UNITED STATES DEPARTi»ENT 0^ AGRICtTT-TTTRE AGRICULTURAL research administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B. E. P. Q. — 465, Supplement Mo. 2 September 16, 1943. PLAOT-QUARANTINE import restrictions OF FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA IMPORTATION OF COTTON, COTTONSEEDS, AND PLANTS PROHIBITED ORDER NO. 46 OE JANUARY 9, 1943 Foreign Commerce Weekly for June 14, 1943, reports that raw cotton, cottonseeds, plants, and their containers, including earth or compost, are prohibited entry into French Equatorial Africa for impor- tation, storage, or transit, exceot by the Service of Cotton Selection, to prevent introduction of 'Wilt." Cottonseeds imported by the Service of Cotton Selection may enter only through the port of Pointe-Noire and the river port of Brazzaville, and must be sealed in sacks and accompanied by a certificate of origin visaed by the Phytopathologic Service attesting that the seeds have been disinfected at the time of departure. Such certificates are to be countersigned by the consular a^ent of the country of origin in French Equatorial Africa. S. A. ROHWER, Acting Chie f^ Bur eau of E ntomo logy and Plan t Quarantine . ^UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 sllP