UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPAIITI>/IZITT OF A&RI CULTURE Bui'ef.-a of Ento..iolo,=\y and Plnr.t Qap.rantine Wanhingt on , L . C , 3. E. P. Q.~^45, Supplemont V.o. 2. March 9, 1938. i'lAlIT-QJJAEMTINE IlvlPORT FJSSTHICTIOIIS OE CEHTItiil AMERICA BRITISH KOiroURAS Importati^.n of Citi*us PlcaitG and Eruits Fr::hioited Proclar.iation No, 5, Jam.1r.r7 14, 1933, prohibits the inporta- tion i?-',to the Colony, directly or indirectly, of any citi-us frvat, seed, cuttir^, or plant, to prevent the introd^iction of citru.s canlrer ( Bac t orron citri (Fasce) Doid>';e). The Proclo:nation of Mc'irch 11, 1936, v;hich restricted the importation of citrus plants (see pp. 2 r'jad 3 of 3EP0, — 445) was revoked by Proclamation ITo. 5. ^ / 0/ 0^^ C^^^'. v>..^ LEE A. STROilG, \ y Chief, Bu.re au of Entomology and Plant Qo.arantine, .^.^IVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09246 0855