y ic /rs1>) = 0.0090 q ( . n< EG) (15) Similarly, from (5) and (6) w bc = 0.0127 q and (16) W sc = 0.0034 q Report No. 1832-A -9- so that for a load concentrated at the rim of the foot, {k) yields » c - 0.0161 i (p>s>i>) = 0.0079 q (in> m) in) Formulas (15) and (17) yield, respectively, ^(in. T IG) = HI W[J and ^(in. HG) " 12 ? w c ( l8 ) The slopes of the lines represented by these equations would change slightly if the shear modulus of the core was changed and if the radius of the tester, which presumably decreases with increasing load, was varied. They are, however, of the same order of magnitude as the slopes of the linear portions of the two curves in figure h for the foot diameter of 1-5 /h inches, which are 125 and 152, It is of interest to observe that the deflections due to shear represented by w s y and w sc are about one-third of the deflections due to bending represented by w^u and w^ c . These relatively large shear deformations for an aluminum- balsa panel are attributed to the small dimensions of the area of the panel over which deflection takes place. The shear stress in the core obtained from (7) and (8) are, respectively, T U = 60 V.i.) =29q (in. IIG) (19) and ip.s.o.,; (m. IIG) The stress predicted on the basis of a uniform load on the foot is thus about twice as great as that obtained by taking the load to be concentrated at the rim of the foot. For the present core and facing thicknesses, formula (9) for determining facing stresses takes the form °U,c = - 20 ' 8 %,c " 20 > 500 * m sU,c (21) From formulas (10) to (13) 20.8 m^uq = 3760 q (22) 20,300 mgyq = 267 q (23) 20.8 rn^q = 4170 q (2'l) 20,300 m sc q = 3950 q (25) Report No. 1832-A -10- Therefore, for the load distributed uniformly over the foot, the stress at the surface of the facing at the rim of the foot is °U - "»* 1(p.s.i.) ■ - 1930 »(la. B» (26) and for the load concentrated at the rim of tlie foot the corresponding stress is °b ■ - 8120 1 " -3990 3 (ln> HG) (27) The minus sign in these equations indicates a compressive stress. Formula (27) indicates that if the load on the foot was concentrated at the rim, the proportional-limit stress of 27,000 pounds per square inch would be reached at 6,6 inches of mercury. Report No. 1C32-A -11- Table 1. --Stresses induced by the tester Diameter of foot : Core stresses . n p ; Compressions — : cr : Shear- : t In. 1.00 1.25 : 1.50 1.75 2.00 : P.s.i. 57. 2q 56. 5q 25. 2 ""~ ' a ' / ____ — — - "~ y// / ' _ — fr 1 //// fjjhf / W i 1/ ' LEGEND: D TEST 1 ill 1 o TEST 2 r • T C C* T ~2 v / tS 1 o h i A TEST 4 CONTROL PANEL Jfl i POORLY BONDED PANEL & i ¥ i J/ o 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 FOOT DEFLECTION (INCH) 0.05 0.06 Z M 90071 F Figure 5» — Load-deflection curves produced by applying tester with a 2-inch-diameter foot to a sandwich having 0.020-inch 24ST clad aluminum facings on a l/2-inch-thick core of 0.003- inch aluminum foil formed to 3/8-inch hexagonal cells. 24 20 o 16 12 8 . ... i RIM CONTACT^ c > yy^ 7 ^ LEGEND: /5^__^ 7 : P D TEST 1 O TEST 2 V ' TEST 3 A ; TEST 4 CONTROL PANEL POORLY BONDED PANEL i i o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 FOOT DEFLECTION (INCH) O.IO 0.12 Z M 9007? F Figure 6. --Load-deflection curves produced by applying tester with a l-l/2-inch-diameter foot to a sandwich having facings of eight pli^s of glass cloth 112-114 on a l/2-inch-thick core of glass cloth 112-114 formed to a honeycomb of l/4-inch cell size. & 2Li CO H ID +2 n O -H O eS O tH IS O ID £? ■** 1>> CO (D § ° 3 O CI -H 3 O H -P a) ca ■H d -d 3 ■p O -P ft CD O | 3 § ■H -P o o m ca O CO 3 O -P ft U