LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD U.^IT:ZD states DE"^ART:'!E!TT of AGRia^LT^E Bureau of Entomology end Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.IT.P.Q.— 388 Ilarch 1, 1936. ArMINISTRATI^/E D'STPTJCTIONS - APPROVAL OF ALT^RJIATIVE T^SATHENTS FCR BALED LIFT C0TT0:t ynoy. 'TSAYir^ imESTED AREAS Pursuant to authority vested in the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, under Regulation 8 of the Revised Rules and Regulations Su-nplemental to Notice of Quarantine No, 52 (revised), approved December 4, 1935, effective December 5, 1935, which provides that baled lint, pro- duced in a heavily infested area Must be given both vacuum fumigation and either compression or roller treatment, unless and until the said Bureau shall approve some other treatment or treatments for the purpose; the Bureau, after having determined that either of the two following addition- al treatments affords adequate protection, hereby approves either of them as further alternative treatments for baled cotton originating in heavily infested areas and permits may be issued for the interstate movement of baled cotton so treated (See footnote); 1. When, under the sr.r)ervision of an inspector the flat bale shall be enclosed in a steam-tight chamber and subjected to a steam pressure of not less than 15 pounds to the square inch for not less than three minutes at a temperature of not less than 150^ at a depth of three inches from the surface of the bale at all points and when this treatment is followed by standard or high-density compression, 2, "Jhen the lint of such bales has been passed betv/een revolving rollers which, in the judgment of the inspector, are of adequate weight and are set sufficiently close to crush all cottonseed an'^ kill any pink bollworms present, the bagging for such bales is kept uncontaminated, the platform and premises near to the bale press are clean and uncontaminated, and when the bales are moved directly from the press to a location which, in the judgment of the inspector, is adequately safeguarded against contamination. Persons or firms wishing to avail themselves of these additional treatments should address the local inspector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, or the Regional Headquarters, P, 0. Box 798, San Antonio, Texas, LEE A. STRONG, Chi^f ,_ Bureau ^X .^2^X?n?A'^^y ^i^.^ Plant Quarantine, Note: This circular should not be const riied to set aside or change any of the requirements regardin'^ seed sterilization or prevention of con- tamination or other prerequisites for the issu.ance of permits on cotton products originating in regulated areas, except as sDecifically stated herein. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 7665