/3~ IN RECREATION AREAS See Revised no. 200, May 1977 UNIV. Of- FLl . » HUME LIBRARY JAN 15 1973 I.F.A.S.- Univ. of Florida U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • HOME AND GARDEN BULLETIN NO. 200 a H. M 1 # >. *> ti As $ j fe PUP. ' -f^f^SB CONTENTS Page Repellents 1 Materials to use 1 How to apply 2 Space Sprays 3 Precautions 4 Other methods 4 For more information 5 « I Washington, D.C. Issued October 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 10 cents Stock Number 0100-2511 BE SAFE FROM INSECTS IN RECREATION AREAS Prepared by J. A. Flitno^ and D. E. Weidhaas, Entomologists, Southern Region, Agricultural Research Service. Insect pests can spoil a hike, picnic, camping trip, or other out- activity — unless you take ior ft ^^P'asures to protect yourself against them. In this bulletin, you'll find information on repel- lents, space sprays, and other methods you can use to help pre- vent insect annoyance. REPELLENTS Repellents are effective in vary- ing degrees against mosquitoes, biting flies, gnats, chiggers, fleas, and ticks. They are not effective against wasps, spiders, and scor- pions. Whenever you use a repellent, be sure to follow the directions carefully and heed all precautions on the label. Follow the same pre- cautions as for pesticides, page 4. Materials To Use ^fc Materials used as repellents ^Kill into two general categories: ^Bbneral-use repellents, which may ^^>e applied to both skin and cloth- ing; and repellents that may be applied to clothing only. General-use repellents contain at least one of the following ac- tive ingredients: deet, ethyl hex- anediol, dimethyl phthalate, di- methyl carbate, or Indalone. They are available under various brand names, and the ingredients are listed on the label. When deet is an ingredient, it is sometimes listed under its chemical name, iV,iV-diethyl-m-toluamide. You can purchase full-strength ethyl hexanediol and dimethyl phthalate, and a 50-percent solu- tion of deet in alcohol from your local druggist or supermarket. Indalone is not widely available. These repellents are also avail- able in lower concentrations in liquid form, in pressurized cans and ordinary bottles. Some may be purchased as foams in pres- surized cans. If you choose a liquid in a pressurized can, the repellent will be easier to apply if the container gives a coarse spray rather than a fine spray. Deet is the best repellent to use for protection against most in- sects. It is very effective for most people. However, the effective- ness of any repellents varies from person to person. Deet repels more kinds of biting insects, ticks, and mites than other repellents. The general-use repellents lose their effectiveness when the sur- 1 Retired. face to which they are applied be- comes wet or is washed. Although general-use repellents are safe to use on your skin, as directed, you should never take them internally. Benzyl benzoate may be applied to your clothing only, to control some kinds of insects. It is gen- erally available from local drug- gists. Never apply benzyl ben- zoate to your skin. Repellents dissolve or stain some kinds of paints and plastics — for example, plastic lenses of glasses, fingernail polish, synthetic hair- pieces, painted or varnished sur- faces (such as an automobile body), and some kinds of rayon fabric. Plastic fountain pens and plastic watch crystals are partic- ularly subject to damage. Of the general-use repellents, dimethyl phthalate is usually the most dam- aging. Ethyl hexanediol and deet cause less damage to painted sur- faces than the other repellents, and usually cause no appreciable damage to most plastics. Repellents will not damage ny- lon, polyester, acrylic, all-cotton, or all-wool cloth, but may cause temporary stains. How To Apply For mosquitoes, biting flies, and gnats You can apply any of the general-use repellents listed on page 1 for protection against mosquitoes, biting flies, and gnats. Application to skin. — To pro- tect your skin, shake or spray a few drops of repellent from the bottle or pressurized can onto your palms, and rub them to- gether. Apply the repellent thor- oughly to the backs of your hands and to your wrists, neck, ears, face, and other exposed skin, as if you were washing yourself ; do not apply it close to your eyes q lips. To help prevent the repelle from getting in your eyes, do n 1 apply too much of it on your" forehead. Use enough repellent to make an even film over your skin; the insects will quickly find and bite untreated spots. Repellent is easier to apply if you spray it directly from a pressurized can onto your skin and clothing; however, you are more likely to waste the repellent, and it is apt to come in contact with materials that are suscep- tible to damage. If you get the repellent on the mucous membranes, or on tender skin, such as that on the eyelids, it will cause stinging. If the re- pellent gets in your eyes, it will cause severe but temporary sting- ing. Most repellents feel greasy on the skin. Treated skin sometim feels warm for a few minut after you apply the repellen This is normal and only tempo rary. This treatment will give pro- tection for 2 or more hours. Application to clothing. — To apply repellent to your clothing, shake or spray about a dozen < t drops onto your palms, rub your palms together, and rub lightly on your socks, shirt, trousers, or other outer clothing. Or, if your prefer, apply a light spray to areas of your clothing through which the insects bite. This treat- ment will give protection for sev- eral days, unless the clothing is washed or dipped in water. » I or chiggers To protect yourself against chiggers, apply repellent to your clothing and to exposed skin on your arms and legs. The repellent does more than keep chiggers from biting ; it kills them. Barrier method. — The simplest way to apply repellent for chig- gers is in a spray that contains a general-use repellent. You can protect yourself from chiggers by spraying the repellent on the top of your socks, and on the bottom of your trousers. This treatment is effective only if there are no high weeds, or if you are not sitting or lying on the ground, or sitting on a log. Otherwise, apply the repellent to your arms and legs, if they are not covered, and to all openings in your clothing — those that are buttoned, zippered, or otherwise fastened ; the cuffs and waistband of trousers or slacks; the cuffs (or armholes) and neckband of blouses or shirts; the hem and waistband of skirts ; the neckline, hem, and cuffs, sleeve hems, or armholes of dresses ; and on your socks or stockings, both above and below the tops of your shoes. For fleas Deet is the most effective re- pellent to use against fleas. Apply it to exposed skin, as for mosqui- toes (p. 2), and to your clothing by the spraying method (p. 3). Deet remains effective on clothing for a week or more. You can also protect yourself against fleas if you smear or spray deet on your socks and the legs of your trousers. For ticks The following repellents are the best ones to use against ticks, in the order of decreasing effective- ness : Indalone, deet, dimethyl carbate, and dimethyl phthalate. You may apply them to your clothing, as you do for mosquitoes (p. 3). None of these repellents provides complete protection against ticks. SPACE SPRAYS You can reduce the number of flies, mosquitoes, and gnats in the air if you use an insecticide space spray. Some of these sprays come in ready-to-use pressurized cans. Others must be applied with a hand sprayer that produces a fine mist. Space sprays usually remain effective for at least 30 minutes, and, if the insects are not mi- grating, effectiveness may last as long as several hours. Space sprays are clearly labeled for use against flying insects. Follow the directions and heed all precautions on the labels. To use a space spray inside a tent, automobile, or trailer, spray for only a few seconds. To treat a small outdoor area, such as a small yard or picnic spot, apply the spray upwind of the site. As you apply it, walk slowly across the upwind side of the area you wish to treat. If you use a pressurized can, hold it upright and as close to the ground as pos- sible; if you use a hand sprayer, hold it about 3 feet above the ground. Cover food, drinking water, and cooking and eating utensils before you apply a spray, to prevent them from becoming contaminated. Do not apply a space spray directly onto trees, shrubs, and other desirable plants; sprays contain oil, which can damage the plants. Never apply insecticide to your skin or clothing. PRECAUTIONS Pesticides used improperly can be injurious to man, animals, and plants. Follow the directions and heed all precautions on the labels. Store pesticides in original con- tainers — out of reach of children and pets — and away from food- stuff. Apply pesticides selectively and carefully. Avoid prolonged in- halation of a pesticide spray. After handling a pesticide, do not eat, drink, or smoke until you have washed. In case a pesticide is swallowed or gets in the eyes, follow any first aid treatment that is shown on the label, and get prompt medical attention. Dispose of empty pesticide con- tainers by wrapping them in sev- eral layers of newspaper and placing them in your trash can. It is difficult to remove all traces of any insecticide from a sprayer. Therefore, to prevent harmful exposure to insecticides, do not apply repellent sprays with equipment previously used for an insecticide. Note: Some States have re strictions on the use of certain' pesticides. Check your State and local regulations. OTHER METHODS Do not overlook mechanical methods of protecting yourself from insects. When you are camp- ing, make sure all of the windows in your tent are screened. Use a bed net if you are sleeping in the open. To keep scorpions or spiders out of your tent, make sure the floor is tightly fastened to the sides. Where ticks are a problem, wear slacks or long trousers and tuck them into the tops of your socks or boots. To keep insects from landing on food, cover open food dishes with a small fine-mesh net. Practice sanitation. A clean campsite or picnic area is less likely to attract most kinds of insects than a littered area. Before you pitch a tent, clear the area of dead leaves, twigs, and loose stones. If possible, do not camp near rockpiles or fallen trees ; scorpions and spiders often « t hide in such places. In areas where scorpions are a problem, look for them inside your shoes, before you put your shoes on each morning. There is little you can do to get rid of yellow jackets that come around when you are picnicking — except move to another area. On your own property, you may spray their nests with insecticide, ut on public or private park land this should be done only by a ranger or other responsible per- son. I If you Are Bitten . . . If you are in an area where there are many insects, you are likely to receive a few bites, even if you protect yourself with in- sect repellent or a space spray. If you are bitten, do not scratch the bites; this can break the skin and invite infection. After you have been in an area infested by chiggers, take a hot, soapy bath as soon as possible. If you can do this within an hour, you can kill most of the chiggers before they attach themselves to your skin. Sunburn relief products and other local anesthetics that con- tain benzocaine (ethyl amino- benzoate) can help alleviate itch- ing and mild pain. They are avail- able in drug stores as ointments and pressurized sprays. It is a good idea to include one in a first aid kit for camping and other outdoor activities. Although most insect bites are annoying, cause itching, or are moderately painful, some can cause serious illness and severe allergic reactions in certain sensi- tive people. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, or feverish after hav- ing been bitten by an insect, or if intense pain lasts more than a few seconds, get medical attention as soon as possible. Consult your doctor if you have ever experi- enced an allergic reaction follow- ing an insect bite. FOR MORE INFORMATION You will find detailed informa- tion on control of some of the insect pests discussed in this Bul- letin in the following publica- tions : HG 84, "Controlling Mosqui- toes in Your Home and on Your Premises" ; HG 121, "Controlling Fleas"; HG 122, "Controlling Wasps" ; HG 137, "Controlling Chig- gers". To obtain single free copies, send your request on a post card to : Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. 20250. Please include your ZIP code number in your return address. Some of the repellents men- tioned in this bulletin may not be available in your local stores. If you cannot find a repellent lo- cally, the Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Md. 20705, can give you a list of national sup- pliers. When you send your re- quest, be sure to include your UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ZIP code number in your return address. Mention of a proprietary prod- uct in this publication is not a 3 1262 08582 9215 product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval by the Department to the exclusion of other products guarantee or warranty of the that may also be suitable. « {/MP*4&Ud!*ig4JJy Prepared by Agricultural Research Service t &U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1972 — 466-774