UNITED STATES DEPARTI4ENT 0? AGRICULTURE -^Aon AGRICULTURAL RSSiJARCH ADMII'ISTRATION •^^'^^'^BUllW OF ENTOMOLOGY AND FIANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. October 31, I9U9 B.S.P.q. 578-8 SUMMARY OP STATE NURSERY-STOCK SHIPPING PJiqUIRSrfflNTS ATD PLAOT QUARA^TTIN3S AND R.^GULATI0N3 AEZSCTING INTERSTATE SHIP1431TTS DELAWARE The infonation contained in thir, sunii-nary was compiled from . material received from the plant quarantine official of Delaware and has "been ap- proved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, tranr;portation agents, truckers, s-nd otheis concerned in the interstate novanentof plants, plant products, ajid other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary fur Delaws-re givos the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State. An appendix furnishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary do-^s not include digests of nursery-stock and plan t-Q\iaran tine requirements relating to the mov"an€6itof plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "believed to "be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, "but it is not intended to "be used independently of ar as a su"bstitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, rxii it is not to "be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the Nursery Inspector, State Board of Agricultare, Dover, Delaware, / In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applica"ble plant quarcjitines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate novencnt of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may "be obtained from the Bureau of Entomologj'- and Plant (Quarantine, Washington 25, D, C. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNITED STATES DEPARTIffiNT 0? AGRICULTURE TAAOn AGRICULTURAL RSSilARCH ADMII'ISTRATION i^"OAKDBU^^VJ^U OF ENTOMOLOGY AlTD FIANT Q,IIARA1?TINS Washington 25, D. C. October 3I, I9U9 B.S.P.q. 578-8 SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY-STOCK SHIPPING HEQ,UIREl"fflNTS AlTD PLAIW qUARA^TTINSS AND IGGULATIONS AF?ECTING INrERSTATE SHIPJC31TTS DELAWARE The infoPTiation contained in thir, siimniarj was compiled fron . material received from the plant quarantine official of Delaware and has been aj)- proved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and otheis concerned in the interstate novanentof plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State re,^lation on account of plant pests. The summary fur Delaware givos the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State. An appendix furnishes information on post-office requirements for nailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This siinmary does not include digests of nursery-stock and plp.nt- quarantine requirements relating; to the movanemtoi plants entirely within the State, -he information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of ar as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, rnd it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information addrjss the Nursery Inspector, State Board of Agric\ilture, Dover, Delaware, / In addition to State requlrenonts, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated reguiated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the intersta.te movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines m.ay be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 'Washington 25, D. C. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant QTiarantine -2- DELA.WAEB Stunmary of G-eneral Nursery- Stock Shippin/:; Requirements (Law of 1899, anended I9OI, ch. 21 6, sees. 13-15) Definition of Nurseiy Stock. — All woo ly plants and parts thereof capable of propagation, whether wild, cultivated, or greenhouse-grown; herbaceous biennials and perennials, bulbous plants and roots; anmial plants; a- quatics; and fruit pits and othx.^r seeds of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. General Shipping Kequiremnnts. — Nursery-stock shipments into Delaware must bear a nurscr;'/-inspection certificate of the State from which the plants are shipr>ed, and the names and addresses of the sender and ad- dressee. A copy of such certificate must be filed prior to shipment. Shipments r.re subject to inspection on arrival, and if the stock does not meet the requirements it may be disposed of by the State. The car- rier is required to hold uncertified shipments undelivered and report them to the State Soard of Agriculture, The State of "Delaware has no plant quarantines pertaining to inter- state shipments. The fore^!;oinf; surnm.ary was checked and approved on August 9» ^9^9 • by . Kobert Kickman, Nursery Inspector. -3- APPENDIX Requirements for Mailing Plants and Plant Products Under the postal lav;s and regulations, nursory stock, including all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits,