =^ f^ ^"-""^y^f :^<'" "lo-W" ^m^ z^Sruohftnued. yda NACA ARR No. L4D03 FiR.. 25g.h 4^^N, ^fjif^n^cCff^; -t ■A-- rt WWm^ -i- -i--^ (iMMITTEE FORjtROHHUTJCS ~m' 70 SO 50 Pen5enTct)b7d''\ d:i.].J_ L._lLjj.I ^'^j^uW'ZS.-^oncfLt^ed. m fH'.y.f "S'''^ OF FLORIDA i;illliiiiiir " c^ x^^ 3 1262 08106 491 6 ,,;MARSTONSClENCb LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 Q^^ysA GAINESVILLE. FL32bii i^ ^^' cr^./^r/^ c x< -^''^ //.^ ^^^^^ ^- ^/^A-y- ^''' ^^'^■^^ ^~~'^ , ^ 2- •S^y^ /9:^^ ^. -7^ ^^^